Fractals in Nature

Well, hello again.

I’ve been away on holiday, hence the reason for not having posted for a while. And, yes, it was lovely, thank you for asking.

Anyways, I have always been fascinated by fractals. So I thought I would share this fascination with you.

My interest is mainly in the visual and biological rather than mathematical.

The term ‘Fractal’ was originally coined by Benoît Mandelbrot, in 1975. Which is from the Latin fractus which means fractured or broken.

Basically, a fractal is a self-similar repeating pattern whether viewed from distance or close up. So the ‘part’ is almost identical to the ‘whole’.

What fascinates me most, is how these fractal patterns, or designs, are present all around us in nature.

Scientists strive to search ever deeper into our sub-atomic make-up. What if, it just keeps on going?


Fractal broccoli

Fractal trees

Fractal leaf

Fractal plant

Fractal sea urchin

More fractal leaves

Fractal galaxy


Filed under Art, Contemporary Arts, Digital, Ideas, Illustration, Inspiration

30 responses to “Fractals in Nature

  1. great post dave, fascinating

  2. I love fractals, thanks for the post.

  3. So is this something you produce yourself, and if so how on earth do you go about producing one? Susan from Houston, Texas

  4. Beautiful curation on your part, thank you! I’ve had an ongoing love affair with fractals and this post is quite simply a delight.

    Thank you also for visiting my modest artistic endeavor.

    • You’re very welcome, glad you liked it.

      I think your work is very challenging, (for me, anyway). But that’s what great art should do. It should ask questions of the viewer. Even if it makes us uncomfortable.

      Whilst Modigliani’s work doesn’t appear very challenging in the 21st century, it was at the time. So much so, that the police closed his exhibition down in 1917. Now, I’ve just remembered that you commented on my fractal post rather than the one I’ve just posted about Modigliani! Oh well, perhaps you might take a look. I think you’d like it.

      • I know I had a look at your Modigliani post as well and I’m pretty sure I “liked” that one too! I’ve always been a fan. I’m also quite sure Modigliani was more *shocking* at the time than I ever could be. But I am especially grateful to those viewers who make the leap, who ask themselves a few questions rather than dismiss my work entirely as, say, pornography. I have no interest in pornography.

        But this isn’t about me! I simply love the range on your site. It’s crisp and beautiful, too. I will be visiting you regularly.

        Thank you so much for taking an interest in my work.

      • Hi Elettra,

        I’m very flattered that you like my blog.

        I don’t see your work as pornographic. More multi-media self-expressionism in an age where the topics you dramatise are taboo. As with Modigliani, it may be some considerable time in the future before people are ‘comfortable’ with your work in helping to define certain issues. Hopefully, that won’t be the case as your work is very brave, thought-provoking and necessary to destigmatise issues such as mental illness and sexuality.

      • Thank you, David. Now I’m the one who is flattered.

  5. Nature never ceases to amaze us. I was introduced to fractals just recently and have fallen in love with them. Thank you for posting these beauties.

  6. Yes these are…to much! btw, your profile image…each time I see it, it puts a grin on my face, its good!

    • 🙂 Glad you liked the post. I love the ones that occur in nature. I’m intrigued as to what it is about my profile that makes you smile? The kids’ drawings on the wall behind me? BTW, how come you changed yours?

      • haha, sometimes I get a bit tired of my own pic and in the end it’s all about the planet anyway is it not? No its the pfff and the “oh wel” or whatever. Or; I am just doing my thing its up to you guys. Something like that 😉 to answer your question…. And..Ok, the kids drawing is offcourse the Best background ever! Cheers

      • Pretty spot on with your observations, Belinda. 😉

  7. I have always thought that it just keeps going. The deeper they dig, the more the find that the subatomic level operates exactly as our lives do. There is no real linear fashion to life, it’s all quantized.

  8. Pingback: Are you and Aesthete? | Elemental Wellness

  9. When in school we would cut ladies finger ( Vegetable ) dip it in paint and stamp it on papers to get that original brilliant uniform print….!
    Would that be a fractional of nature ?
    Thanks for making me take that one more look at some brilliant patterns.

    • I think we call it okra. It’s hard to say without seeing an example. But it sounds like it could make a self repeating fractal pattern. Thanks for the tip. I think I’ll try it with my kids! 🙂

  10. Nice ! I am sure you will all enjoy it…

  11. Meant to thank you for this one because I use beautiful pictures like this to create my own jigsaw puzzles on MS. So much better than their own selection and I’ve added them to my own collection of beauty.

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