About Alessandra

Mysterious woman in the red dress.

Alessandra Ranelli is an American author living abroad in Vienna, Austria. Her work often focuses on love, lust, and loss. She’s been known to kiss and tell.

Alessandra’s crime writing is influenced by her love of old Hollywood glamour and golden age crime. Her style is a cocktail of a generous pour of bourbon, an ounce of film noir, and a dash of bawdy humor — served in a rocks glass with red lipstick staining the rim.

Her autobiographical work is marked by its raw honesty which is sometimes described as brutal. As a professional storyteller she is known for making audiences laugh and cry in equal measure.

Alessandra is known for her New York Times Modern Love essay Two Kisses We Never Talked About. She recently completed her first novel, a murder mystery set at a notorious love hotel in Vienna. Her extensive book research included taking a position as the Writer in Residence of the Hotel Orient, where the book is set, allowing her a chance to see every room.

She is represented by literary agent Harry Illingworth at DHH Literary in London.

Alessandra’s Bio on the DHH Site


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2 thoughts on “About Alessandra

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  1. just read your essay in NYT about your husband/friend and his cancer diagnosis. You are a gifted writer and I thought -after I read your story- that maybe just maybe I should stop shutting off the morning news that my husband watches obsessively and let him watch it for hours if it brings him some contentment…have a good day…Mary Ann

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi! You are very inspiring to my flagging enthusiasm to keep pitching!

    And thanks for being such a bright spark in an otherwise wet dull day here in the UK!

    Liked by 1 person

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