The Sandman series by Neil Gaiman has been one of my favorite comic books. So when Audible released its dramatized audiobook version in July, I started obsessing over this series again. šŸ¤“ I listened to the audiobookā€”James McAvoy as Dream/Morpheus is an absolute dream by the way , reread the original Gaiman series and its prequel Overture [still not finished as there are 10 volumes, collecting issues 1-75], and then I brought out my hook and yarn to amigurumi-fy the Lord of Dreams.

Then I hit a roadblock: should I stay true to Dreamā€™s portrayal in the comic books and make him tall and deathly thin or should I stick to the amigurumi principle of cuteness and make him chubby and adorable?

While I was debating this, I came across this book written and illustrated by Jill Thompson where the seven Endless siblings are reimagined as toddlers. And Thompsonā€™s illustrations more or less decided the look for me.

Next came Dreamā€™s cape and his power sources. For the former, I decided to go with the flaming cape based on this image [see below] from The Sandman: Overture, which is a prequel to Gaimanā€™s The Sandman series.

I crocheted a plain black robe and then cross-stitched the flames along the hem.

Figuring out how to make the helm was a bit challenging but this page from The Sandman: Overture worked as an excellent guide.

As for the dreamstone, I hooked up a tiny rectangular piece in red and glued flat-back rhinestones on it. Easy peasy! šŸ˜

The sand pouch was super easy to make; an oval base and around 14 rounds of single crochet stitch was all it took to make this magical object. šŸ˜†

I hope you enjoyed this little peek behind the scenes of how Morpheus / Dream of the Endless was turned into an amigurumi. Guess which one of the Endless will be amigurumi-fied next? šŸ™ƒ

6 thoughts on “DREAM OF THE ENDLESS

  1. Ketha Crubaugh says:

    Love the new design. Will a pattern be available for him? Would like to make my own. Also you did the Witcher. Will there be a pattern for him? Would like to make him also. Please publish the patterns. Thanks. Keep the ideas coming!

    • Tales of Twisted Fibers says:

      Thank you! I’m glad you liked them. However, their patterns will not be available since they are licensed characters and selling patterns based on licensed characters amount to copyright infringement. Thank you for understanding. šŸ™‚

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