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Page last updated at 17:34 GMT, Monday, 26 July 2010 18:34 UK

Sarah Menezes schools - Brazil

World Class 2012 in partnership with the British Council bring you the stories of the schools where the dreams begin.

Sarah Menezes

Sarah is the 2009 Junior Judo World Champion in the under 48kg category of Judo. Sarah, who is now ranked 7th in the world is hoping to become the first Brazilian female to pick up gold in an individual event.

Sarah's schools

Sarah grew up in Teresina, the capital of Piaui, one of the country's poorest states in the north of Brazil.

Up to the age of 11, Sarah attended Colégio Cooebez. This school has since merged with the Positivo School Group.

Sarah joined Colégio Certo in 2004 and completed her studies in 2009. She now attends university in the same campus as Colégio Certo.

A judo class at Colégio Certo
A judo class at Colegio Certo
We have great expectations for Sarah and we support our little heroine
Professor Leal Sousa Clegivaldo

Colégio Certo

Sarah joined Certo when she was 11 years old and was awarded a scholarship because of her athletic talents.

Colégio Certo still have close ties with Sarah as her manager is also the school's Judo coach.

Sarah is still seen around campus as the university she now studies at is in the same campus as Colégio Certo.

Find out more about Colégio Certo and see photos of Sarah at the school.

World Olympic Dreams

Sarah is one of the athletes being tracked as London 2012 approaches and they strive to make their Olympic dreams a reality.

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Judoka looks to sweep up in London
26 Jul 10 |  World Olympic Dreams
Tom Daley introduces World Class 2012
27 Jul 10 |  World Olympic Dreams

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