Medford Leas Residents Assn.
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Chelidonium majus
Greater Celandine

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Interesting info:

lots in wikipedia:  about the pharmacology, use in herbalism


Greater Celandine
David G. Smith -

Excerpt from wikipedia:

It was formerly used by gypsies as a foot refresher; modern herbalists use its purgative properties. In Russia and in other countries it is used as a herbal aid in removing warts, papillomas and other skin malformations. It is also used in the mole and wart remover Wart Mole Vanish. See also Bloodroot, which has similar chemical composition and therapeutic use as greater celandine, particularly in warts and moles treatment.
Greater celandine acts as a mild sedative which has been used historically to treat asthma, bronchitis, and whooping cough. The herb's antispasmodic effect improves bile flow in the gallbladder and has been reputed to treat gallstones and gallbladder pain. As far back as Pliny the Elder and Dioscorides (1st century CE) this herb has been recognized as a useful detoxifying agent. The root has been chewed to relieve toothache

You ought to know:

Area: low, wet


Frequency: low

Blooms: Early and Late Spring