Athletic Community vs. Eating Disorders

ACED is an inclusive organization intended to bridge the gap between what the athletic community (athletes and their parents, coaches, support staff) knows and how it supports and responds to eating disorders and issues surrounding them.

Vision: ACED envisions an athletic community that will celebrate what our athletes can do and who they are as people, and not what they look like. We know that athletes face pressures that non-athletes don’t and we support high-achieving and healthy athletes and teams at any size.

Mission Statement: To educate, prevent, and support those who suffer from eating disorders and issues relating to eating disorders (including, but not limited to body image, disordered eating, negative relationship with food and exercise) in the athletic community including athletes and their parents, coaches, and support staff.

ACED can not achieve its mission without each party in the athletic community working toward the same goal of bringing awareness of and conversations surrounding eating disorders in athletics to diminish the secrecy and, thus, the power of the disease.