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Hannah Kearney Gives Back to Youth Olympians

By U.S. Ski & Snowboard
February, 16 2016

Everywhere Hannah Kearney walked in the Youth Olympic Village, she was reminded of her own Olympic experiences. Dining hall: check. Credentials: check. Security: check. Different sports and different nations: check. She could not get over the similarities between her three Olympic Winter Games and the 2016 Winter Youth Olympic Games.

The retired freestyle moguls skier is in Norway this week as an Athlete Role Model for the second edition of the Winter Youth Games. As one of 15 ARMs at the Games, Kearney is making herself available to the Youth Olympians to answer their questions and provide guidance. She is also attending the Learn & Share programs, trying various sports and cheering on the competitors.

An Olympic gold and bronze medalist, as well as 13-year member of the national team, Kearney has an abundance of experience to pull from when inspiring the next generation of athletes.

Kearney took part in a “Chat with Champions” session on the topic of overcoming barriers alongside fellow Olympic champions Dominique Gisin, alpine skiing; Tony Estanguet, canoe/kayak; and Ross Powers, snowboarding. After the Q&A with athletes from across the globe, Kearney spoke to about why she wishes she could have been a Youth Olympian herself, overcoming her greatest obstacle and how she rebounded from that time a teammate slapped her.

Read Kearney’s full interview at