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Last Updated: Sunday, 12 December, 2004, 17:37 GMT
Funeral for gig shooting victim
Darrell Abbott
Guitarist Darrell Abbott used to play with Pantera
The funeral of one of the victims of a shooting at a rock concert has been held in Columbus, Ohio.

Nathan Bray, 23, was killed by gunman Nathan Gale who stormed the stage at a concert by heavy metal band Damageplan on Wednesday night.

Mourners said Mr Bray was fired at as he went to the aid of Damageplan guitarist "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott after seeing he had been shot on stage.

Four people died, including "Dimebag" Abbott, before police shot Gale dead.

It is not yet known what the motive behind Gale's rampage was but one line of investigation is that he was seeking revenge for Abbott's role in the acrimonious split of the metal band Pantera, of which Abbott was a founding member.

A friend of Mr Bray's said the music fan had rushed onto the stage after seeing Abbott had been injured and attempted to resuscitate him.

Nathan Gale
Killer Nathan Gale was shot by police at the scene

Forever remembered

"When (Bray) looked up at the shooter that's when the shooter shot him," Adam Vanover said.

About 200 people attended the two-hour funeral service held on Saturday.

"He'll be in my heart forever," said family friend Sherri Jordan. The other men killed have been named as club employee Erin Halk, 29, and Jeff Thompson, 40, who was affiliated with the band.

A band employee injured in the shooting, drum technician John Brooks, has been, released from hospital while tour manager Chris Paluska was said to be in a stable condition.

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