The Paulette Goddard Project

Hello! You’re probably wondering where I’ve been the past…2 years? Has it really been 2 years since this blog was updated? A lot of things have happened since 2019; some good, some not so good but I’m happy to announce that I am officially back and with a slow burn project that’s been on my mind for a while.

Paulette Goddard. She was unique, charming, fearless, intelligent but not abrasive, smart but not conniving and had the ability to fit herself into any social situation. She was also mysterious. And extremely talented.

I started a small fan account for Paulette on Instagram to share my growing love and admiration for Paulette as a person and actress. If you’re interested, you can visit the account at where I try to post daily while also researching Paulette’s life as well as watch her entire filmography; at the very least, the films and television appearances that are available.

This inspired The Paulette [Goddard] Project. My intentions are to post film reviews and research. As Anita Loos, Paulette’s longtime friend has said, “there is so much more to Paulette than a camera can capture.”

Hopefully you’ll join me in celebrating this Oscar winning actress and come to appreciate her life in front of and behind the camera, too.

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