Character of the Day: Crimson Dynamo

Nerdgasms’ Character of the Day (COTD) will examine a different Marvel or DC character every day of the week. Be sure to check back at 9:00 a.m. ET each day to learn about someone new. Today’s COTD is Marvel’s Crimson Dynanmo.

Anton Vanko, archenemy of Iron Man, originally created the Crimson Dynamo armor to attack Tony Stark, as he was viewed as an enemy of the Soviet Union.

Vanko fled Russia and switched sides, however, taking the Crimson Dynamo armor with him. He took a job with Stark, losing his life in order to save his. Many others have taken the role of Crimson Dynamo since.

Gennady Gavrilov, a teenager who was one of the most recent Crimson Dynamos, gained control of a Mark II version of the armor. The identity of the current hero is unknown.

The armor features hand blasters that fire bolts of electricity that can stop an attacker cold. A fusion caster weapon can also attack enemies with a devastating blast.

Now that the Crimson Dynamo is on the side of the United States, the hero often teams up with Iron Man, Black Widow and War Machine.

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