Are You A Stallion Or A Gelding?

Do you know what gelding is?  It is a stallion that has been neutered.  Stones removed.  Castrated.  Those who raise horses geld stallions for lots of reasons.  One of them is to make the horse more sedate.  Well-behaved.  Easier to manage.

There is one considerable drawback.  Geldings cannot stud.  They are sterile.  Unable to reproduce.  But they’re nicer, I suppose.

In his book The Journey of Desire, John Eldredge recounts an unsuccessful counseling experience he had with a guy named Gary.  Gary was nice.  Well-behaved.  Easy to manage.  His wife was worried because he had no passion for anything.  He was a “nice Christian boy.”  Did all the right things.  But not out of any deep sense of conviction.

A gelding.


Eldredge was unable to help a man who’d lost all drive for anything in life.  A good deal of this hemorrhage of basic testosterone was no doubt rooted in a distorted idea of what the ideal Christian male is.  “Gentle Jesus–meek and mild.”  You get the picture.  Not the type of person who drives thieves from the sanctuary with a whip and uses strong, impolite language with religious bullies.

Passivity, especially in males, is the bane of our age.  It sours marriages.  It produces mediocre job performance.  Is often sedentary and unambitious.  It leaves those who count on us without a leader.

Geldings don’t change the world.  Sorry, but it’s true.

When I read about heroes in history, I find they were possessed with passion for whatever their mission was in life.  Teddy Roosevelt.  King David.  Richard Branson.  Peter.  Even disastrous Jeroboam.  And Jesus Christ.  True, they made mistakes (our Lord excepted).  And when they screwed up, it was a disaster.  But when they triumphed, it made history.

Your wife wants you to be passionate.  So do your kids.  Your friends and colleagues too.

In fact, the whole world wants it.

This is your time to be all there.  Find something—anything—worth doing and do it with all your might.


  • Get out of your chair at night and get moving.  Exercise, do extra work, take on a new project demanding effort and adrenaline.  You don’t want to end up like so many poor souls whom you see at the discount stores, grossly overweight, listless and unhappy.  Too many cheap carbs and time in front of the boob-tube.  It doesn’t have to be you.
  • Start a blog.  I did.  This one is sticking and having the net effect of making me get off my duff and practice what I preach to my readers.
  • Repeat after me: “I matter.  I can do this.  I am not a nobody.  And the world is counting on me being fully there in whatever I am doing.”  Again, if it isn’t worth doing with all your might, it probably isn’t worth doing.  You be the judge.

You’re called to be a stallion.  Don’t sell yourself short.  Go and produce life!

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4 thoughts on “Are You A Stallion Or A Gelding?

  1. True True True and even Geldings can have attitudes ! ( and I would think with more of a reason after all lol ) We are reading John Eldridge too Captivating, Wild at Heart and Fathered by God all great reads and much of this is found in the pages of all three. Passion is an amazing word there are soooo many deffinitions but I like the one unto death ~ the passion of Christ!!! We all need something that drives us. Christ was driven by his love for us, if we can see that love in our men in a passionate formidable way we will have heros, not heartbreak. True True True, men need to see themselves as Heros, as a warrior, and as a conquerer. ( For we are more than conquerers through Jesus Christ !!! Far MORE !!! ) Men need to believe it …. and we as women we can play apart in helping that image to take hold if we can see our men through the eyes of Christ and ask HIM what does he look like to you Lord???? How can I encourage him to be all that you have CALLED him to ?? It isn’t always easy for men or women but in Christ we CAN so all things Amen Christian – !!! Thanks

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