Family: Cactaceae

Scientific Name: Cereus peruvianus monstrose

Common Name: Monstrose Apple Cactus


Monstrose Apple Cactus (cereus peruvianus monstrose) is a slower growing monstrose form of Cereus peruvianus.

Plant TypeCactus, Succulents, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone(9)10-11
Moisturedry, dry out between waterings
Soil & Sitedry, well drained
Growing Mediacactus and succulent mix
Flowersseldom, night blooming
Leavesspines, light to reddish brown
Stemscolumnar, gray-blue to gray-green, irregularly ribbed
Rootstaproot, several lateral roots spreading several feet in diameter
Dimensionsmuch slower growing than the non-monstrose species plant
Propagationstem cuttings, let the cuttings callouse before sticking
Misc Factsaka: Andes organ pipe, Cereus hildmannianus, Cereus repandus, Cereus uruguayanus, Cereus uruguayanus Monstrosus
Author's NotesGrew this plant for a few years. Creates a conversation about what is happening to the top growth of the plant.
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