Monday 1.25.16

Full Grip vs Monkey Grip

Many of you have probably heard us tell you to use a full grip, rather than a monkey grip, on the pull-up bar.  A full grip is when the thumb is wrapped around the bar, so it’s on the opposite side of the rest of the fingers; while a monkey grip is when the thumb is wrapped over the bar, so it’s on the same side as the rest of the fingers.  

For a lot of us (myself included), using the monkey grip feels more comfortable.  However, in the long run, the full grip will be more advantageous to your hands and fitness.  Here are some benefits of using a full grip: 

More control: Using a full grip gives you more thumb control during dynamic kipping movements (e.g., T2B, BMU, K2E, pull-ups, C2B).  We evolved thumbs, so might as well use them.

Fewer rips:  With the full grip, your likelihood of ripping is less because you are rotating from the wrist, rather than the repetitive contact between your palm and the bar.

Safer:  The full grip puts your shoulders in a better, externally rotated position.  This externally rotated position is a stronger shoulder position, so the likelihood for injury is less.  Also, you are less likely to fall off the bar when your thumb is wrapped around.  For example, during a bar muscle up, your hand will not slip off the bar – if you fail, you’ll fail backward, not forward (which is much safer).

Skill transfer:  In everyday life, and when working with the BB, we don’t grip things with a monkey grip.  Practicing wrapping your thumb around the bar will help with grip strength for all the things (cleans, snatches, farmer’s carries, dead lifts, ring muscle ups, etc.)

Now, there are times when the monkey grip can be advantageous too.  This grip may be easier for those who have small hands that cannot fully wrap around the bar.  Also, the monkey grip uses fewer forearm muscles, hence it may feel “easier” than using a full grip; BUT, you want those forearm muscles!  And finally, the monkey grip can be used to switch between grips during high volume bar work.  This is a tactic I use, so the bar hits my hands in different places, which decreases the likelihood of ripping.

At the end of the day, the full grip has many more benefits than the monkey grip.  I encourage everyone to try it out, even if it feels uncomfortable at first.  Hey, remember when you first started hook gripping?  It was uncomfortable, but it grew on you ☺   -Grace

A. 15 minutes to practice HSPU
B. With a partner, complete  the following for time:
Row 600m
10 DB bench press (each) on medball
Row 1000m
15 DB bench press (each) on medball
Row 1600m
20 DB bench press (each) on medball

A. 15 minutes to practice HSPU
comp: 3 sets of ME unbroken strict HSPU. rest 3 minutes in between
B. With a partner, complete the following for time:
Row 1000m
20 bench press (205/125#)
Row 1600m
30 bench press (165/105#)
Row 2000m
40 bench press (155/95#)
Switch the row every 200m at the most, and partition the bench press as you'd like.

(pre GPP)
3 sets of 1 full complex
technique work: 5 second snatch pull to launch position from floor + high hang snatch + snatch balance
*start with and empty barbell and do not exceed 50% of 1RM
A. Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes (10 sets):
halting snatch deadlift + snatch + OHS (build to the heaviest set possible)

For time:
Run 800m
40 DB thrusters (35/25#)
Run 800m
40 DB rows
Run 800m
