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Welcome to Racked LA's search for our city's Hottest Trainer 2014. Over the coming weeks, we'll profile sixteen smoking locals—fitness experts who not only look hot in spandex, but can make you look amazing, too. Once you've gotten to know everyone, we'll host a March Madness-style showdown in which readers vote for their favorites. Let the games begin!

Photos by Elizabeth Daniels

Let's get one thing out of the way right off the bat: Yes, Naomi Priestley is married to Beverly Hills, 90210 heartthrob Jason Priestley, and they have two kids together. Although this fact alone is enough to keep us compelled, we quickly learned that Mrs. Priestley is actually an intriguing woman all her own. In addition to teaching a heated indoor cycling class at The Sweat Shoppe in North Hollywood, this English beauty is also a professional makeup artist (check out her skills here) and often participates in half marathons, triathlons, and even mud and foam runs. How's that for motivation?

Both a Mad Dogg- and NASM-certified trainer, the "happy by nature" Priestley says that she teaches students using a "you-can-do-anything attitude. When the workout gets really tough, I'm right there with my students, cranking that bike wheel. I find that style of training inspires my students to push a little harder and reach a little deeper." The soundtrack to her sweat fest: "Let's Be Fu*king Stupid" by Example. "It really gets me pumped to sweat!"

While Priestley seemingly has it all (perfectly-curled locks, a bangin' body, Brandon Walsh), the humble multi-hyphenate is quick to admit that she's had her share of setbacks: "My brother started the first girl's rugby team where we lived in England so that I could play. Thanks to him, I went on to play rugby for a few years in my teens—I loved the sport! Unfortunately, I had to give up the sport due to getting braces (on my teeth) at 18 years old, just before heading off to college." It was all worth it, though—check out those pearly whites!
· The Sweat Shoppe [Official Site]
· All Hottest Trainer 2014 Coverage [Racked]