ASOCIACIÓN LATINOAMERICANA DE FARMACOLOGÍA SOCIEDAD CUBANA DE FARMACOLOGÍA Consejo Nacional de Sociedades Científicas de la Salud LATINFARMA HABANA 2013 20mo Congreso Latinoamericano de Farmacología y Terapéutica 5to Congreso Iberoamericano de Farmacología 5to Congreso Internacional y 11no Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Cubana de Farmacología _______________________________________________________________________________ LIBRO DE RESÚMENES ______________________________________________________________________________ POR EL FORTALECIMIENTO E IMPACTO DE LA FARMACOLOGIA LATINOAMERICANA EN LOS SISTEMAS DE SALUD DE NUESTROS PUEBLOS Sitios Web: / Palacio de las Convenciones de La Habana, Cuba, Octubre 21 al 25, 2013 ISBN 978-959-7076-49-0 9 789597 076490 Prólogo La Asociación Latinoamericana de Farmacología (ALF) y la Sociedad Cubana de Farmacología (SCF) se complacen en recibir a los farmacólogos y profesionales del sector biomédico y farmacéutico de toda mo Latinoamérica y del resto del mundo en el 20 Congreso Latinoamericano de Farmacología y Terapéutica, to to no el 5 Congreso Iberoamericano de Farmacología, el 5 Congreso Internacional y el 11 Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Cubana de Farmacología “LATINFARMA 2013”, el cual tendrá lugar del 21 al 25 de Octubre del 2013, en el Palacio de la Convenciones de La Habana, en Cuba. Este Congreso Regional analizará un amplio espectro de temas vinculados con la farmacología, la terapéutica y ciencias relacionadas, con un énfasis particular en el desarrollo de nuevos medicamentos, optimización de los ya existentes y su uso racional. Su Programa Científico, estructurado en 19 Talleres y Simposios, con más de 300 Conferencias entre Plenarias y Comunicaciones Orales y una cifra similar de carteles, está dirigido a profesionales que desarrollan su actividad científica en la investigación, la asistencia, y la docencia, y abarca los diferentes campos de acción de la farmacología, desde sus pilares fundamentales y tradicionales como la Farmacología básica, experimental y clínica, la Farmacovigilancia y la Farmacoepidemiología, hasta novedosos y promisorios enfoques basados en la inmunofarmacología, la fitoterapéutica, la farmacogenética, la epigenética, la nanomedicina, entre otras temáticas de gran relieve a nivel internacional. Cuba, sede por vez primera de este Congreso, que ha tenido exitosas realizaciones en años anteriores, tiene el honor justamente en una fecha tan significativa como su vigésima edición. Nuestro propósito fundamental es contribuir al desarrollo de la Farmacología en nuestros países como un baluarte para el fortalecimiento de los Sistemas Nacionales de Salud de nuestros pueblos. Para cumplir con tal enaltecedora misión, debemos promover la colaboración científica y el intercambio de experiencias de modo que se consoliden nuestras fortalezas y se superen nuestras debilidades, labor en la cual la ALF, en su concepción aglutinadora, debe desempeñar un papel fundamental en nuestro continente. Cuba, y en particular la Sociedad Cubana de Farmacología, agradece la confianza depositada en ella para organizar un Evento de esta magnitud y confía en que todos los esfuerzos realizados para que este resulte un Congreso que nos llene de orgullo y cumpla con todas las expectativas generadas, se traduzcan en el mejor de los resultados posible. La sede oficial del Congreso, el Palacio de las Convenciones de La Habana, con una vasta experiencia en la realización exitosa de innumerables eventos nacionales e internacionales, está preparado para brindar un servicio de excelencia a la altura de este magno Evento. Si a ello sumamos la belleza de nuestro país, la alegría y hospitalidad de su gente y la posibilidad de interactuar con profesionales de las más prestigiosas instituciones de la ciencia y la medicina cubanas, las cuales han ganado merecido prestigio a nivel internacional, estamos convencidos que LATINFARMA 2103 será en el plano profesional, pero también personal, una inolvidable experiencia para todos sus delegados. Bienvenidos todos a LATINFARMA 2013!!!. Dr. René Delgado Hernández Presidente Congreso Presidente, SCF y ALF Dr. Octavio Piñeros Vicepresidente del Congreso Vicepresidente, ALF Dr. Mario Landys Chovel Cuervo Vicepresidente del Congreso Vicepresidente, SCF 2 ORGANIZADO POR: Sociedad Cubana de Farmacología (SCF) Asociación Latinoamericana de Farmacología (ALF) Unión Internacional de Farmacología Básica y Clínica (IUPHAR) Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) Consejo Nacional de Sociedades Científicas de la Salud (CNSCS) CO-ORGANIZADO POR: Ministerio de Salud Pública (MINSAP), Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (CITMA), BIOCUBAFARMA, Ministerio de Educación Superior (MES), Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina (ELAM), Centro de Desarrollo e Investigación de Medicamentos (CIDEM), Centro Nacional Coordinador de Ensayos Clínicos (CENCEC), Centro para el Control Estatal de la Calidad de los Medicamentos (CECMED), Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología (CIGB), Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos (IFAL), Centro de Inmunología Molecular (CIM), Instituto Finlay, Laboratorios LABIOFAM, Centro para la Producción de Animales de Laboratorio (CENPALAB), Centro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (CENSA), Centro Internacional de Restauración Neurológica (CIREN), Centro de Biopreparados (BIOCEN), Universidad de La Habana, Universidades de Medicina en Cuba. PATROCINADO POR: Copa Airlines S.A., LAB. SARTORIUS S.A., CLapBIO, The International Network for Humane Education (InterNICHE), LAB. MERCK S.A., Diagnovum S.A. / BIASeparations, BDC, SEPPIC, LAB. NOVARTIS, LAB. ROCHE S.A., GSK / MEDICARIBE, PNUD, LAB. ROWE, VAXEAL, ELEA-Chemo, PRAXIS, SHERRITT INTERNATIONAL S.A., FARMA-VENDA, NEAVS, UFAW, Astra-Zeneca S.A., Navarro-Martínez S.A., Sanofi-Aventis Ecuador 3 COMITÉ ORGANIZADOR PRESIDENTES DE HONOR Dr. Roberto Morales Ojeda, Ministro de Salud Pública (MINSAP) Dr. Carlos Gutiérrez Calzado, Presidente de BIOCUBAFARMA Dr. Rodolfo Alarcón Ortiz, Ministro de Educación Superior (MES) Dra. Elba Rosa Ortiz, Ministro de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (CITMA) Dr. Ernesto De La Torre Montejo. Presidente, Consejo Nacional de Sociedades Científicas de la Salud (CNSCS) PRESIDENTES ANTERIORES DE LA ALF Dr. Salomón Langer (Argentina), Dr. Ceferino Sanchez (Panamá), Dr. Edgar Samaniego (Ecuador), Dr. Alexandro Pinto Corrado (Brasil), Dr. Jaime Monti (Uruguay), Dr. Manuel Velasco (Venezuela), Dr. Aron Jurkiewicz (Brasil), Dr. Luigi Cubbedu (Venezuela), Dr. Jesualdo Fuentes (Colombia), Dr. Juan Pablo Huidrobo (Chile), Dr. Enrique Granizo (Ecuador); Presidente Electo (2014-2016): Dr. Aron Jurkiewicz (Brasil) Presidente del Congreso: Dr. René Delgado Hernández, Presidente de la SCF y Presidente de la ALF (20122014) Vice Presidentes: Dr. Octavio Piñeros, Vice Presidente, ALF Dr. Mario Landys Chovel Cuervo, Vice Presidente, SCF Tesorera MSc. Ing. María Cristina Lara Bastanzuri, SCF y ALF Secretaria Dr. Idania Rodeiro Guerra, SCF y ALF Miembros de la Junta de Gobierno de la SCF: Dra. Maria Acelia Marrero Miragaya, Primera Vice Presidenta SCF. Dra. Diadelis Remirez Figueredo, Vice Presidenta de Relaciones Públicas e Internacionales SCF MSc. Miguel David Fernández, Presidente de la Sección de Farmacología Experimental. Dr. Alberto Hernández Rodriguez, Presidente de la Sección de Farmacología Clínica. Dr. Juan A Furones Mourelles, Presidente de la Sección de Farmacoepidemiología. Dra. Nancy Yodú Ferral, Presidente de la Sección de Educación. Dra. Celia Alonso Rodríguez, Presidente de la Sección de Cronofarmacología. Dra. Evangelina Marrero Faz, Past Presidenta, SCF y Presidenta del Jurado del Premio Nacional de Farmacología. Otros miembros: Dra. Dulce Ma. Calvo Barbado, Dra. Teresa Romero Pérez, MSc. Ivones Hernández Balmaseda, MSc. Gledys Reinaldo Fernández, MSc. Celia M. Casado Martín, Dra Isis Bermúdez, MSc. Carmen Portuondo, Dra. Maria Aida Cruz Barrios, Dra. Mariela Guevara, Dra. Mirtha Llanio Villate, Lic. Adamelis Avilés Boza (CECMED), Dra Rosa María Alvarez González (Santiago de Cuba), Dra. Lianne Pajarín Fernández (Santiago de Cuba), Dra. Kenia Ramos Guevara (Granma), Dra. Dania Isabel Oropeza Pupo (Holguín), Dra. Norma Montes de Oca Escobar (Las Tunas), Dr. Pablo Chevalier Agüero (Camagüey), Dr. Silvio Cepero Franco (Ciego de Ávila), Dr. Héctor Ruiz Calabuch (Sancti Spíritus), Dra. Ana Isis Arias Gallardo (Villa Clara), Dra. Ana Ma. Ramos Cedeño (Cienfuegos), Dr. Alfredo Abuín Landín (Matanzas), MSc. Roselia Sánchez Gómez (Pinar del Río), Dr. Rafael Pérez Cristiá, Director, Centro para el Control Estatal de Medicamentos (CECMED), Dr. Julián Pérez Peña, Director de las Direcciones de Medicamentos y Farmacoepidemiología del MINSAP, Dra. María Amparo Pascual López, Directora del Centro Nacional Coordinador de Ensayos Clínicos (CENCEC), MSc. Marlene Porto Verdecia, Directora del Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos (CIDEM), Dr. Agustín Lage, Director del Centro de Inmunología Molecular, Dr. Concepción Campa Huergo, Directora del Instituto Finlay, Dr. Luis Herrera, Director de Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología 4 COMITÉ CIENTÍFICO Presidente: Dra. Idania Rodeiro Guerra Miembros: Dr. Mario Landys Chovel Cuervo, Dra. Nancy Yodú Ferral, MSc. Marian Hernández Colina, Dr. Eva Marrero, Dr. Octavio Fernández Limia, Dr. Roberto Menéndez Soto del Valle, MSc. Alicia Lagarto Parra, Dra. Diadelis Remírez, Dr. Juan A Furones Mourelles, Dra. María Aida Cruz, Dra. Giset Jiménez López, Dr. Alberto Hernández Rodríguez, Dra. María Acelia Marrero, Dra. Santa Deybis Orta, Dra. Odalys Blanco Hidalgo, Dr. Gilberto L. Pardo Andreu, MSc. Celia A. Alonso Rodríguez, Dra. Yaimí Rosales, Dra. Ana María Gálvez, Dr. Dulce Calvo, Dra. Bárbara Beatriz Garrido Suarez, Dra. María Cristina Lara Bastanzuri, MSc. Nicté González, MSc. Yanier Núñez Figueredo, Dr. Silvio Perea Rodríguez, Dr. Ana María Hernández, MSc.Yanet Hechevarría, Dr. Rolando Felipe Ochoa, Dr. Eduardo Martínez, Dra. Caridad Sedeño Argilagos, Dra. Elisa Aznar, Dr. Rolando Páez, Dra. Milagros Mesa, Dra. Miladys Limonta, Dr. Reinaldo Acevedo, Dr. Daniel Cardoso, Dr. Luis García, Dr. Armando Acosta, Dra. María de Los Angeles Robinson Agramonte, Dr. Julio César García, Dr. Dionisio Zaldívar Comités Científicos Internacionales Comité Latinoamericano (ALF) Dr. Sergio Ferreira (Brasil), Dr. Jorge Alonso (Argentina), Dr. Augusto Bondani (México), Dr. Gilberto Castañeda (México), Dra. Nilda Brizuela (Argentina), Dr. Juan Pablo Ricarte (Argentina), Dr. Alfonso Caricatu (Brasil), Dr. Claudio Fontes (Brasil), Dra. Luciana Verde (Brasil), Dr. Camilo Torres (Colombia), Dr. Juan Carlos Prieto (Chile), Dra. Vivian Noriega (Chile), Dr. Hugo Miranda (Chile), Dr. Jaime Burbano (Ecuador), Dr. Héctor Rosero (Ecuador), Dr. Ismael Lares (México), Dra. Roxana Reyes (Perú), Dr. Robert Palomino de la Gala (Perú), Dr. Juan Vicente Gómez (Venezuela), Dr. Marco Dehesa Gonzaléz, (Ecuador), Dra. Maria Eugenia Letelier (Chile), Dr. Javier Espinosa Aguirre (México), Dr. Jose Luis Martinez (Chile), Dr. Bernardo Morales (Chile), Dr. Diogo Onofre Souza (Brasil), Dr. Carlos Alberto Sariva González (Brasil), Dr. Luiz Valmor Cruz Portella (Brasil), Dr. André Prato Schmidt (Brasil), Dr. Joao Batista Teixeira da Rocha (Brasil), Dr. Rosaria Mendes Otero (Brasil), Dr. Carmen Gottfried (Brasil), Dr. Rafael Roesler (Brasil), Dr. Mauricio Granjeiro (Brasil), Dr. Eduardo Leal (Brasil), Dr. Federico Dajas Méndez (Uruguay), Dr. Wilson Savino (Brasil), Dr. Jose Luis Di Fabio (Representante OPS/OMS en Cuba) Comité Internacional de Apoyo Dr. Adrian Llerena (España, Comité Ejecutivo de la IUPHAR), Dra. Maria Isabel Lucena (España, Comité Ejecutivo de la IUPHAR), Dr. Yongxiang Zhang (China, Comité Ejecutivo de la IUPHAR), Dra. Francesca Levi (Israel, Comité Ejecutivo de la IUPHAR), Dr. Salvador Moncada (Reino Unido), Dr. Gianni Tognoni (Italia), Dra. Teresa Tejerina (España), , Dra. Maria José Gómez Lechón (España), Dra. María Soledad Fernández Alfonso (España), Dr. Jose Vicente Castel (España), Dr. Elisabet Vila (España), Dra. Pilar Vinardell (España), Dra. Elisabetta Dejana (Italia), Dr. Guy Haegeman (Belgica), Dr. Eduardo Luis Mariño Hernández (España), Dr. Wim Vanden Berghe (Bélgica), Dr. Rachel Tyndale (Canadá), Dr. Jose Ma. Prieto (Reino Unido), Dr. Coenraad Hendriksen (Holanda), Dr. Dorothea Sesardic (Reino Unido), Dr. Pierre Marchand (Canadá), Dr. Salvatore Cuzzocrea (Italia), Dr. Angus Dalgleish (Reino Unido), Dr. Bruce Levy (USA) 5 « LATINFARMA HAVANA 2013 » « LATINFARMA HABANA 2013 » th 6 Taller Internacional sobre Farmacovigilancia en el 13mo Aniversario de la Unidad Coordinadora Cubana de Farmacovigilancia th 6 Taller Internacional sobre Farmacoepidemiología 3 National Workshop on Teaching of Pharmacology rd 3 Taller Nacional de la Enseñanza de la Farmacología 3rd Workshop on Therapeutic Updating in Cancer 3er Taller de ActualizaciónTerapéutica en el Cáncer 6 International Workshop on Pharmacovigilance in the th 13 Anniversary of Pharmacovigilance Cuban Coordinating Unit 6 International Workshop on Pharmacoepidemiology nd 2 International Workshop on 3Rs Alternatives in Pharmacology, Toxicology and Teaching to to er do 2 Taller Internacional sobre Métodos Alternativos n Farmacología, Toxicología y Educación 2 nd International Symposium on Pharmacogenetic 2 2 nd International Workshop on Pharmacoeconomy 2 2nd Workshop on Research and Development of Generic Drugs Simposio Internacional sobre Farmacogenética do Taller Internacional sobre Farmacoeconomía 2doTaller sobre Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos Genéricos nd 2 Taller Internacional sobre Daño cerebral y Neuroinmunomodulación rd 3 Taller sobre Farmacología de Productos Naturales nd 2 Simposio Internacional sobre Farmacología del Dolor nd 2 Taller Internacional sobre Inmunofarmacología y Biotecnología 2 International Workshop on Brain Injury and Neuroimmunomodulation 3 Workshop on Pharmacology of Natural Products 2 International Symposium on Pharmacology of Pain 2 International Workshop on Immunopharmacology and Biotechnology 2 do nd International Workshop on Clinical Trials do er do do 2do Taller Internacional sobre Ensayos Clínicos 1st Workshop on Basic Pharmacology 1er Taller sobre Farmacologia Básica 2nd Symposium on Cronobiopharmacology 2do Taller sobre Cronobiofarmacología 1st Symposium on Epigenetics 1er Simposio sobre Epigenética 2 nd Workshop on Oxidative Stress and Ozonetherapy 2do Taller sobre Estrés Oxidativo y Ozonoterapia st 1er Taller sobre Nanofarmacología st 1er Simposio sobre Drogas Huérfanas 1 Workshop on Nanopharmacology 1 Symposium on Orphan Drugs 6 GENER La Ha XX Latino LUNES / MONDAY 21 Registration 09:00-14:30 09:0010:00 10:0514:30 ROOM 3 ROOM 4 ROOM5 ROOM 11 ROOM8 ROOM9 ROOM 6 12:1012:30 14:3015:30 15:3017:00 Precongress Courses 09:00 – 14:30 Course 01:Chronobiopharmacology and Dream Course 02: Education. Alternatives Methods. Course 03: Clinical trials Course 04: Biosimilars Course 05: Non-Clinical Laboratory Good Practices. Course 06:Pharmacoeconomy and Pharmacovigilance Course 07:Neuroimmunology and neuroimmunomodulation Course 08: Epigenetic Course 09:Phytotherapeutics Course 10: Natural products and quality of life. Course 11: Population Pharmacokinetic Course 12:Pharmacogenetic of iberoamerican populations Course 13: Patient Recruitment in Clinical Trials MA TUE Lectures S. Moncad G Tognon Symposia Workshop Immunoph and Biotec ClinicalsTr Alternative Pharmaco Pharmaco Pharmaco Epigenetic Nanophar RO Prese Gene RO Rou C. Sanch Yáñez (CECM Po ABSTRACTS / RESÚMENES « LATINFARMA Havana 2013 » / « LATINFARMA Habana 2013» CONFERENCIAS PLENARIAS INAUGURALES / OPENING PLENARY LECTURES (PL) LUNES, OCTUBRE 21 / MONDAY, OCTOBER 21st PL 001 BIOLOGICAL AND THERAPEUTIC RELEVANCE OF THE DISCOVERY OF PROSTACYCLIN AND NITRIC OXIDE Prof. Dr. Sir Salvador Moncada (F Med Sci, FRS) The Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research, University College London, Reino Unido / United Kindown (UK) In this lecture I will explain how the mechanism of action of aspirin and other non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs was discovered and will also describe the discovery of prostacyclin and nitric oxide. I will discuss the biological relevance of those discoveries to our understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of various organs and tissues and their implications for the therapy and prevention of different diseases. Finally I will consider the possibilities of future research in these areas of research. PL 002 IMMUNOTHERAPY AND COMPLEXITY: OVERCOMING THE BARRIERS FOR THE CONTROL OF ADVANCED CANCER. Dr. Agustín Lage Dávila Director General, Centro de Inmunología Molecular, Cuba Age-adjusted cancer mortality rates are showing a slow, but clear trend to decline in some countries. However, such decline is mostly due to reduction in tobacco smoking and to earlier diagnosis of some tumors. Long term control of advanced cancer continue to be a goal very hard to attain: Survival gains over the last three decades for many tumors are measured in months, not years. Four major barriers prevent a faster progress: the complexity of networks for the control of cell proliferation; the heterogeneity of cancer cells; the mutation rate; and our genome-environment mismatch. They challenge the classic pharmacology paradigm of “one molecular target/ one specific drug¨. Targeted therapy, the most recent acquisition for the treatment of advanced cancer, together with its impressive short term effects, illustrate the limitation of the strategy, due to the fast appearance of resistance. The complexity of regulatory networks will demand simultaneous intervention on several molecular targets and capacity to handle the ¨dual effects¨. Patient to patient heterogeneity and cell to cell heterogeneity will demand personalized medicine and clinical trials in smaller patient niches. Mutation rates will need the mobilization of biologic mechanisms, such as the immune system, which could evolve together with the tumor. Finally these mechanisms should act in a genetic background which has not been selected by evolution for protecting health in the post-reproductive period of human life. Neither classic screening strategies of pharmacology, nor the current regulatory context for drug development are well suited for facing these challenges. Biotechnology drugs offer the possibility of innovative approaches. Recent evidences related to the effect of monoclonal antibodies and therapeutic vaccines, and data related to the control of the immune response, epitope spreading, pathways of apoptosis, oncogene addiction and immunosenscence point out the possibility to stepwise transform the clinical course of advanced cancer into that of a chronic disease compatible of years of quality life. PL 003 MARTES, OCTUBRE 22 / TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd TRENDS OF RESEARCH IN THE 21RST CENTURY Prof. Dr. Sir Salvador Moncada (F Med Sci, FRS) The Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research, University College London, Reino Unido / United Kindown (UK) The current tendencies in the development of research in a globalised world will be analysed. The position of Latin America in terms of investment and success of the research enterprise will be discussed in relation to the world effort. The impact of science in social and economic development will also be considered. PL 004 REGIONAL AND GLOBAL PHARMACOLOGY PROGRAM OF RESEARCH IN CLINICAL Prof. Dr. Gianni Tognoni Mario Negri Sud Institute, Santa Maria Imbaro, Chiety, Italy Abstract not received at the moment of edition / Resumen no recibido al momento de la edición. SIMPOSIOS Y TALLERES / SYMPOSIA AND WORKSHOPS CONFERENCIAS Y COMUNICACIONES ORALES / CONFERENCES AND ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Taller Inmunofarmacología y Biotecnología. Sesión: Inmunofarmacología / Workshop on Immunopharmacology and Biotechnology. Session: Immunopharmacology CO 001 TOWARDS CLINICAL TRANSLATION OF T-CELL RECEPTOR GENE EDITING TO MEDIATE ADOPTIVE ANTI-TUMOR IMMUNOTHERAPY. CICERI F, MASTAGLIO S, BONINI C. Experimental Hematology Unit, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy. BACKGROUND. The genetic addition of a tumor specific receptor into T cells yielded already substantial clinical results in patients affected by hematological malignancies. METHODS.To completely substitute T cell specificity, werecently developed the TCR gene editing approach, based on the combination of: i. Somatic knockout of the endogenous TCR genes (achieved by transient exposure to and chain specific Zinc Finger Nucleases-ZFN), and ii. Introduction of a tumor-specific TCR by lentiviral vectors (LV). By avoiding competition for surface expression between exogenous and endogenous TCR and chains, and by abrogating the risk of inappropriate TCR pairing, the TCR editing approach permanently overcomes the major limitations of TCR gene transfer.(Provasi, Genovese et al., Nat. Med. 2012). RESULTS. To promote an effective and persistent therapeutic effect, and to facilitate its clinical application, we established a scalable protocol of TCR single editing, applicable within a single round of T cell stimulation. This approach completely and permanently abrogates expression of the endogenous TCR repertoire of donor T cells, which is responsible ofGvHD. In addition, we validated the TCR editing approach on NY-ESO-1,expressed by solid tumors and hematological malignancies. We observed similar high levels of TCR expression, measured by NY-ESO-1 specific dextramer binding,in single edited and transferred T cells(RFI 73 vs 66). Single edited cells efficiently recognized + and killed NY-ESO-1 myeloma cell lines, without aberrant response to NY-ESO-1 targets, anddisplayed improved tumor specificity than unedited TCR-transferred cells in co-colture assays (99% of elimination of target cells in both single edited and transferred cells; 0% vs 45.9% of elimination of unspecific targets, respectively). CONCLUSIONS.These results suggest that the TCR gene editing approach can mediate Graft versus Tumor and overcome the risk of GvHD in patients with hematological malignancies undergoing allo-HSCT. 9 CO 002 HUMAN ANTIBODIES REACTIVE TO NEUGCGM3 GANGLIOSIDE HAVE CYTOTOXIC ANTITUMOR PROPERTIES Rodríguez-Zhurbenko N., Martínez D., Blanco R., Rondón T., Griñán T., Hernández AM. Center of Molecular Immunology, Havana, Cuba Introduction: NeuGcGM3 ganglioside is not naturally expressed in normal human tissues but is overexpressed in several tumors and has immunosuppressive capacity, contributing to cancer progression. These features make NeuGcGM3 an attractive candidate for tumor immunotherapy; however, little is known about the naturally occurring anti-NeuGcGM3 antibody response in healthy humans. Aims of this study were to analyze and characterize the antibody responses against this ganglioside in healthy donors and cancer patients. Materials and Methods: The study comprised 100 healthy donors and 55 age-matched untreated non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. In all the subjects, specific anti-NeuGcGM3 antibody response was assessed by ELISA. The functionality of these antibodies was tested as their ability to bind and kill tumor cell lines expressing NeuGcGM3. Results: 65 healthy donors had antibodies that specifically recognized NeuGcGM3 and kill tumor cells expressing this antigen by a complement mediated mechanism. Interestingly, even after complement inactivation, 17% of the positive sera showed a direct cytotoxic effect on the tumor cells. This cytotoxicity was dependent on the presence of the antigen on the tumor cells and resembles an oncotic kind of cell death. Both, the levels of anti-NeuGcGM3 antibodies in the sera of healthy donors as well as the percentage of donors with this natural immunity decrease with age. Furthermore, we could only detect low reactivity against NeuGcGM3 in the sera of 6 NSCLC patients. Conclusions: Healthy human sera contain naturally occurring anti-NeuGcGM3 antibodies with cytotoxic anti-tumor properties, reinforcing the importance of NeuGcGM3 ganglioside as an important target for cancer immunotherapy. Treatments that boosted this anti-NeuGcGM3 antibody response should be considered an important immunotherapeutic regimen against NeuGcGM3 containing tumors as elderly donors and NSCLC patients lacked this natural anti-tumor response. CO 003 PHARMACOLOGIC INTERVENTION OF CASEIN KINASE 2 (CK2)-MEDIATED PRO-SURVIVAL AND PROLIFERATIVE SIGNALING ON T-CELL ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA (T-ALL) 1 2 3 1 2 Perera Y ., Melao A ., Miranda J ., Perea SE , Barata JT . 1-Laboratory of Molecular Oncology, Division of Pharmaceuticals, Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), P.O. Box 6162, CP 10600, C. Habana, Cuba. E-mail: 2-Cancer Biology Unit, Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa Ed. Egas Moniz - P3-C48 Av. Prof. Egas Moniz 1649-028 Lisboa, Portugal. 3- Bioinformatics Department, CIGB, Havana, Cuba. Introduction: Despite sustained advances in the treatment of T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL) mortality rates are still unacceptable high, stressing the necessity to develop new therapeutic compounds. The role of CK2 on T-ALL biology has been recently addressed by experimental and clinical data. Such findings uncover the relevance of CK2-mediated phosphorylation on PTEN inactivation, leading to an aberrant PI3K/Akt signaling and increasing T-ALL survival and proliferation. Importantly, emerging evidences also connect CK2 activity with IL-7-mediated signaling, a cytokine with leukemia supportive effect. Here, we analyzed the impact of CIGB-300 peptide, a molecule designed to block CK2-mediated phosphorylation by direct binding to conserved phosphoaceptor domain on its substrates, on T-ALL biology. Methods: CIGB-300´s antiproliferative effect was assessed on T-ALL cell lines representing common genetic lesions and differentiation stages (n=8) 3 using Alamar blue and H -thymidine assays. Cytotoxicity and cell cycle distribution were determined by FACS using AnnexinV-7AAD and PI staining, respectively. IL7-mediated activation on primary-like TAIL7 (IL7-dependend) and HPB-ALL (IL7-responsible) cells was determined by FSC vs. SSC analysis. CIGB-300´s cytotoxic effects was verified in co-culture experiments using transfected murine stromal cells (OP9DL1) and primary leukemia cells from patients (n=6). Signaling experiments were performed by western blot. Results: CIGB-300´s exerted a dose-response antiproliferative effect on T-ALL cells (IC50 mean= 24 µM) which can be explained by direct induction of cell death. 10 Such effect overcomes IL7-mediated activation and viability boost, both in cell lines and patient samples, while prevents stromal support in vitro. Signaling experiments point to two described CK2 substrates as potential targets for CIGB-300 on T-ALL (i.e. NPM/B23 and P27) while in the context of IL7-stimulation putative new unexpected target(s) emerge upstream in JAK-STAT signaling axis (i.e. JAK1). Conclusion: Our data support the suitability of anti-CK2 pharmacologic interventions to impair T-ALL survival and proliferation even in the context of aberrant IL7-IL7R signaling. CO 004 IN SILICO DESIGN AND FUNCIONAL CHARACTERIZATION OF A TGFβ1 MUTEIN, ANTAGONISTIC OF TGFβ SIGNALING, WITH ANTITUMOR AND IMMUNEMODULATORS PROPERTIES. Corría Osorio J*., Pérez Rodríguez S*., Carmenate Portilla T.*, León Monzón K.* *System Biology Department. Center of Molecular Immunology Introduction:Transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) is pleiotropic cytokine that affects tumor growth, metastasis, stroma, and immune response. There are three isoforms: TGFβ1, TGFβ2, TGFβ3. They interact on the cell surface with the TβRII receptor, TβRIII receptor and several of the type I receptors that have been described (ALK5, ALK1, ALK2, ALK3); ALK5 is the clasic type I receptor of these ligands. It has been proposed that the ligands bind first to TβRIII and then this receptor transfers them to TβRII receptor. TGFβ1 and TGFβ3 can bind to TβRII receptor with high affinity(530pM) whereas TGFβ2 has 1000 fold less affinity. ALK5 is recruited and activated in a highly cooperative manner by the TβRII/TGFβ complex, forming the heterotrimeric signaling complex. The ALK5 signaling plays a pivotal role in regulating the pathogenesis of a wide variety of disorders including cancer . Blockade of TGFβ signaling has been reported to be efficacious in the suppression of tumor growth and metastasis in animal models and clinical trials. In the present work we described for first time, a TGFβ1 mutein that behave as an antagonistic of the TGFβ signaling and has antitumor and immunemodulators effects in vitro. Material and Methods: This mutein was designed using several bioinformatics tool such as 3DCoffee and clustalX for the evolutionary analysis, the web server Protein Interaction Calculator was used to determine principals interactions in the interface, and Rosetta to determine hot spot residues and destabilizing mutations This mutein was fused to a human IgG1 Fc region with a set of mutations in the the Cγ2 domain that abrogates the bindind with Fc gamma receptors except the neonatal. The fusion to Fc region was useful for expressing ,for first time, the TGFβ domain without its latency associated propeptide (LAP), that is very important because the mutein can be obtained in its active form to interact with TβRII receptor. TGFβ1 mutein.Fc was obtained using a lentiviral transduction protocol in CHO-K1 cells. Evaluation of the antagonistic effects was done in IL-2–dependent CTLL-2 cell proliferation assay, TGFβ1-induced Treg differentiations assays and in vitro tumor cell migration assay. Results: TGFβ1Mut_Fc had less biological activity than recombinant TGFβ1 and blocked TGFβ1-stimulated inhibition of IL-2– dependent CTLL-2 cell proliferation. Also, TGFβ1Mut_Fc inhibited the generation of foxp3 positive CD4+ T cells induced by wtTGFβ1. Finally, TGFβ1Mut_Fc inhibited tumor cell migration in vitro. Conclusions: The TGFβ1 mutein.Fc behave as an antagonistic of TGFβ signaling and that suggest that the destabilizing mutations predicted by using bioinformatics tool affect interaction between TGFβ1 and ALK5. These data provide a foundation to support using TGFβ1 mutein_Fc as a therapeutic agent for TGFβ-dependent cancer with metastatic and immuneregulatory capacity. CO 005 MOLECULAR MECHANISMS INVOLVED IN THE INHIBITION OF TUMOR CELLS PROLIFERATION EXPOSED TO ELEVATED CONCENTRATIONS OF EPIDERMAL GROWTH FACTOR (EGF) Camacho H, Guillen IA, Berlanga J, Fernández-de-Cossio ME, Pérez L, Palenzuela D, Díaz T, Guillen GE, Herrera L, Cosme K, Gorovaya L, Mendoza O, Fernández JR, Ancizar JA, Suarez J, Tuero A, Ochagavia ME, Roca J, Gavilondo J, García del Barco D, Martin J and Novoa LI. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, CIGB Introduction: The EGF promotes inhibition of cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo models depending on its concentration, application schema and the type of tumor cells on which it acts. Our research 11 hypothesis was based on the fact that the EGF varies the expression of genes involved in a negative regulation of tumor cell lines proliferation carrying high levels of its receptor (EGFR). Our objectives were, to obtain information about the effect of EGF on tumor cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo models and, know the gene expression patterns of a group of genes involved in cancer signaling pathways and EGFR. Materials and methods: We used six cancer cell lines (K562, MCF-7, U1906, LS-174T, H125 and A431) with different concentrations of EGFR. An animal model was obtained in Nude mice xenografts with the cell line A431 over-expressing the levels of EGFR The real time PCR technique was used to explore in models in vitro and in vivo, the differential expression of 44 genes involved in EGF signaling pathway and cancer in cells treated with EGF and controls. Relative quantification of gene expression was performed using the software REST 2009 v2.0.13 (QIAGEN GmbH All rights reserved). Results: The results showed that EGF at nanomolar concentrations inhibits the tumor cells proliferation bearing high levels of EGFR and, promotes the survival of treated animals, establishing a direct relationship between the inhibition of cell proliferation, high concentrations of EGF and, high amount of EGFR in the cells. The differential gene expression profile showed a variation in a group of genes which exert a powerful control over the cell cycle progression, gene transcription and apoptosis. Conclusions: The inhibition of tumor cell proliferation by the action of EGF is due to activation of molecular mechanisms controlling cell cycle progression. CO 006 CONCENTRATION OF MMP-3 AND IL-6 IN PATIENTS WITH SEPSIS AND MULTIORGAN FAILURE Ricarte Bratti JP, Montrull HL, Meirovich CI, Jaime NJ, Demurtas SL, Brizuela NY Institution: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba – Fac Cs Medicas – Catedra de Farmacologia Santa Rosa 1085 – Córdoba, Argentina Introduction: Sepsis is the leading cause of mortality in intensive care. The study of its pathophysiology is essential to try to change the high mortality that this syndrome presents. The multiple organ dysfunction Syndrome (MODS) is a high mortality syndrome caused by sepsis. Cytokines are the main responsible for the inflammatory response in sepsis and MODS, including IL1, 6 and TNF alpha. MMP-3 is a molecule relatively recent that has not been studied in sepsis yet. Aim: To assess the predictive power of cytokines on MODS and death. Material and Methods: 48 patients older than 18 years with sepsis criteria who were attended the Hospital Nacional de Clínicas of Cordoba-Argentina have been included. Upon admission blood samples were drawn for the dosage of cytokines. Results: Patients with MODS had a mean value of IL-6 of 210.10 + / - 30.82 pg / ml and for patients without MODS of 155.32 + / -20.84 pg / ml (p = 0.135). For MMP-3 MODS patients had an average of 14.57 + / - 0.63 mg / ml whereas patients who did not develop MODS reached an average of 9.8 + / - 0.83 mg / ml (p <0, 0001). Evaluating mortality IL-6 in death patients was a medium term of 203.65 + / -26.64 pg / ml in slight contrast to the survivors, whose average was 161.88 + / -24.38 pg / ml, giving a difference without statistical significance (p = 0.26) Values of MMP-3 in survivors had an average of 10.55 + / -0.76 mg / ml, whereas the average of the deceased was 13.77 + / -0.98 mg / ml (p = 0.012). Conclusion: MMP-3 has shown that if at the time of admission it´s in a high value (Beyond 12mg/ml) has a prognostic value since it predicts death and organ failure. IL-6 has a tendency to the above, but with non-significant results, so more studies are needed with larger numbers of patients. CO 008 IMMUNOTRANS-ARTERIAL CHEMOEMBOLIZATION (ITACE) IN HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA PATIENTS TREATED WITH ANTI-EGFR MAB NIMOTUZUMAB PLUS ADRIAMYCIN. PHASE I CLINICAL TRIAL, FINAL RESULTS Ramos- Suzarte M*, Hernández JC**, Roque A**, Ugarte JC**, Jordán J**, Samada M**, Lorenzo P*, Fernández A*, Catalá M**, Fermín E**, Frías A*, Izquierdo M*, Cedeño M*, Rengifo E*, Frómeta M*, Crombet T*. *Center of Molecular Immunology, Havana, Cuba; corresponding authors Mayra Ramos Suzarte: 12 **Center for Medical and Surgical Research, Havana, Cuba Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a common complication of chronic liver disease. EGFR is well validated as a primary contributor of different tumor of epithelial origin included liver cancer in initiation and progression. Nimotuzumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody (mAbs) that recognizes the EGFR extracellular domain. While it has similar preclinical and clinical activity when compared to other anti-EGFR mAbs, it does not induce skin toxicity or hypomagnesaemia. Methods: Phase I prospective clinical trial (RPCEC00000022) to evaluate safety and optimal biological doses of immunotrans-arterial chemoembolization (ITACE) with nimotuzumab in patients with unresectable HCC. In this trial were enrolled 3 patients in 4 different level doses of Mab: 50mg, 100mg, 200mg and 400 mg maintaining the same concentration of cytostatic drug per level, just one administration per patients. The principal endpoint was evaluate safety and Optimal or Maxima Biological Doses in the treatment of HCC by Trans arterial chemoembolization (ITACE) by injecting nimotuzumab an doxorubicin mixed with a radiopaque contrast (e.g. Lipiodol) and an embolic agent Gel foam into hepatic artery. Results: The maximum tolerable dose was 200 mg of nimotuzumab, was impossible complete the administration in 400 mg because the administration rout was intra-arterial and the limiting factor was the final volume. Was confirmed a gain for these patients, since the life expectancy of them were about 6 months however median survival of 13.01 months was found to be above expected. Nimotuzumab was safe in terms of intra-arterial administration and the combination with doxorubicin. Not anti-idiotipic response was detected in any treated patients. Was the first time that nimotuzumab was administered by intra-arterial rout but is a perfect way to be used in this tumor. Conclusions: The maxima tolerated dose was 200 mg of nimotuzumab for ITACE. The administration of nimotuzumab was safety, increasing patient survival, which provides a longer period for the possibility for patients to receive a liver transplant. The combinations with chemotherapy not increase the toxicity of therapy. CO 009 A NOVEL PEPTIDE SELECTED FROM AN ALA-SCANNING REGULATES THE ONCOGENIC ACTIVITY OF NFKB IN CANCER CELLS OLIVA B, FERNANDEZ JR, GIL J, GARAY H, REYES O, GUILLEN G, VALLESPI G M. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), P.O.Box. 6162, Cubanacan, Playa, La Habana, Cuba. e-mail: Introduction: The nuclear factor NFkB plays a critical role in diverse cellular processes associated with proliferation, cell death, as well as inflammation. Starting from a LPS-binding peptide from Limulus anti-LPS factor, with powerful immunostimulatory activity, we have done alanine substitutions of particular residues and obtained a novel synthetic peptide (CIGB-552) that has lost its LPS binding capacity and is a powerful in vitro and in vivo cytotoxic agent. The potential mechanism responsible for the antitumor activity of CIGB-552 is based on a specific degradation of RelA(p65) and inhibition of NFkB regulated genes. Material & Methods: Cell lines: HT-29 (human colon cancer) and D122 (Lewis lung carcinoma). Female BALB/c mice were purchased from CENPALA, Cuba. The peptide was synthesized manually using Fmoc/tBu solid phase. Results: Here we demonstrate that treatment of tumor cells with the peptide CIGB-552 promotes the degradation of RelA(p65) and induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. In addition, the peptide inhibits gene products activated by NFkB, such as the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2. Here, we demonstrate that the CIGB-552 stabilizes a key protein in tumor cells, it which inhibits the transcription activity of NFkB. These findings provide evidence to support the regulation of transcription factor NFkB by the peptide CIGB- 552 in cancer cells. Furthermore, we demonstrate that CIGB-552 decrease tumor growth and increase survival in the human colon cancer xenograft HT-29 and shows anti-metastatic activity in a spontaneous metastatic model of the Lewis lung carcinoma. Conclusion: Our finding points out to a novel mechanism by which the anti-apoptotic activity of NFkB can be regulated in cancer cells. Better understanding of the regulation of NFkB will provide a platform for development of specific therapeutic agents targeted towards the cancer-associated inflammation. 13 CO 010 NEOPLASTIC TRANSFORMATION OF HUMAN MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS CONCERTS INMUNE-EVASION AND PRO-INFLAMATORY PROGRAMS IN THE ABSENCE OF IMMUNE-EDITION MEDIATED PREASSURE 1 1 2 1 Miranda-Rodríguez A , Sánchez-Castellanos N , Funes-Quesada JM , Pérez-Rodríguez R ,de 1 1 2 León-Delgado J . Centro de Inmunología Molecular, La Habana, Cuba. UCL-Cancer Institute, Londres, Reino Unido. Introduction: The presence of altered molecular pathways associated with oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes as cancer hallmark not only support the self-sufficiency on tumor cells proliferation but also determine the interaction of neoplastic cells with the host, allowing cells to escape from homeostatic control mechanisms. The aim of this research is to assess the direct impact of cancer progression driven by genetic alterations over immune-surveillance evasion and tumor related inflammation, in a context independent on immune-edition mediated pressure. We took advantage of a model based on in vitro step-wise neoplastic transformation induced on human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC). The genetic lesions introduced to transform hMSC included hTERT, c-Myc and H-Ras activity while p53 and pRb expression were reduced. Methods:MSC immunogenicity was evaluated by HLA-ABC gene and protein expression. In vitro co-culture experiments were performed to determinehMSC inhibitory capacity on T cells proliferation. Immune-suppressive mediators, proinflammatory molecules and IFNγ signaling were assessedon hMSCby qPCR, western blot, flow cytometry, ELISA, gene micro-array and immune-fluorescence assays.Neoplastic hMSC with reduced expression of IL-beta were obtained by lentiviral infection encoding shRNA targeting IL-beta mRNA. Anchorage independent growth in soft agar was assayed as surrogate of cells tumorigenicity. In vivotumorigenicity was evaluated by xenogenic transplantation in athymic nude mice. Results: In vitro step-wise neoplastic transformation reduces hMSC immunogenicity and progressively increases the inhibitory capacityof hMSC on T cell proliferation, whereas a modification in the immune-suppressive mechanism is detected.Transformationleads to the generation of a pro-inflammatory phenotype characterized by increased expression of IL-beta, a mediator that concert tumorigenic and immunesuppressive potential of fully transformed cells. Conclusions: Overall results suggest that neoplastic transformation can stimulate oncogenic inflammation and immune-surveillance evasion as an intrinsic feature of cancer cells, even in the absence of the immune-edition pressure exerted at tumor microenvironment. CO 011 PRECLINICAL EVIDENCES OF P3 MAB IMMUNORESTORATION CAPACITY ON SUPPRESSED BALB/C MICE Authors: Martínez D, Rodríguez-Zhurbenko N, Griñan T, Rondón T, Vázquez AM, Hernández AM. Center of Molecular Immunology, P.O. Box 16040, Playa, Havana, Cuba Introduction: A fast reconstitution of T cell dependent immunity is a critical issue for patients treated with lymphodepleting regimens. Prolonged period of T cell dysfunction may have serious consequences for the patients, like higher susceptibility to infections, reduced response to vaccines and easier tumor relapse. P3, a murine IgM mAb, recognize N-glycolilated gangliosides, sulphatides and antigens expressed in several human tumors. This antibody has the ability to trigger an IgG antibody response in the syngeneic BALB/c model, even when it is administered without adjuvant or carrier protein. Although the mechanism by which the P3 activates the immune system is unknown, previous experiments show that it is capable of stimulate T cells populations. Materials and Methods: We evaluate the importance of T cell populations in the P3 mAb immunogenicity and the capacity of P3 to recover T cells populations on immunosuppressed BALB/c mice, due to tumor or cyclophosphamide treatment. Results: We show that the high immunogenicity of P3 mAb depends + + + + not only on CD4 but also on CD8 T cells, since the depletion of CD8 or CD4 T cells led to the loss of P3 mAb immunogenicity in the syngeneic model. Furthermore, the immunization with P3 mAb + enhanced the recovery of the CD8 T cell population in mice treated with an anti-CD8a antibody. Additionally, the immunization with P3 mAb restored the capacity of immunosuppressed mice to + reject allogeneic tumors, a mechanism mediated by the action of CD8 T cells. Finally, in mice with cyclophosphamide induced lymphopenia, the administration of P3 mAb accelerated the recovery of 14 + + + both CD4 and CD8 T cells. Conclusions: These results show new possibilities for B and CD8 T cells interactions during the immune response elicited by a self-protein. Furthermore they point to P3 mAb as a potential interesting candidate for the treatment of immunosuppressed patients. CO 012 PANUSIN, A NEW DEFENSIN-LIKE ANTIMICROBIAL PEPTIDE FROM THE HEMOCYTES OF SPINY LOBSTER Panulirus argus 1 1 1 2 Pacios-Michelena Anabel , Montero-Alejo Vivian , Perdomo-Morales Rolando , Corzo Gerardo , 1 1 Pardo-Ruiz Zenia , Vega-Hurtado Yamilé 1 Center for Pharmaceuticals Research and Development, Ave. 26 No. 1605, Nuevo Vedado, CP 10600, Havana, Cuba; Telephone number: 881-1944. 2 Institute of Biotechnology, UNAM, Av. Universidad 2001, Cuernavaca, Morelos 62210, Mexico; Introduction: Naturally occurring antimicrobial peptides are component of first line of host defence against pathogens as part of the humoral innate immune response in crustacean. Marine invertebrates lack an acquired immune system, and must rely mainly on innate immunity mechanisms encompassed by cellular and humoral responses. In the spiny lobsters Panulirus argus, there are yet any reports concerning the isolation and characterization of these biomolecules from hemolymph. Materials and Methods: Hemocytes were analyzed after in vivo challenged of juvenile lobsters with LPS. The TFA acid precipitation was used as fractionation procedure and the acid lysate extract showing antimicrobial activity was further purified by cation exchange chromatography. Purity was evaluated using RP-HPLC and Tricine-Urea-PAGE electrophoresis. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was evaluated by broth microdilution assay against Gram positive and Gram negative microorganisms, while the susceptibility assay was assessed by radial diffusion. Complete amino acid sequence was established by a combination of Edman degradation, mass spectrometry and transcriptome analysis. Results: the sequence analysis demonstrated for the first time a defensin-like antimicrobial peptide isolated from crustacean. This defensin shows potent antimicrobial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, it is not haemolytic or LPS-binding activity. Besides, it enhances LPS-induced pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6, IL-1β and TNFα as shows in the Monocyte Activation Test (MAT). Conclusion: A defensin-like antimicrobial peptide was identified with potent antimicrobial activity. CO 013 BIOMODULINA T: LIFE´S QUALITY 1 INMUNOMODULATOR 1 NATURAL 1 PRODUCT 2 OF THE 3 Aznar GarcÍa E. PhD. Pereira Y. ; Súarez Fundora .S ;Batista Speranza G ; Barbara Leyva . 1 Chef of Dep. Clinical Study and Sanitaries Register . Centro Nacional de Biopreparados . BioCen. Carretera de Beltrán Km 1 ½ Bejucal, 2 Hosp. Oncológico GB Grassi Costia Roma.Italia. 3 CITED HABANA Cuba 3- Centro Iberoamericano para laTercera Edad. MINSAP. Cuba Roundtable is will include a groups of lecture and free topics of one thematic: The role of the Biomoduline T , pharmaceuticals compositions based a natural polipeptide compound made up of specifique thymus fractions and include the formulation for the parenteral administration. Others clinical application will be analiced in oncology; experience in Oncology Hospital Roma, Quality Specification and stability was definide . The non clinical and clinical assay was demostrated effectiveness and safety in geriatrics patien, inflammatory and autoinmune diseases. Study in geriatrics patients with respiratory disease was evaluated clinical and inmunological celular test before and after the biginning of the treatement. This medications is recommended for the inmunological disfunción , The study about the effect of Biomodulin T in children presentwith recurrent infection and a decreaseof thymic area showed that after the traitement decrease of infections and increase of thymic area. The others clinical applications are evaluated: cáncer patient with chemoththerapy traitement; Rheummatoid arthritis;Multiple sclerosis;SIDA and inmunodeficience atipic. 15 C 002 Simposio de Ensayos Clínicos / Symposium on Clinical Trials IS A CLINICAL ETHICS POSSIBLE IN TIMES OF STRUCTURAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST? Prof. Dr. Gianni Tognoni Mario Negri Sud Institute, Santa Maria Imbaro, Chiety, Italy Abstract not received at the moment of edition / Resumen no recibido al momento de la edición. CO 014 CUBAN EXPERIENCE IN THE HANDLING AND TREATMENT OF AIDS Dr. Jorge Pérez Tropical Medicine Institute “Pedro Kourí”, La Habana, Cuba Abstract not received at the moment of edition / Resumen no recibido al momento de la edición. CO 015 ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES IN HIV VACCINE TRIALS Ellis, G. Strategies for Well-Being, LLC, Philadelphia, PA USA Since no disease of global proportions has been eradicated or effectively controlled without a vaccine, implementing a successful AIDS vaccine program is critical. The effort poses not only scientific challenges, however, but also critical ethical issues. At issue is the ethical principle of “beneficence,” the obligation to minimize possible harms and maximize possible benefits of medical intervention. Informed consent presents other ethical issues with trials in developing countries. In resource--poor areas, access to the medical care provided to trial participants can be seen as undue inducement to participate in a clinical trial. Scientists may understandably also wish to minimize risk to study participants, and it has been shown that HIV can be prevented by reductions in high-risk behaviors. However, if this ethical imperative is followed and counseling and contraceptives provided, the study results could be jeopardized. When a developed country enters a developing country to conduct a clinical trial, its actions are closely scrutinized because of the disparities that exist between the home nation of the researchers and the local trial population. If regulatory authorities and institutional review boards (IRBs) are not well developed in host countries, political and economic interests can influence which vaccines proceed in clinical trials. This leads to the following question: if the ethical norms and standards of care differ between countries, whose rules prevail - those of the country which has developed the vaccine and is holding the clinical trial, or those of the host country? This presentation will examine considerations to enhance and accelerate the development of an HIV vaccine in a manner sensitive to ethical concerns of subjects and their communities. CO 016 CANCER CLINICAL TRIALS: STATE OF THE ART AND THE CUBAN EXPERIENCE Crombet-Ramos T, MD, PhD Center of Molecular Immunology The old paradigm for oncology drug development was based on the experience of classical cytotoxic agents. According it, antitumor activity is connected to toxicity and therefore, treatments must be scaled up to maximal tolerated dose; pharmacokinetics is relevant to define the optimal schedule; an active drug should produce rapid tumor shrinkage; the response rate is a predictor of survival and tumor progression indicates treatment failure. However, the unique characteristics of biologics challenge these dogmas and demand novel developmental guidelines. For immunotherapy, the optimal biologic dose can be far below the maximal tolerated dose, mechanisms of action can be indirect and therefore not related to pharmacokinetics, effect in survival can be seen without tumor shrinkage and therapeutic effect could be delayed in time and continue beyond progression. The new 16 emerging paradigm recommends finding the optimal biologic dose in a “proof of principle trial” according to a pre-defined biological endpoint or biomarker; followed by an efficacy assessment in a randomized trial with long term treatment and survival as the main endpoint. CIM has now 10 projects in clinical development, including biosimilars and proprietary drugs. The original product pipeline concentrates around 3 main targets: the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) system, the gangliosides and the regulatory loops of the immune system. Four of the innovative products have already transited through clinical trials and received registration in several countries: the anti-EGFR humanized monoclonal antibody nimotuzumab, the anti-CD6 antibody (itolizumab),the EGF conjugated therapeutic vaccine CimaVax-EGF and the anti-idiotypic vaccine racotumomab. The clinical experience with these products illustrates the application of the new development paradigm intended to transform cancer into a chronic disease. CO 017 PHARMACODYNAMICS AND PHARMACOKINETICS OF TWO FORMULATIONS CONTAINING SYNERGISTIC PROPORTIONS OF INTERFERONS ALPHA-2B AND GAMMA IN HEALTHY MALE VOLUNTEERS (SOFIA STUDY) 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 García I , Díaz A , Tuero AD , González CA , Pérez S , García Y , Campos R , Valenzuela CM , 1 1 2 3 4 1 Cruz A , Cervantes M , Martín A , Vásquez DM , Howland I , Bello I . 1. Clinical Investigation Department, Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), Ave 134 /23 and 25, Cubanacán, Playa, P.O. Box 6332, Havana 10600, Cuba. Telephone: +53 (7) 2087379; 2087465; Fax: +53 (7) 2736008. Email: 2. National Center for Toxicology, “Carlos J. Finlay” University Hospital, Ave. 31 and 114, Marianao, Havana 11400, Cuba. 3. Genomics Department, CIGB, Ave 134 /23 and 25, Cubanacán, Playa, Havana 10600, Cuba. 4. Clinical Laboratory, Center for Medical-Surgical Research, 216 and 11-B, Siboney, Playa, Havana 10600, Cuba. Introduction: A sustained full Interferon (IFN)-receptor interactions with more potent antiproliferative activity are desired in the treatment of cancer. This is possible to obtain combining IFN-alpha and IFN-gamma that synergize for their biological activities. The aim of this study was to characterize pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and biological safety of two formulations (CIGB-128 and CIGB-128-A) based on the combination of IFNs alpha-2b and gamma in healthy male volunteers. Material and Methods: A randomized, crossover, double-blind study with a 3-weeks washout period, 6 was done. A single 24.5 x10 IU IFN mixture dose was administered intramuscularly. Thirteen apparently healthy male subjects were included. Classical IFN-inducible serum markers, neopterin, beta2-microglobulin (β2M), and 2’-5’ oligoadenylate synthetase (2'-5' OAS), were used as indicators of their pharmacodynamic action. Serum IFN concentration was measured during 48 hours by enzyme immunoassay. Adverse events were rigorously checked. Results: Neopterin levels at 24-48 hours post-administration were 9 times superior to the initials. This high increment has not been described before in the literature with any subtype or variant of IFN. At the same time mean serum β2M peaked around the double from baseline. The concentrations of the enzyme 2'-5' OAS were still elevated at the eighth day post-injection. Concerning pharmacokinetics, no interferences by simultaneous administered IFNs were observed in their typical similar systemic profiles; parameters as Tmax (7-10 hours) and t1/2 (6 hours) were within the reported ranges for these conventional IFNs. Both products were well tolerated. The most frequent adverse reactions were fever, headache, arthralgias and lymphopenia, mostly mild. Serum IFN concentrations has a direct, strong correlation with body temperature. Conclusions: The potent synergistic IFN mixture possesses improved pharmacodynamic properties without additional toxicity that may useful in the oncologic setting leading to less frequent injections, and a better patient’s compliance and quality of life. CO 019 SERUM LEVELS OF INFLAMMATORY MARKERS IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION DURING A 6 MONTH FOLLOW UP. Brizuela NY, Ricarte Bratti JP, Vergottini JC, Ponce LN and Menara A Cátedra Farmacología General. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Santa Rosa 1085. (5000)Córdoba. Argentina, 17 The inflammation plays a fundamental role in pathogenesis and complication of the atherosclerosis. Cytokines and adhesion molecules are key components of these events that contribute to the development of an atherosclerotic plaque. Their determination of plasma levels provides an excellent reflection of the underlying inflammatory process, since it is positively correlated with other markers such as pro-inflammatory cytokines. The cytokine Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), the interleukin-6 (IL-6) and vascular adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) are indicators of basal inflammation. This study reports on the follow-up of 27 patients, aged 42–82 years with confirmed acute myocardial infarction (AMI group) and a matched control group of 10 patients without coronary artery disease (control group). rd Blood samples for determination of inflammatory markers were taken on the 3 day and after 6 months. Concentrations of cytokines and adhesion molecules were measured using commercial Immunoassay (ELISA) kits. (Amersham Sciences) The serum level of VCAM-1 in the AMI group was significantly higher than in control groups (P<0.01). In the acute phase of myocardial infarction (MI) the levels of TNF-α and IL-6 were higher than in the control group (P<0.01). Six months later the levels of TNF-α, IL-6 and ICAM-1 normalized (P<0.001). The present study showed that in the acute phase of AMI increased activation of pro inflammatory markers. In the course of healing within 6 months after the infarction the inflammatory reaction disappears. It is necessary to carry out further studies to clarify the role of adhesion molecules in acute coronary syndrome. Future studies of the prediction of recurrent vascular events after AMI should concentrate on clinical variables and different blood inflammatory markers. CO 020 SUBJECT: NATIONAL BIOETHICS NETWORK AND RESEARCH IN PERU RENABIP Socualaya P., Minaya G., Ayala B. and Fuentes D. Institute: Instituto Nacional de Salud – Perú. Calle Cápac Yupanqui 1400, Lima 11, Perú; Introduction: 85% of Research Ethics Committees exist in Peru and they are concentrated in Lima. Most are private and only 2 of them account for over 50% of approvals of clinical trials nationwide. Thus, the National Institute of Health assumes the challenge of developing a national system of monitoring and control in research ethics, creating the National Network of Bioethics and Research in Peru (RENABIP). Material and Methods: Strategies for the implementation process of the RENABIP were raised to determine regional capabilities, develop and disseminate policies, national standards, guidelines and technical tools, advocate and implement the Regional Coordinating Centers of Institutional Ethics Committees Research, develop skills, alliances and cooperation agreements and determination of extension mechanisms, communication, expansion and sustainability. Results: In July 2012, the process of implementing the RENABIP began in 12 regions of Peru, achieving to involve 277 authorities of Regional Coordinating Centers of Research Ethics Committees; technical meetings and / or workshops were also performed, and coordinations with key stakeholders in each region for research management were established. In March of 2013, the virtual platform was implemented for education and training in national Bioethics. In April 2013, the Research Ethics Course started, in order to train and strengthen the members of the Research Ethics Committees of the regions, and in this way support the management of research regional health priorities. Conclusions: Today we continue with the process of implementing the National Plan of strengthening and sustainability RENABIP; and it has been scheduled the monitoring and evaluation of the RENABIP. CO 021 CLINICAL TRIAL DESIGNS THAT CAN SPEED UP NEW MEDICAMENT DEVELOPMENT López-Saura PA, Valenzuela-Silva CM Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology 18 The “bottle-neck” of new product development in the last years has been safety and efficacy demonstration in the clinical setting, which is the most expensive stage as well. Following the established regulatory paradigm, this evaluation must follow the sequential phase I-IV pathway, which is quite time-consuming. A new approach is required in order to optimize this process. Recently, innovations concerning clinical trials design and interpretation have been introduced. They include adaptive designs where “bridges” between subsequent phases (I – II or II - III) can be envisaged. Improvements in knowledge on the biological mechanisms involved in disease and drug actions also permit a better rationale for trials justification and evaluation. Adaptive designs permit the modification of one or more aspects in a prospective way, based on analyses of data gathered from study subjects as long as they are obtained. These modifications should be previewed in the trial protocol. Examples of such trials, sponsored by the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology where these techniques have been used for several years (with the agreement of the corresponding ethics committees and the Cuban regulatory authority) will be shown. More than 300 subjects have been “saved” to be included in those trials, including more than one third that would had received a placebo. A more flexible and rational regulatory paradigm is proposed where an exploratory phase is conceived to gain knowledge on the products’ clinical performance in order to go into a confirmatory phase to attain approval. MR 001 CLINICAL TRIALS: PERSPECTIVE AND UPDATING Pascual López, MA1, Hernández Rodriguez, Alberto1, Marrero Miragaya, MA1, Orta Hernández, 2 SD 1 Clinical Trial Coordinator National Centre (CENCEC) 2 National Regulatory Agency (CECMED) Introduction: The principles and practice of clinical trials presents a detailed account of how to conduct the trials. It describes the design, analysis, and interpretation of clinical trials in a nontechnical activity. Objectives: This panel provides a general perspective on the historical development, current status, and future strategy of the clinical trial in Cuba. Results and Conclusions: It’s including 20th years of experience planning, conducing and monitoring national and internationally clinical trials. The other hands, experience gained from national regulatory agency and your adequate system for clinical trial control indicates the challenges for many countries in our region for fully effective regulation implementation. Features examples derived from the author's personal experience. CO 022 EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF RECOMBINANT STREPTOKINASE VERSUS HYDROCORTISONE ACETATE-BASED SUPPOSITORIES IN THE TREATMENT OF HEMORRHOIDAL DISEASE. RANDOMIZED, CONTROLLED TRIAL (THERESA-4 STUDY) 1 2 1 1 Hernández-Bernal F , Castellanos-Sierra G , Valenzuela-Silva CM , Catasús-Álvarez KM , 3 1 4 5 Martínez-Serrano O , Lazo-Diago OC , Causa-García JR , Domínguez-Suárez JE and López-Saura 1 PA for the THERESA-4 (Treatment of HEmorrhoids with REcombinant Streptokinase Application) Group of Investigators. 1. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Havana, Cuba. 2. “Juan B. Zayas” Hospital, Santiago de Cuba. 3. “Ernesto Guevara” Hospital, Las Tunas. 4. “Celia Sánchez” Hospital, Manzanillo, Granma. 5. “Gustavo Aldereguía” Hospital, Cienfuegos. Introduction: The aim of this study was compare the efficacy and safety of two schedules of recombinant streptokinase (rSK) suppositories and a hydrocortisone acetate-based suppository (Anusol® HC ), for the treatment of acute hemorrhoidal disease. Material and Methods: A multicenter (11 sites), randomized (1:1:1), open, parallel groups, active controlled trial was done. After inclusion, subjects with acute symptoms of hemorrhoids, who gave their written, informed consent to participate, were centrally ® randomized to receive, as outpatients, rSK (200000 IU, schedules A or B) or Anusol-HC (25 mg hydrocortisone acetate) suppositories, which had different organoleptic characteristics. rSK was 19 administered by the rectal route, three units, one every 8 hours, and then five units, one every 12 hours ® (schedule A) or six units, one every 8 hours (schedule B). Anusol-HC suppositories were given every 8 hours up to a maximum of 24 administrations according to the product label. Evaluations were performed at 3, 5 and 10 days post-inclusion. The main end-point was the 5th-day response (disappearance of pain and bleeding, and ≥70% reduction of the lesion size). Time to response and need for thrombectomy were secondary efficacy variables. Adverse events were evaluated too. Results: Response rates were 156/170 (91.8%) and 155/170 (91.2%) with rSK schedules A and B, respectively, which were significantly ® larger (p<0.001) than with Anusol-HC suppositories (46/170; 27.1%). Time for response were significantly shorter (p<0.001; log-rank test) in the rSK groups (median: 3 days) with respect to the active control (median: 10 days). Thrombectomy was necessary in 2/122 and 2/129 with baseline ® thrombosis in the rSK schedules A and B, respectively vs. 14/133 in the Anusol-HC group (p=0.001). There were no adverse events attributable to the experimental treatment. Conclusion: rSK suppositories showed a significant advantage over the widely used over-the-counter Anusol-HC® for the treatment of acute hemorrhoidal illness, with an adequate safety profile. CO 023 TRIMETAZIDINE INHIBITS THE RENAL FIBROSIS INDUCED BY CYCLOSPORIN A De la Cruz Rodríguez L, Rey M, Honoré S, Oldano A, Araujo C. Facultad de Bioquímica Química y Farmacia. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Argentina. Balcarce 747. (4000) San Miguel de Tucumán. Introduction: Cyclosporin A (CyA) is an immunosuppressor used in transplanted patients. Adverse effects like as nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity, have been described. Our previous papers demostrated that Trimetazidine (TMZ) is able to reverse the CyA-induced nephrotoxicity. Objectives: contribute to the knowledge of the mechanisms of action of TMZ in renal fibrosis induced by CyA.Material and Methods: The experimental design was carried out for 120 days. Included four groups (n = 8) of male Wistar rats treated with: A control. B treated with CyA (25 mg/kg/day). C treated with TMZ (20 mg/kg/day). D treated TMZ for 20 days (20 mg/kg/day), them for 120 days with TMZ (20 mg/kg/day) and CyA (25 mg/kg/day). Urea and serum creatinine as well as the excretion of urinary gamma glutamyl transpeptidase were determined. Structural studies were performed with hematoxylin-eosin and Mallory staining to evidence the renal fibrosis. Fibrosis was quantified using the Image Pro Plus software (NIH). By Transmission electron microscope (TEM) the renal ultrastructure was analized. Transforming Growth Factor beta and Collagen I were evidenced by immuhistochemestry.Results: animals treated with 25 mg CyA/kg/day presented hydropic degeneration with nuclei displaced and in some cases are found in the tubular lumen.observed by optical microscopia. Ultrastructure analized by TEM showed edematous mitochondria with loss of its internal structure. Interstitial fibrosis was confirmed by evidenced immunohistochemistry Transforming Growth Factor Beta and Collagen I using specific antibodies.Pretreatment with TMZ for 20 days and the synergistic treatment TMZ+CyA, showed biochemical parameters within the reference values and preserved cytoarchitecture, with negative immunohistochemistry to the markers studied.Conclusions: Interstitial fibrosis induced by CyA were dose and time dependent. The production of inflammatory mediators, Transformin Growth Factor Beta and the synthesis of Collagen I, would be inhibited by TMZ. Taller de Métodos Alternativos (3Rs) en Farmacología, Toxicología y Enseñanza. Sesión: Farmacología y Toxicología / Workshop on 3Rs Alternatives in Pharmacology, Toxicology and Teaching. Session: Pharmacology and Toxicology C 003 INTERNATIONAL VALIDATION AND REGULATORY ACCEPTANCE OF ALTERNATIVE METHODS: PROGRESSES AND PROSPECTS Eskes C. ESTIV, Switzerland The last years have been marked by the validation and acceptance of a number of regulatory in vitro alternative methods to animal testing adopted at international level such as by the OECD program on Test Guidelines. One of the contributing drivers is certainly the strong requests from the European 20 Union, where the legislation on cosmetics prohibited the testing of finished cosmetic products and their ingredients on animals as well as the marketing within the European Union of cosmetics products tested or containing ingredients tested on animals. In addition to cosmetics, the European Union Regulation on new and existing Chemicals (REACH) also emphasizes the use of alternative methods, requiring the use of animal testing only as a last resort, and establishes several rules where hazard identification might be carried out using alternative methods to animal testing. In order for alternative methods to gain international regulatory acceptance, they generally need to undergo a process of independent scientific validation. In the last years, several in vitro test methods have been validated and adopted at a regulatory level in the areas of ocular and dermal hazard identification for either the full or the partial replacement of the animal test. In particular the adoption of full replacement in vitro methods are leading to new approaches of chemical safety assessment with no animal data. These new approaches bring in turn a number of questions related to the application of alternative methods for specific purposes and their possible combination in test strategies. The latest progress achieved in the formal validation, regulatory acceptance and application of alternative methods will be presented, as well as the new challenges that safety assessors and regulators may need to face regarding the regulatory application of alternative test methods. CO 024 ALTERNATIVE METHOS IN THE SAFETY EVALUATION OF COSMETIC: EUROPEAN SITUATION Vinardell MP. Dep. Fisiología, Facultad de Farmacia, Universitat de Barcelona Av. Joan XXIII s/n 08028 Barcelona, (Spain) email: From July 11, 2013 onward, cosmetic products placed on the market of European Economic Area are obliged to comply with the new European cosmetics regulations, of which some provisions will be enforced before the above date. These new cosmetic requirements are released in the form of EU regulations in the 27 EU member states plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, and implemented as national law, unlike the EU directives which need converting into each domestic version. This Regulation will replace the old cosmetics directive of and the subsequent 67 amendments. The new regulation simplifies the cosmetic requirements of European Economic Area, making itself a single law, and eliminate ambiguities that may occur among the member states during the enforcement process. The European Cosmetic Regulation indicates that all cosmetic products in the European Union should be safe for the human health in the normal use conditions. In Europe the safety of cosmetics is based on the safety evaluation of each individual ingredient. Currently, the safety of cosmetic products has to be assessed prior to release by a ‘suitably qualified’ person. The new regulations specify that the qualifications should be in toxicology and that the assessment should follow a particular protocol. Cosmetics in general, do not induce severe problems to health, but this is not synonymous of innocuous. All the substances that should represent any serious health risk are listed in the annexes of the Regulation, including forbidden products, with restrictions, colorants, preservatives and UV filter. In these cases, the responsible of safe evaluation is the European Commission through the Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO), The safety evaluation performed by the Scientific Committee on Cosmetic Safety (SCCS). This evaluation is based on the data of the dossiers submitted by industry. The SCCS publishes an opinion that appears in the open DG SANCO web. The European Directive on Cosmetic 2003/15/EC established since March 2009 a ban to use animals in the safety evaluation of cosmetic ingredients. In practice, the safety evaluations of the SCCS are based on old studies done with animals and prior to the ban and recently on in vitro studies. In this talk the percentage of in vitro methods evaluated by the SCCS since 2009 will be presented. One of the difficulties relative to the use of in vitro methods is the lack of validated ones. The most used in vitro methods presented in the dossiers are the studies of dermal absorption, mutagenicity and genotoxicity and in a less extents studies of eye irritation and dermal irritation. 21 CO 025 PRINCIPLE OF REDUCTION AND THE VALIDITY AND EFFICIENCY OF ANIMAL ASSAYS Rosenkranz A. Bioterio Central, FCEyN, UBA, Argentina. According the International Guiding Principles animals should only be used when necessary and the Principles of the Three Rs should be incorporated in the design and conduct of the activities and, when no alternative methods are available to replace the use of live animals, the minimum number of animals should be used to achieve the goals. The most important international Journals require the authors to follow International Guidelines like the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, NRC, USA, that request for justification of the number of animals and experimental group sizes. In order to assure valid and reproducible experiments it is imperative to use animals with a defined dramatype. Factors such as: species, strains, sex, age, weight, cage, bedding , temperature, humidity, air velocity, noise, light, odors, day of the week, circadian rhythms, nutrition, presence of microorganisms, human/animal interaction, order of administration of substances and order of euthanasia may affect the response of the animals and introduce bias or lower the precision of the results of the experiments. Adequate reporting of the conditions of animal use are important to enable replication, and also to allow readers to judge scientific quality, but analyses of published studies with research animals have demonstrated numerous deficiencies in the reporting of details of research methods for animal studies and many papers omitted the number of animals used. An unspoken industry rule alleges that at least 50% of published studies from academic laboratories cannot be repeated in an industrial setting, Unavoidable variability could be controled using an experimental design with randomized blocks. The range of applicability might be extended using factorial designs. The analysis should always be appropriate to the type of experimental design used. Several studies demonstrate that inappropriate statistical methods were used in more than 60% of papers. The editors of scientific journals should promote high-quality reporting. CO 026 ALTERNATIVE METHODS AND THE SAFETY ASSESSMENT OF HEALTH PRODUCTS: EXPERIENCE OF NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF QUALITY CONTROL IN HEALTH, BRAZIL. Fernandes Delgado I, Chaves Leal E. National Institute of Quality Control in Health (INCQS) - Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) – Av. Brasil, 4365 – Manguinhos - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. - E-mail: The National Institute of Quality Control in Health (INCQS) is a technical-scientific unit of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) and is the Brazilian Reference Laboratory which handles the quality control of food, drugs, biological products, health-related and dialysis items, higienizing and desinfectant agents, diagnostic kits, cosmetics, blood and blood derivatives, environments and services. Its mission is to contribute to the promotion and recovery of health conditions, to the prevention of diseases, acting as the National Reference for scientific and technical issues regarding the quality control of products, environments and health services. Regarding safety assessment, our staff has been dealing with toxicological assays and also works to develop, adjust and implement new methodologies. In the field of alternative methods, some new approaches have been investigated, such as: (i.) alternatives to eye and skin irritation tests, including HET-CAM, RBC and cytotoxicity assays, (ii.) alternatives to pyrogen test and (iii.) phototoxixity, as well as (iv.) in silico alternatives. Additionally, our staff has been working in strait collaboration with Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) in order to consolidate activities of the newly created Brazilian Center for Validation of Alternative Methods (BraCVAM). By means of this initiative, it is aimed to achieve inter-laboratory validation of alternative methodologies, seeking the regulatory acceptance. CO 027 PROPOSED METHODS AND ESPECIALLY STEM CELLS AS POTENTIAL REPLACEMENT METHODS TO STUDY HUMAN PATHOLOGIES Bercovier H., Head of the National Committee for animal experimentation and Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 22 Ex vivo experiments, Phase 0, computational modeling, fMRI on Human and Stem Cells studies have been presented as potential replacement methods for animal experimentation. Many paradoxes are not often envisaged such as the following statement as an example: “instead of using living animals, certain experiments can be carried out on tissue samples in vitro. However the ex vivo preparations cannot regenerate, so they must be acquired by killing animals. Legally, killing an animal to obtain tissue samples is not considered an animal experiment (therefore reducing artificially the number of animal experimentations!!!), even if the animal in question is a vertebrate. In contrast, it is regarded as an animal experiment to anesthetize a vertebrate, make observations while the animal is under anesthesia and then to kill the animal by increasing the dose of anesthetic”. The replacement of in vivo experiments with in vitro methods does not reduce significantly at first the number of research animals that are killed. On the contrary, the limited survival time of brain slices, for example, restricts the amount of data that can be obtained from a single experiment. We will further discuss additional replacement methods and evaluate them in the light of new molecular tools and common sense. CO 028 BASIC ASPECTS NANOMATERIALS OF THE TOXICOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF Vinardell MP, Nogueira DR, Mitjans M Departament de Fisiologia, Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona, Av. Joan XXIII s/n, 08028, Barcelona, Spain Nowadays there are no established protocols to evaluate the safety of nanomaterials, but this is an important concern due to the progressive used of this kind of substances in many areas. Because of public and governmental urging to develop alternatives to in vivo testing, in vitro cell-based models may be of great relevance for testing of nanomaterials. We especially aimed to create predictive in vitro toxicological approaches for testing nanotechnology-based products designed for topical applications. The physicochemical and morphological characterization of nanomaterials is crucial for a correct evaluation together with the study of a potential size change of the nanomaterial in contact with the cell culture medium, as has been described in some papers. In this context, we have studied novel formulations based on mixed cationic vesicles composed by the phosphocholine DMPC, cholesterol and three different cationic lysine-based surfactants that differ in the cationic charge position and in the alkyl chain length. The physicochemical properties (particle size, polydispersity index, morphology and zeta potential) and the amount of surfactant incorporated in each cationic nanovesicle formulation were assessed. The cytotoxicity of these nanomaterials was evaluated by means of three in vitro endpoints (MTT, NRU and LDH) using skin representative cell lines (HaCaT keratinocytes and 3T3 fibroblasts). 2 Moreover, the phototoxic effect of the formulations (UVA light, 2.5 J/cm ) and the modulation of the IL-1α cytokine production as inflammatory indicator were also studied. The cationic nanovesicles were roughly spherical shape with average diameter ranging from 110 to 170 nm, as determined by DLS. The nanovesicles size showed by TEM images was in general smaller. It was observed vesicles with diameter of ~ 150 nm (corroborating the DLS measurements), together with a population of vesicles with diameter ranging from 20 to 50 nm. The amount of surfactant incorporated into the nanovesicles ranged from 75 to 99%. After 24-h of cell exposure to the formulations, different cytotoxic responses were observed, depending on the surfactant, cell line and endpoint assayed. MTT was the most sensitive assay to detect the cytotoxicity, while NRU and LDH assays showed higher IC50 values. Formulations containing the surfactant with the longest alkyl chain showed the most significant cytotoxic effects. Moreover, no significant phototoxic activity was observed in HaCaT cells, while only minimal inflammatory response was induced in HaCaT as demonstrated by the IL-1α production. Taken together, our results demonstrated that the nanomaterials composition play a key role in the resulting toxicity, and also showed that the combination of different assays and skin cell models offers an in depth and comprehensive evaluation of the potential toxic effects of nanomaterials designed for topical delivery of biologically active substances. 23 Taller de Métodos Alternativos (3Rs) en Farmacología, Toxicología y Enseñanza. Sesión: Educación / Workshop on 3Rs Alternatives in Pharmacology, Toxicology and Teaching. Session: Education CO 029 BEST PRACTICE AND ALTERNATIVES TO ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS IN EDUCATION Jukes N. InterNICHE, Leicester, England The design of the curriculumand of training courses in biological science, medicine and veterinary medicine involves choices about the tools employed to meet teaching objectives. Ensuring that the tools are the most appropriate requires an awareness of developments in technology, educational practice and ethics. Harmful animal use, such as animal experimentation and the dissection of purpose-killed animals, continues to be employed in some practical classes and training courses. However, innovative and humane alternatives are now widely available and are increasingly being implementedto enhance knowledge and skills acquisition and to replace harmful animal use worldwide. This process of transition reflects a growing commitment to best practice, a realisation of the potential of technology, and the demands of students, trainees and campaigners.Alternatives include non-animal alternative tools such as multimedia software and virtual reality (VR), training models, mannekins and simulators. They also include alternative approaches such as student selfexperimentation, the use of ethically sourced animal cadavers, and clinical learning opportunities with patients. In this presentation, the alternatives employed within pharmacology and other disciplineswill be detailed, and selected products will be demonstrated. Teaching objectives and the lessons of the hidden curriculum will be explored, and published studies will provide further evidence of the pedagogical, ethical and economic advantages of alternatives. The positive impact of humane education on students, teachers, society, the professions and the animalswill be traced, and case studies will show that such tools and approaches are often no longer considered ‘alternative’, but the norm. CO 030 ADVANCED COMPUTER SIMULATION: FROM VIRTUAL TEACHING LABS TO THE EU BIOSIM PROJECT ON DRUG DEVELOPMENT Dr. Hans Albert Braun Germany Abstract not received at the moment of edition / Resumen no recibido al momento de la edición. CO 031 ALTERNATIVES TO THE USE OF ANIMALS IN VETERINARY MEDICINE EDUCATION Torres M., Guerrero R., Serrano C., Arcila V. Grupo de Investigación en Ciencias animales, GRICA. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, UCC, Sede Bucaramanga. Correo: The training of biomedical students including veterinarians,involves the use of animals. These practices have been proven to cause high levels of stress that affect animal welfare and health. The traditional teaching model raises a hard ethical dilemma; at the center of this debate lays claims about animal rights to do not suffer pain and anguish. On the other hand there is the student training, which requires the acquisition of high level skills for the future professional life. The aim of this study was to develop a sensitization strategy for the academic community addressing alternatives to the use of animals in higher education. Reducing the use of animals in the classroom and biomedical research through the design of inanimate anatomical models (IAM). A pilot study was conducted onthe students attending to a university medical practice. The skills acquisition was assessed in the control and experimental group. The results suggest that the use of IAM might improve the students learning process and the development of technical abilities with a positive impact in the animal health. The entailmentof IAM as part of the teaching-learning processes should be considered for approval at the educative institutions curriculum committee. Thus, in order to establish the academic guidelinesthat are necessary for the implementation of IAM. From an economic point of view, the use 24 of IAM will benefit faculty expensesconsidering the substantial reduction on animal maintenance, supplies and drugs costs. As socially acceptable alternative, the use of IAM produces a large positive impact on the relationships with the animal rights organizations and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs). CO 032 SUPER-SELECTIVE OPHTHALMIC ARTERY CATHETERIZATION IN THE PIG AS A TRAINING MODEL WITH POSSIBLE IMPLICATIONS FOR RETINOBLASTOMA TREATMENT Asprea M.,Schaiquevich P., Requejo F., Buitrago E.,Chantada G. Hospital de Pediatría JP Garrahan, Buenos Aires. Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Buenos Aires. Introduction: Super-selective ophthalmic artery infusion was studied in a porcine model and compared to periocular administration as an alternative route for administration in retinoblastoma. Ophthalmic artery infusion of topotecan results in significantly higher vitreous exposure compared to periocular administration. Systemic exposure was low after both routes of administration, confirming feasibility of the method. Purpose: To develop a technique for local drug administration in a porcine model with potential translation to retinoblastoma chemotherapy treatment. Materials and Methods: Six domestic Landrace pigs were included. In four, the ophthalmic artery catheterization was performed in an anesthesized animal under anticoagulation. A 5-French arterial sheath was placed in the femoral artery and a 5-F catheter was guided into the common carotid artery to the maxillary artery. The ophthalmic artery was super-selectively catheterized (OAI) using a microcatheter. Serial angiograms were performed. Super-selective OAI of topotecan (1 mg) toone eye and periocular injection (1 mg) to the fellow eye was performed after a wash-out period. Chemotherapy (topotecan) was delivered in a pulsating fashion. The microcatheter was removed and systematic procurement of vitreous and plasma samples was started immediately. Two other animals were only administered intaarteally (IA) with the same dose of chemotherapy through the external carotid, and plasma and vitreous samples were obtained. All animals were sacrificed at the end of the experiment according to an approved method of euthanasia. Results: The ophthalmic artery of all six animals was successfully catheterized by means of the super-selective ophthalmic artery technique. Maximum total topotecan concentration in the vitreous (median, range) after OAI and IA was 131.8 ng/ml (112.9-138.7) and 5.4 ng/ml (4.7-6.1), respectively. Systemic exposure for topotecan was low after both modalities of administration with a median (range) value of 10.6 ng*h/ml (6.8-13.4). Conclusion: We were able to develop the super-selective ophthalmic artery catheterization in a porcine model. Topotecan was infused using this technique and vitreous drug levels were 24 times higher than those attained after IA infusion of the same dose of chemotherapy. Topotecan systemic exposure was low and comparable between drug administration techniques. These results show the selectivity of the infusion to attain the ocular structures with potential implications in retinoblastoma treatment. CO 033 USING VIDEOS AND PLASTINATED MURINE MODELS FOR TRAINING. Streber ML., Ramirez MA. INCMNSZ, Vasco de Quiroga No. 15, Mexico City, Mexico, DVM, SENASA, SENASICA, SAGARPA, Tecamac, Mexico, Mexico Our training program is based in Mexican Norm NOM-062-ZOO-1999, one of the species used as a requirement are small rodents. Most of times, students have different animal experience and different levels of manual skills. We refined this program using classroom presentations, a training video in Spanish and also a plastinated murine model. We used 30 adult nude mice, no longer needed as reproducers, they were euthanized by CO2, internal organs were removed, cotton balls were placed inside. The bodies including, head and skin or the skeleton were fixed by immersion in 10% buffered formalin. After several weeks of fixation, bodies were washed with tap water and allowed to dry with paper towels. Cotton balls were removed. Immediately, the bodies were placed in a glass jar over a lake of acetone. After two changes, the bodies were immersed in glycerin. The process was finalized 25 when the skin was soft and translucid. Plastinated nude mice were used for learning handling and also different routes of administration (ocular, pero os, IP, IM, SC), specially because the nu/nu strain is very expensive and sensitive. Also, the murine models could be used to learn blood sample taking and tissue sampling. Each plastinated mouse has a soft consistence, no bad odor, and could be reused as many times as student needs. Total length of course: 25 hr. Each wet lab: 4 hr., composed of 15 students. Survey questions were tested before and after training. The learning curve using the video, plastinated models and anesthetized animals, was reduced. The students felt comfortable to have the opportunity to learn a lot in a short period of time and to have the experience before using live un-anesthetized animals. This format has the potential to improve animal welfare, and promote high quality research, avoiding accidents like bites and harming animals. CO 034 DISSECTION OF THE VENTRAL NERVE CORD-DEEP ABDONIMAL FLEXOR MUSCLE SYSTEM OF THE FRESHWATER LOBSTER OF THE CHERAX GENUS: AN IN SITU MODEL FOR TECHING PHARMACOLOGY Islas V., Martínez C., Alavez J.S., Hernández A., Lazo R.E. Facultad de Estudios Superiores “Zaragoza”, UNAM. Av. Guelatao No. 66, Col. Ejército de Oriente, Iztapalapa, C.P. 09230, México DF. Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM, Circuito Exterior, Ciudad Universitaria No. 3000, México D.F. Introduction. The publication of norms regarding the use of laboratory animals has limited the implementation of practices towards the teaching of pharmacology, arising the need to develop alternative experimental models. In the present work, an in situ model of the ventral nerve cord-deep abdominal flexor muscle system as a pharmacology-teaching tool was developed. Materials and Method: Five lobsters of the Cherax genus were dissected separately as follows: the lobsters were anesthetized by submerging them for 10 minutes in an ice-bath. Afterwards, the head, the cephalothorax, and other crustacean extremities were removed, placing what remained on top of a dissection table. The ventral nervous-abdominal flexor muscle system was isolated after removal of the shell and abdominal cuticle. The caudal end of the muscle was attached to a myograph and the nerves were electrically stimulated using a varying voltage of 0.1 mV – 110 V; any muscular contractions were recorded. The electrical stimulation was repeated two more times, once with the addition of a solution of 2% lidocaine, and the other with the addition of 2% pilocarpine. Results: The central nervous cord and the deep flexor muscle were easily isolated. All nerve-muscle dissections presented flexor-muscle contractions after stimulation of the ventral nerve with voltages ≥ 40 V. The contractions were inhibited after adding licodaine, and they were favored in the presence of pilocarpine. Conclusions: The simple nervous and muscular structure of the Cherax genus lobster facilitated the dissection of the ventral nerve-deep abdominal flexor muscle system. By electrically stimulating the system, positive muscular contractions were obtained starting with 40 V. The contractions were also studied under the presence of lidocaine and pilocarpine. The above work gives a suitable alternative model for the teaching of pharmacology. C 004 Taller de Farmacoepidemiología / Workshop on Pharmacoepidemiology THE DISCREET FASCINATION OF THE DRUGS Pérez J. Ministerio de Salud Pública This paper is an analysis of the current situation of the Global Pharmaceutical Industry. The analysis includes the global pharmaceutical market and its growing in the last ten years, the distribution of these markets around the world. The paper identifies the top ten pharmaceutical industries and the top ten drugs selling last year. The analysis embraces the megamerger industries and the specialization of the manufacturers. Development and research drugs, the control of the knowledge and scientific information, the functioning of the national and the international regulatory authorities, international trade and intellectual property rights and the challenge of the future in this area are other subjects for 26 discussing. CO 036 DRUG USE IN PREGNANT WOMEN Viroga S., Ramos C., Artagaveytia P., Speranza N., Tamosiunas G. Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. School of Medicine. UdelaR. There are few local data on drug use during pregnancy in our country. The selection of drugs in pregnancy must be based on efficacy and safety, taking into account the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes that occur during pregnancy and the potential harm to the fetus. Objective: To study the drug consumption profile in pregnant women in a maternal referential hospital in Uruguay. Methods: Descriptional study, survey conducted by students of the College of Midwives from July to November 2010. The variables considered were: medications used, frequency of use of medications, source of prescription, teratogenic risk and use of abuse substances. Results: 126 pregnant women (96.9%) used medications during their pregnancy. 364 drugs were used, including 64 active principles. The average use of drugs was 2.8 per woman. The most used drugs were iron, folic acid and dexamethasone. The 11.5% of the drugs were self prescribed (93% were NSAIDs). 37% of pregnant women consumed some abuse substance and 43% of those were consumed during the first trimester. Most used drugs corresponded to the B FDA category. Conclusions: Despite popular belief, there is a high percentage of pregnant women using drugs. Contrary to the idea that drugs should not be used in pregnant women, there are certain drugs approved for its use in this population. The high percentage use of abuse substances, specially during the first trimester, is a concerning situation. The sample included in our study is not representative of the general population, but it allowed a situational assessment, pharmacoepidemiology important for our country. A future study with a larger number of patients will be needed. This study also resulted in the creation of research lines and allowed students to be involved in investigational activities. CO 037 MEDICAL PRACTICE CONFIRMS CLINICAL TRIAL RESULTS OF THE USE OF INTRALESIONAL HUMAN RECOMBINANT EPIDERMAL GROWTH FACTOR IN ADVANCED DIABETIC FOOT ULCERS López-Saura PA, Yera-Alos IB, Valenzuela-Silva C, González-Díaz O, del Río-Martín A, Berlanga* Acosta J, Fernández-Montequín JI, Acevedo-Castro B, López-Mola E, Herrera-Martínez L. * Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Havana; : National Institute for Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Havana; The intralesional injection of recombinant human epidermal growth factor (rhEGF) has been recently approved and introduced in several countries for the treatment of advanced diabetic foot ulcers (DFU), based on the results of five exploratory and one confirmatory, phase III clinical trials in 344 subjects. A significant stimulatory effect of this product on the healing process, given by granulation tissue development and re-epithelization was shown in these trials, as well as a reduction in lesion recurrences during follow-up, and a tendency to a reduction of the risk of amputations, with an acceptable safety profile. However, products not always perform the same way in current medical practice. The present review summarizes the clinical information available from the intralesional use of rhEGF for advanced DFU and shows that in this case the postmarketing experiences in more than 4000 subjects confirm the results of the clinical trials, with 75% probability of complete granulation response, 61% healing, and a 16% absolute and 71% relative reduction of the risk of amputation. The benefit includes ischemic patients. The safety profile in current practice was satisfactory. Serious adverse events are not attributable to the treatment but to the underlying conditions of the patients. No evidence of cancer promotion by the growth factor has been found. The benefit-risk ratio of the procedure is favorable. CO 038 FREQUENCY OF USE OF THE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY RITUXIMAB ON THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE OF MEXICO: ONE YEAR EXPERIENCE. 27 1,2 2 2 2 López-Gamboa M , Aguilar-Ponce JL , Espinoza-Zamora JR , Davalos-Fiesco M , Mena2 1 Rodriguez FJ , Castañeda-Hernández G . e-mail:, Fax: (+52) 55 54743394. 1 Departamento de Farmacología, Centro de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, 2 Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2508, San Pedro Zacatenco, C.P. 07360, México D.F. Instituto Nacional de Cancerología; Av. San Fernando No. 22, Sol. Sección XVI, C.P. 14080, México D.F. Introduction: For the health care professionals and for the maker decisions staff on the hospital is very important have a real panorama about the use of the drugs in order to improve the patient attention. In Mexico for the oncology therapeutic segment, Rituximab the chimeric, antiCD20 monoclonal antibody is registered for: a)the treatment of Non-Hodgking´s Linphoma (CD20+); b) also combinated with chemotherapy for previously untreated patients with relapsed / refractory of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Methods: With the aim of determine the Rituximab frequency usage on the National Cancer Institute of Mexico, we made a retrospective analysis of the rituximab dispensation data from march 2012 to march 2013. Our collected data were: the pharmaceutical presentation and vials quantity of Rituximab dispensed per patient; and from the clinical record the data recorded included: clinical indication (diagnostic) result of CD20 test, weigh, height, age, and Rituximab dosage prescribed. Briefly, the result were the follow: During the twelve-month period, a total of 2663 Rituximab vials where dispensed from the Institute pharmacy, 1353 were 500 mg vials, and 1308 were 100 mg vials, distributed on 304 patients. The list of primary diagnostics included 75 different pathology. All of the patient had immunohystochemical test, the 95% of the cases were positive to the CD 20 test, 4.7% of the patients had not report and 0.3% were negative to the CD20 test. Conclusion: even when Rituximab was prescribed for a diverse range of clinical conditions, the use of CD20 test was an standard followed on the patients, this practice showed the specific use of Rituximab. C 005 PHARMACOKINETIC CHANGES INDUCED BY SPINAL CORD INJURY Castañeda G. Departamento de Farmacología. Centro de investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2508, 07360 México, D.F. Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a life-threatening event that not only results in a sensory-motor loss below the site of lesion, but also causes autonomic alterations including gastrointestinal and hemodynamic changes. These changes are known to modify drug availability. Significant changes in drug absorption, volume of distribution and clearance have been reported in patients after cord lesion and it has been suggested that these changes could have an impact on the efficacy and safety of a variety of drugs in this population. Characterization of the pathophysiological alterations underlying pharmacokinetic changes that occur in patients with SCI has been complicated because of the important variability induced by differences in injury characteristics, as well as in the individual conditions of each patient. Moreover, not all drugs exhibit altered disposition after SCI. Therefore, depending on which physiological mechanisms are involved in the absorption, distribution and elimination of a given drug, SCI will or will not change its pharmacokinetic parameters. There is evidence suggesting that the magnitude of the pharmacokinetic changes will depend on variables related to the injury itself: site of injury, intensity and the time elapsed after lesion. However, at present we do not have enough information to propose a rational strategy for drug dosing in patients with spinal cord injury. Doses are selected on empirical bases, often resulting in therapeutic failure. Thus, systematic research is required to fully elucidate this issue. Hence, our group has used animal models, where the lesion can be standardized, to characterize and understand the impact of spinal cord injury on drug disposition. CO 039 RATIONAL USE OF MEDICINES IN PRIMARY HEALTH POLYPHARMACY IN PEOPLE AGED 60 YEARS AND OLDER Ponce Lucía N, Brizuela Nilda Y. Cátedra de Farmacología General. Facultad de Córdoba. Argentina. CARE: Ciencias Médicas .Universidad Nacional de Pharmacotherapy in the elderly population is complicated by several factors that increase the risk 28 of drugs. Rational use of medicines refers to the correct, proper and appropriate use of medicines. More than 50% of all medicines are prescribed, dispensed or sold inappropriately, and half of all patients fail to take medicines correctly. This article aims to highlight the increasing impact of polypharmacy in the elderly patients The present study is prospective in nature, descriptive, cross sectional, carried out between February and May 2011, in a primary care clinic at a senior center in the city of Cordoba, Argentina. In this sample, 74.21% used from 5 to 8 medicines daily; all of them used to take each medication at least 3 times daily. In this sample, 73.04% had increased risk of adverse drug reaction (ADRs) and 78% came from different physicians. A third (34%) of the patients was treated predominately with cardiovascular diseases drugs. Metabolic diseases (25%), digestive illness (14.5%), neurological and psychiatric disorders (14.5%) and the others (14.5%). A quarter (25%) of the patients was treated with very little therapeutic value drugs. Conclusions: Polypharmacy, as well as inappropriate prescribing, for the elderly is a major problem and a challenge that contributes to costs, adverse drug events, confusion, compliance issues, and errors in management. A systematic approach to drug monitoring is an important aspect of appropriate prescribing. Attention to prescribing of medications, consistent review of medication lists, and reevaluation of indications and outcomes of prescribing are essential to ensure that polypharmacy is minimized and safety for patients is maximized. CO 040 EDUCATIVE INTERVENTION ON ESSENTIAL MEDICATIONS TO BE USED IN DISASTERS BY FAMILY DOCTORS IN ARROYO NARANJO MUNICIPALITY, IN 2012 López Aguilera AF*, Furones Mourelle JA**, Bravo Palma PP* Facultad de Medicina Julio Trigo López. Introduction: The World Health Organization ( WHO) has proposed a list of essential medications to be used in case of natural and anthropogenic disasters. Cuba in its list of essential medications has included almost all these medications as recommended by that organization. Objective: To improve the knowledge on essential medications to be used in case of disasters on the part of family doctors in Arroyo Naranjo municipality. Method: A quasi experimental study on essential medications to be used in case of disasters was conducted before and after the educative intervention in Arroyo Naranjo municipality in 2012. The work universe was composed of 70 family doctors. The sample consisted of 55 doctors. These doctors were chosen by non-probabilistic sampling by expert criteria. They were subjected to an initial inquire to find out the weak points on their knowledge about essential medications in case of disasters. The variables taken into consideration were the actual existence of medications, kinds of medications, pharmacological group, nonexistent medications, and substitutive medications. The list of essential medications in case of emergencies of the WHO were used as a referential pattern. Absolute frequencies and percentages were used as summmational measurement. Results: At the beginning 87.4 % of the family doctors’ knowledge on the matter was evaluated as BAD , and only 5.4% as GOOD . Later on, in the second evaluative period, 89.2% of the doctors reached the qualitative category of GOOD. All conceptual errors on different aspects found in the first evaluative period were improved. Conclusions: The educative intervention proved to be useful when trying to improve the family doctors’ knowledge concerning essential medications when facing disasters. CO 041 EFFECTIVENESS OF ANTIRETROVIRAL TREATMENT IN COLOMBIA 1 2 Machado-Alba JE , Vidal X . 1 Grupo Investigación Farmacoepidemiología y Farmacovigilancia, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Pereira, Colombia. 2 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Fundación Instituto Catalán de Farmacología , Barcelona, Spain. 29; Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of antiretroviral therapies and factors associated with HIV/AIDS control in a population of patients treated by the Colombian Health Social Security System (SGSSS). Methods. This was a descriptive study of 510 HIV/AIDS patients treated with antiretroviral therapies in 19 cities in Colombia from June 1992 – April 2011. Factors assessed from each patient's clinical history were: viral load, CD4 count, antiretroviral treatment regimens, prescribed daily doses of medications, length of disease evolution, duration of therapy, history of opportunistic diseases, and drug costs. Results. Patients were predominantly male (75.1% males versus 24.9% women), with a mean age of 41.0±11.4 years and an average length of disease progression of 72 months. All recommended treatment regimens were prescribed at the defined daily dose. Treatment was effective in 65.3% of patients (viral load < 50 copies per mL). Non-adherence to treatment, treatment failure, the presence of anxiety or depression, and treatment in the city of Barranquilla were associated with an increased risk of uncontrolled HIV infection. The mean annual cost of drugs per patient was US $ 2 736. Conclusions. Factors associated with uncontrolled HIV infection, especially regarding treatment adherence, must be identified to promote solutions for health care programs treating patients with HIV/AIDS. CO 042 IMPACT OF AN ANTIBIOTIC POLICY ON ANTIMICROBIAL CONSUMPTION AT COMANDANTE MANUEL FAJARDO UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, 2011 Morejón M, Tirado J, Jimenez A, Mulen M. Hospital Universitario “Cmdte. Manuel Fajardo”, Zapata y D, Vedado, La Habana, Cuba. E-mail: Introduction: At present, it is unanimous among scientists that the use of antibiotics, specifically their misuse, is the most significant factor in the emergence and development of bacterial resistance. Today, over 50% of hospitalized patients receive antibiotics; it is considered that 25-50% are unnecessary. This has concerned all levels. That is why; the WHO issued a document in 2001: "Strategies to contain antimicrobial resistance," which states in its first page that the main cause of bacterial resistance is the inappropriate use of antimicrobials. Therefore, one of its recommendations calls for the creation of antibiotic policies and monitoring their consumption in all health institutions. Objectives: To determine how the patterns of antimicrobial prescriptions vary with the application of an antibiotic policy. Results: There was a variation of consumption in the cephalosporin family, which was further used; cefuroxime was the highest consumed, three times more than ceftriaxone, whereas cefazolin was only used in surgical prophylaxis, and cefepime was only used in the intensive care units. meropenem and piperazicillina / tazolbactam were only used on serious case in the care units. Conclusions: The patterns of prescription of antimicrobial drugs met favorably the recommended guidelines for the policy of antibiotics use, which could promote a more rational use of them. CO 043 CLINICAL PHARMACIST PERFORMANCE IN MULTIPROFESSIONAL TEAM IN A TEACHING HOSPITAL Amaral Pedroso L, Martins Macedo J, Moreira da Costa J, Moreira Reis A, Santos Castro C, Andrade RA. HOSPITAL RISOLETA TOLENTINO NEVES, UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE MINAS GERAIS.; Aim: Changes that comes from senescence causes an impact on the metabolism of drugs in elderly patients. This makes them more susceptible to intoxication and adverse drug reactions. Besides, elderly often shows a larger number of comorbidities, associated to a complex pharmacotherapy, which difficult the effectiveness and adherence. Seeking to suit pharmacotherapy and to prevent further complications, it is indispensable to develop practice of clinical pharmacy. Wishing to contribute on elderly’s pharmacotherapy safety in a teaching hospital, pharmacists linked to multiprofessinal internship provides clinical pharmacy service. Method: Patients are selected through active search or clinical suggestion. At first contact, previous clinical historic and subjective data are identified. Afterwards, a pharmacotherapy analysis is made and interventions along with medical 30 staff, if needed. All medicines used are analyzed focusing effectiveness and safety. Results: From March 2012 to February 2013, 193 patients were accompanied; their average age is 76 years old. During the held of the experiment, 349 pharmaceutics evolution were made (1.80 per patient), 225 considerations (1.16 per patient) and 573 interventions (2.97 per patient). From a total of evolutions, 19% had a catheter enthrall record, 10.31% registered a renal clearance lower than 30mL/min, 32.8% had renal clearance between 30 and 60mL/min and 9.75% reported moderate or intense ache. The most relevant intervention were orientation post-discharged (16,75%) and potential medicinal interaction (16, 6%) warnings, as well as decrease of medicament dose (9,77%). 49.74% of accompanied patients received pharmaceutics orientation postdischarged, 81.25% out of these were referenced to primary attention, through the pharmacotherapeutic summary, to continuity of care. Conclusion: During the follow up was noticed that pharmacotherapeutic segment contributed in a effective way to prevent, to detect and to solve related problems to medicament, health problems and increase life quality. CO 044 LIPID-LOWERING THERAPY EFFECTIVENESS IN A SAMPLE OF COLOMBIAN PATIENTS Machado-Alba JE, Murillo MM, Machado ME. Grupo Investigación Farmacoepidemiología y Farmacovigilancia, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Pereira, Colombia.; Objective- To determine the effectiveness of lipid-lowering therapy in a sample of patients affiliated with the Colombian Health System. Methods- The cross-sectional study was conducted between January 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011. Of a total of 8316 patients, a random sample of 600 people from ten cities was stratified according to dyslipidemia. Information on socio-demographic and anthropometric characteristics, risk factors, pharmacological and laboratory variables were obtained from medical records. Results- There was a female predominance (56.2%) with a mean age of 65.1±11.5 years in the subjects, and 93.2% had hypertension, 29.0% had diabetes mellitus, and 10.2% had a history of myocardial infarction. The patients were treated with lovastatin alone (84.1%), gemfibrozil (12.3%) at doses below those recommended and atorvastatin (1.8%). In patients with a high cardiovascular risk, 38.6% achieved goals for LDL-C levels (<100 mg/dL), while 49.4% of those with a moderate risk reached the target level (<130 mg/dL). On average, there was a 4.9% reduction in LDL-C. Sex, age, personal history of cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus, use of hydrochlorothiazide and poor therapy adherence were statistically associated with a lack of control of dyslipidemia. Discussion- Because a lack of control over LDL-C levels occurred in men over 55 years, diabetic patients, or those with a history of cardiovascular disease, who received lower doses of lovastatin or were non-adherent to treatment, it is recommended that the dose be increased based on clearly defined therapeutic objectives and that the presence of comorbidities be assessed, which will then be treated properly. CO 045 NSAID AND GASTROPROTECTIVE AGENTS PRESCRIPTION AT THE CLINICAL HOSPITAL “Dr.Manuel Quintela” Cuñetti L, Catenaccio V, Ramos C, Viroga S, Artagaveytia P, Speranza N, Tamosiunas G. Departamento de Farmacología y Terapéutica - Facultad de Medicina Universidad de la República Hospital de Clínicas Av Italia s/n Montevideo Montevideo Uruguay Introduction: NSAID are one of the most used drugs worldwide. In order to reach a rational use of this group of drugs we need to know it´s use in our hospital in which we also have a List of Essential Medicines. Objective: Our aim is to determine NSAID prescription profile and the use of gastro-protection strategies in our hospital. Methods: Descriptive transversal study, analyzing clinical records of all patients hospitalized during rd August 3 , 2012 in the Clinical Hospital. 31 Data collection was performed by medical students and staff of our department. A preformed form was filled out, and a pilot study took place to unify criteria. NSAID prescription and of any medicine associated to a different gastrointestinal risk were evaluated. We classified either the patients or the NSAID in low or high risk to develop NSAID gastroenteropathy. Results: 239 clinical records were evaluated, 156(65%) had at least one NSAID prescribed. 50% of NSAID were administered intravenously. 20,5% were for antiplatelet therapy, 80% were indicated for pain or/and fever. From all the patients who received NSAID 108(69,2%) had at least one risk factor to develop NSAID gastroenteropathy. 59(55%) had omeprazol 19(17%) had ranitidine and 30(27,7%) didn’t have any gastroprotective treatment. From this 30, 6 had one risk factor associated to a low risk NSAID; the rest (24 cases) had various risk factors and/or at least one high risk NSAID. From the 48 patient without risk to develop NSAID gastroenteropathy, 22(14,2%) almost half of them had gastroprotection associated. Conclusions: We need to study the use of intravenous route of NSAID and to improve the selection of risk patients and the association of gastroprotective agents in the NSAID prescription. We still have more to do in order to use this group of medicines in a rational manner. Simposio de Farmacología del Dolor / Symposium on Pharmacology of Pain C 006 BETWEEN HYPERTENSION AND PAIN Henrique Ferreira S. School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, Department of Pharmacology, Campus USP, Brazil In the present communication Prof Sergio Henrique Ferreira describes his personal trajectory in the Department of Pharmacology from the Ribeirão Preto Medical School. The discover of bradykinin, Prof Rocha e Silva just received a sample of that he had previously described when he incubated Jararaca Venom together with blood plasma. The synthetic bradykinin however was much weaker than the blood plasma product, thus suggesting the presence in the jararaca venom of a potentiating factor, named by us BPF, i.e. bradykinin potentiating factor. Thus, plasma contained an enzyme that inactivates bradykinin and by coincidence it was the same enzyme that was responsible for the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II. Angiotensin II is the biological factor responsible for hypertensive activity of this peptide. The smallest peptide of BPF, PCA-Lys-Tryp-Ala –Pro, was used as basis for the industrial development of the potent antihypertensive drugs, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. During the years of 64-67 working in London in the department of Prof J.R. Vane, I participated in the discovery of the mechanism of action of aspirin-like-drugs. I proposed that its analgesic action was due to the prevention of the stimulation of primary sensory neurons by mediators, particularly by prostaglandins. Recently we found that opiates have a peripheral analgesic effect by means of the stimulation of the Arginine/NO/GMPc pathway. This mechanism may stimulate the development of new analgesics. CO 046 MANGIFERIN FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF PAIN: ADVANTAGES OF ITS TRANSCIENT AND LONG TERM NEUROMODULATORY EFFECTS 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 Garrido BB , Castro M , Rodeiro I , Hernández I , Pardo Z , Menédez R , Delgado R 1 Drug Research and Development Center, Ave 26, No. 1605 Boyeros y Puentes Grandes CP 10600, Plaza de la Revolución, La Habana, Cuba. 2 Center of Marine Bioproducts, Loma y 37, CP 10300, Nuevo Vedado, La Habana, Cuba INTRODUCTION: Neuroimmune activation and nitroxidative stress are implicated in glutamatergic system dysfunction, which induces excitotoxic neural damage, desinhibition and central hyperexcitability subjacent in chronic pain. Mangiferin (MG), a naturally occurring glucoxylxanthone isolated from the standard aqueous bark extract of Mangifera indica L. shows inhibition of NF-κB signaling pathway, neuroprotective effects, antioxidant activity and it is able to limit microglial activation. Besides, reversible mono-amine oxidase (MAO) inhibitory activity is reported by xanthones, an effect that may modulate catecholamine concentration in the synaptic cleft modulating spinal nociceptive processing through the PAG/RVM/DLPT descending modulatory network. This 32 conference focuses on unifying the cumulus of evidences around the MG effects on several animal models of pain, hypothesizing about their mechanism of actions according to a pharmacological approach. RESULTS: The acute administration of MG (10-100 mg/Kg, i.p.) decreases licking/biting behaviors exclusivity in tonic phase of formalin 5% test. Pretreatment with naloxone, a non selective opioid antagonist and yohimbine a selective α2 adrenergic antagonist partially reversed this effect. Intrathecal MG injection also reproduced the same behaviors. In addition, MG decreases visceral nociceptive behaviors in ovariectomized (OVX)-induced hyperalgesia in rats, which show monoamine levels decreased in brain. Preventive repeated systemic administration of MG before sciatic chronic constriction injury (CCI) in rats reduced mechanical hyperalgesia at 7 and 14 days and also decreased the signs of Wallerian degeneration of the sciatic nerve. As well as, MG improved the PC12 cellular viability (70%) exposure to glutamate-mediated excitotoxic injury. Likewise, oral acute and chronic administration of MG in rats with chronic post-ischemia pain (CPIP), a complex regional pain syndrome type I model, decreased mechanical allodynia from 2h of MG administration and IL-1β concentration in spinal cord homogenates. A long term anti-hyperalgesic effects, even after discontinuation of the medication, were observed. CONCLUSIONS: MG may modulate pathological and persistent painful status, and its anti-hyperalgesic effect could be mediated, at least in part, in the spinal cord by opioid and noradrenergic transient mechanisms. Long term effects mediated by transcriptional changes could be implicated in peripheral and central pain mechanisms, especially central sensitization. CO 047 ANTINOCICEPTIVE ACTIVITY OF MANGIFERIN IN FORMALIN PAIN a b a Espinoza de los Monteros-Zuñiga, A , Cervantes-Durán, C. , Lozada-García, MC. , Izquierdoa a c a Sánchez, T. , Godínez-Chaparro, B. , . Depto. Sistemas Biológicos, División de Ciencias Biológicas b y de la Salud. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco (UAM-X), Depto. Farmacobiología, c Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados, Sede Sur. (CINVESTAV-Sur), México. Instituto de Neurobiología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Campus Juriquilla, Querétaro, 76230, México. e-mail: tizquier INTRODUCTION: Mangiferin is a glucoxylxanthone present in the aqueous extract of Mangifera indica L., the extract has shown multiple pharmacological effects as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive effects. The present study was undertaken to determine the possible antinociceptive activity of mangiferin in rats, as well as its possible mechanisms of action. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nociceptive behavior was quantified as the numbers of flinches of the injected paw during 1-min per 5 min, up to 60 min after 1% formalin injection. Magniferin was given orally (1-30 mg/kg), locally (1-30 µg/paw in 50 µl) or intrathecally (1-30 µg/rat in 10 µl) 30 min and 10 min before, respectively, 1% formalin injection in the dorsum paw. Diclofenac was used as a positive control. Animals were administered with vehicle or methiothepin (30 g/paw), naloxone (5-50 g/paw), naltrindole (0.1-1 g/paw), 5-GNTI (0.1-1 g/paw), L-NAME (10-100 g/paw), ODQ (5-50 µg/paw) or glibenclamide (10-100 g/paw) were administrated 20 min before mangiferin (30 g/paw) which was given 10 min before of 1% formalin injection. RESULTS: The ipsilateral local peripheral (1-30 µg/paw), intrathecal (1-30 µg/rat) and oral (1-30 mg/kg) administration of mangiferin produced a dose-dependent reduction in formalin-induced nociception. The antinociceptive effect of this drug was similar to induced by diclofenac after oral and local peripheral administration. The local peripheral antinociceptive effect in the formalin test was blocked by naloxone (50 µg/paw), naltrindole (1 µg/paw), 5-GNTI (1 g/paw), L-NAME (100 µg/paw), (50 µg/paw) and glibenclamide (50 µg/paw), but not by methiothepin (30 µg/paw). CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest, that the antinociceptive effect induced by mangiferin are mediated by the modulation of peripheral opioidergic system involving the activation of δ, κ, and probably µ, receptors, but not serotonergic receptors. Also suggests that mangiferin activates the + NO-cyclic GMP-ATP-sensitive K channels pathway related to modulate local peripheral nociceptive effect in rats. CO 048 ANTI-HYPERALGESIC EFFECT OF 3-ETOXICARBONIL-2-METIL-4-(2NITROFENIL)-4, 11-DIHIDRO-1H-PIRIDO [2,3-B] [1,5] BENZODIACEPINA (JM20), A BYCLE COMPOUND IN ANIMAL MODELS OF PAIN. Castro M, Garrido-Suárez B, Pardo-Ruiz Z, Alcantara Y, Iglesias L, Merino N, Valdés O, Delgado R. 33 Center of Research and Drug Development, Ave 26, No. 1605 Boyeros y Puentes Grandes, CP 10600, Plaza de la Revolucion, Habana City, Cuba. Introduction: Chronic pain has been estimated to affect 8% of population. However it doesn´t exist an effective treatment for these pathologic phenomen, for this reason, new pharmacologic strategies have emerged to releave chronic pain. Aim: In the present study we evaluate the antihyperalgesic effect of systemic administration of a new hybrid molecule which fusion a benzodiazepine with a dihydropiridine, in animal models of chronic pain with inflamatory and neuropathic components. Methods: Nociceptive responding, indicated by licking/biting the affected hindlimb, was quantified during 45 min after formalin injection (5%) and mechanical allodinia was measured with von Frey filaments in chronic constriction injury (CCI). In CCI model was also determinated nitric oxide concentration in sciatic nerve and in lumbar spinal cord, and was analysed qualitatives changes in the histology of sciatic nerve. Results: JM-20 (10, 20, 40mg/Kg, p.o.) was effective in attenuating only the acute phase (phase II) of the formalin licking/biting response, dependending the dosis. Benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil (10mg/Kg i.p.) partially reverted these effect. Oral administration of JM-20 (20mg/Kg) during 7 days in CCI model augmented the mechanical response thresholds (g) respect with CCI-vehicle group and increased nitric oxide concentration in spinal cord, but not in sciatic nerve. Histologically, it was found that JM-20 has a neuroprotective action against Wallerian degeneration in CCI model, which includes less macrophage infiltration, number of digestion chambers and axonal degradation. Conclusiones: Because of this we can conclude that JM-20 shows an antihyperalgesic effect in formalin test it could be related with his actions into GABAA/BDZ receptor, and it also has an antiallodinic and neuroprotective action in CCI model, which could be mediated by L-Arginine-NO-GMPc pathway. C 007 PHENOTYPIC MODIFICATIONS OF PRIMARY INNERVATING OSTEOARTHRITIC JOINTS AFFERENT NEURONS Castro-Lopes JM, Adães S, Ferreira-Gomes J. Department of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto and IBMC, Portugal Chronic pain associated with osteoarthritis (OA) is highly prevalent, but its mechanisms are not fully understood,and the pharmacological control of OA-associated pain is far from optimal. In an attempt to further clarify the neuronal mechanisms underlying nociception in OA, we have performed a series of studies on primary afferent neurons innervating OA joints, using the experimental model of intraarticular injection of mono-sodium iodoacetate (MIA) in the knee joint of adult rats, which causes a destruction of the articular cartilage. By using the neuronal tracer Fluorogold (FG), we observed a decrease of 37% in the number of neurons innervating OA joints as compared to control animals, although there was no reduction in the total number of neurons in the dorsal root ganglia (DRGs).However, there was a decrease in the number of small neurons and a small increase of medium-large neurons in OA animals. Given that neurogenesis was not found in the DRGs of OA animals, those observations indicated a phenomenon of neuronal hypertrophy. Regarding neurochemical markers for subpopulations of primary afferent neurons, there was an increase in the percentage of CGRP positive (peptidergic) neurons that innervate OA joints. Such increase occurred in small and large neurons. Since this peptide is usually not expressed in large neurons, our observation in OA animals points to a phenomenon of hypertrophy of medium-small neurons that normally express CGRP, or a phenotypic alteration of large neurons. No differencesbetween OA and control animals were observed in what concerns labelling for IB4 or NF200 (labelling non-peptidergicor large non-nociceptive primary afferent neurons, respectively). The changes described above could suggest the existence of damagesin neurons that innervate OA joints. Therefore, we studied the expression of ATF-3 and NPY in the DRGs, since its expression has been associated with peripheral neuronal damage. Both markers were expressed in DRG neurons three days after injection of MIA, a very early stage in the development of experimental OA, decreased at day 14 of development of OA, andthere was a second wave of expression later. We have also observed expression of GAP-43, a marker of neuronal regeneration, in ATF-3 positive cells. Together, our results suggest that primary afferents that innervate MIA-induced OA joints are 34 damaged, which may trigger the activation of neuronal regenerationmechanisms. Further studies are needed to clarify to which extent these phenomena contribute to pain associated with OA. C 008 THE RATIONALE OF ANALGESIS COMBINATIONS Granizo E, MD No single analgesic agent is perfect and no single analgesic can treat all types of pain. Oral fixed drug combinations analgesics potentially have a number of advantages over monotherapy, but these benefits can only be attained through careful design that is not the case in some available preparations. A combination is most effective when the individual agents act through different analgesic mechanisms and act synergistically. The fixed-dose combinations analgesics are of value only when they have bee developed according to rationale pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic criteria. This overview highlights the therapeutic potential of combining analgesic medications with different mechanisms of action like a NSAIDs drugs or acetaminophen with an opioid or tramadol. C 009 CARDIOVASCULAR RISK OF NONSTEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUG FREQUENTLY USED Prozzi GR, MD. Applied Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, National University of La Plata. Health Institute, National University “Arturo Jauretche”. Argentina. E-mail: Introduction: The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are an important part of treatment for many people with painful and inflammatory conditions and are amongst the most commonly used drugs worldwide1. The extent to which an NSAID inhibits the respective cyclooxygenase isoforms 1 (COX-1 and COX-2) may be related to cardiovascular risk (CVR) . There is a growing body of evidence that most NSAIDs are associated with an increased CVR, some more than others. The aim was to review: the cardiovascular toxicity of different NSAIDs, epidemiology of use and recommendations of published guidelines. Results: In the VIGOR (2000) study was observed that rofecoxib was associated with a fourfold 1 increase in the incidence of myocardial infarction (MI) compared with naproxen . It was the first evidence of CVR of a coxib. 2 Six years later, a meta-analysis of randomised trials , and a systematic review of the observational 2 studies found that coxibs, diclofenac and possibly ibuprofen were associated with higher CVR than naproxen. Those were the first evidences of CVR of traditional NSAIDs. 2 In 2011, a network meta-analyses of randomised trials , and the biggest systematic review of the 2 observational studies reported similar results. The highest CVR were seen with coxibs and diclofenac and the lower with naproxen. 2 In 2013, Bainget´s meta-analyses indicated that in high-dose, the CVR of diclofenac and possibly ibuprofen are comparable to coxibs, whereas high-dose naproxen is associated with less vascular risk than other. For every 1000 patients allocated to a year of treatment with a coxib regimen or highdose diclofenac, about three would have a MI, of which one would be fatal. However, NSAIDs with a high CVR are still widely used. Diclofenac and etoricoxib together account 2 for approximately one-third of all sales of NSAIDs in several countries . 2,3,4 Conclusion and recommendations: While the benefits of NSAIDs for the treatment of pain outweighs their risks, their use should be at the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible time. Where pharmacological treatment is required for patients at risk of cardiovascular complications paracetamol, naproxen or aspirin is recommended and coxibs or diclofenac, should be avoided. CO 051 OPIOIDS UPDATE IN 2013. PAIN FREE HOSPITALS, IMPORTANCE OF ITS DEVELOPMENT IN CUBA Yera-Nadal JL. Clínica del Dolor Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras, La Habana, Cuba. 35 Opioids are still important analgesics in the management of acute and chronic pain. They can be very effective and also safe if used wisely, with a thorough understanding of their pharmacology. Opioids often cause adverse effects; respiratory depression and nausea are important adverse effects when opioids are used to treat acute pain, whereas constipation, cognitive impairment, hormonal effects, addiction and tolerance are relevant concerns in chronic administration. However, nothing like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, there are not evidences of severe injury on vital organs as heart, liver and kidney by its long term use. In the present review it discussed the use of opioids in acute and chronic pain, with focus in MOR agonists as morphine, oxycodone, fentanyl, methadone, hydromorphone and buprenorphine, particularly in the news special routes and modes of administration. We also analyzed the importance of nonopioid effects that are relevant for its analgesic profile. For example, racemic methadone and its ability by binding to N-methyl–D aspartate (NMDA) receptor, that exhibit noncompetitive antagonism. As well as, tramadol and tapentadol which also inhibit the reuptake of monoamines. Moreover, it will provide up-todate information regarding the pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic differences among opioids. On the other hand we are considering about the importance of accepting pain as a vital sign and then develop pain free hospitals in our country. This information can be used to improve the effective and safe use of available opioids in the management of pain and it also offers possibilities for improving opioid efficacy and reversing opioid tolerance. C 010 Simposio sobre Epigenética / Symposium on Epigenetics FLAVANOLS MODULATE THE TRANSCRIPTION OF GENES INVOLVED IN ATHEROSCLEROSIS WITH HETEROGENIC EPIGENETIC CHANGES OF THEIR DNA METHYLATION STATE 1 2 3 3 4 Antje R. Weseler , Dragan Milenkovic , KatarzynaSzarcvel Szic , Ken Declerck , Karen Heyninck , 4 1 1 5 6 Guy Haegeman , Guido R.M.M. Haenen , Aalt Bast , François Fuks , Clarissa Gerhauser ,Wim 3,4 Vanden Berghe 1 Maastricht University, The Netherlands. 2INRA Research Centre Clermont-Ferrand/Theix, France. 3 4 5 University of Antwerp, Belgium, University of Gent, Belgium. Free University of Brussels, Belgium 6 DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany Epidemiological studies show that a flavanol-rich diet (cocoa, grape) is associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). In how far biological effects occur in endothelial HUVEC cells exposed to flavanols in vitro or in humans upon flavanol supplementation is yet unclear. In the Flaviola-consortium (, potential biological processes modified by flavanols were evaluatedat the transcriptomic and epigenomic levelin HUVEC cells exposed to specific flavanol metabolites or in leukocyte samples collected from diet intervention studies. In vitro experiments in HUVEC cells demonstrate that flavanols significantly decrease monocyte cell adhesion, concomitantly with changes in gene expression and DNA methylation in cell adhesion pathways. Furthermore, in a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial, healthy male smokers supplemented for 8 weeks with 200 mg/d oligomericflavanols, unveiled pleiotropic vascular health benefit by an integrative multi-biomarker approach (PLoS One. 2011;6(12):e28460.).Gene expression analysis via cDNA microarrays (Agilent 4x44Kv2) further revealed significant changes in various cellular processes like chemotaxis, cell adhesion, cell infiltration and cytoskeleton organization. Regarding DNA methylation changes measured by Illumina 450K CpG array, heterogenic responses were observed in gene clusters involved in detoxification, metabolism and cell adhesion. Although the intervention triggered significant changes in DNA methylation levels (>10%) of 0.2-1% of the methylome (450.000 CGI) at the individual level, no common flavanol-specific DNA methylation response of specific target genes involved in CVD could be identified at the cohort level. Interestingly, strong interindividual variability in DNA methylation levels of detoxification and metabolisation genes can be linked to longterm smoking history, which may overrule diet specific effects of an 8 week diet intervention. Altogether,flavanols may elicit cardioprotective effects by decreasing cell adhesion pathways at the transcriptomic and epigenomic level. Furthermore, smoking history may be a confounding factor in epigenetic profiling studies of leucocytes from subjects involved in a flavanol diet intervention. 36 C 011 EPIGENETIC DEREGULATION IN CANCER: THERAPEUTIC PPLICATIONS. Berdasco M. Cancer Epigenetics and Biology Program (PEBC), Institut d' InvestigacióBiomedica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL), Barcelona, Spain Initially, cancer was thought to be solely a consequence of genetic changes in key tumor-suppressor genes and oncogenes that regulate cell proliferation, DNA repair, cell differentiation, and other homeostatic functions. However, recent research suggests that these alterations could also be due to epigenetic disruption. The study of epigenetic mechanisms in cancer, such as DNA methylation, histone modification, nucleosome positioning and micro-RNA expression, has provided extensive information about the mechanisms that contribute to the neoplastic phenotype through the regulation of expression of genes critical to transformation pathways. Regarding DNA methylation, the low level of CpG methylation in tumors compared with that in their normal-tissue counterparts and the hypermethylation of the CpG islands in the promoter regions of tumor-suppressor are accepted as being a common feature of human cancer. Due to the complexity of permutations and combinations, less is known about the patterns of histone modification disruption in human tumors. Results have shown that the CpG promoter hypermethylation event in tumor-suppressor genes in cancer cells is associated with a particular combination of histone markers and the opposite of that observed in normal cells. Aberrations in the epigenetic profiles, with respect to DNA methylation and histone modifications, could also be a consequence of genetic disruption of the epigenetic machinery, such as disruption of the histone methyltransferase NSD1 in neuroblastomasor mutations in the histone deacetylase HDAC2 in colon cancer. The deregulation of miRNA expression has also been linked to tumor progression. Changes in miRNA expression in cancer can be achieved through various mechanisms, including impairment of miRNA processing machinery, such as the recently identified mutations of TRBP2 (an essential functional partner of the DICER1 complex) in sporadic and hereditary carcinomas with microsatellite instability or by CpGhypermethylation of miRNaswith tumorsuppressor properties. The possibility of “resetting” the abnormal cancer epigenome by applying pharmacologic or genetic strategies will be also discussed. C 012 EPIGENETIC REGULATION OF BREAST STEROIDAL LACTONE WITHAFERIN A 1 2 3 CANCER METASTASIS 3 BY 4 KatarzynaSzarcvel Szic , David Scherf , Ilse M. Beck , Mark Bracke ,Tim De Meyer , Clarissa 2 1 Gerhauser , Wim Vanden Berghe 1 Laboratory of Protein Chemistry, Proteomics and Epigenetic Signalling, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Antwerp (UA),Universiteitsplein 1,Campus DrieEiken, 2610, Wilrijk, Belgium 2Cancer Chemoprevention, Epigenomics and Cancer Risk Factors, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ),ImNeuenheimer Feld 280, 69120, Heidelberg, Germany 3Laboratory for Experimental Cancer Research, Department of Radiation Therapy & Experimental Cancer Research, De Pintelaan 185, Building 1P7, Ghent University Hospital, B-9000, Gent, Belgium 4Department of Mathematical Modelling, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. Because a vast majority of cancer patients succumb metastatic disease interfering with metastatic cascade remains one of the main challenges in cancer therapy. This dangerous, yet very inefficient process, includes several discrete steps: local invasion, intravasation (or dissemination in lymph nodes or body cavities), circulation and survival, extravasation, growth at distinct sites and angiogenesis, all of which occur in a context of tumour promoting microenvironment. It is now becoming apparent that these cell-microenvironment interactions are highly susceptible to epigenetic regulation, both by internal and external cues. Here we show that several essential components of metastasis, including urokinase plasminogen activator (PLAU), ADAM8 metallopeptidase, and tumour promoting cytokine TNFSF12 are regulated epigenetically by DNA methylation in breast cancer as revealed by 450K IlluminaBeadChipArray and EpiTyper Mass Array.Moreover, Withaferin A, a natural compound derived from Withaniasomniferadecreases breast cancer invasion by increasing methylation of these genes leading to lowered gene expression as revealed by qPCR. C 013 PROMISES & CHALLENGES OF MICRORNAS IN MULTIPLE MYELOMA 37 THERAPY 1 2 3 4 4 Palagani, A. , Stefan Naulaerts , Ken Op de Beeck , Vandesompele J , Mestdagh F , Guy Van 3 2 1 Camp , Kris Laukens ,Vanden Berghe, W. 1 Laboratory of Protein Chemistry, Proteomics and Epigenetic Signalling, University of Antwerp, Belgium 2 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Antwerp, Belgium 3 Center of Medical Genetics, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Antwerp, Belgium 4 Center for Medical Genetics, Ghent University, Belgium. Multiple myeloma (MM) is an incurable plasma cell malignancy and is the second most common hematological cancer. It is characterized by complex, recurrent genetic and epigenetic abnormalities. Perturbed transcription of various noncoding miRNAs has been demonstrated in MM and their functional roles in MM pathogenesis and therapy response just starts to be unraveled. miRNAs are about 20 nucleotide, single strand, non-coding RNAs that may act as tumor suppressors or oncogenes and regulate gene expression by mRNA degradation or translational repression of hundreds of genes, often in a tissue-specific manner. As such, miRNAdysregulation can have profound cellular consequences. Whereas the loss of tumour-suppressive miRNAs enhances the expression of target oncogenes, increased expression of oncogenic miRNAs (known as oncomirs) can repress target tumour suppressor genes. This creates complex networks regulating a large variety of cellular processes, including differentiation, development, apoptosis and cell cycle progression. Understanding the molecular biology of myeloma also requires to link the miRNome to genomic, transcriptomic, epigenomic and proteomic features of malignant plasma cells. Integrative analysis based on computational target prediction, quantitative proteomics and miRNA/mRNA profiling revealed various functional miRNA-target regulatory networks supported by expression data. We will discuss convergence of microRNA regulation and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) and glucocorticoid pathways in MM therapy response. As such, interfering with microRNAs in myeloma regulatory networks holds promise to overcome drug resistance, which may improve clinical outcome. C 015 EFFECT OF DNA DEMETHYLATION ON CYP1A1 GENE EXPRESSION IN RAT CELLS Olguín-Reyes S, Camacho-Carranza R, Espinosa-Aguirre JJ. Departamento de Medicina Genómica y Toxicología Ambiental, Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, UNAM, México D.F. Gene regulation involves transcription factors, responsive elements, enhancers, insulators, DNA methylation, histone methylation, acetylation, and deacetylation, among others. In a whole organism, such components may depend on external factors such as environmental pollution. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) found in environmental pollution, are susceptible of biotransformation by CYP1A1, a phase I enzyme. In turn, CYP1A1 gene expression is induced by PAHs through the aromatic hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). However, PAHs exposure affects not only CYP1A1 expression through AhR but also may affect other proteins involved in epigenetic regulation. In order to test this hypothesis, rat hepatocytes clone-9 cell line (C9) was exposed to benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) and to the DNMTs inhibitor 5’-Aza-2’-deoxycitidine (5AzadC), with their respective controls. CYP1A1 expression was determined by qPCR and western blot analysis. The concentration of DNMT3a was also determined. CYP1A1 gene expression was increased after BaP treatment and exacerbated when 5AzadC was co-administrated. DNMT3a protein level decrease in C9 culture after 5AzadC as expected. BaP treatment also produces decrease in DNMT3a protein, although not at the same level seen after 5AzadC treatment. We can conclude that the mechanism behind the positive modulation of CYP1A1 by BaP involves not only AhR but other proteins of the epigenetic machinery like DNMT. C 016 Taller de Nanofarmacología / Workshop of Nanopharmacology A VISION OF NANOMEDICINA UP TO THE 2020 Dr. Julio César García Rodríguez Coordinator of Life Science and Nanosecurity. Scientific Advisor’s Office. State Council. Havana, Cuba 38 Abstract not received at the moment of edition / Resumen no recibido al momento de la edición. CO 052 CRITICAL POINTS TO CONSIDER WHEN DEVELOPING PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS BASED ON MICROSPHERES CONTAINING PROTEINS Saez V. Macromolecular Chemistry Department, Center for Biomaterials (BIOMAT), University of Havana, Havana, Cuba. Nowadays peptides and proteins are commonly used as the active principle of many pharmaceutical products. However the design of dosage forms with these biomolecules has some limitations related to the adverse events and the relatively short elimination half-life. Consequently novel protein administration systems have been investigated to exploit the therapeutic potential of them while simultaneously avoiding the limitations. Biodegradable microspheres are one of the most widely explored because they could (i) reduce the administration frequency of the product, (ii) maintain appropriate protein levels in the blood for an adequate period of time, (iii) decrease adverse events and hence (iv) improve the compliance of patients during the treatments. In the last decades numerous investigations about the encapsulation of therapeutic proteins have been developed but only a few products are already under clinical application. This is because the protein microencapsulation is a complex process governed by multiple factors that should be optimized in order to program the properties desired for a specific protein-loaded microsphere preparation. In addition, the properties of the encapsulated protein are often modified as a result of the encapsulation process, thus they should be carefully evaluated in order to demonstrate the ability of the protein to exert its biological function. On the other hand, microspheres are typically manufactured by an aseptic process because terminal sterilization (heat sterilization and gamma irradiation) results in premature degradation of the particles. Due to the complexity in the development and manufacturing process for microsphere drug products an appropriate quality control strategy should be designed. This talk reviews through practical examples, the current state of microspheres containing therapeutic proteins from basic research to its clinical application and debate controversial aspects related to the development of pharmaceutical products based on these novel drug delivery systems. Regulatory topics associated with these products are also discussed. CO 053 SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION AND DRUG DELIVERY PROFILE OF MAGNETIC PLGA-PEG-PLGA/MAGHEMITE NANOCOMPOSITE 1 1 2 1 1 Emiliane D. Pereira , Fernando G. Souza Jr *, José Carlos Pinto , Renata Cerruti , Camila Santana 1 Laboratório de Biopolímeros e Sensores – Instituto de Macromoléculas - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – Brasil – 1 Programa de Engenharia Química – COPPE - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – Brasil The kinetics and spatial controls of drug delivery offers many advantages compared to conventional methods. These delivery systems often use biocompatible magnetic nanoparticles as maghemite to promote spatial control and synthetic biocompatible polymers as drug carriers to promote a kinetic control of this release. This study was focused study of the magnetic field influence on the release profile of cotrimoxazole inserted in PLGA-PEG-PLGA / maghemite nanocomposites prepared by melt mixing. The synthesized samples were prepared and characterized by 1H-NMR, FTIR, XRD, and magnetic force. The drug release profile was monitored by UV analysis along 6 hours with and without magnetic field. The release profile of the drug showed to be sustained and the presence of maghemite, in the presence of a magnetic field, were able to perform a magnetic constriction of the material, making the drug release faster than in the absence of the magnetic field. This release behavior may be useful to perform a fine tuning of the system, allowing the easier adjustment of the speed and amount of released drug, improving medical treatments and even the welfare of the patients. CO 054 AFFINITY MATURATION AND FINE FUNCTIONAL MAPPING OF AN ANTIBODY FRAGMENT AGAINST A NOVEL NEUTRALIZING EPITOPE ON HUMAN VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL GROWTH FACTOR 39 a a a b a a a a Lamdan H *, Gavilondo J.V , Muñoz Y , Pupo A , Huerta V , Musacchio A , Pérez L , Ayala M , b c d Rojas G , Balint R.F , Larrick J.W . a Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, La Habana 10600, Cuba. b Center of Molecular Immunology, La Habana 11600, Cuba. c CytoDesign, Inc., Palo Alto, CA 94306, USA. d Panorama Research Inc., Sunnyvale, CA 94089, USA. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a major mediator of pathological angiogenesis. VEGF antagonists represent attractive candidates as therapeutic agents in the treatment of tumors and other angiogenesis-dependent diseases. Despite the clinical success of Bevacizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody that blocks the interaction between VEGF and its receptors, the search for new neutralizing antibodies targeting this molecule has continued until now. We used a human VEGF variant containing three mutations in the region recognized by Bevacizumab to direct antibody selection towards recognition of other epitopes. A total of seven phage-displayed antibody fragments were obtained from a human phage display library. All of them were able to recognize not only the selector mutated antigen, but also native VEGF. One of these phage-displayed antibody fragments, denominated 2H1, was shown to compete with the VEGF receptor 2 for VEGF binding. Soluble 2H1 inhibited VEGF biological activity but exhibited a moderate binding affinity. We performed the affinity maturation of 2H1 antibody fragment. Two phage-displayed libraries were constructed by diversification of the third complementarity-determining regions (CDRs) of the light (VL) and heavy (VH) chain variable domains of 2H1 using parsimonious mutagenesis. A competitive phage-selection strategy in the presence of 2H1 as a competitor was used to eliminate low affinity binders. High affinity variants were retrieved from both libraries. An optimized VL variant was constructed by combining recurrent replacements found among selected variants, resulting in an additional affinity increase. Further affinity improvements were achieved by combining this optimized VL with the best VH variants. The final variant, L3H6, showed an overall affinity improvement of 18-fold over the parental antibody and exhibited an enhanced potency to block the binding of VEGF to its receptor. Functional mapping studies of L3H6 using phage display and extensive mutagenesis of VEGF revealed a novel neutralizing epitope on human VEGF. CO 055 NANOEMULSIONS PREPARATION FROM A PLANT LIPID EXTRACT WITH WIDE RANGE OF APPLICATIONS IN MEDICINE 1 2 3 3 Turiño L, González E, Nogueira A, López O 1 Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Cuba (CEAC). Carretera de San Antonio km 1½, La Lisa, La Habana, Cuba. 2 Centro Nacional de Biopreparados (BIOCEN). Carretera a Beltrán km 1½, Bejucal, Mayabeque, Cuba. 3 Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos (CIDEM). Ave. 26 No. 1605 / Puentes Grandes y Boyeros, Plaza de la Revolución, La Habana, Cuba. The lipid extracts from vegetal origin have shown a very effective activity on the different mechanisms related to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. The oil obtained from the seeds of the Cuban pumpkin species Cucurbita pepo L, is an example of natural components useful for men who suffer this common hypertrophy. The administration of oily components by oral way as nanocapsules, would be a variant of minimal invasion consumption and would also represent a strategy for favoring the absorption and bioavailability of the product. In this work, the main objective was to obtain nanoemulsions by means of a high-energy method called High-speed Homogenization, using lipid extract from the seeds of Cucurbita pepo L as a dispersed phase. The droplet size determination was performed by the diffraction method, Induced Grating. Through an experimental design, the influence of three speed -1 levels (9500, 13500 and 20500 min ) and three distance from the disperser to the bottom of the vessel, where the nanoemulsions were prepared (5, 10 and 15 mm) on droplet diameter were evaluated. It was shown statistically that for the studied values related to the distance from the disperser to the bottom, any significant difference was obtained, not being this the case the effect shown by the speed, since for the highest level of speed, a diameter 10 times lower (11,64 nm) relative to the one achieved with the minimum operation speed was reached. The result obtained in this investigation showed that by subjecting the system to a high degree of shear, a significant reduction of the droplet size in the oil 40 phase is guaranteed, which has an impact on absorption, due to the small size reached. CO 056 DEVELOPMENT NANOCAPSULES AND CHARACTERIZATION OF MANGIFERIN MOURA U.J., BARBOSA M. G., GENRO C., SEIBEL D., GOMES P., RAFFIN P.R. Centro Universitário Franciscano. Rua dos Andradas, 1614, Santa Maria-RS, Brasil. Manginferin (1,3,6,7-tetrahidroxi-xantona-C2-b-D-glucosilada) is a natural bioactive, more specifically a glycosylated xanthone isolated from Mangifera indica L.. Mangiferin is the main component of mango extract thatpresents pharmacological activities on different organs and tissues, promoting preventive and therapeutic effects against a considerable number of diseases. However, one of the problems of mangiferin is its low solubility in water and the poor chemical stability. In this way, nanoencapsulation can be a promising tool to improve mangiferin bioavailability and stability in order to develop new medicines. The objective of this study was develop and characterize a nanoencapsulated formulation containing mangiferin and evaluate the physicochemical characteristics of this nanosystem. The interfacial deposition of preformed polymer technique was used to produce nanocapsules. It was necessary to add small amounts of DMSO in order to solubilize mangiferin in the organic phase. Mangifrin was encapsulated at 0.025%. Particle size, polydispersity index and zeta potential were evaluated in ZetaSizer NanoSeries. pH was assessed directly into the colloidal suspensions. Drug content and drug release experiments (dialysis) were analyzed in HPLC through a validated method. Nanocapsules were successfully obtained using Eudragit S100 as polymer. Particle size was 96,37 nm, polydispersity index was 0,202 and zeta potential was -16,63 mV. pH was 3,42. The results showed no significant difference (p < 0, 05) between nanocapsules with and without mangiferin. Encapsulation efficiency was obtained by ultrafiltration/centrifugation and it was approximately 80.0%. Drug release profiles showed that mangiferin was released from nanocapsules half of the amount than free mangiferin, demonstrating a controlled profile. Based on these results, we can conclude that mangiferin nanocapsules were developed with adequate characteristics for biological experiments. C 017 LOW LEVEL LASER THERAPY (LLLT): THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS, DOSES, INDICATIONS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS, SIDE EFFECTS. Fornaini C* , Merigo E Dental School, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of PARMA (Italy) Introduction: The first laser device was constructed in 1960 by Maiman and, some years after, this technology began to be used also in medicine. Since 1967 Mester performed several studies reporting that laser irradiation, at extremely low power (mJ), caused several changes in the target tissues determining at macroscopic level, for example, a better and faster healing of skin burns or ulcerative lesions. Material and Methods: A literature metanalysis demonstrated that these effects, invisible to the naked eye, lead essentially to two types of results: the so-called "biostimulation" or, according to newer definitions, “biomodulation” which, exploiting the action of the beam on the mitochondria, through the increase of ATP production and the proliferation and differentiation of fibroblasts, accelerates the healing of tissues decreasing, at the same time, the inflammatory reactions, and the analgesic effect caused by the change of the electric potential at membrane level (theory of the gate). Results: Mechanisms of laser action on the tissues in LLLT protocols are described in this work by showing several and different clinical cases with a medium-long term follow-up until the gain of clinical result. Laser parameters are analysed in order to give well-defined and reproducible protocols for the clinical practice. Conclusion: These photochemical effects, caused by the action of laser on tissues and commonly known under the name of LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy) have countless fields of application but must be administered according to very precise rules and parameters to achieve maximum results. CO 057 COMBINATION EFFECT OF SONOPHORESIS AND IONTOPHORESIS ON ANTIPYRINE TRANSDERMAL PENETRATION 41 1) 2) 2) 3) Aoyagi T , Watanabe S , Ga K , Yamamoto K National Institute for Materials Science, 1-1, Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0044, JAPAN 2) Yutoku Pharmaceutical Ind. Co., 3)Kagoshima University Introduction: Transdermal drug delivery is promising method toadministrate unstable drugs in digestive organs or avoid first pass effect. To promote the drug penetration, sonophoresis and iontophoresis are very effective as physical enhancing methods. The each enhancing effects have been widely studied and actually there are many reports. In this study, we investigated the combination effect of sonophoresis and iontophoresis of transdermal penetration of antipyrene as model drug. Materials and method: We used Sonoion® was used to achieve the objective. It is developed by KAGOSHIMA SUPERSONIC LABORATORY CO.,LTD. The excised back and abdominal skin of hairless mouse was used to estimate the enhanced condition of Sonoion® such as current, voltage and order of application (sono. to ionto. or ionto. to sono.) and so on. The animal is established by Kyudo Co., in Kumamoto, Japan. The excised skin was set in Franz-type cell and the Sonoion® was applied. The temperature was kept in 37C. Results: The combination of sonophoresis and iontophoresis showed synergy effect on the antipyrine skin permeation. By Field-Emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), the some small holes in stratum corneum was observed by sonophoresis apply. In terms of the order of application, the higher effect was obtained by first sonophoresis application. Moreover, the long drug release was observed by only short time application of Sonoion®. Conclusion:The combination of sonophoresis andiontophoresis is very effective to enhance drug permeation and long-time drug release. Such effect would be based on the small holes formation and deposition of the drug molecules in stratum corneum. CO 058 NANOPARTICLES PERSPECTIVES AS DRUG CARRIERS: CHARACTERISTICS AND Oropesa-Nuñez R1, Jáuregui-Haza U2,* 1- Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Cuba (CEAC) Carretera San Antonio, Km 1 1/2, Valle Grande, La Lisa, La Habana, Cuba 2- Instituto Superior de Tecnologías y Ciencias Aplicadas (InSTEC) Ave. Salvador Allende y Luaces, Plaza de la Revolución, La Habana, Cuba * Nanoparticles can copy or modify biological processes because they propose solutions to the old problems associated with solubility, bioavailability, immunocompatibility and citotoxicity of many traditional drugs. Carbon nanotubes are an example of nanoparticles and nanotechnology due to their small diameters. They can be manipulated chemically and physically. Besides, they are mainly used in nanomedicine as carriers and as excipients to obtain different drug delivery systems. In this work, the state of the art of the research on nanoparticles as drug carriers for medical applications, with emphasis on their properties, determination of physico-chemical properties and carbon nanotubes applications is analyzed. It is demonstrated that drug formulation and administration has been changed with the advances of nanotechnology. The application of nanoparticles in medicine includes their use as carriers through the functionalization or drug encapsulation. With the use of nanoformulations, an important amount of pharmaceuticals have improved their therapeutic action. The biomedical applications of carbon nanotubes have open a way to a new field in therapy and medical diagnosis. The main part of these applications might consist on the implant of nanotubes or functionalized nanotubes in patients. However, the use of carbon nanotubes in medicine depends on the evaluation of their toxicity in humans. CO 059 NOVEL PEGYLATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEXT GENERATION BIODRUGS Ikeda Y1, Katamachi J1, Kawasaki H1and Nagasaki Y2 1 ( Department of Materials Science, Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8573, Japan 42 2 Master’s School of Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8573, Japan 3 Satellite Laboratory, International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), National Institute of Materials Science (NIMS) , Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8573, Japan) PEGylation refers to the covalent attachment of poly(ethylene glycol)on the biomolecules. PEGylation is recognized as a promising method to increase the therapeutic efficacy of medicines in clinical settings. A variety of molecules have been modified with PEG andseveral PEGylated drugs have been approved in clinical settings. In this presentation, our recent developments of novel PEGylation technologies on biomolecules will be shown. Material and methods: For the construction of PEGylated oligonucleotide by solid phase synthesis, a novel solid phase which was pre-installed with PEG was prepared. In the case of protein PEGylation, a novel PEG derivative which possessesglutaraldehyde at one end has been synthesized. Results and Conclusions: Solid phase synthesis of PEGylated oligonucleotide. A novel solidphase synthesis method for poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-oligonucleotide conjugates was developed to increase the stability of therapeutic oligonucleotides such as antisense oligonucleotides and siRNA. A prepared solid phase was pre-installed with PEG to provide oligonucleotides modified with PEG at the 3′ terminus. Compared with the conventional liquid-phase synthesis method, the developed solidphase method is simple and reproducible. PEGylation at the 3′-terminus was confirmed to stabilize not only DNA but also RNA more than PEGylation at the 5′ terminus, which has been widely used thus far. A novel chemistry for the PEGylated protein with a high activity. Several PEGylated proteins have been approved as therapeutic drugs. In many cases, PEGylated protein has been synthesized by the conjugation reaction between PEG possessing activated ester and amine(s) in the protein. This reaction, however, often causes inactivation of PEGylated proteins. In this report, we present a novel chemistry which enables the PEGylation of proteins under the mild reaction condition. PEGylated protein prepared by the method developed exhibited much higher biological activity than the PEGylated protein prepared by the conventional method. CO 060 PEGYLATION: AN EFFECTIVE TOOL FOR BIOMASKING 1 1 1 2 Ramón JA , Saez V , Peniche C , Hardy E 1 Center for Biomaterials, University of Havana, P.O. Box 6130, Havana, Cuba. 2 Institute for Science and Technology of Materials, University of Havana, Havana, Cuba. Nowadays, a large group of medical treatments are based on new substances. These were obtained due to strong development of science and technology in last few decades and include: (i) proteins and peptides used as replacement therapy and as inhibitors or regulators of the immune system, (ii) materials used in drug delivery systems like phospholipids and biodegradable polymers, and (iii) metals and their alloys, polymers, ceramics and composites of them used in various devices such as prostheses, stents, heart valves, etc. Unfortunately the behavior of these materials in the body is sometimes negative for the initial purpose. For example, proteins and peptides have low stability in vivo, a short half-life time and immunogenicity. Among the problems associated with other materials are: a) thrombus formation on artificial surfaces in contact with living tissues, b) damages to the tissues (e.g. vascular weakening produced by the liposomes) and c) recognition and elimination by the reticuloendothelial system of micro/nano-devices used as DDS like liposomes and biodegradable polymer microspheres. In general, all these phenomena are due to unwanted interactions that occur at the interfaces between biodrugs or synthetic biomaterials and biological medium. Consequently, any agent that mediates this interaction, and become to this in a more "natural" fashion, promotes the acceptance by living organisms of these "foreign bodies". An ideal substance for this mediation, it might be call “biomasking”, is the polyethylene glycol (PEG). This presentation is about advantages of PEGylation (conjugation to PEG) for biomasking. PEGylation is a well-established technology used to transform proteins, peptides, small molecules and oligonucleotides into more potent drugs than their corresponding unmodified native molecules. Furthermore, PEGylated liposomes had received approval for improve the delivery of encapsulated drugs, such as the anticancer agent doxorubicin, and PEG-modified polymers (such as n- 43 hexadecylcyanoacrylate and PLGA) are studied extensively to obtain enhanced particulate delivery systems. CO 061 NANOSTRUCTURE: SURFACE MODIFICATIONS BY LASER BEAM Guastaldi AC. Grupo de Biomateriais. Instituto de Química de Araraquara-UNESP-Brasil This presentation is directed related to surface modifications by laser beam comparing to various existing processes, such as: mechanical (machining and jetting with abrasives), chemistries (acid attack and passivation) and thermal processes (plasma-spray). The modification of the surface obtained by the laser beam incidence in the surface of the implant causemicro/nanomorphologic structure assembles the equivalent characteristic without leaving vestige of contamination for being a clean, reproducible process and to make possible a larger control of the variables of the process. Commercially pure titanium implants with surfaces modified by laser beam with and without chemical deposition of apatite applied biomechanical and topographical analysis in rabbits. The contemporaneousimplantology looks for advances on implants’ surfaces which allow a safer rehabilitation treatment in a lower period of time. Once the implantation used is subjected to the action of complex mechanical efforts and variations of the physical-chemical properties of the way in which is applied. Literature shows that the implant needs a micro/nanomorphologic superficial structure, not only to assure the mechanic anchorage of the bone on its surface, but also to provide bone-interaction, which can be understood as the direct connection between the new-formed bone and the surface of an implant, without the fibrous tissue interposition.However, it is difficult to conclude precisely what causes the increase in bone response to a modified surface, particularly in the HA coated implants, as this process alters the chemistry by the addition of HA, but simultaneously, it may alter the physical-chemical properties, micro and nanoroughness. Moreover, depending on the application process of HA, alteration may occur in the surface area. The research considered here validates its development; thereafter it is characterized with great potential to generate and to transfer Brazilian technology, from a process of ample commercial use. It is treated, thus, of a clear possibility of application of an innovative chemical covering process of bioactive layers in the surfaces of implants, which will facilitate the access to a population socially less attended, reverting, thus, with a notable social character. Finally, the physical chemical properties of the surface is responsible by osseointegration phenomenon and the nanoroughness or/nanomorphologicwill supply more or less area to occurs osseointegration. MR 002 DRUG REGULATORY AUTHORITY OF CUBA. YEAR 25 Sánchez C, Debesa F, Yañez R and López, A. Centro para el control estatal de medicamentos, equipos y dispositivos medicos (CECMED).,,, Introduction: The former “Centre for State Control of Drug Quality” (CECMED) was created 25 years ago, with the main purpose of centralize actions intended to develop of regulation and surveillance of quality, safety and efficacy of medicines and in vitro diagnostics for human use in Cuba. This research was carried out for characterizing evolution and performing of implemented sanitary regulation and its perspectives. Material and methods: An observational and retrospective study was made, were consulted dispositions supporting CECMED´s work since the legal point of view, and also reviewed regulations issued by this Centre since 1989 till 2013, which are available from public and non-edited sources. Results: Regulatory milestones and its renovation through the time were identified for each of the basic regulatory functions of CECMED, such as, regulatory system; marketing authorization; state inspections and establishment licenses; market surveillance and pharmacovigilance, clinical trials, laboratory assays and lot release. Legal bases which back regulation up and current sanitary actions for violations were summarized. It was emphasized organization, scope to all phases of the life-cycle of drugs, diagnostics and medical devices, including investigation, manufacturing, distribution and use. Also was underlined the improvement achieved for regulation, transparency and participation of regulated in the construction of each regulatory piece. The success of recognition of satisfactory performance of Cuban Regulatory Authority by the World and Pan American Health Organizations (WHO/PAHO) was enhanced, and its current role as 44 Regional Reference Drug Regulatory Authority for The Americas area. Conclusions: The safeguard of the health of Cuban population has on CECMED an efficient keeper, which is upgrading permanently its procedures and sanitary actions of regulation and control, with constant development and timely response to the necessities and challenges. Sesión para la constitución de la Red Latinoamericana / Iberoamericana de Alternativas basadas en las 3Rs / Session for the constitution of the Latin-American / Iberoamerican Network for 3 Rs Alternatives CO 062 THE ROLE OF THE BRAZILIAN CENTER FOR VALIDATION OF ALTERNATIVE METHODS (BraCVAM) IN THE PROCESS OF VALIDATION IN BRAZIL: LOOKING TO THE FUTURE Presgrave O, Moura W, Caldeira C, Delgado I. Instituto Nacional de Controle de Qualidade em Saúde (INCQS)/Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ) Introduction: Brazilian Law 11,794/2008 rules the animal use and created the Council for the Control of Animal Experimentation (CONCEA) which is responsible, among many other activities, for making alternative methods official in Brazil. The Brazilian Center for Validation of Alternative Methods (BraCVAM) was created in order to identify laboratories and the need of validation, as well as organize and make feasible the execution of validation process. Objectives: Show how BraCVAM expects to work in Brazil and its relation with similar organizations. Results: BraCVAM will organize studies to be executed by the National Network on Alternative Methods (RENAMA) following OECD Guideline 34 and it will count on two Committees. The first will peer review the results during the validation and the second will evaluate and recommend finished result to CONCEA. RENAMA received a financial support from National Council of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq) to help starting two lines: 1) introduction of already validated methods and 2) development of a skin model. It will also be used for starting the process of laboratories accreditation in GLP. BraCVAM was already invited for participating as an observer at the International Cooperation on Alternative Test Methods (ICATM) and to join the OECD Guideline Programme. Discussion: Creation of BraCVAM and RENAMA will lead Brazil to join countries that search for alternative methods either for experimental and educational purposes. It makes possible to participate on international studies for validation of methods as well as keep mutual evaluation and acceptance with international 3Rs Centers. BraCVAM and RENAMA will contribute to join institutions that work on alternative methods and it will be possible to develop its own validation strategy of new ingredients or products, especially those ones derived from nature. In a similar way, BraCVAM hope to help the development of networks in Latin America and Caribbean. CO 063 ALTERNATIVE METHODS AT THE END OF THE WORLD Dr. Marcelo Asprea Office of laboratory animal care, Department of laboratory services, Hospital de Pediatría JP Garrahan, Buenos Aires, Argentina Seeing at the new alternative methods technologies in the use of laboratory animals and with the wish of bring new contributions, we have launched a Regional Network with the aim to get integrated to the rest of the community. From Aacytal (Argentina Association for Science and Technology Laboratory Animals), along Aucytal (Uruguayan Association of Animal Science and Technology Laboratory) and Asochical (Chilean Association for Laboratory Animal Science, we call to join us. The reality show us that in our region there is little done so far in alternative technology, due to shortcomings in legislation and regulation on animal testing laboratory. The lack of government financial investment in promoting this technology, preclude an important tool for achieving objectives. Another weakness is the user ignorance to these new trends and the difficulty to leave traditional forms of their normal duties. The irregularity in the legislation is a threat We believe to have sufficient strength to fulfill our mission and one of them is the support of the 45 Association of Laboratory Animal Sciences in the region, which will facilitate the collection of information needed to build a network between areas of biomedical research, science education of life or biological product development, to generate a database How are we working? We have opened an Internet portal that will propagate the message. We are participating as speakers in events that help in spreading the theme, developing new alternative methods in ours institutions and using other strategies that have been developed previously and join our project. CO 064 CUBAN EXPERIENCE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF 3RS IN THE FIELD OF TOXICOLOGY AND METABOLISM OF DRUGS Rodeiro I. Departamento de Farmacología, Centro de Bioproductos Marinos, Plaza de la Revolución, La Habana, Cuba. Since 1990, the alternative methods and the 3Rs principles have been promoted in Cuba. National consensus where all parties concerned have been represented, including animal welfare, industry, academia and government for introducing alternatives methods in the pharmaco-toxicological evaluation of new pharmaceuticals have been development. Educational programmes where 3Rs are promoted in different specialities of our university have been introduced. During these years, different assays as useful tools for preclinical in vitro screening of both synthetic and natural drugs have been development and validated. At this work, Cuban experience on this way is revised. CO 065 WHY AND FOR WHAT CREATING A LATINAMERICAN-IBEROAMERICAN NETWORK FOR ALTERNATIVES? Chovel ML Instituto Finlay, La Habana, Cuba To the light of the new approaches and trends, as well as considering the progress reached in the development, validation and the implementation of technologies and methods based on the principle of 3Rs worldwide, it is absolutely necessary to create a framework able to integrate the groups working on alternatives in LatinAmerica. Thus, it will be possible to reinforce our strengths and to overcome our weaknesses by means of the experience exchange and the scientific collaboration, courses and trainings, participation in proficiency and interlaboratory validation studies and platform of projects fully focused on the development and implementation of Alternatives for Pharmaceuticals and Biological products, as well as for Cosmetics, Food, Chemicals, etc. For that, it is needed to identify what each Group / National Network is able to contribute with in technical and scientific terms and the funding bodies interested in supporting this initiative in a continent with a low development in the field of 3Rs. Moreover, the collaboration with experienced institutions and organizations devoted to Alternatives from developed countries could provide significant benefits to reach our purposes. The definition of statements, a working structure (including a Board) and an Action Plan will be the priority of this Presentation in order to give the first step toward a near future with more development and implementation of Alternatives in Latin-America. PL 005 MIÉRCOLES, OCTUBRE 23 / WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd SESIÓN PLENARIA / PLENARY SESSION PERSONALIZED CANCER VACCINES: WHO SHOULD PICK THE TARGET? Dr. Willem W. Overwijk Houston, TX, USA T cells can mediate remarkable tumor regressions including complete cure in patients with metastatic cancer. Genetic alterations in an individual’s cancer cells (the mutanome) encode unique peptides 46 (m-peptides) that can be targets for T cells. The recent advances in next-generation sequencing and computation prediction allows, for the first time, the rapid and affordable identification of m-peptides in individual patients. Despite excitement about this extended spectrum of potential targets in personalized immunotherapy, there is no experience or consensus on the path to their successful clinical application. A major question is which peptides to target therapeutically. One approach is to select peptides based on mutation analysis and peptide binding prediction algorithms. Alternatively, we can let the immune system “pick” the target peptide by inducing a tumor microenvironment that promotes T cell priming in vivo.We will present data on both approaches and discuss pros and cons of either approach. PL 006 DRUG METABOLISM IN THE BRAIN AND HOW IT CAN ALTER DRUG RESPONSE Prof. Dr. Rachel Tyndale Toronto, Canadá The brain has a unique expression profile of drug and toxin metabolizing cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs); multiple forms of CYPs have been identified in the brains of different species including rodents, dogs, monkeys and humans. These CYPs are genetically polymorphic, similar to their expression in the liver meaning some people have high levels, while other people have no expression. These CYPs are uniquely expressed and regulated in a cell and brain-region specific manner and can metabolize many centrally relevant compounds including centrally acting drugs, neurotoxins and neurotransmitters. Drugs and toxins that act on the central nervous system (CNS) may be metabolized in situ in the brain, and differences in in situ metabolism may contribute to variation in an individual’s response to drugs and toxins. Studies in artificial in vitro systems, with added cofactors, indicate that brain CYPs have similar substrate specificity and in vitro kinetics to their hepatic forms. We have shown that brain CYPs are metabolically active in situ using a radiolabeled suicide inhibitor, which takes advantage of the brain CYP metabolic activity of the animal, injected directly into the brain of a living rat. We have also subsequently demonstrated in vivo, using a similar brain inhibitor or induction approach, that enzymes within the brain can alter drug effect. This is illustrated using CYP2B inactivation of the anesthetic propofol within the rat brain and its resulting impact on sedation, CYP2B activation of a neurotoxic pesticide chlorpyrifos and its alteration of neurotoxicity. Likewise we have shown that brain CYP2D activation of codeine to morphine is important to the early time points for analgesia, and that brain CYP2D may importantly alter risk for parkinson’s disease through its ability to inactivate neurotoxins such as MPTP. These results indicate that brain CYPs are actively able to metabolize CNS acting drugs and neurotoxins and can contribute significantly to local drug response. The induction of brain CYPs by nicotine and alcohol, and higher levels in the brains of smokers and alcoholics, suggests that in addition to pharmacogenetic variation, commonly used drugs could also alter responses to centrally-acting drugs and toxins. More broadly these studies indicate that brain CYPs are active in situ and have sufficient local enzymatic activity to meaningfully alter the pharmacology of centrally acting drugs and neurotoxins. SIMPOSIOS Y TALLERES / SYMPOSIA AND WORKSHOPS CONFERENCIAS Y COMUNICACIONES ORALES / CONFERENCES AND ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Taller Inmunofarmacología y Biotecnología. Sesión: Inmunofarmacología / Workshop on Immunopharmacology and Biotechnology. Session: Immunopharmacology CO 066 CIGB-814, A PEPTIDE AS IMMUNOMODULATOR FOR THE TREATMENT OF ARTHRITIS REUMATOIDE 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Domínguez MC , Lorenzo N , Barberá A , Ancizar JA , Torres AM , Hernandez MV , Hernandez I , 2 3 3 1 Gil R , Altruda F , Silengo L , Padrón GR . 1 Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología, La Habana, Cuba. 2 Servicio Nacional de 3 Reumatología, La Habana, Cuba. Universidad de Turín, Italia. Induction of immune tolerance as therapeutic approach for autoimmune diseases constitutes a 47 current research focal point. In this sense, we aimed to evaluate an Altered Peptides Ligand (APL) for induction of peripheral tolerance in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). A novel T cell epitope from human heat-shock protein 60 (Hsp60), an autoantigen involved in the pathogenesis of RA, was identified by bioinformatics tools and an APL was design from this epitope (CIGB-814). Firstly, we investigated the ability of this peptide for inducing regulatory T cells (Treg cells) in mice. CIGB-814 induced an increase of the proportions of Treg cells in the draining lymph nodes of the injected site in high mice. On other hand, this peptide increases the proportions of the CD4+CD25 FoxP3+ Treg cells in ex vivo assays using PBMC isolated from RA patients. In addition, we evaluated the therapeutic effect of this APL in two animal models: adjuvant induced arthritis (AA) in Lewis rat and collagen induced arthritis (CIA) in DBA/1 mice. Our approach was compared to metotrexate (MTX), the gold standard treatment for RA, in CIA model. Clinical score, Treg, TNFα levels and histopathology were monitored. CIGB-814 efficiently inhibited the course of AA and CIA, with significant reduction of the clinical and histopathogy score. The therapeutic effect induced by CIGB-814 is mediated by an increase of the proportions of Treg cells and a decrease of TNFα levels. These results indicate a therapeutic potentiality of this peptide and support further investigation of this candidate drugs for treatment of RA. Interference of the pathogenic T cell function in a specific manner using an APL derived from an autoantigen that can induce tolerance mediated by activation of Tregs as shows here, represents an attractive therapeutic approach for autoimmune diseases. CO 067 ENHANCEMENT OF THE INHIBITORY EFFECT OF AN IL-15 ANTAGONIST PEPTIDE BY ALANINE SCANNING Rodríguez Y1 , Reyes O1, Gerónimo H1, Chico A2, Garay H1, Ojeda M1, Arrieta C1, Estévez M2, 1 1 Guillén G and Santos A . (1) Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, P.O. Box 6162, Havana City 10600. Cuba (2) H. Ameijeiras Hospital, San Lazaro 701, Havana 10300. Cuba Introduction IL-15 is a proinflammatory cytokine that acts early in the inflammatory response and has been associated with several autoimmune diseases including Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), where it had been proposed as a therapeutic target. We recently reported an IL-15 antagonist peptide corresponding to sequence 36–45 of IL-15 (KVTAMKCFLL) named P8, which specifically binds to IL15Rα and inhibits IL-15 biological activity with a half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 130µM in CTLL-2 proliferation assay. Materials and Methods In order to improve binding of peptide P8 to the receptor IL-15Rα, we used an Ala scan strategy to study contribution of each individual amino acid to the peptide’s antagonist effect. To evaluate the effects of the peptides, CTLL-2 cells were incubated with serial dilutions of peptides in presence of 300pg of IL-15 during 72 hours. Proliferation was measured by MTT mitochondrial staining. Cells from patients with RA were incubated with 50 µg/mL of peptide or 60 ng/mL of IL-15, or a combination of both. After 48h incubation, supernatants were collected and TNF-α concentration was determined by ELISA. Results Here, we found that Phe and Cys are important for peptide binding to IL-15Rα. We also investigated other single site mutations and replaced the second Lys in the sequence by the polar non-charged amino acid threonine. The resulting peptide [K6T]P8 exhibited a higher activity than P8 with an IC50 of 24 µM. CTLL-2 proliferation assays showed that the dimeric form of [K6T] P8 had a higher inhibitory activity (IC50 8 µM) than the monomeric form. We also found that this peptide was more active than peptide P8 in the inhibition of TNFα secretion by synovial cells from RA patients. Conclusion The peptide [K6T]P8 described in this work is a new type of IL-15 antagonist and constitutes a potential therapeutic agent for RA. CO 068 THE LONG PENTRAXIN PTX3: A NON-REDUNDANT COMPONENT OF THE HUMORAL INNATE IMMUNITY AND A PROMISING BIOMARKER IN INFLAMMATORY CONDITIONS 1 1 1 1 1 Garlanda C. , Jaillon S. , Barbati. E. , Bottazzi B. , Mantovani A. 1 Humanitas Clinical and ResearchCenter, via Manzoni 113,Rozzano, 20089, Italy. 2 Department of Translational Medicine, University of Milan, Milan, Italy 48 Pentraxins are a family of evolutionarily conserved multifunctional pattern-recognition proteins characterized by a cyclic multimeric structure. Based on the primary structure of the subunit, the pentraxins are divided into two groups: short pentraxins and long pentraxins. Creactive protein (CRP) and serum amyloid P-component (SAP) are the two short pentraxins. The prototype protein of the long pentraxin group is pentraxin 3 (PTX3). CRP and SAP are produced primarily in the liver in response to IL-6, while PTX3 is produced by a variety of tissues and cells and in particular by innate immunity cells in response to pro-inflammatory signals and Toll-like receptor (TLR) engagement. Through in vitro and in vivo studies performed with original tools generated by this group (recombinant human and mouse PTX3, its domains and mutated variants, original anti-PTX3 antibodies and PTX3 gene targeted mice), it has been shown that PTX3 interacts with several ligands, including growth factors, extracellular matrix components and selected pathogens, playing a role in complement activation and pathogen recognition by phagocytes, in tuning inflammation and in tissue remodelling. In addition, data obtained so far with ELISA assays on human plasma or serum suggest that PTX3 may represent a useful marker of different inflammatory conditions including cardiovascular pathology complementary to CRP: being directly produced by damaged tissues, its increase precedes CRP and rapidly reflects the vascular involvement by inflammatory process. The combination of PTX3 and classical biomarkers showed an incremental diagnostic and prognostic value in several conditions, including sepsis, acute coronary syndromes and chronic heart failure. Thus, the prototypic long pentraxin PTX3 is a multifunctional soluble pattern recognition receptor acting as a non-redundant component of the humoral arm of innate immunity and a novel promising biomarker to provide useful prognostic information for clinical outcomes in inflammatory conditions. CO 069 LEVELS OF SOLUBLE IL-15, IL-6, TNFΑ AND IL-15RΑ IN SYNOVIAL FLUID AND MEMBRANE BOUND IL-15 ON SYNOVIAL CELLS FROM PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS AND OSTEOARTHRITIS. 1 1 2 1 Machado-Díaz A.C , Arrieta-Aguero C , Chico-Capote A , Rodriguez-Alvarez Y , García-del Barco 1 1 1 1 1 1 Herrera D , Raices-Cruz I , Falcón-Cama V , Chacón-Quintero Y ,Guillen-Nieto G , Santos-Savio A . 1 Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotenología. La Habana, Cuba. 2 Hospital Hermanos Amejeiras. La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Cytokines are a family of proteins involved in regulation of the immune system and the intercellular communication. Many autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are related to deregulation of cytokine expression. High levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-15, IL-6 and TNF-α have been described in synovial fluid from RA patients. . Materials and methods: In this study we quantified these cytokines levels in synovial fluid from 18 RA and 17 osteoarthritis (OA) patients, from Rheumatology service at B. Ameijeiras hospital, who presented inflammation and abundant synovial fluid in damaged joints. We also quantified levels of soluble IL-15Rα, a private receptor for IL-15, using an ELISA designed by our group. We also studied expression of membrane-bound IL-15 on synovial cells by FACS and EM. Results: Current study confirmed presence of soluble IL-15Rα in synovial fluids from RA and OA patients. Although we detected expression of membrane IL-15 on cells from synovial fluids of RA patients. Also we determined that IL-15 is present as a membrane bound ligand. Acidic treatment produced a slight decrease in the amount of membrane-bound IL-15. Indicating that, in addition to transmembrane IL-15, a certain number of IL-15 molecules are bound to membrane IL-15Rα. Interestingly, we found a positive correlation between high levels of IL-6 and high levels of IL-15Rα in RA but not in OA. Conclusions: The presence of soluble IL-15Rα and membrane IL-15 suggested that soluble IL-15Rα could induce IL-6 through a reverse signaling pathway and then contributing to a proinflammatory medium in RA. CO 070 IMMUNOMODULATING AND ENHANCING ACTIVITIES OF SOLUBLE GLUCANS FROM SACHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE ASSESED BY MONOCYTE ACTIVATION TEST Pardo-Ruiz Z, Perdomo-Morales R, Pacios-Michelena A Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos (CIDEM)/ Center for Pharmaceuticals Research and Development. Ave. 26 No. 1605. Plaza de la Revolución. La Habana 49 Introduction: Beta-glucans are homopolymers of glucose that have shown immunomodulating effects depending on their structural characteristics and could be potential contaminants of some parenterals that are clarified through cellulose filters. The ability of glucans to develop an immune response or enhance the immune response induced by other pathogens is overlooked by the conventional pyrogen tests. Thus, the objective of this work was to determine the enhancing immune effect of glucans from the yeast Sacharomyses cerevisiae when they are incubated concomitantly with LPS and to confirm the significance of Monocyte Activation Test (MAT) for detecting such activities. Materials and methods: Soluble glucans were purified from S. cerevisiae and were partially characterized. The content of hexoses was determined by phenol-sulphuric colorimetric method and endotoxin contamination was evaluated by the Limulus test. Both immunostimulating and enhancing effects were determined by employing MAT. As monocyte source was used human whole blood that was incubated in polypropilene tubes with glucans, either alone or concomitantly with LPS. The releasing of Interleukin-6, -1β and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α was determined in the supernatant by ELISA. Results: Glucans induced the releasing of all proinflammatory cytokines assayed, TNF-α was the most released cytokine, followed by IL-6 and IL-1β. In addition, the LPS inducedimmunostimulating effect was powerfully enhanced by glucans. Conclusions: Glucans showed enhancing and immunomodulating effects that became evident through MAT. It was shown that MAT could be an appropriate test to evaluate glucans activities. C 018 Dr. Bruce Levy Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA Abstract not received at the moment of edition / Resumen no recibido al momento de la edición CO 071 EARLY PHASE OF SYSTEMIC REACTION TO ORAL ASPIRIN CHALLENGE IS RELATED TO AN INCREASE IN THE LEVELS OF IL-6 AND THE PERCENTAGE OF EFFECTORS MEMORY T-CELLS 1 2,3 2 Claudina A Pérez-Novo ,Monika Świerczyńska-Krępa ,Ewa Niżankowska-Mogilnicka , Marek 2 2 1 2 1 Sanak ,Natalie De Ruyck , Gabriele Holtappels , Andrzej Szczeklik , Claus Bachert . 1 Upper Airways Research Laboratory, Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology,Ghent University Hospital, Belgium 2 Dept. of Medicine, Jagiellonian University School of Medicine, Cracow, Poland 3 Out-patient Allergy ClinicMedex, Bielsko-Biała, Poland Background: Systemic reactions have been suggested to be linked to the hypersensitivity reactions occurring in aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease, however the mechanism has not been elucidated yet. In this study we aim to study the T- cell response and release of inflammatory mediators at systemic level following oral aspirin challenge and their possible link with clinical reactions in patients with aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD). Methods: Patients with nasal polyposis and asthma with (n=20) and without AERD (n=18)were orally challenged with aspirin in a double placebo controlled study. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated and serum samples were collected before and after placebo and aspirin oral challenges. Cells wereanalyzed for CD4, CD8, CD25, CD127, CD45RA and CD45RO surface markers by Flow cytometry. Serum levels of inflammatory mediators: cytokines, chemokines and lipid mediators were assayed by using the Bioplex (Luminex) technologyand ELISA. Urinary LTE4, 9α, 11β-PGF2 were analysed by ELISA. Results: At baseline, AERD patients showed significant higher levels of sIL5Ra, uLTE4 and + + + pos + + and CD4 CD45RA CD45RO but decreased levels of percentage of CD4 , CD4 CD25 CD127 + + neg cells.Serum concentrations of IL-8 and sIL5R-α were TGF-β1 and number of CD4 CD25 CD127 significantly elevated in patients reacting to a dose of aspirin lower than 250 mg (half of the cumulative dose of 500mg) when compared to non-AERD subjects and patients reacting to the highest dosis of aspirin administrated (500 mg). Oral aspirin challenge resluted in the release of IL-6, urinary LTE4 and in the increased of the number of CD4+CD45RA-CD45RO+ memory Tcells only in AERD patients but failed to reduce the levels of sCD40L as occurred in non-AERD subjects. The release of IL-6 was elevated in patients with bronchial and nasal reactions when 50 compared to subjects showing only bronchial reactions. Conclusion: In conclusion, we demonstrated that early phase of systemic reaction after oral administration of aspirin is characterized by the release of IL-6 and the recruitment of effector memory T-cells. This points out to a novel mechanism that has been already discussed in allergy, asthma but not in AERD. Taller Inmunofarmacología y Biotecnología. Sesión: Desarrollo e investigación sobre vacunas / Workshop on Immunopharmacology and Biotechnology. Session: Development and research on vaccines CO 072 Dr. Alejandro Costa World Health Organization (WHO), Switzerland Abstract not received at the moment of edition / Resumen no recibido al momento de la edición CO 073 CONJUGATE VACCINE CANDIDATE AGAINST Neisseria meningitidis Acevedo R*1, González M2, Cedré B1, Valmaseda T1, Aranguren Y1, Fernández S1, Zayas C1, 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 García L , Cardoso F , Garrido R , Faez I , Rodríguez L , Verez V , Cardoso D 1 2 Finlay Institute, La Habana, Cuba. CQB. La Habana, Cuba. Introducción: Meningoccocal disease is one of the must important causes of meningitis. Estimates from WHO indicates that every year occurred more than 1 million of invasive cases and 100 000 deaths. The situation is more difficult in African countries from the “meningitis belt” where epidemics from serogroups A, W135 affect entire region. Conjugated polysaccharide vaccines are more immunogenic, induce long lasting immune response, memory and herd immunity compared with plain polysaccharide vaccines. However, conjugated vaccines are more expensive and less affordable to poor countries. Finlay Institute in collaboration with the Center of Biomolecular Chemistry (CQB) aims to develop an affordable multivalent conjugated vaccine candidate against N. meningitidis. M&M: Polysaccharides were conjugated to diphtheria toxoid and evaluated as tetravalent formulation. A dose response study was carried out in BALB/c mice with the conjugate formulation and compared to commercial vaccines. Results: Conjugates of serogroups A, C, Y, W135 of N. meningitidis were formulated and the dose response study demonstrated that high antibodies level and bactericidal activity were induced, comparable with the commercial vaccine Menveo. Conclusions: Evaluation of tetravalent conjugate formulation during experimental stage was successful. The development of the multivalent vaccine candidate is ongoing. CO 074 A SALMONELLA TYPHI POLYSACCHARIDE VI- DIPHTHERIA TOXOID (VI-DT) CONJUGATE VACCINE AGAINST TYPHOID FEVER. 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 Fernández S , Soubal JP , Valmaseda T , Santana D , Aranguren Y , Ramírez U , Merchán Y , 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 Romeu B , Padrón MA , García A , Muñoz M , Hechevarría JA , Acevedo R , Cardoso F , Lastre M , 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D Rey E , Reyes L , Pérez O , Fariñas M , Borrero Y , Lescaille D , Blaín K , Cabrera R , Zayas C , 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 Mandiarote A , Costa N , Nuñez D , Serrano D , Oliva R , Pérez JL , Valdés Y , García L , Vérez V , 1 Cardoso D . 1. Finlay Institute, Havana. Cuba 2. Biomolecular Chemistry Center (CQB), Havana. Cuba. Introduction: Typhoid fever continues to be a major public health problem according with estimates of World Health Organization. None of the available typhoid vaccines are licensed for children under 2 years old, the age group who reaches the highest mortality. Conjugation of polysaccharides to an immunogenic protein revert the Timo independent pattern of polysaccharides to a T-dependent pattern and induce immune response in infants. The aim of this work was to obtain and evaluate a conjugate candidate vaccine as part of the project conducted by Finlay Institute and Biomolecular Chemistry Center. Materials and Methods: Vi polysaccharide (PsVi) of Salmonella Typhi was conjugated to diphtheria toxoid (Vi-DT) at different scales. Analytic assays were done to formulations at 10µg/ml and 20µg/ml. Immunogenicity of conjugates were evaluated in Balb/C mice. Additionally, 51 some preliminary toxicological studies were done in Sprague Dawley (SD) rats. Results: All lots of conjugate formulations showed similar characteristics. Vi-DT conjugates were immunogenic in Balb/C mice and the immune response was dose dependent. Mice immunized with Vi-DT conjugate exhibited high levels of IgG subclasses, IgG affinity maturation and Th1 cytokine profile (IL-12 and IFN-γ). Memory B cell and memory T cell responses after booster dose with a plain polysaccharide vaccine were induced. Conjugates were also immunogenic in SD rats and no toxicity evidence were observed in this model. Conclusions: These results demonstrated that Vi-DT conjugates are safe and immunogenic in animal models, encouraging us to continue the development of a conjugate vaccine against typhoid. CO 075 FORMULATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND RELEASING ATTENUATED 638 VIBRIO CHOLERAE ORAL VACCINE OF A LIVE- Tamayo Y, Martínez JC, Mandiarote A., García L, Martínez R., Ochoa R. Introduction: Cholera remains as a global threat to public health in developing countries, where infrastructure lacks access to water and to a suitable sanitation. Vibrio cholerae is the infectious agent responsible for cholera. Only Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139 serogroups are known to cause epidemics of cholera. Isolates of V. cholerae serogroup O1 are classified into two biotypes, El Tor and classical, on the basis of several phenotypic characteristics. Currently, the El Tor biotype is responsible for virtually all of the cholera cases throughout the world and classical biotype isolates have virtually disappeared worldwide. In addition, V.cholerae O1 is classified into two main serotypes, Inaba and Ogawa, based on agglutination test using polyvalent antiserum against lipopolysaccharide (LPS) antigens. Vaccination against cholera continues to be a feasible strategy against this infection. A Live, orally administered, attenuated vaccine strains of V. cholerae have many theoretical advantages over killer vaccine. A new lyophilized live oral cholera vaccine candidate has been developed in Cuba by NCCI and Finlay Institute, containing genetically modified Vibrio cholerae strain 638 (biotype El Tor, serotype Ogawa) as active pharmaceutical ingredient. The aim of this work was to formulate, characterize and release six batches of this vaccine candidate. Materials and methods: The batches were formulated using the established methodology, with adequate controls in each step of the process. The assays for characterization and releasing were: description, residual moisture, viability (colony forming units), identity, purity, PCR, immunogenicity and colonization. Results: The physicochemical, microbiological and biological assays allowed the characterization and releasing of the six batches of this vaccine candidate to asses content, purity, safety and activity of the live oral 638 cholera vaccine candidate. Conclusion: We concluded that the microbiological properties, colonizing capability, immunogenicity and non-toxigenicity of the final product were suitable and technologically consistent. CO 076 DEVELOPMENT OF NOVEL THERAPEUTIC HEPATITIS B VACCINE: NASVAC. Gerardo Guillén, Julio Cesar Aguilar, Eduardo Pentón, Yadira Lobaina, Aristides Aguilar, Verena Muzio. Centro de Ingeneria Genetica y Biotecnologia, La Habana, Cuba. Introduction: Despite the existence of effective prophylactic vaccines, hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections remain a major public health problem. About 370 million people are chronically infected worldwide. Chronic hepatitis b (CHB) infection also increases the risk of liver diseases such as cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Current antiviral therapies fail to control viral replication in the long term in most patients. As HBV persistence has been associated with a defect in the development of HBV-specific cellular immunity, therapeutic vaccination has been extensively studied in CHB. HBsAg-based vaccines, including prophylactic vaccines and HBsAg-based formulations with novel adjuvants have been used with unclear or negative results. The development of therapeutic vaccines against CHB requires proofing the capacity of the formulation to subvert a tolerated immune response. Materials and Methods: NASVAC as a new generation vaccine include the use of a novel immunization route (intranasal-IN) and a novel antigen (HBcAg) expressed in E. coli, used in a 52 combined formulation with HBsAg extressed in Pichia pastoris, both as VLPs and more than 95% purity. The formulation is a simple mixture of proteins in phosphate buffer administered by the IN and SC routes. The immunogenecity in Balb/C and transgenic mice was measured using ELISA, LPA and IFN-g ELISPOT assays. The clinical trials with human volunteers where approved by the Research Ethics Board of the Hospitals. Results: The evaluation in mouse support the rationality of the therapeutic vaccine candidate targeting the stimulation of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell responses and the induction of proinflammatory cytokines capable of controlling viral replication. NASVAC proved to be immunogenic in mouse models and then in phase I, II and III, randomized, double blinded and placebo controlled clinical trials developed in healthy volunteers and CHB patients. Conclusion: Preclinical and clinical results with NASVAC evidenced immunogenicity, safety and efficacy of the vaccine candidate. CO 077 HEPTAVALENT CONJUGATE VACCINE AGAINST THE MOST PREVALENT SEROTYPES OF STREPTOCOCCUS PNEUMONIAE IN LATINOAMERICA: PRECLINICAL EVALUATION. 1 1 2 3 4 1 3 5 García-Rivera D , Rodríguez L , Valdés Y , Martin Y , Pérez A , Soroa Y , Luque Y , Serrano J , 6 2 7 5 2 Pedroso J , Santana D , Villar A , Chang J , Vérez V . 1 2 3 Laboratory of Immunology, Head of Project, Laboratory Animal Breeding Group, 4 Group of 5 6 7 Immunochemistry, Group of Glycoconjugation, Group of Chemical Analysis, Glycotechnology Deparment, Center of Biomolecular Chemistry. Introduction: A new conjugate vaccine containing the seven serotypes of S. pneumoniae more frequently associated with infection in Latina-American was designed for its introduction in Cuba and other countries of the region. The candidate vaccine contains 2µg of each capsular polysaccharide 1, 5, 14, 18C, 19F and 23F as well 4µg for 6B-all of the conjugated to tetanus toxoid- and aluminum phosphate as adjuvant. As results of many years of development, several batches were produced with the aim of assessing their physicochemical properties and conducting preclinical evaluation. Materials and methods: The studies herein discussed include immunogenicity in New Zealand rabbits; prove of memory by a booster with the unconjugated CPS after 4 months and opsonophagocytic activity of serum antibodies. Results: The results proved that the vaccine elicited high titer of total IgG with high avidity and specificity to the CPS after the two doses. Antibodies were functional as shown by their opsonophagocytic titer over 1:8 for each serotype. On the other hand, safety was assessed by several toxicological studies in rats, demonstrating that the vaccine candidate doesn´t induce any sign of unexpected toxicity. Conclusions: In conclusion, the conjugated vaccine candidate is immunogenic and safe in laboratory animals, thus paving the way toward first Latin-American conjugate vaccine against S. pneumoniae. CO 078 ADVANCES IN THE CHARACTERIZATION OF A BORDETELLA PERTUSSIS DERIVED PROTEOLIPOSOME AS VACCINE CANDIDATE AGAINST WHOOPING COUGH Pérez JL, Fernández S, Herrera Y, Reyes G, Fernández Y, Fajardo EM, Mandiarote A, Landys M, Año G, Padrón MA, Acosta M, Cabreras R, Riverón L, Fariñas M, Díaz D, García L, Cardoso D, Campa C. Finlay.Instituto, Havana, Cuba Introduction: Bordetella pertussis, the whooping cough causative agent, has increased its incidence worldwide among adolescents and adults in spite of the high vaccine coverage. That is the reason why the development of new vaccine strategies which provide a long lasting effective immunity has been recommended. Finlay Institute studies the properties of a B. pertussis derived proteoliposome (PLBp), purified from the outer surface of 165 wild type strain, as vaccine candidate. Results: Scanning electronic microscopy showed spherical structures 50-140nm diameter which was confirmed by photonic correlation spectroscopy. Western blot using monoclonal antibodies revealed the presence of relevant antigens used in acellular vaccines. LAL assay showed inferior endotoxine 53 levels when compared with other proteoliposomes vaccine, while pirogenicity assay was negative to 75 ng/mL. Histopathological studies performed after intranasal administration of 18323 WHO reference strain revealed remarkable differences in the lung tissue damage between PLBp immunized and DT immunized mice. In addition PLBp showed similar protective capacity than Finlay Institute DPT vaccine in challenge models. The administration of PLBp formulated with tetanic and diphtheric toxoid (PLBp-dt) raised a high IgG response against B. pertussis in mice. Conclusions: This PLBp has shown its properties as vaccine candidate and its potentiality to prevent whooping cough in adolescents and adults in a PLBp-dt combined vaccine. Taller sobre Estrés Oxidativo y Ozonoterapia / Workshop on Oxidative Stress and Ozonetherapy C 019 OZONE´S THERAPEUTICAL TARGETS. BASIS OF THEIR PLEIOTROPIC EFFECTS 1 1 Olga Sonia León Fernández , María Teresa Díaz Soto , Jaqueline Dranguet Vaillant 1 Pharmacy and Food Institute of the University of Havana, Cuba. 1 Ozone´s therapeutic effects have been demonstrated in different diseases which are “seeminlgy” no connected between them. Ozone Oxidative Pre/Postconditioning mechanism showed that ozone administration in low doses and controlled number of treatments was able to increase antioxidant endogenous defence systems therefore a condition in order to expect a therapeutical success with ozonetherapy is that disease has a chronic oxidative stress as component of its aetiology so celular redox balance happen in a therapeutical target of medical ozone. Superoxide dismutase activity is an enzyme which is involved in different diseases, mainly vascular disorders. At the same time, adenosine plays an important role in stress conditions. Both, superoxide dismutase and adenosine, are ubiquitous molecules, achieve its effects through signal transductions and they are modified in specific way by ozonetherapy. Above mentioned ozone´s therapeutical targets are shown through diseases as ischemic syndorme, diabetes and disc hernia which demonstrate ozonetherapy pleiotropic effects. CO 079 THE EFFECT OF OZONE ACTIVATED AUTOLOGOUS PLATELET-RICH PLASMA INJECTION ON PATTERN HAIR LOSS: A PRELIMINARY STUDY Gregorio Martínez-Sánchez, Pharm. D. Ph.D; Vincenzo Ricci, M.D. Medical Center Beauty Benefit srl., San Biagio di Osimo (AN) Via Mons. Oscar Romero, 31. Osimo, Italy. Tel. +39 3483833064, E.Mail:; Currently, autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has attracted attention in various medical fields, including, dentistry, plastic and orthopedic surgery and dermatology, for its ability to promote wound healing. PRP has been tested during facelift and hair transplantation to reduce swelling and pain and to increase hair density. In addition, activated autologous PRP has been reported to induce the proliferation of dermal papilla cells. Incubation of PRP with O2/O3 increases the basal concentration of grow factor. The effect of autologous PRP on miniaturized hair and hair loss was study. PRP preparation activated with Ca2+, O2/O3 and epinephrine was injected on the scalps of 6 male patients with pattern hair loss every 21 day to reach 6 treatments. Wash test, micro and global photos were analyzed every month to follow the clinical evolution. One month after the first treatment the wash test shown a clinical improvement in all patients. Three months after the first treatment, the patients presented clinical improvement in the mean number of hair thickness, 42.5 ± 21.7% (p<0.001), compared with baseline values. At 6 months, the patients presented clinical improvement in mean hair count, 27.4 ± 15.7% (p<0.001), mean hair thickness, 76.2 ± 35.1% (p<0.001), compared with baseline. Our data suggest that the interfollicular injection of O2/O3 activated autologous PRP preparation has a positive therapeutic effect on male pattern hair loss without remarkable major sideeffects. Although few studies tested the effects of activated PRP on hair growth, this research provides support for possible clinical application of autologous O2/O3 activated PRP for promotion of hair growth. CO 080 OZONE OXIDATIVE POSTCONDITIONING AMELIORATES JOINT DAMAGE 54 AND DECREASES PROINFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES OXIDATIVE STRESS IN PG/PS-INDUCED ARTHRITIS IN RATS 1 1 1 1 LEVELS 2 AND 2 1 J. Dranguet , A. Fraga , A. Navarro , M. Díaz , R. Viebahn- Hänsler , Z. Fahmy , A. Mallok , A. Barberá3, L. Delgado1, S. Menéndez 4, O. León 1. 1 Pharmacy and Food Institute, University of Havana, Havana 10 400, Cuba. 2 Medical Society for the Use of Ozone in Prevention and Therapy, D-76473, Iffezheim, Germany. 3 Biomedical Research Department, Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Havana, Cuba. 4 Centro ProDanza. Ave 51 No. 118005 (Ministerio de Cultura), Marianao. La Habana, Cuba. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is the most prevalent chronic condition present in 1% of the adult population. Many proinflammatory mediators are increased in RA, including Reactive Oxygen Species such as nitric oxide NO, proinflammatory cytokines as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-1beta (IL-1β) and other molecules. Ozone oxidative postconditioning have regulatory effects on some pathological targets associated with RA. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of ozone therapy in PG/PS-induced arthritis in rats in point of joints inflammation and morphology. Moreover, cytokines, nitric oxide and oxidative stress levels in spleen homogenates were evaluated. Ozone treatment ameliorated joint damage, reduced TNF-α concentrations as well as TNF-α and IL- 1 β mRNA levels. Besides, cellular redox balance, nitric oxide and fructolysine levels were reestablished after ozone oxidative postconditioning. It was concluded that pleiotropic ozone’s effects clarify its therapeutic efficacy in RA. Decreasing inflammation and joint injury, reduction of proinflammatory cytokines, TNF-α and IL-1 β transcripts and re-establishment of cellular redox balance after ozone treatment were demonstrated. CO 081 OZONE THERAPY AMELIORATES NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS AND OXIDATIVE STRESS IN PATIENTS DURING ETHANOL WITHDRAWAL—A PILOT STUDY 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 M. Díaz , A. Fraga , J Dranguet , A. Mallok , R. Viebahn-Hänsler , S. Menéndez and O. León 1 Pharmacy and Food Institute, University of Havana, Havana 10 400, Cuba. 2 Medical Society for the Use of Ozone in Prevention and Therapy, D-76473, Iffezheim, Germany. 3 Centro ProDanza. Ave 51 No. 118005 (Ministerio de Cultura), Marianao. La Habana, Cuba. Chronic oxidative stress and acetaldehyde accumulation are associated with brain damage during Ethanol Withdrawal (EW). Ozone therapy is a regulator of cellular redox balance and it controls important functions of nervous system during EW at experimental level. The aim of this work was to develop a pilot study in order to evaluate the ozone´s effects on EW signs and oxidative stress in 10 patients “Before” and “After” ozone treatments. Ozone improved 70% of the signs from Clinical Institute Withdrawal Scale (CIWA-Ar), mainly those associated to Central Nervous System (CNS). Ozone´s efficacy was observed in patients that required pharmacological treatment. Reduction of CIWA-Ar scores and the oxidative stress (p < 0.05) was demonstrated. In summary, ozone improved CNS functions and reduced oxidative stress in patients during EW. These results were according to experimental findings and suggest ozone´s regulator effects on important neurotransmitters of the CNS. C 020 OZONE CONDITIONING EFFECT, NRF2 PATHWAY AND EPRE. AN IN VIVO STUDY DURING MAYOR AUTHO-HEMOTHERAPY. 1,* 2 3 1 3 Re L, , Martínez-Sánchez, G , Bordicchia M , Malcangi G , Pocognoli A , Miguel Morales-Segura M4, Rothchild J5 and Rojas A.6 1 *Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology Dept, Medinat SAS, Via Fazioli 22, 60021 Camerano, Ancona, Italy. Tel. +39 071 731076 Fax. +39 071 731347, E.Mail: 2 Medical Center Beauty Benefit - San Biagio di Osimo, Via Mons. Oscar Romero, 31 60027 Osimo, Ancona, Italy. Tel. +39 3483833064, E.Mail: 3 Department of Internal Medicine, University of Ancona, Politecnica delle Marche, 60131 Ancona, 55 Italy. Dept. Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile. 5 Holistic Dentist Clinic, 175 Mercado Street Suite115, Durango, CO 81301, USA. 6 Biomedical Research Laboratories, Medicine Faculty, Catholic University of Maule, Talca, Chile. 4 Despite the long experience in the field of medical ozone therapy, and its positive clinical effects when used at appropriate concentrations, the most intimate molecular mechanisms are still partially unknown. The aim of our ongoing study, of which the present represents only the first step, was to verify some hypotheses to study on humans the involvement of the EpRE (electrophile-responsive element) system. Six adult healthy subjects of both gender and Caucasian ethnicity were eligible to participate in the study. Mayor Auto-hemotherapy (MAH) was performed, using a dose of ozone of 45 µg/kg of BW with ozone concentrations of 35 µg/mL. Patients were treated with 3 MAHs, one every 2 days interval. Blood samples for biochemical analysis were obtained after a 12 h overnight fast, at: 1) Immediately before the first MAH, 2) From the bottle during the first MAH after bubbling blood with ozone, 3) From the patients 30 min after the first MAH, 4) From the patients the day after the application of the third MAH. Periphery lymphocytes were isolated to assay Nrf2 levels and erythrocytes lysate were obtained to measure oxidative stress mediators. Nrf2 binding activity was increased (p<0.01) in human lymphocytes directly exposed to O3 and also (p<0.005) in circulating lymphocytes after MAH. Nrf2 signal back to normal status during the time. The initial activation of Nrf2 induced by ozone increase the level of antioxidants enzymes. These data provide new evidences on the mechanism responsible for the induction of antioxidant enzymes expression by ozonated MAH, and have a practical and clinical importance as an approach to the treatment of patients targeted to the restoration of redox homeostasis. CO 082 EVALUATION OF INHIBITION CAPACITY TO LIPIDIC PEROXIDATION AT BRAIN LEVEL OF FREE AND ESTERIFIED PHYTOSTEROLS a b a b Hernández R , Canales A , Osegueda M , Sandoval G . a Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Ingeniería, Campus Guanajuato, Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Av. Mineral de Valenciana No. 200 Fracc. Industrial Puerto Interior Silao de la Victoria, Guanajuato. C.P. 36275. Tel. (55) 57 29 60 00 Ext. 81380. Rosa Hernández Soto e-mail., b Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco, A.C. Av. Normalistas 800 Colinas de la Normal, C.P. 44270. Guadalajara, Jal. México. Tel. y Fax:+52 33455200 The phytosterols are plant sterols widely distributed in nature, structurally similar to cholesterol and similar functions. Phytosterols exhibit effects of interest, highlighting the anti-atherosclerotic, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and hypocholesterolemic, both total cholesterol and LDLcholesterol. Several authors suggest that oxidation of LDL-cholesterol is associated with the development of neurodegenerative diseases, because the human brain contains high levels of fatty acids, easily oxidized and low levels of antioxidant enzymes. The main products of lipid oxidation, 4hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) and malondialdehyde (MDA) are cytotoxic compounds with the capacity of change the structure of apolipoprotein E3, linked to the transport and uptake of cholesterol in the brain. This study evaluated the ability of inhibition of lipid peroxidation in the brain of free and esterified phytosterols, using male mice Bal/C, 4-7 months old, 25-35 g. Forming 4 groups of 6 individuals during the test three groups were fed diets high in saturated fat, adding 200 mg / kg body mass of free phytosterols or modified phytosterols diets of two groups. The fourth group was fed throughout the test with standard diet (Rodent Lab Chow 5001). The trial period was 12 weeks, at the end of which total cholesterol was determined in blood, also determined the concentration of MDA in brain tissue. The concentration of MDA / mg of protein in the group fed with high fat diet without free or esterified phytosterols was highest in those groups, in contrast to those groups whose diet was added in free or esterified phytosterols had concentrations of MDA / mg of protein below certain in the group fed a standard diet, suggesting that free and esterified phytosterols inhibit lipid peroxidation at the cerebral level. 56 CO 083 CHARACTERIZATION OF OXIDATIVE STRESS IN DIFFERENT CLINICAL CONDITIONS AND INTERVENTIONS, USING REDOX INDEXES WITH DIAGNOSTIC VALUE Gil del Valle L, León Fernández OS *, Pérez Avila J, González Blanco I *, Milián Díaz LC. **, Guevara García M ***. Institute “Pedro Kourí” - (*)Institute of Pharmacy and Food-Havana University (**) LIORAD (***)Vimang Clinic, LABIOFAM The redox status imbalance could be related to diverse clinical entities. Recognized analytic methodologies quantifying both: oxidative biomolecular damage and antioxidant activity were used for the characterization of redox balance in human samples (urine, lymphocytes, plasma and serum) in relation with progression markers of diverse clinical conditions. Case and control studies of Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Dengue, Diabetes mellitus (DM) type 1, Human-T lymphotropic virus type-1 patients and apparently healthy individuals (18-84 years) were carried out. The evaluation was also applied in intervention designs. The results evidenced oxidative alterations and antioxidant capacity decreased significantly (p < 0.05) in patients compared to healthy individuals related in age and gender. Studies of nutritional intervention and antioxidant supplementation with Vimang® in 40 and 81 HIV Cuban patients respectively showed significant beneficial changes (p < 0.05) in 56% and 43.9% of cases respectively. An observational study in 56 HIV Cuban patients was carried out involving two combinations of antiretroviral therapy. The study showed evidences of oxidative modifications significant (p < 0.05) in 87% of the cases, finding differences among combinations. An observational study involving 40 Cuban DM type 1 patients with change of neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin from pig to human recombinant, showed a significant beneficial change (p < 0.05) in 81% of the cases after the change. The integral characterization could be useful for follow up and individuals’ management of patients but also contribute to the knowledge of the molecular mechanisms underlying in these illnesses. CO 084 EFFECT ANTIPROLIFERATIVE OF (-)-EPICATECHIN AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES IN BREAST CANCER CELL LINES Perez AG, Olivares IM, Ceballos GM, Osorio Y, García JR. Sección de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación, Escuela Superior de Medicina del Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Plan de San Luis y Diaz Mirón, Casco de Santo Tomas, 11340 México Distrito Federal, México. Teléfono y fax: 57296300 Ext. 62820. Email:, Introduction: Breast cancer is the neoplasia of increased morbidity and mortality in women from world. New therapeutic strategies against this neoplasia have focused on natural products such as polyphenols. Whether well, (-)-epicatechin is the most common polyphenol with several benefic effects on health; few studies have been performed about of its antineoplasic proprieties. Currently, it is well documented that cancer cells have a metabolism increased, which induce higher production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). However, cancerous cells are able to evade the damage by ROS, process that it has been related with the overexpression of uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2). Aim: To determine whether antiproliferative effect of (-)-epicatechin is related with a downregulation in UCP2 expression, an increase in ROS production and apoptosis induction. Material and methods: (-)epicatechin, breast cancer cells (MCF-7, MDA-MB-231) and endothelial cells (non-transformed cells) were used. Inhibitory concentration fifty (IC50) from (-)-epicatechin was determined in breast cancer cells by (MTT) assays. ROS production was analyzed by the values of biomarkers of oxidative damage (carbonyl groups and malondialdehyde); superoxide anion production was determined by TM fluorescence microscopy by MitoSOX . Glutathione peroxidase activity was analyzed and DNA fragmentation assay was performed to determine the induction of apoptosis. Results: Antiproliferative effect of (-)-epicatechin showed an IC50=350 µM, effect that was coordinated with a downregulation in UCP2 expression, increase in the values of biomarker of oxidative damage, high production of superoxide anion, decreasing in GSH-Px activity and a DNA fragmentation or induction of apoptosis. Interestingly, when (-)-epicatechin was used in combination with chemotherapeutics 57 drugs we observed a better effect, suggesting the possibility to be used as adjuvant in cancer treatment. Conclusions: The data obtained in this work, suggest that the effect antiproliferative of (-)epicatechin is mediated by an induction of apoptosis, an increase in the production of ROS, decreasing of antioxidant defenses and downregulation in UCP2 expression. CO 085 THE TREATMENT WITH CHP3R99-LALA MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY REDUCES OXIDATIVE STRESS AND PROINFLAMMATORY CYTOKINE EXPRESSION IN EXPERIMENTAL MODELS OF ATHEROSCLEROSIS 1 2 3 4 1 4 Delgado L , Acosta E , Fernández JR , Pérez A , Hernández Y , Soto Y , Fernández-Sánchez E 1 , Vázquez AM 4. 1 Center of Studies for Research and Biological Evaluations (CEIEB), Pharmacy and Food Sciences College, University of Havana, Cuba. 2 Center of Advanced Studies (CEAC), Havana, Cuba. 3 Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), Havana, Cuba. 4 Department of Antibody Engineering, Center of Molecular Immunology (CIM), Havana, Cuba. The subendothelial retention of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) by glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) represents a key event in atherosclerosis development. The retained LDL are more susceptible to reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated oxidation, contributing to oxidative stress (OS) and inflammation. Recently, our group demonstrated that inhibition of LDL-GAG binding by the chimeric monoclonal antibody chP3R99-LALA prevents atherosclerotic lesions development in acute and chronic models of atherosclerosis. Taking into account these findings, we hypothesized that in vivo inhibition of LDL-GAG binding by chP3R99-LALA mAb treatment reduces OS and proinflammatory cytokines gene expression. In the present work we evaluated the effect of chP3R99-LALA treatment on aortic redox status and proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β and TNF-α expression. The redox biomarkers (MDA, AOPP, SOD, CAT, GSH, NO3/NO2) were determined by spectrophotometric methods; meanwhile, cytokines gene expression was assayed by quantitative real time PCR. Our results demonstrated that the treatment with this antibody prevents aortic OS, reducing biomolecules damages and preserving both enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants. The endothelial function was positively modulated by a restoration of NO3/NO2 levels. Furthermore, the IL-1β and TNF-α gene expression was downregulated by the immunization with chP3R99-LALA mAb. These results confirmed our early hypothesis and contribute to elucidate the mechanism of action of this anti-GAG antibody. CO 086 CONTRIBUTION OF OXIDATIVE STRESS AND INFLAMMATION TO THE HYPERTENSION INDUCED BY INTERMITTENT HYPOXIA IN A RAT EXPERIMENTAL MODEL OF OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA Iturriaga R, Del Rio R, Moya EA. Laboratorio de Neurobiología. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, P. Universidad Católica de Chile. Introduction: The obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) syndrome, a growing sleep-breathing disorder is recognized as an independent risk factor for systemic hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Among the disturbances produced by OSA, the chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH) is considered the main factor for the hypertension. Oxidative stress, inflammation, and sympathetic overactivity have been proposed as potential mechanisms involved in the onset of the hypertension. In experimental models of OSA, CIH enhances the carotid body (CB) chemosensory and ventilatory responses to hypoxia, impairs the baroreflex and heart rate variability, and produces hypertension. These alterations have been attributed to oxidative stress, since antioxidants treatment prevent the enhanced chemosensory and ventilatory hypoxic responses and the hypertension. Methods: We hypothesized that oxidative stress-induced upregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β are involved in the CB and cardiorespiratory alterations elicited by CIH. We determine the effects of ibuprofen (40 mg/Kg day) on TNF-α, IL-1β and 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT) levels in the CB, chemosensory and ventilatory hypoxic responses, and arterial blood pressure in male Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to CIH (5%O2, 12 times/h for 8 h/day) for 21 days. Results: CIH increased TNF-α, IL-1β and 3-NT in the CB, enhanced chemosensory and ventilatory 58 hypoxic responses, and produces hypertension. Ibuprofen prevents the TNF-α and IL-1β upregulation and cardioventilatory alterations, but not the enhanced chemosensory hypoxic response and 3-NT accumulation. Ascorbic acid treatment prevented the increased CB cytokines and 3-NT expression, the chemosensory and ventilatory potentiation, and the hypertension. Conclusion: Present results indicate that the CIH-induced potentiation of CB chemosensory hypoxic responses depends on the oxidative stress, but not on the CB inflammation. Therefore, our results suggest a plausible role for pro-inflammatory cytokines in the control of breathing and arterial pressure during CIH acting by an independent CB pathway. CO 087 DETERMINATION OF STRUCTURAL ALERTS TO PREDICT CLASTOGENIC ACTIVITY OF PRO-OXIDANT FLAVONOID COMPOUNDS: QUANTITATIVE STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIP STUDY 1,3 1, 2 2 1 2 2 Molina E , Guardado E , Matos MJ , Castro R , Santana L , Uriarte E , 1 Universidad de Camagüey “Ignacio Agramonte y Loynaz”, Camagüey,, 2 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela – España, 3 Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Amazonas – Brasil – Cuba, Flavonoids have been reported to exert multiple biological effects that include acting as pro-oxidants at very high doses. Structural alerts to identify the clastogenic activity of a series of flavonoids with pro-oxidant activity were determined. The methodology was based on a quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) study. Specifically, it was developed a virtual screening methodology for a clastogenic model using the topological substructural molecular design (TOPS-MODE) approach. It represents a useful platform for the automatic generation of structural alerts, based on the calculation of spectral moments of molecular bond matrices appropriately weighted, taking into account hydrophobic, electronic, and steric molecular features. Therefore, it was possible to establish the structural criteria for maximal clastogenicity of pro-oxidant flavonoids: the presence of a 3-hydroxyl group and a 4-carbonyl group in ring C, the maximal number of hydroxyl groups in ring B, the presence of methoxyl and phenyl groups, the absence of a 2,3-double bond in ring C, and the presence of 5,7-hydroxyl groups in ring A. The presented clastogenic model may be useful for screening new pro-oxidant compounds. This alert could help in the design of new and efficient flavonoids, which could be used as bioactive compounds in nutraceuticals and functional food. CO 088 CLUSIANONE, A NATURAL OCCURRING NEMOROSONE’S REGIOSOMER, UNCOUPLED MITOCHONDRIA AND INDUCED CELL DEATH 1 2 3 Gilberto L. Pardo-Andreu , Felippe Henrique Zuccolotto dos Reis Yanier Nuñez-Figueredo , 4 5 5 2 Osmany Cuesta-Rubio , Sérgio A. Uyemura , Andreia M. Leopoldino , Carlos Curti , Luciane C. 2 Alberici 1 Centro de Estudio para las Investigaciones y Evaluaciones Biológicas, Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos, Universidad de La Habana, ave. 23 # 21425 e/214 and 222, La Coronela, La Lisa,CP 13600, La Habana, Cuba Clusianone is a member of the polycyclic polyprenylated acylphloroglucinol family of natural products with uncharted cytotoxic activity. Its structural similarity with nemorosone prompts us to speculate that this molecule could affect mitochondrial function by uncoupling respiration. Flow cytometric analyses demonstrated that clusianone induces cellular events in HepG2 cells belonging to the apoptosis process, such as mitochondrial potential collapse, and phosphatidyl serine externalization. In addition, clusianone induces a rapid ATP depletion. This cellular response associated to mitochondrial impairment was investigated in isolated rat liver mitochondria. We provided for the first time evidences that, in addition to its toxicity on HepG2 cells, clusianone is a protonophoric mitochondrial uncoupler evidenced by: organelle membrane potential dissipation/state 4 respiration rate increase, inhibition of Ca2+ influx and promotion of loaded Ca2+ efflux, ATP depletion, mitochondrial NAD(P)H depletion/oxidation, ROS levels decrease, and swelling induced on valinomycin-treated mitochondria incubated in hyposmotic potassium acetate medium. Its cytotoxic and uncoupling potency were appreciably lower than those for nemorosone, probably due to an intra- 59 molecular hydrogen bonding with the juxtaposed carbonyl group in C15. CO 089 LEARNING OF CELLULAR REDOX BALANCE IN PHARMACY AND FOOD INSTITUTE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF HAVANA, CUBA 1 1 1 1 Olga Sonia León Fernández , María Teresa Díaz Soto , Ivón González , Marian Hernández , 1 1 Jaqueline Dranguet , Liván Delgado (1) Pharmacy and Food Institute of the University of Havana, Cuba Chronic oxidative stress is associated to the majority of diseases therefore investigations of new antioxidant drugs which achieves their effects through direct or celular signaling mechanisms, are ever-growing. On the other hand, knowledge of transcient oxidfative stress (physiological) plays an importante role in order to elucidate aetiology diseases as starting point in the rational inquiry of new drugs. Above mentioned backgrounds were the basis for teaching of this scientific subject in Pharmacy and Food Institute of the Havana University. In this presentation is showed contents, learning figures, technique and methods which were used in cognoscitive process. Cellular Redox Balance is teached in all figures (Pharmacy bachelor and postgraduated studies): Bachelor , which in addition consider an Optative subject (Oxidative Stress in Human Health) located in the last year In Posgraduate there is a Diplomate of Oxidative Stress and different themes are introduced in Master of Sciences (Clinic Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and Clinic Laboratory). Likewise, different PhD thesis have investigated the role of oxidative stress, and its control, in vascular, endocrine, autoimmune and Central Nervous System disorders. CO 090 Simposio de Productos Naturales / Symposium of Natural Products MECHANISMS INVOLVED IN THE ANTITUMOR/ANTIMETASTATIC ACTIVITIES Vasconcellea OF PROTEOLYTIC FRACTION DERIVED FROM cundinamarcensis LATEX 1 2 2 3 1 Lemos FO, Pires SF, Andrade HM, Salas CE, Lopes MTP. 1 2 3 Departments of Pharmacology, Parasitology, Biochemistry andImmunology, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, UFMG – Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Email: Studies showed that CMS-2 proteolytic fraction, recovered by Vasconcellea cundinamarcensis latex (Voucher 15063, La Serena University, Chile), decreases the number of metastases of animals with colon carcinomaand melanoma. It was observed that CMS-2 increased the amount offragmented DNA in tumor cellsby acaspasedependent pathwayand further,decreasingthe invasion and adhesionto differentECM components(Dittzet al, submitted).Here, we present results that partially characterize the mode of action of this protein mixture as antitumoral and antimetastatic agent.It was determined anIC50≈10µg/mL (resazurin metabolism) of CMS-2 on murine melanoma (B16-F10) and melanocytes (Melan-a) cells.However, in the presence of CMS-2 was not observedmembrane lysis, measured by LDH activity. The cellular migration, byScratch assay test, shows that CMS-2, at 7.5 and 10 µg/mL,reduced themigratory capacity of both lineages. Besides this, CMS-2 (10 µg/mL) promoted melanogenesis in B16-F10 and Melan-a cells, measured by amount of melanin and tyrosinase activity, after 24 or 48h of exposition. DIGE (2-D Fluorescence Difference Gel Electrophoresis) was applied to identify differences in protein expression. Seventy spots were statistically different between Melan-a and B16-F10 cells, however, after the treatment with CMS-2, this number was reduced to 24. Important proteins which are overexpressed in B16-F10, as calreticulin, glutathione S-transferase, elongation factor 1-beta, creatine kinase B, FK506 binding protein, protein disulfide-isomerase, heat shock protein, vimentin and endoplasmin,had their expression levels similar to normal lineage after CMS-2 exposition. The results indicate that thereduction of viability andcell migration, important to tumor expansion and invasiveness, besides theactivationofmelanogenesis (differentiation marker) can explain the antitumor and antimetastatic activity of CMS-2. This fraction isable to reverttonormal standards some proteins related to tumorigenesis, which place themas possible targetsof action.Supported by CNPq, CAPES and FAPEMIG. CO 091 PROTEOLYTIC FRACTION FROM VASCONCELLEA CUNDINAMARCENSIS 60 LATEX STIMULATES MACROPHAGES ACTIVITY AGAINST INFLAMMATORY BREAST CANCER CELLS. 1 1 2 1 Braga AD, Freitas KM, Salas CE, Lopes MTP. Departments of 1- Pharmacology and 2 - Biochemistry and Immunology, Institute of Biological Sciencies, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Previous studies demonstrated that aproteolytic fraction (P1G10) from V. cundinamarcensislatexhas antitumor/antimetastatic activity on different murine models. In 4T1 breast carcinomamodel, P1G10 reduced tumor mass likely by reducinginflammation, angiogenesis and by increasingactivity on tumor associated-macrophages. Here, we investigate if P1G10 is able to activate a cytotoxic action of macrophages against tumor cells.Balb/c female mice receivedthioglycollate (4%, i.p.) and after 4 days,peritoneal macrophages wereharvestedby peritoneallavage. Macrophages were seeded in 24 5 wellplates(3x10 cells/well) and treatedwith P1G10 (5-50 µg/mL) for 24 or 48h. These cultures were 5 washed and co-cultures made byplating 4T1 cells(1.5x10 cell/well). In the macrophages treatmentfor 24h, no significant changes on 4T1 cells number was observed, however for 48h, P1G10(25 and 50 µg/mL) promoted a reductionincell number (28.0±2.4 and 15.8±0.8 vs 40.8±2.6 cells/fields, respectively–p<0.0001). P1G10 reduced VEGF levels, concentration-dependent (5-50 µg/mL), until 89% (26.72±3.01 vs249.92±14.42 ρg/mL control-p<0.0001) and insingle culturedmacrophages, until 73%(49.02±4.33 vs182.46±4.11 ρg/mLcontrol-p<0.0001). Regarding to TNF-αlevel, P1G10displays a dual effect. With a 24h exposure, P1G10(5-50 µg/mL) reduced TNF-α(~37%) in macrophages(13.22±1.24 ƞg/mL control-p<0.01), but did not alter its level in co-cultures.The exposure to 25 or 50 µg/mL for 48h increased at 12 or 20%, respectively,the TNF-α contentin single cultured macrophages(8.59±0.24 or 9.23±0.21 vs7.67±0.39 ƞg/mL control-p< 0.001). In co-cultures wereobserved an increase by31 or 123% (0.17±0.01 or 0.29±0.02 vs0.13±0.01 control-p< 0.0001) in the TNF-α levels/number of cellsbutdo not altering the absolute levels of this cytokine.The results suggest that P1G10 is able to reduce the angiogenesis and enhance cytotoxic activity of macrophages against tumor cells, which can contribute to antitumor activity of fraction. Support by CNPq, Capes and Fapemig. CO 092 MECHANISTIC EFFECTS OF GANODERMA LUCIDUM INFLAMMATORY BREAST CANCER PROGRESSION (REISHI) ON Martínez-Montemayor M.M., Rosario-Acevedo R., Suarez-Arroyo I., Loperena-Alvarez Y., Cubano, L.A. Universidad Central del Caribe Escuela de Medicina, Bayamón, P.R. Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) is most lethal and rare form of breast cancer with a survival rate of less than five percent in five years. The pathogenesis of the disease was initially defined as an inflammatory reaction displaying erythema, edema, swelling of the breast, pain and “peaud’orange”. However these symptoms are actually associated with the formation of tumor emboli (tumor spheroids in vitro), which are non-adherent cell clusters that invade the dermal lymphatic’s overlying the breast causing the inflammatory phenotype.Our published data shows that the medicinal mushroom, Ganodermalucidum (Reishi), inhibits IBC progression via disintegration of tumor spheroids, selective cancer cell viability inhibition, and apoptosis induction. Herein,SUM-149 IBC cells were treated with or without Reishi for various timepoints, to delineate the mechanistic and potential autophagy cell death inducing effects ofReishiin vitro.Experiments in vivo were performed in severe combined immunocompromised mice injected with IBC cells. Mice were treated without or with (28mg/kg_BW) Reishifor 13wk. Our results show that Reishidownregulatesthe expression of common proteinsoverexpressed in IBCin vitro and in vivo,significantly reduces tumor growth by 58%, and also induces autophagic cell death in IBC cells. Our results provide evidence to highlight the therapeutic potential of Reishito improve the quality of lifeof women afflicted with IBC, who suffer a disease for which no targeted therapy currently exists. This project was sponsored by Title V PPOHA US-Dept of Education #P031M105050 (UCC), NIH/RCMI #2G12RR003035 (UCC), NIH/INBRE #5P20RR016470 (UPR/UCC), NIH/NCRR #U54RR026139 (UPR/UCC), and a research donation from the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to UCC-Centro Universitario de Medicina Integral y Complementaria (CUMIC)/ MMM. 61 CO 093 RJLB-14 PEPTIDE: EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCES AND POTENTIAL IN CANCER TREATMENT 1 1 2 3 Alexis Díaz-García *, Regla M. Gali Medina , Maria A. Estepa Perez , Jenny L. Ruiz-Fuentes , Hermis Rodríguez Sanchez3, Luis Morier Díaz3, José A. Fraga Castro1 1 Laboratories of Biopharmaceuticals and Chemistry Productions (LABIOFAM), Havana, Cuba 2 Miguel Hernandez University, Spain 3 Microbiology Department, Tropical Medicine Institute “Pedro Kouri”, Havana, Cuba Cancer represents the most growing-not transmissible disease around the world. Therapeutic peptides offer advantages in the treatment of cancer, by their size, wide distribution in the body and high specificity for tumor cells. RJLB-14 is a peptide, obtained by bio-guide assays procedures from scorpion Rhopalurus junceus and demonstrated cytotoxicity and high selectivity in tumor cells from solid tissue. This peptide was recently obtained by recombinant techniques so it was interesting evaluated through in vitro and in vivo experiments their potential in cancer treatment. The effect of RJLB-14 on the viability in a panel of normal and tumor cell lines was observed by MTT colorimetric assay. Additionally, the effect of peptide on cell death was assayed by fluorescence microscopy and RT-PCR. The antitumor effect was evaluated in a murine breast cancer model at different doses (1.25 mg/kg-5 mg/kg) for 10 days by intraperitoneal route. The tumor growth was determined for each experimental group. In vitro studies showed that RJLB-14 induces a significant and differential toxicity against tumor cells while normal cells were not sensitive. The peptide induces preferentially apoptotic cell death evidenced by chromatin condensation, over-expression of apoptosis-related genes and downexpression of anti-apoptotic genes. Additionally, treatment with different doses of RJLB-14 showed a significant delay in tumor progression compared to control tumor group. The different doses showed a dose-response relationship for both the tumor volume and the weight of the tumors of each experimental group. These experimental evidences promote future studies of this peptide in different in vivo models of cancer. Antitumoral properties of the recombinant peptide RJLB-14 make it an attractive and promising biological therapy for cancer treatment. CO 094 ANTI-CANCER ACTIVITY OF THALASSIA TESTUDINUM EXTRACT REGULATES ATF4, P53 AND HIF1 DEPENDENT GENE EXPRESSION PROGRAMS RELATED TO CELL DEATH AND SURVIVAL, CELLULAR DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH AND PROLIFERATION 1 1 2 1 3 4 Hernandez I , Rodeiro I , Menéndez R , Fernández MD ,K. Szarcvel Szic , K. Op de Beeck , S. 5 5 4 2 3 Naulaerts , K. Laukens , G. Van Camp ,Delgado R , Van den Berghe W 1 2 Center of Marine Bioproducts (CEBIMAR), Havana, Cuba. Drug Research and Development Centre (CIDEM), Havana, Cuba. PPES lab, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Antwerp University, 4 Belgium. Center of Medical Genetics, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Antwerp, 5 Belgium. Biomedical Informatics Research Center Antwerpen (Biomina), Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Antwerp, Middelheimlaan 1, 2020 Antwerp, Belgium Introduction: The aqueous ethanol extract of Thalassia testudinum leaves is currently being developed in Cuba as a nutritional supplement due to its promising pharmacological properties. Its phytochemical composition demonstrates that this product is a rich source of natural antioxidants with potential applications in pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries. Objectives: The present study evaluated the cytotoxic effects of Thalassia t. extract on several human tumor cell lines. Methods: Cellular viability was measured by MTT and x Celligence assays. Results: The extract dose dependently decreases the cell viability of cervix (Hela), breast cancer (MDAMB-231 and MCF-7) and colon cancer (RKO and SW480) cell lines at 24, 48 and 72 hours of exposition, whereas the colon cancer cell lines revealed the highest sensitivity. Upon further investigation of transcriptional changes in response to Thalassia extract by illumina bead array and subsequent Ingenuity Pathway Analysis, various molecular and cellular targets were identified related to cell death and survival, cellular development and growth and proliferation. Furthermore, three transcriptional factors (ATF4, p53 and 62 HIF-1A) were identified as upstream regulators of Thalassia t. extract responsive target genes. Furthermore, cellular exposure to tunicamycin most closely resembles treatment with Thalassia t. extract, suggesting a significant role for endoplasmic reticulum stress in the anti-cancer effects observed. Conclusions: Altogether, these results reveal that Thalassia t. extract and its phytochemical constituents should promise for development of new antitumor treatments via interference with angiogenesis, cell survival and apoptosis in cancer progression. CO 095 XANTHIUM STRUMARIUM L SHOWS ANTIPROLIFERATIVE ACTIVITIE THROUGH INDUCEING CELL CYCLE ARREST AT G2/M CHECKPOINT Pérez CL1, Piloto J2, Sánchez A3, Valdivia D2, González ML2, Francisco M2, Quiñones O2, Rodeiro 4 I. 1 Departmento de Bioquímica, Instituto de Ciencias Básicas y Preclínicas (ICBP) “Victoria de Girón”, 2 146 # 3102, Playa, La Hababa, Cuba. Centro de Investigación y desarrollo de Medicamentos 3 (CIDEM), Ave. 26 # 1605, Nuevo Vedado, La Habana, Cuba. Laboratorio Genética Toxicológica, Facultad de Biología, Universidad de la Habana, Calle 25, No. 455, e/ I y J, Vedado, La Habana, 4 Departamento Farmacología, Centro de Bioproductos Marinos (CEBIMAR). e-mail: Cuba.; Introduction: Xanthium strumarium L. (Family: Asteraceae) is widely distributed in America and Asia and commonly used in traditional medicine. Worldwide, different extracts of the plant has been reported to show hypoglycemic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor and anticancer activities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of an hydroalcoholic extract of Xanthium strumarium L. in cell proliferation, mitosis and cell cycle progression. Material and methods: The product was obtained by hydroalcoholic extraction of the aerial parts of the plant Xanthium strumarium L. The antiproliferative activity was assessed by the MTT assay in several cell types (CHO, F3II, CT-26, MDA-MB-231, MCF7, U937), in a range of concentration from 6.25 to 100 µg/mL. Cell cycle progression was assessed by cytofluorimetric analysis and inmunohistochemistry was used to visualize the mitotic spindle. Results: The hidroalcoholic extract showed moderate to high in vitro antiproliferative activity in normal and cancer cell. The lowest IC50 was observed in the colon cancer cell CT-26 (IC50 2.76 µg/mL). The cytofluorimetric analysis of shows that Xanthium strumarium L. extract induces a reduction of cells in S-phase of the cell cycle and increases the G2/M cell populations. A significant increment in dividing cells was induced with an increment in the proportion of prometaphase-metaphase. Treated cells shows higher percentage of abnormal spindles than control. Mechanistic data revealed that X strumarium extract inhibit the polymerisation of tubulin affecting of dynamic the microtubules as integral part of the mitotic spindle in cellular proliferation. Conclusions: The extract of Xanthium strumarium L. displays significant antiproliferative effects through cell cycle arrest. CO 096 XANTHIUM STRUMARIUM L A POTENTIAL ANTITUMOUR AGENT 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 4 Piloto J , Sánchez A , Valdivia D , González ML , Francisco M , Quiñones O , Pérez C , Rodeiro I . 1. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de medicamentos (CIDEM). Ave 26 #1605 e/ Puentes grandes y Boyeros. La Habana. Cuba; 2. Facultad de Biología, Universidad de la Habana, Calle 25 No. 455, e/ I y J, Vedado, C. Habana, Cuba 3. Instituto de Ciencias Básicas y Preclínicas (ICBP) “Victoria de Girón”, 146 # 3102, Playa, La Hababa, Cuba 4. Departamento de Farmacología, Centro de Bioproductos Marinos (CEBIMAR), Introduction: Xanthium strumarium L. (Family: Asteraceae ) a medicinal plant widely distributed in North America, Brazil, China, Malaysia and hotter parts of India. The crude extract of Xanthium strumarium L, have been used in traditional Cuban medicine as an effective diuretic drug. Internationally some others activities has been reported, e.g. antifungal, antiinflammatory, hypoglycemic, antioxidant, diuretic effects, by in particular, anti-tumour, anti-cancer activity, so much attention is focussed on the herb. In the present study, we evaluated the cytotoxicity effect of X. strumarium extract in cancer cell lines using assay MTT and the anti-metastatic activity by using an in vivo mouse lung metastasis model in CT26 ( colon) cell line. Material and methods: The product 63 was obtained by hydroalcoholic extraction of the aerial parts of the plant Xanthium strumarium L. To evaluate of extract cytotoxicity were used the cancer cell lines: MDA-MB-231 (breast), U937 (histiocytic lymphoma), MCF7 (breast), HeLa (cervix), A549 (lung), CT26 (colon), F3II (breast) and PC12 (feocromocitoma). The IC50 values, were determined from a dose-response curve by using 5 different concentrations (6.5, 12.5, 25, 50 y 100 µg/mL). The anti-metastatic activity was evaluated using the lung tissues with tumor nodules. The total numbers of superficially visible colonies per lung were counted using an ocular micrometer. Results: The extract showed moderate to high in vitro cytotoxic activity in the cancer cell lines. The lowest IC50 was observed in the colon cancer cell CT-26 (IC50 2.76 µg/mL). The formation of tumour nodules was significantly attenuated by the treatment of extract (100 and 200 mg/kg, BW/day). Conclusions: These results suggest that Xanthium strumarium may have considerable potential for development as an anti-metastatic agent. CO 097 ANTIPROLIFERATIVE ACTIONS OF THREE HYPERICUM SPECIES: EFFECTS OF LEAVE AND FLOWER EXTRACTS OF H. PERFORATUM, H. MONTBRETII AND H. ORIGANIFOLIUM 1 1 2 3 Öztürk Y , Güzey G *,Öztürk N , Potoglu-Erkara I . 1 2 Anadolu University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Departments of Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy, 3 Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Faculty of Science and Art, Department of Biology, Eskisehir, Turkey (*Present address: Hospital of Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Department of Pharmacy, Turkey) e-mail: Being potential sources of pharmaceutical industry,Hypericum species have been used in traditional medicine for various curative purposes including wound healing and neoplastic diseases. St.-John’s (1,2) and Worth (H. perforatum) has been previously reported to possess wound healing (1,3) antiproliferative activities in experimental studies In the present study, we aimed to investigate the antiproliferative effects of methanolicextracts of leaf and flowers of H. perforatum, H. montbretii and H. origanifolium on A549 and HeLa cells (cancer cell lines) comparing with NIH3T3 cells (normal cells) in culture media. Antiproliferative effects were studied using neutral red, acridine orange experiments and soft agar gel colony forming assay. Extracts, whose preparation procedures and (3) phytochemical compositions have been previously reported , were applied in media in a concentration range of 1-250 µg/ml and incubated with cells upto 4 days. All extracts applied were found to have inhibitory effects in colony formation assay, although they exhibited antiproliferative/cytotoxic activities in different profiles of action and at different concentrations in other experiments performed for antiproliferative activities. Findings obtained in the present study revealed that these three Hypericum species have potentials for antineoplastic activity, which deserve further future investigations. CO 098 CURATIVE EFFECTS OF BIDENS PILOSA L. IN THE TNBS MODEL OF INTESTINAL INFLAMMATION Quaglio, A.E.V.; Costa,C.A.R.A.; Almeida Jr, L.D.; Di Stasi, L.C. Laboratory of Phytomedicines, Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Biosciences, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Botucatu/SP, Brazil Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract divided into two major categories: ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. It’s an etiology remains unknown and medical therapy used may cause adverse side effects and not represent the cure of the disease. Therefore, the development of new drug treatments is an important goal. Bidens pilosa L., is a plant rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, considered main compounds in resolution of the inflammatory process. The aim of this investigation was to analyse the curative effects of Bidens pilosa L. in the intestinal inflammation. The inflammation was induced in rat by intracolonic instillation of TNBS (trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid). Rats orally received B.pilosa extract in doses of 25, 50 or 100mg/kg for 7 days after the colitis induction. In the 8th day, animals were killed, and colonic segments were obtained after laparotomy for macroscopic (colon weight and length and macroscopic damage score) and biochemical evaluation of myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity, glutathione (GSH), IL1β, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α and INF-γ levels. The results demonstrate that the doses of 25, 50 and 100mg/kg were able to reduce IL-10 levels. Besides that, the dose of 100mg/kg was capable to 64 prevent GSH depletion and reduce TNF-α levels. The dose of 50mg/kg was capable to prevent GSH depletion and reduce IL-1β and IL-6 levels. And the dose of 25mg/kg was able to reduce IL-1β levels. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that B.pilosa has anti-inflammatory effect in the preventive model of intestinal inflammation and is a potential source of useful compounds for the treatment of IBD in humans. CO 099 PHARMACOLOGICAL SCREENING OF PLANTS USED IN COLOMBIAN FOLK MEDICINE FOR IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS THROUGH IN VITRO NO• PRODUCTION INHIBITION IN LPSSTIMULATED MACROPHAGES Rivera D1, Anillo L1, Ocampo Y1, Castro J1, Díaz F2, Franco L1 1 Biological Evaluation of Promissory Substances Group. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. University of Cartagena. 2 Laboratory of Phytochemical and Pharmacological Research. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. University of Cartagena. Introduction: Recently, drug discovery processes rely on synthetic and computational methods, 1 leaving behind phytochemical-based bio-prospective compound search . Nevertheless, on developing countries like Colombia, which has nearly 10% of the world’s biodiversity, ethnopharmacologic resources are frequently used in primary health care which placesthem in a very 2 important position . Materials and Methods: In this work, weinvestigated the anti-inflammatory potential of the total ethanolic extracts of 16 plants commonly used in Colombian folk medicine on LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophagesby determining their effect on the production of NO•, a key pro-inflammatory mediator suitable to bio-guided fractionation. MTT and NO•-scavenging assays were used to avoid interferences. Complementarily, we evaluated the in vivo anti-inflammatory activity of the most promissory plant, using 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-induced mouse ear edema, performing histopathological analysis of ear tissue and quantifying myeloperoxidase activity (MPO). Results: Eight of the tested extracts inhibited the NO• production by over 60%. However, extract of Physalis angulataL.calyces showed the highest inhibition percentage (91.94%) while keeping low toxicity (IC50=4.06(3.54-4.67)µg/mL). Consequently, the extract was fractioned through liquid-liquid partition with petroleum ether, dichloromethane and methanol. Dichloromethane fraction proved to be the most active in vitrowithIC50=2.48(2.23-2.77)µg/mL.In vivo evaluation of this fraction demonstrated a significant inhibition of ear edema and MPO activity (57.47% and 95.59%, respectively), showing similar effect than indomethacin.Histological analysis confirmed a reduction of the leukocyte infiltration into the ear tissue. Conclusions: The results of this investigation confirm the use of Griess assay as an economic and efficient tool for guided fractionation of plant extracts; this study positioned P. angulata calyces as a promissory source of bioactive compounds with great pharmacological potential and motivates further research to isolate and elucidate its constituents. CO 100 DIFFERENTIAL PREVENTATIVE AND CURATIVE EFFECTS OF BRAZILIAN GINSENG (PFAFFIA PANICULATA) ON TNBS-INDUCED INTESTINAL INFLAMMATION Costa C A R A, Quaglio A E V, Almeida Junior L D, Tanimoto A, Witaicenis A, Chagas A S, Di Stasi L C. Department of Pharmacology – Institute of Biosciences - UNESP – Botucatu/SP/Brazil. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic relapsing idiopathic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Two main forms of IBD are Crohn’s disease and colitis. IBD’s aetiology and pathogenesis mechanisms are still unknown; however clinical studies suggest that IBD initiation is multifactorial, involving genetic, immune and environment factors, such as diet, drugs and stress. Pfaffia paniculata is an adaptogen medicinal plant used in Brazilian folk medicine as an “anti-stress” agent. Therefore, our aim was to investigate intestinal anti-inflammatory activity of P. paniculata, before or after colitis induced by trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS) in rats. Male Wistar rats (n=7) received (p.o.) vehicle 65 (saline 0.9%), prednisolone at 2 mg/kg, P. paniculata at doses of 25, 50, 100, 200 or 400 mg/kg daily by 14 days before (preventative) or 7 days after (curative) TNBS colitis induction (intra colonic administration of 10 mg in 0.25mL of 50% ethanol). At the end of procedure, the animals were killed and the colons were analysed by the macroscopic damage score (0-10 [interquartile range]), extension of the lesion (cm ± S.E.M.) and weight/length ratio (mg/cm ± S.E.M); then samples of colon were evaluated for myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity, glutathione (GSH), and cytokines (IL-10, IL-1β, TNF-α, IFN-γ, and IL-6) levels. None of administered doses of P. paniculata were able to prevent colitis. However, treatment with the dose of 200 mg/kg after TNBS administration (curative schedule) are able to reduce macroscopic parameters as damage score (4,5 [2-6] vs 7 [6-7] control group) and extension of lesions (1.25±0.38 vs 2.8±0.23 control group); beyond that, MPO activity were reduced, GSH levels were maintained, and the pro-inflammatory cytokines levels was decreased. In conclusion, crude extract from P. paniculata was able to reduce the colonic inflammation assuming a curative potential, but did not prevent TNBS-induced colitis. This may represent a new treatment for human IBD. CO 101 ANTI-INFLAMMATORY INTESTINAL ACTIVITY OF TOTAL ETHEREAL EXTRACT FROM THE PHYSALIS PERUVIANAL. CALYCES IN TNBS MODEL OF RAT COLITIS 1 1 1 Castro J , Ocampo Y , Franco L 1 Biological Evaluation of Promissory Substances Group.Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.University of Introduction: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic intestinal disorder resultant from a 1 dysfunctional epithelial, innate and adaptive immune response to intestinal microorganisms . Pharmacological treatments are not effective or devoid of potentially serious side effects, thus limiting 2 their chronic use . Evaluation of plants employed in folk medicine is an important tool for the development of new treatments. Physalis peruvianaL is a source of anti-inflammatory molecules, as 3 we have previously demonstrated . Materials and methods: Physalis peruviana calyces were extracted by percolation with petroleum ether and then assayed in the trinitrobenzene-sulfonic acid (TNBS) model of rat colitis, a well characterized experimental model of IBD. For this purpose, ten female Wistar rats were assigned into three groups: healthy control, treated TNBS-colitis and TNBS-colitis group treated with extract (62.5 mg/kg, i.p.), for two weeks. The inflammatory response was assessed by macroscopic and histopathologycal analysis, MPO activity and cytokine levels. Results: Animals treated with Physalis peruviana extract demonstrated a significant reduction in macroscopic inflammation scores (42.8%), extent and severity of tissue damage (58.7%) and colonic weight/length ratio (48.8%) compared with TNBS group (P<0.01), without exerting renal or hepatic toxicity. Histopathology revealed that extract induced a remarkably restoration of normal intestinal cytoarchitecture trough diminution of edema, transmural necrosis and inflammatory cells infiltration. These results were confirmed biochemically by a decreased colonic MPO activity (59.6%), and reduction of TNF-α (61.3%) and IL-1β (56.8%) levels, while IFN-γ and IL-6 were not modified. Conclusions: Physalis peruviana extract showed intestinal anti-inflammatory activity in the TNBS model of rat colitis. In this sense, the calyces of this speciesare a promising source of metabolites in the pharmacological treatment of IBD, which confirms, at least in part, the popular use of this plant to treat inflammatory diseases. CO 102 EXTRACTS AND FRACTIONS FROM CRYPTOSTEGIA GRANDIFLORA L. EXHIBITED ANTI-INFLAMMATORY EFFECTS IN VIVO AND INHIBITED NITRIC OXIDE AND PGE2 PRODUCTION IN LPS-STIMULATED RAW 264.7 MOUSE MACROPHAGES IN VITRO 1 1 1 Castro J. , Ocampo Y. , Franco L. 1 Biological Evaluation of Promissory Substances Group.Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.University of Introduction: Chronic inflammation, is a complex physiological process that can lead to severe diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, asthma, diabetes and cancer; that 66 1, 2 represent an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide .Cryptostegiagrandiflora leaves,are widely used in Colombianfolk medicine for their anti-inflammatory effects,but there are no studies that support its popular use and the pharmacological mechanisms involved in this activity are still unknown. Materials and methods: Plant material were collected in Pueblo Nuevo-Bolivar, extracted by maceration with ethanol, and fractionated by liquid-liquid partition. In vivoanti-inflammatory activity 3 was evaluated using the 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate induced ear edema in mice , 4 5 determining myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity and performing histopathologicanalysis . In addition, we evaluated the effect of fractions from Cryptostegiagrandiflora on nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production inLPS-stimulated RAW 264.7macrophages.Finally we measured NO•scavenging activity. Results: The total ethanol extract reduced significantlytheedema (42.1±0.9%) and MPO activity (39.1±5.4%). In accordance, histological analysis revealed a reduction of edema and leukocyte infiltration. In vitro studies of ether and dichloromethane fractions also showed a reduction on the NOand PGE2 production, at non-toxic concentrations to RAW 264.7 macrophages. Conclusions: Our results demonstrated the anti-inflammatory activity of Cryptostegia grandiflora leaves, supporting their traditional application. This activity was shown to be related to inhibition of PGE2 and NO production, and MPO activity. These mechanisms could contribute, at least in part, to the anti-inflammatory effect observed for this plant. CO 103 EVALUATION OF THE PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF ETHANOL EXTRACT OF DRACONTIUM SP. ON LETHAL AND COAGULANT ACTIONS INDUCED BY VENOM OF BOTHROPSASPER 1 1 1 1 1 Franco L , Herazo H , Alarcón B , Castro J , Ocampo Y 1 Biological Evaluation of Promissory Substances Group.Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.University of Introduction: In Colombia, Bothropsaspersnakes are responsible for70-90% of the ophidic 1 accidentsreported annually. Snake bites are frequently attended by healers using medicinal plants ; including several species native of the Colombian Caribbean belonging to Dracontium genus. Materials and Methods: In this work we evaluated the neutralizing activity of the ethanol extract of Dracontiumsp.roots (COL538421),against lethal and coagulant effects of Bothropsasper venom in ICR mice. To assess lethal inhibition, the extract (0.5 and 1mg/g), was incubated with 2LD50 of venom and injected intraperitoneally.Mixtures of venom and extract (1/10-1/1000µg/µg) were tested to evaluate coagulant activityand changes in its proteomic profile by SDS-PAGE. In addition, a phytochemistry screening was performed. Results: The venom of B. asperexhibited high toxicity (DL50=3.07±0.16µg/g), while Dracontiumextract did not show toxicity at tested doses. All animals survived to the effect of 2DL50 of venom after 48 h, with total recuperation at 20 h, for the highest dosage level. Post-mortem evaluation showed severe hemorrhage at macroscopic and microscopic level, which was significantly decreasedby the extract.No significant differences were observed in clotting times of plasma incubated with extract and venom.Extract of Dracontium neither alter the electrophoretic pattern of venom.Phytochemistry screening showed presence of cardiotonic glycosides, phenolic compounds, reductorsugars, tannins and steroids/triterpenoids, according with previous reports for species of this 2 genus . Conclusions: Results of evaluation of ethanol extract of Dracontiumgive scientific support for its use in folk medicine; such activity is not related to inhibition of procoagulant activity or alterations to the proteinpattern of venom. Further studies are neededto isolate and identify the metabolites responsible for the activity and the mechanism of action. CO 104 ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF ETHANOL EXTRACT OF THE FRUIT OF THE SPECIES SYZYGIUM SAMARANGENSE (WAX APPLE) Fonseca A, Camacho O, Yaruro G. Grupo de Investigación Fitoquímica, Facultad de Química y Farmacia, Universidad del Atlántico, Km 7. Antigua via Puerto Colombia. Atlántico, Colombia. 67 Through antioxidant activity research of many fruits have been found an interest on world population, because scientific evidence related to antioxidant properties of phenolic compounds such as flavonoids and anthocyanins against oxidative stress-related diseases. Antioxidant activity of the fruit of Syzygium samarangense species has been investigated in Indonesia and Malaysia where it is native and has shown satisfactory results in human health. This species has a common growth in the north coast of Colombia. Was performed preliminary phytochemical up which identified the presence of related compounds such as phenols and flavonoids. In relation to free radical scavenging by ORAC method Syzygium samarangense fruit (0.9 µMol TROLOX ® / mg) compared to other fruits as Mango (0.0100), Pineapple (0.0079), Banana (0.0089), Papaya (0.0045) and the α-tocopherol (0.1) used as reference substance, higher values are obtained. For determinate anthocyanins by differential pH, colors differentiation is observed by adding buffer solutions being a positive indication of the presence of antioxidants structures. Analysis to determine the possible flavonoids using shift reagents, the spectra obtained to respond optimally performing bathochromic shifts reagents revealing the presence of flavonoids qualitatively. The compounds identified by HPLC as gallic acid, (-) Epicatechin gallate, quercetin, valid signal given the presence of potent antioxidants, being quantified to infer actual biological activity against diseases related to oxidative stress. CO 105 PROTECTOR EFFECT OF THE PHYTOTHERAPEUTIC PIPER ADUNCUM (MATICO) IN BREAST CANCER INDUCED IN RATS Arroyo J, Ráez E, Chávez Asmat R, Donaires R, Cisneros B, Palomino R, Condorhuamán M, Buendia J. Facultad de Medicina Universidad Nacional Mayor de san Marcos. Lima Peru. Email: Objetive: to demostrate the security and protective efecto of one fitomedicament in capsuls with etanolic extract of Piper aduncum (matico) i mamary cáncer in rats. Institution: Medicine Faculty, National University of San Marcos. Participants: leaves of Piper aduncum; 60 rats stub Holzman. Intercentions: 6 groups of animals: 1) normal; 2)fitomedicament 200 mg/kg; 3) inductor DMBA agent; 4)DMBA + fitomedicament 5 mg/kg; 5) DMBA + fitomedicament 150 mg/kg; y 6) DMBA + fitomedicament 30 mg/kg; the mamary cáncer was inducid with dimetil benz antracen 20 mg (DMBA). Measure mains of results: hepatic profile, mark SOD of exudative stres (MDA), bioquimic and hematologics sigs, patoanatomical of the mamary gland, etic norms was considered in the study with animals of experimentation, the trust level was 95 %. Results: It was proved that 25 % of protection again the development of mamary cáncer, it was a good antioxidant efecto to observed increment of dismutasa superoxid (SOD) and antiinflamatory efecto to reduce the PCR.Conclutions: light efecto of fitomedicament in reducing the tumor mass of mamary cáncer induced in rtats, but it was demostrate antioxidant activity. C 021 Taller de Farmacoeconomía / Workshop on Pharmacoeconomy CRITERIA FOR THE REGULATION OF THE PRICE OF MEDICINES. Dr. Joan Rovira University of Barcelona, Spain The pharmaceutical sector does seldom operate as a competitive and efficient market mechanism due to multiple well known factors: asymmetry of information, non-sensitiveness of the demand to prices, barriers of entry on the supply side, and so on. This situation is especially true in the case of products under patent protection and other forms of market exclusivity, which confer suppliers a temporary legal monopoly. Most countries therefore apply direct and indirect forms of price control aimed at containing prices and ultimately pharmaceutical expenditure. There are however many modalities of price control and of criteria for setting the appropriate regulated price. The present debate focuses on international/external reference pricing and value based pricing. In order to assess the appropriateness of a pricing approach it is necessary to define its objectives and feasibility. As the pharmaceutical market is an increasingly globalised and interdependent one, the analysis of a pricing approach must have a global perspective that takes into account not only how it will affect the market where it is applied, but also the impact on other countries. 68 From a global perspective a pricing approach for new medicines should on one hand provide the appropriate incentives for potential research to address the research priorities of societies and it should also reflect some form of agreement or consensus on how countries should contribute to the cost of innovation. An alternative option is to radically change the business model by delinking the incentives for innovation from the prices of medicines. MR 003 ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS IN SAFETY AND DRUG USE. CUBAN EXPERIENCE Dres. Ana María Gálvez González, María Cristina Lara Bastanzuri y Giset Jiménez López Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública, Dirección de Medicamentos y Tecnologías Médicas MINSAP, Centro Estatal para El Control de los Medicamentos y Equipos Médicos (CECMED) Considerations for the updating of drugs economic policies in Cuba Introduction: Drugs and other pharmaceutical expenditure in represents a huge percentage of the total health budget.It is necessary to use tools aimed to control and guarantee an efficient use of these resources Drugs economics policies in Cuba are a continuous process of improvement. These processes are complex and have many goals, not always exists consensus about the main goals. It is necessary to establish priorities, this are the basis for the rational use of drugs. Methods: A consensus group with experts and decision makers in drugs area was developed in order to identify main goals of drugs policies in Cuba. Results: The consensus group sets main goals of drugs policies in Cuba as follows: to priorize drugs equitative access, to improve efficiency approach and financial sustainability in the decision making, to support research and development in drugs area, to develop a Cuban national drug industry and to reach affordable drug s price for population. It was proposed another round of discussion in order to deep in each topic identified. CO 106 NATIONAL PROGRAMME CHILDREN’S INMUNIZATION IN CUBA. ECONOMICS AND HEALTH IMPACTS IN THIS COUNTRY 1962-2012 Manuel Collazo Herrera1, Miguel Galindo2. 1 INHEM, MINSAP 2 National Programme Children’s Inmunization, MINSAP The objective of this work is to carry out an estimate of the economic and social impacts in terms of health, obtained since Vaccination Programme was introduced than 50 years ago in the Cuban National Health System. The more relevant direct cost was estimated as Vaccination Programme annual costs. It was made a through analytical technique of cost benefits analysis to compare different national production vaccines comparing these ones with foreign vaccines selecting by the World Health Organization (WHO), to calculate the net savings obtained as a cost avoided in the substitution of imports. With the national production of vaccines, the country will save for this necessary resources concept around $ 109 960,3 thousand dollars for 50 years, as well as the economical repercussion $ 1031 916,0 3 thousand dollars, so that every infectious disease could be prevented, what would imply to have a relationship cost benefit of 9,4:1 in favour of the national production of vaccines to comparing relationship cost benefit 4,6:1 foreign vaccines. In conclusion, the implementation of National Vaccination Programme in Cuba introduced than 50 years ago in the country, this programme has had a great social-economical impact because of the results obtained in selected health indicators reported by official statistics, the eradication of a few preventable diseases by the use of vaccines, as well as the economical repercussion of lower Cuban vaccines expenses, compared these with the imported vaccines. This way, the Cuban Economy has been favoured with savings in hard currency. CO 107 HEALTH TECHNOLOGY PERSPECTIVE ASSESSMENT (HTA): A BROAD ECONOMIC Dr. Joan Rovira University of Barcelona, Spain HTA includes a broad range of activities aimed at generating, gathering, synthesising and communicating information on relevant aspects of health technologies with the final purpose of 69 assisting decision makers which have a responsibility in the market authorisation, pricing, reimbursement and utilisation of the said technologies. Economic evaluation, in a narrow sense, is often identified with a set of analyses – cost-effectiveness (CEA), budget impact, etc – which explicitly address the resource implications of using a certain technology. However, economic evaluation is not carried out independently from other types of HTA: In fact, CEA are necessarily dependent on the results of clinical research. Moreover, all types of HTA, as long as they have an impact on the use of a technology, do have an economic impact. For instance, if a technology is not authorised due to safety concerns, it will not become an economic good and a source of health expenditure, and might lead to losses for those that have developed it. On the other hand, a clinical trial, even if it is not aimed at generating information on the costs of the treatments compared, is a resource consuming activity: decisions have therefore to be made on which clinical trials will be carried out and if so, how many individuals will be enrolled and for how long they will be followed. This presentation will present a broad economic approach to HTA and suggest the contribution that economic analysis – as opposed to the narrower set of economic evaluation techniques – can do to improve HTA and its positive impact on the health and wellbeing of society. CO 108 CONSUMPTION OF ANTINEOPLASTIC AND SUPPORT DRUGS IN LAS TUNAS PROVINCE , FROM 2009 TO 2012 Pérez JE*, Santos H**, Ávila Y***, Guevara G****, Velasco Y*****. * Hospital General Docente “Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna” ** Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Las Tunas. *** Empresa Asesoría Informática DESOF. **** Hospital General Docente “Antonio Luaces Iraola” ***** Policlínico Manuel Fajardo. Introduction: The human cost of patients with cancer is very well known. Everybody has had a friend or next of kin who has suffered from this disease. Great economic resources have been allocated for the treatment of these patients. The Cuban government has given priority to their attention, but the expenses performance due to cytostatic and support treatment is still needs a deeper level of investigation, mainly in local areas. Material and method: A descriptive, observacional and retrospective study was carried out in “Dr. Ernesto Guevara” Hospital, with the objective of determining the behaviour of the cytostatic and support drugs consumption for the treatment of cancer in Las Tunas province, from January, 2009 to December 2012, as well as to know the total cost of these drugs during the last year. The universe coincided with the sample which was made up by 1762 patients that received chemotherapy in this center from 2009 to 2012. 67 medicines were analysed. Results: The demands of chemotherapy for breast, head, neck and lung cancer as well as for nonHodgkin's lymphoma, increased. The bifosfonates consumption to treat bone metastasis was increase; too. The bicalutamida, goserelina, nimotuzumab and docetaxel, are considered the most expensive drugs (52 % of total consumption). Only the consumption of goserelina, bicalutamida and flutamida for the prostate cancer represented 37 % of the expenses. The Nimotuzumab use by 4 patients represented 11 % of costs. The cost of the anticancer drugs consumed by the patients during 2012 was of 1.394.355, 00 pesos. Conclusion: The expenses of antitumoral and support drugs are high. They could be lowered by means of prevention and earlier diagnosis of cancer, so the use of expensive drugs for advanced stages of this disease could be avoided. CO 109 EFFICIENCY OF TWO TREATMENT MODALITIES FOR ANXIETY CAUSED BY NEUROSIS 1 Casas Gross S , Álvarez Ramírez G, Gross Fernández M, Herrero Aguirre H. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba Avenida de las Américas S/N entre Calle E y Calle I. Anxiety disorders are the most frequent causes of consultation in primary health care representing 70 one of the greatest health problems in the community. There are two alternative therapies to solve them: acupuncture and drug therapy. Any health problem that has more of than one alternative therapy is susceptible to economic evaluation, an instrument that will allow us to decide what is the best solution, proposing as an objective to determine the effectiveness of acupuncture and drug treatment in patients with panic disorder. A study of pharmacoepidemiology that combines therapeutic phase IV clinical trial to determine the effectiveness of treatments and a pharmacoeconomic study (cost-effectiveness) were done, to quantify the costs of the two treatment modalities. The therapeutic effects on health and resources were measured through indicators allowing further comparison of the results. For acupuncture treatment the following acupuncture points: DU-20, PC-6, C-7, P-6, R-3 and H-3 were used and in the drug treatment the following psychotropic drugs were used: diazepam, trifluoperazine, amitriptyline and imipramine. The results allowed us to confirm that both treatments were effective because they reached the cure of the disease, thus the benefits through acupuncture were obtained in less time than we really expected it was less expensive than the pharmacological one, so acupunctural treatment is more efficient than drug treatment. CO 110 ASSESSING FEASIBILITY IN THE DEVELOPMENT AND MARKETING OF PHYTOMEDICINES: THE CASE OF A LIPPIA ALBA (VERBENACEAE) ANTIINFLAMMATORY GEL IN THE COSTA RICAN MARKET. Segura S. Universidad de Costa Rica Escuela de Medicina, Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio. Montes de Oca, San José, Costa Rica Introduction: The development of phytomedicines is a growing field in the pharmaceutical industry, especially in Latin American, where the use of traditional medicine and the confidence in pharmaceutical products are deep-rooted beliefs. However, the production of phytomedicines involves not only the evaluation of the pharmacological properties of phytochemicals, but also the examination of technical, legal and financial aspects of the final product. To evaluate these aspects is often a major challenge to pharmaceutical professionals, who traditionally have no training in how to conduct marketing research. Materials and methods: I describe a method to assess the feasibility of phytomedicine production based on marketing theory and taking into consideration the marketing mix (product, price, place and promotion). This methodology is tested using an analysis of commercial viability of a topical gel of Lippia alba (Verbenaceae), which has anti-inflammatory properties. The development of the gel begins with the identification and processing of the plant, the preparation of the pharmaceutical form, the characteristics of the final product, and its registration. The price was assessed after considering all production costs, registration, distribution, administrative and financial expenses, as well as advertising of the product. Promotion strategies were based on the results of a market research for this product, conducted to evaluate potential competitors and to identify its competitive advantages. I also conducted a financial analysis considering 5-year projections under three different scenarios to calculate the net present value and internal rate of return of the product. Results and conclusions: Overall, current market situation allows the production and marketing of this gel in Costa Rica. The protocol described here can be applied to the analysis of feasibility for the production of other phytomedicines in the region. CO 111 COST-EFFECTIVE OPTIONS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF DIABETES IN A DEVELOPING COUNTRY Wynter-Adams D*, Simon O.R**. and Paul T** *University of Technology, Jamaica; **University of the West Indies, Jamaica. As the prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes, continues to increase, developing countries like Jamaica need to maximize strategies to reduce the economic impact of such diseases. An analysis of diabetic treatment options in Jamaican public clinics was conducted in the Kingston Metropolitan Area, using an intent-to-treat model. The objective was to determine the most cost- 71 effective treatment strategy in the management of recently diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients. The study revealed that of the most frequently used anti-diabetic drugs such as a sulphonylurea, metformin and an alpha glucosidase inhibitor, monotherapy with a sulphonylurea produced the greatest fall in blood sugar (62.9%) within the first year after diagnosis, but was not cost-effective in attaining acceptable blood glucose levels (FBG < 7.8mmol/L) after one year. The combination of a sulphonylurea and metformin was able to cost-effectively result in the attainment of acceptable blood glucose levels which may beassociated additional cost reductions based on decreased morbidity and mortality associated with attainment of good glycemic control. In relating the pathophysiology of diabetes with the mechanism of action of these agents, there is medical and economic value in using this combination which results in the release of insulin with sensitization to its effects along with improvements in lipid profile.From the results, Jamaica and other developing countries may perhaps reduce the economic impact of diabetes through early intervention in patients at high riskfor developing diabetes, with education, early use of metformin or with the judicious use of newer agents such as dipeptidyl peptidase inhibitors which are expensive butcarry additional benefits that may offset the cost of the drugs. CO 112 ANALYSIS FROM A CUBAN POINT OF VIEW Lisette Pérez Ojeda, Rafael Pérez Cristiá Centro para el Control Estatal de la Calidad de los Medicamentos y Equipos Médicos, CECMED, La Habana, Cuba . The international debate on Intellectual Property Rights and the way those directly affect scientific health research and drugs access has reached a surprising level last years. An Intergovernmental Working Group was called to analyze this subject in the Pan-American Health Organization context, which concluded its work during 2008 adopting the Global Strategy and Plan of Action on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property (GSPA). This strategy should provide a sustainable framework for research and development activities on those diseases which disproportionately affect developing countries. That implies that all of WHO country members, including Cuba, may adopt national measures to guarantee this strategy implementation. Firstly it has to be analyzed the elements defined by this strategy from a national point of view. The objectives of the investigation presented are to analyze the elements of the Global Strategy and Plan of Action and Cuba situation regarding its implementation, as well as to identify the priority actions according to WHO recommendations. For this; it was made an observation, exploratory and, retrospective study by a documentary analysis method using the Global Strategy and Plan of Action as basic document. The elements set out in this document were analyzed and besides national situation regarding this subject. There were also consulted WHO and PAHO documentation available as well as experts and no governmental organizations publications linked with IGWG process. Apart from that, it was also analyzed national information related to patent legislations, the work performed by the National Working Group created for that purpose and the reports of Cuba participation in the Intergovernmental Working Group. This analysis reached as conclusion that Cuba’s strengths constitute advantages for the EGPA implementation. These advantages are: Cuban State political will; the scientific policies are established as state policies, a solid human resources training program emphasizing on health professional formation; the integration of primary health care to secondary and tertiary health care services; having institutions devoted to biomedical research with acknowledged international prestige and directly linked to the national health programs, moreover the strength of its biopharmaceutical industry and national regulatory authorities. It was also identified the subjects are needed to start working immediately such as: the need of approving a new Government Decree on patents, the implementation of mechanisms to strengthen the link between the intellectual Property National Office and competent Health Authorities to vigil the public health interest in the patents granting process and finally to study the position to be adopted by the country regarding the creation of an open code systems and drugs chimiolibrary proposed by GSPA. CO 113 MEASURING THE PRICES OF MEDICINES FOR NATIONAL SYSTEM OF HEALTH IN CUBA De la Cruz Pérez CB, Jacobo Casanuevas OL, Pérez Cristiá R Centro para el Control Estatal de la Calidad de los Medicamentos y Equipos Médicos, CECMED, La 72 Habana, Cuba Introduction: Every day, there are more drugs that are available on the world market; however, in many countries there is no adequate access due to the high cost of these. When we talk about access to essential drugs means that there is equitable and affordable availability with a demonstration of its quality, safety and efficacy. It is very important to include in the health regulation the monitoring of the price of medicines. The absence of a standard model to evaluate the price is an obstacle to ensure access for medicines, that’s why the State must devise strategies toward resources optimization, and in this way, to take advantageous procurement, therefore, the objective of this research is to design a system for the measuring of the medicine prices which are imported for National System of Cuban Health (SNS). Material and Methods: Two criteria are used to define the range of price proposed and as variables: Name of active ingredient, strength, pharmaceutical form, description in the medicines basic list (CBM), presentation, category of the medicinal product, referenced prices in other markets, WHO, and local historical price. Results and Discussion: Due to this system implementation, have been evaluated 67 medicines, with a minimum and maximum price proposal. From this list (67), the 88% is included in the CBM and belong to the category II. The 61% is found in a suitable pricing range, the rest, is out of the proposed range, so the importing company is advised to analyze the price offer by the supplier. The pharmaceutical form more frequently was solution for injection. Conclusions: The system allows monitoring of medicinal products which are imported to the SNS, price proposed by suppliers, ensuring timely access of medicinal products with quality, safety and efficiency at the lowest possible price. Taller sobre Daño Cerebral y Neuroprotección: Un Enfoque Básico y Clínico / Workshop on Brain Injury and Neuroprotection: a basic and clinical approach C 022 THE GUANINE-BASED PURINERGIC SYSTEM AS A NEW TARGET FOR NEUROPROTECTION AGAINST GLUTAMATERGIC EXCITOTOXICITY. Souza DO. Departamento de Bioquímica, PPG em Bioquímica e PPG em Educação em Ciências, ICBS, UFRGS. Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2600 – Anexo. CEP: 90035-003, Porto alegre, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in mammalian CNS, essential for brain activities, as those involved in development, ageing, memory, and adaptation to the environment. However, hyper activation of the glutamatergic system may be potentially neurotoxic, involved in the pathogenesis of various acute and chronic brain injuries. The main process responsible by maintaining the extracellular glutamate levels below toxic levels, thus favoring the physiological glutamatergic tonus, is the glutamate uptake exerted by transporters located in neural cell membranes, mainly in astrocytes. Our group has given strong evidence that the guanine-based purinergic system is effectively neuroprotective against glutamate toxicity, in acute and chronic animal models, both in vitro and in vivo studies. Our results indicate that nucleoside guanosine (Guo) exerts neuroprotection. In vivo Guo i.c.v., i.p. or orally administered in rodents protects against brain injury caused by overstimulation of the glutamatergic system. In vitro studies, Guo protects cell death in brain slices caused by in vitro ischemia. Searching for mechanisms implicated in this neuroprotection, we demonstrated that: i) Guo stimulates the astrocytic glutamate uptake (in astrocyte cultures and brain slices), the main process involved in endogenous neuronal protection; ii) brain induced-injuries decrease glutamate uptake by brain slices and this decrease is reversed by Guo only when it acts as anticonvulsant; iii) brain oxidative stress caused by glutamate toxicity in experimental brain injury models is reversed by Guo administration. Thus we propose that the stimulatory effect on glutamate uptake and/or its antioxidant activity are involved in the neuroprotective actions of Guo. These results encourage further studies aiming at the therapeutic use in humans of Guo in acute (hypoxia, ischemia, brain traumatism) and chronic (neurodegenerative diseases) brain injuries involving glutamate excitotoxicity. CO 114 THE ROLE OF ASTROCYTES IN METABOLISM AND NEUROTOXICITY OF THE 73 PYRROLIZIDINE ALKALOID CROTALARIA RETUSA. MONOCROTALINE, THEMAINTOXIN OF Lima Costa S. Laboratório de Neuroquímica e Biologia Celular, Instituto de Ciências daSaúde, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil The metabolic interactions and signaling between neurons and glial cells are necessary for the development and maintenance of brain functions and structures and for neuroprotection, which includes protection from chemical attack. Astrocytes are essential for cerebral detoxification and present an efficient and specific cytochrome P450 enzymatic system. Whilst Crotalaria (Fabaceae, Leguminosae) plants are used in popular medicine, they are considered toxic and can cause damage to livestock and human health problems. Studies in animals have shown cases of poisoning by plants from the genus Crotalaria, which induced damage to the central nervous system. This finding has been attributed to the toxic effects of the pyrrolizidine alkaloid (PA) monocrotaline (MCT). The involvement of P450 enzymatic systems in MCT hepatic and pulmonary metabolism and toxicity has been elucidated, but little is known about the pathway simplicated in the bioactivation of these systems and the direct contribution of these systems to brain toxicity. This review will present the main toxicological aspects of the Crotalaria genus that are established in the literature and recent findings describing the mechanisms involved in the neurotoxic effects of MCT, which was extracted from Crotalaria retusa, and its interaction with neurons in isolated astrocytes. CO 115 RESVERATROL PREVENTS CA1 NEURONS AGAINST ISCHEMIC INJURY BY MODULATION OF BOTH GSK-3Β AND CREB THROUGH PI3-K/AKT PATHWAYS AND THE INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE. Simão F, Matté A, Simões Pires, E; Pagnussat AS, Netto CA, Salbego CG. Departamento de Bioquímica, Instituto de Ciências Básicas da Saúde, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. Neurodegeneration is a prominent feature of cerebrovascular disorders, particularly stroke syndromes, that are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in middle and later life. Despite the growth in the number of publications related to the characterization of the processes involved in cell death due to ischemic insult, there is not yet a clinically effective therapeutic protocol to reduce brain damage induced by ischemia. No drugs tested in clinical trials showed efficacy in reducing mortality and / or morbidity of ischemic stroke. Therefore, it is necessary to search new strategies to change this situation, which is one of the main challenges for biomedical research of this century. Our research group has been dedicated to the investigation of the neuroprotective substances in models in vitro and in vivo neurodegenerative lesions such as cerebral ischemia. In the course of our investigations, we have demonstrated a potent neuroprotective effect of resveratrol, a phytoalexin (3,5,4 '-trihydroxystilbene) belonging to the family of stilbenes family of stilbenes. Our data suggest that the effect of resveratrol may be mediated through activation of the PI3-K/Akt signaling pathway, subsequently downregulating expression of GSK-3β and CREB, thereby leading to prevention of neuronal death after brain ischemia in rats. Also we found that resveratrol treatment remarkably reduced astroglial and microglial activation and it greatly attenuated the activation of NF-κB and JNK with decreased COX-2 and iNOS production. In conclusion, we can suggest that the neuroprotection of resveratrol involves the modulation of survival cell signaling pathway and decreasing the neuroinflammation. CO 116 ACTION OF FATTY ACIDS ON GABAA RECEPTORS: IMPLICATIONS FOR THEIR ANXIOLYTIC-LIKE EFFECTS IN WISTAR RATS. 1 1 1 1 1,2 Rodríguez-Landa JF, García-Ríos RI, Cueto-Escobedo J, Bernal-Morales B, Contreras CM 1 Laboratorio de Neurofarmacología, Instituto de Neuroetología, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa 91190, Veracruz, México. Email: 2 Unidad Periférica Xalapa, Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma; de México, Xalapa 91190, Veracruz, México. Email: 74 Introduction. A mixture of eight fatty acids (FAT-M) identified in human amniotic fluid (C12:0, lauric acid, 0.9 µg%; C14:0, myristic acid, 6.9 µg%; C16:0, palmitic acid, 35.3 µg%; C16:1, palmitoleic acid, 16.4 µg%; C18:0, stearic acid, 8.5 µg%; C18:1cis, oleic acid, 18.4 µg%; C18:1trans, elaidic acid, 3.5 µg%; C18:2, linoleic acid, 10.1 µg%) produce anxiolytic-like effects comparable to diazepam in Wistar rats, suggesting the possible involvement of GABAA receptors, a possibility not yet explored. Therefore, the present study explored the participation of GABAA receptors in the anxiolytic-like effects of the FAT-M. Material and methods. Male Wistar rats were subjected to the defensive burying test, elevated plus maze, and open field test. In different groups of rats, three GABAA receptor antagonists were administered 30 min before the FAT-M, including the competitive GABA binding antagonist bicuculline (1 mg/kg), GABAA benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil (5 mg/kg), and noncompetitive GABAA chloride channel antagonist picrotoxin (1 mg/kg). Results. The FAT-M exerted anxiolytic-like effects in the defensive burying test and elevated plus maze, without affecting locomotor activity in the open field test. Administration of the GABAA antagonists alone did not produce significant changes in the behavioral tests. Picrotoxin, but neither bicuculline nor flumazenil, blocked the anxiolytic-like effect produced by the FAT-M. Conclusion. The FAT-M exerted its anxiolytic-like actions through GABAA receptor chloride channels in Wistar rats. CO 117 A MIXTURE OF FATTY ACIDS PRODUCES ANXIOLYTIC-LIKE BEHAVIOR IN THE WISTAR RAT: COMPARISON WITH DIAZEPAM. a1 a2 a,b3 García-Ríos RI , Rodríguez-Landa JF ,Contreras CM. a b Laboratorio de Neurofarmacología, Instituto de Neuroetología, Universidad Veracruzana y Unidad Periférica Xalapa del Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, UNAM. Av. Dr. Luis Castelazo s/n Col. Industrial Las Ánimas, Xalapa 91190, Veracruz, MÉXICO. 1 2 3;; Introduction. Human amniotic fluid and an artificial mixture of eight of their fatty acids produce anxiolytic-like effects in male and female Wistar rats. However, it is unknown the minimal effective dose of the fatty acids mixture. Therefore, this study explored if the anxiolytic-like effect of the artificial mixture fatty acid follows a dose dependent response. Material and Methods. Adult male Wistar rats were evaluated in the defensive burying, open field and rotarod tests after the administration of several doses of a fatty acids mixture. The basal mixture (1 ml) contained a similar amount of fatty acids than amniotic fluid: C12:0, lauric acid, 0.9 µg%; C14:0, myristic acid, 6.9 µg%; C16:0, palmitic acid, 35.3 µg%; C16:1, palmitoleic acid, 16.4 µg%; C18:0, stearic acid, 8.5 µg%; C18:1cis, oleic acid, 18.4 µg%; C18:1trans, elaidic acid, 3.5 µg%; C18:2, linoleic acid, 10.1 µg%. Lower tested volumes (0.5 ml, 0.25 ml and 0.125 ml) contained the same proportion of fatty acids than amniotic fluid, but a half, a quarter and an eighth of the amounts of fatty acids. Diazepam (2 mg/kg) was used as a reference anxiolytic drug. Results. Although results followed a dose dependent response, only 1 ml of the fatty acid mixture increased burying latency, reduced cumulative burying even more effectively than diazepam, without altering locomotor activity or motor coordination in open field and rotarod test. Conclusion. The amount of fatty acids contained in amniotic fluid is the necessary to produce anxiolytic-like effects in male Wistar rats, confirming additionally their anxiolytic-like actions. C 023 PRECLINICAL STUDIES OF A NEW HYBRID MOLECULE WITH NEUROPROTECTIVE EFFECTS IN THE TREATMENT OF CEREBRAL ISCHEMIA 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 Nuñez Y , Pardo G , Ramírez J , García L , Delgado R , Merino N , Valdés O , Ochoa E , Verdecia 2 10 3 3 3 3 1 Y , Iglesias L , Onofre D , Salbego C , Hansel G , Nicoloso E , Porto M . 1 Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos, Ave 26, No. 1605 Boyeros y Puentes Grandes, CP 10600, Ciudad Habana, Cuba, E-mail: 2 Centro de Estudio para las Investigaciones y Evaluaciones Biológicas, Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos, Universidad de La Habana, ave. 23 # 21425 e/214 y 222, La Coronela, La Lisa, CP 13600, Ciudad Habana, Cuba. 3 Laboratorio de Síntesis Orgánica de La Facultad de Química de La Universidad de La Habana (Zapata s/n entre G y Carlitos Aguirre, Vedado Plaza de la Revolución, CP 10400, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba. 4 Departamento de Bioquímica, Instituto de Ciências Básicas da Saúde, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2600 anexo, Porto Alegre, RS 90035-003, Brazil. 75 Introduction: Cerebral ischemia has a high incidence at present, their frequency increases with increasing life expectancy and the drugs available have low effectiveness. Clinical evidence has shown therapeutic failure of neuroprotective drugs, often caused by the use of drugs that act on a single mediator of damage in a disease that involves a complex variety of events. That is why the study of multiligands compounds that may affect several steps of the ischemic cascade, could be an attractive therapeutic option for this disease. Materials and methods: In the present work we evaluated, a novel 1,5-benzodiazepines with the presence of a 1,4 dihydropyridine moiety fused to the benzodiazepine ring (JM-20) in different experimental models associated with ischemic brain damage, including behavioural models to evaluate GABAergic activity, cellular models for evaluate cytotoxicity induced by glutamate, hydrogen peroxide and oxygen glucose deprivation. Also we evaluated the effect of JM-20 on different parameters associated with mitocondrial dysfunction and on histological, behavioral and biochemical alterations in animal models of stroke. Results: The main results obtained show thatJM-20 has a neurosedative profile similar to diazepam, however the presence of the dihydropyridine moiety in their structure, could be to inhibit damage associated exacerbated calcium in flux. Moreover, JM-20 showed strong neuroprotective effect in animals and cell models associated with the cerebral ischemia and on different parameters of mitocondrial dysfunction responsible of the neuronal death. C 024 Achyrocline satureioides (LAM) D.C. (MARCELA): PROTECTIVE EFFECTS IN PRIMARY NEURONAL CULTURES AND AGAINST AN ISCHEMIC INJURY IN VIVO. Rivera F, Echeverry C, Arredondo F, Abin-Carriquiry JA, Martínez M, Dajas F. Departamento de Neuroquímica. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable. Unidad Asociada a Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de la República. Avenida Italia 3318. Montevideo. Uruguay. INTRODUCTION: Achyrocline satureioides (AS) is a South American plant widely used in popular medicine. Experimental studies have confirmed its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects mainly due to its high content of polyphenols. In this work we evaluated the protective effects of an AS decoction (2%) in primary neuronal cultures against an oxidative injury and against an ischemic process in rats in vivo. METHODS: Dried flowers of AS were used for the preparation of the decoction. Primary cerebellar granule neurons in culture (DIV 7) were treated for 24h with AS decoction and subsequently exposed to an oxidative insult with H2O2 160uM for 24h. MTT assay was used to analyze cell survival after the treatment. For in vivo assays, Sprague Dawley rats (250350g) were divided in 4 experimental groups (sham, ischemia, AS alone, and AS + ischemia) (n = 6/group). Animals were pre-treated with water or AS decoction for 7, 14 or 21 days followed by 24h of permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion. Consumption of food and AS decoction / water of the rats was evaluated daily and weight gain was monitored weekly. To assess functional deficits a behavioral test was performed, and cerebral damage was evidenced by TTC tetrazolium salt. RESULTS: AS (5 ug/mL total polyphenols) pre-treatment in neuronal cultures showed protective effects against H2O2 injury. AS pre-treatment prevented the functional deficit caused by ischemic injury in all groups. Furthermore, AS pre-treatment for 21 days significantly decreased the infarction volume. CONCLUSIONS: AS decoction (2%) pre-treatment showed protective effects against both oxidative injury in primary neuronal cultures, and in vivo ischemic brain injury. Its high polyphenolic content could explain such protective effects, mainly due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties described for these compounds. CO 118 CHARACTERIZATION OF A MODEL OF GLOBAL STROCK INDUCED BY PERMANENT OCCLUSION OF THE ARTERIES COMMON CAROTIDS. Pavón N, Pentón G, Almaguer W, León R, Marín J, Cruz A, Lorigados L, Blanco L, Estupiñán B, Merceron D and Bergado J. International Center of Neurological Restouration. Ave. 25 No. 15805, entre 158 y 160. Cubanacán, Playa, La Habana. 76 The cerebral stroke constitutes one of the main causes of death around the world. That is why the animal models of brain stroke are widely used so much in the study of the path physiology of stroke as well as in the evaluation of therapeutic agents with possible protective effect or regeneration. Objectives: to examine the presence of neural damage in different brain areas induced by the occlusion of common carotids arteries; as well as to evaluate consequences of this to proceed on the memory-learning processes. Methods: The groups included an experimental group of 30 rats to those that were occluded at both arteries common carotids, and a control group. The expression of genes related to stroke was evaluated for technical of RT-PCR 24 hours post lesion, the morphology of the brain areas, 7 days post lesion, was also evaluated as well as the processes of learning, 12 days post lesion. Results: The morphological results evidenced that proceeding induces the death of cellular populations and modify the expression the genes and cytokine level like GFAP and ho, IL-6, IL-17 and IFN-gamma, which can be used as a early marker of stroke process. Additionally, ischemic event also caused deterioration in the space memory. This characterization will allow to have an experimental model to conduce the develop future studies as well as to evaluate any therapeutic strategies in events involving ischemic events. CO 119 ORGANO SELENO COMPOUNDS AS NEUROPROTECTIVE EMPHASIS IN DIPHENYL DISELENIDE (PHSE)2 AGENTS: Joao B. T. Rocha, Marta L. R. Leal, Felix A. Soares, Cristina W. Nogueira Departamento de Química and Departamento de Clínica de Grande Animais, CCNE and CCR, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105900, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Selenium is an essential element for mammalian cell physiology. It is found in a limited number of proteins in the form of selenocysteine. The selenol group of selenocysteine is essential for the antioxidant properties of selenoenzymes, such as glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and thioredoxin reductase (TrxR). About 3 decades ago, ebselen (2-phenyl-1, 2-benzisoselenazol-3(2H)-one) was reported to exhibit interesting pharmacological activities in models of human pathologies, including brain ischemia. Some years later ebselen was used with borderline efficacy in humans and its therapeutic properties was attributed to its GPx-like activity. In view of the neuroprotective effect of ebselen, the antioxidant and pharmacological properties of diphenyl diselenide (PhSe)2 have been studied. (PhSe)2 is the simplest of the diaryl diselenides and its GPx-like activity is about 2 times that of ebselen. (PhSe)2 exhibits antioxidant and neuroprotective effects in different in vitro and in vivo models of neurotoxicity. For instance, (PhSe)2 counteracted the pro-oxidant effect of Fe(II) and quinolic acid. In a similar way to ebselen, it protected hippocampal slices from O2 and glucose deprivation and rats from brain ischemia. As a rule, (PhSe)2 exhibits a better efficacy than ebselen. (PhSe)2 is less toxic to rodents than ebselen and did not caused toxicity to sheep and rabbits. In addition to its GPx-like properties, (PhSe)2 can be protective via stimulation of nuclear translocation of Nrf-2, a transcription factor modulating antioxidant responses. The results obtained in the last 15 years with the prototypal (PhSe)2 indicate that new diselenides should be tested. Indeed, thousands of diselenides have been synthesize; however, we still need to develop rational in silico and in vitro protocols to select which of them should be tested in in vivo mammalian models. CO 120 NEUROPROTECTION AND CLINICAL TRIAL IN AUTISTIC DISORDER 1 1 Maria de los Angeles Robinson-Agramonte , Elena Noris García , Mercedes Adalys Rodriguez 1 3 2 2 2,3 Ravelo , Mabel Whilby Santiesteban , Caren Bernardi , Patricia Nardin , Diego Baronio , Kamila 2,3 2 2,3 Castro-Grokoski , Carlos Alberto Gonçalves , Carmem Gottfried . 1 2 International Center for Neurological Restoration, Cuba. Dept of Biochemistry, Federal University of 3 4 Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Children´s Hospital Las Catolicas, Cuba. Clinical Hospital of Porto Alegre, Brazil. In recent years, the role of the bi-directional communication between the brain and the immune system in the etiology of major psychiatric disorders has become an important topic for research in neuroscience. Studies have demonstrated that some patients with major psychiatric disorders exhibit characteristic signs of immune as a common pathophysiological mechanism that underlies the development and progression of these disorders. Objective: the aim of this study was to provide evidence on the immune factors associated with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) and contribute to elucidate the link between the immune changes and the behavioral alterations and/or clinical 77 symptoms associated with the disorder. Method: The participants were 15 children, age 3 to 9 years of age, with ASD, according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4t Edition, (DMS-IV). The severity of the disease was measured by the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS). TNF-α and IL-10 cytokines and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) was assessed in serum of ASD patients. Results: No differences were observed to TNFα and IL-10 cytokines and BDNF in autistic disorders compared to age matched controls. At the same time, a significant correlation was observed to TNFα and CARS, this last as measure of severity and between CARS and age onset of the disease in autistic disorder. The present findings reinforce current hypothesis involving inflammatory and excitotoxic mechanisms contributing to the pathophysiology of autistic disorder and contribute to clarify contact points between clinical and biological events involving neuroprotection in autism. Simposio de Farmacogenética y Farmacogenómica / Symposium of Pharmacogenetic and Pharmacogenomic C 025 GENETIC VARIATION IN SMOKING AND LUNG CANCER Tyndale R, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Departments of Psychiatry, Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada Nicotine is the main active component in cigarette which mediates tobacco dependence. About 80% of nicotine is metabolically inactivated to cotinine; the hepatic CYP2A6 enzyme is responsible for over 90% of this conversion. Both in vivo and in vitro studies demonstrate considerable interindividual variation in CYP2A6 activity that is attributed to variations in the CYP2A6 gene. Individuals with at least 1 copy of the genetically inactive or reduced activity CYP2A6 variant (allele) have decreased nicotine metabolism. We have found that slow nicotine inactivators are ≈2 times less likely to be dependent smokers (OR 0.52 95% CI 0.29-0.95). Slow metabolizers that do become smokers consume 7-10 cigarettes less per day than normal metabolizers, and also inhale less deeply. There are large differences among ethnic populations in the frequency of slow metabolizers which may contribute to the ethnic differences observed in rates of smoking and tobacco-related diseases. In general the frequencies of variant alleles with large impacts on function are low in Caucasians, while some of the alleles are prevalent (up to 20%) for example in Asian and African populations. Variation in CYP2A6 genotype and/or the CYP2A6 metabolite ratio biomarker is associated with differences in the ability to quit smoking both in the absence of pharmacotherapy, and with nicotine replacement therapies. We found the odds of quitting with nicotine patch were reduced by 30% with each increasing quartile of the ratio; faster metabolizers were less successful in quitting than slow metabolizers. CYP2A6 is also capable of activating tobacco-procarcinogens such as NNK. Thus individuals with slower CYP2A6 smoke less and activate less tobacco-smoke procarcinogens resulting in lowered risk for tobacco- and dietary-related cancers such as lung cancers, while those with high levels of CYP2A6 are at greater risk. We have also shown that having a variant in the α3-α5-β4 nicotinic receptor cluster, a target for both nicotine and nitrosamines, also alters smoking and lung cancer risk. When examining variation in CYP2A6 and the nicotinic receptor variant together we observe an increase in both smoking and lung cancer risk for those who are faster CYP2A6 metabolizers and have the at risk nicotinic receptor variant. C 026 PHARMACOGENETICS: CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS FOR EATING DISORDERS AND SUICIDE LLERENA A; G.NARANJO ME; PEÑAS-LLEDO E. Clinical Research Centre, Extremadura University Hospital and Medical School, Badajoz, Spain Ibero Latino American Network of Pharmacogenetics ( Pharmacogenomics Clinical implications. A higher frequency of CYP2D6 UMs has been found among individuals who committed suicide (Zackrisson et al, 2010). One explanation for this relationship could be treatment failure with antidepressant drugs metabolized by CYP2D6 (Llerena et al., 2004) widely used to prevent suicide or to treat mood disorders. A complementary explanation could be via the implication of the polymorphic CYP2D6 in the endogenous metabolism. CYP2D6 has been 78 associated with behavioral and clinical risk factors such as personality and vulnerability to psychopathology (Llerena et al., 1993; 2007; Gonzalez et al., 2008; Peñas-Lledó et al., 2009, 2010). Consistently, we found a relationship between UMs and severity of suicide and lifetime history of suicidal behavior among Eating Disordered patients (Peñas-LLedó et al., 2010, 2011, 2012a). Moreover it seems also been related to antidepressant discontinuation as recently shown (PeñasLLedó et al 2012b). Therefore Pharmacogenomics might be useful to prevent relevant side effects such is suicide. CO 121 POPULATION PHARMACOKINETIC OF CYCLOSPORINE IN THE EARLY PERIOD THE POST RENAL TRANSPLANT IN PAEDIATRIC PATIENTS 1 Lares-Asseff I., 1Zaruma Torres F., 2Saltzman Girshevich S., 1Urbina Álvarez J, 3Guillé-Pérez G., 1 1 3 Sosa Macías M., Loera Castañeda V., Galaviz Hernández C., Toledo López A. 1 2 Instituto Politécnico Nacional, CIIDIR-IPN Unidad Durango, México. Jefe del Servicio de Nefrología 3 y la Unidad de Trasplante Renal del Instituto Nacional de Pediatría, (INP), México. Departamento de Farmacología Clínica del INP, México. 1 Cyclosporine (CsA) is an immunosuppressive agent used to prevent transplant rejection through selective modification of the function of T helper lymphocytes. CsA is a therapeutic agent with a narrow therapeutic index and large variability in pharmacokinetics Objectives. To identify differences in the CsA concentrations at steady state between patients with acceptance or rejection of renal transplant (RT), and determine the population pharmacokinetic of the drug. Material and methods. We included 64 patients 3-18 years enrolled in RT program of INP, Mexico. Were extracted from one to three samples per week for each patient, to determine plasma concentrations of CsA, using polarized immunofluorescence (DX Abbott). Results. RT rejection was experienced in 35 patients [13 (37.1%) males and 22 (62.1%) females] while the remaining 29 accepted the RT [19 (65.5%) males and 10 (34.5%) females]. We monitored 1955 concentrations of CsA in accepting [sub-therapeutic 599 (30%), therapeutic 178 (8.9%) and toxic 12 (0.6%)] and rejecting [sub-therapeutic 809 (40.5%), therapeutic 265 (13.3%) and toxic 86 (4.3%)] patients p=0.01. The following population pharmacokinetics parameters of patients accepting RT were: AUC = 2587.35 (mcg/mL/h), K10-HL = -1 -1 2.09 (h) = 0.973 K01-HL (h) alpha (h ) = 0.7355; beta = 0.0720 (h ), alpha-HL = 0.94 (h), beta-HL = -1 α.t β.t 9.61 (h ), from the equation Cp =Ae + Be , describing a two-compartment model, describing a two compartment model. Conclusions.1) There are significant differences between sub-therapeutic, therapeutic and toxic CsA concentrations within and between the studied groups; those patients rejecting RT showed significantly higher toxic concentrations; 2) Dose should be individualized and based on pharmacokinetic parameters in this population. 3) The new dose of cyclosporine in this population should be calculated on an individual basis, based on the pharmacokinetic parameters of the population studied. CO 122 ASSOCIATION OF POLYMORPHISMS OF THE CYP2C9* 2, *3 AND CYP2C19 *2,*3, THE NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND CONCOMITANT TREATMENT, WITH PHENYTOIN PHARMACOKINETICS AND TREATMENT RESPONSE, IN PATIENTS WITH EPILEPSY 1 2 3 4 5 Gutiérrez Álvarez O, I Lares-Assef I, Ruano Calderón LA, Sosa Macías M, Chairez Hernández I, 4 4 Salas Pacheco JM, Galaviz HernándezC, Loera Castañeda V. 1 Doctorante en Ciencias en Biotecnología del IPN CIIDIR Unidad Durango, México. 2 Jefe de la Academia de Genómica Aplicadadel IPN CIIDIR Unidad Durango, México. 3 Especialista en Neurología del Hospital General del Estado de Durango,México. 4 Laboratorio de Farmacogenómica y Biomedicina Molecular 5 Laboratorio Estadística, Procesos Estocásticos y Modelación Matemática IPN CIIDIR Durango 6 Instituto de Investigación Científica de la UJED,Durango, México. 6 Variability in drug response is regulated by several factors which alter the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs.Objective. To determine the association of polymorphisms CYP2C9 *2,*3 and CYP2C19 *2,*3,the nutritional status and concomitant treatment, both pharmacokinetics and response to treatment with phenytoin. Materials and Methods. Fifty patients diagnosed with epilepsy pertaining to the neurology service to the General Hospital of Durango, Mexico were 79 enrolled. Nutritional status was assessed through of body mass index (BMI). DFH serum concentrations were determined in th IMMULITE 1000. The polymorphisms were evaluated by realtime PCR withTaqmanprobes. Results.Serumconcentrations: 27 patientsonsubtherapeuticrange, 10 patients with concentrations in risk of toxicity, and 13 patients in therapeutic range. Concomitant therapy: 36 patients with polypharmacy and 14 with monotherapy. Men responded better to treatment 2 than women x = 3.92, p˂ 0.05 with 1 df. We found that increasing the BMI, concentration of 2 phenytoin decrease significantly,r=0.33, r = 0.114 with p˂0.05. Allele frequencies were: CYP2C9 * 2 (0.12), CYP2C9 * 3(0.04), CYP2C19*2 (0.09) and CYP2C19*3 (0.01); wild typegenotype and heterozygocity was found in 27 and 23 patients respectively. No polymorphism was associated with the control over convulsive seizures. Phenytoin adverse effects: 15 of 50 patients, 11 of them showed polymorphisms CYP2C9 *2, *3, and CYP2C19 *2, *3. Conclusions. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) showed that the most important variable in the variability of the elimination rate constant (Kel) of phenytoin is mainly dependent of polymorphisms and haplotypes of CYP2C9 * 2, * 3 and CYP2C19 * 2, * 3, with 36.5% and 33.4% BMI, concomitant treatment 19.3% and the response to treatment with 10.7%. There is an association between Pharmacokinetics Pharmacogenetics with DFH, BMI is not appropriate for drug dosage. CO 123 PHARMACOGENOMIC AND PHARMACOKINETIC PARTICULARITIES OF THE MEXICAN POPULATION: NECESSITY OF LOCAL CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY STUDIES IN LATIN AMERICA Castañeda G. Departamento de Farmacología Centro de investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2508, 07360 México, D.F. Interethnic variability in the pharmacokinetics of several drugs has been documented. In some cases, doses should be adjusted depending on the ethnic group. However, most studies compare Caucasian with either African American or Asian populations. Information on Latin American subjects is scarce. Our group has documented that, for some drugs, Mexican Mestizoes exhibit an increased variability compared to Caucasians, likely due to genetic differences in the expression of cytochrome P450 enzymes. Characterization of CYP3A5 genotypes has shown that the proportion of subjects with functional and dysfunctional enzymes in Mexicans is different from that observed in other ethnic groups. As these differences may be relevant for the dosing of critical drugs, such as tacrolimus and cyclosporine, the necessity of pharmacogenetic and pharmacokinetic studies in Latin American countries will likely allow an optimization of tgherapeutics in the region. CO 124 DETERMINATION OF MUTATIONS WITH CLINICAL IMPLICATION OF THE NAT2, ABCB1, CYP2C9 AND CYP4F2 ON DRUG RESPONDS IN PERUVIAN SETTLERS 1 2 3 Salazar-Granara A , Castañeda-Castañeda B , Barboza-Coelho E . 1 Doctor, Médico Cirujano, Centro de Investigación de Medicina Tradicional y Farmacología (CIMTFAR), de la Facultad de Medicina Humana de la Universidad de San Martín de Porres (FMHUSMP), Perú 2 Doctor, Médico Cirujano General, Director del Instituto de Investigación, CIMTFAR, FMH-USMP. 3 Doctor, Médico Nefrólogo, Laboratorio de Hipertensión Experimental, Hospital de Clínicas de Riberao Preto, Universidad de Sao Paulo, Brasil Objective.- To determinate the frequency of mutations with clinical repercussion of the genes: NAT2, ABCB1, CYP2C9 y CIP4F2 in Peruvian settlers. Methods.- Peruvian settlers from: Loreto. Ucayali, Amazonas, Apurimac, San Martín, Ancash, Puno, Arequipa and Lima, after accepted voluntary and freely donned us their biological samples of blood and saliva for the research. We used the DNA to detect the mutations with the following molecular technics: RFLP-PCR, PCR, RT-PCR, and genetic sequencing. Results.- In the NAT2 gen we found the following polymorphisms: 282C>T, 341T>C, 481C>T, 590G>A, 803A>G y 857G>A. We detected 45% of people with genotype fast acetylates, 23% of slow acetylates and 32% of unknown genotype acetylates. In the ABCB! Gene we found 67% a frequency of mutation to 1236 T>C, 30% for mutation to 2677 G>T/A and 63% for mutation to 80 polymorphism C3435T. The CYP2C9 showing a frequency of 11% for mutation to CYP2C9*2 and 3 % to CYP2C9*3. Finally, the CYP4F2*3 gene, showed a frequency of mutation of 11 %. The Hardywiembrg test showed an allelic equilibrium. Conclusion.- We had observed a clinic relationship between Isoniazid and the mutations of NAT2 gene. Relationship of antineoplastic drug resistance and the ABCB1 gene implicated on the gene mutations and the mutations of CYP2C9 and CYP4F2 implicated in the responds to drugs as Warfarin and opioids a non-opioids analgesics. We determinate the first Peruvian frequency of mutations with clinic implication. CO 125 DISTRIBUTION OF CYP2C19 POLYMORPHISMS IN EIGHT AMERINDIAN GROUPS FROM NORTHWEST MEXICO 1 Sosa-Macías M, 2Lazalde-Ramos BP, 1Galaviz-Hernández C, 1Bailón-Soto C, 1Ismael Lares-Asseff, LLerena A. 1 Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional del IPN Unidad Durango, CIIDIR-IPN, Sigma 119 Fracc. 20 de noviembre II. C.P. 34220, Durango, México; 2 Laboratorio de Medicina Molecular, Unidad Académica de Medicina Humana y Ciencias de la Salud, 3 Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Zacatecas, México; CICAB Clinical Research Centre, Extremadura University Hospital and Medical School, Badajoz, Spain. e-mail and Tel +52 618 8142091, Fax +52 618 8144540. 3 Background. The CYP2C19*2,*3 and *17 mutant alleles are associated with the functional polymorphism of CYP2C19. These have been widely studied in several ethnic groups, however they are less known in Native Mexican groups. Objective. To determine the frequency of CYP2C19 polymorphisms in eight indigenous groups from Mexico. Methods. Genotyping of CYP2C19*2,*3 and *17 variants was carried out in 487 volunteers by real-time PCR. Results. The CYP2C19*2 allele was more frequent in the Guarijío group (0.43) than in the rest of groups (p≤0.011), with frequencies of 0.22 in Tarahumaras, 0.13 in Tepehuanos, 0.08 in Mayos, 0.062 in Coras, 0.051 in Mexicaneros, 0.045 in Huicholes, and 0.026 in Seris. The CYP2C19*2/*2 genotype, which has therapeutic consequences, presented a wide frequency range (0.8%-20%). CYP2C19*3 was not found. The CYP2C19*17 allele was detected in Coras, Tepehuanos, Tarahumaras and Mayos in a range of 0.012-0.068. Conclusion. Our data show the presence of inter-ethnic differences in the CYP2C19*2 and *17 variant frequencies in the Amerindian groups, which is in agreement with previous studies in other Amerindian populations. Determination of CYP2C19 alleles is important in indigenous populations regard to the clinical use of drugs metabolized by CYP2C19. Acknowledgements. This study was supported by CONACYT-Mexico Project 2009-01-113063. CO 126 ASSOCIATION OF CYP1A1*2C WITH HEPATIC FUNCTION HYPERLIPIDEMIA IN A MEXICAN TEPEHUANO INDIGENOUS GROUP 1 1 2 3 4 AND 1 Galaviz-Hernández C, Bailón-Soto C, Lazalde-Ramos BP, Salas-Pacheco JM, Llerena A SosaMacías M. 1 Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional del IPN Unidad Durango, CIIDIR-IPN, Sigma 119 Fracc. 20 de noviembre II. C.P. 34220, Durango, México; 2 Laboratorio de Medicina Molecular, Unidad Académica de Medicina Humana y Ciencias de la Salud, 3 Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Zacatecas, México; Instituto de Investigación Científica de la 4 UJED, Durango, México; CICAB Clinical Research Centre, Extremadura University Hospital and Medical School, Badajoz, Spain. e-mail Tel +52 618 8142091, Fax +52 618 8144540. Background. The CYP1A1*2C allele influences both the hepatic function and the metabolism of cholesterol and other fatty acids; the last two related to cardiovascular risk. This polymorphism has been previously evaluated in two Mexican indigenous populations. Objective. Determine the frequency of CYP1A1*2C and its association with hepatic function and triglyceride levels in a Mexican Tepehuano indigenous group. Methods. Complete lipid profile and genotyping of CYP1A1*2C by RTPCR was done in 120 Tepehuano volunteers. Results. Lipid profile did not revealed differences between sex on this population. The frequency of *2C allele was 0.35, meanwhile that for *2C/*2C genotype was ~0.11. After adjusting for age, sex, BMI, tobacco and alcohol consumption, the regression analysis revealed a significant association between *2C allele and normal triglycerides 81 [OR 4.37; 95%CI 1.24-17.98, p=0.017]; a significant association was also found with alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels [OR 4.67; CI 95% 1.19-18.34, p=0.034]. Conclusion. The observed frequency of CYP1A1*2C allele is lower than that previously reported in Teenek (0.66) and Mayos (0.55) Mexican Amerindian groups. The strong association found between CYP1A1*2C allele with normotriglyceridemia and normal ALT levels, suggests a potential protective role of this allele for development of cardiac and liver disease in Tepehuano indigenous group. Acknowledgements. This study was supported by SIP IPN Project 20131835. CO 127 FENOTIPOS METABÓLICOS DE DEBRISOQUINA Y GENOTIPO DE CYP2D6 EN LA POBLACIÓN NICARAGÜENSE / METABOLIC PHENOTYPES OF DEBRISOQUINE AND GENOTYPIC OF CYP2D6 IN THE NICARAGUAN POPULATIONS. Ronald Ramírez Roa. Sección de Farmacología. Facultad de Nicaragua- León Ciencias Médicas. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Introducción. Las reacciones de oxidación, reducción o hidrólisis convierten a los medicamentos en metabolitos más hidrosolubles y, por tanto, más fáciles de eliminar. Estas reacciones se catalizan por las oxigenasas de función mixta, cuyo sistema más importante es el citocromo P-450 (CYP).El polimorfismo genético de este sistema es uno de los mayores determinantes de la variabilidad interindividual e interétnica de la farmacocinética y de la respuesta a los medicamentos. De tal forma, pacientes que reciben dosis seguras y eficaces para la mayoría de lapoblación pueden producir respuestas anormales, como la presentación de efectos secundarios en metabolizadores lentos (ML) o fracasos terapéuticos enmetabolizadores rápidos (MR) o ultrarrápidos (UR).Existen más de 100 isoenzimas del del sistema P-450. Las más relevantes para el metabolismo de los medicamentos incluyen CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6 Y, CYP3A4.El CYP2D6 presenta una alta variabilidad fenotípica debida al polimorfismo genético. Esta variabilidad parece depender de la diferente tasa de presentación de los alelos del CYP2D6. Entre los alelos más importantes con ausencia total de actividad metabólica se encuentranCYP2D6*3, CYP2D6*4, CYP2D6*5, CYP2D6*6; los CYP2D6*10 y CYP2D6*17 muestran disminución de la actividad enzimática. La frecuencia de individuos portadores de determinadas variantes genéticas presenta diferencias dependiendo de la raza y la procedencia geografía, lo que podría explicar la variabilidad interétnica de la eficacia a distintos medicamentos observada entre distintos grupos étnicos. Objetivos. Determinar el polimorfismo metabólico de la hidroxilación de la debrisoquina (marcador de la capacidad metabólica de CYP2D6) en la población nicaragüense determinando la frecuencia de fenotipos metabólicosy, la frecuencia de alelos CP2D6. Pacientes y método. La capacidad metabólica del CYP2D6 se determinó a partir del cálculo del índice metabólico (IM) en orina colectada 8 horas después de ingerido 10 mg oral de sulfato de debrisoquina en 133 voluntarios sanos. El genotipo CYP2D6 fue analizado por técnicas de PCR y PCR-RFPL para los CYP2D6 *3,*4,*5,*6,*10,*17 y duplicación de alelos en 98 individuos. Resultados. La frecuencia de metabolizadores lentos fue de 6%. (verfigura)Proporcióncomparable a las observadas en españoles y cubanos. La frecuencia de UR fue de cero. En el 4,1% se determinó la presencia de CYP2D6 con ausencia total de actividad metabólica. El CYP2D6*17 no fue detectado, sin embargo el CYP2D6*10se identificó en el 3,1%. En el 2% se determinó la presencia de alelos de duplicación/multiplicación CYP2D6*1xN o 2xN.El aleloCYP2D6*4 con ausencia total de actividad metabólica es el más frecuentes y se cuantificó en el 14,4% de los individuos. Conclusión. No se identificaron UR y la frecuencia de metabolizadores lentos en la población nicaragüense es similar a las encontradas en otras poblaciones como la española y cubana. El alelo no funcional más frecuente es CYP2D6*4. No se detectaron alelosCYP2D6*17. CO 129 POLYMORPHISMS OF THE BIOTRANSFORMATION AND ELIMINATION SYSTEMS OF THE MEDICINES: ON OVERVIEW TO STUDIES PERFORMED IN CUBA 1 2 3 4 4 5 4 Rodeiro I. , Velázquez Y. , Dorado P. , Martinez I. , Alvarez M. ; Herrera J. , Hernandez C. , 2 2 1 4 2 3 Garrido B. , Rodriguez J.C. , Hernandez I. , Perez B. , Delgado R. , Llerena A. . 1 Departamento de Farmacología, Centro de Bioproductos Marinos, Loma 37, Nuevo Vedado, Plaza 82 2 de la Revolución, La Habana, Cuba. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos, Ave 26, 3 No. 1605 Boyeros y Puentes Grandes, La Habana, Cuba. Centro de Investigaciones Clínicas, 4 CICAB, Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz, España. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad de la Habana, MINSAP, La Habana, Cuba. 5Universidad de la Habana, Zapata y G, Vedado, La Habana, Cuba. Polymorphic cytochrome P450 isoenzymes (CYPs) 2C9, 2C19 and 2D6 metabolize many drugs. This polymorphism gives rise to interindividual and interethnic variability in the metabolism and disposition of therapeutic agents and may cause differences in their clinical response. On the other hands, besides, it is postulated that ABCB1 polymorphisms contribute to variability in P-gp function. Singlenucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in MDR1 gene are associated with phenotypic variation in P-gp expression levels of tissue. The wobble C3435T polymorphism at exon 26 has been associated with different expression levels and activity. Differences in allele frequency of the C3435T polymorphism have been demonstrated between ethnic groups. Frequencies for the major CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 mutated alleles and genotypes were evaluated in 140 Cuban unrelated healthy volunteers (73 males and 67 females). Genotyping was performed on peripheral leukocytes DNA by PCR-RFLP method. Genotype frequencies were in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Results showed: 101 subjects (72.1 %) expressed CYP2C9*1/*1, 22 (15.7 %) expressed CYP2C9*1/*2 genotypic and 3 (2.1 %) presented the mutated allele CYP2C9*2/*2 (poor metabolisers). The rest were heterozygous for CYP2C9*1/*3 (8.6 %), no CYP2C9*3/*3 was found. For CYP2C19, 137 volunteers expressed the CYP2C19*1 (75 % homozygous and 22.3 % heterozygous), two subjects were homozygous for CYP2C19*2/*2 (2.1%) (poor metabolisers), no CYP2C19*3 was detected. Genotypes more represented for CYP2D6 were: *1/*1 (59.3 %), CYP2D6*1/*10 (20.7 %) and CYP2D6*1/*17 (10.7 %). CYP2D6 *10/*10 and CYP2D6*17/*17 were found in three volunteers (1.4 and 2.1 % respectively, poor metabolisers). Frequency of apparition of CYP2D6*3 was low, one subject expressed *1/*3 and other *3/*10. Frequencies of the variant C3435T were evaluated in 140 Cuban unrelated healthy volunteers (73 males and 67 females). Results showed: 65 subjects (46.4%) expressed CC, 58 (41.4%) expressed CT variant and 17 (12.1%) presented the TT variant. Results fit to Cuban population origins. Frequencies of the allelic variants of these systems in Cubans were similar to those of Spanish and Africans; a high frequency of CYP2D6*17 highly present in Africans but not in Caucasians. For CYP2C9 and CYP2C19, the allelic distribution was similar to Caucasians, especially CYP2C9*3 were not found in the frequencies reported in Spanish or Africans. Results fit to Cuban population origins. The study of interactions and of genetic factors affecting pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics is expected to improve drug safety and will enable individualized drug therapy. CO 130 FROM PHARMACOGENETICS TO PERSONALIZED MEDICINE: A CUBAN REGULATORY PERSPECTIVE Remirez D. National Centre for State Quality Control of Drugs, (CECMED), Address: Avenue 17 and 200 , Siboney, Playa, Havana, Cuba. e-mail: The science of pharmacogenomics has advanced significantly in the last five years, but it is still in infancy and is mostly used on research basis. The Pharmacogenomics helps identify interindividual variabilities in drug response (both toxicity and effectiveness). This information will make it possible to individualize therapy with the intent of maximizing effectiveness and minimizing risk. The aims of this work are to present the bases of pharmacogenetic, the advantage and challenges of this specialty, the main enzymes characterized for the genetic polimorphism and the world and cuban regulatory perspective about this subject. We will show the main biomarkes for pharmacogenetics studies and a general guidance for submission of this type of research. The hope for the future is that through personalized medicine, doctors and patients will be able to make better-informed choices about treatment. This treatment will avoid the adverse drug reaction to the medication and will improve the diagnosis diseases as well as the prevention and treatment of diseases. CO 131 PHARMACOGENETICS LEARNING IN MEDICAL STUDENTS USING ICTs AND 83 PBL METHODOLOGY: AN ACTION RESEARCH STUDY IN A PUBLIC UNIVERSITY. LIMA-PERÚ Placencia M, Núñez M, Humberto G, Tenorio L, Simon S,Silva J. Institución: Facultad de Medicina de San Fernando, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Introduction Nowadays the understanding of pharmacogenetics is vital to achieve a personalized prescription and prevent treatment failure but to conceptualize and analyze their basis and methodology, laboratories and latest equipment are required; that our School can't afford. To address this problem, we innovated this learning applying: "problem-based learning" (PBL) and "Information and communication technologies" (ICTs) to achieve high levels of academic performance. Materials y Methods Action research study, which examined the implementation of PBL-ITC in the education of pharmacogenetics in third-year students at the Major National University of San Marcos, School of Medicine in 2011 (n=134) and 2013 (n=8). In 2011 we developed a Learning Guide with case-problems, bibliographic resources, tasks and a matrix of skills assessment in PBL using Bloom scale with a score of 1-10 points. Prior to the class, we shared in our virtual classroom the Learning Guide and two cases about "CYP2C9/VKORC1 Genotypes and Warfarin Dosing". The tasks were delivered via internet for grading. The on-campus class sought to consolidate previous knowledge and link new knowledge through analysis and development of cases. In 2013 we developed a pilot with 8 students to implement this methodology in the field of HIV. After the course, there was a virtual competition where, by PBL methodology, the students solved 3 cases of pharmacogenetics applied to HIV. Results 130 students (96.3%) achieved higher levels of learning: 13 students the level of analysis, 95 students the level of synthesis, 10 students the level of assessment and 12 students the level of creating Information. In total we obtained an average of 8.1 ± 0.162. Conclusions The innovations of the lecture of pharmacogenetics with ABP and ICTs have a significant effect on achieving a higher level of learning, which implies the need to continue and expand this methodology in other fields. CO 132 PHARMACOEPIDEMIOLOGY AND PHARMACOGENETICS OF SCHIZOPHRENY Humberto Fariñas, Macarena Cáceres, Paloma Moyano, Teresa Sánchez, Alfredo de la Rubia, Adrián LLerena. Universidad de Extremadura. Badajoz. España. Los antipsicóticos atípicos han cambiado las perspectivas evolutivas y de pronóstico de los pacientes con esquizofrenia. Los antipsicóticos de nueva generación son más eficaces que los de primera generación en la prevención de recaídas, ya que presentan un menor número de reacciones adversas y mejoran la adherencia al tratamiento. Sin embargo, existe una gran controversia sobre la relación coste-eficacia de estos nuevos fármacos en relación a su alto coste, así como los efectos adversos metabólicos. En estudios anteriores de nuestro grupo observamos una tendencia a la disminución del uso de fármacos antipsicóticos típicos y un aumento de los atípicos. Además, la pauta mayormente utilizada es la de politerapia, la cual se asocia a estancias mayores. Se analizó la influencia de las diferentes pautas de tratamiento (mono/politerapia, antipsicóticos típicos/atípicos) en los costes directos del tratamiento hospitalario de la esquizofrenia (estancias, fármacos, pruebas diagnósticas) durante el periodo 2001-2009 en la provincia de Badajoz, Extremadura. Asimismo se evaluó la influencia de los polimorfismos genéticos CYP2D6 en las pautas de tratamiento y en los costes del tratamiento hospitalario de la esquizofrenia. La estancia promedio aumentó de 20 a 32 días en el periodo evaluado. Los pacientes en politerapia tuvieron una estancia promedio 8 días mayor que los pacientes en monoterapia. Los pacientes tratados con antipsicóticos atípicos estuvieron ingresados 7 días más que los tratados con antipsicóticos típicos. Consecuentemente, la menor estancia promedio en los pacientes en 84 monoterapia condujo a un coste inferior en los pacientes con esta pauta de tratamiento en relación con los que estuvieron en politerapia de antipsicóticos. De igual forma, la mayor estancia promedio en los pacientes tratados con antipsicóticos atípicos y el alto precio de estos fármacos, produjo un muy superior coste en el tratamiento hospitalario en comparación con los tratados con antipsicóticos típicos. Los antipsicóticos presentan una gran variabilidad interindividual en la respuesta. Diversas razones pueden ocasionar esta variabilidad, una de ellas son los cambios en los niveles plasmáticos de estos fármacos debido a la existencia de polimorfismos genéticos en su metabolismo. En el trabajo se discute la relevancia de los polimorfismos metabólicos (principalmente CYP2D6) para la variabilidad y costes del tratamiento de la esquizofrenia. PL 013 THE ROLE OF ENVIRONMENT AND EPIGENETIC IN HYPERTENSION Prof. PATRICIO LOPEZ-JARAMILLO MD, PhD, FACP Director de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica, Director Clinica de SindromeMetabólico, Prediabetes y Diabetes, Fundación Oftalmológica de Santander-FOSCAL, Torre Milton Salazar, Primer Piso, Calle 155 A No 23-09, Urbanizacion El Bosque, Floridablanca, Santander, Colombia Email: - High blood pressure (BP) is the main cause of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and deaths globally. The importance of BP as a modifiable risk factor for CVD is well recognized and many effective and inexpensive BP-lowering treatments are commonly available. However, the awareness, treatment and control of hypertension are low in all countries, despite hypertension being easily detectable. This suggests the need for a more clear understanding of the factors that are decisive the increase of BP. In the present review we discuss the importance of the environment in the development of hypertension and the role playing by epigenetic mechanism. The increase in the incidence of hypertension in low and middle income countries may be associated with rapidly changing environmental conditions and could be the result of the discrepancy between the nutritional environmental during fetal and early life and the adult environment. This discrepancy causes a mismatch between the fetal programming of the subject and the adult circumstances created by the imposition of new life styles. The conflict between the earlier programming and the later presence of abdominal obesity may have produced a higher sensitivity of this population to develop a state of lowdegree inflammation, insulin resistance and, consequently, an epidemic of hypertension, diabetes and CVD. Interactions between Angiotensin II and leptin/adiponectin imbalance seem to play a key role in the metabolic alterations present in abdominal obesity and in the increased risk of developing hypertension. Our proposal is that visceral adipocytes of people experiencing the rapid environmental changes are overexpressing or silencing, by an epigenetic mechanism, the genes that regulates the synthesis of angiotensin II, leptin and adiponectin . The relative roles played by genetic and environmental factors and the interaction between the two are still subjects of great debate and merit further research. PL 007 JUEVES, OCTUBRE 24 / THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24th SESIÓN PLENARIA / PLENARY SESSION SEPSIS, INFLAMMATION AND CELL RESPONSE Salomao, R. Professor Titular da Disciplina de Infectologia Diretor do Laboratório de Imunologia Universidade Federal de São Paulo/Escola Paulista de Medicina Rua Pedro de Toledo, 781 - 15º andar - Vila Clementino. São Paulo. Since the definition of systemic inflammatory response syndrome/sepsis was originally proposed, a large amount of new information has been generated showing a much more complex scenario of inflammatory and counter inflammatory responses during sepsis. Moreover, some fundamental mechanisms of sensing and destroying invading microorganisms have been uncovered, which 85 include the discovery of TLR4 as the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) gene, implications of innate immune cells as drivers of the adaptive response to infection, and the modulation of multiple accessory molecules that stimulate or inhibit monocyte/macrophage and lymphocyte interactions. The complexity of the infection/injury-induced immune response could be better appreciated with the application of genomics and proteomics studies, and LPS was a useful tool in many of these studies. In this review, we discuss aspects of bacterial recognition and induced cellular activation during sepsis. Because of the relevance of endotoxin (LPS) research in the field, we focus on LPS and host interactions as a clue to understand microorganisms sensing and cell signaling, then we discuss how this response is modulated in septic patients. PL 008 OLD REMEDIES FOR NEW AILMENTS PHYTOMEDICINES (Enlarge abstract) - PRESENT TIME OF THE Prof. Dr. Jorge Alonso Presidente de la Asociación Argentina de Fitoterapia Algunas preguntas que nos hacemos los profesionales de la salud son las siguientes: Si la expectativa de vida es mayor que hace 50 años atrás. ¿Por qué enfermamos con más facilidad? Los nuevos fármacos ¿mejoraron realmente nuestra calidad de vida? Las normas sobre calidad y control de alimentos ¿se cumplen a ciencia cierta? ¿Vivimos realmente en paz y armonía? ¿Hay enfermedades que tienen un común denominador ?. En los últimos 20 años han resurgido con mucha fuerza una determinada cantidad de enfermedades que en tiempos no tan lejanos tenían un débil impacto estadístico. Entre estas enfermedades nos vamos a referir fundamentalmentalmente a tres: Fibromialgia, Sdre. de Fatiga Crónica y Sdre. de Colon Irritable. Trabajaremos en la hipótesis sobre la posibilidad de existencia de un común denominador entre cada una de ellas. FIBROMIALGIA Es un síndrome caracterizado por dolor prolongado en puntos determinados del cuerpo, con una mayor sensibilidad en las articulaciones, los músculos, los tendones y otros tejidos blandos. Afecta mayormente a tejidos blandos del cuerpo, y a diferencia de la artritis, no produce dolor ni inflamacón de las articulaciones. Etiopatogenia No hay una causa definida (por lo que se habla de origen multifactorial). Entre los posibles desencadenantes: - Estrés físico o emocional. Respuesta anómala del eje hipotálamo-hipófisis-suprarrenal. - Alteración umbral del dolor (neurotrasmisores) - Agentes dietarios (conservantes, saborizantes) - Alteraciones del sueño (fase IV no REM) - Trastornos inmunológicos (¿Virus?) - Alteraciones mitocondriales (cadena respirat) + - Anticuerpos (Ig) que agreden canales de K (relacionado con vías de hipersensibilidad) - Alteraciones en canales de calcio. Patologías Vinculantes Suelen aparecer: dolor crónico del cuello o la espalda, síndrome de fatiga crónica, colon irritable, depresión, hipotiroidismo, enfermedad de Lyme, trastornos del sueño. Clínica El síntoma principal es el dolor intenso, profundo, punzante y urente. Existen puntos de sensibilidad situados en el tejido blando de la parte posterior de cuello, hombros, tórax, región lumbar, cadera, codos y rodillas. El dolor se irradia desde estas áreas. Las articulaciones no se afectan, a pesar que pareciera el dolor originarse en ellas. Suele haber dolor y rigidez desde la mañana. Algunos pacientes mejoran durante el día y empeoran de noche. Otros presentan dolor todo el día. El dolor puede empeorar con la actividad, el frío, la humedad, la ansiedad y el estrés. Criterios Diagnósticos Por lo menos 3 meses de dolor generalizado, además de dolor y sensibilidad en por lo menos 11 de las 18 áreas, señaladas (ver esquema superior). Los exámenes de orina y sangre suelen ser normales. No obstante pueden ser de utilidad para descartar otras patologías con síntomas similares. Ciertos trastornos diferentes a la fibromialgia, como el Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica, se pueden presentar de forma simultánea. De hecho, los trastornos interactúan con frecuencia y pueden 86 ser parte de una sola enfermedad general. Tratamiento Psicológico El abordaje psicológico no debe faltar en ningún paciente. La terapia cognitiva conductista es una parte importante del tratamiento. Esta terapia le ayuda al paciente a aprender a: • Manejar pensamientos negativos. • Llevar un diario de su dolor y síntomas • Reconocer qué empeora los síntomas. • Buscar actividades agradables. • Establecer los propios límites de actividad. Tratamiento del dolor Los analgésicos demostraron ser más eficaces que los AINE en el tratamiento del dolor en la fibromialgia. El tramadol y el paracetamol o ibuprofeno forman parte del esquema analgésico convencional. Los corticoides están contraindicados por su acción miopática y por reducción del umbral del dolor. En el tratamiento farmacológico, los antidepresivos tricíclicos -en especial amitriptilina- asociados a un relajante muscular de acción central, como la ciclobenzaprina, han sido los fármacos que han obtenido algunos resultados auspiciosos en el tratamiento de la fibromialgia. Se analizarán en esta conferencia los efectos terapéuticos y colaterales de duloxetina, pregabalina, milnaciprán, entre otros, de muy vasto empleo. Tratamiento Fitoterápico y Orthomolecular Los factores dietarios pueden constituir un factor incidental. Por ej. el glutamato monosódico como saborizante incorporado a infinidad de alimentos. Por otra parte se han observado descensos significativos en las concentraciones plasmáticas de los aminoácidos: taurina, alanina, tirosina, valina, methionina, fenilalanina, y treonina en pacientes con fibromialgia. En la conferencia se darán las bases científicas sobre la aplicación e incorporación de capsaicina, coenzima Q-10, S-adenosilMetionina, L-Carnitina, Hipérico, Adaptógenos, algunos trabajos con Homeopatía y técnicas corporales como el Qi gong, Meditación, Tai Chi Chuan y Balneoterapia. SDRE. DE FATIGA CRÓNICA También conocido como encefalopatía o encefalomielitis miálgica es una enfermedad neurológica grave y aparece en la lista americana de enfermedades infecciosas nuevas, recurrentes y resistentes a los medicamentos. Puede afectar de manera progresiva al sistema inmunitario, el neurológico el cardiovascular y el endócrino. En España es causa de invalidez laboral. Cuadro Clínico • Fatiga severa • Febrícula o fiebre • Sueño no reparador • Intolerancia a la luz, sonido y cambios de temperatura. • Dolor muscular y en las articulaciones • Hipersensibilidad (incluyendo factores ambientales) • Sensación de estado gripal permanente, faringitis crónica • Pérdida sustancial de concentración y memoria • Desorientación espacial • Intolerancia al estrés emocional y a la actividad física Muchas veces se presenta como un Síndrome de Intolerancia Química Múltiple ya que al individuo le afectan: vapores químicos y tóxicos como gasolina, detergentes, colorantes, desodorantes y perfumes. También le afectan las luces brillantes, la presencia de computadoras (pantallas), televisores, los campos electromagnéticos, medicamentos (especialmente los que afectan el sistema nervioso central). Etiopatogenia Se desconoce al momento la causa de la enfermedad. En Octubre de 2009 un norteamericano comunicó la posibilidad de que un retrovirus denominado XMRV fuera el agente desencadenante. Científicos ingleses desestimaron esta teoría al no hallar el virus en sus pacientes, no obstante EE.UU replicó que los ingleses no contaban con los reactivos adecuados para su detección. Hace veinte años se la llamó "la gripe del yuppie", pues se pensó que afectaba especialmente a jóvenes profesionales urbanos que sufrían de agotamiento por estrés. Posteriormente se pensó que se trataba de una infección crónica del virus de Epstein-Barr, causante de la llamada mononucleosis ” infecciosa o "enfermedad del beso . Más tarde se propuso un sobrecrecimiento intestinal del 87 hongo Candida albicans fruto del estilo de vida estresante, exceso de hidratos de carbono de absorción rápida en las comidas, o por el exceso de consumo de antibióticos y corticoides Agentes Incidentales Pesticidas, agroquímicos, insecticidas organofosforados, disolventes y monóxido de carbono serían los agentes tóxico-ambientales más señalados. También cabe mencionar al mercurio (aguas, amalgamas dentales y vacunas), la radiación electromagnética ambiental, en especial a partir del desarrollo de la telefonía móvil y las antenas de repetición; los edulcorantes artificiales como el aspartamo, las infecciones dentales crónicas ocultas en endodoncias y en los huesos maxilares, etc. Causas infecciosas Son varios los agentes que se ha intentado vincular, destacando: Virus de Epstein-Barr, Candida albicans, Citomegalovirus, Toxoplasma gondii (Toxoplasmosis), Herpesvirus tipo 6 y 7, Parvovirus B19, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Hepatitis B y C, Borrelia burgdorferi (Enfermedad de Lyme - generada por picaduras de garrapata), Brucelosis humana (enfermedad de Bang) y Sífilis venérea. Prevalencia Afecta a alrededor de un 0,5% de la población mundial. El grupo más afectado es el de las mujeres (9 mujeres por cada hombre). Aunque no se considera una enfermedad grave o mortal, es probable que exista un número elevado de decesos debidos a ella, ya que las causas de la muerte de estos enfermos suelen estar ligadas a fallo cardíaco, cáncer o suicidio, por lo que es difícil reconocerlas en su origen. Tratamiento Convencional Carece de un tratamiento único consensuado. Se manejan antidepresivos, pero con resultados muy dispares y contradictorios. No se puede trabajar con ATB, sin saber siquiera si hay algún germen responsable (especialmente si se trata de virus). La Psicoterapia es fundamental. Tratamiento Fitoterápico Se darán a conocer los trabajos científicos relacionados con drogas inmunomoduladoras tales como Eleutherococo o Ginseng siberiano (genera inhibición del virus de Epstein Barr), Equinácea (tiene actividad antiviral amplia), Pau d’arc (Tabebuia avellanedae - es activo frente a hongos), Panax ginseng (adaptógeno para el manejo del estrés, energizante), Hongos Medicinales (shiitake, maitake, etc), Cúrcuma (efecto AINE, Hepatoprotector), Hipérico (en el manejo del humor depresivo) y conceptos inherentes a la dieta. COLON IRRITABLE Se trata de una alteración funcional de la motilidad del tubo digestivo, con especial participación del colon. En su incidencia, afecta principalmente a mujeres (60-70%), mayores a 20-30 años de edad, disminuyendo la incidencia después de los 60 años. A nivel mundial afecta a 5 de cada 1.000 personas, representando en algunos países hasta el 25% de las consultas digestivas. Clínica • Malestar abdominal, dispepsia • Dolor postprandial • Alivia defecación • Espasmos – Flatulencias • Náuseas, vómitos • Alteración del Ritmo evacuatorio • Mayor tendencia a la Constipación • Palpitaciones • Lumbalgia • Dismenorrea • Alteraciones emocionales Factores incidentes Las dietas pobre en fibras suelen ser un factor muy importante. También el abuso de laxantes y antibióticos, el estrés emocional, alteraciones hormonales, sedentarismo, etc. Esfera emocional Predominan las tendencias obsesivo-compulsivas, agresividad, tendencia a la depresión e incluso histeria (ocasional). Tratamiento Se analizará cómo incide la merma en serotonina en intestino, la dieta, los tratamientos con anticolinérgicos, y antidepresivos. El tratamiento fitoterápico abarcará el empleo del aceite esencial de Mentha x piperita (yerba buena), el empleo oral de infusiones o cápsulas de psyllum o ispagul 88 (Plantago ovata) y el uso de probióticos. SIMPOSIOS Y TALLERES / SYMPOSIA AND WORKSHOPS CONFERENCIAS Y COMUNICACIONES ORALES / CONFERENCES AND ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Taller Inmunofarmacología y Biotecnología. Sesión: Vacunas de Tuberculosis / Workshop on Immunopharmacology and Biotechnology. Session: Tuberculosis vaccines C 027 ANCIENT DNA STUDIES BRING NEW LIGHT ON THE EPIDEMIOLOGY OF TB Bercovier H, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, The Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Tuberculosis was highly active much before the Industrial Revolution as proven by the documented presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a North American Bison, 20.000 years ago, in Egyptian mommies, in human skeletons dating from the Middle-Age and up to the 17th Century in Western Europe. By the study of ancient DNA, we can retrace in Western Europe the emergence of TB that th seems to reach its peak in the 18th Century and has declined since, especially in the 20 Century. In the late Middle age, the end of the epidemics of Leprosy could already indicate the importance of the diffusion of TB in the population; TB indeed may have conferred cross protection as it has been shown for BCG. Study of ancient DNA in skeletons originating from well characterized cemeteries showed that close to 25% of the population was infected by M. tuberculosis at the end of the Middle th th Age. In addition, the social impact of TB was such that from the13 to the 18 Century French and English Queens and Kings inherited the divine royal touch that cured Scrofula (TB lymphadenitis). In th the 17 Century, in the British registries, 20% of the recorded deaths were due to Consumption or th Phthisis. In the 18 Century, in the city of Bristol between 1790 and 1796 close to 50% of the th recorded death were due Tuberculosis. This percentage drops to 25% at the beginning of the 19 th Century (the peak of the Industrial Revolution) and to 14% at the end of the19 Century. TB mortality decreased by half in adults in England between 1851 and 1890 indicating the beginning of the end of the epidemics. It seems that the burst of the epidemics of TB was linked in Europe more with the development of commercial exchanges on a large scale and the development of cities and workshops rather than with the Industrial Revolution. The food alimentary situation and the movement of population seem to have been additive factors for that burst. This scenario could help us to predict what may happen in developing countries and what must be done to prevent a new burst of Tuberculosis. C 028 DEVELOPMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL STRATEGIES FOR THE PROPHYLAXIS AND TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS 1 2 2 1 1 Armando Acosta , Ramlah Kadir , Fauzan Ahmad , Alina Puig , Reinier Borrero , Maria de los Angeles Garcia1,Lissete Rodriguez1, Frank Camacho1, Fatima Reyes1, Alicia Aguilar1, Oscar Otero1, 1 1 1 1 1 1 Patricia Rubio , Reyner Marron , Yanelis Tirado , Fatima Reyes , Nadine Alvarez ,Juan F Infante , 1 1 3 1 2 Sonsire Fernandez , Caridad Zayas , Maria E. Lanio , Reinaldo Acevedo , Norazmi Mohd Nor , Jose 1 1 Luis Perez Quiñoy , Maria Elena Sarmiento . 1. Instituto Finlay, La Habana, Cuba. 2. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia. 3. Faculty of Biology , University of Havana, Cuba Tuberculosis remains as one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality due to infectious diseases. The current situation of the disease is characterized by an elevated morbidity and mortality, the low sensitivity of the diagnostic methods, the relative low therapeutic coverage, the growing appearance of multidrug resistant strains and the low efficacy of BCG in the prevention of adult pulmonary tuberculosis and the transmission of the disease. Taking into consideration these antecedents, the development of new prophylactic, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies are of the maximal priority internationally. Here we present our results in two main areas: The study of role of specific antibodies in the protection against mycobacteria, where different formulations of antibodies were evaluated in 89 models of tuberculosis in mice. The administration of monoclonal IgA antibodies aganist Hspx antigen of M. tuberculosis by the mucosal route demonstrated a protective effect. M. tuberculosis preincubated with the same antibody decreased its infective capacity. In order to explore the potential for protection of human antibodies in the same model, human IgG formulations administered by the intranasal route protects mice from infection. The same effect was obtained when M. tuberculosis was administered to mice after pre-incubation with the human antibody formulation. Secretory human IgA purified from colostrums showed similar behaviour than the previous formulations when evaluated in the same animal model. In another strategy, using the phage display technology, ligands specific for M. tuberculosis infected cells where developed. The results obtained with the different antibody formulations demonstrated the protective capacity of the specific antibody response against M. tuberculosis and support the application of these findings to the development of new vaccines and therapeutic tools against tuberculosis. Another area of interest is the evaluation of proteoliposomes and liposomes obtained from non pathogenic mycobacteria which where immunogenic and protective in mice. CO 133 TB DNA VACCINES. NOVEL COMBINATION APPROACHES Dr. Marta Romano Belgium Abstract not received at the moment of edition / Resumen no recibido al momento de la edición CO 134 IMMUNOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF A PROTEOLIPOSOME DERIVATE FROM MYCOBACTERIUM BOVIS BCG AS A POTENTIAL VACCINE CANDIDATE AGAINST TUBERCULOSIS Alvarez N, Serpa D, Tirado Y, Fernández S, Puig A, Barroso A, Cabrera R, Valdés Y, Izquierdo L, Sarmiento ME, Norazmi MN, Pérez JL, Acosta A. Basic Research Sub-direction. Vice-presidency of Research-Development. Finlay Institute. Havana, Cuba. Introduction Despite efforts to eradicate tuberculosis (TB) worldwide, it remains a serious health problem. Bacillus Calmettte-Guérin (BCG), the only available vaccine against tuberculosis, has a questionable efficacy against pulmonary TB and only gives consistent protection against severe forms of the disease in childhood. The research spectrum of new vaccine candidates against TB includes subunit vaccines, desoxirribonucleic acid (DNA) vaccines, recombinant BCG, modified live M. smegmatis and attenuated M. tuberculosis, among others. Considering the antigenic similarities between M. bovis BCG and M. tuberculosis and the history of use of proteoliposomes in vaccine formulations, we developed an immunological evaluation of PLBCG as a potential vaccine candidate against tuberculosis. Materials and Methods PLBCG was obtained using sodium deoxycholate. The PL was characterized and evaluated its antigenicity and immunogenicity. Results The antigenicity of the PL was demonstrated in humans with long-standing exposure to the bacillus (with positive or negative response to the tuberculin test) and in patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis. Additionally, it was demonstrated the humoral and cellular immunogenicity of PLBCG in mice, being this response potentiated by aluminum hydroxide. Also was observed the induction of cross-reactive responses against antigens of M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis. Conclusions PLBCG is antigenic in humans exposed to M. tuberculosis and immunogenic in Balb/c mice, eliciting cross-reactive response against M. tuberculosis. The evaluation of the protective capability in challenge experiment in mice with M. tuberculosis showed that immunization with PL-Al alone or as a booster to BCG induced appropriate protection against challenge with M. tuberculosis. Taller Inmunofarmacología y Biotecnología. Sesión: Preclínica y control de calidad de vacunas / Workshop on Immunopharmacology and Biotechnology. Session: Preclinical studies and quality control of vaccines CO 136 3RS FOR VACCINES: OPPORTUNITIES AND HURDLES 90 Dr. Coenraad Hendriksen Institute for Translational Vaccinology (Intravacc), Bilthoven, The Netherlands & Utrecht University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht, The Netherlands. A new directivefor the protection of animals used for scientific purposes was adopted by the European Parliamentand Council of Ministers on September 22, 2010. This directive (Directive 2010/63/EU) came info force in national legislation of all 28 EU Member States byJanuary 1, 2013. By doing so, Europe gotone of the most stringent regulations on laboratory animal use in the world. I will explain what it is that makes the European directive so unique. The new directivereflectsthe currentpolicy in Europe toreplace, reduce and refine (the 3Rs) the use of laboratory animals; for reasons of animal welfare, but also because it is strongly believed that implementing 3Rs will result in more meaningful and less costly research and testing. To illustrate the ‘ 3Rs-friendly’ policy in Europe I will focus on some ongoing activities. One of these is the European Partnership on Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA). This is a partnership between the European Commission and the European industry with the aim to initiate, foster andc oordinate 3R activities in the area of regulatory testing. I will provide some in-depth information about EPAA’s aims and long range activities. One of EPAA’s main topics is vaccines,also the area I’m most familiar with. Currently, several 3R vaccine projectsare on-going; on DTaP vaccines, on Rabies vaccines and on Clostridial vaccines. The overall theme of these threeprojects is to introduce a new strategy of testingin vaccine lot release; the consistency approach. I will explore the principle of consistency testing, discuss the conditions that have to be met; the analytical and in vitro models that can be used instead and show how to use the consistency testing in daily practice. Implementing new ideas about animal welfare and 3Rs is not always an easy going process. There are many obstacles and hurdles that might slow it down or even bring it to a halt, such as a lack of harmonization in test guidelines or tradition in the laboratories. Currently, we are performing a study on governance aspects of the 3R acceptance and use in the regulatory framework. I will discuss some of the outcomes of the study. It speaks for itself hat the implementation of 3Rs in regulatory testingis in line with the new European Directive. As a bonus however, it is also the best way forward to a system of vaccine quality control which is both humane and scientific sound. CO 138 DEVELOPMENT OF ALTERNATIVE METHODS FOR QUALITY CONTROL ON IMMUNOBIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS: EXPERIENCE OF NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF QUALITY CONTROL IN HEALTH, BRAZIL. Eduardo Chaves Leal & Isabella Fernandes Delgado. National Institute of Quality Control in Health (INCQS) - Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) – Av. Brasil, 4365 – Manguinhos - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. - E-mail: The National Institute of Quality Control in Health (INCQS) is the Brazilian Reference Laboratory which handles the quality control of food, drugs, biological products, health-related and dialysis items, higienizing and desinfectant agents, diagnostic kits, cosmetics, blood and blood derivatives, environments and services. As pre-qualified by World Health Organization (WHO), our institute is responsible for the analyses and approval for release and distribution of all batches of vaccines and sera produced and consumed in Brazil, including bacterial and viral vaccines (e.g. diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis - DTP, haemophilus influenzae - HiB, BCG, pneumococcal, meningococcal, yellow fever, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis, influenza, poliomyelitis, rotavirus, rabies, varicella, among others) and hiperimune sera (e.g. rabies, diphtheria, tetanus and anti-venom sera). Depending on the nature of the product, each batch is submitted to a battery of assays recommended by Pharmacopoeia. This evaluation includes potency testing, identity assay, thermo stability, bacterial and fungal sterility assays, residual humidity contents, pyrogen and analysis of vaccine/serum production and respective quality control protocols stated by manufactures, among others. INCQS also works to develop, adjust and implement new methodologies. In the field of alternative methods, some new approaches have been investigated, such as: (i.) alternatives to diphtheria and tetanus sera potency assays (i.e. toxin binding inhibition assay, or ToBI), (ii.) alternatives to rabies vaccines and sera potency evaluation, (iii.) new in vitro systems for hepatitis vaccine quality control, and (iv.) alternatives to in vivo pyrogen 91 assay. Additionally, our staff has been working in strait collaboration with Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) in order to consolidate activities of the newly created Brazilian Center for Validation of Alternative Methods (BraCVAM). By means of this initiative, it is aimed to achieve inter-laboratory validation of alternative methodologies, seeking the regulatory acceptance. CO 139 EVALUATION OF WHOLE PERTUSSIS VACCINES BY COMBINING RELEVANT IMMUNOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ASSAYS AS STRATEGY FOR DETERMINING THE ROLE OF TOTAL AND SPECIFIC ANTIBODIES FOR PROTECTION Chovel ML, Gutiérrez N, Lara M, Mahy T, Herrera L, Valle O, Núñez JF, Mandiarote A Finlay Institute, P.O. Box 16017, La Lisa, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Introduction: Although Mouse Protection Test (MPT) this test has been deeply criticized, it still remains being the “golden standard” for Pertussis Potency in vaccines. Pertussis Serology Potency Test (PSPT) seems to be the most suitable alternative to MPT and a correlation between both methods has been described. Nonetheless, some issues related to the relevance of the antibodies for protection remain rather unclear. The present Paper aims to evaluate the relevance of antibodies for protection during PSPT, by combining immunological and biological tests. Materials and Methods: Several whole cell Pertussis vaccine batches were tested in parallel by MPT and PSPT. Sera were tested for total and specific antibodies (PT, FHA, PRN and FIMB 2 and 3) by whole-cell and specific antigen ELISAs, respectively. The complement activating, neutralizing and bactericidal capacities were evaluated, as well as the subclasses. The functionality of antibodies produced during PSPT was evaluated by using an in vitro opsonophagocytosis assay. All batches were also characterized by a 2D-electrophoresis procedure and by antigen ELISA using monoclonal antibodies. Results: MPT and PSPT correlated and were able to discriminate potent and the sub-potent vaccines batches in an equivalent way. Specific antibody responses, neutralizing, complement activating and bactericidal titres showed poor correlations regarding MPT and PSPT titres, but a strong correlation against the opsonophagocytosis assay was obtained. 2-D electrophoresis and antigen ELISAs provided relevant information on the antigen profile of our vaccines with interesting links to the PSPT results. Conclusions: Relevant information obtained from the combination of immunological and biological assays was provided about the relationship between the total antibodies raised by wP component in vaccines and protection, thus supporting the possibility of replacing MPT by PSPT in a near future. CO 140 EXPERIENCE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF BIOMODELS FOR HAEMOPHILUS INFLUENZAE TYP B INFECTION Infante Bourzac JF, Sifontes Rodríguez S. The epidemiological situation of diseases caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b is increasingly dramatic, being considered a global human health problem. There are several animal models to reproduce different aspects of the clinical forms of Haemophilus influenzae infection, among them: inbred mice, rats and Guinea pigs. The aim of the present work was integrating models established in our Institute to answer several questions regarding the experimental infection by Haemophilus influenzae and exploring their potential usefulness. C57/BL6, CBA/j and Balb/c inbred mice strains; infant (5-7 days old) Sprague Dawley rats; adult (400-450 grams body weight) Duncan Hartley Guinea pigs and the Eagan strain of Haemophilus influenzae were used. Infant rats were inoculated by nasal or intraperitoneal routes and mice and Guinea pigs were treated with virulence enhancement substances for Haemophilus influenzae infection. The disease was successfully reproduced in the three laboratory animal species assayed. However, infant rats were better for studies of bacteremia; inbred mice, for efficacy tests using death rate as endpoint; and Guinea pigs, to study the pathogenesis of the disease. As novel results we demonstrated the efficacy of trypsin as virulence enhancement agent and the development of Haemophilus influenzae infection in Guinea pigs. This system of biomodels could be a valuable tool for understanding pathogenic aspects of Haemophilus influenzae infection and studying new products against them. CO 141 REPEATED DOSE TOXICITY STUDY OF THE MENINGOCOCCAL SEROGROUP 92 AW135 OUTER MEMBRANE VESICLE VACCINE IN SPRAGUE DAWLEY RATS. 1* 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Oliva R , Fariñas M , Infante JF , Arencibia DF , Días D , Naess L , Norheim G , Tunheim G , Hernán T1, Pérez V1, Valmaceda T1, Aranguren Y1, Rosenqvist E2, Pérez Y3, Oryarzabal A3, León AC4, Card 1 1 DT , García LG . 1-Finlay Institute, P.O. Box 16017, La Lisa, Havana, Cuba. 2- Norwegian Institute Public Health, Oslo Norway. 3- National Center for Scientific Research - Natural Product Center, Havana, Cuba. 4- National Center for Laboratory Animal Production, Havana, Cuba; Introduction: The outer membrane vesicles vaccine from A and W135 meningococcal serogroups, are the result of scientific collaboration between Finlay Institute and Norwegian Institute of Public Health. Objective: In order to study the toxicological potential of this vaccine, we conducted a repeated dose toxicity study. Materials and methods: 130 Sprague Dawley rats were used inoculated by intramuscular route. It was administered 0,2 mL volume of the vaccine in each dose. These were observed daily in search of local and systemic symptoms of toxicity during 12 weeks as water and food consumption, corporal weight and haematological, biochemical and immunological studies. Also was made pathological studies for possible adverse effects after immunization with the experimental vaccine. Results: No toxicity symptoms were observed during the study in the animals, nor differences of the experimental groups in body weight, water and food consumption. Pathological changes in toxicological value, analyzes macroscopic or microscopic, at the inoculation site were not observed whilst macrophage of type granulomatous processes were described. The relative weights of solid organs were within historical averages and reported for the species in both sexes and ages. The animals showed no haematological and biochemical alterations in any of the experimental groups. Moreover, the model used demonstrated relevance to have a good response of antibody titers to both serogroups. Conclusion: Under the study conditions and according to established criteria, the vaccine candidate showed no toxicity evidence, in the repeated doses protocol. CO 142 TITLE: DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF METHOD FOR QUANTIFICATION MULTIVALENT POLYSACCHARIDES VACCINES BY CAPILLARY ZONE ELECTROPHORESIS Merchán Y., Cuello M., Abreu J., Delgado I.,Landys M., Mandiarote A. Finlay Institute. Quality Control Division. Ave 27 No. 19805. La Coronela. La Lisa. Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba Introduction. Meningococcal polysaccharides are medically important antigens and are the active components of vaccine against Neisseria meningitidis serogroups A, C, and W135. In these polysaccharides vaccines, two components (the polysaccharide C and W135) contain sialic acid in their structure, which difficult its determination by traditional colorimetric methods, so in order to control quality of this vaccine, was development a capillary zone electrophoresis method. The capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) has proved to be a sensitive tool for quantification of multivalent meningococcal polysaccharides vaccines. The objective of this work was to develop and validated this analytical method, in order to show evidences that the test is sufficiently reliable to produce the intended result within the predefined intervals. Materials and methods. For this purpose, the following parameters assessed system suitability, accuracy, precision, specificity, linearity and range. We assembled the method to allowing the quantification specific and accurate, using CZE in Capillary Ion Analyzer (Agilent corp.), with DAD at 200nm. It employed a fused silica capillary uncoated 50µm (d.i.) and length of 40cm. The data were gathered and processed with Chemstation software (Agilent Corp.). Results. We obtained the best separation and resolution with BGE-Borate 20mM – Phosphate 80mM for each polysaccharide. The validated method showed good accuracy, repeatability, linearity and specificity. Conclusions. The method rated satisfactory to use in the laboratory taking into account all the parameters validation evaluated, meet the requirements for an electrophoretic method for quantification the polysaccharides in vaccines. Taller de Farmacología Básica / Workshop on Basic Pharmacology 93 C 029 NEW PROMISING CANDIDATES FOR DIABETES TYPE 2 TREATMENTS OBTAINED FROM NATURAL SOURCES: INHIBITORY EFFECTS ON PTP1B, DPPIV AND GLUCOSE UPTAKE IN VITRO ASSAYS 1 1 2 2 Evangelina Marrero Faz , Janet Sánchez Calero , Louis Young and Alan Harvey . 1 Grupo de Desarrollo Biofarmacéutico /Centro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (CENSA), Mayabeque, Cuba 2 Strathclyde Institute for Biomedical Sciences/Strahclyde University, Scotland, United Kingdom The present study is aimed to determine the underlying mechanism of the antidiabetic efficacy of seven medicinal Cuban plants: Allophylus cominia (L.) Sw., Ocimum tenuiflorum, Persea americana, Sechium edule green and white varieties, Momordica charantia and Jatropha aethiopica, some of them reported in Cuban ethnomedicine. The aqueous extracts from these plants and their fractions were evaluated on type 2 diabetes therapeutic targets: protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) and dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPPIV) enzymatic activities and glucose uptake, in order to identify the candidate plants that can be used more effectively in treating diabetes. All in vitro assays were performed on 96 micro well plates. In PTP1B enzymatic assay (6, 8-difluoro-4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate) (DiFMUP) was used as substrate and as standard inhibitor [Bis(4Trifluoromethylsulfonamidophenyl)-1,4-diisopropylbenzine] (TFMS); in DPPIV enzymatic assay [GlyPro-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin hydrobromide] (Gly-pro-AMC) was used as substrate and as standard inhibitor [(3N-[(2S, 3S)-2-amino-3-methyl-pentanoyl]-1,3-thiazolidine) hemifumarate] (P32/98); in both assays, the enzymatic activity inhibition was calculated with the fluorescence values using an excitation wavelength of 360 nm and an emission wavelength of 460 nm. Glucose uptake studies 3 were performed on fully differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes using 2-deoxy-D-[ H] glucose and insulin as a positive control, the radioactivity incorporated into the cells was measured with a microplate scintillation counter. The results revealed that only aqueous extracts from A cominia, O tenuiflorum and P americana inhibited the enzymatic activity of PTP1B in an extract concentration dependent manner, resulting more active the more polar fractions from A cominia and P americana extracts and fraction 2 from O tenuiflorum extract. All the extracts and fractions showed only a slight inhibition of enzymatic activity of DPPIV, at higher concentrations, A cominia aqueous extract also inhibited the enzymatic activity of this protease in an extract concentration dependent manner, only fraction 1 from P americana aqueous extract showed a moderate inhibitory effect. A cominia, O tenuiflorum and P americana extracts exhibited a moderate enhance of glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, resulting more active fractions 6 and 10 from A cominia extract and fraction 10 from P americana extract. The present research demonstrated that aqueous extracts from A cominia, P americana and O tenuiflorum and some of its fractions (AcF6, AcF10 and PaF10), are promising candidates for the development of antidiabetic phytopharmaceuticals and for drug discovery issues as well. Further research will be necessary in order to explore new molecular targets related with this metabolic disorder, such as: biomarkers of carbohydrates and lipids metabolism as well as to identify the secondary metabolites responsible of antidiabetic activity. CO 143 TRANSIENT MIDDLE CEREBRAL ARTERY OCCLUSION-INDUCED CHANGES ON VASCULAR PROPERTIES ARE ABOLISHED BY URIC ACID Onett Yi, Jiménez-Altayó F, Vila E. Departament de Farmacologia, Terapèutica i Toxicologia, Facultat de Medicina, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Oxidative stress is involved in alterations of cerebrovascular properties after an episode of ischemia/reperfusion. The endogenous antioxidant uric acid (UA) protects the rat brain in a model of thromboembolic and transient focal ischemic injury. Nevertheless, the mechanisms whereby UA exerts its beneficial effects are known. We hypothesized that UA could influence the vessel properties changes due to ischemia/reperfusion. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (270-320g) were anaesthetized with isoflurane (3-2.5%) in O2:N2O (30:70) and subjected to right middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion (90 min) and reperfusion (24 h). In sham-operated animals occlusion was less than 1 min. Rats were divided into: sham-vehicle (n=7), ischemic-vehicle (IV, n=18), sham-UA (n=4) and ischemic-UA (IUA, n=9). UA (16 mg/kg in 3 ml Locke’s buffer, i.v.) or vehicle were infused (20 min) at 30 min reperfusion. 94 Mean arterial blood pressure (MBP), rectal temperature and cortical cerebral blood flow was permanently monitored. Afterwards (24 h), rats were killed under isoflurane (4%) and the ipsilateral MCA was removed and set up in a pressure myograph. Values are means ± S.E.M., compared by two-way ANOVA or Student’s t-Test. UA reduced infarct volume (IV: 129.6±23.5 mm3, n=18; IUA: 3 48.9±16.6 mm , n=9, p<0.01), neurological score (IV: 3.4±0.4, n=18; IUA: 2.0±0.3, n=9, p<0.05) and brain oedema (IV: 7.7±1.1, n=16; IUA: 2.9±1.4, n=7, p<0.05). Ischemia/reperfusion increased MCA wall thickness (p<0.01), cross-sectional area (p<0.05) and wall/lumen ratio (p<0.05) while decreased wall stress (p<0.05) and stiffness (β value SV: 7.8±0.1, n=5; β value IV: 6.8±0.2, n=17, p<0.001). UA prevented all MCA changes by ischemia/reperfusion. These results show that UA administered early after the onset of reperfusion prevents MCA structural and mechanical alterations by ischemia/reperfusion. We suggest that UA might exert beneficial actions on ischemic damage through prevention of cerebrovascular remodelling. These results reinforce the involvement of the vascular response in brain damage. CO 144 LACTOFERRIN IN ACTINOMYCETOMA GRAINS 1 1 2 3 3 Castrillón RL , Palma RA , Padilla DC , Vega ME , Arenas GR . 1 Laboratorio de Inmunología. Departamento de Sistemas Biológicos, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco. México DF. 2 Laboratorio de Micología. Centro Dermatológico "Dr. Ladislao de la Pascua", 3 Servicio de Dermatología y Micología. Hospital General “Manuel Gea González” INTRODUCTION: Mycetoma consisting of inflammatory lesions and fistulas involving disfiguring skin tissue, subcutaneous and bone. It occurs most frequently on foot and is caused by actinomycetes (actinomycetoma) or true fungi (eumycetoma). In Mexico the most common are actinomycetomas by 97.9% compared to a 2.1% eumicetomas. Actinomycetoma grain is formed by bacteria and polysaccharide autoproduced that amalgamates the microbial cells. These grains are surrounded mainly by polymorphonuclear neutrophils that release their contents including hydrolytic enzymes and lactoferrin (LF) once they are activated, This molecule has been shown to have antimicrobial and immunomodulatory activity which has not described its role in this pathology. The aim of this study was to indentify the presence of LF in actinomycetoma human grains. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We evaluate eight skin biopsies from patients diagnosed with actinomycetoma and provided by two dermatological centers. Two samples by these biopsies were used to Haematoxilin-Eosin stain and labeling for LF by imunohistochemistry technique. Commercial kits (R&D) were used, the primary antibody was polyclonal IgG anti-human lactoferrin made in goat. The appearance of a brown color in samples is due to the reaction with diaminobenzidine enzyme present in the conjugate (secondary antibody) and determines the presence of lactoferrin in situ when the primary antibody reacts with lactoferrin. RESULTS: Lactoferrin was observed directly attaches to the grains. In the case of actinomycetomas by A.madurae, we found 66.6% at high concentration in the skin biopsies and 33.3% at low concentration. In contrast Actinomycetomas by N.brasiliensis was found at high concentration in 60% of these samples and moderate and lower concentration (20% in each cases). CONCLUSION: Lactoferrin was released into the actinomycetoma grain by neutrophils during the inflammatory process as innate immune resistance mechanism of this disease: The main cytotoxic mechansims associated with LF are iron abducts limiting microbial growth and generating pores directly. CO 145 SURFACEN DOWN-REGULATED THE STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS-INDUCED TNF-Α AND IL-6 IN MONOCYTES AND NOT AFFECT OXIDATIVE BURST IN VITRO 1 2 2 1 2 Lugones Y. , Sousa S , Colo-Brunialti M.K. , Blanco O. and Salomão R. Centro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria CENSA, San José de las Lajas, Mayabeque, Cuba 2 Division of Infectious Diseases, Escola Paulista de Medicina, Federal University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1 ® Surfacen is a clinical surfactant preparation of porcine origin. In the present study we have evaluated the behavior of Surfacen in the modulation of oxidative burst in monocytes and neutrophils in whole 95 blood and pro-inflammatory cytokines productions in monocytes isolation from blood. The data indicated that Staphylococcus aureus-induced reactive oxygen species production was not affected by the concentrations of Surfacen used on whole blood monocytes or neutrophil. Pre-incubation of PBMC cells with Surfacen at 125 and 500 µg/ml showed a dose-dependent suppression of TNF-α release at 4 hours of exposition of stimuli. Also a dose-dependent suppression of IL-6 release was seen at 4 hours (p ≤ 0.05) while at 24 hours dose-dependent was not observed. In summary, the present study provides experimental evidence in favor of an anti-inflammatory role of Surfacen in human monocytes and neutrophils in vitro. These results may explain, at least in part, the beneficial therapeutic effects of natural porcine surfactant in NRDS and ARDS. CO 146 REPETITIVE EXPOSURE OF NORADRENALINE INDUCES FACILITATION OF THE RAT TESTICULAR CAPSULE CONTRACTION THROUGH THE INTERACTION BETWEEN α1D- AND β-ADRENERGIC RECEPTORS Silva Júnior ED*, Souza BP, Rodrigues JQD, Caricati-Neto A, Jurkiewicz NH, Jurkiewicz A. Federal University of São Paulo. Department of Pharmacology, 04044-020, São Paulo-SP, Brazil. Email: Introduction: Noradrenaline is able to promote a sensitization of rat testicular capsule contraction which occurs through successive curves for this agonist. Therefore, the aim of our study was to evaluate if the adrenergic receptors (ARs) are involved in this phenomenon. Material and Methods: The testicular capsule from male Wistar rats, 3-4 months-old, was used in functional experiments. Repetitive cumulative-concentration curves and single concentration exposure for noradrenaline were performed to obtain the facilitation of RTC contractions. Agonists of α1- (phenylephrine) or β-ARs (isoproterenol) and antagonists of α1-AR subtypes (5-methyl-urapidil, chlorethylclonidine and BMY7378), α2- (yohimbine) or β-ARs (propranolol) were also used to check the AR involved in this -8 -3 phenomenon. Results: Repetitive cumulative-concentration curves for noradrenaline (10 – 3.10 M) were able to increase the maximum contractile response (Emax) without changing the apparent -4 affinity (pD2) for this agonist. Moreover, single concentration exposure for noradrenaline (10 M, for 23 min) also produced a gradual increase of RTC contraction. The sensitization of RTC contraction -4 induced by repeated exposure to single concentration of noradrenaline (10 M) was only prevented -5 by the α1D-AR antagonist BMY7378 10 M. The repetitive cumulative curves for phenylephrine 10-8 -3 3.10 M (α1-AR agonist) were unable to promote this effect, but the in vitro pre-treatment with -5 isoproterenol (10 M, for 3 minutes) (β-AR agonist) caused an increase of maximum response for -5 -9 -3 phenylephrine which was abolished by BMY7378 10 M. Isoproterenol (10 – 3.10 M) elicited -4 relaxation was not altered after repetitive exposures for noradrenaline (10 M, for 2-3 min), indicating that the desensitization of β-ARs is not involved in the tissue sensitization to noradrenaline. Conclusion: The facilitation of contractions induced by repetitive stimulation with noradrenaline could be due to activation of β-ARs that lead to an increase of α1D-ARs function. CO 147 MUSCARINIC RECEPTOR SUBTYPE AND CALCIUM SIGNALLING INVOLVED IN THE CONTRACTIONS INDUCED BY ACETYLCHOLINE OR CARBACHOL IN RAT TESTICULAR CAPSULE Silva Júnior ED*, Souza BP, Rodrigues JQD, Caricati-Neto A, Jurkiewicz NH, Jurkiewicz A. Federal University of São Paulo. Department of Pharmacology, 04044-020, São Paulo-SP, Brazil. Email: Introduction: The rat testicular capsule (TC) is able to contract in response to cholinergic agonists. 2+ However, the muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) and the calcium (Ca ) signalling related to the contractions induced by cholinergic drugs are poorly known. Materials and Methods: The TC from male Wistar rats, 3-4 months-old, was used in functional experiments. In order to characterize 2+ the mAChRs and cellular signaling by Ca involved in rat TC contraction, the potency (pD2) of 2+ agonists (acetylcholine or carbachol) and antagonists (pA2) of mAChR, and effects of Ca cellular transport blockers were evaluated. Results: The potency of acetylcholine (pD2 6.0) were ten-fold higher than carbachol (pD2 5.0). Contractions induced by acetylcholine or carbachol were antagonized by mAChRs antagonists. The order of potency obtained for muscarinic antagonists (pA2) was atropine (8.8 to 8.6) > 4-DAMP (8.05 to 8.03) > AF-DX116 (7.5 to 7.2) > pirenzepine (6.1 to 6.2), 96 corresponding to a typical profile of M3 mAChR (the slopes of the Schild plots did not differ from one 2+ unit). Contractions induced by acetylcholine or carbachol were inhibited by blockers of Ca influx -7 2+ -3 2+ through voltage-dependent calcium channels (nifedipine 3.10 M and Ni 3.10 M), Ca reuptake by sarco-endoplasmic reticulum (cyclopiazonic acid 3.10-5M) and mitochondria (FCCP 10-6M). However, -7 -6 the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor chelerythrine (10 to 10 M) only affected the acetylcholineinduced contractions. Conclusion: The rat TC contractions induced by acetylcholine or carbachol are 2+ mediated mainly by M3 mAChR followed by the increase of cytosolic Ca concentration regulated by voltage-dependent calcium channels, sarco-endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. Furthermore, the differential effects of PKC inhibitor chelerythrine in the acetylcholine and carbachol-induced contractions could explain the higher potency of acetylcholine compared with carbachol. CO 148 LOWER DENSITY OF L-TYPE AND HIGHER DENSITY OF P/Q-TYPE CALCIUM CHANNELS IN CHROMAFFIN CELLS OF HYPERTENSIVE, COMPARED WITH NORMOTENSIVE RATS Miranda-Ferreira R, De Pascual R, Galvão KM, Lameu C, Ulrich H, Smaili SS, Caricati-Neto A, Jurkiewicz A, Garcıa AG, Gandıa L. Introduction: Enhanced activity of the sympatho-adrenal axis and augmented circulating catecholamines has been implicated in the development of hypertension. Previous studies of our lab have been shown that the release of catecholamine from stimulated adrenal medulla chromaffin cells is higher and longer in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs), compared with normotensive Wistar rats (NWRs). Those differences were associated to higher citoplasmatic and mitochondrial calcium levels in chromaffin cells of SHR. However, we didn´t know if these higher calcium levels were due differences in the function of voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCC) subtypes. Because of that, we decided to study the contribution of L-, N-, or P/Q VDCC subtypes on calcium influx of chromaffin cells from SHR and NWR. Methods: Using cell culture we developed voltage-clamped studies using 10mM Ba2+ as charge carrier (IBa) in chromaffin cells from NWR and SHR. Upon these currents we used selective blockers to study the participation of each VDCC subtype. We did similar experiments in adrenal gland slices stimulating calcium entry by K+ depolarization. After that we block the calcium channels using the same selective VDCC blockers. Because VDCC are modulated by purinergic signaling, we also quantified the purinergic receptors using PCR experiments. Results: We found that compared with NWR cells, SHR chromaffin cells exhibited the following differences: (1) 30% diminution of the IBa fraction carried by L-channels; (2) a doubling of the IBa fraction carried by P/Q channels; (3) more visible current modulation by ATP that could be linked to a 10-fold higher mRNA levels for purinergic receptors of the P2Y2 subtype; and (3) a higher contribution of PQ-channels to the transients of the cytosolic calcium concentrations ([Ca2+]c) generated by K+, compared with L-channels. Conclusions: These results may contribute to the better understanding of the higher calcium levels and greater secretory response of SHR compared with NWR chromaffin cells, found in three previous reports from our laboratories. C 030 DIFFERENTIAL REGULATION BY P1 AND P2 PURINOCEPTORS OF ATRIAL CONTRACTION IN NORMOTENSIVE AND SPONTANEOUSLY HYPERTENSIVE RATS Aron Jurkiewicz*, Edilson Dantas da Silva Júnior, Kleber de Magalhães Galvão, Regiane MirandaFerreira, Afonso Caricati-Neto, Neide H. Jurkiewicz and Juliano Quintella Dantas Rodrigues Department of Pharmacology, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil. Introduction: It is known that ATP and UTP exert a biphasic effect in the normotensive rat atrium consisting in an initial negative inotropic effect (NIE) that is followed by a subsequent positive inotropic effect (PIE). We have comparatively studied here those responses in normotensive wistar rats (NWRs) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs). Methods: Left atria (LA) of NWR and SHR animals (4-6 months) were isolated and mounted in isolated organ bath and submitted to -3,5 transmural electrical stimulation (2 Hz, 5 ms and 8-12 V) to study the effect of ATP (10 M) and UTP 97 -3,5 (10 M) on atria inotropism in the absence or presence of the purinoceptors antagonists or calcium blockers. The results were analyzed by unpaired t test and one-way ANOVA. Results: The NIE responses were lower and the PIE responses were higher in SHR, in comparison with NWRs. P1 purinoceptor antagonist DPCPX partially blocked the NIE responses to both ATP and UTP and mildly enhanced the PIE responses in both NWRs and SHRs. Furthermore, blockers of P2 purinoceptors Suramin and PPADS caused a pronounced blocked of the PIE responses in both atrial types. The PIE responses to ATP were inhibited more efficiently by nifedipina. In contrast those responses were depressed by ryanodine and CCCP to a lesser extent in SHR, compared with NWR atria. Higher 2+ responses in SHR rats suggest the existence of an argmented sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca store and 2+ faster mitochondrial Ca cycling in SHR, with respect to NWR atria. Conclusion: These data add evidence to the hypothesis of a dysfunction of purinergic neurotransmission together with an enhanced sympathetic activite, as contributs factors in the pathogenesis of hypertension. CO 149 EFFECT OF PHOSPHATIDYLETHANOLAMINE ON THE ACTIVITY OF PEPTIDES StII1-30 AND StII11-30, DERIVED FROM THE PORE-FORMING TOXIN STICHOLYSIN II Haydeé Mesa Galloso, Karelia H. Delgado Magnero, Uris L. Ros Quincoces,Lohans Pedrera Puentes, Pedro A. Valiente Flores, Carlos M. Alvarez. Center for Protein Studies, Faculty of Biology, Havana University, CP 10400, Cuba and Sticholysin II (St II) is the most hemolytic isoform of the pore-forming proteins produced by the sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus. StII has been shown to promote cell lysis via pore-formation. This toxin have important applications in biomedicine in the design of inmunotoxins selective aimed to cause death of malign cells and the design of method of citosol molecular delivery. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of StII seems to be responsible for its pore-formation ability. In fact, the peptide StII1-30 qualitatively reproduces the activity of StII. Two peptides that mimic the first thirty residues of StII (StII1-30 and StII11-30) have been synthesized to study the functional role of this region. Here, we have assessed the effect of including phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) in phosphatidylcholine (PC)sphingomyelin (SM) lipidic model systems on binding and permeabilizing activity of StII1-30 and its truncated peptide StII11-30. The results suggest that the inclusion of PE a typical negative curvature inductor in membrane into PC-SM lipidic systems, promotes binding of StII1-30 membranes in contrast to StII11-30, which indicates that the hydrophobic segment 1-10 has a relevant role on membrane insertion. However, PE inhibits the pore-formation activity of StII1-30, evincing that the presence of negative curvature disfavors this process. On the other hand, we performed coarsegrained computer simulations along 10 us using the MARTINI force field to study the difference in the membrane binding and possible pore formation in dipalmitoilphosphatidyl choline (DPPC) membranes by both peptides. The higher van der Waals interaction energies of StII1-30 compared to StII11-30 stands out the importance of the hydrophobic N-terminal sequence (residues 1–10) in the mechanism of pore formation which explains the higher membrane insertion and activity of StII130.These results shed light about the observed differences between StII1-30 and StII11-30 in the membrane binding and activity in model and natural membranes. CO 150 COUPLING BETWEEN THE ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM AND MITOCHONDRIA, IN CONTROLLING CATECHOLAMINE RELEASE FROM RAT EMBRYO CHROMAFFIN CELLS, COMPARED WITH ITS MOTHER 1,4 1,2 1,2 4 1,2 Musial DC *, Padín JF , Fernández-Morales JC , Miranda-Ferreira R , Arranz-Tagarro JA , 4 1,2,3 Jurkiewicz A and Garcia AG 2 1 Instituto Teófilo Hernando and Departamento de Farmacología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad 3 Autónoma de Madrid, Spain; Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria, Servicio de Farmacología Clínica, 4 Hospital Universitario de la princesa, Madrid, Spain; Departamento de Farmacologia, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil. or Introduction: In adult mammals, innervated chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla release catecholamines upon action potentials driven membrane. This secretory response also plays a 98 relevant role in adaptation to stress during fetal and perinatal life. At these earlier stages of development, immature chromaffin cells are not yet innervated and thus hypoxia is the main mediator triggering the surge of catecholamine to secure survival of the embryo. Close contacts with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are determinant of mitochondrial Ca2+ responses. Whether this tight crosstalk has functional consequences for the control of the quantal catecholamine release (QRC) responses occurring during fetal life in response to stress, is unknown. Here, we have explored this question in rat embryo chromaffin cells (ECCs) stimulated with angiotensin II (AngII), known to cause 2+ the release of catecholamine during adult life by releasing Ca from the ER. Materials and methods: The study of secretion of catecholamines was made using the amperometry techniques with isolated chromaffin cells of the adrenal gland of female rats at 18 days of gestation. After isolating the cells, they were incubated with nutrient medium and incubated at 37°C and used after 1 day of culture. Carbon electrodes were used to register the release of cathecolamines these cells + were stimulated with K (30 mM) and AngII (1 µM). Results:Compared with their mother rat chromaffin cells (MCCs), ECCs responded with QCR response that was 30% that obtained in MCCs. However, while protonophoreFCCP augmented by 6-fold the AngII-elicited QRC in ECCs, the + response of MCCs was unaffected. The QRC responses triggered by high K were enhanced to a much lesser extent by FCCP, both in ECCs and MCCs. Conclusion: Data constitute a functional proof for the existence of a very tight coupling between ER and mitochondria during fetal life, as compared to adulthood. CO 151 ALTERATION FUNCTION OF P1 RECEPTOR COULD CONTRIBUTE TO THE HIGH ACTIVITY OF ACE (ANGIOTENSIN-CONVERTING ENZYME) AND TO DEVELOP THE HYPERTENSION IN STREPTOZOTOCIN-INDUCED DIABETIC RATS 1* 1 1 1 Musial DC , Miranda-Ferreira R , Caricati-Neto A , Jurkiewicz A , Lima-LandmanMTRand 1 JurkiewiczNH Departamento de Farmacologia, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. * email: or– Phone +5511-5576-4443 Introduction: Diabetes is a pathology characterized by hyperglycemia but patients can also develop cardiovascular dysfunctions. Recent studies showed the importance of purinergic neurotransmission in the control of cardiac function. These studies have demonstrated that alterations in this neurotransmission are related to the development of several pathological conditions, such as hypertension. Because P1 receptors are related to the purinergic alteration observed in diabetic animals and this P1 receptor is involved in renin release from juxtaglomerular cells, these alterations could also contribute to a dysfunction in renin-angiotensin-aldosteron system. Here we present a study about purinergic neurotransmission in isolated atria, the blood pressure levels and the activity of ACE measured inStreptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Material and methods: Diabetes was -1 induced inWistar rats by I.P of streptozotocin at dose of 60 mg.Kg . The diabetic rats were sacrificed after 30 days of injection. Control rats received the injection of saline solution. The left atria (LA) was removed and mounted in isolated organ bath to study the contractions induced by electrical field stimulation (2Hz; 5ms, 20-40V) in the presence of purinergic agonists. We also analyzed the blood pressure by noninvasive indirect method in the rat's tail and ACE activity which was measured by fluorescence. Results: The negative inotropic effect (mediated by P1 receptor) in LA decreased about 25% in D30. Concentration-response curves for adenosine showed a decrease of pD2 in D30 (3.4 ± 0.08; n=6), compared to CG (3.70 ±0.08; n=5). In D30 it was found an increase of blood pressure of 146±1.7 mmHg of control for 160±3.13 mmHg in D30 and activity of ACE increase 82% compared to control.Conclusion: Our data demonstrated changes in the purinergic neurotransmission of left atria, blood pressure and ACE activity in diabetic rats. These alterations might be related to the development of secondary pathological conditions, such as hypertension. CO 152 IN VITRO ANTIPROLIFERATIVE EFFECT OF INDOLE PHYTOALEXINS a b Mojzis J, Varinska L, Mirossay L, Perjesi P , Mojzisova G b Department of Pharmacology, Department of Experimetal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, P.J. Šafárik University, Košice, Slovakia a Department of Medical Chemistry, Medical School, University of Pecs, Hungary 99 Backround: This study was aimed at investigating the cytotoxic activity of camalexin and its five synthetic derivatives in cancer and non-cancer cells. Material and Methods: Effects of these compounds were tested by employing MTT cytotoxicity assay, cell cycle analysis, DNA fragmentation and quantitative real-time PCR. Results: In cancer cells the benzocamalexin (BC) displayed the most potent activity with an IC50 value of 23.3-30.1 µmol/L. On the other hand, minimal toxicity (IC50 >100.0 µmol/L) in non-cancer cells was observed. Flow cytometric analysis revealed a BC-induced increase in the fraction of cells with sub-G0/G1 DNA content which is considered to be a marker of apoptotic cell death. Apoptosis was also confirmed by DNA fragmentation assay. Moreover, quantitative real-time PCR showed that BC downregulated the expression of antiapoptotic genes Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL and upregulated the expression of proapoptotic Bax. BC also induced arrest of the cell cycle in the G2/M phase which was associated with downregulation of α-tubulin, α1-tubulin, β5-tubulin expression. These findings suggest the inhibitory effect of BC on microtubules. Moreover, BC downregulated the expression of microtubule-related protein indicating the effect of this compound on microtubule assembly. Conclusion: The present study demonstrate antiproliferative effects of benzocamalexin. We suggest that the blockade of cell cycle progression and initiation of apoptosis may play an important role in the antiproliferative activity of BC in human cancer cells and this compound might have a potential to enter pre-clinical trials as a new anticancer drug. CO 153 UNCOMPLETE INDIVIDUAL PROFILES (SPARSE DATA) IN NONCLINICAL RESEARCH. COMBINING COMPARTMENTAL ANALYSIS, IMAGING THECNIQUES AND POPULATION PHARMACOKINETIC Hernández I, Aldana L, León M, Ayra F Centro de Isótopos, Carretera La Rada km 3.5, San José de las Lajas, Mayabeque. Population pharmacokinetic is applied to simulated data representing two main experimental sampling schedules. Data were drawn from real experiments using blood sampling only or in combination with imaging procedures to build a compartmental model of tumor uptake of radiolabeled drug. INTRODUCTION.In pharmacokinetic evaluation small rodents are used in a large extend. Traditional pharmacokinetic evaluations by the two steps approach can be replaced by the sparse data design which may also represent a complicated situation to evaluate satisfactorily from the statistical point of view. In this presentation different situations of sparse data sampling are analyzed based on practical consideration. Population was selected in order to estimate pharmacokinetic parameters in simulated data from real experimental results using blood sampling and imaging procedures. MATERIALS AND METHODS.Two situations of incomplete individual profiles were evaluated, overlapping and no overlapping time point distribution. Data were simulated following a two compartment model. In all cases three to five blood samples were considered per time point. A combination of compartmental analysis with tumor uptake obtained by gammagraphy of radiolabeled drugs is also evaluated. All pharmacokinetic profiles were analyzed by means of the population approach using the MONOLIX software version 4.2. RESULTS. All sampling schedules yield the same results when computed using the MONOLIX software and the SAEM algorithm. Population and individual pharmacokinetic parameters were accurately estimated with three or five determination per sampling point. According with the used methodology and software tool it can be an expected result, but demonstrating the method performance in such situations, allow us to select a more flexible design using a very small number of animals in preclinical research. The combination with imaging procedures also allows us to construct a completely structured compartmental analysis. The same sampling approach can be considered in phase I or II clinical trials. CO 154 IN VITRO EVALUATION OF THE ANTI-PROLIFERATIVE EFFECT OF A SERIES OF SYNTHETIC COMPOUNDS ON HUMAN PROSTATE CANCER CELLS 1 1 1 1 2 3 Roa J , Carmona P , Ocampo Y , Pájaro I , Trilleras J , Gaitán R . 1 Biological Evaluation of Promissory Substances Group.Faculty of Sciences.University of Cartagena. Colombia. Pharmaceutical 100 2 Heterocyclic compounds Research Group. Faculty of Sciences.University of Atlántico. Colombia. Natural Products Group.Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.University of Cartagena. Colombia. 3 Introduction: Prostate cancer is a leading cause of cancer death among men worldwide. Recent 1 trends indicate a rise of incidence in developing countries like Colombia . Current treatments are not safe or effective; therefore development ofnew therapies is still needed. The aim of this work was to identify cytotoxic molecules within a series of 42 structurally diverse synthetic compounds: naphthoquinone derivatives (NQ), pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidine, and fused pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyrazines. Materials and Methods: Compounds were synthesizedand characterized according to the methods 2,3 we previously reported .PC3prostate cancer cells, which are androgen independent, highly tumorigenicand metastaticin vivo, were cultured with test compounds at concentrations ranging from zero (control) to 30 µM for 48 h. Cell viability was evaluated using methyl-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) or resazurinassays. Doxorubicin-HClwas employed as positive control. Results: None of thepyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidine and pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyrazines affect cell viability even at the highest concentration, suggesting that substituents diminish their bioactivity. However, PC3 cells were sensitive to the effect of tenNQ derivatives. Compounds 2, 6, 8, 17, 21, 22-24, showed potent cytotoxicity in a concentration-dependent manner, with LC50<10 µM, maximum reference value to select promissory compounds, and similar effect to that of doxorubicin (LC50=8.44±0.05µM). Derivatives 8, 22 and 23 were the most active of the series (LC50<1 µM). Preliminary SAR analysis indicates that 1,2- and 1,4-NQ fused with furan ring are important groups for toxicity, with 1,2-NQ having better activity. Conclusion: This is the first work concerning the potential of tested NQderivatives to inhibit prostate cancer cell proliferation. Our results indicated that compounds 8, 22, and 23 might be considered as lead molecules to develop new therapies. CO 155 SIMVASTATIN EFFECT ON THE EXPRESSION OF ENDOTHELIAL CELL ADHESION MOLECULES AND INFECTION INDUCED BY Trypanosoma cruzi. 1 1 2 1 1 Campos-Estrada C , López-Muñoz R , Kemmerling U , Morello A , Maya JD 1 Department of Clinical and Molecular Pharmacology, ICBM, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, 2 Santiago, Chile. Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, ICBM, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile. Email: Chagas disease affects 10 million Latin America people. In 2008 more than 10000 people died from this cause. This disease is caused by the flagellate protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. Parasite infects the cells of the immune system triggering an inflammatory response to control parasite replication. If the inflammatory response persists, it leads to the chronic phase of the disease, in the form of Chronic Chagas Cardiomyopathy (CCC) which is developed in 30% of infected patients. During the infection, vascular endothelium is activated increasing the expression of cell adhesion molecules on the endothelium (E-CAMs) allowing the recruitment of inflammatory cells. Benznidazole is part of the current treatment of Chagas disease, acting as trypanocidal drug, but may have serious side effects and has no proven effectiveness in the chronic phase. Therefore, improve the effectiveness of this drug, by modifying the CCC physiopathology, such as inflammation, is a very interesting strategy. Thus, simvastatin has been studied due to their pleiotropic role in modulating the inflammatory response, among other effects. In this work, inparasitesisolated and EA.hy926 cells was determined theIC50from both drugs by MTT assay. Consequently the expression of E-CAMs induced by T. cruzi in EA.hy926 cells was determined. Furthermore,the effect of simvastatin and benznidazole on parasite load and the expression of V-CAM 1, I-CAM 1 and E-selectin by flow cytometry and immunocytofluorescence were evaluated. Results: in endothelial cells infected with T. cruzi,the increase on the expression of E-CAMswas statistically significant respect control group. Simvastatin was able to decrease the expression of cell adhesion molecules without affecting the cell viability and also reduced parasite load. In conclusion, given the key role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of Chagas disease simvastatin may contribute tothe treatment of Chagas disease. Simposio de Productos Naturales / Symposium of Natural Products 101 C 031 INHIBITION OF CYTOCHROME P450 BY NATURAL PRODUCTS AS AN ANTIMUTAGENESIS MECHANISM Espinosa-Aguirre JJ. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), D.F., Mexico. CYP enzymes are involved in the metabolism of xenobiotics as well as some endogenous compounds. Its activities lead to the production of mutagenic and carcinogenic entities that can react with important macromolecules like proteins and nucleic acids. In theory, Inhibition of CYP catalysis could lead to inhibition of the mutagenic and carcinogenic processes considering the inhibitory compounds as beneficial chemoprotective agents. Using in vitro biochemical methods we have tested the CYP inhibitory capacity of several plant derived compounds like bergamotin, dehydrobergamotin and naringin from grapefruit, quercetin and chiro-inositol from Heteroteca inuloides, mangiferin from Mangifera indica and thalassiolin b from Thalassia testidinum. Results obtained showed the CYP inhibitory activity of these compounds, being bergamotin and thalassiolin b of the molecules with high inhibitory potential. Results from the Ames Assay in which we tested the antimutagenic properties of these compounds against known mutagens, shows that the inhibition of CYP activity can be traduced in an antimutagenic effect in this Assay. These effects were also confirmed in rat hepatic cells in culture, where effects on activity/expression of CYP1A1 were tested. The possible use of these antimutagenic substances as chemoprotective agents is discussed in the light of the existence of endogenous CYP substrates. CO 156 THE AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF Montanoa frutescens PRODUCES ANTISTRESS-LIKE EFFECTS IN MALE WISTAR RATS IN THE FORCED SWIM TEST 1 2 1 3 Flores-Aguilar LA, Carro-Juárez M, Rosas-Sánchez GU, Rovirosa-Hernández MJ, García3 3 Orduña F, Rodríguez-Landa JF 1 Facultad de Química Farmacéutica Biológica, Programa Institucional de Tutoría para la Investigación, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Veracruz, México. Email: 2 Laboratorio de Comportamiento Reproductivo, Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala, México. Email: 3 Instituto de Neuroetología, Universidad Veracruzana Xalapa, Veracruz, México. Email: Introduction. Montanoa tomentosa, Montanoa grandiflora, and Montanoa frutescens extracts have been used in traditional Mexican medicine as remedies for reproductive, emotional, and mood disorders in women. M. frutescens extract produces anxiolytic-like effects in rats through GABAA receptors, but unknown is whether this plant also produces anti-despair-like effects similar to other GABAergic compounds. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of M. frutescens extracts on despair-like behavior in male Wistar rats and compare their effects with fluoxetine. Material and Methods. One group received vehicle (control), two groups received M. frutescens extract (25 and 50 mg/kg, p.o., respectively), and one group received fluoxetine (1 mg/kg, i.p.) as a reference antidepressant drug. The treatments were administered for 28 days, and their effects were evaluated in the forced swim and open field tests on days 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 of treatment and 24 and 48 h post-treatment. The data were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance and the StudentNewman-Keuls post hoc test. Results. In the forced swim test, M. frutescens (50 mg/kg) significantly decreased total immobility time beginning on day 1 of treatment compared with the control group and baseline session. Fluoxetine reduced immobility beginning on day 14. The effect of M. frutescens disappeared 48 h after treatment, whereas the effects of fluoxetine remained 48 h after treatment. In the open field test, a reduction of locomotor activity was observed beginning on day 7 until the end of the experiments, independent of treatment. M. frutescens and fluoxetine keep grooming behavior in the open field test. Conclusion. M. frutescens extract exerted a protective effect against stress induced in the forced swim test but did not have antidepressant-like effects, thus supporting the anxiolytic-like effect identified in previous studies at the experimental level. CO 157 Montanoa grandiflora EXTRACT PRODUCES ANTI-STRESS-LIKE BUT NOT 102 ANTI-DESPAIR-LIKE EFFECTS IN WISTAR RATS: COMPARISON WITH FLUOXETINE 1 2 1 3 Rosas-Sánchez GU, Carro-Juárez M, Flores-Aguilar LA, Rovirosa-Hernández MJ, García-Orduña F,3 Rodríguez-Landa JF3 1 Facultad de Química Farmacéutica Biológica, Programa de Tutoría para la Investigación, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Veracruz, México. Email: 2 Laboratorio de Comportamiento Reproductivo, Escuela de Medicina y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala, México. Email: 3 Instituto de Neuroetología, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Veracruz, México. Email: Introduction. Montanoa grandiflora, Montanoa tomentosa, and Montanoa frutescens extracts have been used for centuries in traditional Mexican medicine as remedies to ameliorate mood and emotional alterations, among others. At the experimental level, the extracts of M. frutescens and M. grandiflora produce anxiolytic-like effects through actions on GABAA receptors. Interestingly, some GABAergic compounds produce anti-despair-like effects in rats. We investigated whether M. grandiflora extract exerts anti-despair-like effects in male Wistar rats compared with fluoxetine as a reference anti-despair drug. Material and methods. We included four groups: one group received vehicle (control), two groups received M. grandiflora extract (25 and 50 mg/kg, p.o., respectively), and one group received fluoxetine (1 mg/kg, p.o.). The treatments were administered for 28 days, and the effects were evaluated on day 0, 1, 7, 14, 21, and 28 of treatment and 24 and 48 h post-treatment in the forced swim and open field tests. The data were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance. Results. M. grandiflora (50 mg/kg) decreased immobility from day 1 to 28 of treatment compared with the control group (p < 0.05), but this effect disappeared 48 h post-treatment. Fluoxetine reduced immobility beginning on day 14 of treatment, and this effect endured until 48 h post-treatment. In the open field test, a reduction of locomotion was observed beginning on day 7, independent of treatment. Grooming was reduced (p < 0.05) in the control group beginning on day 7, but not changes in grooming were detected in M. grandiflora (50 mg/Kg) and fluoxetine groups. Conclusions. M. grandiflora extracts produced a protective effect against stress in rats in the forced swim test rather than an anti-despair-like effect. These data support the traditional use of M. grandiflora to ameliorate emotional alterations with a stress component. CO 158 EVALUATION OF ANXIOLYTIC ACTIVITY OF AQUEOUS EXTRACTS OF PLANTAGO MAJOR L. ANDMENTHA VIRIDIS L.: PLANTS USED IN THE TRADITIONAL MEDICINE OF COLOMBIAN CARIBBEAN COAST 1 1 1 1 Caro D , Rivera D , Franco L , Salas R 1 Biological Evaluation of Promissory Substances Group.Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.University of Cartagena.Cartagena-Colombia. Introduction: Generalized anxiety is a mental disorder that has a high prevalence in Colombia, 1 affecting 19.3% of the population between 18-65 years of age . Currently, the benzodiazepines are the choice pharmacologic treatment to handling anxiety; but they have several problems limiting 2 widespread applicability, like dependency and withdrawal syndrome . Plantago major L. and Menthaviridis (L.) L. are used in Colombian Caribbean folk medicine as an alternative treatment of this pathology, nevertheless there are not pharmacological studies of their anxiolytic properties. Therefore, in this study we investigated the effect of aqueous extracts obtained from these plants 3 using elevated plus maze (EPM) model . Materials and methods: Ten Wistar rats weighing between 200-230 g were treated with vehicle, extracts (1000 mg/kg, p.o.) or diazepam (1 mg/Kg, i.p.), 30 min prior of placing them in the EPM device. A digital camera was used to take a video of the animals’ behavior for a period of fifteen minutes to quantify the number of entries and the time spent in the arms. Results: Menthaviridis increased the number of entries and the percentage of time spent in open arms from 9.08% to 35.62%, compared to the control group. It also induced a slight reduction in the spent in closed arms. On the other hand Plantago major did not produce any effect on animal’s behavior. Conclusions: The results of this study demonstrated that aqueous extracts obtained of Menthaviridis 103 exerts an anxiolytic effect on male rats, providing a scientific evidence of the popular use. Further research should focus on the identification of the active constituents from this plant that might be useful to treat anxiety. CO 159 Montanoa grandiflora EXTRACT PRODUCES ANXIOLYTIC-LIKE EFFECTS SIMILAR TO DIAZEPAM IN CYCLING FEMALE WISTAR RATS 1 2 1 3 Vicente-Serna J, Carro-Juárez M, Rodríguez-Blanco A, Rovirosa-Hernández MJ, García-Orduña 3 3 F, Rodríguez-Landa JF 1 Facultad de Química Farmacéutica Biológica, Programa Institucional de Tutoría para la Investigación, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Veracruz, México. Email: 2 Laboratorio de Comportamiento Reproductivo, Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala, México. Email: 3 Instituto de Neuroetología, Universidad Veracruzana Xalapa, Veracruz, México. Email: Introduction: Cihuapatli is the Nahuatl name for some plants grouped in the genus Montanoa, in which Montanoa grandiflora is included. The crude extracts from these plants have been used for centuries in traditional Mexican medicine as remedies for reproductive impairments, anxiety, and depressive states. However, the effects of M. grandiflora on experimental anxiety remain unexplored. The aim of the present study was to explore the effect of M. grandiflora extract on anxiety-like behavior during different phases of the ovarian cycle in female Wistar rats. Material and methods: We included one group treated with vehicle (control), two groups treated with M. grandiflora extract (25 and 50 mg/kg, p.o.), and one group treated with diazepam (2 mg/kg, i.p.) as a reference anxiolytic drug. The effects were evaluated in the elevated plus maze and open field test. The phases of the ovarian cycle were determined by microscopic analysis of vaginal smears to assign each rat to proestrus-estrus and metestrus-diestrus subgroups. Each group had eight to 10 rats. The data were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance with independent groups and Student-Newman-Keuls post hoc test. Results: In the elevated plus maze, the rats treated with M. grandiflora (50 mg/kg) in the metestrus-diestrus phase exhibited an increase in the time spent in the open arms compared with the control group, similar to the effects of diazepam, without affecting crossings, rearing, grooming, or resting time. In the proestrus-estrus phase, the plant extract did not significantly affect locomotor activity, whereas diazepam produced hypoactivity. Conclusions: M. grandiflora produced anxiolyticlike effects during physiological states characterized by low hormonal levels, similar to diazepam, without affecting locomotion. The present results support the hypothesis that this plant possesses a potential anxiolytic effect as reported in traditional Mexican medicine. CO 160 ANXIOLYTIC-LIKE EFFECT OF Montanoa frutescens EXTRACT IN THE METESTRUS-DIESTRUS PHASE OF THE OVARIAN CYCLE IN WISTAR RATS 1 2 1 3 Rodríguez-Blanco LA, Carro-Juárez M, Vicente-Serna J, Rovirosa-Hernández MJ, García3 3 Orduña F, Rodríguez-Landa JF 1 Facultad de Química Farmacéutica Biológica, Programa Institucional de Tutoría para la Investigación, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa Veracruz, México. Email: 2 Laboratorio de Comportamiento Reproductivo, Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala, México. Email: 3 Instituto de Neuroetología, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa Veracruz, México. Email: Introduction: Montanoa frutescens extract has been used for centuries in traditional Mexican medicine as a remedy for several illnesses in women, including changes in mood and anxiety. The extract of this plant produces anxiolytic-like effects through an action on GABAA receptors in male Wistar rats, but the effect of M. frutescens extract on anxiety-like behavior in female Wistar rats during ovarian cycle phases (proestrus-estrus and metaestrus-diestrus) remain to be explored. The present study evaluated the potential anxiolytic-like effect of M. frutescens extract in cycling Wistar rats compared with the clinically effective anxiolytic drug diazepam. Material and methods: Female Wistar rats were assigned to four independent groups: one group received vehicle (control), two groups received different doses of M. frutescens (25 and 50 mg/kg, p.o.), and one group received 104 diazepam (2 mg/kg, i.p.) as a reference anxiolytic drug. Sixty minutes after the single administration of vehicle, M. frutescens extract, or diazepam, the rats were evaluated in the elevated plus maze and subsequently in the open field test. The ovarian cycle phases were determined by microscopic analysis of vaginal smears, and the rats were separated into subgroups (i.e., proestrus-estrus and metaestrus-diestrus). The data were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance with independent groups and the Student-Newman-Keuls post hoc test. Results: M. frutescens (25 and 50 mg/kg) increased the time spent in the open arms of the elevated plus maze during the metaestrus-diestrus phase, similar to the effects of diazepam, without affecting locomotor activity. Diazepam but not M. frutescens extract produced locomotor hypoactivity during the proestrus-estrus phase. Conclusion: M. frutescens extract possesses anxiolytic-like effects similar to diazepam during the metaestrusdiestrus phase, supporting the traditional use of M. frutescens extract to alleviate anxiety in women. CO 161 HEPATOPROTECTIVE EFFECT OF SOLIDS LIPIDS NANOPARTICLES WITH VANILLIN AGAINST CCL4-INDUCED ACUTE LIVER INJURY IN MICE 1 2 3 1 4 4 5 Castan L , Del Toro García G , Fernández A , Ortiz Beatón E , Reiners A , Salas H , Dbrok J . 1 Biomedical Engineering department, Electrical Engineering Faculty, University of Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Patricio Lumumba s/n Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. CP 90500. E. mail: 2 Foods and Pharmacy Institute, Havana University, Havana Cuba. Calle 222 #2317 / 23 y 31 La Coronela La Lisa, Ciudad de La Habana 3 Computer Science Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Patricio Lumumba s/n Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. CP 90500 4 Center of Toxicology, Santiago de Cuba. Autopista Nacional Km 1 1/2. Apdo Postal 4033. Santiago de Cuba. CUBA 5 Children’s north Hospital of Santiago de Cuba. Avenida de las Américas s/n. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Introduction: Vanillin is an aromatic aldehyde with antioxidant, antinflammatory and antitumor properties. Biological activity of vanillin in animal models has been limited because it low oral bioavailability. Nowadays, nanotecnology provides drug delivery systems as alternative to improve bioavailability and pharmacological action of drugs, either naturals or synthetics. Among these drug delivery system, solids lipids nanoparticles are attractive because their easy production. The aim of this work is to encapsulate vanillin in solid lipids nanoparticles to improve its hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects in mice after carbon tetrachloride induced liver acute damage. Materials and methods: Solid lipids nanoparticles containing vanillin (NSL-V) were obtained by solvent-injection technique using Stearic acid, Tween 80 and ethanol like solvent. Particles were characterized by determination of entrapment efficiency and vanillin release. To evaluate pharmacological activity, 3 groups of 8 Balb c mice were treated orally with a single dose of carbon tetrachloride (1 mg/kg), and one hour later NSL-V, vanillin in solution and empty solid lipids nanoparticles were administered. After 24 hours, the treatment was repeated. Control group was treated with vehicle alone. Animals were sacrificed and liver and blood samples were collected. To evaluate liver damage, determination of AST, ALT and histological analysis were performed. Activity of SOD, Catalase, MDA levels and oxidized proteins were evaluated in liver homogenates. Results: Solid lipids nanoparticles with good entrapment efficiency were obtained. Levels of AST and ALT were reduced in a significant manner with NSL-V treatment. Liver histology also showed a significant less injury in this group. Activity of SOD, Catalase, MDA levels and oxidized proteins were significantly reduced in the group treated with NSL-V, with values close to controls treated only with vehicle and without liver injury. Conclusion: These results show that solid lipids nanoparticles may improve pharmacological activity of vanillin, acting like suitable vehicle. CO 162 PHARMACOLOGY OF ANTIASTHMATIC MEXICAN MEDICINAL PLANTS NATURAL PRODUCTS FROM Navarrete A, Rodríguez F, González M, Tapia G, Alfaro A. Facultad de Química. Departamento de Farmacia. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Ciudad Universitaria Coyoacán 04510, México D.F., México. 105 Introduction. In this work several medicinal plants used in the Mexican traditional medicine as antiastmatic remedies were studied by bioguided fractionation to isolate and identify the active compounds with the ability to show relaxant effect on guinea pig trachea. Materials and methods. The relaxant effect and the inhibition of calcium chloride-induced contractions of extracts and pure compounds were evaluated on guinea pig trachea model. The PDE inhibitory activity was evaluated using a cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) colorimetric assay kit. Results. The flavones gnaphaliin A and B were identified as tracheal smooth muscle relaxant active principles from Gnaphalium liebmannii (Asteraceae). The main relaxant mechanism of action of these flavones is the inhibition of PDEs with a preference to inhibit the degradation of cGMP. The docking study suggested that these flavones bind with high specificity to the same binding site of sildenafil at PDE type 5. The content of gnaphaliins varies widely with the particular Gnaphalium species. On the other hand the alkaloid berberine (as carbonate) was identified as one of the active relaxant principles in Argemone ochroleuca (Papaveraceae). The relaxant effect of berberine on tracheal muscle is due to its antagonistic effect on muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. Thymol has been identified as active principle in other Mexican medicinal plants and aqueous extracts of Bougainvillea glabra potentiates the relaxant effect of salbutamol and ipratropium. The essential oil of Agastache mexicana subsp. mexicana, composed by Estragole (80.281%) and D-limonene (17.555%), inhibites the carbachol and histamine-induced contraction of guinea pig trachea and inhibits the cacium influx. Conclusion. The Mexican medicinal plants, used as antiasthmatic traditional remedies, contain active compouns that act as tracheal smooth muscle relaxants through several conventional pharmacological mechanisms. CO 163 ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE COLOMBIAN NORTHERN COAST 1 1 1 1 2 1 Barrios L , Orjuela V , Caro D , Castro J , Díaz F , Franco L 1 Biological Evaluation of Promissory Substances Group.Faculty of Sciences.University of Cartagena. 2 Laboratory of Phytochemical and Pharmacological Research.Faculty of Sciences.University of Cartagena. Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Introduction: The increased incidence of infectious diseases encourages the search for new antibacterial agents, being medicinal plants an invaluable source. A variety of plants are used in Colombian traditional medicine for the treatment of infectious diseases. Therefore,obtain scientific information on the efficacy of these plants represent a priority goal to our research groups.In this work, weinvestigated thein vitro antibacterial activityof ten plants used in the folk medicine of the Colombian Northern Coast. Materials and Methods: Total ethanol extracts of bark and/or leaf from Mammea americana L., Anacardium occidentale L., Capparis odoratissima Jacq., Cecropia peltata L., Ambrosia cumanensis kunth., Chenopodium ambrosioides L., Murraya exotica L., Maclura tinctoria L., Croton malambo H. Karst, and Bauhinia guianensis Aubl., were evaluated against ATCC strains of Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis,determining the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for extracts (1000 µg/mL)that completely inhibited bacterial growth. Results: A. occidentale and M.americana were the most active of the tested extracts,with MIC values between 132 and 4.125 µg/mL against all the bacterial strains. Despite C. malambo and B. guianensis were active in a lesser extent (MIC=1056-528 µg/mL), their traditional use is justified by our results.The remainder plants did not inhibited the bacterial growth at tested concentrations. Conclusions: We found scientific evidence that supports the medicinal use of A. occidentale,M.americana,C. malambo, and B. guianensis. Further studies are needed to isolate and identify the metabolites responsible for the antibacterial activity. CO 164 ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS L. SECONDARY METABOLITES CHARACTERIZATION IN PLANTS GROWN IN CUBA AND MEXICO 1 2 Fung Boix Y. , Molina Torres J. , Ramírez Chávez E.2, Gómez Luna L.1, Ferrer Dubois A.1 , 106 3 Verçosa de Medeiros Rapôso N. 1. National Center of Applied Electromagnetism. Univ. de Oriente. Ave. The Americas s/n. Santiago of Cuba City. Cuba. CP 90400. GP 2. CINVESTAV, UNIDAD IRAPUATO. Km9.6 Libramiento Norte, CP: 36821. Irapuato, Guanajuato. México., 3. Universidad Estadual del Amazonas, Escuela Superior de Tecnologia (EST), Engenieria Florestal Laboratório de Cultivo de Teiidos Vegetal (Brasil). Ave. Darcy Vargas 1620, Parque Dez, Manaus, Amazonas, código postal 69050-020. Brasil. Rosemary belongs to the family Lamiaceae, has antioxidant properties andis currently widely used in natural medicine, pharmacy and as nutraceutical. In Mexico even as an introduced species it is used as a medicinal plant in several states of the country. In Cuba the species was introduced by the Spaniards and is often grown in gardens of rural and urban areas. Propagation of this species in Cuba is difficult by seeds orby vegetative techniques so thislimits its availability and is now removed from the National Form Phytopharmaceuticals. Different research papers have argued that depending on the geographical location and natural conditions where it is grownresults in changes in the concentration and type of bioactive molecules present.The magnetically treated water has been widely used in irrigation, because it stimulates the growth and development of plants. The aim of this work was to characterize volatile and bioactive compounds in Rosmarinusofficinalis L. cultured with magnetically treated water in Santiago de Cuba / Cuba and Guanajuato in Mexico. The methanol extracts were analyzed in a GC/EIMSD (Agilent Technologies 7890 A, 5975C)using a capillary column UI DB1MS Agilent Technologies (60 x 0.25 x 0.25). Obtained spectra were compared with the mass spectra databases, NIST 2011(National Institute of Standards and Technology, Standard Reference Data Program).The composition of the extracts of Mexican and Cuban species which was treated with static magnetic field had similar compoundsamong which are found the α-pinene, camphene, β-pinene, β myrcene, camphor and terpinene.In control extracts less bioactive compounds were found in relation to treated extracts. Even when the total amount of volatiles were not significantly different in both, treated an control plants, the mass production in magnetic treated water plant was higher, so the potential of the technique got to be explored. CO 165 HUMAN CELLS PHOTOPROTECTION BY FRACTIONS OBTAINED FROM Phyllanthus orbicularis Kunth 1 2 3 4 3 2 Vernhes M , González-Pumariega M , Ribeiro C , Cabrera I , Menck CFM , Sánchez-Lamar A . ta ma 1. Centro de Aplicaciones Tecnológicas y Desarrollo Nuclear. Calle 30. #502, e/ 5 y 7 . Miramar, Playa, La Habana, Cuba. 2. Facultad de Biología de la Universidad de la Habana. Calle 25 e/ I y J. Vedado, La Habana, Cuba 3. Departamento de Microbiología, Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas, Universidad de Sao Paulo, Av. Prof Lineu Prestes, 1374, Sao Paulo, Brasil. 4. Laboratorio de Farmacología, Hospital Salvador Allende. La Habana, Cuba; Numerous studies have implicated ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in severe skin diseases. Particularly, ultraviolet B radiation in sunlight is a major risk factor for the development of photoaging and photocarcinogenesis. The main DNA lesions induced by UVR, cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and 6-4 photoproducts (6-4PPs), are considered the principal causes of these cutaneous illnesses. DNA photolesions are removed by nucleotide excision repair (NER) system. If UV photoproducts are not repaired properly may led to cell mutations and carcinogenic transformation. Currently, searching of phytocompounds as photoprotectors constitutes an approach to protect human health against UVB harmful effects. Phyllanthus orbicularis K is a Cuban endemic plant using in folk medicine. The aqueous extract of this plant has demonstrated protective effect against several genotoxic agents, including UVR. Phytocompounds present in the extract have been related with the beneficial properties. The present investigation was addressed to evaluate fractions obtained from P. orbicularis K, in the protection of human cells against UVB light. DNA repair proficient and deficient fibroblasts (MRC5-SV and XP4PA) were used as experimental models. The damaging effects of UV were evaluated through clonogenic cell survival, while DNA repair was determined by the removal of CPD and host cellular reactivation assay. 107 The results showed that, aqueous and dicloromethanolic fractions of P. orbicularis protect human cells against UVB light-induced damage. Both fractions increase the cell survival and the ability to repair DNA photodamage. This investigation deepened on the photoprotective capacity of P. orbicularis specie, also the photochemopreventive potential of this plant has been studied. CO 166 NEW INDICATION OF SURFACEN A PORCINE NATURAL SURFACTANT IN THE TREATMENT OF THE ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME 1 2 1 Dr. Octavio Fernández Limia Dr.CV ., Dra. Ángela O. Hidalgo , Ing. Elaine Díaz Dra. CT ., Dr. 1 3 3 Roberto Faure Dr. CV ., Lic. Yinet Barrese MCs , Lic. Rolando Uranga MCs , Lic. Yisel Ávila, MCs3. 2 Grupo de médicos y coordinadores regionales participantes en el estudio . 1. National Centre of animal and plants health (CENSA) 2. Ministry of Public Health of Cuba 3. National Coordinating Centre of Clinical Trials In order to evaluate the efficacy and safety of SURFACEN in low, repeated dose on arterial blood oxygenation in adult patients with ARDS also a change in mortality, days with endotraqueal intubation, days with mechanical ventilation, time in the ICU and the presence of adverse events. An Clinical Trial phase III, controlled, open, randomized, with two treatments groups was done: Treatment group with conventional oxygenation and mechanical ventilation + SURFACEN (100mg) instilled by an endotracheal probe every 8 hours during three days and a Control group without the surfactant. A total of 45 patients were included in the trial. An increase in the PaO2/FiO2 in the 74% of the SURFACEN treated patients vs 26.1% in the Control group (P<0.05). Other variables as mortality, days with intratracheal intubation, days of mechanical ventilation and days in the ICU were not modify by the treatment with the surfactant. The treatment proved to be safe because 21 of the reported adverse events, the 92.7% were not related with the product and 80% were of low or moderated intensity. The use of low repeated dose of SURFACEN improve the arterial oxygenation although an improve in mortality or other outcomes were not observed that it is why the routinary use of surfactant in adults with ARDS in not justified. Simposio Actualización Terapéutica en Oncoterapética / Symposium of Therapeutic Updating on Cancer C 032 CHEMO-IMMUNOTHERAPY FOR CANCER: A RATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND THERAPEUTIC Jorge Luis Soriano García Clinical Oncology Service. Ameijeiras´Hospital. Cancer therapy is designed to specifically integrate distinct treatment modalities in the most effective way to achieve the highest cure rate. Surgery and radiation therapies are used for loco regional disease control, whereas systemic therapies are used to treat micrometastatic or widespread metastatic cancers and hematologic malignancies. While systemic therapies have historically been given after local measures have been undertaken to remove the primary tumor, they are increasingly used prior to definitive local treatment both to achieve systemic disease control earlier and to evaluate the responsiveness of the tumor to treatment. Regardless of the timing in relation to local therapy, these systemic treatments—chemotherapy, endocrine therapy, small molecular targeted therapies and monoclonal antibodies–are designed to decrease the likelihood of relapse due to micrometastatic disease. Cancer chemotherapy drugs have long been considered immune suppressive. However, more recent data indicate that some cytotoxic drugs effectively treat cancer in part by facilitating an immune response to the tumor when given at the standard dose and schedule. These drugs induce a form of tumor cell death that is immunologically active, thereby inducing an adaptive immune response specific for the tumor. In addition, cancer chemotherapy drugs can promote tumor immunity through ancillary and largely unappreciated immunologic effects on both the malignant and normal host cells present within the tumor microenvironment. These more subtle immunomodulatory effects are dependent on the drug itself, its dose, and its schedule in relation to an immune-based intervention. A detailed understanding of the cellular and molecular basis of interactions between chemotherapy drugs and the immune systemis essential for devising the optimal 108 strategy for integrating new immune-based therapies into the standard of care for various cancers, resulting in the greatest long-term clinical benefit for cancer patients. Current data suggest that combining chemotherapy in standard and novel ways with immune-based interventions will have great potential for optimizing the clinical outcomes of cancer patients. A new era of effectively harnessing the immune system to treat and prevent cancer has begun. These early successes have ledto heightened interest and activity in developing new strategies for tipping the balance of the hosttumor interaction toward definitive tumor rejection. It is clear that strategically integrating immunebased therapies with standard cancer treatment modalities, in particular chemotherapy drugs, has the potential to reengineer the overall host milieu and the local tumor microenvironment to disrupt pathways of immune tolerance and suppression (to understand the differences in immunobiology between the distinct histologies and biologic subtypes of cancer will be critical for identifying the optimal antigen and/or immunologic pathway to target for a particular cancer or to dissect mechanisms of intrinsic and adaptive therapeutic resistance to immune-based treatments will be critical for ensuring clinical success). In designing combination immunotherapy regimens, clinical investigators should consider how chemotherapy impacts the immune system in order to guide the dose and schedule for integrating chemotherapy and immunotherapy. In particular, systematically defining the optimal drug dose and timing in relation to immune-based therapy in early-phase clinical studies is imperative for the design of phase II and III clinical trials with a higher likelihood of clinical success. Finally, delineating the impact of established cancer drugs and standard cancer treatment modalities on the immune system and on tumor immuno biology itself will be critical for the most effective integration of immune-based cancer therapy into state-of-the art multimodality cancer care. CO 167 RADIO-IMMUNOTHERAPY FOR MALIGNANCIES Noyde Batista Albuerne Clinical Oncology Service. Ameijeiras´Hospital. More recently, attention has turned to the development of RIT agents for the treatment of B-cell nonHodgkin lymphomas, which are inherently radiosensitive and express antigens not typically found in normal tissue. During the next several years, the development of RIT agents for B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma continued, which led to the FDA approval of 90Y ibritumomabtiuxetan in 200210 and iodine-131 (131I) to situmomabin 2003. In general, solid tumors are much less radiosensitive than Bcell lymphomas, requiring higher delivered doses for significant clinical efficacy. In colorectal cancer, several promising targets have been identified, including CEA, TAG-72, Ep-CAM, and A33. Overall, the results have been somewhat disappointing, with few objective responses. However, in the setting of minimal residual disease, some studies have demonstrated favorable progression-free survival (PFS) and OS compared with historic outcomes. In breast cancer, several active targets have been identified including CEA, TAG-72, MUC-1, and L6. Modest responses have been seen, with greater responses in the setting of high-dose RIT followed by autologous stem cell rescue. Interferon alfa may have the ability to upregulate expression of key RIT targets in patients with BC. Murine antibodies result in a high expression of HAMAs, limiting repeat dosing strategies. A number of rational RIT targets have been described for prostate cancer, including TAG-72, L6, MUC-1, and PSMA. By contrast to most solid tumor types, patients with PC have exhibited some reasonable responses to RIT, particularly in the combined modality setting when delivered with taxane chemotherapy. Patients with PC who also have skeletal metastases experienced significant pain relief, even with RIT alone. The most promising agent currently in active clinical trials is 177Lu-J591, which targets PSMA.RIT for ovarian cancer appears to be a potentially promising option, particularly in patients who have been optimally debulked following surgery and chemotherapy but who still are at high risk for microscopic intraperitoneal disease. Alpha-emitting radionuclides hold particular promise in non bulky disease, given the higher linear energy transfer and shorterpath length compared with beta particles. Therefore, the accrual of ongoing clinical trials of these novel agents should be encouraged. Significant advancements have been made in the development of RIT during the last 60 years. Progress in chimerization and humanization of monoclonal antibodies, the use of antibody fragments, pre-targeting methods, improved dosimetric models, and novel radionuclides — including alpha-emitters — have opened the field beyond simply B-cell non-Hodgkinlymphomas. Several new RIT agents are under active clinical investigation for many solid tumor types. Many of these are entering phase II and III clinical trials, and physicians and their patients with cancer should be encouraged to consider participating in these important endeavors. 109 C 033 IMMUNOTHERAPY FOR NON HODGKIN’S LYMPHOMAS. ADVANCES IN THE USE OF MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES Dr. Elías Gracia Medina MD Head of Medical Oncology Department. National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology Immunotherapy has been used systematically for the treatment of non Hodgkin’s Lymphomas (NHL). Modifier of immune response, monoclonal antibodies (MAb) and therapeutics cancer vaccines have shown different grade of outcomes in the management of this heterogeneous disease. Over the last ten years, the introduction of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and specifically the antiCD20 monoclonal antibody Rituximab, has radically changed treatment of B-cell NHL. The use of Rituximab in the treatment of such lymphomas has increased significantly the response rates, the progression free survival and overall survival in both indolent and aggressive B-cell NHL. Based in the results achieved with this drug new strategies of treatment have been developed using MAbs against different epitopes of the CD20 molecule and against other molecules expressed in the surface of lymphoma cell such as CD19, CD22, CD37 and CD30. Moreover, the new drugs such as conjugated antibodies, which are design to carrycitotoxic inside to the target cell; bivalents MAb, and MAb against molecules that regulate the immune response are showing encourages results and they are rapidly moving into efficacy studies. In this review we present the advances in the use of MAb for the treatment of NHL CO 168 IMMUNOTHERAPY COMBINATIONS Crombet T. Center of Molecular Immunology. There is dissociation between the accumulation of scientific knowledge on the immune system and the rather limited results of immunotherapy in the clinical setting. The development of therapeutic combinations by the efficient use of monoclonal antibodies and therapeutic vaccines for the treatment of malignant tumors has been claimed to be the way to make major advances. According the NCI register of clinical trials, there are more than 5000 trials evaluating immunotherapy combinations (vaccines or monoclonal antibodies with any other agent).Registered antibodies (rituximab, trastuzumab, bevacizumab, cetuximab) have been perceived mainly as molecularly targeting drugs and not as agents capable to mobilize adaptive cellular response. Consequently, they have been combined with the recommended chemo or radiotherapy for each approved medical condition. Regarding classical active immunotherapy, the most appealing strategy has been to combine drugs devoted to reverse tumor induced immunosuppression and cancer vaccines. Several compounds that controls the regulatory T cells, the MDSC or that reverse the intrinsic T cell inhibition, including antibodies against CTLA-4 and PD1 are under clinical evaluation. The Centre of Molecular Immunology (CIM) in Havana has been carrying out a basic and clinical research program in cancer immunotherapy since 1990’s. The simultaneous presence of monoclonal antibodies and therapeutic vaccines projects creates the platform for combinations.CIM product pipeline concentrates around three main targets: the EGFRsystem, the tumor cell gangliosides, and the reversion of the tumorinduced immune suppression. So far, CIM has conducted several trials of combining cancer vaccines or antibodies and vaccines in the clinical setting. The latest results of the CIM immunotherapy combination program will be presented.Beside the big scientific dilemma, combination trials have clinical trial methodology challenges. Trial designs should be perfected to choose thebest patient population, endpoints and treatment schedules. CIM experience on clinical trial designs for combinations will also be discussed. CO 169 REVIEW OF TARGETED THERAPIES IN HER2 POSITIVE BREAST CANCER Falla R. Roche Centroamérica & Caribe. In this presentation I will review the data regarding the discovery of the gen that codifies the 110 overexpression of the Her2 receptor in breast cancer, and the clinical implications of this finding. The results of the early trials of trastuzumab in metastatic breast cancer her2 positive and what it meant for this population of poor prognostic patients and the data of the early trials of trastuzumab in early breast cancer, in the adjuvant and neoadjuvant setting. It will be presented a new route of administration for Trastuzumab with its clinical information and safety data. I will present the newest information about two new drugs that targets the her2 positive population of breast cancer patients, which are Pertuzumab and TDM-1, reviewing its mechanism of action and the clinical data available. CO 170 CHEMO-IMMUNOTHERAPY FOR GASTROINTESTINAL MALIGNANCIES Mayté Lima Pérez Clinical Oncology Service. Ameijeiras´Hospital. Immunotherapy is an emerging modality for the treatment of gastrointestinal (GI) cancers. Although monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapy comprises a significant proportion of immunotherapies for GI cancers, early clinical trials have demonstrated the safety and feasibility of vaccine-based strategies to induce positive immunologic endpoints in patients with GI cancers. Colorectal cancer could be the prototypic cancer for which successful immunotherapy of other GI malignancies is based. To date, three mAb regimens have been successfully used. These successes may result in combination antibody therapiesand the potential for further novel therapies for this disease. For esophageal, gastroesophageal, and gastric cancers, many mAb therapies have been tested, with some promising data. In advanced esophageal cancer, nimotuzumab in combination with radiotherapy and cisplatin/5 Fu-radiotherapy was well tolerated and significantly improves response rate. The approval of trastuzumabin 2010 marked the first immunotherapy approved for any of the upper GI tumors. Pancreatic cancer continues to be a fatal disease; despite the application of novel immunotherapies. The use of mAb therapy has not yielded significant improvements in the outcome of unresectable pancreatic cancer. However, in ASCO 2013 was presented an Phase IIb/IIIa clinical trial using nimotuzumab plus gemcitabine versus gemcitabine alone, This combination was safe and well tolerated, the 1-year survival rate is significant improved, especially in patients ≥ 62 years old. We believe that advances in immunology, increased knowledge of the tumor microenvironment, and prior successes will drive clinicians and researchers a like to achieve practical and effective immunotherapeutic strategies. CO 171 TARGETED THERAPIES AGAINST SOFT-TISSUE SARCOMAS (OR THE DEVIL IN THE DETAILS) Cubedo R, MD. Oncología Médica. Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda. Madrid. España Grupo Español de Investigación en Sarcomas. Sarcomas represent a wide cancer-class neatly different from other malignant tumours: rarity, overwhelming range and lack of really useful medical treatments in most cases being its landmarks. Word Health Organization Classification recognises over 150 sarcoma subtypes, most of them assigned to a hypothetical origin in a given mesenchimal tissue. Sarcoma oncologists have found little help in a classification system that, being more academic than real-world, was not very helpful with the development and selection of useful treatments. The essential distinction between bone and soft-tissue sarcomas gave rise to focused and consistent research around adjuvant treatments that shacked up osteosarcoma prognosis from last century 80s onwards. Nevertheless, widespread optimism generated after such progress soon crashed into the soft-tissue sarcoma wall. Many experts felt that failure pivoted on our deep ignorance about sarcomagenesis intrinsic molecular mechanisms. A whole new fundamental knowledge should back up a novel classification, this time a useful one for researchers and patients alike, nor for the taxonomist. First light did not shone until 21st century first years, with the crucial discovery of cKIT role in the genesis of Gastro-Intestinal Stromal Tumours (GIST) and the subsequent development of Imatinib, a treatment as revolutionary as that of osteosarcoma, a quarter century before. GIST unique history has opened a brand-new era in sarcoma understanding. Nowadays, molecular 111 pathways related to sarcomagenesis are known by the dozens. More and more molecules are proposed as sarcoma targeted-therapies leeward of this new knowledge. But such an unexpected abundance give also rise to new dilemmas, not so different from old ones; problems related to clinical trial design, rational selection of molecules worth investigating, regulatory issues within the rarediseases context and, last but not least, financial weakness in former buoyant economies, now facing crisis. This revision conference will deal with such issues from a comprehensive point of view, bearing in mind published evidence, in order to pick objective facts out from mere wish. CO 172 FAMILY HAPLOIDENTICAL STEM CELL TRANSPLANTATION OUTCOME IS NOT INFERIOR TO STANDARD MATCHED RELATED AND UNRELATED DONOR TRANSPLANTATION: AN INTENTION-TO-TREAT ANALYSIS OF 611 PATIENTS WITH ACUTE LEUKEMIAS. Ciceri F, Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano, Italy Background. Allogeneic transplantation of haemopoietic stem cells (HCT) from an HLA-matched related (MRD) or unrelated donor (MUD) is a curative option for patients (pts) affected by high-risk acute leukemias. Recently, protocols of HCT from family haploidentical donors based on unmanipulated graft have potentially extended to 100% of candidate patients the access to HCT as the best chance of cure. We offered a haploidentical HCT to adult pts lacking a matched donor in the appropriate time according to clinical indications (, as part of tratment algorithm for primary disease. Methods. The intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis of HCT in all consecutive pts referred to our Institution between January 2004 and June 2012. Overall survival analysis at lowest follow-up of 12 months from HCT. Results. 611 pts were candidated to HCT (median age 49 y, range 10-76; male 394), 120 pts (20%) received a transplant from a MRD; 187 pts (30%) activated a MUD search; 118 pts (19% of total pts, 63% of MUD searches) received a MUD transplant; 12 pts (2%) received a umbilical cord blood unit. In ITT analysis, 80% of candidate pts received HCT. Overall, 237 pts received a haplo-HCT (49%). The median time from indication to HCT was 87 days. The median time from indication to activation was 12 days and the median time from activation to HCT was 114 days (range 22-824). Overall survival (OS) analysis in ITT for the entire population was 43% at 2 years. Notably, 2y-OS in pts in CR at time of HCT according to donor source (MRD vs MUD vs haplo-HCT) was comparable (p=ns). Conclusion. Unmanipulated graft transplantation from family haploidentical offers an option of cure not inferior to standard matched donor transplantation when planned as part of the treatment plan CO 173 LOSS OF MISMATCHED HLA AT LEUKEMIA RELAPSE AFTER HEMATOPOIETIC STEM CELL TRANSPLANTATION IS SIGNIFICANTLY ASSOCIATED WITH CLINICAL AND IMMUNOGENETIC HALLMARKS OF DONOR-VERSUS-HOST ALLOREACTIVITY Ciceri F. Hematology and BMT Unit, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano, Italy Background. Genomic loss of mismatched HLA is a frequent mechanism by which leukemic cells can evade donor T cell-mediated immune control and determine a clinical relapse after allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT), but the actual incidence and risk factors for these relapses are unknown (Vago L et al, N Engl J Med 2009). Methods. We retrospectively evaluated 230 consecutive HSCT from partially HLA mismatched donors performed in our center over the last decade (family mismatched: 170; volunteer unrelated: 60). All patients (pts) were affected by myeloid malignancies (AML: 179; MDS: 27; Others: 24) Results. A total of 83 relapses occurred, 72 and 11 after related and unrelated HSCT. We documented 21 relapses with genomic loss of the mismatched HLA (25% of relapses). HLA loss occurred predominantly in patients with AML (n=19), and in all 21 cases after mismatched family donor HSCT. Accordingly, the presence of more than 4 HLA mismatches between donor and 112 recipient represented a significant risk factor for HLA loss (HR: 4.17, 95% CI: 0.88-19.82, p=0.07). None of the disease-related factors tested correlated significantly with HLA loss. HLA loss occurred more frequently in pts with clinical Graft-versu-Host Disease (GvHD), either acute (p=0.02) or chronic (p=0.007). Interestingly, HLA loss relapses occurred later than their “classical” counterparts (median time to relapse 307 vs 116 days, range 56-784 vs 10-579, p<0.0001), suggesting a long phase of immune equilibrium between donor immune system and residual leukemia before mutant variants emergence. HLA loss relapses shared risk factors with extramedullary relapses, suggesting a common drive leading to two immune escape mechanisms. Conclusion. Loss of the mismatched HLA is a frequent mechanism of relapse after mismatched family donor HSCT, and is associated with donor-versus-host alloreactivity, as demonstrated by its correlation with the number of donor-recipient HLA mismatches and with the occurrence of GvHD. Taller sobre Daño Cerebral y Neuroprotección: Un Enfoque Básico y Clínico / Workshop on Brain Injury and Neuroprotection: a basic and clinical approach C 034 EPIDERMAL GROWTH FACTOR AND GROWTH HORMONE-RELEASING PEPTIDE-6: COMBINED THERAPEUTIC APPROACH FOR NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES 1* 1 1 2 1 García del Barco D , Subirós Martínez N , Perez-Saad H , Coro RM , Suárez Alba J , Berlanga J 1 Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. La Habana, Cuba. 2 National Center for Medical Information (INFOMED). La Habana, Cuba 1 Introduction: Considering the multiple pathophysiologic mechanisms involved in neurodegenerative diseases (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, stroke and others), we sustain the convenience of a combined therapy to induce brain protection. Such strategy could allow a concerted blockade of key points of the complex pathophysiology characteristic of neurodegenerative diseases. Materials and methods: We have developed a therapeutic approach based on the co-administration of EGF+GHRP6 which is in agreement with the principle that successful protection of the central nervous system compels the protection of all the cells thereof. Results: Some of the pathophysiological phenomena produced during brain damage are targeted by the citoprotective effects of both EGF and GHRP6. The most relevant of these effects act on oxidative stress-induced damage, on mitochondrial dysfunction and on glutamate-induced excitotoxicity. All this properties can explain the salutary therapeutic effects of EGF+GHRP6 co-administration observed in different experimental models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis and stroke during preclinical evaluations. Conclusions: The combined therapy of EGF and GHRP6 simultaneously targets different pathophysiologic key points involving not only neurons, but also glial cells and vascular endothelium. In the biology of brain damage, neuroprotection is a limited concept, so it is necessary to think of a more complete praxis involving brain-protection. The results of this work could be considered as an example of therapeutic alternative holistically directed to brain-protection. CO 174 THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF THE COMBINED USE OF GROWTH HORMONE RELEASING PEPTIDE-6 AND EPIDERMAL GROWTH FACTOR IN A PROXIMAL NEUROPATHY MODEL 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 García del Barco D , Pérez-Saad H , Subirós N , Rodríguez V , Marín J , Falcón V , Martín J , 1 Berlanga J . 1 Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología, La Habana, Cuba 2 Center of Cuban Neuroscience, La Habana, Cuba 3 Institute of Pharmacy and Food Science, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a disease of the central nervous system characterized by loss of spinal motor neurons, for which no effective treatment exists. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) and growth hormone releasing peptide-6 (GHRP-6) have been considered as good candidates for the treatment of this disease, due to their well documented effects in eliciting pleiotrophic and cell survival mechanisms. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the separate 113 and combined effects of both peptides in an experimental animal model of proximal neuropathy induced by 1,2 diacetylbenzene (1,2 DAB) in mice. Materials and methods: The evaluations were conducted by means of behavioral tests (trapeze, tail suspension, gait pattern, and open field) and by recording the complex muscle action potential (CMAP) in three different hind limb segments: proximal S1, medial S2, and distal S3. Results: Intraperitoneal daily administration of 1,2 DAB produced significant reduction in body weight, muscle strength, extensor reflex, spontaneous activity, and changes in gait pattern parameters. In parallel, 1,2 DAB produced significant prolongation of onset latency and decrease in amplitude of CMAP and in the integrated complex action potential index. Daily administration of the separate compounds did not accelerate the recovery of the affected parameters, except for the gait pattern. The combined treatment produced significant improvement in behavioral parameters, as well as in electrophysiological recovery, particularly in the proximal segment of CMAP. Conclusions: The results confirm the proximal character of 1, 2 DAB neuropathy, and suggest that combined therapy with EGF and GHRP-6 might be a good therapeutic strategy for the treatment of ALS. CO 175 REDUCING ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Β-AMYLOID BY MANIPULATING IL-12/IL23 SIGNALING § # # # Lopategui Cabezas I ,Prokop S*, vom Berg J , Kälin R*, Werner A*, Mair F , Becher B , Heppner FL*. § Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de la Habana. ICBP Victoria de Girón *Charite-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Department of Neuropathology, Berlin, Germany # University of Zürich, Institute of Experimental Immunology, Zürich, Switzerland Introduction: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by the presence of amyloid deposits in the patient’s brain. AD pathology displays an inflammatory component characterized by the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines particularly in response to β-amyloid. Aim: The aim of this work is to assess the impact of manipulating IL-12 and IL-23 signalling pathways in cerebral amyloidosis. Methods: CD45, CD11b and IL-12 / IL-23p40 were studied by flow cytometry in cells isolated from brains of APPPS1 transgenic mice, biomodels of AD. Morphometric analysis of Aß plaques was performed in p40, p19, p35 (IL-12/IL-23 cytokines subunits) deficient APPPS1 mice and also in animals treated with anti-p40 antibody and controls. Results: We observed the production of IL-12 / IL-23p40 by microglia. Genetic ablation of p40, p35 and p19 subunits lead a substantial reduction of cerebral amyloid load in mice APPPS1 of 120 and 250 days. Peripheral administration of anti-p40 antibody treatment results in a significant reduction of cerebral β-amyloidosis on these AD models. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the manipulation of IL-12/IL-23 signalling modulates cerebral amyloidosis and poses a novel potential pharmacological target to combat AD: CO 176 NEW EVIDENCES FROM NASAL TRANSGENIC ANIMAL MODEL 1 NEUROEPO 3 IN ALZHEIMER NON- 2 Julio César García Rodríguez , Yamila Rodríguez Cruz , Muhammad-Hariri Mustafa , Catherine 2 2 3 2 Desrumaux1,2,3, Emeline Keller , Gaëlle Naert María de la C García-Barceló , Maurice Tangui . 1 Titular Professor and Titular Research, PhD. Coordinator of Life Science and Nanosecurity. Scientific Advisor’s Office. State Council. Havana, Cuba. Email: 2 University of Montpellier 2, Montpellier, France. Email: 3 Histology Department, Preclinical and Basic Science Institute; Havana Medical University, Havana Cuba Erythropoietin (EPO) promotes neurogenesis and neuroprotection. We here compared the protection induced by two EPO formulations in a rodent model of Alzheimer’s disease (AD): rHu-EPO and a low sialic form, Neuro-EPO. We used the intracerebroventricular administration of aggregated Aβ25- 35 peptide, a non-transgenic AD model. rHu-EPO was tested at 125–500 µg/kg intraperitoneally and Neuro-EPO at 62–250 µg/kg intranasally (IN). Behavioral procedures included spontaneous alternation, passive avoidance, water-maze and object recognition, to address spatial and nonspatial, short- and long-term memories. Biochemical markers of Aβ25-35 toxicity in the mouse hippocampus were examined and cell loss in the CA1 layer was determined. rHu-EPO and NeuroEPO led to a significant prevention of A25-3β5-induced learning deficits. Both EPO formulations 114 prevented the induction of lipid peroxidation in the hippocampus, showing an antioxidant activity. rHuEPO (250 µg/kg) or Neuro-EPO (125 µg/kg) prevented the A2β5-35- induced increase in Bax level, TNFα and IL-1β production and decrease in Akt activation. A significant prevention of the Aβ25-35induced cell loss in CA1 was also observed. EPO is neuroprotective in the Aβ25-35 AD model, confirming its potential as an endogenous neuroprotection system that could be boosted for therapeutic efficacy. We here identified a new IN formulation of EPO showing high neuroprotective activity. Considering its efficacy, ease and safety, IN Neuro-EPO is a new promising therapeutic agent in AD. CO 177 BEHAVIOUR OF INMUNOLOGIC HUMORAL MARKERS IN NOT INFECTIOUS NEUROLOGIC ENTITIES 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 León-Toirac EJ , Ponce-de-León O , Cubas I , Montesino S , La-Rosa D , Chávez E , Agüero MV y 3 Olano R 1 2 Neurology and Neurosurgery Institute. Havana, Cuba. Molecular Immunology Center. Havana, 3 4 5 Cuba. Endocrinology National Institute. Havana, Cuba. Pediatric Hospital Marfán. Havana, Cuba. Gastroenterology National Institute. Havana, Cuba. Main author personal data: Neurology and Neurosurgery Institute. Calle 29 esquina a D. Plaza de la Revolución. Havana, Cuba. Phone number: 834-55-44. E-mail address: In spite of current scientist - technician development on the field of neuroimmunology, the access to the humoral immune mediators inside the nervous central system keeps on being across the lumbar puncture, procedure that implies risks and contraindications. At the same time, not infectious neurologic entities show a fluctuant etiopathogenic pattern that goes from hypersensitivity to autoimmunity. This could be confirmed by serologic inflammatory mediators produced by immune system. To value the utility of the profile of humoral immune markers for the principal neurological not infectious entities it was performed a descriptive and transversal work in 353 adult patients attended in the immunology service of the Neurology Institute, for 2 years, by evaluating clinical and humoral immune profile processed with turbidimetric and fluorescent immunoassays. Humoral immune markers digression happened in less than one third of the patients evaluated (x: 80.87 SD: 29.86), with predominance in inflammatory and vascular neurological entities. In about the half of cases with inflammatory and cerebrovascular diseases there were increased autoreactivity serologic markers (p≤0.001). The clinical-laboratory dissociation found in this study faces us again to the dilemma of humoral immune biomarkers reliability for evaluation of neurological not infectious entities. The need of more robust investigation designs and more sensitive diagnostic means of laboratory keep on being imperative in this context. C 035 EXPERIMENTAL HYPOTHYROIDISM DURING NEUROENERGETIC IN RAT CEREBELLUM 1 1 1 3 1,2 LACTATION ALTERS 1,2 de Assis AM , Müller AP , Longoni A , Farina M , Perry MLS , Souza DO 1 Programa de Pós graduação em Bioquímica, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas da Saúde, Universidade Federal do Rio grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS 90035-003, Brazil; 2 Departamento de Bioquímica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS 90035-003, Brazil; 3 Departamento de Bioquímica, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 88040-900, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil; Thyroid hormone deficiency during perinatal development results in significant alterations in neurological functions. The relationship between such events and brain metabolism is not completely understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of hypothyroidism on leucine, mannose, glucose, and lactate metabolism in rat cerebellar slices. Experimental hypothyroidism was induced by exposing mothers and pups to propylthiouracil (PTU) until weaning - postnatal day 21. Metabolic analyses were performed in postnatal day 10 (PND10) and 21 (PND21) animals. A matching group of animals received the same oral treatment also after weaning until adulthood postnatal day 60 (PND60) with T3 supplement during lactation (P1-P21). In PND21 animals, PTU treatment significantly increased the rateof leucine oxidation to CO2, although glucose and lactate 115 oxidations were not affected. PTU treatment also increased the oxidation of leucine to CO2 at PND60 (adult animals). PND10 hypothyroidism animals showed a decrease in conversion of mannose to glycolipids and glycoprotein compared to control group. However, PTU treatment increased the conversion of mannose to glycolipids and glycoprotein in PND21 animals. The replacement of T3 normalized mannose and leucine metabolism in adult rats. These results indicate that deficits in thyroid hormones during lactation could delay or alter brain development and metabolism. CO 178 PARTICIPATION OF THE MEDIAL AMYGDALA-HIPPOCAMPUS CIRCUIT ON THE DETECTION OF AN ALARM PHEROMONE ASSOCIATED TO AN AVERSIVE STIMULUS a1 b1,2 c1,3 Molina-Jiménez T , Gutiérrez-García AG , Contreras CM 1 Laboratorio de Neurofarmacología del Instituto de Neuroetología, Universidad Veracruzana. Xalapa, Veracruz. México. 2 Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Veracruzana. Xalapa, Veracruz. México. 3 Unidad Periférica Xalapa, Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, UNAM. Xalapa, Veracruz. México. a b c;; Introduction.Medial amygdala nucleus is implicated inthe modulation of unconditioned fear behavior elicited by predator or conspecifics odors. Herein, 2-heptanone is an alarm pheromone that increases anxiety-like behaviors and also increases the neuronal firing rate in basal amygdalanucleus. However, the involvement of medial amygdaline-hippocampal circuit in processing fear memories related to odors is partially known. The aim of this study was to explore the possible time-dependent neuronal firing rate changes of medial amygdalina-hippocampus circuit after simultaneous 2heptanone odors and electric footshocks exposure. Material and Methods.Adult male Wistar rats from control group (n = 10) were introduced into a clean plaxiglass cage and twenty four later, singleunit extracellular recordings from the hippocampus (CA1-CA3) neurons identified by their connection to medial amygdala were obtained. Other two groups of rats were introduced into a similar-cage previously impregnated with 2-heptanone, and simultaneously received a short-series of unavoidable electrical footshocks. Twenty four (n = 11) and forty eight (n = 11) hours later we obtained single unit recordings. Results.The hippocampal neuronal firing rate was higher the in 2heptanone+shocksgroups [F(2, 2304) = 33.75, p < 0.001] than the other experimental groups, 48 h after exposure to the combined stimulation, but not after 24 h. The peri-stimulus histogram analysis illustrated an increased firing rate after medial amygdala electrical stimulation [F (2,256)= 42.85, p < 0.001] 48 h after stimulation. First order interval distribution histogram analysis showed that hippocampal neurons from both groups previously exposed to aversive stimulation reduced its first order intervals of firing. Conclusion.48 h after a single exposition to 2-heptanone and footshocksseemingly produces a facilitation of medial amygdala-hippocampus circuit, probably reflecting a first step in the formation of a fear memory. CO 179 EFFECTS OF BACLOFEN AND VIGABATRIN ON GABAERGIC TRANSMISSION IN THE RAT NUCLEUS ACCUMBENS DURING COCAINE WITHDRAWAL PASTRANA A, ESPINOSA K, REDONDO C, MERCADO J. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE - UNIVERSITY OF CARTAGENA. CARTAGENA-COLOMBIA Psychostimulant drugs like cocaine by their reinforcing and hedonic properties can lead to addiction in our society. Cessation of cocaine use in the addicted people produce a withdrawal syndrome which can lead to craving and later relapse in its consumption. The available pharmacological approaches have not demonstrated an improve in this situation. This study researched in a model of cocaine withdrawal in rats as GABA levels in the nucleus accumbens were affected and as these levels in the withdrawal period were modified by the (±)baclofen and vigabatrin. A 28-day study was designed. It consisted of six groups which received in this time: The first group, saline. The second one, cocaine. The third group received cocaine during seven days and withdrawal with saline for 21 days. A fourth group received cocaine for seven days and later withdrawal during 21 days. The fifth 116 one received cocaine for seven days, withdrawal during 18 days and (±)baclofen for three days. And the sixth group received cocaine for seven days, withdrawal during 18 days and vigabatrin for three days. The obtained results showed statistically significant alteration in the GABA levels in the following way: The second and fifth group had a decrease and the third, fourth and sixth group showed an increase in the levels of GABA. This results could be explained due to correlation of dopaminergic and GABAergic mechanisms in the nucleus accumbens through D2 and GABAB receptors respectively. The changes observed in the GABAergic activity could be useful in the development of new pharmacological strategies in addiction. These results pose the possibility of the use of (±)baclofen or vigabatrin in cocaine addicted people depending on if they are active consumers or if they are in the withdrawal period. These findings improve our neurochemistry comprehension of the disease named addiction. CO 180 A NEW ANTICONVULSANT COMPOUND PREVENTS THE OXIDATIVE DAMAGE INDUCED BY PENTYLENETETRAZOLE AND EXERTS ANTIDEPRESSANT-LIKE EFFECTS IN MICE. a,b a b a Pastore, V. ; Wasowski, C. ; Bruno-Blanch, L. ; Marder, M. a Instituto de Química y Fisicoquímica Biológicas, Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica, UBA. ARGENTINA b Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Dpto de Cs. Biologicas. UNLP. ARGENTINA. Epilepsy is recognized as one of the most common and serious neurological disorder affecting 1-2% of the world’s population. Among various factors supposed to play role in epilepsy, oxidative stress and reactive species (ROS) in seizure disorders have recently emerged. The most important effect of free radicals is lipid peroxidation (LP), which causes disruption of cell membrane thereby leading to their destruction. An increased of free radicals also decreased glutathione (GSH) concentration in the epileptic focus. We have synthesized N-butyl-1,2,3-oxathiazolidine-4-one-2,2-dioxide (NBOD), a bioisoster of trimethadione (a classical anticonvulsant), which showed anticonvulsant properties in maximal electroshock seizure (MES) and pentylenetetrazole (scPTZ) tests in mice, with ED50 of 0.06 mg/kg and 18 mg/kg, respectively. Many reports have suggested that ROS generation may underlie the convulsant and neurotoxic effects of PTZ. NBOD countered the effects of PTZ and protected brain from oxidative damage by decreasing LP and restoring GSH content. Additionally, major depression is common in patients with epilepsy and correlates with a poor quality of life so a treatment with antidepressants is required. The continuous search for new, safer, and more effective drugs with both anticonvulsant and antidepressant activity are therefore imperative and is a challenge in medicinal chemistry. The antidepressant activity of NBOD was also evaluated. A significant effect in the forced swimming and tail suspension tests (FST and TST), the most widely used models for assessing antidepressant activity in rodents, was observed. According to their molecular targets antiepileptic drugs have been categorized in three groups: those that block voltage gated ion channels (Na and Ca), those that enhance GABAergic inhibition or reduce glutamatergic excitation. Preliminary studies on the mechanism of action of NBOD suggested that its anticonvulsant effect is not mediated via the GABAA receptor and that Na channels would be involved in its antidepressant activity. CO 181 NEW NEUROPROTECTOR THERAPIES FOR MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND STROKE Pentón-Rol G (1), Marín-Prida J (2), Llópiz Arzuaga A(1), Cervantes-Llanos M(1), Pavón-Fuentes N(3), Falcón-Cama V(1), Fernández-Massó JR(1), Nazabal-Gálvez M(1), Cruz-Ramírez A (1), PardoAndreu G(2), Pentón-Arias E (1). (1) Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB). Ave 31 e/ 158 y 190, Cubanacan, Playa, Havana City PO Box 6162, Havana 10600, Cuba (2) Center for Research and Biological Evaluations (CEIEB), Institute of Pharmacy and Food, University of Havana, Ave 23 e/ 214 y 222 PO Box 430, Havana, Cuba (3) International Center for Neurological Restoration (CIREN) Ave 25 No 15805, Havana, Cuba. 117 Introduction. Neurological disorders, such as multiple sclerosis and stroke have been increasing worldwide; therefore, new therapeutic strategies focused on neuroprotection and neuroregeneration are required. We studied molecular mechanisms involved in the effect of C-Phycocyanin (C-Pc) on multiple sclerosis (MS) and stroke. Methods and Results. In the first experimental block, we demonstrated that C-Pc induced regulatory T cells in mononuclear cells from MS patients and in the Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE) model, confirming the authenticity of the Tolerance Dominant paradigm in autoimmune diseases. On the other hand, ultra-structural analyses using Transmission Electron Microscopy demonstrated that C-Pc was able to remyelinate axons and the gene expression profile of Microarray studies identified common and specific processes modulated by C-Pc and beta IFN, suggesting the need of a combined Multiple Sclerosis therapy with two components targeting the main steps of the MS pathogenic mechanism, one related to immune dysfunction and the other directed towards neurodegenerative changes. In the second experimental block, we showed a neuroprotective effect of C-Pc and its tetrapyrrolic ring of Phycocyanobilin (PCB) on cerebral mitochondria exposed to neurotoxic agents, where it prevents cellular death and pro-apoptotic mitochondrial events. Moreover, an in vivo neuroprotective effect was demonstrated in a global ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) in Gerbils, retina focal I/R and a chronic brain hypo-perfusion model in rats. Conclusion. Our results support C-Pc, its derivatives and combinations as strong therapeutic candidates for the treatment of MS and stroke Simposio: Perspectivas de las Drogas Huérfanas en Latinoamérica: Desde la Investigación a la accesibilidad / Symposium: Perspectives of Orphan Drugs in Latin America: From the research to the accesibility C 036 IMPACT OF RARE DISEASES IN THE HEALTH POLICIES IN COUNTRIES UNDER DEVELOPMENT. EXPERIENCES AT LATIN-AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN (LA&C) Llera VA ICORD/GEISER (Argentina) The inclusion of the Rare Diseases as a nosology within Public Health was an initiative from the affected citizens living in USA during the 70´s. Ten years after, in such country and in collaboration with public institutions, the first specific law was approved in 1983 (The Orphan Drug Act). The law defined the rare conditions and its treatments: the orphan drugs. After thirty years from this first step, the concept was reinforced in the developed world, and the R&D expansion and investment was six fold increased from basal, especially in the biotechnological area. Afterward LA&C was visualized handed by GEISER Foundation, starting at 2002. Following 8 years of lobbying national laws were incorporated at the official agenda of many LA&C countries. This new scenario in the region validates open debates that facilitate approaching and links in the region. The GEISER Foundation proposal is the translation of the technological management within the region in search of a rationale and a strong unified position, which in turn may provide accessible medical solutions for the people affected by the rare diseases. C 037 ORPHAN DRUGS: DEFINITIONS, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT, MASTER PLANS, ACCESIBILITY AND BIOETHICAL ASPECTS Roldán E GEISER Foundation, Buenos Aires - Argentina, Orphan drugs are those in which cost of discovery and production overpass the recovery of Investments, hence there are only few available usually at a very high cost and not in all the countries. Therefore new formulas require to be managed in order to cover unmet medical needs and comply assistance to the population with equality. These formulas includes the understanding of the magnitude of the problem, the achievement of specific health and research policies, the organization of regional nets of information and research within master plans, and political 118 decisions well harmonized with the common interest of the region. We hereby illustrate the current scenario in Latin-American and Caribbean countries with some examples and propose actions. Typically, researchers’ interested in orphan drugs are challenged by the lacks of information, poor development of diagnostic techniques, difficulties to contact patients, lack of financial support and/or academic programs, and with frequency minimal peer impact, discouraging the individual initiatives. Nevertheless, the field of orphan drugs is now envisioned as one of the main sources of discovery in the fields of biology and medicine, and one of the most productive in knowledge, goods, and human education. Therefore the current conditions should be quickly transformed and insert the capabilities of the local production within global master plans built under consensus. Many academic centers in Latin-America and Caribbean are highly prestigious world-wide and their human resources and knowledge will be welcome to the research and development of orphan products. Some differential bioethics aspects and transparency of interest will also be discussed as the affected people should be considered within the vulnerable population from several points of view. C 038 ECONOMIC EVALUATION AND ORPHAN DRUGS Dra. C Ana María Gálvez González. Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública de Cuba. Introduction: Orphan drugs financing decisions are related with different criterion. Literature reports various papers explaining the importance of economical assessment on orphan drugs designed to treat rare diseases. Objective: The main goal of this paper is to highlight the importance of economic evaluation of orphan drugs for the decision making and its complexity in different context. Method: A review of literature was done employing Big 6 model for the information competences management. Consults to experts in pharmacoeconomics, family doctors and decision makers in drugs area were done. Results: The economic analysis of orphan drugs is a public health problem. Presently is a theme exposed in different discussion space. Other economical items are important too, for example, to guarantee the equitative access to orphan drugs, the importance of enhance the knowledge in professionals about this subject, costs analysis , burden of rare diseases, financing and budgetary impact of orphan drugs. Finally international cooperation is identified as a key to develop future studies. C 039 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AND ACTIONS FOR ORPHAN DRUGS. INCLUDING LATIN- AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN WITHIN THE INTERNATIONAL LANDSCAPE. Llera VA ICORD/GEISER (Argentina) In the field of rare disorders the quality of epidemiological data and knowledge of the regional situation is what permits the addition of efforts for the development of strategies in the search of solutions. Due to the “rare” nature of the medical conditions the isolated plans has fail or resulted costly. There are around 7 thousands of different rare diseases that demands medical research and may account for 6% of the population. In order to expedite efficient solutions, as much as possible, the international research community if jointly working in this sense. The possibilities of introducing LA&C countries are now approaching. Therefore we will develop the conditions and chances required to fulfill this joint commitment. Simposio de Farmacogenética y Farmacogenómica / Symposium of Pharmacogenetic and Pharmacogenomic C 040 USE OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED MOUSE MODELS TO STUDY MECHANISMS OF CHEMICALLY-INDUCED LIVER CANCER RISK Denis M. Grant. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. th rd Liver cancer is the 5 most common malignancy and the 3 most common cause of cancer-related death, reflecting a very poor 5-year survival rate of less than 20%. Major liver cancer risk factors 119 include hepatitis B/C infection, liver cirrhosis and obesity, which produce a tumor growth promoting, pro-inflammatory pathological state. However, liver cancer risk has also been linked to exposure to certain genotoxic environmental chemicals, of which the most widely used liver-selective carcinogens in experimental rodent studies are the aromatic amine 4-aminobiphenyl (ABP) and the nitrosamine diethylnitrosamine (DEN). Studies in our laboratory are aimed at utilizing genetically modified mice to investigate the contributions of carcinogen bioactivation, DNA damage, oxidative stress, cellular damage and inflammatory responses to the carcinogenicity of ABP and DEN. We compared the tumorigenicity of ABP in postnatally exposed male and female wild-type and arylamine Nacetyltransferase (NAT)-deficient mice, and we observed that male NAT-deficient mice were significantly protected against eventual tumor growth and female mice were tumor-resistant regardless of strain. However, these differences in tumor incidence did not correlate with differences in measures of acute ABP-induced DNA damage or mutations, suggesting that the sex and strain differences in tumor incidence are driven by events that are independent of the genotoxicity of ABP. ABP and DEN produced no acute hepatotoxicity at tumor-inducing doses in either sex or strain, and only DEN produced a modest acute elevation in the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6. We are currently conducting studies to compare the time course of chronic hepatotoxic, oxidative stress inducing, proinflammatory and proliferative effects of postnatal ABP and DEN exposure. Using CYP1A2-deficient mice, we have also recently discovered that at the tumorigenic doses of ABP that are commonly used in rodent studies, the cytochrome P450 isoform CYP2E1 is likely to be quantitatively more important than CYP1A2 in the bioactivation of ABP to its N-hydroxylated metabolite. Overall, we hope that our studies will shed light on the mechanisms that influence risk for liver tumor growth following chemical exposure, and lead to the identification of treatment or prevention measures for this disease in human at-risk populations. CO 182 IMMUNOGENETICS AND BIOINFORMATICS IN THE PHARMACOGENETIC PROFILE OF VACCINES AND BIOTECHNOLOGICAL PHARMACEUTICALS Serrano-Barrera OR. Hospital General Docente Ernesto Guevara, Las Tunas, Cuba. Ave. Carlos J. Finlay, s/n., Pharmacogenetic studies have focused so far mainly on drugs from the more traditional pharmaceutical industry, while recombinant proteins and vaccines have received less much attention. For the latter, the immune system is sometimes involved or could be even critical, as it is for abacavir, a model drug in pharmacogenetics. Bioinformatics could be of aid in the prediction and assessment of potential immune-mediated reactions by pharmaceuticals, as well as for the comparison of responses between animal models and humans in order to select the best epitopes or assessed adverse events. A number of computational simulations was used to model the immune responses against two exogenous proteins: recombinant streptokinase, UniProt entry Q53284, and hepatitis B surface antigen, GenBank entry X02763.1. The primary data and tools used were their primary sequences, algorithms to identify B epitopes and tools to determine T-cell epitopes against class I and II HLA molecules (HLA-A*0201, HLA-DRB1*0301 and HLA-DRB1*0701) and murine haplotypes H2-Kd and H2-Kk. Peptides with the highest scores were selected in each case. ABCPred algorithm showed a better capacity to predict B epitopes, while programs to model T cell response had much higher matching results. There was an overlap among peptides identified by the immunoinformatic tools. Region 100-150 from streptokinase contains a peptide which ranked first with the two algorithms used to model T cell response. The epitopes generated by H2-Kk haplotype had a better similarity with those presented by selected HLA molecules, both for streptokinase and hepatitis B surface antigen. No evidence was found to support the controversial relationship between hepatitis B vaccination and multiple sclerosis. The identification of immunodominant epitopes, which could be delineated with the use of computational methods even before inoculation in a laboratory animal, could be the base of modifications of the sequence that reduce or increase the immunogenicity, if needed. CO 183 PROTEIN-PROTEIN INTERACTIONS AND GENE EXPRESSION STUDIES IDENTIFY MOLECULAR MECHANISMS DRIVING THE CYTOTOXIC EFFECT OF CIGB-552. 1 2 3 1 1 Fernández Massó JR , Oliva Arguellez B , Delgado-Roche L , Tejeda Y , Palenzuela Gardon D , 120 1 1 1 2 Guillén Perez I , Vázquez Blomquist D , Novoa Perez L , Vallespi M . 1 Department of Genomic, Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Cubanacan, P.O. Box 6162, 10600 Havana, Cuba 2 Pharmaceutical Department, Laboratory of Cancer Biology, Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Cubanacan, P.O. Box 6162, 10600 Havana, Cuba 3 Center of Studies for Research and Biological Evaluations, Pharmacy and Food Sciences College, University of Havana, 19250 Havana, Cuba. Email: BACKGROUND: The CIGB-552 shows cytotoxic effect on different tumoral cell lines. Using yeast two hybrid studies and microarrays we identified several mechanism involved in the cytotoxic activity of CIGB-552. RESULTS: Y2H identified Commd1 as a target of CIGB-552. Validation was conducted by IP and RNA interference studies. Microarray studies detected a change in the expression profile of classes of genes associated with cell cycle arrest. Analyses by flow cytometry of the tumor cells treated with CIGB-552, showed the absence of the G2/M peak and the accumulations of the cells in S phase. Furthermore, cells undergoing apoptosis after a 24-h treatment were observed by a significant increase in the sub-G1 peak. Here we show that CIGB-552 induces a cell cycle arrest, followed by cell death. Finally, the studies identified a second set of genes that provide evidence of an altered redox balance. To confirm these several Oxidative Stress Variables were measured. We found that CIGB-552 decreases the antioxidant capacity and induces the peroxidation of proteins and lipids in the tumor cells. CONCLUSIONS: Altogether, this study provides new insights into the mechanism of action of the peptide CIGB-552, which could be relevant in the design of future anticancer therapies. CO 184 APPLICATION OF DNA MICROARRAYS TECHNOLOGY FOR STUDY IN HUMAN BLOOD SAMPLES THE SPECIFIC GENE EXPRESSION PROFILE FOR GENDER Guillén I, Palenzuela D, Dueñas S, Fernández JR, Miranda J, Bringas R and Novoa LI. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. 31 Avenue, between 158 and 192, cubanacan, playa. Havana, Cuba. Introduction: Human peripheral blood is a promising material for biomedical research. This tissue is increasingly considered a valuable source of RNA for gene expression profiling (GEP) because blood GEPs may be used to determine whether toxicological or disease-related events have occurred in inaccessible target tissues. However, various kinds of biological and technological factors result in a large degree of variation in blood gene expression profiles. For example there is an interindividual sample variation associated with donor sex. Sex and the expression of genes related to this can be considered an environmental factor that can change the outcome of treatment. Peripheral blood is a source of cells to investigate the individual response to treatment, predict diseases (cancer, metabolic diseases and autoimmune conditions). Methodology/Principal Findings: Our study was based on gene expression analysis of 13 healthy subjects, 5 women and 8 men. The blood mononuclear cells were concentrated, and total RNA was isolated for analysis of gene expression using the Affymetrix Gene Chip technology. DNA microarrays technology is an efficient tool for the quantification of gene expression profile in the cell. This technology is a key tool for understanding the biology of systems, and discovering new therapeutic targets for the treatment and diagnosis of diseases. The results were obtained by using a scanner fluorescent, and the numerical data were analyzed using the software's BRB Array Tools and Tree-View. The results by applying a supervised cluster of expression, showed a group of 37 genes that differentiate groups of individuals by gender. These genes were analyzed according to their biological function and chromosomal location, with most of them located on the sex chromosomes X and Y. Conclusion: These results provide new insights into the genetic makeup that distinguishes both sexes and that might be associated with disease condition, or normal physiological stages of human aging. CO 185 EARLY SAT1 AND FAS GENE EXPRESSION IN SUBJECTS TREATED WITH HEBERPAG FORMULATION 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 Bello C , Vazquez D , Tejeda Y , Taylor CY , Izquierdo Y , Palenzuela D , Bello IJ . 1 Genomic, 2Clinical Assay, 3Pharmaceutical Divisions. Center for Genetic Engineering and 121 Biotechnology (CIGB). Ave 31 e/ 158 y 190, Playa, 10600 Havana, Cuba. Introduction: Interferons (IFNs) are pleiotropics proteins of the family of cytokines. Its antiproliferative function has been taken into account for several clinical therapies against malignant diseases. New formulation (HeberPag) based in the alpha-gamma IFNs combination has been designed and produced at the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. HeberPag had been successfully used in the treatment of non-melanoma skin carcinoma. The objective of the present work is to obtain more evidences into the mode of action of HeberPag, through mRNA differential expression in a set of samples from subjects treated with this formulation. Methods: for this purpose we selected the stat1 and fas gen, activated by IFNs and related with signal transcription and apoptosis events respectively. A total of 13 samples was used, six from healthy subjects and seven from Mycosis Fungoides patients. The samples were taken at different times after HeberPag administration. The mRNA of blood samples was obtained with high quality by Paxgen kit, Superscript II (Invitrogene) was used for reverse transcription and gene amplifications were carried out by real time PCR (qPCR) using SYBRgreen (ABgen). The Ct and efficiency values obtained by qPCR and Linreg(PCR) software respectively, were used to calculate the factor change respect to the control (t 0h) in the RestRG software. Results: all individuals include in the study had the maximum gene expression level in the first hours after HeberPag administrations. Conclusions: this result suggests the early actions of this product over important genes in antiproliferative pathways. CO 186 EXPLORATION OF A SET OF THE ANTITUMOR PEPTIDE CIGB-300REGULATED GENES IN AML CELL LINES 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 Vázquez-Blomquist D , Miranda J , Perera Y , Taylor C , Villarreal A , Novoa LI , Palenzuela D , 3 Perea S . 1 2 3 Genomic and Immunodiagnostic Division, Bioinformatic Department, Pharmaceutical Division. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, 31 entre 158 y 190, Cubanacán, Playa, Cuba. Introduction: CIGB-300 is a peptide-based drug, in investigation for oncologic application. It targets the phosphoaceptor site of CK2 substrates in vitro and in vivo. The effects of this peptide has been studied in human cell lines derived from different type of cancers and a wide range of experiments have been carried out in order to understand its mechanism of action; some of them as Pull Down, SSH or Proteomic have generated a large data to take into account. CIGB300 has already entered in Clinical Trial phase, being well tolerated in women with cervical malignancies. Recently, an exploratory clinical Protocol in acute leukemia has started. The investigation of the mechanisms involved in the action of CIGB-300 in leukemia is then of importance. Materials and Methods: We used quantitative PCR (qPCR), with SYBRGreen chemistry and rotor type equipment, to measure the relative expression changes [respect to an untreated control] of a set of genes in two myeloid leukemia-derived cell lines after a time-serial treatment with CIGB-300. Appropriate controls were also used. Change factors were obtained by the statistical software REST-MCS. Additional statistical analysis by SAM and data exploring methods were also carried out. Results: We obtained a differential gene expression along the time-serial with CIGB-300 compared to experimental controls. It points to the possible role of some specific genes into the peptide mechanism in these AML models. Conclusions: This is a first step into the understanding of the mode of action of CIGB-300 in leukemia cell lines. CO 187 OAS-1 AS PHARMACODYNAMIC BIOMARKER OF ACTION OF CIGB-128 IN MYFIC AND SOFÍA CLINIC TRIALS 1 2 2 2 2 Izquierdo Y , Vázquez D , Tejeda Y , Bello C , Taylor C , García I, García Y, Valenzuela C, Novoa L, 2 3 Palenzuela D , Bello I . 1 2 3 División de Farmacéuticos, División de Farmacogenómica, Sudirección de Ensayos Clínicos (EC), Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología (CIGB) Interferons are cytokines having antiviral, antiproliferative and immunomodulatory effects. Nowadays, 122 their uses are focused to cancer and autoimmune-disease treatments. The Center for Biological Investigations developed a formulation that consists on the combination of IFNs α and γ, called CIGB128. This formulation has been successful in clinical treatment of advanced, recurrent, resistant to previous treatments basal and squamous cell skin carcinomas. Other applications of CIGB-128 have been used in patients with mycosis fungoide, a non-Hodgkin type of cancer that is characterized by a proliferation of T cells and the occurrence of cutaneous lesions that can include several tumors. In the present work a sample of 12 patients suffering from mycosis fungoide (study MYFIC) and with healthy volunteers (study SOFIA) was analyzed, aimed at determining the blood levels of the gene encoding for the 2´5´oligoadenilate sinthetase (OAS-1) enzyme using real time PCR, as a biomarker of the IFN responses. The top levels of expression are around 12 and 24 hours in both studies, with superior values to those reported for IFNs at literature. This result evidences the potenciation of the effect of the combination CIGB-128. Also, we evaluate levels of expression of citokines that are related with adverse events of IFNs (IL-6 and TNF-alfa). VIERNES, OCTUBRE 25 / FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25th SESIÓN PLENARIA / PLENARY SESSION PL 009 CEIBA: PHARMACOGENETICS IN IBEROAMERICANS AND ITS CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS Llerena A. Clinical Research Centre, Extremadura University Hospital and Medical School, Badajoz, Spain Hispanic populations are diverse according to their genetic composition resulting from the inter-ethnic crosses between Amerindians, Europeans and Africans. The frequency of CYP2D6 PMs and UMs in Spain is 7-10% and 4.9%, respectively (Llerena et al., 2009). The CEIBA-RIBEF Network Consortium aimed to evaluate the most relevant CYPs genetic polymorphism in different Ibero-American populations (from Spain, South-, Central-Caribe and North-America in a population of almost 6500 Healthy Volunteers included in the CEIBA consortium. Differences have been found, the frequency of CYP2D6 PMs ranged from 6%-3.9% in Nicaraguans-Cuban-Mestizos. The genetic polymorphism of the most studied cytochrome P450, CYP2D6, is among the major determinants of the interindividual and interethnic variability of pharmacokinetics and drug response. Two CYP2D6 phenotypes have been described: "poor metabolizers" (PM), and "extensive metabolizers" (EM) including a group of Ultra-rapid Metabolizers (UMs). CYP2D6, antidepressants discontinuation and suicide. A higher frequency of UMs has been found among individuals who committed suicide (Zackrisson et al, 2010). One explanation for this relationship could be treatment failure with antidepressant drugs metabolized by CYP2D6 (Llerena et al., 2004) widely used to prevent suicide or to treat mood disorders. A complementary explanation could be via the implication of the polymorphic CYP2D6 in the endogenous metabolism. CYP2D6 has been associated with behavioral and clinical risk factors such as personality and vulnerability to psychopathology (Llerena et al., 1993; 2007; Gonzalez et al., 2008; Peñas-Lledó et al., 2009, 2010). Consistently, we found a relationship between UMs and severity of suicide and lifetime history of suicidal behavior among Eating Disordered patients (Peñas-LLedó et al., 2010, 2011, 2012a). Moreover it seems also been related to antidepressant discontinuation as recently shown in Mexican depressive patients (Peñas-LLedó et al 2012b). The pharmacogenetics of CYP2D6 may be a useful tool to predict unexpected side-effects, interactions, or therapeutic failures of many relevant drugs and may explain the interethnic differences observed not only in the response to psychotropic drugs, but also in the vulnerability to psychopathology including suicide. PL 010 PHARMACOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT OF NEUROPATHIC PAIN Granizo E, MD. Patients with neuropathic pain are challenging to manage and evidence-based clinical recommendations for pharmacologic management are needed. In the last years the scientific information on pharmacological treatment of neuropathic pain has increase considerably. In the present review we take into account some groups of drugs classified by their site and mechanism of action : peripheral receptors; b) peripherals nerve fibers, c) spinal pain modulators, d 123 central descendent modulators (re-up take amines inhibitors) and opioids, tramadol. We will review the recommended first line treatment include certain antidepressants, gabapentinoids, and topic lidocaine. Opioid analgesics and tramadol are recommended as generally second-line treatments that can be considered for first –line use in select clinical circumstances. We consider useful to give some concepts of the guidelines and recommendations from “Conseso Latinoamericano para el Manejo del Dolor Neuropático” SIMPOSIOS Y TALLERES / SYMPOSIA AND WORKSHOPS CONFERENCIAS Y COMUNICACIONES ORALES / CONFERENCES AND ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Taller Inmunofarmacología y Biotecnología. Sesión: Biotecnología / Workshop on Immunopharmacology and Biotechnology. Session: Biotechnology C 041 THE USE OF ENZYMES FOR POLYMER CONJUGATION Pasut G. Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padova, F. Marzolo 5, 35131, Padova, Italy. Biocatalysis represents a promising area of research in organic chemistry. The specificity and selectivity of enzymes can dramatically improve the yields of synthesis, especially for those involving very complex structures. In the field of polymer conjugation, enzymes have also been considered as tools for site-specific conjugation at the level of amino acids not usually addressed with chemical methods. Different enzymatic protocols have been developed and proposed for polymer conjugation to protein. The most advanced is GlycoPEGylation that, applied to coagulation factor IX, yielded a conjugate presently in clinical trials [1]. In this case the method is based on two enzymes to mimic Oglycosylationor N-glycosylation and consequently it has the advantage to couple PEG at the site of naturally occurring glycosylation. Although innovative, this approach involves two enzymes and therefore its feasibility at industrial scale might be limited. Another approach exploits the enzyme Sortase A to couple a polymer at the C-terminus of proteins [2]. Also in this case there are some limitations such as the requirement of a specific C-terminal consensus amino acid sequence as substrate for the enzyme. A promising alternative is the transglutaminase (TGase) enzymes that catalyze the transfer of a primary amine (amino donor) to the gamma-carboxamide group of a glutamine (acyl donor) [3]. Interestingly, these enzymes recognizes other substrate than ε-amino group of a lysine as amino donor, such as for example a PEG-NH2. My lab focused in microbial TGase (mTGase) from Streptomyces mobaraense, already approved as food additive. Beside the fact that this approach can target an amino acid that otherwise cannot be modified by chemical method another advantage of mTGase is its selectively. Among the several glutamines present in a protein only those inserted in very flexible loops can be a substrate, therefore very homogeneous conjugates can be obtained. Furthermore, mTGase preserves a good level of activity in a wide range of pH and ionic strength values and also in the presence of organic co-solvents (up to 50% v/v). We exploited this feature to develop tailor-made reaction conditions for specific proteins with the aim to stabilize the protein or to reduce the number of glutamines substrate of mTGase, thus obtaining mono-PEGylated forms. The potential of mTGase-mediated PEGylation has been compared in our lab to another known approach of site selective conjugation: N-terminal PEGylation. The methods were applied to hGH by using a 20kDa PEG, and the results were comparable in terms of yield, and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic. Relevant was the efficacy of the conjugates able to produce a weight growth with a single weekly injection in hypophysectomized rats that was comparable to that obtained with 6 weekly injections of free hGH. The present and future development of TGase as tool for PEGylation is the development of a immobilized mTGase on resin beads, which will offer the relevant advantage of a fast removal of the enzymes and the possibility of a fast screening of several reactions conditions. Furthermore, we discovered that immobilized mTGase present an increased selectivity towards the Glu inserted in the most flexible loops. These new era of enzymatic polymer conjugation is at the beginning and it might possess greater potentials of development and feasibility for even more advanced protein conjugates. 124 C 042 SIMULATION OF PLASMID RECOVERY PROCESS FOR A DNA VACCINE 1 2 2 3 Limonta M , Lendero N , Vidic U , Zumalacárregui L 1 Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Ave 31 e/ 158 y 190, PoBox 6162, ZIP 10600, Habana, Cuba 2 Bia Separations, Mirce 21, SI-5270 Ajdovscina, Slovenia 3 Higher Polytechnic Institute José Antonio Echeverría Cuba The pIDKE2 plasmid is the main component of the CIGB's candidate vaccine against Hepatitis C virus (HVC), which is being used in HCV chronically-infected individuals during clinical trials phase 1 and 2. The designed downstream process of pIDKE2 plasmid produces up to 179 g/year. In order to conduct further improvements, modeling of the downstream process was performed. A methodology based on process analysis tools, such as experimental design and modeling was established to identify factors with the highest influence on production cost and the amount of annual plasmid. Taking into account that the pIDKE2 downstream process designed is in its initial stages of development, CIM technology was evaluated as a new manufacturing process on lab scale. Purity and recovery of CIM technology was better than porous particle matrix, thus it was modeling in SuperPro Designer. The use of this Software as a computer tools is important in order to consider the economic impact of some process parameters such as recovery, purity and lifetime of matrices on the downstream process. This methodology was found very convenient to identify where cost reduction can be achieved at early stage of the development project before the final stage of clinical trials was reached. The use of CIM C4 HLD, a monolith based media, instead of traditional beads based media at laboratory scale gives the necessary information to design a new process which could be increase productivity and equipment requirements. CO 188 PRODUCTION OF SCFV ANTIBODY FRAGMENT IN RECOMBINANT PICHIA PASTORIS UNDER DIFFERENT CONCENTRATIONS OF COBALT SULFATE 1,2 1,2 1,2 2 1 Weinacker D.F. , Zepeda A.B. , Figueroa C.A. , Pessoa A. , Farías J.G. 1 Departmento de Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Ingeniería, Ciencias y Administración, Universidad 2 de La Frontera, Casilla 54-D, Temuco, Chile. Departamento de Tecnologia BioquímicoFarmacêutica, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil. Pichia pastoris is being used successfully for the production of various recombinant heterologous proteins. This can be achieved influencing different parameters that control protein productivity. Oxygen availability has an impact on the physiology of recombinant yeasts. In eukaryotic cells, hypoxia strongly affects the core metabolism by causing energy deprivation. Since the protein expression machinery is a multistep metabolic process that requires ATP, a shift to fermentative metabolism could also impact on the protein synthesis and/or secretion processes. It is possible to mimic the effects of hypoxia in diverse organisms by exposure to metals such as cobalt. Cobalt can induce a hypoxia-like gene response in the bakers’ yeast S. cerevisiae that lack both HIF-1a. In this case, hypoxia and cobalt overlap in regulating genes involved in respiration and fatty acid biosynthesis. The mechanism for this hypoxia-like effect of cobalt is not well understood. The main objective was to obtain a better performance in the recombinant protein production. For that we tasted different concentrations of Cobalt sulfate [CoSO4] (Control = 0 mM; Sample 1 = 1,0 mM; Sample 2 = 2,0 mM), using a recombinant P. pastoris strain secreting an antibody scFv fragment. Cell viability and Hydrogen Peroxide were measured in a flow cytometer. For lipid oxidation it was used the TBARS technique. In accordance to our results, the condition of chemical hypoxia induced with cobalt sulfate may increase the rate of cell division in this yeast. There was no increased levels of oxidative stress caused by the presence of hydrogen peroxide and lipid oxidation and there is a 5% of increase in the production of scFv anti LDL (-) in the sample with a concentration of 1 mM cobalt sulfate. CO 189 COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT CULTURE CONDITIONS OF GENETICALLY – MODIFIED PICHIA PASTORIS TO PRODUCE SCFV ANTIBODY FRAGMENT 125 ANTI-LDL (-) 1,2 1,2 3 4 2 1 Zepeda A.B , Figueroa C.A. , Abdalla D. S. P. , Maranhão A.Q. , Pessoa A. , Farías J.G. 1 Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Ingeniería, Ciencias y Administración. 2 Universidad de La Frontera. Casilla 54-D, Temuco, Chile. Departamento de Tecnologia BioquímicoFarmacêutica, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 3 Brasil. Departamento de Análises Clínicas e Toxicológicas, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas, 4 Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil. Departamento de Biología Celular, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas. Universidade de Brasilia The antibody production process largely depends of the yield possessing the recombinant cell in shaker or bioreactor. The growth of the yeast Pichia pastoris in the culture medium can be affected by various factors such as the concentration of methanol, which one is the main carbon source for the cells, but at the same time can be metabolized to produce ethanol and to inhibit the production of monoclonal antibodies. Temperature also affects important cellular processes such as the central carbon metabolism, response to stress and protein folding. For this reason, the aim of this study is to determine the most optimal growing condition for P. pastoris recombinant produces a high concentration of scFv antibody fragment anti-LDL(-). To conduct the study, we evaluated three critical factors for temperature (14ºC, 22ºC, 30ºC) and methanol concentration (1%, 2%, 3%). The heterologous protein was quantified by the Bradford method at the end of cultivation, and was analyzed Person's Coefficient Correlation between biomass and quantification of the scFv fragment anti-LDL(-). The results showed different concentrations of the frafment in each condition, where the culture to 22°C with 2%(v/v) methanol, and the culture to 14°C with 1%(v/v) methanol showed a concentration higher than 20 mg L-1, while the culture to 30°C and 14°C with 3%(v/v) methanol do not -1 exceed 15 mg L . Notably, the culture to 14°C with 3%(v/v) methanol production presents a lower -1 value not exceeding 5 mg L . As for Pearson correlation analysis, it determined that no linear correlation exists between the biomass and the quantification of the fragment in each of the cultures analyzed. In conclusion, low temperatures and low concentrations of inductor favor the production of antibody fragments, but also the amount of biomass produced, it would be important to know the metabolic state in which the yeast is in each condition. CO 190 EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE AND CONCENTRATION OF METHANOL ON THE EXPRESSION OF OXIDATIVE DAMAGE BIOMARKER IN MEMBRANES OF PICHIA PASTORIS RECOMBINANT. 1,2 1,2 1 3 4 2 Figueroa C.A. , Zepeda A.B. , Ulloa P. , Abdalla D. S. P. , Maranhão A.Q. , Pessoa A. , Farías 1 J.G. 1 Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Ingeniería, Ciencias y Administración. 2 Universidad de La Frontera. Casilla 54-D, Temuco, Chile. Departamento de Tecnologia BioquímicoFarmacêutica, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 3 Brasil. Departamento de Análises Clínicas e Toxicológicas, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas, 4 Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil. Departamento de Biología Celular, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas. Universidade de Brasilia. Recombinant Pichia pastoris is a methylotrophic yeast used as an efficient expression system for production of heterologous proteins. P. pastoris easily grows to high cell densities, produces low levels of endogenous proteins and requires a simple purification of heterologous proteins. The use of methanol as inductor for production of proteins has been related with an increase of oxidative stress in yeast and it would to affect the production of proteins. The main objective of this work is to evaluate the effects of temperature and methanol in cell membrane damage and mitochondrial membrane potential of P. pastoris, We analyzed five different cultures conditions: 14°C – 1% (v/v) Methanol (M); 14°C – 3% M; 22°C – 2% M; 30°C–1% M and 30°C – 3% M. The oxidative cell membrane damage was evaluated by measure of lipid peroxidation by determination of Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances (TBARS) and mitochondrial membrane potential was evaluated by flow cytometry using JC-1 fluorescent dye. Recombinant P. pastoris grown at 30°C and 1% (v/v) Methanol increased the formation of lipid peroxidation and decreased the relation between formation of aggregates and monomers of JC-1 dye. Our results shown that Recombinant Pichia pastoris at 30ºC and 1% of methanol presented high level of oxidative stress and dysfunction of mitochondrial membrane 126 potential. Taller Inmunofarmacología y Biotecnología. Sesión: Vacunas / Workshop on Immunopharmacology and Biotechnology. Session: Vaccines C 043 CONTROVERSIAL POINTS ABOUT VA-MENGOC-BC Ochoa Azze R Finlay Institute, Ave 27 No. 19805, Zip Code 11600, PO Box 16017, Havana, Cuba. Introduction: VA-MENGOC-BC is a bivalent vaccine against serogroups B and C Neisseria meningitidis. However, some researchers have declared that effective B meningococcal vaccines have not been developed yet. Others state that this vaccine does not provide protection in children under 4 years-old, as well as against heterologous strains. Also, there have been worries about the possibility of hyporesponsiveness to C polysaccharide, if boosters are necessary and regarding the influence of vaccination over the carrier state. Methods: All results of clinical trials and postlicensure studies were analyzed to clarify the immune response elicited by VA-MENGOC-BC, and its influence on the meningococcal disease morbidity. Results: VA-MENGOC-BC was licensed after successful clinical trials that demonstrated high immunogenicity and efficacy. It induces a T-helper 1 pattern with proper bactericidal and opsonophagocytic activity. Protective response against different Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B strains has been detected, even in infants. This vaccine also induces strong immune response against serogroup C, which support the adjuvant capacity of the proteoliposome. The induction of immunologic hyporesponsiveness has not been demonstrated. After vaccination campaigns there was a rapid fall in the incidence rates of meningococcal disease in several countries. The incidence rates of this disease in Cuba remains under 0.1 x 100,000 inhabitants during last years, that is why there are not epidemiological reasons to add boosters in Cuba, however other studies suggest that boosters could be necessary. The B:4:P1.19,15 and NG:NT:P1.NST phenotypes were the most found before and after vaccination respectively. Conclusions: 1) VA-MENGOC-BC induces an evident protective immune response against both serogroup B and serogroup C strains in infants, children and adults, 2) The immune response elicited by this vaccine is not completely limited to vaccine strains, 3) Immunologic hyporesponsiveness has not been proven, 4) The use of boosters should be additionally studied, 5) VA-MENGOC-BC modifies the carrier state. CO 191 AN ADVERSE EVENTS FOLLOWING IMMUNIZATION’S (AEFI) INVESTIGATION Lammer M.1, Argüelles C.2, Lovera T.2, Rodriguez A.1 , Slimovich R.2 , Brero M.L.1 1 Centro Nacional de Control de Calidad de Biológicos 2 Instituto Nacional de Producción de Biológicos A.N.L.I.S “Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán” Av. Vélez Sarsfield 563, CP 1281, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. E-mail: As part of the monitoring of AEFI of the Health Ministry (HM) found that, some newborns presented necrosis at inoculation’s site after few days post-vaccination. They had been vaccinated with Lyophilized-BCG vaccine reconstituted with hypertonic Sodium Chloride solution (NaCl) 20% instead of diluent supplied by the manufacturer (NaCl 0.9 %). The potency is performed through colony counts by the method recommended by the WHO and European Pharmacopoeia. Our Institution is responsible for the quality control of vaccines supplied by the HM, as we proceeded to evaluate the possible causes of AEFI. In order to know if the NaCl could be the reason of tissullar damage, the lot of BCG-Vaccine (ESAVI) and another lot of Reference vaccine, were tested simultaneously using diluent supplied by the manufacturer and NaCl 20%. Different assays were performed on both vaccines: Estimation of viable units on Lowenstein-Jensen medium and XTT assay, examination of clumping degree by ZiehlNielsen, test for bacterial concentration by measuring the optical density, Guinea pig skin reactivity and Necrotic Dose 50% NaCl solution. We found for both vaccines reconstituted with NaCl solution 20%: suffered a greater loss than 70% of relative viability and tissue necrosis at inoculation’s site in guinea pigs was produced. 127 Furthermore, there was no difference between the two suspensions on clustering degree of the mycobacteria examined thought microscope after stained, as well as the values of optical densities. Moreover, the 50% dose necrotic corresponded to a solution of 7.07% NaCl Based on the results we can be inferred that the NaCl solution 20% would be responsible for tissue necrosis and decreased the viability of the vaccine. Under the used conditions, the children exhibited a higher local lesions at the inoculation’s site that normally can be expected by vaccination with BCG, so we advice they should be revaccinated. CO 192 POTENTIAL OF THE SINGLE INSERTION MUTANT TATC FOR THE PRODUCTION OF THE MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS APA ANTIGEN IN STREPTOMYCES LIVIDANS Rodríguez C1, Vallín C1, Anné J2, Van Melleart L2, Pimienta E1 1 Laboratory of Biotechnology, Center of Studies for Research and Biological Evaluations, Pharmacy and Food Sciences College, University of Havana, Havana, Cuba. 2 Laboratory of Molecular Bacteriology, Rega Institute for Biomedical Research, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. The alanine-proline-rich antigen (Apa, Rv1860) is a dominant antigen present during Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. This antigen is a cell-surface glycoprotein, whose mannose residues are involved in the interaction with the human pulmonary surfactant protein A. Recently, the intranasal subunit vaccination with Escherichia coli-derived Apa (unglycosylated) imparted significant protection in the lungs and spleen of mice against M. tuberculosis challenge. In 2004, Lara et al. reported the secretion of Apa into the culture medium of Streptomyces lividans with its glycosylated N-terminal and C-terminal domains, like the native protein. Later, Vallin et al. (2006) reported an increment of at least 16 times in the secretory production of Apa when it was fused to the Streptomyces coelicolor agarase signal peptide, which has been used as a reporter exclusively for Tat-mediated protein secretion. In this study we evaluated if the secretion of the Apa protein is mediated by the Tat pathway in S. lividans. For that purpose, tatB or tatC insertion single mutants were transformed with the Streptomyces plasmid pRGAPA and grown at 28 °C for 96 hours. Recombinant Apa was detected via Western blotting using a polyclonal anti-Apa antibody. ∆tatC [pRGAPA] showed growth rates similar to the wild type, while the growth of ∆tatB [pRGAPA] was remarkably slower than the wild type. Surprisingly, ∆tatC [pRGAPA] secreted three times higher levels compared to the wild strain, according to densitometry analysis. In the case of ∆tatB [pRGAPA], the levels of Apa were similar to the wild type. Considering that the secretion of Apa was not blocked in ∆tatB and ∆tatC, we conclude that the secretion of the Apa protein is not mediated by the Tat pathway in S. lividans. From a biotechnological point of view, S. lividans ∆tatC [pRGAPA] could be an attractive host for the secretory production of the M. tuberculosis Apa protein. CO 193 NEW VACCINE STRATEGIES AGAINST Nesisseria meningitidis serogroup X 1 1 1 1 1 Zayas C* , Acevedo R , Fernández S , Cedré B , Valmaseda T , Camacho F, Merchan Y, González 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 H , Mandiarote A , González D , Rosenqvist E , Norheim G , Bolgiano B , García L , Cardoso D . 1 2 Finlay Institute, La Lisa, La Habana, Cuba. Norwegian Institute of Public Health. Oslo, 3 Norway. NIBSC, UK Introduction: Most meningococcal disease in Africa is caused by serogroups A and W-135 of N. meningitidis. Recently, new cases of meningitis caused by N. meningitidis serogroup X have been reported in countries from “meningitis belt”. No vaccines have been developed against this serogroup.. The aim of this work is to show the different R&D strategies under evaluation in Finlay Institute against the pathogen. Materials and Methods: Experimental lots of OMVx were obtained by deoxycholate extraction method from N. meningitidis serogroup X BuFa 2/97 strain. Physico-chemical characterization was carried out to determine the size, morphology and the main antigens in vesicles. In addition, capsular polysaccharide X (PsX) was obtained by phenol free process and characterized by HPLC, HPAEC-PAD and other analytical techniques. OMVx were adsorbed to aluminum hydroxide (OMVx/AL) and were administered alone or in combination with PsX. Antigen specific IgG 128 responses induced by these formulations to polysaccharides or OMVx were evaluated by ELISA, and serum bactericidal assay (SBA). Results: OMVx size was between 90-120 nm and OpcA, PorA and RmpM protein were identified. Lots from PsX were obtained by high scale process (100 L). PsX size was estimated in 500 g/mol L and Kd in 0.5. OMVx/AL induced high specific anti-OMVx antibodies response in sera with bactericidal activity. OMVx with PsX also contributes to increase SBA in the group of mice immunized with this formulation as well as the induction of anti PsX antibodies. Conclusion: Development of novel vaccine candidates against serogroup X is under evaluation. Combination of OMVx with the PsX as well as the formulation of multivalent ACYW135 and X plain polysaccharide vaccines could represent a viable solution to meningococcal disease in Africa. CO 194 STABILITY AND PRECLINICAL STUDIES OF THE TETANUS DIPHTHERIA VACCINE IN ADULTS AND ADOLESCENTS Hernández León D, González Diaz P, González Díaz D, Obaya M, Pérez E, Mandiarote A, Feria J, Landys. M, Sánchez Fraga R. Finlay Institute. Quality Control Vice-presidency. Introduction: Tetanus diphtheria vaccine consists of a preparation of diphtheria and tetanus toxoid previously detoxified and purified obtained from the Corynebacterium diphtheriae strains and Clostridium tetani. Both adsorbed onto aluminum hydroxide and thiomersal as a preservative. A concentration of 1,5 Lf of diphtheria toxoid and 5 Lf of tetanus toxoid was formulated what differs from the vaccine for children use. Objectives: to Reduce the concentrations of tetanus toxoid; assess stability and preclinical Sprague Dawley rat. Materials and methods: Lots were formulated for stability study and preclinical trial. The sampling times of 2-8 ºC (0 - 36 months) and 30 ºC (1- 6 months). The trials conducted in this study were organoleptic characteristics, pH, concentration of Aluminum Hydroxide Gel, thiomersal concentration, sterility, Identity, potency test, nonspecific innocuity; all these assay methods comply with WHO and USP XXIII.To assess the toxic potential of this product a study of single-dose toxicity was conducted. The experimental design includes the intramuscular inoculation of Sprague Dawley rats of each vaccine formulation and placebo, and they were subjected to histopathological study. This design complies with the standards of the European agency. Conclusions: It was established 24 months as the expiry date of the product taking into account that it is concluded up to 36 months of shelf life with satisfactory results and that there is 0 evidence of its stability at 30 C up to 6 months, in the preclinical studies in Sprague Dawley rats of both sexes, granulomatous macrophagic processes were established in groups at the level of the muscle, this type of injuries are not observed in the controls, presence of hyperplasic type lesions were found at the level of the regional lymphatic ganglion, which intensity ranged from discreet and moderate in vaccinated individuals as well as in placebo. C 044 Simposio de Farmacología Básica / Symposium of Basic Pharmacology NOVEL MODEL FOR “CALCIUM PARADOX” IN SYMPATHETIC TRANSMISSION OF SMOOTH MUSCLES: ROLE OF CYCLIC AMP PATHWAY Bergantin LB, Souza CF, Miranda-Ferreira R, Smaili SS, Jurkiewicz NH, Jurkiewicz A, Caricati-Neto A* Department of Pharmacology – INFAR - Escola Paulista de Medicina - Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil. Email: Previous studies showed that activity contractile of smooth muscles in response to transmitters 2+ released from sympathetic nerves is dramatically reduced by inhibition of Ca influx through L-type 2+ voltage-dependent Ca channel (L-type VDCC) or increase of cytosolic cAMP concentration ([cAMP]c) (Burnstock, Ann Rev Pharmacol Toxicol 2009). In recent study (Cell Calcium 2013, submitted), we showed that simultaneous administration of L-type VDCC blockers (verapamil) and [cAMP]c enhancers (rolipram, IBMX and forskolin) potentiated purinergic contractions evoked by electrical field stimulation of rat vas deferens, instead of strongly inhibiting. However, molecular mechanisms involved in this “calcium paradox” are yet unclear. In the present work, we showed that this potentiation of purinergic contraction of rat vas deferens was prevented by inhibitors of adenylyl 2+ cyclase (SQ 22536) and blockers of Ca uptake by sarco-endoplasmic reticulum (thapsigargin), 129 2+ 2+ suggesting that this effect is mediated by increment of cytosolic Ca concentration ([Ca ]c) mediated 2+ by cAMP. To evaluate if combination of inhibition of Ca influx and increase of [cAMP]c produces 2+ 2+ increment of [Ca ], we studied effects of verapamil and rolipram on fura-2 signals (Ca probe) in chromaffin cells of rat adrenal medulla using fluorescence microscopy. These assays showed that 2+ [Ca ]c in these cells was increased by combination of these agents. This effect was prevented by 2+ preincubation with thapsigargin, suggesting participation of Ca from sarco-endoplasmic reticulum. In 2+ contrast, a reduction of [Ca ]c was observed when verapamil and rolipram were incubated alone. 2+ 2+ Together, these results suggest that reduction of [Ca ]c due to blockade of Ca influx through L-type 2+ VDCC could stimulate adenylyl cyclase activity increasing [cAMP]c that in response stimulates Ca release from endoplasmic reticulum, resulting in an increment of transmitter release from sympathetic 2+ nerves and contraction. This interaction between Ca and cAMP signaling pathway could be important in the regulation of neurotransmission and in adverse effects of combined use of antihypertensive and anti-depressants. CO 197 ISOLATION, IDENTIFICATION AND TOXICOKINETICS OF AN ANTIMICROBIAL PHOSPHOLIPASE A2 OF Bothrops asper VENOM 1 1, 3 2, 4 5 5 Fernández M , Núñez V , Lomonte B V Merino V , Sanz L , Calvete J.J 1-Program of Ofidismos y Escorpionismo Antioquia University 2- Clodomiro Picado Institute,Microbiology deparment , Costa Rica University, San José, Costa Rica 3-Microbiology School 4- Valencia University pharmaceutical thecnology program 5- Institute of Biomedicine of Valencia, CSIC, Valencia, Spain Snake venom is constituted by wide quantitiy of proteins, some with enzymatic activity, such as the Phospholipase A2 (PLA2s) which can be enzymatically active, if they have an aspartate in the position 49 or inactive (homologous) if they possess a lysine or another amino acid in the same position; these last ones can cause similar effects as the enzymatically active, several of them are myotoxic with rapid installation effect and they are not neutralized antivenom; similarly, other studies have revealed the pharmacological potential of these proteins; antimicrobial, antiplasmodial, antiaggregant. The described work achieved the isolation of a 13.6 KDa, pl9.5, homologous PLA2 through PLA2 of 13.6 KDa, with pl 9.5, through various chromatographic steps, as well as confirm its identity by trypsinization and N-terminal, resulting in peptide of 38 residues. Biological characterization was made by in vivo and in vitro.The result was a protein with edemizing activity in 2 hours and a considerable myotoxic action. The cytotoxic action was tested using murine myoblasts and the results shown lower values than those reported in the literature. Significant activity against Staphylococcus aureus was observed. The pharmacokinetics was bicompartmental type, it was evaluated using a rat model and detection by ELISA, its presence in organs was restricted to kidney and without systemic myotoxic activity. Additionally, the venom complete present similar kinetic behavior. The isolated toxins study shows the importance of structure characterization as a tool to understand the structure-function relation. These essays complete the pharmacological studies on phospholipases A2, which pursue the understanding of the processes implied in the kinetics (LADME). These processes describe the toxin behavior which supports matching, establishing differences and evaluating its possible application in the pharmaceutical level, according to the diverse pharmacological properties. CO 198 ORGANOMETALLIC COMPLEXES WITH IRON AS POTENTIAL CANCER THERAPEUTICS a b b a a Mojzisova G, Mojzis J, Mirossay L, Bomba A, Strojny L b P. J. Safarik Univ., Fac. Med., Dept. Exp. Med., Dept. Pharmacol., Košice, Slovak Republic a Objective: Our study was aimed at investigating the antiproliferative and antiangiogenic effects of iron complexes Q-603, Q-616/1 and Q-820 in in vitro conditions. Material and methods: Effects of these compounds were tested by employing MTT cytotoxicity assay, colony formation (CFA), DNA fragmentation, endothelial cell migration (ECM) inhibition and mattrix metalloproteinase 130 (MMP) activity. Results: Incubation of Jurkat, HeLa, MCF-7, A549 and MDA cancer cells with Q 603 at -6 -1 a concentration 10 mol.l for 72h caused 59.89, 77.66, 67.30, 92.20 and 91.50; with Q 616/1 at -5 -1 a concentration 10 mol.l for 72h caused 65.96, 34.53, 57.70, 55.71 and 95,90% reduction in cell survival. The cytotoxicity of Q 820 is similar to that of Q 616/1. The results obtained indicate that the tested compounds exerted cytotoxic activity upon the evaluated cell lines. CFA also confirmed growth-inhibitory effects of compound Q 603, Q-616/1 and Q-820. Pretreatment of HeLa cells with Q 603 resulted in marked apoptosis as detected by DNA fragmentation. The same -7 -1 compound at a concentration 10 mol.l inhibited endothelial cell migration in vitro. Conclusions: Our results suggest that iron complexes Q-603, Q-616/1 and Q-820 may be useful agents for cancer chemoprevention and treatment but further studies are warranted. However, these results need to be confirmed in other in vitro but also in vivo experiments. CO 199 EFFECTS OF SOME ANGIOTENSIN-CONVERTING ENZYME INHIBITORS AND ANGIOTENSIN II RECEPTOR BLOCKERS ON EXPERIMENTAL INFLAMMATIONS 1 2 3 Magyar I , Creț M , Cuparencu B 1, 2, 3 Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine & Pharmacy, 10 P-ța 1. Dec. 1918, University of Oradea, Romania Introduction. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin II receptor blockers are potent antihypertensive drugs and widely used worldwide. At the same time, due to an inhibition on kininase II they could have some effects in certain disease which involve an inflammatory process. Material and method. The experiments were carried out in Wistar albino rats of both sexes, weighing 150-200 g. They were housed and fed in standard conditions. The inflammations were induced as folows: 1). the hind paw edema evoked by the intraplantar injection of 0.1 mL from a 10% aqueos kaolin suspension; the measurements of the paw volume increases were performed plethismometrically at 1, 3.5 and 24 hours after kaolin administration; 2). the insertion of a cotton pellet weighing 50 mg into the scapulo-humeral region; after 3 days the pellet was removed and its weight determined. This procedures were performed in light ether anaesthesia. In addition, the following bood inflammatory markers were measured: fibrinogen and C-reactive protein (CRP). The tested drugs were: captopril (0.4-4.0-6.0 mg/animal), enalapril (0.2-2.0-4.0 mg/animal), lisinopril (0.22.0-4.0 mg/animal), quinapril (0.2-2.0-4.0 mg/animal) and valsartan (4.0-8.0-16.0 mg/animal). The drugs were administered intraperitoneally (i.p.). The controls recieved i.p. the same volume of saline. It is to note that the used doses corresponded roughly to the human ones. The statistical evaluation was carried out by chi square and ʺsize effectʺ procedures. Results. All ACEI exhibited in a dose-dependent and a time-related manner (in the case of rat paw edema) a proinflammatory activity. The most active compounds were: quinapril (in paw edema) and enalapril and lisinopril (in cotton pellet method). Valsartan was ineffective. Fibrinogen and CRP blood levels were increased by all ACEI. However, no clear dose-response relationships might be seen. Discussion. Conclusion. From these data it may be inferred that the proinflammatory activity of ACEI was due to an accumulation of bradykinin, a phlogogenic peptide. It is well known that the converting enzyme besides its splitting effect of angiotensin I, leading to the genesis of angiotensin II has a kininase activity, i.e. it splits some peptide, including bradykinin. CO 200 EFFECT OF GESTATIONAL AGE ON PHARMACOKINETICS OF RANITIDINE IN NEWBORNS 1 1 2 3 3 Lares Asseff I , Villanueva Fierro I. , Benitez Gaucin G. , Juárez Olguín H. , Toledo López A. , 3 1 1 1 Camacho Vieyra G. , Sosa Macias M. , Galaviz Hernandez C. , Loera Castañeda V. , Pérez Guillé 3 3 1 G. , Guillé Pérez A. , Zaruma Torres F. ,. 1 Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional, CIIDIR-IPN Unidad Durango, México. 2 Servicio de Pediatría y Neonatología del Hospital General de Durango, México. SSA. 3 Laboratorio de Farmacología, Instituto Nacional de Pediatría, México, D.F. 131 Objective. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of gestational age on pharmacokinetics of ranitidine in newborns. Methods. Fifty children (20 females and 30 males) comprising of full-term babies (babies born between 37 and 42 weeks of gestation) and pre-terms (those born before 37 weeks of gestation) were enrolled for the study. The gestational age (GA) of the babies were as follows: 6 pre-term th babies small for their gestational age (SGA) (weight < 10 percentile); 20 pre-term babies appropriate for their gestational age (AGA) (weight between 10 and 90 percentile); 4 pre-term babies large for their gestational age (LGA) (weight > 90 percentile); 7 SGA; and 13 AGA babies of full-terms. All the children were given 3mg/kg/day of ranitidine. Two blood samples were collected at each of the following times: 0, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2, 4, and 8 h from every newborn after drug administration. Ranitidine levels were determined using HPLC (High Pressure Liquid Chromatography) technique. Results. Pharmacokinetics of ranitidine had a bi-exponential behavior with a half-life elimination (t1/2β) of 2.79 h, area under curve (AUC) of 1688 ng/mL, volume of distribution (Vd) of 1.44 L/kg and clearance (CL) of 5.9 L/kg/h. AGA and LGA pre-terms presented higher plasmatic concentration of ranitidine with a median value of 1,484 ng/mL and 1,337 ng/mL. The median plasmatic concentration in SGA pre-terms was 519 ng/mL while it was 343 ng/mL for AGA full-terms. The percentage of children with concentrations equal to or greater than 400 ng/mL was 68%, whereas those with 100 to 400 ng/mL was 22%, showing statistically significant differences (p<0.05). Conclusions. Plasma levels of ranitidine depend on the gestational age of the newborns. Based on respective characteristics, adequate dosage of ranitidine in children should take into consideration their gestational age. C 045 SELECTIVE CYTOTOXIC ACTIVITY OF 1-O-UNDECYL GLYCEROL. a Hernández-Colina M, Martín A , Calero A, Del Toro G Pharmacology &Toxicology Dept., Pharmacy and Food Institute. a Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Havana City, CUBA 1-O-alkylglycerols exhibit several pharmacological properties, which include sperm motility improvement, antidrepanocitary, antiangiogenic and antitumor activity. The cytotoxic activity of this family of compounds has been reported previously by our workgroup, but it didn´t include the 11 carbon chain molecule, 1-O-undecylglycerol (C11). The aim of this work was to demonstrate the cytotoxic activity of several concentrations of C11 in tumor cell cultures of different histological origins (A549, A375, MCF-7, MDA MB231), and compare with normal cell cultures (Vero cells, human primary fibroblast, 3T3A31, 184B5). Cytotoxicity was measured by MTT assay, and GI50 was determined using curve interpolation in GraphPad Prism v5.0. Taking into account the lowest GI50, obtained in breast cancer cells (MCF-7, MDAMB231), impedance measured by Real Time Cell Analyzer X-Celligence® performance showed differential behavior and cell index for cancer and normal breast cells treated with C11. The levels of caspase-3 and Akt after 3 and 24h of treatment with C11 changed in MCF-7 cells with respect to normal cells. We concluded that C11 has selective and concentration dependent cytotoxic action on cancer cell culture, which is more prominent in breast cancer cells, and mediated by apoptotic activity and Akt modulation in MCF-7 cells. 1-Oundecylglycerol could be a good candidate for further studies in selective anticancer therapy. CO 201 ANXIETY AND STRESS BEHAVIOR ON ZEBRAFISH (DANIO RERIO): A NEW WAY FOR DRUGS DISCOVERY 1 1 1 1 5 2 3 Iturriaga-Vásquez P , Herzog R , Castro S , Guerra N , Prieto JP , Moya P , Reyes-Parada M , 4 5 6 Sotomayor R , Scorza C , Arias H . 1- Lab. de Qca. Biodinámica, Facultad. de Ciencias, U. de Chile., Chile 2- National Institute of Mental Healht, NIH. USA. 3- Escuela de Medicina, Fac. de Medicina, USACH, Chile. 4- Depart. de Fisiología, Fac. de Ciencias, U. de Valparaíso, Valparaíso. Núcleo Milenio Estrés y Adicción, Santiago, Chile. 5- Lab. de Biología Celular, Inst. de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable, Uruguay 6.- Depart. of Medical Education, College of Medicine, California Northstate University, USA. In recent years, Zebrafish (Danio rerio) has become an attractive model for drug discovery. Zebrafish 132 exhibits a short development time and is easy to obtain large numbers of individuals for experimentation. In addition, they can absorb chemical substances from their tank water. The potential of zebrafish for behavioral study has been applied using different paradigms associated to complex behavior such as memory, anxiety, stress, reinforcement properties of drugs of abuse and neuroprotection of dopaminergic neurons. The novel tank diving test has been used by different research groups as a model for anxiety and stress studies in zebrafish. It is conceptually similar to the rodent open field test, because it takes advantage of the instinctive behavior of both zebrafish and rats to seek refuge when exposed to an unfamiliar environment. The decrease of bottom dwelling has been used as parameters of the anxiolytic effects for different Drugs. Here, we compare the effects of different drugs that act by different ways such as nicotinic receptors agonists and antagonists (Nicotine, Cytisine, Varenicline, PNU 282987, DH E and Erysodine) and serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine transporter ligands (SERT, DAT, NET) such as Flouxetine, MTA, PAL-287, Desipramine, Cocaine and Methylphenidate. Our results shows that nicotinic agonist produce a decrease of the bottom dwilling, indicating an anxiolitic behavior like-nicotine, whilst, the selective nicotinic agonist PNU 282987 don't produce any changes respect to the control. SERT ligands such as Fluoxetine and PAL-287, and the NET ligand Desipramine shows similar effects decreasing the bottom dwelling in the novel tank test, in the other hand, the DAT blockers (methylfenidate and Cocaine) shows an opposite effects increasing the bottom dwelling behavior. Finally, we show a novel dual nicotinic antagonist and SERT ligand that exert an anxiolytic profile in the novel tank diving test. CO 202 EFFECT OF ESCULETIN IN EXPERIMENTAL MODEL OF INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE a a a a a a Witaicenis FantinatiA, Chagas, AS, Tanimoto A, Almeida-Junior LD, Fontes, PK, Castilho A, Di a Stasi LC. a Laboratory of Phytomedicines, Pharmacology Department , IBB, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil. Introduction:Esculetin(6,7-dihydroxy-coumarin) is an antioxidant coumarin derivative with intestinal anti-inflammatory activity in trinitrobenezene sulfonic acid (TNBS)-inducedrat colitis, at the dose of 5mg/Kg, however without elucidated mechanism of action. Our objective was to evaluate the effects of the esculetinupon theinflammatory mediators and gene expression involved in intestinal inflammatory process. Materials and methods:Anaesthetisedrats (n=8) were treated daily (p.o.) with 5mg/kg of esculetin or 2mg/Kg of prednisolone (reference drug) for 4 days and 2 hours prior to TNBS administration into the th colon (preventive protocol) or 2 hours after this administration and daily until the 7 day (curative protocol). Biochemical (glutathione (GSH), myeloperoxidase (MPO), TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-10 and NF-κB), gene expression (Heat shock protein (HSP70), Heparanase and NF-κB), macroscopic parameters (damage score, extension of lesion, colonic weight/length ratio) and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) were evaluated. Results:No treatments ameliorated macroscopic parametersin both protocols. In preventive protocol, esculetin reduced colonic levels of IL-6 (37.35%) and IL-10 (25.57%) and prednisolone reduced the colonic levels of IL-1β (37.49%)vs. control group. Both compounds reduced the gene expression of HSP70in 61.9 and 51.9%, respectively.In curative protocol,esculetinpromoted reduction in IL-1β levelsin 41.8%and counteracted the GSH levels in 35.6% andprednisoloneinhibited MPO activity in 67.8%. Esculetinpromoted a better recovery in epithelial surface architecture in both protocols in SEM analysis. Conclusions: This study suggests that intestinal anti-inflammatory activity of esculetinis related with its antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties. Esculetinmight be an interesting new antiinflammatory drug for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. CO 203 POPULATION PHARMACOKINETIC ANALYSIS OF TACROLIMUS IN MEXICAN PEDIATRIC RENAL TRANSPLANT PATIENTS. Jacobo C1, García M2, Medeiros M2, Fernández I3, Castañeda G1. 1 2 Department of Pharmacology, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Nephrology, 3 Hospital de México Federico Gómez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Pharmacy and 133 Pharmaceutical Technology, School of Pharmacy, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Navarra, Spain. Introduction. Immunosuppressant tacrolimus is widely used to prevent graft rejection following renal transplantation (1). However tacrolimus is characterized by a poor bioavailability (2), narrow therapeutic index (3) and extensive intra- and inter-individual pharmacokinetic variability making it difficult to dosing (2, 3, 4). The current study aims at to develop a population model to characterize the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in pediatric renal transplant patients and will help to improve dosing in these patients. Methods. From 51 concentration-time profiles of pediatric patients, a population base model was developed and validated using NONMEM version 7, PsN® 3.4.2 and R® 2.12.2. 51. Results. Several models were tested, and based on OFV and goodness of fit plots was chosen a 2compartment model with first order absorption transit compartments as base model, which was validated with NPC (1000 simulated datasets, and CMAX and AUC12 used as descriptors to compare numerically real data vs. simulations), and VPC (1000 datasets were simulated using the base model, after 95-percentile intervals of simulated concentrations were generated, and observed concentrations of tacrolimus were overlapped and compared visually); these studies showed good agreement between simulated and observed blood concentrations of tacrolimus using the base population pharmacokinetic model. Conclusion. This study intend to develop a population pharmacokinetic model to decrease the high inter-individual variability and have an optimal dosage of tacrolimus to prevent graft rejection events and serious side effects such as nephrotoxicity in pediatric renal transplant patients. Therefore it is of great interest to test different covariates as polymorphisms of enzymes that carry out the metabolism of this drug (such as CYP3A5 and ABCB1) in the model that was selected and validated as base model. Future activities. • Build the final covariate model • Find a bayesian estimator based on the final model that helps to optimize the dosage of tacrolimus. CO 204 ENDOTELIAL INVOLVEMENT ON THE INDUCED ROSUVASTATIN, IN OBESE RAT AORTIC RINGS 1 RELAXATION BY 1 Aranda-Zepeda L. , Valencia-Hernández I. , Morín-Zaragoza R., Rodríguez-Choreño D., López1,2 Canales O., López–Canales J. S. . 1 2 Escuela Superior de Medicina del I.P.N. , Instituto Nacional de Perinatología . Plan de San Luis Santo Tomas, Miguel Hidalgo, 11340 Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal. Obesity is the most common foodborne illness in the world and given it’s magnitude and implication in Mexico,is considered a public health issue. Also obesity is related to other comorbidities such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, myocardial infarction and dyslipidemia. In this sense, studies have been made to study the beneficial effects of lipid-lowering therapy based on statins, because of their pleiotropic effects mainly on endothelial function. With the aim to provide relevant information, we evaluated the ability of rosuvastatin to induce endothelium-dependent relaxation in the thoracic aorta ofan obese rat model. Male,Wistar strain, ratswere used for experiments in vitro. We found that -9 -5 rosuvastatin (10 -10 M) induced relaxation in aortic ringsof the control group as well as in the obese precontractedwith phenylephrinerat group (10-6 M), however the effect was greater in non-5 obese rat aortas. This relaxant effect was almost completely inhibited by L-NAME (10 M), TEA (10 -5 -5 mM), cycloheximide (10 M) and indomethacin (10 M). Observed increased expression of cyclooxygenase 1 and 2, as well as the endothelial and inducible nitric oxide synthase in obese rat aortas pretreated withrosuvastatinwas performed by immunoblotting method. These results indicate that rosuvastatin is able to relax the obese rat aorta despite of endothelial damage induced by obesity. This relaxation effect appears to be mediated by nitric oxide, prostaglandins and potassium channels. Rosuvastatinupregulates COX-1 and 2 as well aseNOS and iNOS. CO 205 ANTIANGIOGENIC EFFECT OF CHALCONE DERIVATIVES a a b c a Mirossay L, Pilatova M, Kutschy P, Mojzisova G, Mojzis J 134 a c Department of Pharmacology; Department of Experimental Medicine Faculty of Medicine, P.J. Safarik University, Kosice, Slovak Republic b Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, P.J.Safarik University, Kosice, Slovak Republic Backround: Several clinical studies showed a positive correlation between the number of vessels in the tumor and the metastases formation and the prognosis of the disease. Therefore antiangiogenesis is an important area of therapeutic development for treatment of cancer, since tumor growth and metastasis depends on angiogenesis. Chalcones are precursors of flavonoids in their biosynthetic pathway. Variety of biological activities have been demonstrated for these compunds. However, there is only a limited amount of literature concerned with antiangiogenic effects of chalcones. Material and Methods: In the present work, we tested four newly synthesized chalcones (1, 2a, 2b 3) for their antiangiogenic effect using human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). Effects of these compounds were tested by employing MTT cytotoxicity assay, capillary tube formation (CTF), endothelial cell migration (ECM), gelatinase zymography or vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) detection. Results: Only compound 3 possess significant cytotoxic effect on HUVECs. It also completely -7 -8 inhibited CTF by HUVECs in concentrations 10 -10 mol/L. Moreover, this chalcone effectively block also ECM. In biochemical analysis, chalcone 3 in a concentration-dependent decreases the secretion of matrix metalloproteinase-9. Furthermore, exposure of HeLa cells (cervix cancer) to chalcone 3 resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in the secreted VEGF level in conditioned media. Conclusions: The present study demonstrate antiangiogenic properties of chalcone 3. Further studies are necessary to elucidate its mechanism of action, nevertheless, this compound might have a potential to enter pre-clinical trials as a new angiostatic drug. CO 206 EFFECT OF IBUPROFEN AND IBUPROPHENYL-IBUPROPHENATE GASTRIC MUCOSA LESIONS AND ACUTE TOXICITY. ON López A., Ferreyra O, Torres L,Pére J., Palacios F, Izquierdo T., Lozada M.C.Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco. México., INTRODUCTION: Ibuprofen (Ib) is one of the most widely used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) to treat inflammatory diseases. Its therapeutic effects are mediated mainly by inhibition of COX-2, whereas their side effects are primarily caused by COX-1 inhibition; the most common of those are gastric injuries. Furthermore, there is evidence that gastric lesions caused by Ib are not only due to the COX-1 inhibition, they are also caused by local irritation because to the carboxylic group present in the molecule. Looking for the reduction of gastric damage by carboxylic group present in the Ib, a molecule which masks the functional group was synthetized, the ibuprophenylibuprophenate (Ib-Ib). This work describes the evaluation of ulcerogenic potential of Ib-Ib. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In order to evaluate and compare the gastric damage produced by oral administration ofIb and the new molecule Ib-Ib, different doses (1, 2 and 3 times antiinflammatory effective doses; where 30 mg/kg is the effective dose for ibuprofen and39.07 mg/kg for Ib-Ib) of each drug were assayed in stomach CD-1 female mice (25-30g). As ulcerogenic agent indomethacin (50 and 100 mg/kg of body weight) was used. Ulcer index was calculated using ImageJ software. Additionally, acute toxic effects of Ib-Ibwere evaluated by Lorke(1983) procedure. Significantly differences were determined using ANOVA and P< 0.05. RESULTS: The gastrointestinal side effects wereevaluated as total ulcerated area caused by the administration of ibuprofen compared to Ib-Ib. Atthe current doses notstatistically significant difference in ulcerative indexwas observed between stomachs groupstreated with ibuprofen and ib-ib. Detailed observation of stomachs reveled an important mucosa lost in groups administrated with high Ib-Ib doses. Besides, DL50 was determined > 5000 mg/kg. COCLUSIONS: There was no difference between the ulcerative indexon the stomachs treated with Iband Ib-Ib, this compound results safe until 5000 mg/kg by oral way. 135 CO 207 COAGULATION FACTOR ANGIOGENESIS. 1 1 1 Xa 1 (FXa) 1 AND ITS 2 ZYMOGEN 3 2 FX INHIBIT 3 Valenzuela R, Lange S, Gonzalez I, Arce M, Aranda E, Elliot M, Alvarez M, , Palma V, Allende M, 1,4Owen GI. 1 Departamento de Fisiología, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago, Chile. 2 Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile. Santiago. Chile. 3 FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation. Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile. Santiago, Chile. 4 Biomedical Research Consortium Chile (BMRC), Alameda 440, Piso 13. Santiago, Chile. Angiogenesis is the formation of new vascular segments from existing vessels. This process plays a fundamental role in cancer progression and involves activation of multiple pro-angiogenic signaling cascades such as Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF). FX has been shown in a knock-out model to have a role in vascular development and angiogenesis. We report herein that FX and FXa possess anti-angiogenic properties. Both the recombinant zymogen FX and recombinant FXa, but not a recomninant FX lacking the Gla-domain, inhibit the formation of tubular structures in an in vitro model of angiogenesis using the endothelial cell line EA.hy926 seeded in matrigel and in independent cultures of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) stimulated with VEGF. We demonstrate that FXa and FX use distinct mechanisms to mediate this activity, with only FXa being dependent on PAR-1 activation. Also we showed that blockade of Endothelial Protein C R eceptor (EPCR) also inhibits the antiangiogenic effect of FX and FXa. In an in vivo setting, we show that FX and FXa are anti-angiogenic in a Zebrafish model of intersegmental vasculature formation and in the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane. Our results shed further light on the extra-coagulatory function of the factor Xa coagulation factor and present the first demonstration of a biological role for the zymogen FX. CO 208 Simposio de Productos Naturales / Symposium of Natural Products THE USE OF MEDICINAL PLANTS AND OTHER DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS FOR THE TREATMENT OF PAIN IN INTEGRATIVE CLINICS IN THE UNITED STATES Kiefer D Department of Family Medicine, 1100 Delaplaine Court, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, 53715. Email = Introduction: The use of medicinal plants and other dietary supplements in the United States is common and increasing. Pain, from a variety of causes, is one of the more common symptoms for which people in North America use dietary supplements. There is evidence in the English-language medical literature supporting the use of some natural products for pain due to arthritis, fibromyalgia, headaches, and low back pain. Objective: To review the medical literature for clinical trials on dietary supplements for the most common pain conditions, focusing on clinically-relevant, recent research. Methods: A review of randomized, controlled clinical trials and meta-analyses as listed in the PubMed database. Results: There is research exploring the use of a variety of dietary supplements for pain. Some of the research trials are small and of substandard methodological quality, while others are well-designed and convey useful conclusions. Some of the dietary supplements being studied for pain include 5HTP, ASUs, Boswellia serata, coenzyme Q10, omega-3 fatty acids, Petasites hybridus, riboflavin, SAMe, Tanacetum parthenium, and Zingiber officinale. The safety and efficacy of these natural products will be reviewed in this presentation. Conclusions: There are many dietary supplements, including medicinal plants, possibly useful for headache, fibromyalgia, and joint pain. There is varying scientific evidence supporting the use of these natural products for these conditions. Factoring in any relevant nutraceutical-pharmaceutical interactions, an integrative approach to the treatment of pain can safely and effectively utilize dietary supplements such as medicinal plants, while awaiting further research to refine and improve the use of these vitamins, herbs, and other compounds. 136 CO 209 THE OVERLAP OF TRADITIONAL AND ALLOPATHIC MEDICINE: A STUDY FROM MIDWESTERN UNITED STATES. Kiefer D, Tellez-Girón P, Bradbury J. Department of Family Medicine, 1100 Delaplaine Court, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, 53715. Introduction: Herbal medicine use is common in the United States, especially in immigrant populations. This topic transcends the boundaries of many disciplines (i.e. anthropology, botany, clinical medicine, etc.). In addition, there are significant gaps in the literature about the specific plants used, the overlap of allopathic and herbal medicine, and the prevalence of use in the Midwest. Objective: To explore herbal medicine use by Latinos now living in Madison, covering as many of the interdisciplinary aspects of an ethnobotanical research project as possible. Specifically, the objective was to document the sources of those plants and plant knowledge, and the health conditions for which the plants were used. Methods: A convenience sampling method followed by “snowballing” inquiry was used to identify Spanish-speaking community members in Madison with knowledge about herbal medicine and retail establishments stocking plants for Latinos; respectively, focus groups and visual surveys of herbal retail outlets were then used for data collection. Collaboration with colleagues in botany, primary care and global health helped refine the research methodology and identify study participants. Results: Eight focus groups consisting of 42 study participants yielded 199 minutes of audio recordings. Fifty-eight different medicinal plants were mentioned. These plants were obtained from gardens, relatives, friends, and ten retail establishments. Retail sites sold fresh and dried plants, and packaged products, ranging from 20-150 plant products per site. Participants mentioned 35 distinct health conditions for which herbal medicines were used; non-disclosure was the rule. Clinicallyrelevant confusions were also identified when common plant names were compared with likely Latin binomial names. Conclusions: Herbal medicine use by Latinos is both complex and extensive, making a compelling case for interdisciplinary research teams, and for health care providers to learn about the topic. Future work should involve other demographics, botanical identification, quantification of disclosure rates, and development of educational interventions. CO 210 HERBAL MEDICINES: NEW PARADIGM FOCUS Chico S, Catalano A, National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Devices. Av. de Mayo 869, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina., Introduction: ANMAT is the Argentinian health authority with competence in herbal medicines. Recently, it has adopted the new paradigm based on regulatory science. This work aims to present the tools found to impulse traditional medicines control. In 2009 ANMAT was recognized by t PAHO as National Reference Authority in Drugs Regulation. Since 2013 ANMAT has been active member of the International Regulatory Cooperation for Herbal Medicines (IRCH)- WHO. Its constant searchings, regulating inspections, and monitoring activities on traditional medicines, in consonance with the developments achieved by Argentinian and Regional Pharmacopoeia commissions, have collected vast information on herbal products valuable to be guided in favor of the public health. Whit appropiate tools it will be possible to achieve this objetive. Objetives: Regulatory science paradigm was defined as the utilization, in each decisional act, of the best scientific evidence available as a result of the conjunction of professionals, academics, regulatory authorities and society. Under this new concept, for the control on herbal products ANMAT has considerated the following tools: herbal products and companies strategies registration-permit, control market, good manufacturing practices, herbal medicinal products vigilance, pharmacopoeia monographs and a technical advisor group with expertise in the field. All this tools are found in the conjunction of a working group harmonized. Conclution: Having regard to the particular characteristics of these traditional medicines products, ANMAT has found that only by the contributions of all the tools available in different contexts will obtain harmonized information to serve to the community. Strengthening legislation concerning herbal 137 medicinal products to adopt science-based legislation with participation of scientific and regulatory professionals, ANMAT has concluded is the best way to achieve it. CO 211 PROJECT FUNDING MODELS FOR RDI IN MEDICINAL PLANTS INLATIN AMERICA Desmarchelier C, PhD Consultant – Ministry of Science & Technologyof Argentina (MinCyT) Godoy Cruz 2320 Buenos Aires –Argentina.E-mail: Project funding is an important instrument in the development of new pharmaceuticals in industrialised countries.Several sophisticated financing instruments have been developed for funding promising research, development and innovation (RDI) projects in this sector. These include private capital raising, secondary public offerings, long term investments, and government funding through specific agencies such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the USA, only to name a few. However, in developing countries these instruments have not evolved in the same degree as – for instance – in the USA, Europe or Japan. And if they have, theyare mostly oriented to innovation in drugs from new entities of a synthetic and/or biological nature.Few efforts have taken place in supportingthe development of new drugs or active ingredients (i.e. APIs or active extracts) from plants.Furthermore, companies that manufacture and market plant-derived products such as phytopharmaceuticals and dietary supplements do not tend to use this kind of instruments due to their culture, small size and family-style management. In recent years several public funding instruments have been developed in Argentina in order to encourage innovative initiatives in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and are increasingly being used in the fields of pharmaceutical, biotech and agricultural technology. These instruments are either of a general purpose – that is to say that they can be used by any industrial sector – or oriented. They include soft credits, tax benefits, or even direct subsidies for RDI projects that will ultimately lead to new and innovative products, services or processes either in single companies or in private-public consortia. We will present an overview of the main instruments available for the industry, together with some cases that have or could be eligible for funding in the field of RDI with medicinal plants. CO 212 EFFECT OF Mangiferin (Mangifera indica L.)ON THE GASTRIC MUCOSA OF CD-1 MICE 1 1 1 2 2 2 Cervantes F ., Sánchez Z. , Sarmiento E. , Palacios JF ., Lozada, MC ., Izquierdo T . 1 2 Maestría en Ciencias Farmacéuticas. Lab. Fitofarmacología. Lab. Sìntesis Orgánica. Depto. de Sistemas Biológicos. División de CBS. Universidad AutónomaMetropolitana–Xochimilco. INTRODUCTION: Mangiferin(MNG), a xanthoneC glycoside obtained from the aqueous extract of the bark of Mangiferaindica L. (familyAnacardiaceae), presents an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antinociceptive profile.Its proposed action mechanism is through inhibition of prostaglandins (PGs) synthesis as well as other alternate mechanisms. PG inhibitors induce injuries in the gastric mucosa, ulcers, digestive bleeding. In this study we assessed the effect of MGF on the gastric mucosa in an experimental model. MATERIAL AND METHODS: MGF was provided by the Organic Synthesis Laboratory of UAM-X. We used six groups of female CD1 mice (n = 6) with a 12-h fasting. The first group received indomethacine (INDO) at 100 mg/kg orally. We evaluated three MGF oral doses: 60, 120,and 240 mg/kg, and two negative vehicle controls. Mice were euthanized 6 h after administrations. Stomachs were removed, washed, and fixed in 2% formaldehyde. Gastric injury was assessed through images of the ulcerated, bleeding areas, as well as hyperemic injuries; the Image J® software was used to determine the ulceration index (UI) for each group. Data were analyzed with ANOVA-GraphPad Prism® program- andTukey’s test; significance was set at P<0.05. RESULTS: The UI assessed with the three MGF dosesdid not differ significantly from controls and was different from INDO (P<0.05).Hyperemic injury was only observed with the higher doses. Topical injuries, type mucosal erosion due to interruption of the gastric barrier of epithelial cells, were observed at60 (0.13%),120 (0.82%), and240mg/kg doses in only two cases (0.12% and 0.74%). CONCLUSIONS: MGF has low incidence of damaging effects on the gastric mucosa. This seems to be associated to the fact that it does not induce depletion of PGs, which is essential for the 138 development of clinically relevant gastric ulcers. CO 213 NEUROTOXICOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF AQUEOUS EXTRACTS OF Turnera diffusa (Turneraceae) AND Chrysactinia mexicana (Asteraceae) IN MICE, PLANTS USED AS TRADITIONAL APHRODISIAC REMEDIES. “Damiana de California and falsa Damiana” a,b b b c Ferreyra-Cruz O , Dorantes-Barrón A , Estrada-Reyes R , Cassani J . a. Maestría en Ciencias Farmacéuticas. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Calzada del Hueso 1100, Col. Villa Quietud, Delegación Coyoacán, 04960, México D.F., México b. Laboratorio de Fitofarmacología. Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz. Calzada México Xochimilco No. 101, Col. San Lorenzo Huipulco, Delegación Tlalpan, 14370 D.F. México. c. Departamento de Sistemas Biológicos, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco. México, D.F.04960, México., INTRODUCTION: Turnera diffusa Wild (Turneraceae) and Chrysactinia mexicana A. Gray (Asteraceae), widely used as aphrodisiacs in the traditional medicine, are an alternative to treat the sexual health problems. To our knowledge, there is not information available about the side-effects of the intake of these plants. The aim of this work was to evaluate the neurotoxicological effects of aqueous extracts of T. diffusa and C. mexicana in mice. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Neuropharmacological effects produced by the oral administration of T. diffusa and C. mexicana aqueous extracts were carried out employing Swiss-Webster male mice. Neurological effects were evaluated in open field, rota-rod and inverse-bar paradigms. The acute toxicity was evaluated through the LD50. To determinate the chronic toxicity, behavior, weight and temperature body changes were monitored during thirty days of daily administration. After this period the animals were sacrificed and the morphology of kidney, liver, stomach and spleen were analyzed macroscopically. Gastric toxicity was evaluated by determining the ulcer index by extracts-treat; the changes produced were compared to indomethacin. The comparisons were made using the ImageJ-software. RESULTS: The T. diffusa and C. mexicana treatments did not cause the death of mice or alterations in behavior. Only at 5000mg/kg dose a decrease in locomotor activity was observed. LD50 > 5000 mg/kg for both of them. The treatments did not induce neurological failures. Dosage range did not cause significant damage in the organs and unlike to indomethacin, treatments did not produce gastric ulcers. The therapeutic index for both species was upper than 75. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of toxicity implies that the intake of T. Diffusa and C. mexicana does not involve significant health risks. These findings supports the use of these aphrodisiac plants as a safety alternative to treat the sexual dysfunctions or for relief the side effects that derivate to some chronic diseases. C 046 METABOLIC SYNDROME AND PLANT DRUGS (Enlarged abstract) Dr. Jorge Alonso Presidente de la Asociación Argentina de Fitoterapia Insulin resistance, obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia are strongly associated with metabolic syndrome, which is considered to be a reversible clinical stage before its evolution to coronary heart disease and diabetes. Metabolic syndrome is also known as metabolic syndrome X, cardiometabolic syndrome, syndrome X, insulin resistance syndrome, etc. Is a combination of the medical disorders that, when occurring together, increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The term "metabolic syndrome" dates back to at least the late 1950s, but came into common usage in the late 1970s to describe various associations of risk factors with diabetes that had been noted as early as the 1920s. Kylin (1923), was a Swedish doctor who first defined the association between hypertension, gout and hyperglycemia. Marseille Jean Vague, in 1947 and then in 1956, showed that people with obesity were predisposed to have in the future diabetes, atherosclerosis, thyroid dysfunction, and urinary calculations. In 1977, 139 Haller employment for the first time the term "Metabolic Syndrome" in academic circles to refer an association between obesity, diabetes mellitus and fatty liver, describing in addition the risk factors for arteriosclerosis. Some studies have shown the prevalence in the USA to be an estimated 25% of the population, and prevalence increases with age. The World Health Organization 1999 criteria require the presence of any one of diabetes mellitus, impaired glucose tolerance, impaired fasting glucose or insulin resistance, and two of the following: • Blood pressure: ≥ 140/90 mmHg • Dyslipidemia: triglycerides (TG): ≥ 1.695 mmol/L and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) ≤ 0.9 mmol/L (male), ≤ 1.0 mmol/L (female) 2 • Central obesity: waist:hip ratio > 0.90 (male); > 0.85 (female), or body mass index > 30 kg/m • Microalbuminuria: urinary albumin excretion ratio ≥ 20 µg/min or albumin:creatinine ratio ≥ 30 mg/g Clasification The European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance (1999) requires insulin resistance defined as the top 25% of the fasting insulin values among nondiabetic individuals AND two or more of the following: • Central obesity: waist circumference ≥ 94 cm (male), ≥ 80 cm (female) • Dyslipidemia: TG ≥ 2.0 mmol/L and/or HDL-C < 1.0 mmol/L or treated for dyslipidemia • Hypertension: blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mmHg or antihypertensive medication • Fasting plasma glucose ≥ 6.1 mmol/L In the Metabolic Syndrome there are furthermore hyperleptinemia and, at the same time, resistance to the own leptin. This substance is secreted in the adipocytes (mainly). When the amount of fat stored in the adipocytes increases, leptin is released into the bloodstream, to inform the hypothalamus that the body has a number of reservations and that should inhibit the appetite. Leptin also increases the oxidation of fatty acids and decreases the TGC in the adipocyte. Diagnosis is based primarily on: • Clinic (abdominal measurement) • Blood analysis (lipid parameters and sugary) • Liver ultrasonography (confirm or rule out fatty liver) • Microalbuminuria (signal of endothelial dysfunction, kidney damage, disease CV) • ECG (Left Ventricular Hypertrohy) • • Blood Pressure Treatment Increase physical activity, reduce weight, treatment of diabetes and insulin resistance, treat hyperlipidemia, hypertension, stress and anxiety disorders, and the fatty liver (if any). Many drugs used in these cases (glitazones, metformin, statins, orlistat, pharmaceuticals, etc) are not exempt from risks, and have not always yielded the expected results. In such a way that many plant drugs recently have been positioned to be able to give a finished therapeutic coverage and wide in each of the clinical manifestations of this syndrome, without generating the adverse effects so often observed. At the conference will be published the scientific work and clinical experiences with extracts of artichoke (Cynara scolymus), african mango (Irvingia gabonensis), greater nettle (Urtica dioica), milk thistle (Silybum marianum), guava (Psidium guajava), noni (Morinda citrifolia), rooibus (Aspalathus linearis), spirulina (Spirulina pratensis), turmeric (Curcuma domestica), roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa), resveratrol, coenzyme Q-10. CO 214 SCREENING MEDICINAL PLANTS FROM GUANAJUATO (MEXICO) FOR THE DETECTION OF NOVEL ANTIPROTOZOAL PRODUCTS 1 2 3 1 1 1 Osegueda MS, Calzada F, Yépez-Muliac L, Diosdado MGS, Hernández MEG, Márquez MRG, 1 1 Medellín SM, Marrero JG. 1 National Polytechnic Institute (IPN). Engineering Interdisciplinary Professional Unit. Campus Guanajuato (UPIIG). 200 Mineral Valenciana Avenue. Industrial Park Puerto Interior, Zip Code: 36275. Silao de la Victoria, Gto, Mexico. E-mail: 2 Unidad de Investigación Médica en Farmacología, UMAE Hospital de Especialidades-2° piso CORCE Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI, IMSS, Av. Cuauhtémoc 330, Col. Doctores, CP 06725, México, D. F. E-mail: 140 3 Unidad de Investigación Médica en Enfermedades Infecciosas y Parasitarias, UMAE Hospital de Pediatría. Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI, IMSS. Morbidity and mortality due to enteric protozoan infections are a serious health problem in the world, particularly in developing countries where there are poor sanitary conditions. Metronidazole is the drug now most widely used in the treatment anaerobic protozoan parasitic infections, however, potential carcinogenic, teratogenic, embryogenic effects and clinical and laboratory-generated drugresistant strains of both protozoa have been reported. [1] In an effort to improve the therapy for giardiasis and dysentery, new drugs that retain therapeutic efficacy and are devoid of adverse effects, should be discovered. Medicinal plants used to treat gastrointestinal disorders could be a source of such new drugs. In the course of a study of medicinal plants from Guanajuato (Mexico), the antiprotozoal activity of the crude extracts from Brickellia Veronicaefolia (Peixtó), Tecoma stans (Tronadora), Eysenhardtia polystachya (Palo Dulce) and Salvia patens var. Guanajuato, were evaluated using an in vitro antiprotozoal assay. The acetonic extracts from aereal part of the plants, were dissolved in a hydro-alcoholic mixture and extracted by liquid/liquid partition with solvents of increasing polarity: n-Hexane, CHCl3, and EtOAc. In the present work we report the evaluation of each extracts, and its partitions, using an in vitro antiprotozoal assay. CO 215 ANTI-TRYPANOSOMA CRUZI EFFECT OF ESSENTIAL OIL FROM Thymus vulgaris L (THYME) AND ITS MAIN CONSTITUENT, THYMOL, IN MICE Rojas Armas JP. Perú. Introduction: American trypanosomiasis, caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, affects 18 to 20 million people from Mexico to Chile and Argentina. Only nifurtimox and benznidazole are available for treatment, but have significant side effects, so it is urgent search for new drugs and medicinal plants are an alternative. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the essential oil from Thymus vulgaris and thymol on Trypanosoma cruzi in mice. Materials and Methods: albino mice Balb/c were randomly assigned to the following groups (n = 15) infected and untreated (G1), infected and treated with essential oil from Thymus vulgaris 200 mg/kg (G2), infected and treated with thymol 200 mg/kg (G3), infected and treated with benznidazole 100 mg/kg (G4), non-infected and untreated (G5), and infected and treated with Thymus vulgaris 200 mg/kg (G6 ). The treatment was performed from the eighth day post infection. Parasitaemia was checked individually every 2 days by direct microscopy counting parasites in 5 µL of blood. In 14, 21 and 28 days post infection, five mice from each group were sacrificed and the hearts quickly removed and processed for histopathological analysis. Results: The essential oil from Thymus vulgaris and thymol significantly reduced the number of trypomastigotes in the parasitemia peak from 57,60 ± 16,97 to 30,10 ± 15,18 (p < 0.05) and 10,90 ± 4 3,67 x 10 trypomastigotes/mL (p <0.001), respectively, and the number of amastigotes and inflammatory infiltrates in the heart tissue at the end of the experiment. Conclusions: The essential oil from Thymus vulgaris and thymol have anti-Trypanosoma cruzi effect in vivo in mice. CO 216 MANGIFERIN: A NATURAL GLUCOSILXANTHONE AND ITS THERAPEUTIC POTENTIALITIES 1 1 2 2 1 1 Delgado-Hernández R *, Garrido Suarez BB , Hernández I , Rodeiro I , Rodriguez JC , Garcia L , 3 4 1 1 1 1 5 Acosta A , Nuevas L , Romero JA , Salomon S , Rodriguez C , Vandama R , Haegeman G , Vanden 5 Berghe W . 1 Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos (CIDEM), Plaza de la Revolución, La Habana. 2Laboratorio de Farmacología, Centro de Bioproductos Marinos, Plaza de la Revolución, La 3 4 Habana, Cuba. Tecnología Química, ISPJAE, Marianao, Cuba. Centro de Genética Médica, Playa, 5 La Habana, Cuba. University of Gent and Department Biomedical Sciences - University of 141 6 Antwerpen , Belgium. Mangiferin (MF), a natural glucosilxanthone (2 - D-glucopyranosyl-1,3,6,7-tetrahydroxy-9Hxanthen-9-one) has been obtained from different natural sources, being ones of more reported in our country its isolation from the stem bark of Mangifera indica L. Mangiferin constitutes the active pharmaceutical ingredient (around 10-20%) of the Vimang, aqueous extract commercialized in Cuba from the stem bark of Mangifera indica L. Several articles published in the last 15 years explain the pharmacological properties of the Vimang in direct relationship with the presence in the extract of the 1 mangiferin . However, the ecological sustainability of this obtaining process has been questioned and its feasibility has not been scientifically demonstrated, for such reason others way have been explored for the isolation and purification of mangiferin. The current work shows the main results of Mangiferin Project that have been conducted by a multidisciplinary group of researchers in the Drug Research and Development Centre (CIDEM). The project has allowed obtaining mangiferin from the leaves of different species of Mangifera indica L. The investigation has been organized to study the best analytical, technological and pharmaceutical conditions with the objective of to obtain a natural active pharmaceutical ingredient pure, available and pharmacologically effective for to develop new phytotherapeutic drugs. On the other hand, considering the advantages to have mangiferin as active principle pharmaceutically usable for the preparation of new phytomedicinals and keeping in mind the pharmacologicals reports that show mangiferin as antioxidant, antiangiogenic, neuroprotective, analgesic among others properties, we have evaluated the possibility to develop new formulation with mangiferin for the treatment of different pathological conditions were result very important to modulate 2,3 de proangiogenic and proinflammatory mediators . The main results of these pharmacological studies, with the corresponding deepening in the mechanisms of action involved in the biological activity of the mangiferin, are illustrated in this presentation. Other studies with antitumoral drugs broadly used in the oncological therapy, as the cis-platinum, in co-treatment in vitro with mangiferin against tumors cells have demonstrated a synergistic increment of cytotoxicity effects of antitumor drugs for actions of mangiferin. This results suggest the possibility of reduced the dose of antitumor drugs with a therapeutic scheme using mangiferin together with cytostatic drugs. These discoveries constitute the preclinical criteria to consider mangiferin as a future phytotherapeutic for the treatment of oncological processes. CO 217 CYTOPROTECTOR EFFECT OF METHANOLIC EXTRACT FROM THE LEAF OF ERYTHROXYLUM COCA IN GASTRIC INJURY INDUCED IN RATS Palomino de la Gala R, Arroyo Jorge. Facultad de Medicina Universidad Nacional Mayor de san Marcos. Lima Peru. Email: Objetive: To demonstrate the gastroprotective effect of methanolic extract from leaves of Erythroxylum coca through indomethacin and pyloric ligature in rats. Design: Preclynical study. Place: Lima, Faculties of Medicine, Pharmacy and Biochemistry. National University of San Marcos, Lima-Peru. Biological material: Methanolic extract from leaves of Erythroxylum coca. Interventions: Methanolic extract was prepared with leaves of Coca acquired from Empresa Nacional de la Coca S.A. Lima. Gastric protection was evaluated by inducing gastric injuries with indomethacin, it was considered normal control groups, indomethacin, omeprazole and ranitidine with three levels of doses of extract; congestion, edema, hemorrhage and ulcers. Main results: Ulcerous injuries. Results: It was proved a local congestion decrease from mucosa gastric with omeprazole 10mg/kg followed by the treatment with Eritroxylom coca (EC) in doses of 50 mg/kg, 250 mg/kg y 500 mg/kg body weight. It was observed a similar behavior with edema and hemorrhage, being in this last one the dose of EC 250 mg/kg the most effective; and in the evaluation of ulcers in the gastric mucosa, the treatment with EC 500 mg/kg had an effect slightly superior at the ranitidine group in doses of 100 mg/kg. Conclusions: It has been demonstrated in experimental conditions the methanolic extract from leaves of Erythroxylum coca is effective as gastroprotective agent in rats with induction of gastric ulcer. CO 218 PHYTOQUIMIC DETERMINATION, ACUTE TOXICITY AND ANALGESIC, 142 ANTIINFLAMMATORY AND PROCHYNETIC EFFECTS MACROCARPA (CHUCHUHUASI) LEAVES ON RODENTS. 1 OF MAYTENUS 2 Salazar-Granara A , Castañeda-Castañeda B . 1 Doctor, Médico Cirujano, Centro de Investigación de Medicina Tradicional y Farmacología (CIMTFAR), de la Facultad de Medicina Humana de la Universidad de San Martín de Porres (FMHUSMP), Perú 2 Doctor, Médico Cirujano General, Director del Instituto de Investigación, CIMTFAR, FMH-USMP. Objective.- To determinate the phytoquimic compounds, the acute toxicity and the analgesic, antinflammatory and prochynetic action of Maytenus macrocarpa leaves. Methods.- In vitro, we did the phytoquimic march. In vivo: we used male rodents. The acute toxicity was determinated with the Irving test. The antinociception was evaluated by the methods of abdominal contortions, tail shake and the formalin test. The anti-inflammatory activity with the formalin an carrageenan test. The intestinal activity with the test of activated coal. Results.- We reported alkaloids, flavonoids, cumarines, steroids, phenols, quinones, saponins and catekines. We observed sedation and sterotipias with 4000 mg/kg and dead with 12,000 and 14,000 mg/kg without determination of the lethal50 dose. Amount 500 and 2250 mg/kg we found antinociceptive effect by the inhibition of abdominal contractions, being more effective than Diclofenac (ANOVAof one tail and multiple test of 2 Bonferroni, p<0.05); so the effect was related to the dose (r=0.5746 y r =0, 3302). With the tail shake test we found antinociceptive effect at 1000 and 1500 mg/kg being lower than Tramadol ((p>0, 05). The phases 1 and 2 of formalin test showed antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effect at 750 and 1000 mg/kg, being higher than Diclofenac (p<0, 05). The carrageenan test showed anti-inflammatory effect at 1000 and 1500 mg/kg lower than Ibuprophen (p<0, 05). Among 500 and 3500 mg/kg we observed increase of intestinal motility, against to atropine and effect related to dose (r=0, 2609 y 2 r =0, 06808). Conclusion.- It made evident phytoquimic compounds, toxic effects and antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory and prochynetics effects of chuchuhuasi’s leaves. CO 219 Taller de Farmacovigilancia / Workshop on Pharmacovigilance THE INTERNATIONAL DRUG SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM AND THE UPPSALA MONITORING CENTRE (UMC) Dr. Elki Sollenbring Uppsala Monitoring Centre OMS, Suecia Abstract not received at the moment of edition / Resumen no recibido al momento de la edición. MR 004 PHARMACOLOGICAL DRUG SURVEILLANCE IN CUBA. UPDATE SYSTEM REGULATIONS Dres. Giset Jiménez López, Ismary Alfonso Orta, Reynaldo Hevia Pumariega Centro Estatal para El Control de los Medicamentos y Equipos Médicos (CECMED) Abstract not received at the moment of edition / Resumen no recibido al momento de la edición. CO 220 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS COMPARISON OF MINISTRIES OF HEALTH AND ETHICS COMMITTEES FOR SAFETY REPORTS IN CLINICAL RESEARCH IN CENTRAL AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN. Ramírez N., Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Costa Rica, Madrigal C., Roche Servicios S.A., Molina R., Roche Servicios, S.A. Clinical studies are important to provide information about the effectiveness of the pharmaceutical products of companies in real circumstances. That is why health regulation for Phase III studies and Phase IV are important to ensure the safety of the subjects in the presence of adverse effects. In this paper, the information about health laws or decrees of the countries of Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, El Salvador, Panama, Bahamas and Costa Rica were reviewed and 143 focused in clinical research and regulations Ethics Committees. Local documents relating to clinical studies were reviewd and specifically the aspects related with safety to subjects (Reporting of adverse effects). The Information obtained was compared and analyzed with respect to Report Adverse Events (serious adverse event and suspected unexpected serious adverse reaction, SUSAR) and was compared between each of the legislation in this aspect. It was found that Guatemala, El Salvador and Panama are those with greater protection for the subjects, because the deadline to report adverse events are more demanding and their regulations need more requirementes and periodic reports. In Bahamas, Nicaragua, Honduras and Trinidad and Tobago's do not have a national entity to ensure clinical research regulations. In the case of Dominican Republic is one of the countries that have shown interest in this area and created the National Bioethics and Health (CONABIOS). With respect to Costa Rica, the law repealed in 2010 and this does not allow clinical research and recently depends on approving a new law in Biomedical Research. CO 221 CHARACTERIZATION OF ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS OF LOW FREQUENCY OF APPERANCE IN THE CUBAN DRUG SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM, 2004-2012 Santos L, Jiménez G, Alfonso I, Romero MB Universidad De Ciencias Médicas. Matanzas Introduction: the adverse reactions of drugs constitute an emergent pathology, with a big welfare, social and economic aftereffect. The present investigation has the target to characterize the adverse reactions of medicines that occurs in low frequency of appearance, received in the National Coordinating Unit of Pharmacovigilance from 2004 to 2012. Method: we conducted an observational, descriptive, transversal study, of drug surveillance, to characterize the reactions of low frequency of appearance according selected variables like age, sex, other treatments, severity and causality assessment. Results: it is possible to appreciate with the course of the years an increase in the detection of adverse reactions of low frequency of appearance, of which 40806 adverse reactions were evaluated. The demographic characteristics in the reports of low frequency the adults as the group demonstrated of major notification (26864 cases for 65, 8 %), and the predominant sex was the feminine one with 26781 reports for 65, 6 %. There prevailed the RAM moderated with 23135 reports (56.7 %), those of type A with 29578 reactions (72.5 %) and occasional with 12718 notifications (54.6 %), falling ill in major quantity the skin and annexes as system of organs. Most of the detected effects were probable according to the causality 26326 (64.5 %) expressing efficacy of the detection of the reports of low frequency. The serious RAM and of low frequency they totalized 783 reports, the penicillin and the pentavalente vaccine with 53 notifications (6.7 %) there were the medicines that more serious reactions and of low frequency they have provoked in this period. The antimicrobial and antineoplastic ones were the medicines that more mortal reactions produced. Conclusions: The notification of the suspicious adverse events of medicines, especially if they are slightly well-known or if they are of recent commercialization, allows knowing better its toxicity profile and helps to reduce the risks in the population. CO 222 COMPETENCE IN REPORTING ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS AND MEDICATION ERRORS BY REGISTERED NURSES IN A SPANISH TEACHING HOSPITAL Salcedo-Diego I, Serrano-Gallardo P, Revuelta-Zamorano M, de Andrés-Jimeno B, Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Calle Manuel de Falla 1, 28220 Majadahonda, Spain, Introduction: Although Registered Nurses (RN) have been included in the Spanish Pharmacovigilance System (PV) since its set up, they provide less than 10% of the drug related problems reports. The aim of the study is to assess the competence of hospital RN in reporting adverse drug reactions (ADR) and medication errors (ME). Methods: Cross sectional study. An electronic survey, designed for the purpose of the study, and which content and face validity had been previously explored, was sent to the universe of clinical 144 nurses (N=760) of a public tertiary Spanish teaching hospital. The questionnaire included 32 items to measure their competence (knowledge, attitudes and skills) in reporting drug related problems, as well as socio-demographic and professional variables. Descriptive and bivariate analysis (Chisquared and Student´s t-test) was performed. Results: The response rate was 40.8%. 89%of the responders were women, mean age was 37 years (SD 9.29); 85% administer medication daily and 31% attended training in patient safety last year. Few RN had ever seen the ADR (22%) or the ME (16%) reporting forms and the majority have not reported and ADR (98%) nor an ME (97%) during last year. 76% think that all suspected ADR should be reported. 94% agreed that receiving training on PV in their Units could increase the reporting rate. Based on the bivariate analysis, those RN working evening and night shifts are more likely to know the ME reporting form (p=0,029), as well as those who received training in patient safety (p=0,092). Conclusions: The lack of knowledge on the spontaneous reporting systems might be a factor to explain the under-reporting of ADR and ME by hospital Registered Nurses. New training strategies need to be considered to improve their competence in reporting, in order to increase the knowledge of drug related problems in the hospital setting. CO 223 CHAGAS DISEASE: CONTROL 1 1 PHARMACOLOGICAL 2 2 ALTERNATIVES FOR VECTOR 1 Marin GH .; Dadé M ; Daniele M ; Mestorino N , Errecalde J 1. Cátedra de Farmacología Básica, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. 60 y 120 s/n, 1900, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2. Catedra de Farmacología, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Contacto: Introduction: Chagas is an endemic disease in South America that has very few treatment options to eliminate Trypanosoma cruzi, while preventive actions consist in spraying homes with organophosphate. Unfortunately these options have failed to control the spread of the disease. and today, millions of inhabitants affected. Objective: To demonstrate the presence of avermectin inside Triatoma infestans bodies after feeding them with blood loaded with ivermectine. Extensive populations of Triatoma infestans can be found in domestic and peridomestic habitats such as corrals and chicken coops since they are sources of blood meal for triatomine bugs. In these context this study tested the efficacy of Ivermectin 0.5% injected subcutaneously to hens at a dose rate of 200 ug/kg against fifth instars’ nymphs of Triatoma infestans.. Methodology: Insects used in this study were fifth instars’ nymphs of T. infestans. Nine hens were used during the experiment. Six hens were treated with Ivermectin 0.5% (subcutaneous route), and the other three animals were used as control group, the control group was manipulated similarly but did not receive Ivermectin. The effects of Ivermectin were measured in two different aspects: mortality and blood intake. Mortality was measured using six groups of 10 fifth instars´ nymphs each, fed over the individually identified hens. The groups were fed at two and seven days after the treatment with Ivermectin. Blood intake was measured as the difference between the weights of the groups, 10 fifthinstars´ nymphs each, before and after each feeding.. Results: Ivermectin produced differential mortality rates in T. infestans fed on treated hens. Nymphs fed 2 days after treatment not show differences with the control group. Nymphs fed 7 days after treatment showed 10% mortality. Groups fed 2 and 7 days after the treatment showed no difference in blood intake. On average each nymph consumed 210 ± 67 mg of blood. Conclusion: This study shows that Ivermectin had only slight lethal effects after a single feeding on treated chickens. Further studies are needed to evaluate if changing certain parameters, such as route of administration and dose could increase the mortality rate of Ivermectin in T. infestans. CO 224 PATIENT ADVERSE DRUG REPORT Dr. Elki Sollenbring Uppsala Monitoring Centre OMS, Suecia Abstract not received at the moment of edition / Resumen no recibido al momento de la edición. CO 225 IMPLEMENTATION OF A PROGRAM OF ADVERSE EFFECTS NOTIFICATION 145 FOR PATIENT. GUANTÁNAMO. JUNE 2009 - FEBRUARY 2010 Trabanca Beltrán YA1, Jiménez G2, Alonso I3. 1 Health Public Direction, Paseo St and Luz Caballero corner. Cuba. Email: 2 Center for the Development of Pharmacoepidemiology, National Pharmacovigilance Unit, 5ta Ave and 44 St, Miramar, Playa, Havana City, Cuba. 3 Center for the Development of Pharmacoepidemiology, National Pharmacovigilance Unit, 5ta Ave and 44 St, Miramar, Playa, Havana City, Cuba. Introduction: In the last years the drugs have become topic of concern, every time they are more those that are marketed, increase the consumption considerably and as a consequence adverse effects appear, for that becomes necessary the pharmacovigilance to classify and to identify these effects that appear in the habitual clinical practice. In the Cuban system of health we works with the method of spontaneous notification for the sanitary professionals, however the program does not exist where the patients notify their adverse effects in a direct way. Materials and Methods: Observational, descriptive and traverse study, that used the method of pharmacovigilance spontaneous notification of adverse reactions suspicions in the municipal main pharmacies of Guantánamo city to implement a program of notification of adverse effects to drugs for patients. We designed a collection of data schedule that was designed for the patients' disposition in the 10 municipal main pharmacies of the city, in the period among June from 2009 to February 2010. Results and Discussion: The reports of adverse effects were more frequent in patients from 15 to 39 years of old and feminine sex. The pharmacological groups that prevailed were the antimicrobianos, AINES and the vaccines, being the most frequent medications the antigripal vaccine, the Cefalexina and the Captopril. The most affected organs systems were the digestive, skin and central nervous system. The light, probable and frequent adverse effects prevailed. Also the reports of adverse effects in their majority were of good quality. Conclusions: The implementation of a program of report of adverse effects for the patients is feasible and it provides important data to the sanitary system. CO 226 ADVERSE REACTIONS TO ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS. PHARMACOLOGICAL SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM, 2003-2012 CUBAN Alfonso Orta I*, Fariñas Reynoso AT, Coutín Marie G, González R Department of Pharmacoepidemiology. Ministry of Public Health Introduction: The antimicrobial effects related to account for 20% of visits to hospital emergency rooms for drug toxicities. In Cuba adverse reactions to antimicrobials are ranked first in the report from 2003 until 2012. It is currently unknown features of these adverse reactions and their preventability have not yet been studied on time series to describe the behavior of the same, allowing to forecast for the NHS. Method: An observational study, longitudinal descriptive. The required information was obtained from case series annual report adverse reactions to antimicrobials in the period from January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2012, reported to the national database pharmacovigilance Ministry of Public Health. We studied the trend and seasonality as part of the components of the time series and calculated the odds. Results: We reported a total of 40,391 adverse reactions to antimicrobials, dominated by reactions to antibacterials (86.4%). Over 60% of adverse reactions occurred in female adults. The antibacterial penicillin G caused the highest number of reports (8423 patients), the most affected organ system was the skin (19 051 reportes/47, 2%). More than 70% corresponded to probable reactions and low frequency. The 17.5% of adverse events were considered preventable, the indication being inadequate because of higher prevalence (52.2%). We identified the growing trend and seasonality in the series, except adverse reactions to antivirals for being irregular. We calculated the forecast for 2013 and 2014 and will increase. Conclusions: Adverse reactions to antimicrobial drugs are a health problem in our country, that affected female adults. Predominated reports to penicillin G and skin. More than half were considered moderate, probable and low frequency. The sixth of the reactions could be avoided and steps should 146 be taken to prevent the same due to the clinical and economic consequences for the health system. CO 227 CHARACTERIZATION OF ADVERSE REACTIONS TO NSAIDs IN ELDERLY IN BOGOTA DC 2012. Chaves M. MSc – Pharmacology, department of pharmacology and therapeutics Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Trasversal 5 No 49-00 Bogotá D.C. E-mail Introduction: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are frequently prescribed in the elderly, despite their potential to cause side effects. Objective: Characterizing adverse reactions to NSAIDs in older adults in Bogota D. C Methods: We performed a pharmacovigilance study, which included 39 reports of NSAIDs-ADR and PRM in adults over 44 years old, included in the District Pharmacovigilance Program database of Bogota during 2012. Results: NSAIDs were the second group of drugs with more reports of ADR and PRM in elderly, with 39 reports 12.1% of notifications received in the District Pharmacovigilance Program of Bogota. With an annual incidence of 1.86 per 100,000 adults over 44 years old, which accounts for the morbidity associated with ADR - NSAIDs monitored in Bogota D. C. The drug more committed was metamizol with 48.7%. The skin and annexes was the most affected organ in 51.3% of cases. According to mechanistic classification of 69.2% were type B ADR, according to the severity 66.7% were moderate. Discussion: Given that older adults consume more medications than younger adults and the prevalence of ADRs increases in this population, one would expect a greater number of reports. But the spontaneous notification method ADR, has the problem of underreporting, it is estimated that the health personnel only detects the 5 to 15% of the ADR that arise, versus active pharmacovigilance methods Conclusion: The behavior of ADRs to NSAIDs in adults over 44 years old of Bogota is similar to that reported in the literature for this population, regarding frequency of submission of the ADR and the affected organ system. But with respect to metamizol is necessary to note that in the United States and other developed countries is prohibited marketing. CO 228 ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS NOT DESCRIBED PHARMACOVIGILANCE SYSTEM. CUBA , 2008-2012 IN THE ELDERLY. Furones JA*, Alfonso I**, Jiménez G**, Cruz MA*, López AF***, Broche L** * Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública, La Habana, Cuba. ** Dpto. Nacional de Farmacoepidemiología del MINSAP. Cuba *** Facultad Ciencias Médicas Julio Trigo: UCMH. Cuba Introduction: The main aims pharmacovigilance identify adverse drug reactions (ADR) were not detected in pre-marketing clinical trials, particularly in high-risk populations such as the elderly. Objective: To characterize ADR described in elderly reported to Pharmacovigilance system of Cuba from 2008 to 2012. Method: Cross-sectional study. The universe was not described ADR, unwanted effect not registered with Cuba Drug Formulary (DF) in patients 60 years and older, in the database of the pharmacovigilance system. Outcome measures were age, sex, skin color, main RAM, imputability, severity, medication, organ system, kind of health reporter and source level of the report. Descriptive analysis was performed Results: 899 RAM reported undescribed. Women predominated (64.1%) and white skin (72.5%) with mean age of 70.10 years. The more RAM reported were headache, hypertension and hypotension with 4.0% each, which affected more the cardiovascular system (22.1 %). Heberprot-P ® (5.5%), captopril (4.2%) and dipyrone (3.8%) were the drugs most associated with undescribed ADR. Conditional imputability and moderate severity were 90.3% and 55. 2%, respectively. The 80.9% of the notifications come from primary health care. Conclusions: There is a significant proportion of ADR undescribed in the elderly, whose main 147 features are similar to ADR already established in Drug Formulary, this does not allow to prevent their. CO 229 PHARMACOVIGILANCE OF HEBERPROT-P® Yera I, López P, Alonso L, Valenzuela C, Tuero A, Alvarez A, Debesa G, Moreira M, Marrero I. Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología Pharmacovigilance and post-authorization studies are key elements to monitor the safety and effectiveness of drugs already in the market. CIGB have national and international vigilance of the Heberprot-P® since early stages of commercialization, combining methods of active and passive surveillance. In the first national post marketing study in Cuba included 1851 treatment cycles on 1835 ulcers from 1788 subjects were received the Heberprot-P® in secondary and primary healthcare level. Complete granulation was obtained in 75.9% of ulcers (95% CI; 73.9 – 77.8), in an average of 5 weeks. Re-epithelization of the lesion was achieved in 1012 (61%) of the 1659 ulcers seen during follow-up. Amputations during the treatment period were necessary in 220 occasions (11,9% of the treatment cycles). Relapses during follow-up occurred in 5.0% per person-year, and new lesions in 9.5% per person-year. There was no relationship between these outcomes and the etiology, Wagner’s grade, or location of the initial ulcer. Follow-up information was obtained from 1620 subjects with 1659 lesions, median follow-up time was 425.5 days. The variables with significant unfavorable influence on survival time were ischemic etiology, history of ischemic cardiopathy, older age, and amputation after treatment failure, whereas healing of the ulcer prolonged survival significantly.Adverse events were mostly mild. The serious adverse events were not attributable to the product, but to the underlying conditions of the patients. The results effectiveness in terms of granulation and complete healing promotion as well as amputations and relapses preventions demonstrate the effectiveness of the product. The benefit (granulation or healing) - risk (moderate and severe adverse events + amputations) assessment was favorable for all subgroups the patients. The efficacy and safety of Heberprot-P® in clinical trials was confirmed by the results of its use in clinical practice. CO 230 PHARMACOVIGILANCE CONSIDERATIONS ON ACUPUNCTURE: UPDATE AND Dr. Johan Perdomo, García AJ, González EA, Jiménez G Departamento de Medicina Natural y Tradicional. MINSAP Abstract not received at the moment of edition / Resumen no recibido al momento de la edición. CO 231 WHY IS THERE A NEED TO SET UP A SPANISH-LATIN AMERICAN DILI NETWORK? 1 Fernando Bessone , Nelia Hernandez, Milagros Dávalos, Raimundo Paraná, M. Isabel Schinoni, Maribel Lizarzabal, David Kershenobich, Aurora Loaeza, Marco Arrese, Ruby Ann-Chirino, Nahum Méndez-Sánchez, Fay F., Miguel Bruguera, C. Stephens, M. Isabel Lucena, Raúl J. Andrade. 1-Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Servicio de Gastroenterología y Hepatología, Hospital Provincial del Centenario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario- Argentina The lack of a Latin American registry where physicians can centralize reports on hepatotoxic events occurring in the region constitutes a major epidemiological deficiency in the liver toxicity field within our continent. Information on hepatotoxicity in Latin American is scanty and usually comes from case reports or small series of patients. The lack of information regarding the incidence and particular characteristics of DILI (Drug Induce Liver Injury) makes it necessary to implement a data registry system that would allow us to include all DILI data recorded prospectively over time. Physicians using a structured and uniform report form protocol and methodologically trained would provide valuable information to identify the characteristics of patients, drugs or herbals more frequently involved in DILI, pattern of liver injury and outcome. Furthermore, Latin America represents a group of 23 countries composed by different ethnicities (hispanic, black, mestizo, amerindian and european). Such an ethnical diversity within the same geographical area is both a challenge and a chance to 148 enhance the knowledge on the ethnic influence in genetic susceptibility as well as phenotypes of drug induced liver damage. Collaborative groups should not only contribute to improve the medical knowledge on liver toxicity but also intend to fulfill other specific issues such as: 1) Conduct drug surveillance studies, 2) Perform phenotypic and genotypic studies in order to identify and individualize pathogenic mechanisms specifically related to drug susceptibility, involved in different populations and ethnicities. 3) Establish new consensus and to discuss new definitions of DILI phenotypes and outcomes. 4) To further refine hepatotoxicity causality criteria by better weighing clinical information available. Adequate management of these factors will have a significant impact on clinical practice and would have an important bearing on Public Health. CO 232 THE SPANISH-LATIN AMERICAN DILI NETWORK: PRELIMINARY RESULTS FROM ACOLLABORATIVE STRATEGIC INITIATIVE F. Bessone1, N. Hernandez, A. Sanchez, M. di Pace, M. Arrese, J.R. Brahm, A. Ruiz, J.Arancibia, D. Kershenobich, A. Loaeza del Castillo, M. Girala, R. Paraná, M.I. Schinoni, N. Mendez-Sanchez, I. Medina-Cáliz, A. González-Jiménez, C. Stephens, M. Robles Díaz, M.I. Lucena, R.J. Andrade. 1Servicio de Gastroenterologia y Hepatologia, Hospital provincial del Centenario, Rosario,Argentina, * Background and aims: Idiosyncratic hepatotoxicity induced by drugs or herbal remedies (DILI)is an important health problem. DILI is expected to differ across geographical areas due todifferential drug polices, prescription habits, drug consumption and genetic factors. In 2011 theSpanish DILI Registry contacted leading Latin American hepatologists in order to establish a Latin American DILI Registry. The objectives of this initiative were to stimulate detection and collectionof well phenotyped cases to provide information on the Latin American DILI profile andcorresponding risk factors.Methods: Reference hepatologists were identified in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Brazil, Mexico,Peru, Venezuela and Bolivia, who in turn were commissioned to establish national specialistnetworks contributing to the project. Data would be obtained using the methodology in place atthe Spanish DILI Registry. Identified cases would be remitted to the coordinating centre in Málagafor causality assessment and information storage.Results: Seventy-three DILI cases have been analyzed up to November 2012, having a meanage of 52 years (range 15-86) and female predominance (60%). The therapeutic groups mostfrequently implicated were NSAIDs (22%) including nimesulide (5 cases) and diclofenac (4cases); antiinfectives (19%) including nitrofurantoin (3 cases), herbal remedies (12%) includingMorindacitrifolia, Peumusboldus and Monascuspurpureus; hormonal therapy (12%) includingcyproterone acetate (4 cases); and central nervous system drugs (11%). Hepatocellular injury(50%) was the most common type of liver damage. Jaundice was seen in 71% of cases, 53%required hospitalization and 38% fulfilled Hy's Law criteria (66% of hormonal therapy cases, 44%of herbal cases). Positive autoantibody titers were present in 29% of cases, mainly antinuclear.Six cases were autoimmune hepatitis DILI (8%) and five cases had experienced a second DILIepisode (7%).Conclusions: This initial analysis demonstrates similar phenotypic characteristics as observed inregisters outside Latin America with respect to type of injury and severity. However, female casesseem to predominate in Latin America. With regards to causative agents, elevated representationof NSAIDs, hormonal treatments and herbal remedies were evidenced. Simposio de Cronobiofarmacología / Symposium of Chronobiopharmacology C 047 CHRONOPHARMACOLOGY Valdés Y Faculty of Pharmacy and Foods. 2317, 222nd St. La Coronela. La Lisa. Havana. Cuba. Biological rhythms influence many body functions like metabolism, sleep pattern, hormone production and physiology. Variations in these functions cause changes both in disease state and in plasma drug concentrations. Diseases, such as hypertension, asthma, peptic ulcer, arthritis, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, stroke, cancer, follow the body's circadian rhythm. Many systems in the human body such as hepatic and renal systems show variation in their function throughout a typical day. They are predictable systems, which require different amounts of drug at predictably different 149 times within the circadian cycle in order to maximize desired and minimize undesired drug effect. Chronopharmacology considers that the drug therapy can be optimized by tailoring the dosing schedule based on chronobiological pattern. This has led to a new approach to the development of drug delivery systems. A number of chronotherapeutic medications, aiming at synchronizing medications and the intrinsic rhythms of disease have been developed in recent years. In this lecture, the concepts of biological rhythms, chronobiology, chronopharmacology and chronotherapy for various diseases will be discussed. C 048 THE ROLE OF ACTIGRAPHY IN THE STUDY OF THE SLEEP-WAKE CYCLE Miguel Meira e Cruz Portuguese Association of Chronobiology and Sleep Medicine Cardiovascular Autonomic Function Lab, Lisbon Faculty of Medicine In the recent years activity-based sleep wake monitoring adquired an importante role as a measurance tool in sleep research and sleep medicine. Although not as accurate as PSG for evaluating some sleep parameters, actigraphy has the ability to record continuosly for long time periods and most often seems more reliable than sleep logs preventing the need of long time observations which are most of the times unfeasible from a practical point of view. Adults and children sleep patterns can be analysed with the use of this technique which provides important validated objective information either related with sleep and wake schedules, daytime and nighttime activity as well as enviroment light. Actigraphic analisis may also have a role in the medical care of patients with diferente sleep disturbances, namely circadian rythm disorders, imnsonia, restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movements. More rarely actigraphy may be usefull for selected patients with suspected sleep related breathing disorders. Despite the different conditions for which actigraphy may be helpfull, some methodological issues need to be respected in order to obtain clinically usefull and reproducible data. In this lecture, author will provide an overview about actigraphy as a tool with great value on sleep lab either for research and for clinical purposes. MR 005 SPORTS CHRONOBIOLOGY Dr. Anisio León, Dra. Graciela Nicot, Dra. Evelina Almenares, Dr. Antonio Hernández Instituto de Medicina del Deporte. La Habana. Cuba. Chronobiology is the science of biological rhythms that applied in the human being has implications in many spaces of life and work. The beginnings of this discipline applied to the Science of sports, rule a lot of physiological activities ruled by the time, been born and timed in linkage with the central nervous system and in independent activities they are ruled by the suprachiasmatic nucleus and related to the psychoneuroendocrine system. They have diverse implications from his application to the exercise, his performance, training, moment of sports results, prevention and rehabilitation of sports injuries, as well as the more premature recuperation, analysis and use of medicaments in circadian rhythm disorders like Jet Lag, united to the job of medicinal and acupuncture therapies as well as related others; all of them contributing to achieve better results in the training and the competitions. The IMD exposes some investigations, methods and aftermaths used in Cuba with techniques, books and postulates experienced at this field, of late years. Taller de Medicamentos Genéricos / Workshop on Generic Drugs CO 233 A ROLE OF INNOVATION IN CUBAN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Carralero M., Gutiérrez A. Introduction This work discusses several aspects related to development and technological innovation; and establishing an adequate infrastructure, including specialized institutional structures, for the evaluation of technology transfer and development in order to meet the demands made by human 150 beings to the pharmaceutical industry. The most important aspect is that innovation is no longer just about the product itself, it is also centred on how an enterprise contributes to improving the health of patients. Materials & Methods We have constructed a table of dates collected from the introductions to basic medicaments list in the 2009 - 2013 period and we do a review of technological innovation in the Pharmaceutical Industry. We compiled economical dates of these introductions and their health benefits. Results & Discussion At the industrial level, generic drugs reduces the cost of developing of new product and the overall costs of manufacturing that could lead to reduced healthcare spending. Re-innovation by the generic pharmaceutical industry can be observed in drug product design, formulation, process development and manufacturing processes going back to the early stages of the product development cycle. The challenge of new management systems in these innovative generic pharmaceutical enterprises is on product innovation: How to optimize product quality? How to reduce manufacturing costs? How to reduce the time to market? Conclusions The innovation is widely regarded as an instrument to create competitive advantage, Cuba has developed a well-established pharmaceutical industry based on the formulation or manufacturing of generic medicines, originally to provide medicinal products for her own population and, more recently, to earn hard currency through exports. In order to strengthen pharmaceutical production is formed BioCubaFarma Group. CO 234 BIOEQUIVALENCE (OR BIOINEQUIVALENCE) OF GENERIC IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE DRUGS: PHARMACODYNAMIC CONSIDERATIONS. Castañeda G. Departamento de Farmacología Centro de investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2508, 07360 México, D.F. Current bioequivalence criteria consider only pharmacokinetic data. If the area under the curve and the peak concentration observed with a generic falls within a preestablished range with regard to the innovator, both products are considered bioequivalent, and hence interchangeable. However, blood concentration data cannot be directly extrapolated as expressions of the pharmacological effect. The concentration-effect relationship is given by the Hill equation, yielding a sigmoid curve. For most drugs, the curves exhibit a smooth slope factor (h=1), in a way that a change in concentration yields a comparable change in the effect. However, calcineurin inhibitors, such as tacrolimus and cyclosporine, exhibit curves with a high slope (h=3). In such cases, small changes in concentration result in important changes in the effect. Therefore, the allowed variability in drug concentrations permitted by current bioequivalent criteria can result in important changes in the effect, and thus in therapeutic failure. Our results support previous reports on the non-interchangeability of innovator and generic products of calcineurin inhibitors. CO 235 13:10-13:25 Dr. Saúl Padrón Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos, CIDEM, La Habana, Cuba Experiencias cubanas en estudios de bioequivalencias. Ejemplos y nuevas oportunidades / Cuban experiences in bioequivalence studies. Examples and new opportunities Abstract not received at the moment of edition / Resumen no recibido al momento de la edición. CO 236 13:25-13:40 Dr. Nicté González Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos, CIDEM, La Habana, Cuba Development of generic drugs in CIDEM. An experience and new challenges / Desarrollo de Medicamentos Genéricos en el CIDEM. Una experiencia y los nuevos retos Abstract not received at the moment of edition / Resumen no recibido al momento de la edición. 151 CO 237 CARBON NANOTUBES AS PARACETAMOL CARRIERS FOR CONTROLLED DRUG DELIVERY: A THEORETICAL STUDY. Hernández Valdés D, Enriquez Victorero C, Jáuregui-Haza U* Instituto Superior de Tecnologías y Ciencias Aplicadas (InSTEC) * Single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNT) have ultrahigh surface areas that together with the advances on chemical functionalization of CNT for aqueous solubility aimed at exploiting nanotubes as macromolecules for chemistry, biology, and medicine. For that reason, CNT can be used as carriers and/or excipients to obtain different drug delivery systems. In this work, a theoretical study of interactions between paracetamol, a widely used analgesic and antipyretic pharmaceutical, and a simplified model of NTC is presented. The simplified CNT model consists of seven membered ring graphene sheet (coronene) with a surface functional group (SFG), used to assess the influence of several SFG over the paracetamol adsorption on CNT. The MMH methodology was used to evaluate interactions between paracetamol and SFG (carboxyl, hydroxyl) and the graphene sheet. This methodology combines quantum mechanical methods for the calculation of energy with statistical thermodynamic in order to obtain molecular association magnitudes. The structure of each complex was optimized using the PM6-DH2X dispersion augmented semiempirical method, which includes empirical corrections for hydrogen bonding interactions. The pH influence over SG and paracetamol structures was taken into account. The solvent effect using an explicit solvation model with different hydration conditions was evaluated. The Molecular Electrostatic Potential maps over the 0.002 AU electronic density isosurfaces were obtained for the isolated molecules using B3LYP/631G//B3LYP/cc-pVDZ. Charged surface groups have stronger interactions with water molecules and paracetamol than neutral surface groups. The affinity order is: COO > O > COOH > OH > graphene. The presence of graphitic carbon favors adsorption of negatively charged paracetamol at basic pH. CO 238 SIMPLIFYING AND STREAMLINING THE MARKETING AUTHORIZATION PROCESS IN CUBA Suárez Y, Fernández M, Sánchez C. Centro para el Control Estatal de Medicamentos, Equipos y Dispositivos Médicos. Introduction: The risk based approach can be applied both to the product development, and as part of regulatory operations including assessment activities. This new approach was needed to be introduced in Marketing Authorization process by the National Center for State Quality of Control of Drug, Equipment and Medical Devices (CECMED), in order to simplify and streamlining the review process in Cuba, ultimately based on patient protection and scientific principles. The aim of this work was to apply the quality risk management approach in licensing product process of synthetic and semisynthetic drugs. Methods: The state of art regarding risk approach and its implementation in marketing authorization was analyzed among selected National Drug Regulatory Authorities, Prequalification of Medicines Programme of WHO and CECMED. Registered and rejected products were characterized during the period 2007 – 2009. Two normative projects were elaborated according CECMED internal methodology. Results: Differences were found among the selected entities regarding the implementation level on risk approach in marketing authorization. During the studied period, 536 products were registered, 79 % imported, 44% of imported products were previously approved by a relevant regulatory authority or prequalified by WHO, and 38,2 % complicated dosage forms. Two drafts were designed: Guidelines for marketing Authorization for products provided for United Nations Programme or previously approved by any Relevant Regulatory Authority and the guideline for quality assessment applying a risk based approach. 4 trainings were developed for assessors from Drug Departments. Conclusions: The two drafts are in line with the new trends and adjusted to national characteristics, that propose an abridged procedure for products previously approved by selected Relevant Regulatory Authority or prequalified by the World Health Organization, including the elements of pharmaceutical development as a key on quality risk management and decision trees to classify drug 152 product in two level of risk from quality point of view. CO 239 DRUGS DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGE VS NEEDS OF HEALTH. A XXI CENTURY Rodríguez AJR, Lafourcade PA. Pharmacy Department, Natural Sciences Faculty. Universidad de Oriente.Santiago de Cuba. Cuba; In the last years, Pharmaceutical Industry has become a worldwide leader. A few pharmaceutical companies have the control of the 50 percent of the world market of pharmaceutical products. However, the production of medicaments not only is not conducted to supply the needs of health, but also to generate earnings. The objective of this work, was to evaluate the formal and ethical issues that determine the existent divorce among the medicaments production and the needs of health, and the play roll of generic drugs in the health systems in the third world countries. It was made a metaanalysis by using the annual reports of some of the most bigger pharmaceutical enterprise (i.e.Sanofi Aventis, Pfizer; Bristol Meyer Squib, Takeda, Bayer and Novartis) and the emitted informs of World Health Organization (WHO) and the OPS, from 2007 to 2012. It was determine the most produced medicaments by these and other pharmaceutical companies companies. It was identified the principal causes of death for illnesses, among first and third world countries. As a result, it was observed that strategic planning in terms of the needs of health does not come true. That the medicaments what are more produce are generic and some combinations of it. A lack of real innovation, prohibitive pricing and strict regulations on intellectual property were observed, too. This provokes a low availability of drugs for more urgent illnesses and a fact-finding absence to produce medicaments for forgotten chronic illnesses. It can conclude that, in spite of the increase of chronic illnesses, the increase of the epidemiologic loads and the population's aging in all over the world, the real innovation does not exist, researchs in terms of the needs of health do not project and there is little ethical performance of the grand Pharmaceuticals Enterprise. This combination of factors reduces the availability of essential drugs and they determine the unfairness in the access to the drugs of all over the world. Taller de Enseñanza de la Farmacología / Workshop on Teaching of Pharmacology PERMANENT PHARMACOLOGY UPDATING, INHERENT COMPETENCE TO PHARMACEUTICAL CARE C 049 Sedeño C. Foods and Pharmacy Institute, Havana University. 23 Ave. No. 21425. Coronela, Lisa. Havana City. In the past 20 years, the safe use of drugs has generated actions and changes in international health policy, due to the many iatrogenic procedures caused by them, some attributable to clinical investigations performed with insufficient scientific rigor, other problems related to good prescribing, dispensing or administration practices by the health care professionals or improper use of drugs by patients has been named. Multiple drugs from natural, synthetic or biotechnological source, joined to the therapeutic arsenal in the last decades of the last century, characterized by some new and different mechanisms of action, other mechanisms of action already described, but with better risk benefit ratio and other designed especially for the treatment of emerging diseases at the time. The care pharmacist responsible for dispensing prescribed medications to patients must ensure and check that the patient knows the proper performance of the prescribed drug, warn of potential risks and provide advice to any health problems related to drugs. In order to do this effectively, this professional must maintain a systematic pharmacological update during the course of working life. These facts made that international government organization of health reanalyze the roles and responsibilities of pharmacists responsible for dispensing drugs in society. Among the main actions and changes that took place since the late nineties of the last century to the present are: modification of the mission of Pharmaceutical Services, with special emphasis on patient-oriented processes, the need for training Eight Star Pharmacist, with mastery of competencies as Care Provider, Decision 153 Taker, Trainee and Educator Permanent to ensure exercise care in their actions. It is the responsibility of universities to systematically update and form pharmaceutical professionals that today’s society demands, which must be fully trained about drugs that allows them to respond to the scientific development challenges imposed by health issues that characterize this century. CO 240 HISTORY OF PHARMACOKINETICS AND BIOPHARMACY IN CUBA: ROLE OF THE UNIVERSITIES Fernández-Sánchez E. Institute for Food and Drugs. University of Havana, CUBA. A times goes by in the history of the development of the Science and Technology, the universities plays a particular advanced role. Cuba is not different in the appearance of Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmacy besides the interest of research and development of innovator drugs and biosimilars and possibilities to find more optimal bioavailability for generic drugs. The aim of this presentation is to cover the different stages in the search of a national knowledge, through the participation of the university in several investigations on request of the production centers. In this exposure its covers the different higlights on the scientifcal results obtained in the cuban universities applying different methodological topics: pharmacokinetic characterization of new molecules, pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamic relationship (PK/PD), integrated PK/PD modelling, population pharmacokinetics, absorption enhancers, in silic methods in conjugation to the biopharmaceutical classification systems (BCS), bioavailability of pegylated proteins and others. Mainly this results were obtained in biotechnologic molecules in relation of the recognized strengh of the Cuban Biotechnological Industry. It proves the interaction between university and manufacturing and besides it the advanced development of the Pharmaceutical Sciences according to the scientific worldwide paradigms, proved by the publication of papers in journals of high impact. CO 241 APPLICATION OF PBL, ICTs AND ITS EFFECT ON ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN THE COURSE OF BASIC PHARMACOLOGY-2011, MEDICAL SCHOOL OF UNMSM. 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 4 Placencia M , Gonzales H , Villanueva T , Acosta O ; Atoccsa V , Tenorio L , Núñez M , Malca M . 1.Pharmacology Section DACD-Medical School, UNMSM 2.School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, UNMSM 3.Informatics Office, Medical School, UNMSM 4 Teaching Medical School UPC Lima Peru Project N ° Code: 110114435 UNMSM. The Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos is increasingly incorporating PBL methodologies and new ICTs in education, particularly in the health sciences, including pharmacology course. However it has not been yet assessed the impact of this on student academic performance. Objective: To determine the effect of PBL and ICT on academic performance during Pharmacology course of Medical School, UNMSM, 2011. Sample: Students who took the course of Pharmacology in 2011 (n = 131) who voluntarily participated in PBL modules related to the impact on public health, as well as those in which new ICTs were used (n = 62) compared with those that used traditional methodologies (n = 69). Methodology: Analytical comparative study. Chamilo platform was used as part of ICT for virtual learning (pre-test, simulated labs, electronic consultation). PBL methodology was applied with seven modules constituting 50% of the course activities. Academic performance was assessed by overall average of all scheduled activities. Student´s t test was used to compare the mean scores of the course, of PBL modules, among students who used ICT and those that followed only traditional teaching. Results: Students using traditional methodology obtained a overall average score equivalent to overall academic performance of 13.62 ± 1.27; in theory tests an average score of 13.50 ± 1.59 and 13.4 ± 2.0 in PBL modules, while the ICT group obtained 14,10 ± 1.2 and 13.88 ± 1.84, and 13.4 ± 1.7, respectively; showing significant differences (p = 0.033) only when comparing 154 the overall academic performance between groups. Conclusions: We found that ICTs have a significant effect in improving academic performance, which implies the need for further study of the factors involved. CO 242 "SIMULA EXPERIMENTAL PHARMACOL": SOFTWARE TO TEACH AND LEARN EXPERIMENTAL PHARMACOLOGY WITHOUT USE LABORATORY ANIMALS Balderas JL, Alfaro A, Tapia G, Navarrete A. Facultad de Química. Departamento de Farmacia. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Ciudad Universitaria Coyoacán 04510, México D.F., México. Introduction. The use of laboratory animals is restricted for undergraduate curses of pharmacology experimental, is also expensive and not all the universities have laboratory-animal housing and laboratory with equipment in quality and quantity enough to perform pharmacology experiments. We developed software with real and simulated experiments of pharmacology to teach experimental pharmacology. This software can be also used both for students and researches to learn pharmacology methods. Materials and methods. For several years we registered real in vivo and in vitro experiments of pharmacology and they were integrated in software to have access in a random form according drug, dose and experimental type. Also some experiments such as dose-response curves and lethality were simulated with algorithms in such form to obtain results close to reported data in the literature. Also we simulate in vitro records of polygraph of experiments of relaxation and contraction of different isolated organ preparations. All this based on the 3Rs rule. Results. The software is friendly, clear, easy manipulation, nice to user and useful to cover the objectives of teach-learn of an experimental pharmacology curse. This software is a platform Adobe © © © Flash compatible with Windows and MacOS . Each experiment contain fundament of the test, detailed methodology description as a experimental pharmacology book, how to analyze the crude data, alternative test for the same objective, a demo experiment to understand the test with instruction on the critical points that the user should put attention, then the user perform the experiment. In this point exist instructions, for the user select drug, and a dose and then start the experiment, obtain his/her results and analyze and discuss on them with the instructor or theacher. Conclusion. This software is useful to teach and learn experimental pharmacology, resolve economic, technic, educational and ethical problems in the teaching of experimental pharmacology. CO 243 CURRICULAR IMPROVEMENT OF THE SUBJECTS PHARMACOLOGY I AND II IN THE CURRICULUM OF MEDICINE Rodríguez Ezcurdia R, López Guerra RL, Huguet Blanco Y, Pérez de Armas A, Quintana Gómez F Medical College "Dr. Serafín Ruiz de Zárate Ruiz", Villa Clara, Cuba. INTRODUCTION. Pharmacology is a discipline that provides medicine students of scientific basis in therapeutic for applying an integral treatment to patients. It is assumed that relevant pharmacologic knowledge is revisited during the clinical clerkships and the students are adequately trained to prescribe drugs upon graduation. However, for many years it has been noted that pharmacological training is sometimes insufficient and that inadequate and irrational prescription of drugs is a very common problem in clinical settings. OBJETIVE. To design a proposal of curricular improvement of the subjects Pharmacology l and ll to guarantee the general doctor's appropriate formation. METHODS. An observational, cross-section, descriptive study was carried out focused on a mixed quantitative and qualitative design at Medical College "Dr. Serafín Ruiz de Zárate Ruiz" Villa Clara; st from February 2012 to April 2013. The methodological design was conceived in three stages: 1 nd stage to specify the difficulties of the program of the subjects Pharmacology l and ll; the 2 stage related with the design of the proposal of improvement of the revised programs and the 3rd stage to assess the formulated proposal. RESULTS. The main identified difficulties were related with their design such as: teaching organizational forms, contents and system of evaluation. Starting from the identified difficulties a proposal of curricular improvement of the program was designed which is 155 distinguished for methodological orientations that guarantee a developer teaching-learning process. It has the following structure: title, basis, identified difficulties, modifications and basis of the modifications. The proposal was characterized by its relevancy; usefulness; feasibility for their application and methodological scientific value. The same one was valued by the specialists selected as appropriate keeping in mind the mentioned structure, being recommended its implementation in later coming courses to their validation. CONCLUSION. Our program constitutes an effort to medicalize the teaching of pharmacology in medical schools. We expect that most medical school in Cuba will follow our guidelines as our program is applicable to all curricula modalities. CO 244 TEACHING PHARMACOLOGY AS A MEANS OF PROMOTING RATIONAL DRUG USE. AN EXPIERENCE WITH UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS López M, Speranza N, Telechea H, Catenaccio V, Pagano E, Ramos C, Viroga S, Artagaveitya P, Goyret A, Tamosiunas G. Montevideo Medical School. Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Hospital de Clínicas, School of Medicine of the University of the Republic (Universidad de la República, UDELAR) Introduction: Within the framework of a curricular reform that has been developing since 2009 in the School of Medicine of the Republic (UdelaR), the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics has implemented pilot projects that encompass educational innovations. Objectives: To develop educational strategies that will help optimize pharmacology knowledge based in problem-solving techniques in order to promote Rational Drug Use (RDU). Materials and Methods: We implemented workshops with small groups of undergraduate students. Initially, during 2011, the workshops were optional, but during 2012 they were included as part of the curriculum. The students worked with real life cases and problems regarding drug information, RDU, pharmacovigilance (use of antibiotics, emergency and urgency use of antihypertensive drugs, gastrointestinal risks of NSAIDs, risks of Varencicline use and solving of problems at the Center for Drug Information). The workshops took place during the course of 4 months, with weekly face- toface activities and also through the use of a virtual learning environment. Continuous assessment and evaluation was performed through tests to evaluate knowledge as well as through field work and reports. Results: Seventy students participated in 2011 on this pilot project. In 2012, 300 hundred students were involved. They acquired skills in the field of information searching and analysis, designed small scale pharmacoepidemiological studies and applied pharmacovigilance methods. They were able to understand the importance of rational drug prescribing, of monitoring therapy response, of critical analysis of information and of the quality of local records in pharmacoepidemiological investigation. The results on antihypertensive prescription were informed to the participant hospitals and two reports were included in the Bulletin of the Department of Pharmacology. Some of the information gathered during the workshops was relevant to update the list of drugs used at the University Hospital. Conclusion: This working methodology allowed students to learn pharmacology from a nontraditional perspective, based in actual clinical problems. Also, the data obtained during the process was useful to enhance and generate local knowledge. C 050 IMPLEMENTATION OF VIRTUAL SIMULATION SOFTWARE Microlab ® and RAT CARDIOVASCULAR in PHARMACOLOGY 2012, MEDICAL SCHOOL OF UNMSM Placencia M, Núñez M, Gonzales H, Silva J; Carreño J, Vásquez A, Malca M Wilgemburg H Teaching and Research Faculty of Pharmacology. Medical School UNMSM Lima, Peru. Research Project Code 120114335 UNMSM Lima, Perú Constructive learning of pharmacology in medical careers is a challenge for universities and a necessary condition for rational therapy. In the teaching of pharmacology in The Medical School of UNMSM, virtual simulation activities using Microlabs ® software on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics labs were incorporated. (Dr.Hendrik van Wilgemburg). The aim of this work was to optimize learning tools for virtual learning and to assess the impact of this on academic performance. Design: Descriptive and analytic cross-sectional study with non-probability sampling, involving students in the 3rd year of Medical School taking Pharmacology course. (134 students, 85 men and 49 women). Informed consent was prepared requesting their voluntary participation, 156 informing them about the purpose of the research and the importance of the study. Unit of analysis: Average grades for scheduled activities, continuous assessments in virtual labs, software Microlab ® and Rat Cardiovascular applying ICTs. Statistical analysis: descriptive development and application of Student´s t and Mann-Whitney tests. SPSS statistical software version 18 was used. Results: There were 6 induction workshops and training of pharmacology teachers on managing Microlab ® software and Cardiovascular Rat. Results: 4 lab guidelines for the use of virtual simulation software. Scores for the labs of basic pharmacokinetics with clinical application in 2011 were 12.0 and 14.1 in 2012 (p = 0.001). In the labs of pharmacodynamics on the cardiovascular system, the score was 12.0 in 2011 and 13.6 in 2012. (p <0.001). CONCLUSION: The optimization of the instruments allowed a significant improvement of student academic performance in virtual activities of pharmacology. CO 245 PHARMACOEPIDEMIOLOGICAL TEACHING IN MEDICAL SCHOOL. HOW TO APPROPRIATE KNOWLEDGE? Dr. Soledad Carlson Medical School. UNLP. La Plata, Argentina Abstract not received at the moment of edition / Resumen no recibido al momento de la edición. CO 246 ASSESSMENT OF THE GENERAL PHARMACOLOGY LEARNING/TEACHING PROCESS IN THE YEAR 2012 Demurtas SL and Brizuela Nilda Y. Chair of General Pharmacology. Faculty of Medical Sciences. National University of Córdoba (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). Argentina. rd Introduction: General Pharmacology is a subject that belongs to the 3 year within the Medicine Course of Studies, and is prior to the subject Applied Pharmacology. In 2012, it was delivered in 120 hours. The subject was taken by 700 students distributed in 42 groups. Its aims and objectives are to be able to infer the impact of the different routes of administration on pharmacokinetics, to explain the pharmacological effects as a result of the mechanisms of drug action, to detect risks and adverse reactions, and to differentiate individual variations in the results. In order to develop the chosen topics, and taking into account the current syllabus of the subject, different teaching methods were used. Objectives: to detect the students’ degree of knowledge on the aims of the subject and their opinion as regards the adopted teaching methods. Methods and resources: 300 randomly chosen students were polled, monitored by teachers who employ different teaching methods. The survey used consisted of: A header to be filled in with the students’ information. A questionnaire about the students’ knowledge on the aims and objectives of the subject (closed-ended questions with 5 options) and their opinion (open-ended questions). The answers were classified into different categories. Results: 65% of the surveyed students showed having knowledge on the objectives, while the remaining 35% makes reference to therapeutic application, which is not contemplated at this stage. The teacher’s development of theory was approved by 20% of the polled students; the presentation on the part of the students, by a 10%, and the troubleshooting workshop, by a 70%. Finally, only 35% attends lectures, 95% of which is satisfied with them. Conclusions: there is a stronger approval of the workshop as a teaching method and there are problems with the timetables to attend theory classes. CO 247 TEACHING OF PHARMACOLOGY IN THE MODULAR CONSTRUCTION OF THE TRANSFORMATION OBJECT. SYSTEM: Izquierdo-Sánchez, T. Laboratorio de FitoFarmacología- Depto. de Sistemas Biológicos. UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA 157 METROLITANA-XOCHIMILCO. México. Introduction. For the formation of undergraduate students majoring in Chemistry-PharmaceuticsBiology, interactions of drugs and organisms are approached from a paradigm considering the drugs as modifiers of biological responses. The dynamic processes that articulate homeostasis and the interactions of drugs in biological systems are analyzed from this integrated perspective. The Modular system offers a construction model of a transformation object (TO) based on the theoretical contents from a multidisciplinary perspective. Material and Methods. Teams of 4 to 5 students are constituted, and the TO is proposed and discussed as a Research Project. The work starts by selecting a therapeutic group (TG) of relevance for the morbidity and mortality profile prevailing in Mexico. The theoretical framework is elaborated approaching: 1) Structure and physicochemical properties of the drugs that are representative of the TG. 2) Characterization of the pharmacokinetic profile. 3) Exposure and analysis of the pharmacological action mechanisms. 4) Analysis of the mechanisms associated with toxicity/adverse effects. 5) Hypothetical development in study models; pre-clinical, and clinical phase. Themes are organized for analyses and discussion in seminars, following the mentioned order. Laboratory work is adapted to assessment in appropriate experimental models. Results. For the elaboration of TOs, the interrelation of factors that determine de health-disease process is approached in an integrated fashion, from public health, epidemiological, sociodemographic and sanitary view points, as well as from anatomic, physiological, toxicological, biochemical perspectives, among others. Drugs of different TGs such as: NSAIDs, anti-epileptical, cytoprotective, anti-propulsive, etc., are analyzed dynamic process, in which intrinsic and external factors interrelate in an inter-dependent manner as a connective function of the homeostatic processes that modulate repair mechanisms as a whole. Conclusions. Construction of TOs eases the understanding of the pharmacological profile as a dynamic process, in which intrinsic and external factors interrelate in an inter-dependent manner. CO 248 THE GAME IN PHARMACOLOGY: ANOTHER WAY OF LEARNING TO LEARN Yodú Ferral N, Peña Fleites C “10 de Octubre” School of Medicine Josefina, entre Revolución y Gelabert. 10 de Octubre. La Habana. Cuba. Introduction: Current trends in medical education point to the construction of student-centered knowledge models. Therefore, teachers are required to devise methods that activate students’ learning capabilities and help them “learn to learn”. Didactic games are both a method and a means of teaching that is rarely used in higher education. Yet, they stimulate self-learning, team work, motivation and creativity. Furthermore, they can be used as a tool to grade students’ progress. Our goal has been to collect student opinions about the effectiveness of using games as a selflearning stimulation mechanism in the context of the complex subject of “Pharmacology Receptors and their Clinic Importance.” Materials and Methods: Third year medical students in the 2012-2013 course (n=50) were taught the previously mentioned subject. Afterwards, they were told to assemble in teams and create games that would help study the subject. Outside school hours and with the active participation of the whole group, each team presented a practical demonstration of its game. Finally, students selected the game they liked the most, and produced and anonymous written evaluation of this experience. Results: All students produced positive comments about the activity. They agreed it helped stimulate self-study, team work, motivation, creativity and the whole learning process. Around 79.4% pointed out they found the activity an interesting one, particularly because it was a novelty that let them enjoy while learning. Approximately 20.5% indicated negative factors. These were mostly related to the scarce time assigned for demonstrations and discipline problems during their development. The games’ effectiveness as a grading mechanism was also questioned. Conclusions: Didactic games serve to stimulate self-study, creativity, motivation and team work in the context of Pharmacology teaching. They also serve as a feed-back mechanism that can be used to correct learning errors. Games have the benefit of encouraging more active student-teacher exchanges. 158 CO 249 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF CLINICAL PROGRAMS ACROSS THE WORLD. PHARMACOLOGY TRAINING Domínguez V, Speranza N, Goyret A, Tamosiunas G. Departamento de Farmacología y Terapéutica, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República (UdelaR). Hospital de Clínicas, Montevideo, Uruguay. Introduction: Clinical Pharmacologist is a wide spectrum discipline yielding professionals with a similar wide spectrum area of activities including clinical practise, research, drug regulation and industry. Therefore, clinical pharmacology (CP) training programs should include a variety of content in order to acquire specific knowledge, skills and attitudes to function as a specialist. Objective: To characterize a non-random sample of CP training programs in different countries. Materials and Methods: We have reviewed six CP specialty training programs from different countries and compared their main characteristics. The selection criteria were only based on easiness of public access. Results: A descriptive analysis is presented. The following table summarizes the most relevant results. *American Board of Clinical Pharmacology UK Spain Australia Canada U.S.* -MD in US or Canada & Primary Specialty -Non physicians & Doctoral degree in Medical sciences Admission requirements General Internal Medicine & Acute Medicine (12 months) Pass the annual exam (MIR) Basic physician 3 yeartraining Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, Anesthesia or Psychiatry Duration of training 4 years 4 years 3 years 2 years Clinical training No 18 months & shifts No 6 months Drug research Training in Regulatory aspects Training for Industrial Clinical Pharmacology Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Toxicology Training in teaching CP Uruguay Basic physician 7 yeartraining 3 years Yes At least 2 years Is encouraged but not required Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Optional Optional Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Not in all the CP Departments Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Not yet Yes No Conclusions: There is considerable heterogeneity in the CP training programs across the world. The 159 examples analyzed show differences in terms of both background admission requirements and content of clinical training. This is felt to be a major contributor to the perception that clinical pharmacology is an ill-defined discipline. PL 014 CAUSES OF DISEASES AND THEIR BOARDING FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE Dr. Llorente JR Presidente Sociedad Española de Nutrición Ortomolecular. When speak about nutrition and feeding in colloquial terms, we adapt this to culinary sphere, that is to say, to the aspect and organoleptic characteristic. Feeding is the only way of we dispose to provide an appropriate nutrition. As all we know, it is one of the markets more manipulated from different areas, social, economic and mediatic. The consequence is a commercialized feeding and far from the designed function. Every time is bigger the number of diseases and these are presented to earlier ages affecting fundamentally to metabolic, hormonal and immunity areas,and the degenerative character as cancer. This reality should be as starting point to outline a different boarding of illness, and this is exactly it makes the Orthomolecular Nutrition. Orthomolecular Nutrition act by two ways: on one hand proposing changes in the alimentary behavior andfor other elaborating treatments with specific active principles with recognized activity in front of different illnesses. Leaving of the premise that the illness is a multifactorial phenomenon they are more and more the professionals that join efforts to demonstrate that we are in the correct way. Nutrigenomic is one of the more recent supports that serves of great help to understand the indefectibly connection between illness and nutrition. The aims of this work is to propose a different boarding from the disease with contrasted and surprising results that it can be in itself a unique work method or a support for other therapies. But to treat any illness forgetting the biochemical impact that will present is, without site to doubts, to reduce the options that we will have to reestablish the patient's health. PL 011 ALF: FOR A FUTURE OF REGIONAL INTEGRATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LATINOAMERICAN PHARMACOLOGY Dr. René Delgado Hernández Presidente de la ALF y de la SCF. Presidente del CO de LATINFARMA 2013 PL 012 Dr. Jose Luis Di Fabio Representante OPS/OMS, Cuba Por definir / To be defined SESIÓN DE CARTELES / SESSION FOR POSTERS Martes 22 / Tuesday 22nd TALLERES Y SIMPOSIOS / WORKSHOPS AND SYMPOSIA Inmunofarmacología y Biotecnología / Immunopharmacology and Biotechnology Métodos Alternativos / 3Rs Alternatives Methods Nanofarmacología / Nanopharmacology Estrés oxidativo y Ozonoterapia / Oxidative Stress and Ozonetherapy Productos Naturales / Natural products Neuroinmunomodulación / Neuroimmunomodulation Inmunofarmacología y Biotecnología / Immunopharmacology and Biotechnology 160 PIF-BT 001 CHARACTERIZATION OF DRY POLYSACCHARIDES FROM NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS SEROGROUPS A, C, Y AND W135 TO BE USED AS INTERNAL CONTROLS Diaz D, Gutiérrez N, Hernández D, Chovel ML Finlay Institute. Quality Control Direction. Ave 27 No. 19805, La Lisa, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Finlay Institute is a leader center in the development of vaccines against Neisseria meningitidis. In the 90’s a clinically active vaccine based on Outer Membrane Vesicle was produced against the serogroup B. Recently, a tetravalent vaccine based on Polysaccharides from serogroups A, C, Y and W135 has been developed. To face the quality control of this kind of vaccines, new methods and references should be established. Aims: The aim of this research is to obtain and characterize 4 polysaccharides to be used as internal controls during the quality control tests to be performed for lot release. Materials and Methods: The Reference Materials Laboratory formulated 4 different freeze-dried candidates starting from dry purified polysaccharides of Neisseria meningitides serogroups A, C, Y and W135. Homogeneity studies were performed and the candidates were characterized according to the intended use by OAcetyl, Syalic acid, Phosphorous contents and migration time zone by capillary electrophoresis. Stability of these materials was monitored during two years (2011 and 2012). Results: All lots were found to be homogeneous. Each sample was assigned with a certified value and uncertainty for the intended purposes. The internal controls were stable for 2 years and it was possible to monitor in a consistent and reliable way the behavior of the test used for the quality control of Meningococcal Polysaccharides. Conclusions: Four polysaccharide lots were characterized and are available to be used as internal controls during the quality control and lot release of these polysaccharides PIF-BT 002 DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF A SEROLOGICAL TEST (ELISA) FOR DETERMINING TETANUS ANTIBODIES AS A POTENCY MEASUREMENT IN MICE SERA Gutiérrez N, Ontivero I, Valle O, Núñez JF, Mandiarote A, Chovel ML Finlay Institute. Quality Control Direction. Ave. 27 No. 19805, La Lisa, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Tetanus is a serious disease considered as the third cause of death among the immunopreventive illnesses. The vaccination with Tetanus Toxoid is the only effective way for preventing the disease. The quality and efficacy of these vaccines could be assured by challenge Potency tests in animals. The in vivo seroneutralization test (L+/10/50) is one of the most used assays, but the test has limitations in terms of ethic issues and variability. That’s why some 3Rs alternatives have been evaluated in order to replace this test. Objectives: The aim of this paper was to standardize and validate a serological test (ELISA) in mice as an alternative for the L+/10/50 in order to determine the Potency of Tetanus Toxoid vaccines. Materials and Methods: Working standards to be used as calibration curve and coating were characterized by L+ and Flocculation tests, respectively. The lineal range for the standard and samples was established. Specificity, Accuracy, Robustness and Precision were determined. A correlation study against the seroneutralization test was also performed. Results: The activity of the Standard serum was defined as 116 UI/mL by L+ (golden standard). The optimum concentrations for the coating (2 Lf/mL) and the conjugate (1/7000) were established. A lineal range for the standard serum (1/8001/51200, factor 2) and the samples (1/400-1/1600, factor 2) were also defined. Specificity, Robustness, Accuracy and Precision was successfully evaluated, according to the pre-defined criteria. A significant correlation between the serological and the seroneutralization test was obtained. Conclusions: It was developed and validated a serological test (ELISA) in mice able to replace the seroneutralization test for determining Potency of monovalent Tetanus Toxoid vaccines. PIF-BT 003 PRODUCTION OF AN STANDARD SERUM IN MICE FOR THE 161 DETERMINATION OF SALMONELLA TYPHI ANTI POLISACCHARIDE VI IgG Valmaseda T, Aranguren Y, Acosta L, Álvarez M, Fernández S Finlay Institute. Ave 27 # 19805. La Lisa, Havana, Cuba Standard serum and standardized immune enzymatic techniques are required for the immunogenicity assessment of the Salmonella typhi conjugated vaccine. Both are parts of a quality system and is a requirement for the vaccine medical dossier submissions. The goal of this work was to prepare an anti-PoliVi standard serum in mice and a indirect standardized ELISA to measure the anti-IgG PoliVi Salmonella typhi conjugated candidate vaccine immune response. Materials and Methods: The standard serum was obtained mixing serum from immunized animals with capsular PoliVi conjugated to diphtheria toxoid which showed a higher indirect ELISA optic density value of 1.0. The antibody anti-PoliVi content was also correlated with a passive haemagglutination technique. The standard curve was prepared with 6 point obtained by double serial of serum from the first diluted point 1:100. The SE titration, the regression equation and the final adjustment were performed in 3 different plates during 3 consecutive days. The mean value for each point of the curve was calculated as well as the standard deviation (SD) and the variation coefficient (VC). Results: For the IgG measurement was assigned 320 haemagglutination unity per mL (UHA/mL), due to the standard serum mixture in a 1:100 dilution shown a HA titer of 320. The average concentration and the VC between plates was lower than 10%. The regression coefficients of the obtained curve was higher than 0,99 which demonstrate a higher linearity of the adjust model. Conclusions: The anti PoliV-TD standard serum showed an excellent linearity and parallelism. The standard IgG anti PoliVi standard serum would be measured quantitatively in mice serum samples immunized with S. typhi conjugated vaccine candidates. PIF-BT 004 SDS-PAGE AND RELATIVE QUANTIFICATION BY DENSITOMETRY OF RELEVANT PROTEINS PRESENT IN THE OMV FROM N. MENINGITIDES, SEROGROUPS A AND W135 Alvárez M, Valmaseda T, González H, Mandiarote A, Naess L, Norheim G,Tunheim G,Cardoso D, Rosenqvist E, Garcia L Finlay Institute. Ave 27 # 19805. La Lisa, Havana, Cuba Introduction: Meningococcal disease remains being a serious health problem for many countries. About 90% of the cases suffering systemic meningitis are caused by Neisseria meningitidis strains from serogroups A, B, C and more recently W 135. OMV-based vaccines have demonstrated their efficacy and safety in preventing the disease. Clinical trials with this kind of vaccines have shown the relevance of some of the proteins present in OMV, namely PorA, PorB, RmpM (class 4) and Opa/OpcA (class5) y NadA. The aim of this paper was to establish a SDS-PAGE method with a calculation of the relative amounts of the immunogenic proteins present in OMV and bulks by densitometry. Materials and Methods: Samples from OMV and bulks at 0,5 mg/ml to be applied at 5 and 10 ug per protein / column in the gels of polyacrilamide at 12.5 % were prepared. The gel staining was performed by using Brilliant Coomassie Blue R250. Repetibility and intermediate precision were evaluated. The relative concentrations were calculated by using an Image Processing GS-800, BIORAD. Results: Typical protein chromatographic profiles from N. meningitis, serogroups A and W135 were observed. The densitometry analysis showed the proteins PorA and Por B as the most frequent for both serogroups, with lower presence of NadA proteins, the high molecular weight protein complex, Opa/OpcA and RmpM. Each main protein calculated was assigned with a range of relative concentration. The intra and inter-laboratory variability were acceptable, with values lower than 20%. Conclusions: It was evaluated a SDSPAGE method with densitometry able to identify and quantify the relative concentrations of the main proteins present in OMV and bulks from N. meningitidis, serogroups A and W 135, in a reliable way. PIF-BT 005 INMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF B23/NUCLEOPHOSMIN (NPM) PROTEIN IN TUMOR BIOPSIES FROM PATIENTS WITH CERVICAL CANCER 162 STAGE IB2/II Reyes V, Perera Y, Ancizar J, Alba J, García I, Valenzuela C, Solares M, Sarduy M, Alonso D, Acevedo B, Gomez R, Lopez-Saura, Perea SE Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), Havana , Cuba Introduction: CIGB-300 is a peptide-based investigational drug that inhibits the CK2-mediated phosphorylation on the nucleolar B23/NPM protein with the parallel impairment of ribosome biogenesis and cell cycle control. In line with this, CIGB-300 is rapidly located at the cell nucleolus and such subcellular deposit has been correlated to the sensitivity of tumor cells toward the proliferative effect of this peptide. On the other hand, CIGB-300 has been shown to be safe and well tolerated when administrated by local injections in patients with cervical malignancies. Materials and methods: In this work, we investigated the effect of CIGB-300 on the B23/NPM protein levels by inmunohistochemestry using paraffin embedded tumor biopsies coming from patients with cervical cancer stage IB2/II enrolled in the Phase 1 clinical trial, CERVIFARM-II. CIGB-300 was administrated by local injections directly in the tumors in three consecutive-3 days cycles at two dose levels (35 and 70 mg). Seven patients in each dose level were included in the study and biopsies were taken before and twenty-four hours after the last injection of the third cycle. Results: Interestingly, a significant decrease of the B23/NPM levels was observed in tumors after treatment with CIGB-300. Furthermore, the inhibitory effect at the nucleolar compartment was observed in 10 patients among both groups. However it was significant only in the cohort that received 70 mg of CIGB-300. Importantly, the B23/NPM pre-treatment levels at the nuclear + nucleolar compartments did correlated positively with the reduction of tumor size as assessed by Resonance Magnetic Images. Conclusions: Altogether, data presented here indicate that b23/NPM protein meets potentialities as future CIGB-300 surrogate marker for Phase 2/3 clinical trials and also provide the first clues as a potential CIGB-300 response predictor marker. PIF-BT 006 MOLECULAR AND KINETIC CHARACTERIZATION OF PANULIRIN, A NOVEL TRYPSIN INHIBITOR FROM THE HEMOLYMPH OF THE SPINY LOBSTER PANULIRUS ARGUS Perdomo R, Montero V, Corzo G, Besada V, Vega Vega Y, González Y, Perera E, Porto M Biochemistry Department, Center for Pharmaceuticals Research and Development, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Proteolytic enzymes account for ca. 2% of all protein-encoding genes in humans, infectious organisms, and other life forms. Their control over protein synthesis, turnover, and function enables them to regulate important physiological processes. Proteases are also crucial for the replication and transmission of pathogens, which cause infectious diseases in mammals, and for the proliferation of insects and agricultural pests, which transmit diseases, damage plant crops and spread infections through animal stocks. Protease inhibitors with promising therapeutic applications are emerging in the treatment of diseases, such as cancer, parasitic, fungal and viral infections, and inflammatory, immunological, respiratory, cardiovascular, and neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer’s disease. Materials and Methods: Hemocytes were isolated and treated with acetic acid 2M. The acid lysate extract was further purified by cation exchange chromatography. Purity was evaluated using RP-HPLC. The inhibition of enzymatic activity was evaluated by enzymatic assays and complete amino acid sequence was established by a combination of Edman degradation and mass spectrometry. Sequence analysis with regard to existent sequences in databases was established to corroborate the appurtenance to a peptidase inhibitor family. Results: We present here the isolation and molecular characterization of a novel peptidase inhibitor that we named panulirin since have been only found in the Panulirus genus so far. We found that panulirin is highly specific for trypsin among serine protease tested. Conclusion: Kinetic characterization indicates that panulirin is a competitive and reversible fasttight-binding inhibitor of trypsin with a Ki value of 8.6 ± 0.81 nM. 163 PIF-BT 007 THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF AN ALTERED PEPTIDE LIGAND DERIVED FROM HEAT-SHOCK PROTEIN 60 BY SUPPRESSING OF INFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES SECRETION IN TWO ANIMAL MODELS OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Lorenzo N, Barberá A, Torres AM, Henández MV, Hernández I, Gil R, Ancizar J, Garay H, Reyes O, Altruda F, Silengo L, Padrón GR and Domínguez MC Biomedical Research Department, Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, P.O. Box 6162, Havana, Cuba Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic autoinmmune disease mediated by T cells. Productive engagement of T cell receptors by major histocompatibility complex-peptide leads to proliferation, differentiation and the definition of effector functions. Altered peptide ligands (APL) generated by amino acid substitutions in the antigenic peptide have diverse effects on T cell response. We predicted a novel T cell epitope (E18-12) from human heat-shock protein 60, an autoantigen involved in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. Three APLs were designed from this epitope and it was demostrated that these peptides induce the activation of T cells through their ability to modify cell cycle phase’s distribution of CD4+ T cells from RA patients. Also, IL-17, TNF-α and IL10 levels were determined in PBMC from these patients. Unlike the wild-type peptide and the other two APLs, APL2 increased the IL-10 level and suppressed IL-17 secretion in these assays. Therapeutic effect of this APL in adjuvant arthritis (AA) and collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) models was also evaluated. Clinical score, histopathology, inflammatory and regulatory cytokine concentration were monitored in the animals. APL2 efficiently inhibited the progression of AA and CIA with a significant reduction of the clinical and histopathogic score. Therapeutic effect of APL2 on CIA was similar to that obtained with MTX; the standard treatment for RA. This effect was associated with a decrease of TNF-α and IL-17 levels. These results suggest that the therapeutic effect of APL2 is mediated in part by down-regulation of inflammatory cytokines and support the potential use of APL2 as a therapeutic drug in RA patients. PIF-BT 008 EXPRESSION OF THE EPIDERMAL GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR AND NGYCOLYL GM3 GANGLIOSIDE AS RECOGNIZED BY IOR EGF/R3 AND 14F7 MABS IN TRIPLE-NEGATIVE BREAST CANCER Alvárez I, Calvo A, Rengifo E, Escobar X, Franco S, Camacho R National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology (INOR), La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Triple-negative breast cancers (TNBC, estrogen receptor-negative, progesterone receptor-negative, and HER2-negative) are a high risk breast cancer lacking the benefit of specific therapy that targets these proteins. Therefore, is a need to develop alternative treatment strategies in those tumors.The expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and the Nglycolyl GM3 ganglioside (NeuGcGM3) would be considered as potential targets for both passive and active immunotherapy in this subtype of breast cancer. Aim: To evaluate the recognition of two Cuban monoclonal antibodies raised against the Nglycolyl-GM3 ganglioside (14F7) and EGFR (ior-egf/r3) in TNBC by immunohistochemistry. Materials and Methods: A number of 1 509 formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissues from cuban women with diagnosis of breast cancer were taken. The expression of hormone receptors and HER2 were determined by immunohistochemistry and the TNBC group was obtained. The immunorecognition of both, 14F7 and ior egf/r3 Mabs in TNBC were studied. Results: ER, PR and HER2 expression were detected in 53, 49 and 23.7% of breast tumors respectively, while; the 19.9% of these malignancies were TNBC. 14F7 Mab showed a moderate to intense reaction in the 100% of TNBC. The staining with 14F7 was localized mainly in the plasmatic membrane but also in the cytoplasm of more than 95% of malignant cells. EGFR over-expression was observed in the 10.5% of these tumors. The classification of EGFR expression using EGFR pharmDx™ Kit was 3+ (17.3%), 2+ (5.9%), 1+ (20.3%) and 0 (76.5%). Similar patterns of recognition were obtained with ior egf/r3 in 3+ and 2+ groups, however, group 1+ were not detected by ior egf/r3. Conclusions: The recognition of ior egfr/r3 and 14F7 Mabs in TNBC open up the possibility of use passive and active immunotherapy 164 against EGFR and NeuGcGM3 ganglioside, along or combined with other treatment modalities in this orphan of effective therapies malignancy. PIF-BT 009 IMMUNOLOGICAL BIOMARKERS IN THE PROGNOSIS OF PATIENTS WITH COLON CANCER Lahera T, Calvo A , Torres G, Arango MC, Quintero S, De Armas MC , Danta D, Vázquez JM, Bonet T, Salazar S National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology (INOR), La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Colorectal carcinoma (CRC) is one of the leading causes of cancer death in both developed and developing countries, including Cuba. Until now, the anatomic extent of tumor (TNM classification) has been the most important factor to predict the prognosis of colorectal cancer patients. However, in recent years, data collected from large cohorts of human cancers demonstrated that the immune contexture of the primary tumors can be an essential prognostic factor. Aim:To assess the prognostic role of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in colon cancer. Materials and methods: Immunohistochemistry was used to assess the density of TILs that were positive for cluster of differentiation 3 (CD3) (T cell coreceptor), CD45RO (protein tyrosine phosphatase and memory marker), CD8 (T cell cytotoxic coreceptor), and Granzym B (cytoplasmic granule) according to tumor site (intraepithelial and stromal) in samples from 40 patients who underwent resection for colon carcinoma at National Institute of Oncology, Havana, between 2004 and 2007 years. These variables were evaluated for their association with histopathologic features along with overall survival (OS) and the estimated 5-year OS rates. Results:The mean age of patients was 62 ± 11.6. There were a predominance of patients with moderately differentiated adenocarcinomas (61.2%), sigmoid localization (44.9%) and clinical stage II disease (37.8 %). There was an inverse correlation between clinical stage and density of CD45RO (R Spearman = -0, 55), which was statistically significant. OS and 5-years OS for patients who had high-density CD45RO, CD3 and CD8 expression were better compared with patients who had low-density, in both intraepithelial and stromal localization, with significant differences statistical for stromal CD3 and CD45RO. Conclusions: Our preliminary results suggest that CD45RO and CD3 TIL have a significant impact on the survival and could be a prognostic factor in patients with CRC. PIF-BT 010 CR3-HBcAg INTERACTION TRIGGERS HIV-SPECIFIC TH1 AND CTL IMMUNE RESPONSE AFTER TERAVAC IMMUNIZATION IN MICE Rodríguez-Alonso I, García-Díaz D, Brown E, Rodríguez Y, Márquez G, Prieto Y, Vázquez A and Iglesias E Dept Vacunas, Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: TERAVAC-HIV is a multiantigenic vaccine candidate against HIV-1 developed by the Center of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. This formulation includes three antigens: the recombinant HIV-derived quimeric protein CR3 comprising Th and CTL epitope rich regions from different viral proteins and the nucleocapsid (C) and surface (S) antigens of hepatitis B virus (HBV). Previous results demonstrated that subcutaneous administration in mice with TERAVAC in alum, elicits a Th1 immune response characterized by proliferation of CR3-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells and secretion of IFNγ. In the present work, we evaluated the effect of co-adjuvation and coadministration of the HBV antigens in the aforementioned anti-CR3 response. Materials and Methods: Balb/c mice were subcutaneously immunized with different antigenic mixtures of CR3 with each or both antigens of HBV in alum at anatomical distal sites. Ten days after the last immunization, CR3-specific immune response was assessed by IFNγ ELISPOT and CFSE lymphoproliferation of CD4 and CD8 T cells. IL-4, IL-10 and IFNγ cytokine secretion in culture supernatant fluids was determined by sandwich ELISA. IgG1 and IgG2a subclasses were also assessed by ELISA. Results: The coadjuvation of CR3 and C was the best antigen combination to induce CR3-specific Th1 immunodeviation. We observed anti-CR3 IFNγ secretion in the + + absence of IL-4 and IL-10 and higher levels of IgG2a. In addition, a CD4 and CD8 T cell 165 proliferation was achieved in response to CR3 antigen stimulation in vitro. Conclusions: Although C and S contribute to TERAVAC immunogenicity, these results in mice suggest that interactions between CR3 and C antigens during adjuvation are crucial to achieve the best CR3-specific Th1 immunodeviation. PIF-BT 011 INDUCTION OF DE NOVO HCV CORE-SPECIFIC CELL-MEDIATED IMMUNE RESPONSES AND ENHANCEMENT OF NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODIES RESPONSE BY CIGB-230, A DNA-BASED VACCINE CANDIDATE, ON TRIPLE THERAPY WITH IFN-Α PLUS RIBAVIRIN Amador-Cañizares Y, Martínez-Donato G, Álvarez-Lajonchere L, Vasallo C, Dausá M, AguilarNoriega D, Valenzuela C, Raíces I, Dubuisson J, Wychowski C, Cinza-Estévez Z, Castellanos M, Núñez M, Armas A, González YJ, Revé I, Guerra I, Pérez Aguiar A, Dueñas-Carrera S Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología, Ave 31, 158 and 190, Playa, P.O. Box 6162, Havana, Cuba Introduction: CIGB-230, a vaccine candidate based on the mixture of a DNA plasmid, expressing HCV structural proteins, with recombinant HCV core protein previously demonstrated to be safe and immunogenic in HCV-infected humans. Materials And Methods: CIGB-230 was administered in different schedules regarding IFN-α plus ribavirin therapy. Paired serum and PBMC samples from baseline and end of treatment were analyzed. HCV specific humoral response was tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), neutralizing antibodies were evaluated by HCVcc neutralization assays, PBMC proliferation was assayed by carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester staining and IFN-γ secretion was assessed by ELISPOT. Data on virological and histological response and their association with immune variables are also provided. Results: From week 12 to week 48, all groups of patients showed a significant reduction in mean leukocyte counts. Statistically significant decrements in antibody titres were frequent, but only individuals immunized with CIGB-230 as early add-on sustained the core-IgG response, and the neutralizing antibody response was enhanced only in patients receiving CIGB-230. Cell-mediated immune responses also tended to decline, but significant decrements in IFN-γ secretion and total absence of core-specific lymphoproliferation were exclusive of the control group. Only CIGB-230immunized individuals showed de novo induced lymphoproliferative responses against the structural antigens. Importantly, it was demonstrated that the quality of CIGB-230-induced immune response depends on number of doses and timing of administration in relation to the antiviral therapy. Specifically, the administration of six doses of CIGB-230 as late add-on to therapy increased the neutralizing antibody activity and the de novo core-specific IFN-γ secretion, with a favorable impact in the virological response. Conclusions: CIGB-230, combined with IFN-α-based therapy, modifies the immune response in chronic patients. These evidences shed light in the design of more effective therapeutic vaccine interventions against HCV. PIF-BT 012 THE IL-2 MUTEIN IS BETTER TOLERATED IN BALB/c MICE THAN wtIL-2 Fuentes D, Carmenate T, Soto D, Acosta E, León A, González C, León K National Center for Laboratory Animal Breeding, Calle 3ra Nº 40759 entre 6ta y Carretera Tirabeque, Reparto La Unión, Boyeros, Havana, Cuba Introduction: The high-affinity receptor for IL-2(IL-2R) is composed of 3 subunits: the IL-2Rα (CD25), IL-2Rβ (CD122), and the γc chain (CD132). IL-2 has been used for treatment of melanoma and renal cell carcinoma, but this therapy has limited efficacy and also induce severe toxicity. Actually, it is assumed that part of the limitation of IL-2 therapy efficacy in cancer patients, is due to the IL-2 driven expansion of Treg cells which in turn, dampen the antitumor immunity. Many attempts have been made for improving IL-2 based therapy, several of them based in developing IL-2 variants with modified properties. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of high doses of IL-2 mutein in BALB/c mice, compared with wtIL-2. Material and 166 Methods: The mutein differs from wt IL-2 by four mutations at the interface with the alpha subunit of IL-2R. BALB/c mice, 5 animals per group, were inoculated with 20, 40 or 80 µg of wtIL-2 or IL-2 mutein and PBS for the control group. The treatments were administered during 5 days, twice a day. After that, mice were sacrificed, and lungs, spleen and livers were weighed. For histological study, organs were fixed in 10% formalin solution, and paraffin-embedded sections were stained with hematoxylin/eosin. Results: A significant and dose dependent increment in weights of lungs, livers and spleens were observed in the group treated with wtIL-2 but not in the groups treated with IL-2 mutein or PBS. Moreover, histopathological studies evidenced perivascular lymphocytic infiltrations in lungs and livers of high doses IL-2 treated mice, such infiltrations were not observed in organs from IL-2 mutein treated mice or in control group. Conclusions: These results suggest that the IL-2 mutein was better tolerated in BALB/c mice than wtIL-2, consequently it could be used at highest doses than wtIL-2 in order to obtain better efficacy. PIF-BT 013 DETECTION OF ERYTHROPOIETIN AND ITS ANOLOGOUS ISOELECTRIC FOCUSING AND DOUBLE-BLOTTING TECHNIQUE BY Domínguez R, García G, Domínguez D, Martínez D Institute of Sports Medicine, Antidoping Laboratory, Street 100, Aldabó Havana, Cuba Introduction: Human erythropoietin (hEPO) is a 34 kDa glycoprotein, synthesized and released by kidneys in response to blood oxygen demands. The production of recombinant hEPO has made possible its banned use in competition sports. Methods to analyze EPO and other erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESAs) are necessary for doping control. Aim: To validate an isoelectric focusing and double-blotting analytical method with chemiluminescent detection following the World Anti-doping Agency (WADA) criteria. Methods: Human urine samples were concentrated from 20 mL to 50 µL, for isoelectric focusing (IEF) experiments, by ultra filtration using Centricon and Centricon plus 20 from Millipore (MW cut-off 30 kDa). Then, the retentates of ultra-filtration were electrophoresed in a polyacrylamide gel, pH gradient 2?6. The gel was then submitted to a classical semi-dry electro-blotting process. Following the electro-blotting, the membranes were processed for blocking, incubation with the primary antibody and washing. The principle of the Double Blotting (DB) was to transfer the primary antibody separately from the blot membrane to a new support called the DB membrane. The membranes were incubated with a chemiluminescent substrate. Detection of luminescence was performed either by exposure in a Luminescent Image Analyzer LAS 4000mini CCD camera (Fuji film). Results: The luminescence of the was evaluated sing a CCD camera and showed that the DB process did not induce any significant change in the distribution of the irrelative intensities. We determined the detection limits of the technique for the different erythropoietin. For BRP (3000 mUL/mL- 500 mUL/mL), NESP (48 ng/ml ? 12 ng/ml). Conclusion: This procedure has been developed to detection EPO isoelectric patterns in urine and has made possible the differentiation of endogenous and exogenous recombinant hormone for anti-doping control purposes The method was specific for detection of erythropoietin BRP (recombinant erythropoietin) and NESP (Novel erythropoietin stimulating protein ). PIF-BT 014 DEVELOPMENT OF A POLYSTYRENE SYSTEM FOR RHEUMATOID FACTOR LATEX-BASED DIAGNOSTIC Marrero G, Delgado LP, Carol H, Ortiz N, Mussachio A and Menéndez T Centro de Biomateriales, Universidad de La Habana, Ave Universidad entre Ronda y G, Plaza de la Revolución, La Habana, Cuba Diagnostic systems based on monodisperse polystyrene particles (latex) are widely used due to their simplicity, low cost and rapid performance. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease affecting 2% of population worldwide. Rheumatoid factors (RF) are immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM and IgA) founded in sera of 80% of RA patients. The target for RF is the Fc region of human IgGs. Detection of RF is the most frequently used criteria to diagnose RA. In the present work we developed a polystyrene latex-based diagnostic system to detect RF. Polystyrene particles of 0.48 ± 0.075 µm with a Z-potential of -28 mV were obtained by the method of surfactant-free emulsion polymerization. Particles size and Z-potential were determined by light scattering. Scanning 167 electron microscopy observation showed spherical and clean particles. Adsorption of human normal immunoglobulins (HNIg) on particle surfaces was studied in glycine buffered saline at several ionic strength, pH and HNIg concentrations. The selected conditions for coating the particles were pH 8, 0.05M and 150 mg/mL of HNIg. Reactivity of latex particles coated with HNIg was calibrated with an international calibrator serum for RF (WHO 64/2) and controlled with positive and negative RF controls. Reactivity of the developed diagnostic reagent with RF-positive and -negative human sera, was evaluated with normal and complement-inactivated (30 min at 56ºC) sera. When used heated sera, our reagent showed 100% of coincidence in results with a commercial diagnostic kit of specificity 80% and sensibility 93%. Conclusion: We have developed a polystyrene latex-based reagent to detect RF in human sera that could be used in the diagnostic of RA. PIF-BT 015 ASSESSMENT OF THE IN VIVO GENOTOXICITY OF THE 1E10 MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY BY MEANS OF THE BONE MARROW MICRONUCLEUS TEST Curbelo A, Casacó A, Mancebo A, Arteaga ME, González C, Rivero Y, Legró M, Ocaña R, García-Somines J, Bada AM, Lemus M, Escalona MA Center of Experimental Toxicology, National Center for Laboratory Animal Breeding, Boyeros, Havana, Cuba Introduction: Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) has become a primary tool in immunotherapeutic passive strategies, being reported their use in many malignant diseases and rejection of transplanted organs. Center of Molecular Immunology has developed the 1E10 mAb. With the objective of assessing the genotoxicity of this mAb it was performed the bone marrow micronucleus test in Cenp:NMRI mice. Material and Methods: It was established three dose levels (100, 200 y 400 µg/animal) and two control groups (negative: patient solution, positive: cyclophosphamide 40 mg/Kg body weight). All substances were administered via intraperitoneal injection scheduled in two treatments at 24-hour intervals, and samples were collected 24 hours following the final treatment. The proportion of immature among total (immature + mature) erythrocytes was determined for each animal by counting 500 erythrocytes, and 1000 immature erythrocytes per animal were scored for the incidence of micronucleated immature erythrocytes (MNPCE). Results: Statistical analysis of the results allowed establishing that 1E10 did not showed significant increase of the MNPCE in two sexes, and in female mice is observed significant decrease in the proportion of immature among total erythrocytes at the 400 µg/animal dose. Conclusions: The study showed that the 1E10 mAb did not produce mutagenic effects in bone marrow and induce cytotoxic effects in female mice at the 400 µg/animal dose. PIF-BT 016 SYNERGISTIC EFFECT EVALUATION ON THE COMBINATION OF THE CIGB552 PEPTIDE WITH CONVENTIONAL ANTINEOPLASIC DRUGS ON LUNG AND COLON CANCER CELL LINES Gómez Y, Oliva B, Tamargo B, Guerra M Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), Havana , Cuba Introduction: Cancer is one of the main causes of death globally. Lung and colon cancers represent the first and third cause of death respectively by this disease. Despite there exist multiple therapeutic modalities to treat cancer, the toxicity associated to treatment and the development of resistance limit their use. That is why combination of conventional drugs with target therapy is an attractive strategy. CIGB-552 has demonstrated antitumor activity in vitro and in vivo. This peptide has been associated with the inhibition of the transcriptional activity of the factor NFk-B, pathway involved in the development of resistance to chemotherapy. With this premise, we decided to evaluate the combination effect of CIGB-552 with conventional antineoplasic drugs in human lung and colon cancer cell lines. Materials and Methods: We evaluate the combination effect of CIGB-552 with Paclitaxel and Cisplatin in NCI-H125 lung cancer cell line and the combination with 5-Fluoracil and Cisplatin in HT-29 colon cancer cell line. Growth inhibition was determined by MTT assay after 72 h of 168 continuous drug exposure. The interactions between agents were assessed by Combination Index analysis using Calcusyn (Calcusyn Version 2.0, 1997, Biosoft, USA). The cell cycle profiling was determined by PI staining and Annexin V/propidium iodide staining was used to discriminate between early and late apoptosis. Results: Paclitaxel and Cisplatin were the most potent drugs in NCI-H125 and HT-29 cell lines respectively. The combination of CIGB-552 with Paclitaxel showed a higher synergistic effect on lung cancer while combination of CIGB-552 with 5-Fluoracil showed a superior synergism on colon cancer. Moreover, the four combinations provoked a prominent inhibition of cell cycle and induction of apoptosis when compared to monotherapies. Conclutions: We conclude that co-administration of a variety of chemotherapeutic agents with CIGB-552 was able to enhance cytotoxicity synergistically in vitro through premature apoptosis and cell cycle arrest. PIF-BT 017 EXPRESSION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF A RECOMBINANT MOUSE ANTI-CD20 ANTIBODY Harteman O, Casadesús AV, Sosa K, Dorvignit D, Aira LE, Hernández T, López A, Acosta CM Laboratory of Antibodies and Experimental Biomodels (CIM-LABEX). 23 ave and Caney Highway, P.O. Box 4032, Santiago de Cuba 90400, Cuba * Introduction: CD20 molecule is a non-glycosylated B lymphocytes cell surface protein whose expression is increased in some pathogenic B cells, thus becoming an attractive target for diagnosis and therapy. In line with this, an anti-CD20 mouse/human chimeric monoclonal antibody (Rituximab) has been widely used for treating certain lymphomas and autoimmune diseases. In this work, we describe the stable expression and preliminary evaluation of a mouse anti-CD20 antibody with the similar variable regions to Rituximab, obtained by genetic engineering. Materials and Methods: For the expression of the mouse anti-CD20 antibody, Rituximab variable regions were synthesized and lentiviral vector pLW carrying the heavy and light chain were constructed. HEK 293T cells were cotransfected with the vectors and the viral titers were determined by ELISA. Lentiviral transduction was carried out in HEK293 expression system. The antibody was purified by protein-A affinity chromatography from culture supernatants and analyzed by SDS-PAGE and HPLC. The biological activity was performed by evaluating the reactivity against different CD20-expressing human tumor cell lines and B cells from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy donors and non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients by flow cytometry. 7 8 Results: Effective viral loads were obtained with titers between 10 and 10 viral particles/mL. Transfectoma productivity obtained by lentiviral transduction was 40 ug/mL. There were no differences in the recognition pattern between mouse anti-CD20 antibody and Rituximab in the evaluated cells lines. In addition, the antibody recognized 5-15% of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy donors, similar to values reported in the literature whereas it was able to detect + + about 50% increase in CD19 CD20 cells from non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients. Conclusion: The mouse anti CD20 antibody obtained showed similar recognition properties to Rituximab suggesting that could be an important tool for the selection and/or monitoring of patients diagnosed with B-cell proliferative disorders. PIF-BT 018 CD4+ T LYMPHOCYTES AND VIRAL LOAD IN HIV PATIENT WITH PREMIERE OF AIDS THAT RECEIVE ANTIRETROVIRAL TREATMENT Hernández D, Pérez J Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí, La Habana, Cuba HIV infection is one of the biggest health problems, more than 33 million people they are infected in the world. The AIDS premiere is a form of presentation of the illness caused by HIV that is characterized by alteration of the patient's general state, waste syndrome, serious opportunists infections, neoplasia and neurological alterations. Were studied T CD4+ lymphocytes and viral load in patient with AIDS premiere that receive antiretroviral therapy, to beginning and one year 169 after the treatment. 55 patients were studied which had T CD4+ lymphocytes counts less to 200cél/µL and high viral load before the treatment. The values of T CD4+ cells recovered and the viral load diminished at non detecting levels in the evaluated patients, after a year of therapy, which evidences the benefits of antiretroviral treatment. T CD4+ lymphocytes low count and high viral load associated with opportunists illnesses, most frequent had neuro-toxoplasmosis and Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia. It was also observed an increase of waste syndrome. AIDSrelated mortality in patients older than 50 years increased in people who had more of an opportunistic disease. The results of this study confirm the benefits of antiretroviral therapy, particularly for therapeutic combinations of 3TC, d4T, nevirapine and 3TC, AZT, nevirapine. PIF-BT 019 EFFECT OF BLOCKADE OF EGF SYSTEM ON WOUND HEALING IN PATIENTS VACCINATED WITH CIMAVAX® EGF Fernández A, Acosta S, Neninger E, Barroso MC, Wilkinson B, Troche M, Martínez LB, Viada CE, Crespo T, Casacó A Center of Molecular Immunology. Havana, Cuba The epidermal growth factor receptor signaling system is frequently unbalanced in human malignancies due to increased ligand production, receptor overexpression, receptor mutations, and/or cross-talk with other receptor systems. For this reason, the EGFR is an attractive target for anticancer therapy. The epidermal growth factor also plays an important role regulating multiple facets of cutaneous wound healing (inflammation, wound contraction, proliferation, migration, and angiogenesis). The Center of Molecular Immunology produced a cancer vaccine (CIMAvax EGF) that blocks the binding of EGF to its receptor. This blockade causes an inverse association between the anti-EGF antibody titers and EGF concentration. Around 1500 patients have been treated, showing that this vaccine is safe, immunogenic, increases survival and improves quality of ® life. Considering the therapeutic benefits of CIMAvax EGF vaccination and the role of EGF-EGFR system in the wound healing process, we decided to conduct a retrospective research with the aim of determining the effect to the CIMAvax® EGF Vaccine on the wound healing process in patients undergoing surgical treatment. To identify patients who had undergone surgical treatment, medical records of 543 patients were reviewed. After identification of patient that received surgical treatment, further information was obtained from source documents, including medical records and operative reports using an observational list that included different variables. Postsurgical Wound Healing Complications were identified using the National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria for Adverse Events (NCI-CTC) version 3.0. None of the 9 patients operated presented adverse events related with the wound healing. These results suggest that the use of CIMAvax® EGF apparently does not produce a deleterious effect in the wound healing process. PIF-BT 020 HOMOLOGOUS RECOMBINATION INDUCED BY RADIATION, ASSAYED BY DIRECT REPEATS DUPLICATION ASSAY Cuétara Lugo E, Camacho-Carranza R, Sanchez-Lamar A Instituto de Oncologia y Radiobiología, La Habana, Cuba Due to de depletion of ozone layer and the widespread use of radiation in clinical practice, it is important for the scientific community to elucidate the mechanisms of DNA damage induction by radiation and its repair. Homologous recombination (HR) is a universal mechanism for DNA repair which additionally generates biological diversity. To study HR we used a bacterial model, Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium and the segregation of duplication assay (Seg-Dup). This kind of model are useful because it reproducibility, low cost, quick results and the possibility of extrapolate results for the conservation of cellular mechanisms for the maintenance of genetic information. A considerable part of our knowledge about HR, comes from assays based in the use of double strand DNA ends as initiators of HR, which favors repair by RecBCD pathway. Seg-Dup assay is able to evaluate exchanges between sister strands without any recombination pathway. A collection of strains with defects in genes that codifies proteins involve in the two main routes for HR known in bacteria, RecBCD and RecFOR, was constructed. This collection was evaluated in 170 terms of its ability to recombine spontaneously. Recombination was also measured after treatment with radiation (UV light y Gamma rays). It was evidenced that: spontaneous lesions noncommonly detected by RecFOR route could be repaired efficiently by this pathway when RecB is absent. SbcCD acts as recombination´s repressor; RecBCD system has a crucial role in repairing UV-induced DNA damage while RecFOR only acts when their substrates persist in time. The applied methodology confirmed the existence of RecA-independent recombination in Salmonella and suggests the existence of an alternative route of recombination for the double mutant RecB /RecF . The assay and the strain collection made for this study have a potential use for genotoxicological and antigenotoxicological evaluation and the study of the mechanisms of action of drugs. PIF-BT 021 CLONING, EXPRESSION AND SEMI-PURIFICATION OF A CHIMERIC PROTEIN ENCOMPASSING HEPATITIS C VIRUS EPITOPES Aguilar-Noriega D, Santana F, Dueñas-Carrera S Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Ave 31, 158 and 190, Playa, Havana, Cuba Currently, there is no vaccine available against HCV and registered treatments have limited efficacy, with significant adverse effects. The immunological parameters that correlate with protection against HCV have not been completely defined. Different evidences suggest that development of effective vaccine requires the selection of epitopes capable of inducing neutralizing antibodies, CTL response and helper T cells. In the present work, we have amplified by PCR the regions coding for fragments of protein Core, E1 and E2 from the HCV, which contain epitopes for generation of neutralizing antibodies and epitopes specific of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. The DNA regions were cloned in an E. coli expression vector and a chimeric protein, Eq1, was expressed as a fusion variant to the N-terminus of the protein p64K in GC-366 bacterial cells. Eq1 was purified from the insoluble fraction after cell disruption by a combination of methods based on differential solubilization and metal chelating affinity chromatography since the protein comprises a six- histidines tag. Eq1 was specifically recognized by specific monoclonal antibodies and antiHCV positive human sera. The future evaluation of immunogenicity in animal models would reveal the actual ability of generated chimeric protein for eliciting a relevant immune response. PIF-BT 022 RESULTS OF THE SAFETY EVALUATION OF CANCER VACCINES DEALING WITH NOVEL TARGETS FOR CANCER IMMUNOTHERAPY 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Mancebo A , Bada AM , Casacó A , González B , León A , Arteaga ME , González C , Sánchez 2 2 2 2 B , Carr A , Ledón N , Iglesias A . 1 2 National Center for Laboratory Animals Breeding (CENPALAB), Boyeros, La Habana, Cuba Center of Molecular Immunology (CIM), Playa, La Habana, Cuba Despite the many preventive and therapeutic modalities aimed at curing cancer, it remains a serious health problem for the world. Promising recent developments suggest that cancer immunotherapy may be the next great hope for cancer treatment. EGFRs are receptor tyrosine kinases and it is considered an important therapeutic target related with tumor progression, and several types of molecular therapies, including monoclonal antibodies, small molecules, and vaccines, have been developed to target the HER family of receptors. On the other hand, gangliosides are membrane glycosphingolipids that contain two variants of sialic acid, the Nacetylated (NeuAc) and the N-glycolylated (NeuGc) variant. The high expression of this antigen specific molecule has been associated with malignant tumor progression and immunosuppressive mechanisms, so ganglioside could be considered as target for cancer immunotherapy. We have been working for several years in the safety evaluation of cancer vaccines targeting these two systems, the EGF receptor and ganglioside. We presented in this work results of repeated dose toxicity studies performed in Sprague Dawley rats and Cynomolgus monkeys, including clinical observations, body weight and rectal temperature measuring, clinical pathology analysis, gross necropsy and histological examination in rodent studies, and immunological evaluation. 171 Immunizations were capable of inducing mainly inflammatory effects at the injection site, with findings largely attributable to the adjuvants used and probably enhanced by the immunological properties of the antigens. In general, these vaccines were shown to be well tolerated, and these studies in relevant species allow treating cancer patients with tumors during long periods with relative weight safety margin. First author details Axel Mancebo Rodríguez Centro Nacional para la Producción de Animales de Laboratorio, CENPALAB, Calle 3ra Nº 40759 entre 6ta y Carretera Tirabeque, Reparto La Unión, Boyeros, La Habana, Cuba. Teléfono: 6837225. E-mail: PIF-BT 023 TOXICOLOGICAL SAFETY EVALUATION OF ACM T1H BY INTRAVENOUSLY ROUTE IN CENP: BEAG DOGS González Y, Mancebo A., Acosta E, Sosa I, León A, Blanco D, González C, Curbelo A, Prado P, Morgado L, Quesada R, Pérez A, Hugues B, Fuentes D, Samada I, Casacó A, Sánchez S, Contreras F, Contreras B, Ballart N, Valdés O, Lemus M, Estévez T, Jaime U, Díaz Y, Peña A, Ronda M, Pérez 1, Escalona 1, Mantilla 1, Matos D National Center for Laboratory Animals Breeding (CENPALAB), Boyeros, La Habana, Cuba. The humanized AcM T1h is an antibody produced by the Center of Molecular Immunology. This product is proposed for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. The objective of this study was to evaluate the toxicological safety of the repeated endovenous administration (12 weeks) of AcM T1h to Cenp:BEAG dogs. We establish two experimental groups Control and Treated (4X), of six animals each, 3 per sex. Measurements included clinical observations, body weight, rectal temperature, clinical signs (cardiac and respiratory frequencies, arterial pressure and pulse), electrocardiogram, ophthalmological evaluations, electrophysiological evaluations, neurological exams, and hematological and clinical chemistry. The study ended with 100% survival. The results showed that body weight, body weight gains and rectal temperature were not affected by the AcM T1h. There were found significant differences between groups in cardiac and respiratory frequencies, but apparently not related with the test substance administration, since all values were found to be within those reported as normal for dogs. Hematological and serum chemistry was unaffected by the test substance. The results obtained showed that the AcM T1h is safe in the used biomodel. PIF-BT 024 PROCESS DEVELOPMENT OF DERMATOPHAGOIDES SIBONEY PURIFIED PROTEIN ALLERGENS AS THE ACTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL INGREDIENT FOR AN ADJUVANTED ALLERGY VACCINE Martínez D, Más A, Samalea R, Torralba D, Labrada A Allergens Dept, National Center of Bioproducts, Bejucal, Cuba Background: Novel allergen vaccines intended for allergy immunotherapy are increasingly based on recombinant or purified natural allergen proteins and adjuvants. The allergens are regarded as the active ingredients since they induce the adaptive immune response. The aim of this work was to assess the process consistency and effectiveness of the purification steps of a Dermatophagoides siboney protein fraction containing major allergens. Methods: A purification process in pilot-scale conditions was followed starting from a freeze-dried allergen extract of D. siboney. The process comprised a salting-out step and chromatography in SUPERDEX-200. Der s1 allergen content was assessed by ELISA and the allergenic activity was measured using IgE competition assay. Purity was determined by SDS-PAGE. Results: The process showed consistent results after 15 consecutive batches. The average concentration of Der s1 was 154 µg/mL, with a CV of 8.4%. Mean total protein content was 254µg with a CV of 15%. Purity of Der s1 and Der s2 components was higher than 90% for all the batches. Batch yield was 4.3 ± 0,6mg. No batches were found out of the specification or ±3σ limits. The maximum failure probability according to process capability analysis was 3% for the 172 Der s1 content and allergenic activity. These values are regarded as satisfactory considering the variability of the analytical methods, which is estimated to be much greater that the intrinsic process variability. Conclusion: It was demonstrated the consistency of the main quality parameters of the active ingredient for a novel allergen vaccine, which is relevant to the clinical development of the product. PIF-BT 025 IMMUNOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF MEN X CONJUGATED AS CANDIDATE VACCINE IN BALB/C MICE Espinosa-Viñals C, Rodríguez L, González M, Martin Y, Nicot M, Amador A, Luque Y, Cedré B, Acevedo, R, García D, Valdés Y, Vérez V Group of Immunochemistry, Center of Biomolecular Chemistry, Havana, Cuba Introduction. Neisseria meningitidis (Men) is considered a health problem by medical authorities. Serogroups A, C, Y and W135 are responsible of the majority of cases of meningitis, nevertheless the serogroup X has been increased its incidence and has cause important outbreaks in the African “Meningitis Belt”. Develop of a new polysaccharide conjugate vaccine against Men X is an option to prevent and control the disease. This investigation has focused in the immunological characterization of a Men X polysaccharide conjugated. Material and methods. Animal was immunized with Men X conjugated to tetanus toxoid (TT) or diphtheria toxoid (DT). Serum was obtained at 7, 14 and 21 days. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) was quantificated by indirect ELISA with “in-home” reference serum. IgG specificity was determined using an inhibition ELISA. Results: Men X - TT conjugated exhibit high immunogenicity at second and third administration (2, 4 and 10 µg). One dose not generated antibodies against the polysaccharide in any of doses administered in this study. Aluminum phosphate as adjuvant incremented the immunoglobulin responses of Men X - TT conjugated. All doses of conjugates evaluated developed good response of IgG and bactericidal activity. Conclusions: The Men X conjugates evaluated in this study are immunogenic in Balb/C mice. These results support the preclinical data of this MenX conjugates as vaccine candidates against N. meningitidis serogroup X. PIF-BT 026 GENERATION OF MOUSE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES AGAINST SEVERAL SEROTYPES OF STREPTOCOCCUS PNEUMONIAE USING A HEPTAVALENT CONJUGATED VACCINE Rodríguez Y, Martínez D, Rodríguez L, Martín Y, González M, Aragón H, Valdés R, García D Laboratory of Immunology, Center of Biomolecular Chemistry, Havana, Cuba Introduction: S. pneumoniae is one of the most common pathogens causing respiratory tract infections and other invasive infections in children. Although, more than 93 serotypes have been described, a cumulative worldwide clinical experience shows that there are only few serotypes (1, 3, 4, 5, 6B, 7F, 8, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F and 23F), which are responsible for about 80 % or more of invasive pneumococcal infections. That is why, this study sough to generate monoclonal antibodies against theses serotypes of S. pneumonia using as immunogen a heptavalent conjugated vaccine. Materials and Methods: Female BALB/c mice of 19 - 20 g, were immunized every 14 days with a seven-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, including serotypes 1, 5, 6B, 14, 18C, 19F and 23F and tetanus toxoid protein. Antibody titer was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) seven days after each immunization. Then, splenocytes from the mouse with better titter were fused with the X63/Ag8/653 myeloma cells in a ratio (17:1). Results: After sixth immunizations, animals were considered ready for hybridoma generation(titer 1: 3200064000). The cell fusion efficiency (number of wells showing hybridoma growth/total number of wells used) was 98% and hybridomas specific for all serotypes were obtained. Conclusions: The immunization of mice with the seven-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine was effective for obtaining hybridomas against seven serotypes of S. pneumoniae. This result could be useful for optimizing immunoenzimatic techniques used in preclinical studies of pneumococcal vaccines candidates developed in our institution. 173 PIF-BT 027 EVALUATION OF IMMUNE RESPONSE IN DOSIS STUDIES OF CONJUGATED HEPTAVALENT VACCINE OF STREPTOCOCCUS PNEUMONIAE IN RABBIT Martín Y, Pérez A, Travieso M, Amador A, Luque Y, Serrano Y, Rodríguez L, García D Laboratory Animal Breeding Group, Center of Biomolecular Chemistry, Havana, Cuba Introduction: Streptococcus pneumoniae is a pathogen causing deaths from vaccine-preventable diseases in children under 5 worldwide. The prevalence of resistant strains of the microorganism to antibiotics, has caused a worsening of their occurrence, and thus represents an effective alternative vaccine development. The aim of this work was to develop an immunization schedule to evaluate the immune response and the effect of different doses of Cuban candidate heptavalent conjugate vaccine. Materials and methods: NZW rabbits infants 4 weeks of age were used, which were immunized on days 0, 14 and 28 of the experiment, subcutaneously with de heptavalent conjugate vaccine. Titers of IgG antibodies raised against the polysaccharides of serotypes 1, 5, 6B, 14, 18C, 19F and 23F, were determined by indirect ELISA. Results: No significant differences were found between the groups immunized with different doses. Conclusions: A quarter of the human dose is enough to enhance an immune response in rabbits. These results are part of the preclinical evaluation of heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. PIF-BT 028 IMMUNOGENICITY OF MONOVALENT CONJUGATES AGAINST SEROTYPES 7F, 9V AND 19A OF STREPTOCOCCUS PNEUMONIAE Pérez A, Rodríguez L, Martin Y, Amador A, Mariño D, Santiesteban E, Serrano Y, García D, Santana D, Valdés Y, Vérez V Group of Immunochemistry, Center for Biomolecular Chemistry (CQB), Havana, Cuba Introduction: Streptococcus pneumoniae (Neumococco) is an encapsulated pathogen that can cause bacterial pneumonia, bacteremia, meningitis and otitis media. The vaccination with capsular polysaccharides (PS) is ineffective in toddlers and young infants, due to the T-independent nature of these antigens. The success of conjugated vaccines against Neumococco is due to PS are become immunogenic for these groups of risk, because they are processed as T-dependent antigen by immune system. Currently, the Center for Biomolecular Chemistry is working on developing a heptavalent conjugate vaccine against Neumococco, which is currently undergoing clinical trials. With the aim of increasing the valency of the vaccine for greater protection in susceptible this center has aimed at incorporating seven new serotypes of this bacterium. The immunogenicity of tree monovalent conjugates against serotypes 7F, 9V and 19A were evaluated. Materials and methods: Balb/c mice were immunized with three doses s.c of conjugates 7F-TT, 9V-TT or 19A-TT (2 µg PS/dose). The serum antibody response and the antibody avidity were evaluated by ELISA. Results: An improvement of the immunogenicity was found after second dose to all the conjugates. In first dose observed IgM high values of which begin to decline after second dose, from which is expressed predominantly IgG isotype. For all serotypes tested affinity maturation as measured by the antibody avidity for the antigen was significantly increased after the second dose for all serotypes reaching values greater than 80%. Conclusions: All conjugates were immunogenic in mice evaluated from second dose, describing a characteristic response of Tdependent conjugates. PIF-BT 029 ACUTE DOSE INTRAMUSCULAR TOXICITY PNEUMONIAE VACCINE IN CENP: SPRD RATS OF STREPTOCOCCUS Luque Y, González Y, Mancebo A, González B, Rodriguez L González C, Acosta E, Sosa I, Sanchez S,García A, Contreras B, Prida Y, Thomas A, Torres Y, Mantilla N, Matos D, Mojena M, Escalona MA Center for Biomolecular Chemistry (CQB), Havana, Cuba 174 Introduction: Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is an important human pathogen responsible for high morbidity and mortality worldwide, being the causative agent of a large number of infections (severe invasive processes and particularly in the elderly, children and immunocompromised). Vaccine strategies to generate immunological memory against serotypes most prevalent worldwide have been based on obtaining conjugates of bacterial capsule polysaccharides to carrier proteins. However, these vaccines are not an option for developing countries, because the high prices they are sold, making them unavailable to the third world. Centre for Biomolecular Chemistry (CBC) is working on a research project aimed at obtaining a conjugate vaccine, made from fragments of capsular polysaccharides (CPS) to seven strains of S. pneumoniae. Objective: To evaluate the toxicity of the heptavalent conjugate vaccine against Streptococcus pneumoniae administered intramuscularly in Cenp:SPRD rats. Materials and Methods: Young adult animals were randomly assigned into 4 experimental groups of 5 animals per sex: one control and three treated groups (low, medium and high dose, receiving 10, 100 and 200 µl of vaccine respectively). The control group received 200 µl of Placebo. The observation period was 14 days, with daily detailed clinical observations. Body weight values were determined on days 0, 7 and 14. Rectal temperature was measured before and four hours after administration. A complete necropsy of all animals was conducted following sacrifice at the end of the study. Results: The assay ended with a 100% survival, no clinical changes observed. The behavior of body weight showed no significant differences between groups and sexes. There were no rectal temperature variations related to the administration of the vaccine. No macroscopic abnormalities were detected. Conclusions: It was concluded that the heptavalent conjugate vaccine against Streptococcus pneumoniae administered intramuscularly did not produce toxicity in rats Cenp:SPRD. PIF-BT 030 PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND IMMUNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF THE ANTIALLERGIC ADJUVANT HOUSE-DUST-MITE VACCINE Más A, Ramírez W, Oliva Y, Mateo M, Bourg V, Torralba D, Morales T, Llama J, Labrada A National Center of Bioproducts, Allergen Research Department, Havana, Cuba Background: Th1 promoting adjuvants, as the Proteoliposome from Neisseria meningitides (PL) seemed to be helpful for designing new anti-allergic vaccines. The novel anti-allergic vaccine candidate comprising allergens from Dermatophagoides siboney mite and PL adsorbed onto alum, showed a protective anti-allergic response in Balb/c mice. Evaluation of shelf-life stability of pharmaceutical products is required during the pharmaceutical development phase, prior to advancing to clinical trials. Aim: To test the physics-chemical and immunological parameters for stability to real time of the new vaccine. Methods: Following the ICH methodology, samples of three pilot scale GMP batches were stored at 4°C and assayed at 0,3,6,9,12,18 and 24 months. Possible desorption from alum gel was monitored, testing the supernatant for allergenic activity (IgE-inhibition ELISA), Der s1 content (MAb-ELISA) and total protein content. Preservation of antigen's integrity was checked by SDS-PAGE and Western-Blotting after forced desorption. Other tests were applied for measuring preservative content, pH stability, and sterility. Since, a potency test is not yet established for this new vaccine, allergen-specific immunogenicity in Balb/C mice was determined at the beginning and end of the study. Results: After 24 months no deviations of quality specifications were detected in any parameter. Although a slight tendency toward increasing the allergen activity and Der s 1 content in the supernatant was noted, it was not statistically significant (regression analysis, p<0.05). The immunogenicity test showed the expected outcome regarding induction of allergen-specific IgG, IgG1 and IgG2a antibodies (is PL adjuvant effect dependent), similarly to initial results. Conclusion: This study proved the vaccine stability during 24 months as a basis for approval of a reliable expiration period, as part of the pharmaceutical development phase, permit to advancing to clinical trials. 175 PIF-BT 031 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE CONJUGATES OF VI POLYSACCHARIDE OF SALMONELLA TYPHI Padrón MA, Cabrera RA, Merchán Y, Rodríguez Y, Balboa JA, Soubal JP, Santana D, Ramírez U, Hechevarría JA, Cardoso F, Rey ED, Pérez JL, García L, Fernández S Finlay Institute. Center for Research & Production of Vaccines and Sera, Lisa, Havana, Cuba Introduction: Typhoid fever continues to be a health problem worldwide with 21 million of cases and 600,000 deaths annually. None of the two existing vaccines at present to prevent its disease is licensed for use in children younger than 2 years, the highest mortality age group. Conjugation of flat polysaccharides to immunogenic protein reverses the pattern of response of these towards the Timo-dependence and induces responses in infants. Objective: To evaluate lots of polysaccharide Vi of Salmonella typhi conjugated with diphtheria toxoid as carrier protein. Materials and methods: five batches were characterized by physico-chemical and immunochemical methods, such as contents of O-Acetyl groups, determination of the distributions coefficient (kD) by HPLC, content of proteins by Lowry and identity by Dot Blot. Results: The results were similar for all batches in study without significant statistical differences of the studied parameters between them. Conclusions: It was demostrated consistency of the formulated lots which allows the continuation of the development of this vaccine candidate. PIF-BT 032 PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF CONJUGATES FROM STREPTOCOCCUS PNEUMONIAE CAPSULAR POLYSACCHARIDE SEROTYPE 5 Mariño D, Chang J, Fáez I, Cabrera ME, Aliaga I, Martin Y, Pérez A, Santana D, Valdés Y, Verez V Center of Biomolecular Chemistry. 200 /19 and 21. Atabey, Playa. La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common cause of acquired pneumonia, meningitis, and bacteremia in children and adults. In Cuba, this bacterium is responsible for a high number of cases of pneumonia and meningitis per year, mainly in children under 5 years old. Multivalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is, therefore, a high priority for Public Health. Our laboratory has development a heptavalent conjugated vaccine against this bacterium in order to protect the Cuban children. This vaccine includes the serotype 5, which is highly virulent and is one of the 11 serotypes of highest incidence in the age groups of children under six and adults over 60 years. This work studied two different activation levels of polysaccharide with the aim to evaluate its influence in the efficient of conjugation reaction and immune respond against the vaccine candidate. Materials and methods: The following method was developed to generate the conjugates: i) fragmentation of polysaccharide, ii) activation and iii) conjugation to carrier proteins. We obtained two conjugates, these products were characterized by HPLC-SEC, colorimetric methods to determine protein to polysaccharide ratio (w:w) and immunoenzimatic assay to evaluate the antigenicity of the modified polysaccharide. Results: Our results demonstrated that oxidized polysaccharides and the conjugates preserve the native capsular polysaccharide epitopic identity. The conjugates were immunized in rabbits and elicited high titers of total IgG able to recognize the capsular polysaccharide. Conclusion: the conjugates obtained using this methodology (with both levels of polysaccharide activation), are antigenic and immunogenic in rabbits. PIF-BT 033 INFLUENCE OF PHOSPHATE SALTS AND ALUM CONTENT ON TO THE IMMUNOGENICITY OF A DERMATOPHAGOIDES SIBONEY AFPL1ADJUVANTED VACCINE Samalea R, Ramírez W, Tamargo B, Torralba D, Morejón A, Martínez D, Más A, Oliva Y, Infante JF, Bourg V, Huergo L, Pérez O, Labrada A National Center of Bioproducts, Allergen Research Department, Havana, Cuba 176 Introduction: Allergen adsorption can be relevant for clinical efficacy and safety of alum-adsorbed allergen vaccines, particularly, for the novel experimental vaccine containing the combination adjuvant AFPL1®. Phosphate ions interfere with adsorption of Dermatophagoides allergens to alum hydroxide. On the other hand, alum is associated to formation of granulomas at the site of injection, so its content should be minimized. Aim: To evaluate the immunogenicity of formulation variants of a Dermatophagoides siboney AFPL1-adjuvanted vaccine, using different content of phosphate salts and alum hydroxide. 3 Materials and Methods: A 2 experimental design was used for evaluating the effect of phosphate (0-8.5mmol/L) and alum content (0.5-2mg/mL) on to adsorption of Der s1, as measured by ELISA. Six variants were further selected for immunogenicity testing in Balb/C mice, regarding allergen-specific IgG, IgG1, IgG2a, and IgE antibodies. Results: Best variants regarding Der s1 adsorption were in the range 0-4.26mmol/L of HPO4 or 02.5mmol/L of H2PO4, achieving values up to 99.9%. Decrease of Al(OH)3 content to 0.5mg/mL did not significantly (P>0.05) influenced adsorption. All variants induced IgG1 and IgG2a allergenspecific antibodies, after three immunization doses. However, the low alum variant showed slightly significant reduction of both IgG1 and IgG2a, although with less IgE and eosinophils in challenged mice. Phosphate content did not significantly influence the response. Conclusions: Reduction of alum and phosphate content could be considered as pharmaceutical improvements with no disadvantages regarding immunogenicity of this experimental antiallergic vaccine. PIF-BT 034 PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND IMMUNOLOGICAL COMPARISON POLYSACCHARIDE CONJUGATES AGAINST TYPHOID FEVER OF VI Soubal JP, González A, Soroa Y, Cardoso F, Rey E, Pedroso J, Aliaga I, Garrido R, Santana D, Valdés Y Center of Biomolecular Chemistry. 200 /19 and 21. Atabey, Playa. La Habana, Cuba Introduction: About 21 million people suffer Typhoid Fever annually, with 1 and 4% of fatality rate, including children of 1-2 years of age. For this age group, conjugate vaccines are being developed from the capsular polysaccharide Vi (PsVi) of the bacterium Salmonella Typhi, the causal agent. The conjugation method employs carbodiimide-mediated condensation chemistry, primarily employing adipic acid dihydrazide (ADH) as spacer. On the path to obtain a conjugate vaccine, several conjugation parameters must be defined. In this study, we compared physicochemical and immunological characteristics of conjugates derived from different process variants. Materials and Methods: We studied four conjugate variants: PsVi to diphtheria and tetanus toxoids (DT and TT respectively) using ADH as a spacer and PsVi-DT without spacer, with initial polysaccharide/protein ratios of 1/1 (w/w) and PsVi-DT using ADH as spacer but with an initial polysaccharide/protein ratio of 1/2. The conjugates were characterized physicochemically and IgG antibody response was evaluated in BALB/c mice. Results: All conjugates had good polysaccharide recovery and retained suitable O-acetylation contents. Conjugates with initial 1/2 polysaccharide/protein ratio had about 10% of unbound protein, whereas in 1/1 conjugates virtually all DT reacted. Animals vaccinated with conjugates had higher IgG titer in comparison with the plane polysaccharide immunized group. Conjugate with spacer generated a response significantly better than the conjugate without spacer, and antibodies induced by the latter were no avid by the native polysaccharide. The carrier protein and the polysaccharide/protein ratio had no significant influence on immune response. Conclusions: The proposed procedures allows to obtain conjugates with suitable physicochemical characteristics which generate a superior immune response that the plane polysaccharide. However, the procedures with initial polysaccharide/protein ratio of 1/1 employing ADH as spacer were the best, regardless of the carrier protein. PIF-BT 035 PURIFICATION AND CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF IMMUNOGENIC PNEUMOCOCCAL CAPSULAR POLYSACCHARIDES TYPES 19F AND 23F Martínez Rodríguez JC, Gonzalez D, González H, Primelles F, Rivero K, Pérez M, Lic 177 Concepcion FG, Arjona D, Guerra M, Hernández M, Marrero N, Costa W, Díaz R, Achon L Finlay Institute. La Lisa, Havana, Cuba Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common cause of community-acquired pneumonia and the common cause of bacterial meningitis. A multivalent pneumococcal vaccine is formed by immunogenic amounts of purified pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide of several pneumococcal types. The aim of this work is the evaluation of a critical purification step. Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (cetavlon), with most of the pneumococcal types may be a critical separatory step. Under carefully controlled conditions serves either to precipitate the polysaccharide preferentially to protein and nucleic acids contaminants, or in the reverse, preferentially precipitating contaminants. After the pneumococcal bacteria types 19F and 23F have been grown by any suitable method of fermentation to stationary growth phase, the fermentation is stopped by the addition of an effective amount of sodium desoxycholate to lyse all bacterial cells and release cell-associated polysaccharide into the medium. Cellular debris is removed from the medium to be followed by two alcohol precipitations. The cetavlon treatment of pneumococci, follows several alcohol precipitations, which effectively removes the cetavlon, to be most effective, being an improvement over use at earlier stages in the purification procedure. This general scheme is the broad procedure suitable with variations to a number of pneumococcal polysaccharide types. This purification scheme effectively removes protein and nucleic acids contaminants of immunogenic pneumococcal capsular polysaccharides types 19F and 23F. PIF-BT 036 OBTENTION OF PEPTIDES DISPLAYED ON M13 PHAGE RECOGNIZING A MAB AGAINST MENINGOCOCCAL GROUP A POLYSACCHARIDE Blaín K, Ramírez F, Reyes F, Otero O, Amin N, Camacho F Instituto Finlay, La Habana, Cuba Neisseria meningitidis causes meningitis and septicemia. Although capsular polysaccharide-based vaccines are effective at reducing the incidence of meningococcal disease caused by serogroups A, C, Y, and W135, the presently available meningococcal vaccines are poorly immunogenic in infants and fails to induce long-lasting immunity in adults.The obtention of mimetic peptides of meningococcal group A polysaccharide could be explored as vaccine candidates to induce an antibacterial response. In this work, a bactericidal IgG2a MAb (7E1F7) recognizing a unique 10 epitope in MenA CPS was immobilized to a 96 well ELISA plate at 5ug/mL. A collection of 10 random nine peptides exposed on the surface of filamentous phages was added to select ligands. After several washes phages were eluted and transformed in E.coli TG1 cells. After three selection steps, four phage clones displaying peptides were obtained. These clones were able to bind mAb 7E1F7 in competition with MenA CPS. These peptides obtained here could mimic the PscA epitope. PIF-BT 037 PREPARATION OF GLYCOCONJUGATES FROM STREPTOCOCCUS PNEUMONIAE SEROTYPE 14 TO TETANUS TOXOID BY TWO METHODS OF CONJUGATION Serrano Y, Chang J, Pedroso J, Cardoso F, Valdés Y, Fernández V, Vérez V Center for Biomolecular Chemistry, La Habana, Cuba Streptococcus pneumoniae is a leading cause of meningitis, pneumonia, and severe invasive disease in infants and young children in Cuba and throughout the world. Pneumococcal conjugated vaccines enhance immune responses in high-risk population compared to polysaccharide vaccines, due to their T-cell dependent mode of action. Multivalent pneumococcal conjugated vaccine is a high priority National Project in our country. Thus, the aim of this work is to develop different strategies to obtain monovalent conjugates to be included as a vaccine component. Materials and methods: We studied two methods (Method A and B) to generate polysaccharide 14 glycoconjugates by reductive amination. Method A involves 2 steps: i) simultaneously depolymerization and activation by partial N-deacetylation followed by nitrous acid 178 deamination, and ii) conjugation to carrier protein. On the other hand, Method B, includes 3 steps: i) fragmentation of capsular polysaccharide by acid hydrolysis, ii) activation by peryodic oxidation and iii) conjugation to a carrier protein. In both cases, the modifications of polysaccharide were followed by competitive inhibition ELISA and NMR techniques. The activated polysaccharide fragments were conjugated to tetanus toxoid as carrier protein. The conjugates were characterized by HPSEC, protein:polysaccharide (w:w) ratio and antigenicity ELISA to evaluate the polysaccharide epitope integrity. Results: We generate glycoconjugates of radial structure (A) and, crosslinked network (B). Our results show that both conjugation methodologies guarantee the conservation of CPs immunological information in each intermediate, the main difference is the high remaining free protein percentage in the final conjugate obtained by method A. Conclusions: Method B is the best process for obtain of glycoconjugates to be included in the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. PIF-BT 038 PHARMACOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF A VEGF BASED IMMUNOTHERAPY IN NON HUMAN PRIMATES Morera Y, Bequet-Romero M, Ayala M, Puentes P, Castro J, Sanchez J, Alba JS, Ancizar J, Cosme K, Gavilondo JV Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Playa, Havana, Cuba Introduction: Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is an attractive target for cancer immunotherapy, given its key position on the modulation of tumor vascularization. Along this research line, our groups have developed VEGF immunotherapeutics based on recombinant modified human VEGF antigen combined with inmunostimulator compounds. Our previous experimental studies in mice have shown that theses combinations have both anti-tumoral and anti-metastatic activity. The present study expands our inmunopharmacological analyses to non human primates, and evaluates the effects on physiological parameters. Materials and Methods: Inmunopharmacological studies were carried out in Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus non human primates, using three different but related immunization schemes with 100 µg 200 and 400 µg antigen doses combined with inmunostimulator compounds. Results: Our active immunotherapy approach induces the production of Anti-VEGF IgG antibodies and specific T-cell mediated responses. Purified IgG from from immunized monkey sera was able to impair proliferation and formation of capillary-like structures in Matrigel, for HMEC cells in culture. All animals appeared generally healthy and no changes in overall behavior, feeding, neuromuscular performance, life span, body weight and hematologic or blood biochemical parameters were reported. Additionally, no deleterious effects on the different stages of the wound healing process were recorded. Conclusions: In summary, these data suggest an attractive safety and immunogenicity profile for the clinical application of VEGF based vaccines as a therapeutic approach in cancer patients. PIF-BT 039 INMUNOGENICITY AND REACTOGENICITY OF A BOOSTER DOSE OF TETANUS VACCINE, VAX-TET®-5 IN TEENAGERS Baró M, Águila L, Ávila Y, Armesto M, Mirabal M, Valmaseda T, Ochoa R, Menéndez J Finlay Institute, Havana, Cuba Introduction: A controlled randomized double-blind phase II/IV clinical study was conducted to ® evaluate immunogenicity and reactogenicity of the Cuban vaccine vax-TET -5 with reduced formulation in 472 students from 14 to 19 years old, using as reference the Tetanus vaccine, vax® TET . Materials and Methods: The study was carried out according to the Good Clinical Products of ICH, in researches on infant population (CPMP/ICH/2711/99), the Declaration of Helsinki and the national regulation of the Center for Quality control of Drugs (REGULATION No. 165 – 2000) and was approved by the Ethics Committee of Researches of the Institute of Basic and Preclinical Sciences “Victoria de Girón”. Immunogenicity was evaluated by ELISA by quantification of the levels of tetanus antitoxin in two serum samples before and 28 days after vaccination. Noninferiority of the Tetanus antitoxin levels was compared corresponding to the values of long-lasting ® reliable protection (≥ 1UI/mL), induced by the Tetanus vax-TET -5, in relation to Tetanus vaccine 179 ® vax-TET . Reactogenicity was studied by active medical follow-up in the first seven days up to 30 days. Results: The results of immunogenicity did not show differences between both vaccines regarding long-lasting titers (>1 UI/mL), therefore the design of non-inferiority was met. The manifestations of reeactogenicity were of slight intensity, being observed in the first 48 postvaccinal hours. There was neither report of serious adverse events nor of unsolicited adverse events related to the vaccines. Conclusions: The non-inferiority of tetanus antitoxin levels ≥ ® ® 1UI/mL, induced by vax-TET -5 in relation to vax-TET was verified. PIF-BT 040 IMMUNOTHERAPY WITH HOUSE DUST MITE ALLERGEN VACCINES IN PEDIATRIC PATIENTS WITH PERSISTENT MODERATE ALLERGIC RHINITIS González JV Paediatric Teaching Hospital “Eduardo Agramonte Piña”, Camagüey, Cuba Background: Sublingual immunotherapy with allergens is not widely studied in pediatric patients with allergic rhinitis. Objective: To assess the immunologic and clinical efficacy of sublingual immunotherapy with allergenic extracts VALERGEN, in pediatric patients with persistent moderate allergic rhinitis. Material and methods: A controlled, randomized, clinical, diagnostic essay was carried out in 20 pediatric patients with persistent moderate allergic rhinitis. Sublingual immunotherapy was given through the deglutition technique with standardized allergenic extracts VALERGEN, manufactured in BIOCEN: Dermatophagoid siboney, Dermatophagoid pteronyssinus and Blomia tropicalis. Clinical, humoral immune and allergic response was assessed in vivo and in vitro, at the beginning and a year after treatment. Results: At the onset of the study, 100% of patients were sensitized to domestic dust mites and presented large amounts of eosinophils in the nasal cytogram, total Immunoglobulin E (IgE) was elevated in 55% of the cases and it was determined that 30% of the patients had an associated Immunoglobulin A (IgA) selective deficiency. After a year of treatment, eosinophil concentration in the nasal mucosa decreased. 80% of patients showed normal IgE values. Clinical improvement was evident in all the patients and no collateral reactions were determined during treatment. Conclusions: Sublingual Immunotherapy with allergenic extracts VALERGEN is a safe and viable treatment that controls clinical symptoms and improves immunologic response in pediatric patients with persistent moderate allergic rhinitis. PIF-BT 041 IDENTIFICATION OF ANTIGENIC COMPOSITION OF OUTER MEMBRANE VESICLES FROM NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS SEROGROUP X Rodríguez Y, Zayas C, Balboa JA, Acevedo R, Álvarez M, Cabrera RA, Padrón MA, Rosenqvist E, Norheim G, García L, Cardoso D Finlay Institute, Havana, Cuba Introduction. Meningococcal disease is a serious health problem worldwide, it is caused by gram negative microorganism Neisseria meningitidis. These bacterias can be classified into 13 serogroups according to the chemical structure of the capsular polysaccharide, however only 6 serogroups have been responsible for the majority of reported meningococcal disease: A, B, C, W135, Y and X. There are vaccines against serogroups A, B, C, Y, W 135, but there is no vaccine licensed against serogroup X. Aims. The aim of this work is to identify the main antigenic and possibly immunestimulatory components in the Outer Membrane Vesicles serogroup X (OMVx). Methods. Protein antigens in OMVx were evaluated by SDS/PAGE with Blue comassie staining and conditions for Two Dimensional electrophoresis (2-D) were set. Additionally, specific silver staining was carried out to quantify lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the vesicles. Finally, immunotransference assay was performed with specific monoclonal antibodies to identify the LPS immunotype and protein antigens in OMVx. Results. The gels and transference membranes were analyzed with a GS-800 densitometer and "Quantity One" software. Four proteins with high and medium molecular weight were observed, being a protein of approximately 40 KDa a majoritary one and 2-D also confirmed this result. LPS was revealed by silver staining and quantified (3,48 % of LPS/total protein). Identity of LPS was confirmed by immunotransference as L-3,7,9 and protein 180 antigens like RmpM, Por A 1.5 and OpcA, were identified in the OMVx. Conclusions. Important antigenic proteins were identified in the OMVx as well as immunestimulatory LPS. PIF-BT 042 ANTI-EGF/EGFR THERAPEUTIC ANTI-CANCER DRUGS AND THE WOUND HEALING PROCESS Casacó A, Fuentes D, Ledón N, Chacón L, Fernández N, Iglesias A, Fernández A, Hernández D, Sánchez B, Iglesias I, Crombet T Center for Molecular Immunology, Havana, Cuba Introduction: Cutaneous wound healing is a complex process involving blood clotting, inflammation, tissue formation, and tissue remodeling. Many experimental and clinical studies have demonstrated varied, but in most cases beneficial effects of exogenous growth factors on the healing process. The use of targeted anti-cancer agents is increasing. It is common to utilize a multi-modal treatment approach towards solid tumors, often including surgical resection, and it has become apparent that some targeted agents can impair wound healing or cause increasing risk of perioperative complications. There are limited data regarding the wound healing process of anticancer target drugs blocking the EGF/EGFR system. The aim of this work is to review the effects of anti-EGF/EGFR drugs on the skin wound healing process after programed or emergency surgical procedures. Materials and Methods: A review of the current literature and our clinical trials was undertaken. We included the monoclonal antibodies cetuximab, panitumumab, nimotuzumab; the small tyrosine kinase molecules erlotinib and gefitinib; and the EGF-based cancer vaccine; CIMAvax and the EGFR-based cancer vaccine; HER-1 vaccine.Results:They suggest a nonappearance deleterious effect of the anti-EGF/EGFR drugs in the wound healing post-operative process. Conclusions: On the contrary, the fact that anti-EGFR treatments inhibit the wound drainage-induced tumor cell proliferation and the radiation induced migration of tumor cells suggests that these kinds of drugs could still be useful and the treatment could be maintained, with special surveillance, during the post-surgical period. PIF-BT 043 PILOT TRIAL OF IMMUNOGENICITY AND PRECLINICAL TOXICITY OF SALMONELLA VACCINE CONJUGATE IN SPRAGUE DAWLEY RATS Fariñas M, Oliva R, Infante JF, Valdez BY, Nuñez D, Valmaceda T, Pérez V, Serrano D, Hernández T, Aranguren Y, Ponce A, Fernández S Finlay Institute, Havana, Cuba; Introduction: All drugs and vaccines to be utilized in humans must pass preclinical studies to prove its safety and benefits, in these studies is mandatory to have at least one relevant animal model. Therefore the aims of this work were to demonstrate the relevance of Sprague Dawley (SD) for the evaluation of immunogenicity of the Salmonella conjugate vaccine by ELISA, in addition to the preliminary evaluation of toxicological effect by clinical and pathological studied. Materials and methods: Rats of both sex received 0.2 mL of vaccine candidate intramuscularly in two doses with a time interval of seven weeks. Weekly serological, clinical and haematological determinations were made with a pathological examination at the end of the experiment in order to identify toxicological effects. Results: Taking into evaluation the antibody response in both sex with the immunization schedule, the animal model demonstrated to be good for the evaluation of the humoral immunogenicity of the conjugate vaccine. During the study were not evident signals of toxicological alterations. Conclusions: SD rats are useful model for the evaluation of immunogenecity of salmonella conjugated vaccine without preliminary evidences of toxicity. PIF-BT 044 BREASTFEEDING AND HUMORAL IMMUNE RESPONSE AGAINST TETANUS AND DIPHTHERIA TOXOID IN CHILDREN OF 2 YEARS OLD La Rosa D, Montesino S, Ochoa R, Valmaseda T, Alerm A, Gómez E Instituto de Gastroenterología, Plaza, La Habana, Cuba 181 Introduction:Since the impact of breastfeeding on the response to vaccination is controversial. Objetive: To evaluate the effect of breastfeeding on humoral response to tetanus and diphtheria vaccination in two years old children who have ended the immunization basic stage of the vaccination schedule. Method: Forty-four children were selected, they were then divided into two study groups according to the time they were breastfeeding. Solid phase immunosorbent assays (ELISA) were used to determine concentrations of diphtheria and tetanus antitoxin. Results: After applying the Student test to results, it was proved that exclusive breastfeeding for six months or longer showed an increase in the concentrations of diphtheria antitoxin, while there was no difference of tetanus antitoxin concentrations detected among children exclusively breastfed for six months or more, with those breastfed for lesser periods. Conclusions: The duration of breastfeeding influences seroprotection against diphtheria toxoid. PIF-BT 045 DESIGN OF A SEMIPURIFICATION STEP BASED IN A TWO AQUEOUS PHASES SEPARATING SYSTEM FOR THE PHB-01 EXTRACTION FROM TOBACCO LEAVES Ferro W, Álvarez T, Geada D, Guevara Y, Montero JA, Tamayo A, López A, Valdés R Departamento de Anticuerpos Monoclonales. Dirección de Producción Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología, La Habana, Cuba The plantibody PHB-01 is a murine antibody expressed in a non-commercial tobacco cultivar plants, specific for the a determinant of the Hepatitis B surface antigen. This plantibody is used as an immunoreagent on Cuban Hepatitis B vaccine manufacture by means of an immunopurification step. However the purification at large scale of PHB-01 from tobacco biomass imposes several difficulties, especially when a solid-liquid purification design is carried out. Cost concerning the chromatographic matrixes is one of these difficulties, for example due to its not so long matrix lifetime as consequence of the presence of vegetal components that seems to be able to bound matrixes. With the aims to solve this and other troubles at large scale purification of PHB-01 plantibody a novel design based on aqueous two-phase extraction is currently evaluated. The study was carried out using systems of different compositions of PEG and potassium phosphate salt and/or pH in each of one or two partitioning stages. Of a total of 27 treatments or variants 10 of them were selected, taking account the removal of more than 40% of vegetal proteins and the removal of less than 10% of IgG content, as promising systems for a future large scale process. The best combination was observed for PEG 4000 and potassium phosphate in a relation of 10%/15% at pH 5,5. This system provides the possibility for a complete process automatic control, and also the potential chromatographic matrix elimination in the future. PIF-BT 046 RESULTS OF A PHASE II CLINICAL TRIAL CONDUCTED IN NON-SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER (NSCLC) PATIENTS TREATED WITH 1E10 MAB-ALUM, AN ANTI-IDIOTYPIC VACCINE Valdés A, Toledo D, González Z, Viada C, Mendoza I, Guerra PP, Rodriguez E, Mazorra Z, Vazquez AM, Crombet T, Macías A Center of Molecular Immunology, P.O. Box 16040, Playa, Havana, Cuba Introduction: The anti-idiotypemAb 1E10 (Ab2) is specific to an Ab1 mAb (P3) that react specifically with N-glycolyl containing gangliosides, sulfatides and Ags expressed in some human tumors. A multicentric, randomized, open and controlled phase II clinical trial was conducted in 63 advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Materials and methods: After first line chemotherapy, patients were randomized 1:1 to receive the vaccine or placebo. Treatment consisted on 5 vaccine doses every 2 weeks and then, monthly re-immunization to complete 15 doses. Vaccinated patients were treated with 1mg of the anti-idiotypemAb 1E10 (Ab2). We evaluated the immunological response in 40 vaccinated patients. Results: The vaccine was immunogenic and high titers of IgG antibodies were obtained against 1E10 in all vaccinated patients. The treatment also elicited high antibodies titers against NeuGcGM3 ganglioside of both isotypes, IgM and IgG. This humoral response increased with the course of vaccination, reaching 182 a pick after patients received the fifth dose of the vaccine, corresponding with the end of induction phase. Hyperimmune sera of 30 evaluable patients were able to specifically recognize and induce cell death to murine and humans NeuGcGM3 positive cells lines. Interestingly, the cytotoxic capacity of the sera was significantly associated with longer survival times. Conclusions: This is the first report in demonstrate that the functional capacity of the antibodies against NeuGcGM3 ganglioside induced by vaccination with 1E10 mAb has clinical relevance. These results show the advantages of this anti-idiotypic vaccine and confirm the relevance of NeuGcGM3 ganglioside as an important target for cancer immunotherapy. PIF-BT 047 HUMORAL IMMUNE RESPONSE INDUCED IN EARLY STAGE BREAST CANCER PATIENTS INCLUDED IN A PHASE III CLINICAL TRIAL USING A GANGLIOSIDE-BASED VACCINE Valdés A, Mulens V, González Z, Perez K, Fernández LE, Crombet T and Mazorra Z Center of Molecular Immunology, P.O. Box 16040, Playa, Havana, Cuba Introduction: NeuGc-containing gangliosidesare overexpressed in human breast cancer. A multricentric, closed, double blind and controlled Phase III clinical trial in patients with stage II of breast cancer is currently ongoing to evaluate immunogenicity and efficacy of a cancer vaccine composed by the NeuGcGM3 ganglioside inserted in a proteoliposome from Neisseria meningitidisusing Montanide ISA 51 as adjuvant. Materials and methods: After first line chemotherapy, patients included in the trial were divided in two groups according to the number of positive linfonodes and subsequently were randomized 1:1 to receive the vaccine or placebo. The group I included patients with 0-3 positive lymphonodesand the second group, patients with ≥4 positive lymphonodes. Treatment consisted on 5 vaccine doses every 2 weeks during induction phase and after, monthly re-immunizations to complete 15 doses. In a previous reports from a phase I and II clinical trials, the vaccine was safe and the most frequent adverse events consisted on reactions at the injection site, fever and chills. In the present study forty-six patients of Arm A and thirty-five of Arm B corresponding to both groups were selected for evaluating immunological response. Results: The vaccine was immunogenic and high antibody titers of both IgM and IgGisotypewere induced against NeuGcGM3 ganglioside in patients of Arm A, independently of the group. Hyperimmune sera were able to specifically recognize and induce cell death to NeuGcGM3 positive cells lines. Hyper-immune sera also showed the capacity of rescue CD4 expression on the surface of healthy lymphocytes treated with the NeuGcGM3 ganglioside. Conclusions: This is the first report demonstrating the effectors functionalities of the antibodies against NeuGcGM3 induced by vaccination with NeuGcGM3/VSSP/Montanide ISA 51 in an adjuvant setting, showing the advantages of this glycolipid vaccine and confirming the relevance of NeuGcGM3 ganglioside as an important target for cancer immunotherapy. PIF-BT 048 PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF IMMUNOLOGICAL BIOMARKERS IN PATIENTS WITH PSORIASIS TREATED WITH ITOLIZUMAB Aira Diaz LE Center of Molecular Immunology, P.O. Box 16040, Playa, Havana, Cuba Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease with a prevalence of approximately 1-5% in the general population. The majority of diagnosed patients have plaque psoriasis, and about 20% have moderate to severe disease. Because of the chronic nature of psoriasis, patients typically need long-term treatment, even though traditional systemic therapies are often associated with cumulative, dose-related toxicities. Itolizumab, a new drug which has as a target, CD6 molecule, has demonstrated to inhibit in vitro ligand-induced proliferation and activation, reducing proinflammatory response when healthy peripheral mononuclear cells have been used. An openlabel, multi-centric, open access clinical study was designed to assess the safety and efficacy in induction and maintenance treatment of Itolizumab in Cuban patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis. We measured in PBMC of these patients precursor frequency of lymphocytes T activated with CD3/CD28 beads and frequency of T cells producing INF-γ; in sera we measured 183 interleukin levels; and in skin biopsies we determined expression of CD6. Itolizumab was well tolerated in this study, with no serious adverse events reported so far and the majority of patients achieving at least 75% improvement in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI 75) at week 12. We demonstrated that there was a reduction in precursor frequency of T cell proliferation with treatment of Itolizumab at week 12 and a significant decrease in frequency of T cell producing INF-γ was not observed in both weeks. There was not variation in the interleukine (IL)-6 levels in 9 of 10 patients evaluated, but in 6 of them there was a decrease in IL-8 levels. There was a reduction in lymphocyte infiltration in 60 % (3 of 5 patients) of the skin biopsies analyzed at week 12. PIF-BT 049 EGF CANCER VACCINE: TOWARDS A SCHEDULE OPTIMIZATION AND A BIOMARKER OF CLINICAL RESPONSE Popa X, García G, Viada C, Luaces P, Mazorra Z, Crombet T, Rodríguez C Center of Molecular Immunology, P.O. Box 16040, Playa, Havana, Cuba Introduction:EGF is a potent growth factor that enhance the proliferation of cancer cells by both paracrine and autocrine mechanisms. Approximately 75–85% of non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) overexpress the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) and its ligands, i.e. Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF). The concept of immune-deprivation of the circulating EGF underlies the generation of specific immunotherapy for the treatment of NSCLC patients. The present vaccine consists of human recombinant EGF, coupled to a recombinant carrier protein P64K, from the meningitis B bacteria and adyuvated in Montanide ISA51 VG. In this study we characterize the humoral response and basal EGF serum levels and their relation with the clinical outcome of NSCLC patients treated with EGF in two different immunization schedules: Vaccinechemotherapy-vaccine (VChtV) and Chemotherapy-Vaccine-Vaccine (ChtVV). Materials and Methods:Depends on the vaccination schedule patients were randomized 2:1 to receive the vaccine or BSC. Treatment consisted on 4 vaccine doses every 2 weeks and then, monthly reimmunization of 2.4 mg of CIMAVAX EGF in 4 separated administration sites. We evaluated the humoral response and basal EGF serum levels in an evaluable subset of vaccinated patients. Results:Humoral response is not affected with the interruption of immunization during first line chemotherapy. The survival of treated patients is associated with the levels of EGF-specific humoral response in both treatment schedules. Furthermore, EGF serum levelsdetermined before and after chemotherapy can predict clinical benefit in NSCLC patients treated with EGF cancer vaccine.Conclusions:Basal EGF serum levels and EGF-specific humoral response may constitute predictive and surrogate markers of clinical response in NSCLC patients treated with this therapeutic vaccine. PIF-BT 050 DIFFERENT STRATEGIES FOR THE RECOMBINANT EXPRESSION OF THE DOMAIN 1 OF CD6, A HUMAN TARGET RECEPTOR INVOLVED IN AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES USING BACULOVIRUS EXPRESSION SYSTEM Álvarez Y, Talavera A, Rodríguez JF, Mancheño JM Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Cuba, CITMA, Carretera de San Antonio km 2, 17100 Habana, Cuba The therapeutic, monoclonal antibody T1h has been proved with very promising results in the treatment of various diseases such as psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. Its molecular mechanism of action entails, among others, the specific interaction with the surface glycoprotein CD6, which is predominantly expressed on lymphocytes, and in particular with its Nterminal domain (CD6-1). We claim that the knowledge of the structure of the complex between T1h and CD6-1 will provide relevant information that may guide the rational design of novel drugs and probably leading to new treatments when combined with other medicines. We tackle this problem experimentally by protein crystallography, which demands the preparation of large amounts of pure and homogeneous protein. Since CD6 is a human, glycosylated protein we have chosen the bac-to-bac baculovirus expression system for recombinant CD6-1 expression and in 184 particular we have designed two distinct approaches: extracellular and intracellular expression. This will permit us to compare the effect of glycosylation on CD6-1 production yield. In the case of the extracellular expression (glycosylated form) we designed a variant of the gen containing a leader sequence for protein export that would code for a CD6-1 domain His-tagged at the Nterminal end. In the case of the intracellular expression (non-glycosylated form), we used the same gen lacking the leader sequence. Currently, we are optimizing the purification process, considering also two approaches: first, using immobilized metal affinity chromatography as a first purification step and secondly, by immunoaffinity chromatography. This latter approach involves the preparation of chromatographic matrices with T1h covalently bound. Preliminary expression results indicate CD6-1 is being produced. PIF-BT 051 INTRAMUSCULAR AND INTRANASAL IMMUNIZATION WITH NEW ANTIMENINGOCOCCAL NANOPARTICULATE VACCINE FORMULATIONS AS PROTEOLIPOSOMES AND COCHLEATES INDUCE AT-A- DISTANCE CELLULAR RESPONSE Tamargo B, Fleitas C, Infante JF, Márquez Y, Ramírez W, Torralba D, García L, Pérez V, Bourg V, Labrada A, Mouriño A, Sierra González VG Finlay Institute, La Habana, Cuba,, The development of new and effective vaccines has been limited given the scarce availability of adjuvants. The nanoparticulate structures constitute very promising candidates given their immune-potentiating capacities and its “in vivo” slow antigen delivery to innate immune cells related to Ag presentation/processing mechanisms. In this work new adjuvant formulations based on proteoliposomes of less than 40nm and cochleates of less than 100nm, were evaluated using as antigen a protein complex of Neisseria meningitidis B. Our objective was to evaluate its capacity to generate an immune cellular response type Th1 by means of Delayed-type Hypersensitivity trial. Male BALB/c mice were used; the formulations were administered intramuscularly and intranasally. The percentage of swelling in the rear extremities was determined while doing at the same time the histological analysis of regions close to inoculation sites, also with the use of Flow Cytometry, TCD4+ lymphocytes were identified, which were present in the lymph nodes close to the administration site of vaccine formulations and control. The classicalDTH-Test correlates well with the lymphokine pattern determined by RT-PCR.Results demonstrate that for all the studied variants, the percentages of induration were, statistically speaking, higher than negative control, which becomes evident by vascular congestion, type of cellular infiltrate and other observations in histological cuts. The increase of TCD4+ lymphocytes in vaccinated groups, as well as the Th1 lymphokine, with regard to the non-vaccinated one, corroborates the activation of this decisive cellular line, in the development of the effector mechanisms of an immune response. All formulations in the trial by both inoculation ways stimulate type- Th1 cellular immune response, similar or higher than positive control, which corroborates the potentiality of said formulations, as adequate vaccine-candidates. PIF-BT 052 INMUNOPROTECTOR POTENTIAL OF CELLULAR VACCINE FORMULATIONS DEVELOPED FROM LEPTOSPIRA INTERROGANS BALLUM USING MESOCRICETUS AURATUS AS BIOMODEL Batista Santiesteban N, Arencibia-Arrebola DF, Rosario-Fernández LA, Infante-Bourzac JF Finlay Institute, La Habana, Cuba In the last years, Leptospira spp Ballum has increased its representation in human clinical isolations in Cuba. Effective vaccines are needed to control this zoonotic disease. With the objective of developing a new vaccine candidate able to generate an effective protection against this serovar, two monovalent formulations developed by two highly virulent strains were evaluated (FoBa and FoBb). Clinical isolates of Leptospira serovar Ballum were subjected to serial passages in hamsters and monovalent vaccines were produced by modified methods developed for vaxSPIRAL®. The vaccine efficacy was tested in both experimental and control hamsters. The 185 Mesocricetus auratus biomodel showed that both formulations generated a protection of 100% against the Ballum lethal infection together to high levels of IgG antibodies and were efficient in the elimination of homologous carrier state but not heterologous carrier states. Both FoBa and FoBb vaccines were protective against leptospirosis with high IgG titers, absence of clinical signs and dead, and absence of leptospires in kidney of sacrificed animals. PIF-BT 053 PHARMACOLOGIC INHIBITION OF CASEIN KINASE 2 (CK2)-MEDIATED SIGNALING TO INDUCE APOPTOSIS IN ACUTE MIELOID LEUKEMIA (AML) CELLS 1 2 3 2 Cruz Y ., Perera Y ., Cruz LD ., Perea SE 1-National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology, Ave 29 and E, Vedado, Havana, Cuba. E-mail: 2-Laboratory of Molecular Oncology, Division of Pharmaceuticals, Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), P.O. Box 6162, CP 10600, Havana, Cuba. 3-Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Cuba (CEAC), Carretera San Antonio, km 1-1/2, Puentes Grandes, La Habana Cuba Introduction: Despite sustained advances in the treatment of AML, mortality rates are still unacceptably high, stressing the necessity to develop new therapeutic compounds. Recent findings suggest that CK2alpha, the catalytic subunit of CK2 holoenzyme, is an unfavorable prognostic marker and attractive therapeutic target in AML. Here, we explore for first time the impact of the anticancer peptide CIGB-300, designed to block CK2-mediated phosphorylation on AML cells. Methods: CIGB-300´s antiproliferative effect was assessed on AML cell lines (n=4) using the MTT assay while cytotoxicity was determined by flow cytometry. Peptide internalization and intracellular distribution were determined by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy (30 µM / 3, 10, 30 and 60 min), respectively. Pulldown experiments were performed using biotin-conjugated peptide (30, 50, 100 µM / 10, 30 min) and CIGB-300´s interacting proteins were identified by western blotting (WB) (target oriented) or mass spectrometry (exploratory). Validation of potential targets was done by WB using phosphospecific antibodies (40 µM / 0.5, 2, 5 hrs). Results: CIGB300 exerted a dose-response antiproliferative effect on AML cells (IC50 mean= 26 µM) which can be explained by apoptosis induction. Based on response profile and relevant clinical-pathologic features two cell lines (OCI-AML3 and HL60) were selected for further experiments. CIGB-300 was rapidly internalized (i.e. 3 min) in most of the population of both AML cell lines (>95%). Interestingly, the peptide clearly accumulated in the nucleolar region of HL60 cells while accumulation seemed more diffuse in OCI-AML3. Pulldown experiments indicate that CK2 substrates NPM/B23, AKT, C23, YBX1 and p130 interact with CIGB-300 while preliminary validation of CK2-mediated phosphorylation impairment suggests that NPM/B23 may be an important target for this peptide in AML. Conclusion: Our data provide the first evidences regarding the suitability of pharmacological intervention on CK2-mediated signaling as anti-AML therapy. PIF-BT 054 DELINEATING THE FUNCTIONAL MAP OF THE INTERACTION BETWEEN NIMOTUZUMAB AND THE EPIDERMAL GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR ANTIBODY Tundidor Y,García C and Rojas G. System Biology Department, Center of Molecular Immunology, Havana, Cuba. yaimat@cim.sld,cu, The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is one of the most important targets in the development of antitumor drugs. Until this moment only three monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed against its extracellular region(er) have been approved for marketing: cetuximab, panitumumab and nimotuzumab.Recent evidences indicate that resistance to this kind of treatment can be associated to mutationin erEGFRgene.This finding highlights the importance of defining the epitope recognized by each antibody, in order to predict response to treatment. Nimotuzumab (R3) is a humanized mAb, used in Cuba in the treatment of patients with head and neck, high grade glioma and esophageal tumor.The epitope recognized by this antibody has not 186 been defined yet. Here, we constructed more than 150 variants of domain III of the human erEGFR. These variants were obtained by randomization of selected position of the antigen by Kunkel mutagenesis and displayed on filamentous phage. The recognition of these variants,by nimotuzumab and cetuximab was evaluated in order to decipher the functional epitope of nimotuzumab and validated our mapping strategy, respectively. At this point, we identified the energetically critical residues previously described for cetuximab, so we can conclude that our mapping strategy is useful to map the epitope recognized by nimotuzumab. We identified nimotuzumab functional epitope, composed by a contiguous region (S356, F357, T358, and H359) and a separate residue (R353). This last residue, R353, is within cetuximab structural epitope, and explains the competition previously described for these two antibodies. This study shows clearly, at a molecular level the bases of inhibitory effects of nimotuzumab in EGFR signaling. Additionally, these results complete cetuximab functional map. Moreover our results could help to predict response and guide treatment decision with nimotuzumab and cetuximab, in patients with mutations in domainIII of human erEGFR. PIF-BT 055 RESULTS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STAGE IN THE CIGB Apezteguia I, Diago D, Martínez E, Torres D, González N, González T, Rodríguez M, Quintana M. Center for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology, Cubanacán, La Habana, Cuba. Introduction. The Integration of Design & Development stage to the Quality Management System at the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology focuses on one of the current trends for quality systems established in ICH Q10 guideline. This paper aims at showing the progress made during these years. Materials and Methods. Materials used: ICH guidelines Q8, Q9 & Q10, Regulation ISO 9001:2008, Annex 7/Regulation 16:2006 (CECMED), Annex 13 (EMA), Handbook: QPBBR (WHO) & FDA guidelines. The methods were Brainstorming, internal audits, flowcharts and benchmarking. Results. During the Development phase, the GQS Management established the Review Points, the process guideline and policy procedures for transferring of the research projects to the development stage and production system as well as the change and batch released control, complaints and validation. An updating of the documentary system, selfinspections, internal Audits and non-conformity control was carried out to follow up the compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices applied according to the stage of the project. Conclusions. The design of the QMS at the technological development stage in the CIGB made progress in their implementation certified by Quality Assurance Management and received the Certification NC-ISO 9001:2008 and AENOR issued by INOR & AENOR. Métodos Alternativos / 3Rs Alternatives Methods PMA 001 IN VITRO CELL-BASED APPROACHES TO ASSESS THE MECHANISMS UNDERLYING ANTITUMORAL ACTIVITY OF METHOTREXATE VIA pHSENSITIVE CHITOSAN NANOPARTICLES 1 1,3 2 2 1,3,* Nogueira DR , Mitjans M , Pérez L , Infante MR , Vinardell MP 1 Departament de Fisiologia, Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona, Av. Joan XXIII s/n, 08028, Barcelona, Spain. 2 Departamento de Tecnología Química y de Tensioactivos, IQAC, CSIC, C/Jordi Girona 18-26, 08034, Barcelona, Spain. 3 Unidad Asociada al CSIC, Barcelona, Spain. The encapsulation of antitumor drugs in nanoparticulated systems is a promissing approach that may enhance the success of chemotherapy in many cancers. In this line, we investigated the role of an amino acid-based amphiphile with pH-sensitive properties on the antitumor activity and intracellular behavior of methotrexate-loaded chitosan nanoparticles (MTX-CS-NPs). Moreover, 187 we assessed the mechanisms underlying cytotoxicity induced by the encapsulated drug. NPs were prepared using a modified ionotropic complexation process, including a surfactant α ε derived from N ,N -dioctanoyl lysine with a lithium counterion. NPs were characterized for their physicochemical properties, drug entrapment efficiency and in vitro drug release using medium of different pH. Antitumor activity of MTX-CS-NPs were compared to the free drug using a range of in vitro cytotoxicity assays and tumor cell lines (HeLa and MCF-7). Keratinocytes HaCaT were used as non-tumor control cells. Our results demonstrated that the pH-sensitive behavior of NPs, which enabled an accelerated release of MTX in acidic medium. Moreover, fluorescence microscopy analysis evidenced that the NPs have a membrane-lytic pH-dependent activity. These features allowed the cytosolic delivery of endocytosed materials, which in turn can be directly related with the greater cytotoxicity of MTXCS-NPs against the tumor cells than the free drug. Moreover, MTX-CS-NPs was found to be more cytotoxic around tumor extracellular pHe than at physiological pH. The combined effects of pHtriggered release, cytotoxicity and membrane-lytic activity, together with induction of cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, lysosomal membrane destabilization and mitochondrial injury are proposed as the general mechanisms underlying the greater cytotoxicity of MTX-CS-NPs. Altogether, our results suggest that these NPs could be potentially useful as a carrier system for tumor and intracellular drug delivery in cancer therapy. Furthermore, the combination of assays used here is a reliable approach that offers an in-depth and comprehensive evaluation of the mechanisms implicated in the cytotoxic effects of novel nanomaterials. PMA 002 SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE GUIDE FOR THE CARE AND USE OF LABORATORY ANIMALS AND THE MEXICAN NORM NOM-062ZOO-1999 1 2 3 Streber ML , Ramirez Angel , Pekow C 1 INCMNSZ, Vasco de Quiroga No. 15, Mexico City, Mexico, mstreberj@, fax + 55 56 55 10 76, phone +55 54 87 09 00, ext. 1+1301 2 CENASA, SENASICA, SAGARPA, Tecamac, Mexico, Mexico 3 DACLAM, Chief, Veterinary Medical Unit, Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle, Washington, USA The Guide (G) is an internationally accepted primary reference. The eight edition has been updated since its first publication in 1963 and the purpose is to assist institutions in caring for and using animals in ways judged to be scientifically, technically and humanely appropriate. The G assists investigators in fulfilling their obligation to plan and conduct animal experiments in accord with the highest scientific, humane and ethical principles. The recommendations are based on published data, scientific principles, expert opinion and experience with methods and practices. It is divided in 5 chapters and has 4 appendixes. The Mexican Norm (MN) or standard NOM-062ZOO-1999 “Technical specifications for production, care and use of laboratory animals”, has been published first in 2001 and has not been updated since its publication. It is divided in 10 chapters and 2 appendixes. Similarities in aspects like: environment, some terrestrial species, housing and management, anesthesia and analgesia, euthanasia, physical plant, transportation. Differences: the G includes key concepts like ethics and animal use, the three Rs, policies, principles and procedures, aquatic animals (amphibians, reptiles and fish) are not included in the MN but includes chapters like biosecurity and verification not included in the G. One of the most important differences: IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee) has detailed descriptions for constitution, function and protocol review and post- approval monitoring. The MN is lack of detail for the IACUC. Conclusion: the MN should be updated and the G is a good model to follow but also should be aware of other international recommendations like the CIOMS Principles and the Basel Declaration. PMA 003 E-LEARNING AS A STRATEGY TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF ANIMALS USE IN PHARMACOLOGY 1 1 2 1 Mourelle AC , Herrero ME , Asprea M , Ricca M 1 Aula Virtual Bioterio,; 2 Bioterio y Cirugía Experimental, Hospital de Pediatría Prof. Dr. Juan P. Garraham; Buenos 188 Aires, Argentina; The use of live animals in teaching at university level is the preferred methodology used to show, different pharmacologic phenomena previously learned in the classes. Nowadays computer and internet are widely accepted tools on education and research, and in the last decades facilitated the development and implementation of new teaching strategies and learning. These new available educational tools, give us the opportunity to implement alternatives to animal use to achieve the educational objectives set for the practical classes. E-learning is defined as the production, distribution and use of electronic content for educational purposes. The aim of this work is to show the contribution of this methodology in the application of the principle of the 3Rs (reduction, replacement and refinement) and how an e-learning program well planned, can be a valuable tool to reduce the number of animals used at university level, not only in pharmacology, but in other subjects that currently use live animals, and at the same time the students could learn the concept of bioethics and respect towards animals. There is a worldwide moral and legal statement that the use of live animals should be restricted only for those procedures where it is strictly necessary to use them, and the countries of Latin America, where there is still a strong need to introduce the concept of the 3 R´s principles, we have to move in that direction. Our experience shows that replacement and reduce of animals as a first approach is possible with this education strategy. PMA 004 ZEBRAFISH NEUROTRANSMITTER SYSTEMS AS PHARMACOLOGICAL AND TOXICOLOGICAL TARGETS POTENTIAL Rico, E.P. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de Ciências Básicas da Saúde, Departamento de Bioquímica. Rua Ramiro Barcelos 2600 – Anexo Bairro Santa Cecília Porto Alegre – RS, Recent advances in neurobiology have emphasized the study of brain structure and function and its association with numerous pathological and toxicological events. Neurotransmitters are substances that relay, amplify, and modulate electrical signals between neurons and other cells. Neurotransmitter signaling mediates rapid intercellular communication by interacting with cell surface receptors, activating second messenger systems and regulating the activity of ion channels. Changes in the functional balance of neurotransmitters have been implicated in the failure of central nervous system function. In addition, abnormalities in neurotransmitter production or functioning can be induced by several toxicological compounds, many of which are found in the environment. The zebrafish has been increasingly used as an animal model for biomedical research, primarily due to its genetic tractability and ease of maintenance. These features make this species a versatile tool for pre-clinical drug discovery and toxicological investigations. Furthermore, zebrafish is studied regarding the role of different excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter systems, such as dopaminergic, serotoninergic, cholinergic, purinergic, histaminergic, nitrergic, glutamatergic, glycinergic, and GABAergic, and emphasizing their features as pharmacological and toxicological targets. The increase in the global knowledge of neurotransmitter systems in zebrafish and the elucidation of their pharmacological and toxicological aspects may lead to new strategies and appropriate research priorities to offer insights for biomedical and environmental research. PMA 005 DEVELOPMENT OF A SEROLOGICAL TEST FOR DETERMINING BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF THE WHOLE CELL COMPONENT IN DPT VACCINES FOR PRECLINICAL STUDIES Blanco A, Gutiérrez N, Valle O, Núñez JF, Mandiarote A, Chovel ML Instituto de Ciencias Básicas y Preclínicas “Victoria de Girón Introduction: Whooping cough is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis. Inactivated vaccines (whole cells) have been produced with a successful coverage and 189 effectiveness worldwide. World Health Organization recommends an intracranel challenge methods for determining the Potency of DwPT vaccine batches. Nevertheless, this methos has been deeply criticized in terms of ethical, economical and technical issues. Recently, serological tests have been evaluated in order to replace the challenge test. The aim of this Paper was to develop a relevant serological test for determining the biological activity of the wP component in vaccine candidates during preclinical studies. Materials and Methods: OF1 mice were immunized with DwPT vaccines (0.5 mL, i.p.) and observed during 28 days. Then, mice were bled and the serum pools were tested for total antibodies by using a whole-cell ELISA. In order to characterize the immune response, the antibody titres against FHA and PT and the antibody subclasses were also determined. The method was standardized according to the defined criteria. Results: All the standardization parameters met the criteria established. Moreover, the serological method was able to correlate with the challenge test, both discriminating among potent and sub-potent vaccine samples. Poor anti-PT and anti-FHA responses were obtained, as expected, thus demonstrating that for whole-cell component the global antibody response is more relevant than the individual ones. It was also demonstrated that the subclasses more involved in the antibody response were IgG2a and IgG3. Conclusions: The serological test is a valid alternative for replacing the challenge method for determining biological activity of wP component in vaccines during preclinical studies. PMA 006 DEVELOPMENT OF A VERO CELL METHOD FOR DETERMINING SPECIFIC TOXICITY AND REVERSION TO TOXICITY FOR DIPHTHERIA TOXOID IN VACCINES Herrera L, Monteagudo R, Bolaño G, Fidalgo O, Delgado I, Chovel ML Instituto Finlay Introduction: Diphtheria toxoid, active pharmaceutical ingredient of diphtheria vaccines, is obtained by inactivation of the diphtheria toxin with formaldehyde, taking care of not affecting its immunogenicity. One of quality requirements for this product is the determination of the absence of residual active toxin and the potential for reversion to toxicity. The aim of this work was to develop a Vero cell culture assay as an alternative method for testing specific toxicity in order to replace the in vivo method. Materials and methods: The WHO Protocol described in the WHO Technical Manual, was followed in order to verify its suitability in our working conditions. A working Reference Diphtheria Toxin in minimum cytotoxic dose and a Diphtheria Antitoxin were characterized. 8 batches of diphtheria toxoid produced at Finlay Institute were evaluated by Vero cell test and the results were compared with those obtained by the in vivo method. Validation of the method was performed by determining its detection limit, specificity and robustness. Results: Sensitivity to detect diphtheria toxin-induced toxicity in our conditions was shown by the characterization of the working reference materials. Absence of toxicity in the toxoids tested was demonstrated, a result that was consistent with those obtained by the in vivo method. The validation parameters fulfilled the specified criteria, showing that the Vero cell has a higher sensitivity that the Toxicity test in guinea-pigs. Conclusions: It was developed a Vero cell test for Specific toxicity and Reversion to Toxicity of Diphtheria Toxoids in vaccines, able to replace the compendial in vivo test. PMA 007 IGY TECHNOLOGY: USE OF EGG YOLK ANTIBODIES FOR DIAGNOSTIC, PREVENTION AND THERAPY OF DISEASES 1 1 1 2 2 Geoghegan P , Cangelosi, A , Brero M , Fernandez Miyakawa M , Chacana P . 1 Centro Nacional de Control de Calidad de Biológicos, ANLIS “Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán”, Argentina. 2 CICVyA, INTA, Argentina The production of antibodies (abs) in chickens and the extraction of specific Abs from egg yolk (IgY Abs) are increasingly attracting the interest of the scientific community, as demonstrated by the significant growth of the IgY literature. Use of IgY has several advantages over mammal IgG: antibodies can be extracted from the egg yolk, avoiding the bleeding of the animal; large amounts 190 of antibodies can be obtained from a single hen and therefore, the number of lab animals can be reduced as well as the cost of the production of the immunoglobulins. There are well established methods for hyperimmunization of the hens and purification of IgY from egg yolk; and the immunoglobulins can be used in almost any assay that uses mammal polyclonal abs by just adapting the technique. Besides the use in diagnosis, since large amounts of abs at a low cost can be obtained, many applications of IgY-technology have been explored for both human and veterinary medicine, including strategies for prevention and treatment of diarrheas, Helicobacter pylori infection, dental caries and many others. In Argentina, IgY Technology has been introduced since more than 10 years ago and currently new applications are being developed as, for example, the detection of shiga toxin (that causes haemolitic uremic syndrome in children) and formulation of food additives containing specific IgY to prevent the disease. Also, the potential of the use of IgY against snake venoms, microbial toxins or viruses to treat human cases is being explored, in order to replace the production of hyperimmune therapeutic sera in horses or goats. PMA 008 ALTERNATIVE METHODS FOR TRAINING PROSTATE PALPATION AND URETHRAL CATHETERIZATION FOR DOGS IN VETERINARY TEACHING Capilé K , Bones VC, Campos GMB, Santos LT, Ribeiro AC, Oliveira ST, Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Depto. de Medicina Veterinária. Rua dos Funcionários, 1540, Juvevê. Curitiba-PR. CEP: 80035-050, It is essential that veterinary students learn to perform several types of relevant clinical exams to develop their skills. Examples of such exams include prostatic palpation and urethral catheterization which are useful to assist diagnosis of urinary and prostatic diseases in dogs. These practices are traditionally trained in live animals, cadavers or are not performed. The inconvenientissues of traditional methods include difficulty to find appropriate cadavers and negative consequences for animal welfare. The aim of this work was to develop artificial models of vagina, urethra, rectum and prostate in order to provide better teaching tools in veterinary subjects such as small animal clinics and semiology. The models were developed using dogs’ cadavers. An artificial vagina was reproduced from a matrix made with alginate and later filled with silicone in order to simulate urethral catheterization; latex, silicone and play dough was used to make the rectum and the normal and abnormal prostates to simulate prostatic palpation. Other materials such as styrofoam and toy parts were also used for the construction of the mannequins bodies. The models had low cost, were able to mimic the anatomy and consistency of a living animal and allowed the performance of urethral catheterization and prostatic palpation techniques in dogs, similarly to the exams performed in a living animal. For these reasons, the models show advantages over traditional methods from the ethical, logistical and technical points of view. Considering these preliminary results we conclude that the artificial models can be used as a teaching tool and contribute to the spread of alternative resources in veterinary medicine, this way generating conscious attitudes in favor of animal ethics and responsible science. PNM 001 Nanofarmacología / Nanopharmacology DETERMINATION OF ELASTIC PROPERTIES OF CANCEROUS CELLS BY ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY Ramos JR, Szlagor J, Garcia R, Lekka M Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Cuba, Carretera de San Antonio de los Baños, Km. 1 ½ Valle Grande. La Habana, Cuba The tumor grade is a description based on how abnormal the cancer cells look under a microscope and how quickly the tumor is likely to grow and spread. On the other hand, the atomic force microscopy (AFM) has become a powerful tool to distinguish cancerous cells and tissues from non-malignant ones. The AFM studies are mainly based on the elastic properties of the cell cytoskeleton. As a general rule, it has been found that non-malignant cells are stiffer than malignant ones. However, the relationship between malignancy degree and cell elasticity hasn’t 191 been reported in the literature. In AFM spectroscopy studies, living cells are measured under physiological conditions. The cells are indented with the cantilever tip. The Indentation curve can be correlated with the Young's modulus of the cell. The AFM has an inverted microscope to control the position where the force curves are performed. In this work, we study 4 cell lines with epithelial origin (bladder cells) with different degree of malignancy. The AFM spectroscopy was used to determine the elastic properties of the actin cytoskeleton. The curves were performed in the area above the cell nucleus. The cantilever spring constant was 0.01 N/m and the tip had a pyramidal shape of few micrometers height and an opening angle of 20º. The Young’s moduli were estimated for indentation depths from 100 to 500 nm. A population of 10 to 15 cells was studied for every cell line and the total number of force curves used to estimate the Young’s moduli was around 600. The Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison test (P=0.05) of the elasticity measurements showed that non-malignant cells are stiffer than the cancerous ones (P<0.001) but there were no significant differences between the cells with grades 2, 3 and 4. PNM 002 SYNTHESIS OF SELF-ASSEMBLED AMPHIPHILIC PEG-PLA COPOLYMERS BY UGI FOUR COMPONENT CONDENSATION AS A POTENTIAL CONTROL RELEASE SYSTEM FOR CANCER TREATMENT Peña L, Agüero L, Castro A, Ramon J, Lopes M, Zaldivar D Center for Biomaterials (BIOMAT), University of Havana, Cuba The design of macromolecules is rapidly evolving, with contributions from synthetic chemistry, material science, and biomedical engineering. Macromolecule-based devices such as polymeric nanoparticles, polymer−drug conjugates, and polymeric micelles have been used for controlled drug delivery (CDD), improved drug efficacy and safety. Amphiphilic block copolymers play an important role in the obtaining of those devices. For examples, polymeric amphiphiles can selfassemble into micelles display a nanoscopic structure with a hydrophobic core and hydrophilic corona and they are very useful in control release systems for cancer treatment. In this work polymeric micelles obtained by self-assembling of amphiphilic copolymer of polylactic acid (PLA) grafted to polyethilenglycol (PEG) and fluoresceine have been prepared and characterized. In particular, PLA was polymerized and end functionalized by ring opening. polymerization to give carboxylic and aldehyde end functionalized PLA. Synthesized molecules were characterized by GPC, 1H-NMR, FT-IR and UV- vis. Also, two different amphiphilic copolymers of PEG grafted PLA and conjugated to fluoresceine have been synthesized by Ugi four components condensation reaction (U4CC) and they were characterized by GPC, 1H-NMR, FT-IR and fluorescence´s spectroscopy. Self-assembled nanoparticles were prepared by deusing the method of solvent´s rotoevaporation,. These nanoparticles were characterized by light scattering and scanning electron microscopy. All samples of PLA were successful activated with moderate yields of monomer conversion (70-80%). The U4CC achieved goods yields of 65%. The fluorescent amphiphilic copolymers synthesized by U4CC were able to form self-assembled nanoparticles of 400nm. PNM 003 DEXAMETHASONE RELEASE FROM CHITOSAN MICROSPHERES OBTAINED BY SPRAY DRYING AND COATED WITH A NOVEL PH DEPENDENT INTERPOLYMER COMPLEX García J, Bada N, López OD, Nogueira A, Caracciolo P, Abraham G, Ramón JA, Peniche C Center for Biomaterials (BIOMAT), University of Havana, Havana, Cuba Microencapsulation of drugs in polymer matrices is an alternative to reduce the irritating effects on gastric mucosa produced by many drugs, as well as directing release to specific sites. Chitosan has been widely explored for this purpose because of its excellent properties: biocompatible, biodegradable and nontoxic. In this work, chitosan microparticles loaded with dexamethasone (DMT-CS) in several CS/DMT ratios were prepared by spray drying using a Büchi 191 Mini Spray 192 Dryer. The particles were covered by a pH dependent poly(acrylic acid)/poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) interpolymer complex by a water-in-oil reverse emulsion technique. Drug content, yield and encapsulation efficiency were determined. A slight decrease in encapsulation efficiency with increasing drug content was observed. The microparticles have a rough surface and spherical shape, as observed by SEM. Complex formation was confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy. This technique enabled also to identify the presence of dexamethasone in microparticles. Release studies were carried out in gastric (pH 1.2) and intestinal (pH 6.8) simulated fluids. Quantification was performed by UV-Visible spectroscopy at 242 nm. Drug release from DMT-CS non-coated microparticles was similar in both fluids, varying the amount released with drug content. Dexamethasone released from coated DMT-CS was almost negligible, indicating the potential application of this interpolymer complex in specific site delivery systems, for instance, in colonic drug release formulations. PNM 004 SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION AND IN VITRO EVALUATION OF CHITOSAN/APATITE NANOSTRUCTURED COMPOSITES AS PROMISING BONE SUBSTITUTE MATERIALS Solís Y, Carrodeguas RG, Davidenko N, Da Silva E, Peniche C Centro de Biomateriales, Universidad de La Habana, La Habana 10400, Cuba Chitosan/apatite (CHI/Ap) composites are attracting great attention as biomaterials for bone repair and regeneration procedures. The reason is their unique set of properties: bioactivity and osteoconductivity provided by Ap and resorbability supplied by CHI among others. In this work a novel procedure for obtaining nanoestructured chitosan/apatite (CHI/Ap) composites was established. The method involves the co-precipitation of Ap in a two steps procedure, starting with soluble precursor salts. The process allows employing different proportions of the starting ingredients in order to obtain composites with different CHI/AP ratios. The rute employed resulted effective for introducing Si in the cristaline network of the Ap formed in the CHI matrix of the resulting composite. Characterization of the resultant composites by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), thermal analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy confirmed the formation of nanoparticles of sodium- and carbonate-substituted hydroxyapatite [Ca10-xNax(PO4)6– x(CO3)x(OH)2] with diameters less than 20 nm within the CHI matrix. Chitosan/apatite and chitosan/Si-doped Ap have greater particle size than corresponding inorganic materials. Adecuate correspondence was shown between the experimentally determined inorganic content by thermal analysis and the expected theoretical value. A decrease in both crystal domain size and cell parameters of the in situ formed Ap with increasing CHI content was revealed by XRD. Si-doped apatite, higher chitosan content and low molecular weight chitosan based-composites showed the lowest physiological stability and the highest enzimatic degradation. A deposition on composites surface of an apatite layer was evidenced after immersion in simulated body fluid. Cytotoxicity tests evidenced that studied materials are cytocompatible under physiological conditions. The above results suggest that the composites obtained are promising materials for bone regeneration. PNM 005 THE ISO TC 229/ IEC TC 113, ESSENTIAL TOOL IN CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT OF RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION OF NANO-SCALE DEVICES Valdés G, Díaz C, Veranes Y, Hernández M Centro de Biomateriales. Ave. Universidad e/ G y Ronda, La Habana, CP 10400, Cuba Nanotechnology breaks as a generator of welfare in all areas of our lives, in the tetrahedron of NBIC Technologies Convergence from the National Science Foundation of the United States (Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology and Communications and Science of Knowledge) can be seen that this new technology is creator of synergy and brings with it various risks that must be properly addressed in its regulations. The International Organization for 193 Standardization (ISO) and the International Electro technical Commission (IEC), in close collaboration, created the Technical Committees 229 and 113. These committees operate in four working groups: Terms and Nomenclature (JWG1), Characterization and Measurements (JWG2), Health, Safety and Environment (WG3) and Specification of Materials (WG4). According to the rules established by the ISO / IEC have been instituted more than 35 standards for Nanotechnology. It is essential to spread knowledge for nano-scale standardization and settling the cognitive gap between developing countries and developed nations, between higher-level specialists, producers and potential customers. The objective of this work is to present recommendations to be considered for the introduction of regulations in our country on important aspects as the conformity assessment of the research and production through the relationships among metrology, standardization and accreditation. The nano medicine is a discipline that generates extraordinary possibilities from the point of view of the interfaces NANO-BIO-INFO, which will contribute to individualized treatment of patients, either from the use of controlled drug dosage as well as the biomaterials for tissue regeneration, besides the broad ranges of diagnostic devices that could be developed. PNM 006 IRON OXIDES NANOPARTICLES FOR MEDICAL APPLICATION Díaz C Centro de Biomateriales, Universidad de La Habana, Av. Universidad e/ G y Ronda, Plaza, La Habana, Cuba When the size of magnetic particles (for example permanent magnets) is bellow a critical value, which depend on temperature, they behave, instead of small magnets, like giant paramagnetic atoms and exhibit superparamagnetic properties, meaning that they have a large constant magnetic moment and fast response to applied magnetic fields, but do not retain any magnetism after removal of the field. These features make superparamagnetic nanoparticles very attractive for a broad range of biomedical applications. In particular, in the context of the emerging concern about the potential toxicity of nanoparticles, it is noteworthy that iron oxide particles are highly biocompatible, as the iron cell homeostasis is well controlled by the body. In this work, iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles are prepared in two different ways: 1- In situ, using the alginate network as a template, by dropping Na-alginate into a FeCl solution, +2 where the Fe cross-linked alginate beads were treated with an alkaline solution. As a result the +2 Fe ions were partially oxidized in situ and a spinel structure is obtained. 2- Based on 2FeCl3·6H2O + FeCl2·4H2O + 8NaOH → Fe3O4 + 8NaCl + 20H2O reaction, where the iron solution is added dropwise to the hydroxide solution. The precipitated powder was isolated by using a magnet. Samples were characterized by XRD, SQUID, Mossbauer spectroscopy and SEM. In the first case, nanoparticles with diameters in the range 4-15 nm were obtained. Intermediate step products were characterized after beads formation and alkaline reaction. The final product was maghemite with a distribution of particles size with different maxima. Using the second rut, particle with sizes in the range 6-12 nm, were coated by sodium alginate or sodium oleate. A preliminary obtainment of magnetic liposomes was made. The obtained magnetic nanocomposites present potential applications in vitro and in vivo medical systems. PNM 007 CHITOSAN-ALGINATE POLYELECTROLYTE COMPLEX NANOPARTICLES AS DRUG CARRIERS FOR ORAL ADMINISTRATION Becherán L, Peniche C, De Geest B, Vervaet C, Remon JP Institute of Materials Science and Technology, University of Havana, 10400, Havana, Cuba Polyelectrolyte complexes (PEC) are very interesting materials for different applications because their properties (swelling, permeability, and others) can be modified by external stimuli. Particular interest is currently found in the preparation of PEC particles with biocompatible polyelectrolytes in aqueous media to be used for the transport of biological macromolecules and other therapeutic 194 compounds throughout living organisms. Because of their minute size, nanoparticles exhibit a number of distinct advantages for intracelullar transport of substances and they can be useful as carriers through intravenous, oral, and mucosal routes. In this work, chitosan–alginate PEC nanoparticles loaded with metronidazole as a model drug were prepared by coacervation under mild experimental conditions. The particles were characterized in terms of their morphology and composition by scanning electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering, infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. The release profiles of metronidazole at pH=1.2 and 6.8 were obtained and zero order, Higuchi, Ritger-Peppas and Peppas-Sahlin mathematical models were used for the evaluation of the in vitro drug release kinetics. The chitosan-alginate nanoparticles obtained showed spherical shape and the mean diameter of the loaded particles was 536 ± 2 nm. No evidence of polymers-drug interaction was observed. At pH 1.2, the particles presented low release of metronidazole while a significant higher release was observed at pH 6.8 (almost 90 % after 6 hours). The release profiles showed higher correlation coefficients for the Ritger-Peppas model and it was observed that the system presented an anomalous mechanism of drug release, the diffusion and swelling mechanisms probably occurring simultaneously. PNM 008 PH-SENSITIVE MICROPARTICLES BASED COMPLEXES FOR ANTIBIOTIC DELIVERY ON POLYELECTROLYTE Agüero L, Valdés O, Zaldivar Silva D, Peña L, Lopes M, Ramón JA Centro de Biomateriales. Universidad de la Habana. Ave. Universidad % Ronda y G, CP 10400, La Habana, Cuba Development of safe and efficient polymer-based drug carrier system is a widely studied way to enhance therapeutic properties of old and new active pharmaceutical ingredients. Polyelectrolyte complexes have been explored for their potential in colon-specific drug delivery due to their ease of preparation, avoidance of hazardous procedures and possibility to fabricate a variety of combined structures. In this work, poly(acryloxyethyl–trimethylammonium chloride–co– N-vinyl-2pyrrolidone, poly(Q-co-VP)) was synthesized by radical polymerization at 60ºC and it was bonded by electrostatic attraction with sodium alginate (NaAlg). This complexallowed the obtainingof pHsensitive microparticles bycoacervation.Seven different mole ratios of Q and VP were studied to prepare synthetic copolymer. Actualcopolymer composition was determinate by potentiometry technique approach. Microparticles formed were used to deliver a model antibiotic drug, Cefatoxime Sodium. The encapsulation efficiency was around 80% and release profiles was investigated in different simulated mediums using an UV/vis spectrophotometer. In vitro drug release was found to be dependent of pH and showed sustained release characteristic over extended period of time for 24h.Electron microcopy showed the poly(Q-co-VP)/NaAlg microparticles to be almost spherical with many wrinkles on their surface. Particle size analysis was done by optical microscope indicating that the particles were in the size range of 400-850 µm (n=150), narrow unimodal distribution. PNM 009 ORGANIC-INORGANIC THIN FILMS CONTAINING NANOCRYSTALLINE HYDROXYAPATITE PARTICLES Peón Avés E, Amir A. El hadad, Antonia Jiménez-Morales, Violeta Barranco, FA López, C. Muñoz-García, Juan C. Galván Sierra Centro de Biomateriales, Universidad de La Habana, Ave. Universidad e/ Ronda y G, Plaza de la Revolución, La Habana 10400, Cuba Multifunctional organic-Inorganic hybrid coatings on Ti6Al4V surfaces were prepared by cohydrolysis and polycondensation of γ-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane (MAPTMS) and tetramethoxysilane (TMOS). TMOS in hybrid coatings tend to impart durability, scratch resistance, and improved adhesion to the metal substrates. MAPTMS contribute to increase flexibility, density and to achieve tailored properties, such as hydrophobic properties. The resulting MAPTMS/TMOS hybrid was modified with the addition of hydroxyapatite (HA) particles during the sol-gel process with the aim of generating bioactivity and decreases the porosity of the hybrid film through 195 blocking effect. The effects of HA doping on the thermal stability of the prepared hybrids were investigated by using thermal analysis (TG/DTG). The application of X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) has provided information about the crystalline and/or amorphous features of the prepared coatings. Attenuated total reflectance Fourier Transformer Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR) has been utilized for studying the functional groups within the prepared coatings. The hydrophobic behaviour and thickness of the prepared coatings were evaluated by application of both Contact Angle and Profilemeter measurements. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) coupled with an Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) system has been applied to study the surface morphology and composition of coated samples. PNM 010 STUDY OF COMPOSITION POLYMERIC INFLUENCE ON THE CONTROLLED DRUG DELIVERY CAPACITY OF A HYDROPHILIC COMPOSITE Campos Y, Fuentes G, Delgado JA and Almirall A Centro de Biomateriales, Universidad de La Habana, Ave. Universidad e/ Ronda y G, Plaza de la Revolución, La Habana 10400, Cuba : Bone diseases have greatly affected the adult population denying them a decent quality of life, that´s why a large number of investigations have been aimed to obtain materials that reduce traumatic conditions in patients with certain diseases. Compound materials have been studying with special attention because of their versatility. In this work the principal objective is the study of hydrophilic composites loaded with hydroxyapatite (HAp), with the purpose to use them, as factory supplies gives internal and external fixers and microfixers in bone lesions of great magnitude. This material most has to be capable to deliver any drug of controlled manner during the time, in order to avoid any infection around the implant site. It was carried out the synthesis of the hydrophilic composites of poly (acrylamide-co-2,3-epxypropyl methacrylate) from a statistical design using as variables the monomeric composition, the load, the cross linking content (N,N-metylen bis acrylamide) and the dispersant content (sodium alginate), maintaining constant the initiator percent (potassium persulfate). The swelling behaviour had a typical hydrophilic biomaterials profile giving absorption water values of 260 % in the samples with greater content of acrylamide (AA, hydrophilic monomer). The drug delivery capacity shows a result of 93% at 6 hours, in spite of the great influence of the filler. The sample with the best controlled drug delivery capacity was the one who has greater content of the hydrophilic component, same results to the swelling behaviour. In the bioactivity study, the more swelling sample immersed in SBF reached an apatite layer at 15 days after begins the study. The specimen with the best properties for being used as a substitute of bone tissue and as a matrix for controlled drug delivery was the one who had the greater percent of the hydrophilic monomer (AA). PNM 011 SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF NANOMATERIALS CONTAINING NATURAL ACTIVE INGREDIENTS FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J. Soriano , E. Sánchez , A. Alvarado , L. Flores , R. Ortega , A. Vera , F. Mercado , R. Vázquez1, A. Tejeda1, M. Dominguez, L. Hernández2, G. Hirata3, R. Cachau4, U. Pal5, Z. Juárez1, 1 1 M. Miranda , T. Palacios . 1 Biological Sciences, UPAEP, 21 Sur 1103 Barrio de Santiago, CP 72410, Puebla, México; 2 3 Chemical and Biological Sciences, UDLAP, Puebla, México; CNyN-UNAM, Baja California, 4 5 México; SAIC-Frederick, NIH, Frederick, MA, USA; IFUAP, BUAP, Puebla, México. E-mail: Nanomaterials have broadly employed to immobilize drugs to be delivered inside the cell and to prevent denaturation and degradation of the drugs inside the body [1]. The objective of this project is to synthesize modified nanomaterials with active ingredients from medicinal plant extracts to evaluate their biological in vitro activity. Matricaria chamomilla and Catharanthus roseus are being used to obtain chloroform and hexane extracts, purified by column chromatography and 196 1 13 characterized by proton ( H) and carbon ( C) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Magnetic nanoparticles were prepared by coprecipitation using FeCl3, Na2SO3 and NH4OH [2]. Polymeric nanocapsules were prepared by microemulsion using sodium alginate with the extracts, CaCl2 and dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate [3]. Nanomaterials were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), infrared (FTIR) and raman spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS) and confocal microscopy. The particle size range of nanoparticles was between 6-10 nm with Fe3O4 as the main crystalline phase. Regarding alginate nanocapsules, their particle size range was between 200-400 nm. With these results, we continued with the biological activity evaluation of all the materials obtained employing bacterial models. PNM 012 DENTAL MATERIALS’ MODIFICATION BY CARBON NANOPARTICLES Ageev O., Polyakov V., Kovalenko A., Polyakova V., Svyatchenko V. Southern Federal University, Russia, Taganrog, GSP-17A, Nekrasovsky st., 44, EEE Faculty e-mail: For the last few years many reviews were devoted to properties and manufacturing research of so called nanoconcrete. In substance nanoconcrete is a classical mixture of sand and cement with carbon nanoparticle additive. Cement compounds’ modification researchers achieved good results and approved the effectiveness of using additives. At the same time well known, that materials used in stomatology are cements too. There are four types of dental materials: zinc-phosphate, silicate, silico-phosphate and polymer. In this research was studied carbon nanoparticle modification of a phosphate cement (“Unifas-2”, Russia) and a silico-phosphate cement (“Silidont-2”, Russia). Carbon nanoparticles produced by CVD were used as dental cement modifying additives. Investigated dried dental powders were mixed with carbon nanoparticles in different percentages. After that were formed samples by mixing the compound with a hardener. Using electron microscope Phenom (FEI Co) structure and morphology of the modified dental materials surface was explored. Also strength characteristics of modified filling materials were explored with a tensile testing machine and by nanoindentation on AFM NTegra (NT-MDT, Russia). Results of experiments showed that modified dental cements outperform standard ones in 2-4 times. Moreover modified dental cements were revealed to show the greatest resistance to aggressive medias, for example, orthophosphoric acid wide used in different kinds of sodas. Destruction of modified filling materials under 0,1% of orthophosphoric acid and Coca-Cola is virtually absent. Such influence on the standard filling materials causes its destruction in 18-24 hours. Experimental dependences obtained in this study give the possibility of choice of carbon nanoparticle modifying additives quantity to achieve the required result upon strength characteristics of forming filling and its resistance to acid media impact. PNM 013 THE SCANNING TUNNELLING MICROSCOPY IN THE CHARACTERIZATION OF MOLECULES STRUCTURES WITH APPLICATION IN PHARMACOLOGY Herrera JA, Martínez Pons J, Hernández MP Instituto de Materiales y reactivos Electrónicos (IMRE), Universidad de la Habana, Zapata y G, Vedado, 10400 Plaza de la Revolución, Havana City, Cuba Electrochemical Scanning tunnelling microscope (ECSTM) is a useful tool for the characterization of the structures of surfaces and electrochemical reactions in solid-liquid interfaces. ECSTM finds application in the study of the absorption of molecular structures by certain kind of surfaces. It combines the atomic scale resolution of SPM microscopes with the possibility of operating under environmental conditions closer to the physiological condition of biomolecules. This work resumes an actualized update of the application of ECSTM and our preliminary results concerning to the study of the absorption and desorption of molecules, especially those with potential applications in medicine. PNM 014 NOVEL SOLIDS DISPERSION OF CYCLOSPORIN A FOR 197 IMMUNOSUPPRESSION THERAPY 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 Salomón S , López OD , Gómez M , Romero JA , Turiño L , Maria Isabel Tur , Iraizoz A , Alejo P1, Nogueira A1. 1 . Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos. CIDEM. Ave 26 n 1605 e/ Boyeros y Puentes Grandes. Nuevo Vedado. CP 10600. La Habana. Cuba. 2 . Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Cuba (CEAC). Carretera de San Antonio km 1½, La Lisa, La Habana, Cuba 3. Empresa Productora de Insulina y Carpules. Laboratorios LIORAD. Ave. 27 A No. 26402 e/ 264 y 268, San Agustín, La Habana, Cuba. 4. Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos. Universidad de La Habana. Ave. 23 No. 21425 entre 214 y 222, La Lisa, La Habana, Cuba. Cyclosporin A (CsA), a cyclic oligppeptide, is a potent immunosuppressant and has been used primarily to prevent xenograft rejection after organ transplantation. However, it is known that the oral bioavailability of CsA is usually very low due to the poor absorption, which is related to the relatively high molecular weight, very high lipophilicity. In the present investigation, novel solid disperions (SD) of CsA was developed for oral administration. SD formulation were prepared by CsA, SLS, Dextran-70 and PEG-4000 with water by Spray dried. Their physicochemical and technological properties were investigated. The SD significantly improved the drug solubility compared to powder and commercial microemulsion Sandimun Neoral. Our results suggested that this type was formed by attaching hydrophilic carriers to the surface of drug without crystal change: formed by microparticles (MP) containing nanoparticles (NP). FTIR data demonstrated no chemical interaction between drug and carrier. The appeared determinated by SEM as a typical hollow microsphere that suggested the formation of nanoparticles in the surface. The microparticle size distribution was 30,64 ± 15,82 mµ. The Z-average particle sizes ranged was 31,23 ± 0,097 nm. Specifications for drying performance, moisture content and cyclosporine were more than 70%, less than 2 % and 90-110% respectively. Three batches were obtained on an industrial scale, and specifications for drying performance, moisture content, cyclosporine, microparticles size and microbiological test were within the range. Thus, the CsA solid dispersion prepared with SLS, Dextran-70 and PEG-4000 with water by Spray dried is a promising candidate for improving the solubility and bioavailability of the poorly water-soluble CsA, and development of oral solid forms. PEO 001 Estrés oxidativo y Ozonoterapia / Oxidative Stress and Ozonetherapy OXIDATIVE STRESS IN OBESES CHILDREN Fernández D, Heredia D, Alfonso J, García J, González E Unidad de Investigaciones Biomédicas. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara. Carretera de Acueducto y Circunvalación Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba Introduction: Children’s obesity has shown an increase during last decades reaching epidemic proportions not only in developed countries. The presence of obesity in adult life is related with multiple health problems, in particular cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and others like cancer, arthrosis or fatty liver with consequences on morbility and mortality in this group of peoples. Current evidences show oxidative stress as a major fact related with comorbility in obese patients taking accounts the body mass index. Aims: To determine antioxidant enzymatic activity superoxide dismutasa and catalasa as well as levels of reduced gluthatione and malonildialdehide in serum samples from 87 obese children and a control group. Material and Methods: It was used serum samples from obese children aged between 5 and 14 years from endocrinology surgery belonging to Paediatric Hospital “José Luis Miranda” of Santa Clara, Villa Clara. Biomolecular determinations were performed by spectophotometric techniques applying biostatistical test to evaluate differences between both groups. Results: It was found statistical differences between obese children and control group taking account all the antioxidant parameters studied in this work. Obese children showed a significant decrease in superoxide dismutase and catalase activity as well as reduced gluthatione. By the other hand it was found increased levels of malonildialdehide in this group as evidence of oxidative damage on lipids. 198 Conclusions: Obese children show a compromised antioxidant enzymatic system unable to reach an oxidative equilibrium. This situation can provoke damage mediated by oxygen reactive spices to different cellular biomolecules including lipids. PEO 002 LEVELS OF SOME ANTIOXIDANTS IN CHILDHOOD HYPERTENSION Alfonso J, Heredia D, Fernández D, Ballestero M, González E Unidad de Investigaciones Biomédicas. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara. Carretera de Acueducto y Circunvalación Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba . Introduction. A lot of mechanisms of hypertension have been characterized in recent years, such as, Reactive Oxygen Species. It has been found that antioxidant defenses are affected in hypertension. In this work levels of superoxide dismutase( SOD), catalase( CAT), and reduced glutathione ( GSH) are determined in serum of normotense, pre-hypertensive and hypertensive children according to sex, skin colour, age and BMI. Material and methods: A number of 407 children participated, 205 females and 202 males, between 8 and 11 years old. (237) were classified in normotense, (133) in pre-hypertensive and (37) in hypertensive. SOD was determined by means of Marklund´s Method, CAT by Aebi´s Method, GSH by Sedlak´s Method and total proteins by Lowry´s Method. Among all studied groups a p< 0, 05 was used for the significant difference and a p< 0, 10 for the significant moderately difference. All tests used belong to the SPSS 17.0 package. Results: SOD and GSH were the most affected AO. SOD and GSH reduction was concentrated in 8-year- old, white and hypertensive children. Male sex was the most affected one in SOD and female sex in GSH, as well as, obese children were just affected in the last one mentioned before. Conclusions: According to the importance in the system antioxidant, SOD, GSH, as well as, the results obtained in this study, it is possible the presence of oxidative damage in hypertensive children. PEO 003 OXIDATIVE STRESS INDICATORS IN PROGRESIVE RENAL DISEASE Heredia D, Fernández D, López J, Cruz R, Alfonso J, González E Unidad de Investigaciones Biomédicas. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara. Carretera de Acueducto y Circunvalación Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases are considering the major cause of morbi-mortality in patie with chronic renal disease. Considering that traditional risk factors are not capable to explain situation new risks factors are searched to understand the high incidence of cardiovascular event this group of patients. Among them an increased oxidative stress could be an important cardiovasc risk in these patients. Aims: To study oxidative stress indicators in 100 patients with renal disease in pre dialysis and 50 under haemodialysis treatment) and compare them with a control group in or to determine the presence of an altered redox state. Material and methods: It was determi enzymatic activity superoxide dismutase and catalase besides levels of reduced gluthatione malonildialdehide from 150 serum samples. It was used spectrophotometric methods in all cases the results were compared using a statistical software SPSS. Results: It was found a signific reduction of superoxide dismutase activity (p=0,021) and reduced glutathione (p=0,031) with significant increase of Malonildialdehide (p=0,000) in patients under pre dialysis treatment. By the o hand haemodialysed patients showed reductions in superoxide dismutase and catalase act (p=0,000) and (p=0,040) and reduced gluthatione (p=0,033) along with a significant increase malonildialdehide (p=0,000). Conclusions: A progressive renal damage is related with an altered re state as consequence of a reduced antioxidant enzymatic system that lead to oxidative damage lipids. PEO 004 GLYCEMIC CONTROL AND OXIDATIVE DAMAGE IN MELLITUS TYPE 2 DIABETES Céspedes E, Riverón G, Alonso C, Cabrera E, Correa R Facultad de Ciencias Médicas “Gral. Calixto García”, La Habana, Cuba 199 It has been proposed that poor glycemic control, microalbuminuria and lipid profile alterations are risk factors for vascular complications in diabetes mellitus. These changes are associated with oxidative stress. Objective: To analyze whether the changes in the lipid metabolism were associated with oxidative damage in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was done with 94 type 2 diabetic patients. Lipid profile, thiobarbituric acid reactive products (TBARS) and carbonyl groups (POX), as markers of lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation, respectively, were determined. Activities of antioxidant enzymes were analyzed too. Data were stratified according to glycemic control (glucose <6.2 mmol/L vs glucose ≥6.2 mmol/L, glycated hemoglobin <7% vs glycated hemoglobin ≥7%) and microalbuminuria (microalbuminuria <30 g/L vs microalbuminuria ≥30 g/L). Results: High density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLc) concentration was lower (0.67±0.44 vs 0.83±0.57 mmol/L), and TBARS and POX concentrations were higher in diabetics with glucose ≥6.2 mmol/L (2.90±3.17 nmol/mL and 2,43±1,93 nmol/mg protein, respectively) in relation to normoglycemic patients (2.46±1.35 nmol/mL and 1.67±1.00 nmol/mg protein, respectively) . Triglycerides (TG) were significantly higher in conditions of poor glycemic control. It was verified a positive association between diabetes duration and TBARS (r=0.271, p=0.008), and there was a negatively correlation between TBARS and HDLc levels (r= -0.449, p=0.000). The highest TBARS and POX levels were observed in patients with poor glycemic control but only TBARS was significantly increased in diabetic patients with microalbuminuria. Conclusions: The lowest concentration of HDLc in diabetic patients as well as the highest concentration of triglycerides in diabetics with poor glycemic control contribute to lipid peroxidation, in correspondence with duration of the disease. PEO 005 PHENOLIC CONTENT AND PLEUROTUS SP EXTRACTS IN VITRO ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF Beltrán Y, Morris H, Batista P, Llauradó G, Quevedo Y, Lebeque Y, Perraud I Departamento de Biología. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad de Oriente. Avenida Patricio Lumumba s/n, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba Pleurotus sp. is a genus of higher fungi widely distributed worldwide comprising edible and medicinal species of great economical value. The limited knowledge of the phytochemical nature of compounds contained extracts from mycelium and fruiting bodies of Pleurotus and the insufficient experimental evidences of their antioxidant pharmacological activity limit the development of preparations enriched in bioactive metabolites with therapeutical potentialities. The polyphenol content and the in vitro antioxidant activity of Pleurotus sp aqueous extracts (mycelium and fruiting bodies) and extracts from fruiting bodies of Pleurotus sp obtained with solvents of different polarity: n-hexane, ethyl acetate, acetone, ethanol and water, with the assay radical scavenging DPPH were characterized in the present work. The aqueous extracts from mycelium and fruiting bodies have antioxidant properties demonstrated in assays of DPPHA. In this sense, the mycelial extract gave a better response in the scavenging of this radical. On the other hands , phenolic compounds were detected in all five extracts of Pleurotus sp obtained, however the highest concentrations were observed in more polar solvents (water and ethanol) with 138.4 y 86.37 mg/100 g of values , dry weight , respectively (p<0.05) values . These preparations are potential candidates for the design of functional foods, dietetic supplements and/or medicines useful in the management of diseases caused by oxidative stress. PEO 006 EVALUATION IN HIV-INFECTED PATIENTS OF ANTIRETROVIRAL CONCENTRATION, REDOX INDEXES AND PROGRESSION MARKERS ON BLOOD SAMPLES Gravier R, Pérez D, Hernández D, Bermúdez Y, Tarinas A, Gil L Instituto de Medicina Tropical “Pedro Kourí”, Autopista Novia del Mediodía Km. 6 ½, La Habana, Cuba 200 Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is accompanied by severe metabolic and immunological dysfunctions. It is generally accepted that oxidative stress is involved in HIV infection. However, the role in oxidative balance of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) is still debated. This study assessed the effect of one HAART combination (zidovudine / lamivudine / nevirapine) on redox indicators and progression markers of disease. Methods: Eighty HIV subjects (40 had no taking and 40 are taking HAART during 6 months) and 40 voluntaries which no showed serological evidences for HIV were followed for 6 months. Peroxidation potential (PP), glutathione, malondialdehyde, plasma lipid peroxides, superoxide disumutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), advanced oxidation protein products, viral load (VL) and CD4 lymphocytes T subsets (CD4) were measured at baseline and at 6 months. Results: The statistical analysis showed significantly modified values (p <0,05) in all redox indexes at 6 months compared to the initiation of treatment (except in CAT activity and PP). The comparison between HIV seronegative voluntaries and HIV patients groups showed significant differences (p <0,05) in all redox indexes (except in activity of SOD). Not significant differences were found between HIV-infected patients groups (with and without HAART) respect CD4. The seventy eight percent of patients receiving treatment showed a viral load reduction. Conclusion: This HAART combination increase oxidative stress in HIV-infected patients beside its therapeutical benefits. PEO 007 ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF THE EXTRACTS OF THE LEAVES OF TERMINALIA MUELLERI González Pérez M, Hijuelo Y, Hernández Sosa E, Perera Córdoba W, Pallo Hill A Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad de Oriente. Patricio Lumumba s/n CP90500 Santiago de Cuba, Cuba Terminalia muelleri has been used traditionally in the treatment of various diseases. This study determines to the abundance of phenolic concentration and antioxidant capacity of this plant. The extraction was performed using 25 g of leaves and fruits wiht solvents of different polarity (water, chloroform, ethanol, methanol and n-hexane). The total phenols concentration obtained was determined by the Folin Ciocalteu method. The ethanol extracts (2) were used to evaluate the antioxidant activity by front DPPH and ORAC radicals. Extracting the highest yield was obtained for the chloroform and less to n-hexane showed the phenol concentration. The species presented a total phenol concentration greater than several of the species studied as antioxidant capacity. PEO 008 ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF FLAVONOID – RICH FRACTION FROM DICHROSTACHYS CINEREA (MIMOSACEAE) LEAVES Ribalta V, Torres L, Hernández E, Sueiro M, Armas Y,Ruz V Departamento de Farmacia, Facultad de Química y Farmacia. Universidad Central de Las Villas. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the “in vitro” antioxidant properties of a flavonoid-rich fraction of D. cinerea. Materials y Methods: Plant material: Leaves were collected in the forest surrounding Botanical Garden of Central University of Las Villas. Plant sample was identify as Dichrostachys cinerea (Mimosaceae) by Orestes R. Mendez a taxonomic expert of this institution and deposited under register code UCLV- 9493. Phytochemical procedure: Dry powder of leaves (30 g) of the plant was extracted with methanol (80%) using Soxhlet apparatus. The solvent was then removed under reduced pressure to obtain the residue. After removal of the solvent, the residue was dissolved in water and subsequently partitioned with petroleum eter, ethyl acetate. The ethyl acetate fraction was evaporated under reduced pressure and concentrated in vacuum to obtained the flavonoids-rich fraction. Antioxidant properties of D. cinerea: The DPPH method was used as previous reported (Ohinishi, 201 1994) with slight modifications. Different doses of leaves of flavonoid-rich fraction were tested; rutin and ascorbic acid were used as positive control. Total antioxidant activity and reducing power were used to evaluate antioxidant activities too. Results and Discusion: Phytochemical screening: The positive result was for flavonoids, coumarins, tannins and steroids in the flavonoid-rich fraction of D.cinerea leaves. Antioxidant activity: The flavonoid-rich fraction from D.cinerea leaves showed a powerful antioxidant activity. Conclusions: In conclusion this study showed as first time the powerful antioxidant activity of flavonoid-rich fraction of D. cinerea extracts and demonstrate that this plant possess potential health benefits on different diseases related with oxidative stress. PEO 009 URIC ACID AND LIPID PEROXIDATION IN HIPERTENSIVE PATIENTS WITH CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Peña M, Céspedes E, Rodríguez K, Guerrero A, Olivares Martha C, Martínez D Instituto de Neurología y Neurocirugía, Ave. Universidad y J, La Habana, Cuba Oxidative stress and serum uric acid levels have been associated with arterial Hypertension an Cardiovascular disease (CVD), but the importance of these associations remains controversial. Objective: To analyze the behavior of the uric acid and lipid peroxidation in hypertensive patient suffering from cardiovascular disease. Methods. Serum uric acid, total cholesterol, triglycerides, and thiobarbituricacid reactiv products(TBARS)were determined in 80hipertensive people (25 with CVD), 14 with CVD and 3 healthy people.The groups were stratified according to median of the uric acid (300.50 µmol/L). Lo and high uric acid groups were analized. Results. The lowest concentration of uric acid, cholesterol and TBARS were present in health people. There was hyperuricemia in some people of each group. Uric acid did not differ i hypertensive patients with CVD in relationship with those that did not present CVD, neither among th non hipertensive with and without CVD, although in hypertensive men with CVD the uric acid leve are major compared to other groups. There was a positive correlation between uric aci concentrations and systolic blood pressure. TBARS were not different among patients. Tota cholesterol and TBARS were significantly associated in each group. Uric acid and TBARS wer associated in hypertensive patients without CVD. TBARS was lower in healthy women when mediana was ≤300.50 µmol/L, and there was a simila result with uric acid >300.50 µmol/L. However, TBARS was superior in hypertensive women and me in low uric acid group and there was not an increment of the damage with high concentration of ur acid. Conclusions: Uric acid was increased in hypertensive and CVD but there was not more incresed CVD. Lipid peroxidation was not more increase when there were high uric acid concentrations. Th imbalance redox in hypertensive was not more severe in presence of CVD. PEO 010 EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION OF 5-AMYNOSALICYLIC ACID AS A FREE RADICAL SCAVENGER AND MYELOPEROXIDASE INHIBITOR, IN A TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS MODEL Alemán González Duhart D, Tamay Cach F, Rosales Hernández MC, Correa Basurto J, Mendieta Wejebe JE Laboratorio de Biofísica y Biocatálisis, Escuela Superior de Medicina, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Plan de San Luis y Díaz Mirón s/n Colonia Casco de Santo Tomás, México DF Introduction: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) has been associated to oxidative stress due to different enzymatic systems such as myeloperoxidase (MPO), having as a major consequence micro and macro vascular complications which can lead patients to death. Main aim: To evaluate in vitro and ex vivo 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA), as a free radical scavenger and MPO inhibitor. 202 Hypothesis: 5-ASA will demonstrate antioxidant activity and will also inhibit MPO in vitro, in order to be used for preventing chronical complications of DM2. Materials and methods: 5-ASA was tested for antioxidant activity using the DPPH assay, ABTS technique, and FRAP assay. It was also tested as MPO inhibitor using the O-dianisidine assay. The compound was administrated to male Wistar rats pre-treated with nicotinamide and streptozotocine for the induction of the model. Ex vivo, quantification of MDA and GSH in pancreas were calculated, so as inhibition of MPO and Frap assay in plasma. Results: 5-ASA had a good percentage of antioxidant activity in vitro compared to the pattern in the corresponding assay. For the inhibition assay, 5-ASA shown an IC50 of 0.45 µM. Finally, it was demonstrated that 5-ASA diminishes MDA levels, increases GSH, and inhibits plasmatic MPO. There was no significant difference among the groups for the FRAP assay. Conclusions: 5-ASA can be used as a coadyuvant in the treatment of DM2 in order to prevent future micro and macro vascular complications, due to its antioxidant and MPO inhibition activities. PEO 011 ANXIOLYTIC EFFECT AND ANTIOXIDANT POTENTIAL OF A SEMISYNTHETIC DERIVATIVE OF LIMONENE 1 1 Antonia Amanda Cardoso de Almeida , Rusbene Bruno Fonseca de Carvalho , Johanssy da Silva 2 3 1 Oliveira , Damião Pergentino de Sousa and Rivelilson Mendes de Freitas 1 Post-graduate Program in Biotechnology, Federal University of Piauí, CEP 64.049-550, Teresina, Piauí, Brazil. 2 Graduate course in Pharmacy, Federal University of Piauí, CEP 64.049-550, Teresina, Piauí, Brazil. 3 Department of Physiology, Federal University of Paraíba, CEP 58.051-900, João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil Introduction. Oxidation is a metabolic process that leads to production of energy in cells. However, the oxygen metabolism in living cells also leads to production of free radicals called oxidants and, if not controlled, can cause extensive damage. The present study evaluated the anxiolytic activity of the (+)-limonene epoxide through the test to hide the ball and investigated its antioxidant potential in vitro and in vivo on hippocampus of adult mice. Materials and methods For the analyzes antioxidants in vivo mice were treated with 0.05% Tween 80 in saline dissolved 0.9% (or), ascorbic acid 250 mg/kg (or) and (+)-limonene epoxide at doses 25, 50 and 75 mg/kg, (or). Results. The results suggest that the anxiolytic effect of (+)-limonene epoxide, being observed a reduction in the number of hidden levels in groups treated with (+)-limonene epoxide at doses of 25, 50 and 75 mg/kg (or) and diazepam (2 mg/kg, i.p) when compared to vehicle, its reduction was observed after treatment with a single and repeated doses, reinforcing the hypothesis that its terpenoid present anxiolytic effect. Conclusions. The results demonstrate an in vivo antioxidant effective 50% inhibitory concentration of 0.7342, 1.296 and 1.169 µg/mL against the formation of nitrite ion, hydroxyl radical and reactive substances to thiobarbituric acid. (+)Limonene epoxide treatment reduced the lipid peroxidation level and nitrite content, suggesting an antioxidant role in vivo since it was able to reduce the formation of reactive species derived from oxygen and nitrogen. Furthermore, the (+)-limone0ne epoxide increased antioxidante enzymatic activities (catalase and superoxide dismutase in mice hippocampus, suggesting that its antioxidant role may be due to modulatory effects in activity of these enzymes. PEO 012 VIRTUAL SCREENING TO PREDICT THE CLASTOGENIC ACTIVITY OF PHENOLIC ACIDS Guardado E, Matos MJ, Castro R, Santana L, Uriarte E, Molina E Universidad de Camagüey “Ignacio Agramonte y Loynaz”, Camagüey, – Cuba Phenolic acids have been reported to exert multiple biological effects, including their activity as pro-oxidants. Structural alerts to identify the clastogenic activity of two important groups of phenolic acids (benzoic and cinnamic acids) with pro-oxidant activity were determined. The methodology was based on a quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) study. It was developed a virtual screening method for a clastogenic model using the topological substructural molecular design (TOPS-MODE) approach. The model has presented a suitable probability of 203 good classification for the external prediction data set. Therefore, it was possible to establish the structural criteria for maximal clastogenicity (chromosomal aberrations) of pro-oxidant reported phenolic acids. These criteria were: presence of methoxy and/or hydroxyl substitutions on the benzene ring and polarity of these substituents. Fragments calculation remarked the negative contribution for the activity of the alkyl chains and the positive contribution when the phenolic acids are esterified or substituted with polar groups such as hydroxyl groups, either asymmetric or symmetrically. In summary, the apolar regions of phenolic acid derivatives contributed negatively to the activity, while the polar groups favored it. This study can represents an interesting tool to better understand the properties of natural substances in food, and also in the development of functional foods or nutraceuticals and drug design. PEO 013 RECOVERY FROM IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA WITH DIFFERENT IRON SOURCE: EFFECTS ON LIPID PEROXIDATION AND ANTIOXIDANT ENZYMATIC DEFENSE García Y, Díaz-Castro J, López-Aliaga I, Alférez MJM, Ramos A, Hijano S, González R, Campos MS Centro Nacional de Biopreparados, Bejucal, Mayabeque, Cuba Most of the oral Fe preparations contain ferrous salts, characterized by a low absorption and by the damage in the intestinal mucous in the half of patients. Trofin is a rich heme Fe source obtained by a partial hidrolysated of bovine blood, honey and propolis. Scarce information is available about the recovery of anemia with different Fe treatments (non heme, heme and mixture) on status oxidative-antioxidant. The aim of this study was to assess the effects on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defence in liver, erythrocytes, duodenal mucosa and plasma during the recovery of anemic rat. Weanling female rat where divided in two groups: a control group (n = -1 10) receiving a normal Fe diet with FeSO4 (45.73 mg kg ) and an anemic group (n = 30) receiving -1 a low-Fe diet (6.92 mg kg ) for 45 days. For the next thirty days the anemic rats was fed with FeSO4 (F diet), Trofin (T diet) or FeSO4 + Trofin (FT diet) for thirty days. The three anemic groups showed a positive hematological recovery. After Fe replenishment, lipid peroxidation in duodenal mucosa was lower in anemic rats fed T and FT diets. SOD activity in duodenal mucosa was impaired by the Fe-deficiency (being higher in anemic for F and T diet than in control rats). The highest GPx activity was observed in liver and erythrocyte cytosol of anemic rats compared to control group, and no differences between anemic groups were recorded. However, the GPx levels in plasma and scrape of duodenal mucosa were higher for F diet than in the others two anemic groups. In conclusion, diets containing heme Fe (T and FT diets) in anemic rats improve antioxidant/oxidative balance in duodenal mucosa. The recovery of anemia with heme or the mixture of heme/non-heme could be alternatives therapy to palliate the Fe-deficiency. PEO 014 DETERMINATION OF DPPH FREE RADICAL SCAVENGING ACTIVITY OF VIMANG CONSTITUENTS Nuevas Paz L, Pardo Andreu GL, Louro Provedo Y, Acosta Esquijarosa J Centro Nacional de Genética Médica de Cuba. Ave 31 esq 146 Rpto Cubanacan, Playa, La Habana, Cuba Vimang is the brand name of an aqueous extract of the mango (Mangifera indicaL.) stem bark extract (MSBE) of selected varieties. A phytochemical investigation of mango stem bark extract has led to the isolation of xanthones mangiferin and homomangiferin and seven phenolic constituents: gallic acid (I), 3,4-dihydroxy benzoic acid (II), gallic acid propyl ester (III), (+)-catechin (VI), (-)-epicatechin (VII) and benzoic acid (VIII). The main components of Vimang is mangiferin, a compound witch several pharmacological activities. Previous experiments on that extract and have shown that it has antioxidant, analgesic, and anti-inflammatoryproperties. Stable free radical species such as 1,1-diphenyl- 2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH•) is often used for the evaluation of the general radical scavenging capabilities of various antioxidants. In this work the antioxidant properties of these compounds and 30 industrial batches of Vimang were evaluated using the DPPH method. The results shown that galic acid and propil gallate are the compounds with the 204 highest antioxidant activity followed by 3,4 dihidroxybenzoic acid, (-)-epicatechin, (+)-catechin, mangiferin, benzoic acid and homomangiferin in this order. The antioxidant activity was concentration dependant for each compound. The results were used to establish the correlation between the concentration mangiferin with the contents of total polyphenols and the total antioxidant activity of Vimang. They are a significative correlation between the mangiferin concentration and the antioxidant activities of Vimang. PEO 015 PHALARIS CANARIENSIS EFFECT IN THE PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF METABOLIC SYNDROME INDUCED FOR HYPOCALORIC DIET. MODULATION OXIDATIVE STRESS IN RAT. José Luis Alvarado Acosta, Roxana Guadalupe Noriega Alvarado and Patricia Yahuaca Mendoza. Doctorado en Farmacología de la Unidad Académica de Medicina Humana. Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas.Zacatecas, México. Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a combination of several medical conditions that put them at risk of developing heart disease and diabetes, concomitant with central obesity and generally insulin resistance. These chronic diseases are characterized by release of free radicals (FR), however, few hasbeen used antioxidants in its control and has not considered the use of herbs high in antioxidants. The objective was to evaluate the antioxidant effect of Phalariscanariensis in the prevention and control of experimental MS. Methodology, in Wistar rats was induced SM with hypercholesterolemic diet, providing for 24 weeks. They were divided into groups: Control, SM, treatment and prevention. Were monitored weight and blood pressure (BP), as well as metabolic indicators (glucose, glycated hemoglobin, and triglycerides), lipid peroxidation oxidative stress in liver, pancreas, kidney and heart.Results: the weight increased to 70% in rats with MS and the BP about 140%. Glucose was increased 335%, with an initial value of 84 ± 4 mg / dL and reaching a value of 366 ± 25 mg / dL after 24 weeks.The groups with therapy are below of problem group of 126±11 mg / dL and prevention group with an average of 86 ± 9 mg / dL. Concerning the percentage of glycohemoglobin we can see in the group where it was given only hypercaloric diet, the value was16.5 ± 1.5%, resulting in 166% higher than the control group, its average percentage is 6 ± 0.3%, in the treatment groups was of 7.5 ± 0.3%, representing 120% below the problem group and prevention group show 4.3 ± 0.1%, the values of triglycerides we can observe an increase of 446% with respect to control. In the parameters of lipoperoxidation was increased in all tissues that were studied.Metabolic changes that occur with MS were successfully modulated by managing Phalariscanariensis, was observed conclusively that there is a decrease in blood pressure, glucose, triglycerides and oxidative damage (peroxidation), treatment groups closely resemble those of the control animals. These results indicate that therapy with a natural antioxidant may be an effective control in the metabolic syndrome and prevent its complications, such that it can be used as an alternative phytotherapy. Farmacología de Productos Naturales / Pharmacology of Natural Products Cardiospermum corindum (SAPINDACEAE) INHIBITS HYPERACTIVITY GASTROINTESTINAL ON RATS IN VIVO AND IN VITRO PPN 001 Silva VA, Nascimento PF, Silva FL, Barbosa-Filho JM, Nouailhetas LA, Silva JLV, UNINOVE, UNIFESP, São Paulo-SP, UFPB, João pessoa-PB, Cardiospermum corindum is known as “balãozinho” and is found mainly in Cerrado biome (Brazil). There is not effects reported for species, thus the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the ethanol crude extract obtained from the aerial parts of C. corindum (Cc-EtOH) on gastric ulcer ethanol-induced in vivo and ileum contractile response-induced in vitro, experimentally in rats. Wistar rats (200-250 g), in fasted (24h), were treated with Cc-EtOH (50, 150 and 500 mg/kg, o.r.) or omeprazole (4 mg/Kg, i.p.) following ethanol P.A (1mL/kg, o.r.). The ulcerative lesion area 2 (ULA) of each stomach was calculated (mm ) and compared. The antispasmodic activity was investigated on ileum isolated from rats were fasting (24h) in glass baths containing Krebs 205 modified solution, at 37°C, 1g resting tension, bubbled O2. The contractions were registered by force transducer and increased by addition of KCl (40mM) or CCh (1µM) and verified in presence of Cc-EtOH (27, 81, 243 or 500 µg/mL). The p<0.05 values from Student “t” test or ANOVA were considerated significant. All procediments were approved for the Ethical Committee. The ethanol 2 promoted damage gastric (UHA= 367.5±89.3 mm , n=4) that was reverted in a dose-dependent 2 manner and significantly (p<0.01) by Cc-EtOH (ULA= 210±55.8; 119.2±39.3 and 47.7±13.2 mm , 2 respectively) as soon as omeprazole (ULA= 145.7±20 mm , n=6). Also, Cc-EtOH (27-500 µg/mL) impaired in a concentration-dependent and potentially (p<0.01) manner the ileum (n=4) precontracted both KCl (Emax= 97.9±2.0; 55.2±5.3; 41.9±3.8 and 26.9±7.3 %, respectively) or CCh (Emax= 78.1±8.6; 75.4±5.8; 50.6±3.4 and 42.8±3.9 %, respectively). These results demonstrate that the aerial parts from Cardiospermum corindum have actives principles and are able to inhibit gastrointestinal activity. PPN 002 Bidens pilosa L. (ASTERACEAE) INHIBITS GASTROINTESTINAL ON RATS IN VIVO AND IN VITRO HYPERACTIVITY Costa LA, Lima PCO, Silva FL, Barbosa-Filho JM, Nouailhetas LA, Silva JLV, UNINOVE, UNIFESP, São Paulo-SP, UFPB, João pessoa-PB, Bidens pilosa is known as “picão-preto” and is a weed found in Brazil. Its aerial parts are used to treat pain, diabetes, infection and inflammation, but there is not reported of the stalk for species, thus the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the ethanol crude extract obtained from the stalk of B. pilosa (Bp-EtOH) on gastric ulcer ethanol-induced in vivo and ileum contractile response-induced in vitro, experimentally in rats. Wistar rats (200-250 g), in fasted (24h), were treated with Bp-EtOH (500 mg/kg, o.r.) or omeprazole (4 mg/Kg, i.p.) following ethanol P.A (1mL/kg, o.r.). The ulcerative lesion area (ULA) of each stomach was calculated (mm2) and compared. The antispasmodic activity was investigated on ileum isolated from rats were fasting (24h) in glass baths containing Krebs modified solution, at 37°C, 1g resting tension, bubbled O2. The contractions were registered by force transducer and increased by addition of KCl (40mM) or CCh (1µM) and verified in presence of Bp-EtOH (500 µg/mL). The p<0.05 values from Student “t” test or ANOVA were considerated significant. All procediments were approved for the Ethical 2 Committee. The ethanol promoted damage gastric (UHA= 367.5±89.3 mm , n=4) that was reverted in a dose-dependent manner and significantly (p<0.05) by Bp-EtOH (ULA= 96.3±11.8 2 2 mm , n=3) as soon as omeprazole (ULA= 145.7±20 mm , n=6). Also, Bp-EtOH (500 µg/mL) impaired in a concentration-dependent and potentially (p<0.05) manner the ileum (n=3) precontracted both KCl (Emax= 74.9±14.3 %) or CCh (Emax= 73.3±2.8 %). These results demonstrate that stalks from Bidens pilosa, as soon as its leaves, have actives principles and are able to inhibit gastrointestinal activity. PPN 003 INHIBITORY EFFECT FROM HIDROMETHANOLIC EXTRACT OF Struthanthus venetus (BLUME) LEAVES,ON THE PROLIFERATION OF HUMAN BREAST CANCER CELLS (MCF-7) IN CULTURE. Lorenzana- Jiménez M., Magos Guerrero G.A., Medina Jiménez M., Ávila M.E., Figueroa A. and Lemini C. Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, University National Autonomous of Mexico, Mexico, D.F. C.P 04510. e mail: A methanolic extract from Struthanthusvenetus(Sv), epiphyte plantofLorantaceae Family, showed cytotoxic andmitoticeffectsonvascularendothelialcellsandmyocardial fibersof adultmale guinea pigHartleystrain. The aim of thisstudy was to evaluatethe effectof an extracthidromethanolicofSv(EHM-Sv) on the proliferation ofMCF-7 human breast cancer, using theE-screenmethodmodified byKörner. MCF-7cellswere culturedin Dulbecco´s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM)with bovine fetal serumfree of hormonesand treatedfor six consecutive dayswith -12 -11 concentrations of0.5, 5 or 50 ng/mLofEHM-Sv, in the absence andin the presence of 10 , 10 or -10 -4 Moffulvestrant(ICI182780) or tamoxifen (Tmx). In all 10 Mestradiol(E2)or 1.7x10 experimentswas used as control group, untreated cells. The results showthat E2produceddosedependentproliferative effecton MCF-7 cells that wasantagonized byICI 182780andTmx. However, 206 theEHM-Svinhibits cell proliferationand significantly antagonizesthe proliferative effectsofE2, ICI andTmx. The composition chemical of EHM-Svshowsthe presence of flavonoids, which produced beneficial effectsin the treatment ofhuman breast cancer.These findings indicate theneed for furtherphytochemical-pharmacological studiesofEHMSvfor confirm if this herbal product has antineoplastic activity. PPN 004 HIDROMETHANOLIC EXTRACT OF Struthanthusvenetus(BLUME) LEAVESATTENUATES THE METABOLIC SYNDROME INDUCED BY HIGH FRUCTOSE DIET IN WISTAR RATS. Lorenzana-Jiménez, M., Magos Guerrero G. A., MendiolaAlmaraz L., Escobar Ramirez J. L.Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, University National Autonomous of Mexico, Mexico, D.F. C.P 04510. e mail: In previous studies we have shown that the methanolic extract from Struthanthusvenetus(Sv) leaves, known as "graft or matapalo", induced hypotensive and cardiotoxic effects over the anesthetized rats. Moreover, the same extract also significantly decreased triglycerides and cholesterol bloodlevels. Supporting the use of botanical extracts as botanical drugs, in the present studywe examined the effect of a hydromethanolic extract from Sv leaves on blood pressure, lipid profiles, and glucose of rats with metabolic syndrome induced by high-fructose diet. Two adult rat groups were studied: a control group received regular rodent Chow (Purina) and drinking water ad libitum and other fructose group was fed on 20% fructose diet and 20% solution in drinking water. After 8 weeks the fructose group developed signs of metabolicsyndrome, including elevated abdominal fat deposition, abnormal plasma lipid profile, and hypertension. This last group showed that the hydromethanolic extract administered orally (310 mg/kg) everyday during two months, produces antihypertriglyceridemic and antihypertensive effects. In this lasteffect probablythe polyphenol identifiedto NMR 1H and NMR C (CD3OD) ascatechin, is the active compound. These results suggest that the hydromethanolic extract of Svcontainpolyphenolswith potential properties to treatment of metabolic syndrome, which need further investigation. PPN 005 ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AND VASORELAXANT EFFECTS OF A METHANOLIC EXTRACT FROM Chiranthodendronpentadactylon(LARREAT) IN RATS. Magos Guerrero G. A., Lorenzana-Jiménez M., Mendiola Almaraz L., Escobar Ramirez J. L. Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, University National Autonomous of Mexico, Mexico, D.F. C.P 04510. e mail: Chiranthodendron pentadactylon (Chp) known as “flor de manita” or “macpaxochitl”is a plant commonly used in folk medicine tocontrol heart disease and gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea and dysentery. Today, this plantf or its medicinal properties is a species threatened with extinction. Aim of the study is assess the cardiovascular activity which supports the therapeutic use of Chp to treat arterial hypertension. Materials and methods: a methanolic extract from Chp flowers (MEChpF), was evaluated on blood pressure of normotensive and hypertensive rats, in aortic rings preparation (ARP) and on perfused mesenteric vascular bed preparation (PMVBP). Results: Oral doses (100 mg/kg) or an intravenous dose (31 mg/kg) of MEChpF induced hypotensive and antihypertensive effects in normotensive and hypertensive rats, respectively. MEChpF shows vasorelaxation endothelium-dependent on the contraction induced by norepinephrine in ARP and PMVBP. This vasorelaxation is mediated by nitric oxide because it is inhibited by N-nitro-L-Arginine Methyl Esther. A flavonoid was isolated by bioassay-guided purification, and showed moderate cardiovascular activity. Conclusion: The results of the present study lend some support to the popular report for the medicinal use of the flowers of Chp in the control of blood pressure. However, the failureto identifyall substances with cardiovascular activity, and the quick loss of life of this plant,can negatively affect the discovery of new drugs.This project was supported UNAM, DGAPAIN221010-2 PPN 006 USE OF TRADITIONAL MEDICINE AS AN ALTERNATIVE METHOD FOR THE TREATMENT OF DIABETES MELLITUS IN PATIENTS IN THE COMMUNITY 207 OF YAXCABÁ, YUCATÁN, MEXICO. Cen J, Ortiz R, Ramírez M, Torres J, Facultad de Química, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UADY), Mérida, Yucatán, México E-mail: Introduction: Traditional medicine consists of all the knowledge and empirical practices transmitted from generation to generation. It is used to prevent or eradicate mental of physical illnesses. Currently, it is still being used worldwide with medicinal plants as its main therapeutic resources which have had a growing use for the treatment of diabetes. Materials and procedures: An observational, prospective and cross-sectional study was carried out. A questionnaire was designed and given to the people with diabetes in Yaxcabá, to identify patients who use traditional medicine. Those patients were given another questionnaire in order to know which medicinal plants are used. The statistical population had HbA1c at the beginning and three months later. The data was contrasted with a control group of patients who said not to have used medicinal plants. Results: 165 people with diabetes were given a questionnaire. Only 15 people use medicinal plants. 46.66% consumes ‘chaya’ (Cnidoscolus chayamansa) and the rest uses a wide range of plants. During the test period, the levels of glucose and HbA1c in the focus group were reduced by 14.63% and 19.17% respectively, whereas the control group 14.65% and 13.07%. 33.33% consumes ‘chaya’ every day and their levels of glucose and HbA1c reduced by 30.81% and 34.92% respectively. 66.67% consumes ‘chaya’ once or twice a week and their level were reduced by 26.73% and 4.81%. Conclusions: The focus group obtained better results by diminishing their levels of HbA1c in contrast with the control group. The patients who consume ‘chaya’ every day obtained the most favorable results. This is supported by the state of the art about ‘the quality of the chaya’ by having Hypoglycemia effects in a dependant dosage manner. This study will allow us to keep track of the focus group and carry out future studies which will evaluate the antidiabetics side effects from the ‘chaya’ in the organism that will allow a right use, ensure its quality and lay the foundations to create phytodrugs in a long term. PPN 007 DRUG INTERACTIONS OF HERBAL MEDICINES USED IN URUGUAY Moreale J, González T. Biomedical Science Center, Montevideo University, Montevideo, Uruguay. Address: Puntas de Santiago 1604. Tel: (598) 2 604 25 44. Montevideo, Uruguay. E-mail: Introduction: According to WHO, 80% of the world population uses herbal medicines (HM). In practice this means a segment uncontrolled drug therapy, with significant growth in most countries, with potential therapeutic effects, toxic and / or interactions. Information of interactions between HM and drugs are often based on observational studies, due to controlled clinical trials (CCTs) in humans are generally not available. Objectives: Know the main HM available in the market of Uruguay. Researching about the legal framework regarding their registration. Analyze the evidence for clinically relevant drug interactions of yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis), black tea (Camellia sinensis), HM and tisanes (or infusions) sold “over the counter”. Methodology: We performed an observational, descriptive literature review type. First, we request an interview with the competent authority in the field of HM at “Registering Vegetable Specialties” of the Drug Department of Ministry of Public Health (MPH). Secondly, we conducted a systematic search for information in an electronic database (PubMed), including all articles on herbal-drug interactions with clinical implications, and excluded articles of theoretical and/or no clinical relevance herbal-drug interactions, “in vitro” and “in vivo” animal experiments. Results: Yerba Mate, Black Tea and aromatic herbs are recorded in Food Division of Montevideo Municipality. The HM included in composted yerba mate (n=27) and tisanes (n=73) are recorded in the Vegetal Specialities Division of the Medicines Department of the MPH. 69 searches were peformed, and found: 7 case reports, 3 open clinical trials, 2 CCT and 2 literature reviews; about: eight HM, corresponding to Camellia sinensis, Chamomilla recutita, Echinacea spp, Ginkgo biloba, Passiflora spp, Hypericum perforatum, Panax ginseng and Zingiber spp. Drugs involved in the interaction were: antineoplastics, warfarin, etoposide, caffeine, midazolam, talinolol, lorazepam, 208 clozapine, oxycodone, cyclosporine, protease inhibitors, oral contraceptives and imatinib. Conclusions: Use HM is not innocuous. Develop CCTs to study clinical implication of interactions is appropriate and necessary. Patient information on HM that could interact with their medications is necessary. Develop “Phytovigilance” is essential. PPN 008 THE ROLE OF BIDENS PILOSA L. AND PHYSALIS ANGULATA L. IN OBESE MICE 1 1 1 1 1 RIBEIRO, J.R. ; MASAGO, F. ; DEL BEN, A. ; MACHADO, L. O. ; QUAGLIO, A.E. ; CHECON, 1,2 2 2 1 J. ; DIEMANT, G. ; VELASQUEZ, M.C. ; DI STASI, L.C. 1.Laboratory of Phytomedicines, Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Biosciences, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Botucatu/SP, Brazil, e-mail: 2. ChemyunionQuímicaLtda – Research and Development – Sorocaba/SP, Brazil Obesity and overweight are chronic inflammatory disease that have been considered one of the most serious public health problems in the world. Several ethno pharmacological studies indicate plant species for treatment of several disorders, such as obesity. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of Bidens pilosa L. and Physalis angulata L. in mice with high fat diet induced obesity (DIO). We have divided the animals into three groups: Non obese, Obese, Pair Feeding, and two treatments groups: Bidens and Physaliswere treatedwith each plantper os.for 21 days, all n= 8.Consumption and weight was measuring daily. After the treatment, samples were collected for quantification of serum: C-reactive protein and Leptinwere measured by ELISA; And Adiponectin gene expression in adipose tissue by qRT-PCR. All data were analyzedby ANOVA with Tukey posttest, p < 0.05. The group B.pilosa L. decreased CRP(25,7±1,49 vs. 34,8±1,23) and Leptin (956,43±617,09 vs. 5864,6±1875,4); And increased Adiponectin(46,20 ± 6,84 vs. 3,52± 1,97). However, group P. angulata L. did not change significantly when compared to the obese in CRP and Leptin; And increasedAdiponectin(37,48± 11,92vs.3,52± 1,97).According to the results, extract of B.pilosa L.demonstrated potential for treatment of obese individuals. PPN 009 CYTOTOXIC ACTIVITY OF AN AVOCADO SEEDS EXTRACT (Persea americana Mill.) IN A PANEL OF CANCER CELL LINES Martínez M, Cortés E, Padilla E, Ramos M del R, Villanueva S and Winterhalter P Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco, AC. Av. Normalistas 800, Col. Colinas de la Normal. C.P. 44270, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. Introduction: Avocados (Persea americana Mill.) are very popular and recognized healthy fruits, cultivated in many tropical and subtropical areas of the world. After industrial fruit processing, avocado seed material is generally disposed, although it could be a potential source for food supplement and medicinal products. In the present study, a petroleum ether extract of avocado seeds was tested with regard to its cytotoxicity, using a panel of cancer cell lines. Materials and methods: Non-small cell lung cancer cell line A-549, cervicouterine cancer cell line HeLa, hepatocarcinoma cell line HepG2 and prostate adenocarcinoma cell line PC-3 were maintained as a monolayer in DMEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum at 37°C in a humidified atmosphere of a 5% (v/v) CO2 in air. Cells were seeded in 96-well plates and exposed to several petroleum ether extract concentrations (10 µg/ml to 100 µg/ml) of the avocado seeds for 24 hours. Then, MTT was added to each well, dissolved in DMSO after an incubation of 4 hours and read at 590 nm. Results: In order to study the possible antineoplasic activity of avocado seeds extract, in vitro cytotoxic analyses in a panel of cancer cell lines were performed. Petroleum ether extract produced a viability decrease dependent on the concentration. This effect was found at a concentration as low as 10 µg/ml. In HeLa, PC-3 and HepG2 cell lines, LC50 values of the avocado seeds extract ranged from 60 µg/ml to 80 µg/ml, whereas A-549 cell line was less sensible to the extract, showing a LC50 value over 100 µg/ml. Conclusions: Petroleum ether extract from avocado seeds was found to be highly toxic against a panel of cancer cell lines. Lipophilic compounds such as acetogenins could be responsible to these effects. Avocado seeds, therefore, could represent a source of new bioactive anti-tumor 209 agents. PPN 010 VALERIANA OFFICINALIS ATTENUATES THE TOXICITY IN DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER ROTENONE-INDUCED Vargas N, Haigert J, Teixeira J. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Departamento de Química, Avenida Roraima 1000, Bairro Camobi, CEP 97105-900 - Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Introduction: It is well known that environmental exposures may determine the onset of Parkinson´s disease (PD). In this study, we investigated the possible protective effects of plant Valeriana officinalis (V. officinalis) on the toxicity induced by neurotoxin rotenone in Drosophila melanogaster (D. melanogaster), an alternative animal model amply accepted to study the molecular mechanisms involved in neurodegenerative diseases. Material and Methods: Adult wild-type flies (both gender) were concomitantly exposed to rotenone (500 µM) and V. officinalis aqueous extract (10 mg/mL) in the food during 7 days. Results: Rotenone-fed flies had a worse performance in the negative geotaxis assay (i.e. climbing capability) and open-field test (i.e. mobility time) as well as a higher incidence of mortality when compared to control group. V. officinalis treatment offered protection against these detrimental effects of rotenone. In contrast, the decreased number of crossings observed in the flies exposed to rotenone was not modified by V. officinalis. Rotenone toxicity was also associated with a marked decrease on the total-thiol content in the homogenates and cell viability of flies, which were reduced by V. officinalis treatment. Indeed, rotenone exposure caused a significant increase in the mRNA expression of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) and also in the tyrosine hydroxylase gene (TH). The expression of SOD and CAT mRNAs were normalized by V. officinalis treatment. Conclusion: Our results suggest that V. officinalis extract was effective in reducing the toxicity induced by rotenone in D. melonogaster as well as confirm the utility of this model to investigate potential therapeutic strategies on movement disorders, including PD. PPN 011 PRELIMINARY EVALUATIONOF BRASSICA CAMPESTRIS AND COFFEA ARABICA EFFECTS IN OBESITY 1 1 1 1 1 1,2 2 Del Ben A, Machado LO, Ribeiro JR, Masago F, Quaglio AEV, Checon J, Diemant G, 2 1 Pereda MCV, Di Stasi LC 1 Laboratory of Phytomedicaments - Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Biosciences, 2 UNESP – Botucatu/SP – Brazil, Chemyunion QuímicaLtda - Department of Research and Development – Sorocaba/SP - Obesityhas been consideredone of the mostseriouspublic health problemof the world, especially for being themainrisk factor formanydiseases such asheart disease, diabetes mellitus typeII, hypertension andsome types oftumors, whichare associated with highmortality rates. Several ethnopharmacological studies indicate medicinal plants for the treatment of disorders associated with weight gain. Thus, theaim of this investigation was to evaluate the effects of Brassica campestris L. and Coffea arabica L.extracts in animals with high fat diet-induced obesity. The animals were divided into 3 groups without treatment: non-obese, obese and pair-feeding, and 2 treated groups: C. arabicaand B. Campestris that were treatedper osfor 21 days.Food intake and weight were measured daily. At the end of the procedure, samples of the adipose tissuewere collectedto perform thegene expression ofaquaporin-7, resistin and neuropeptide Y.Statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA followed bya post hoc Tukey's test. Animals treated with C.arabica significantly reduced the weight even with an increase in consumption and the genes analyzed had expression similar to non-obese group. Differences in consumption and weight loss couldn’t be observed in the treatment with B. campestris.Furthermore, the genes analyzed showed an increased expression compared to non-obese group. According to the results, the extract of C.arabica denotes a promising treatment for obesity,decreasing body weight gain even increasing food intake. PPN 012 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE QUALITY OF MEDICINAL PLANTS NEGOTIATED 210 IN THE STATE OF RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL. Marques CA, Nascimento AM, Nagashima JY, Vieira FS, Villas LB, Violante FA, Torres JC Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ). Rua Lúcio Tavares, 1045, Nilópolis, RJ, Brazil. CEP: 26530-060. E-mail: Medicinal plantas are very used by brazilian population, being easily found in popular markets. To verify the quality of these products were made the authenticity study of feedstocks, secondary metabolities detection tests, after thin layer chromatography, labels analysis and dirt presence. The 34 analyzed samples were obtained in Rio de Janeiro state. Were analyzed: Ziziphus joazeiro Mart., “sene tea” (Cassia angustifolia Vahl. and/or C. acutifolia Del.), two different “slimming teas”, composed by 13 and 30 species and Ginkgo biloba L. In Z. joazeiro, “sene tea” and G. biloba were verified the feedstocks authenticity, but one of Z. joazeiro samples had leaf fragments of another species. In the “sene tea” the samples had, beyond leafs, fragments of stem, fruits and Poaceae leafs. In the “slimming teas”, the most species wasn´t found. The fragments ratio of stems and petioles in these teas was high (over than 35%), but in the most of species presents the leafs were mentioned like the main element. Another species were found too, probably replacing absent species. The packings and labels revealed damages in the “sene tea” and G. biloba, justifying the high percentage of humidity found. Insects fragments and stones were discovered in the slimming teas and “sene tea”. The phytochemical tests, after thin layer chromatography, in the ethanolic and hexanic extracts revealed the presence of saponins, phenols, tanins, alkaloids, steroids and triterpenoids in Z. joazeiro, but positive results to flavonoids presence occurred in the same sample that had fragments of another species. In the “sene tea”, was verified the presence of quinones, however, one of the samples showed negative results to glicosides, triterpenes and steroids, another sample revealed negative result to phenols. In the “slimming teas” the many species mentioned like components doesn´t corresponded to variety of secondary metabolities found. The obtained results confirmed the need of more control and supervision of these products. PPN 013 HYPOGLYCEMIC EFFECT OF SWEET LIME (Citrus limetta) PEEL Padilla E, Villanueva S, Gutiérrez Y, Flores JM and Martínez M. Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco, A.C. Normalistas 800, Colinas de la Normal C.P. 44270 Guadalajara, Jal. México Introduction: The sweet lime peel is a byproduct of the industry fruit processing. Previous studies have shown that it contains high amount of dietary fiber and phenolic compounds which could help in the glucose control. In this work, the hypoglycemic activity of sweet lime peel was evaluated by both in vitro and in vivo testing. Materials and methods: The sweet lime peel was dehydrated and sieved to produce a meal. Glucose absorption capacity. - The sample was mixed with a given glucose concentration and after an incubation period, the glucose content was measured in the supernatant. Cellulose was utilized as control. Glucose dialysis retardation index.- The sample was placed in a dialysis membrane with a glucose solution, then it was dialyzed against distilled water, glucose was measured in the dialysate. In vivo, the postprandial hypoglycemic activity was evaluated in mice by administering maltose orally. Simultaneously, sweet lime peel was administered at a concentration of 500 mg/kg body weight, acarbose was used as a control. 30 minutes after treatment, glucose was measured with a glucometer in blood drawn from the tail vein. Results: Sweet lime peel showed increased glucose absorption capacity compared with cellulose and showed an inhibitory effect on glucose diffusion, which was maintained for 180 minutes, whereas cellulose effect remained only for 60 minutes. Regarding the postprandial hypoglycemic activity, results showed that sweet lime peel regulates the glucose level in maltose loaded mice after 30 min. These results are better than those reported previously for orange peel. Conclusions: It is possible that sweet lime peel absorbs glucose by increasing the intestinal viscosity. The delay in glucose diffusion could postpone its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Hypoglycemic activity studies in animals suggest that sweet lime peel could be used for controlling 211 glucose levels in diabetics. PPN 014 ANTI-HELICOBACTER PYLORI, ANTI-INFLAMMATORY, TOXICOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF ROOT EXTRACTS HIPPOCRATEA CELASTROIDES a a b b a c AND FROM c García G , Cardoso-Taketa A , Monroy A , García S , Nuñez P , Escobedo W , Romero I , a Villarreal ML Centro de Investigación en Biotecnología, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos. Av Universidad 1001, Col Chamilpa, Cuernavaca, Morelos 62209, México. Tel +52 777 329 7057, Fax 52 777 329 7030. Email: Introduction. Hippocratea celastroides commonly known as “cancerina”, is used in Mexican Traditional Medicine for the treatment of gastric and intestinal infections, inflammation, injuries and gastritis. Materials and methods: A methanolic (MeOH) extract was prepared, and submitted to total acidbase extraction to obtain the ethyl acetate and aqueous fractions. Ear edema was induced in Balb-C mice with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol (TPA) in order to study the anti-inflammatory activities of the extract and fractions. The anti H. pylori activity of the extract was tested with a broth dilution method (in vitro killing essay). In vivo acute toxicity was performed in female Balb-C mice by oral administration of the extract and fractions at doses ranging from 10 to 5000 mg/kg; while for the subacute study, the extract was given to male and female Balb-C mice a dose of 2000 mg/kg body weight. Animals were observed daily for toxic signs. Results: Compounds of low polarity were identified in the root methanolic (MeOH) extract and aqueous fraction of H. celastroides. Root MeOH extracts as well as aqueous and ethyl acetate (EtOAc) fractions of H. celastroides also showed significant anti-inflammatory effects. The extract and its aqueous fraction inhibited the growth of H. pylori with a MIC value of 31.5 µg/ml. The oral LD50 values of the MeOH extract and of the EtOAc fraction were indeterminable. The LD50 of the aqueous fraction was 1233.33 mg/kg. Under the subacute administration, neither mortality nor any signs of toxicity were observed when the ethanolic (EtOH) root extract was administered. There were no significant alterations in biochemical parameters. Conclusions: The roots of H. celastroides bear pharmacological activities that make it promising for the treatment of H. pylori infection and its inherent chronic inflammation. No signs of toxicity from the plant extracts were observed. Our findings contribute to confirm the ethnopharmacological applications of H. celastroides. PPN 015 ACUTE TOXICITY AND HIPOCHOLESTEROLAEMIC EFFECT OF A HYDROALCOHOLIC EXTRACT OF Eryngium Heterophyllum IN C57BL/6 MICE Castro-Torres IG*, Martínez-Vázquez M Instituto de Química. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Circuito Exterior, Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán 04510 México, D.F., México. Eryngium heterophyllum belongs to the Umbelliferae/Apiaceae family, and it has important ethnobotanical uses for the treatment of hypercholesterolaemic disease in the Mexican traditional medicine. In Central Mexico, this plant is known by the popular name of “hierba del sapo" (toad grass). Hydroalcoholic extract of this specie was evaluated in an acute oral toxicity test using female C57BL/6N mice, according with OECD guidelines. The extract was evaluated also in a model of hypercholesterolaemia in male C57BL/6N mice at 10 and 100 mg/kg doses. The results showed that the extract is not toxic since it showed a DL50 over 5000 mg/kg. The results also showed that the mice significantly decreased cholesterol levels, after treatment with extract at doses of 100 mg/kg for two weeks (p<0.05). Although the extract also induced a decrease in triglyceride levels, however it did not show a significant difference in comparison with the control group. In short in this paper experimental data are given which justify the ethnobotanical use of this species in the Mexican traditional medicine. PPN 016 ANTIDIABETIC ACTIVITY OF ANNONA CHERIMOLA MILL. (ANNONACEAE) 212 ON TYPE 2 DIABETIC RATS 1,2 1 2 Solares JI, Calzada F and Olivares IM 1 UIM Farmacologia Hospital de Especialidades CMN SXXl, IMSS, Av. Cuahutemoc 330 Col. Doctores Del Cuahutemoc CP 06725,; 2 Escuela Superior de Medicina del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México, D. F. Introduction: Since ancient times, plants and herbal preparations have been used as medicine. Research carried out in last few decades has certified several such claims of use of several plants of traditional medicine. Popularity of Annona cherimola Mill is used in Mexican traditional medicine for several ailments such as diarrhea, dysentery, abdominal pain, pneumonia, purgative, rheumatism, fever and as well as antidiabetic. Material and methods: Alloxan-induced diabetic rats were treated with 300 mg/kg/d of ethanol extract from Annona cherimola (EEAC) or vehicle for 4 weeks. The effect of EEAC on fasting blood glucose (FBG), and body weight in type 2 diabetic rats were measured. Results: After 4 weeks of treatment, EEAC administration showed significantly lower FBG levels (from 290 mg/dL to 108 mg/dL since the second week) compared to the diabetic control group (from 290 mg/dL to >500 mg/dL). In addition, EEAC showed no effect on body weight in diabetic rats. Conclusion: The findings from this study suggest that EEAC can alleviate hyperglycemia of type 2 diabetes. PPN 017 ANTIINFLAMMATORY ACTIVITY IN MICE BY ETHANOLIC EXTRACT OBTAINED BY GRAPE SEED OIL 1 2 Flores, L., Izquierdo-Sánchez, T. Maestria en Ciencias Farmacéuticas, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco, e-mail: . 2 Lab. Fitofarmacología, Depto. SistemasBiológicos, UAMXochimilco, (México). 1 INTRODUCTION: Grape seed oil is used in cooking and cosmeticology. Grape seeds are rich in lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and phenolic compounds. Resveratrol is well known as antioxidant and anti-inflammatoryin vitro and in vivo. Methanolic and ethanolic extracts of grape leaves have shown anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities in several experimental studies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of an ethanolic grape seed oil extract (EGSE) in mice, and the characterization of the main components. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An ethanolic extraction was performed to a commercial grape seed oil. For this assessment, 42 healthy male CDI mice (weighting 22-28 g),after 18 h fast period, were administrated per oswith EGSE (55, 100, 180 and 315 mg/kg)emulsified in tween 80 solution (2%). Diclofenac 10 mg/kg was used as control. Acute edema was induced by subcutaneous injection of carrageenan 0.2 % in saline, into the plantar tissue of the right hind paw, one hour after of each treatment administration. Records of paw swelling were takenas volume displacement by a plethysmometer (Ugo-Basile).The presumptive characterization of the extract was performed using FTIR, and the identification of the constituents was done using GC-MS after methyl esterification. RESULTS: The preliminary FTIR characterization showed that the components of the extract have a carbonyl group and no aromatic rings. The extract showed anti-inflammatory activity in a dosedependent manner, and showedmaximal activity at 180 mg/kg dose, equivalent to that of 10 mg/kg diclofenac. CONCLUSIONS: The EGSE showed dose-dependent anti-inflammatory effect; however, after presumptive characterization with FTIR no phenolic compounds were found in the extract. The GC-MS showed that the main components of the extract are linoleic, oleic, and palmitic acids, then we concluded that these compounds may be responsible for the effect. PPN 018 CONSUMPTION STUDY AREQUIPA, PERU-2013. ON RED QUINOA AREQUIPA PROVINCE, Reyes Schultz R, Burgos Macedo C, Lazarte Ordoñez B. Universidad Andina Néstor Cáceres Velásquez. Juliaca, Puno 213 Quinoa for their nutritional value, nutritious, its adaptability to different agro-climatic conditions have generated considerable interest among producers, farmers, agribusiness companies, public and private, national and international, in recent years. The present study has important significance and justification, because it is a substantial contribution in nutrition, public health. Given that Arequipa city is the focus of migration in the Andean region of our Peru. In Peru is produced by small farmers in a wide range of agro-climatic and ecological zones with traditional systems of production, processing, storage and distribution. Arequipa, quinoa is not cultivated, since the land is not suitable, even that is conducive to this altitude. Was provided by the results achieved, the suggestion Nutrition Program of the Ministry of Health, the inclusion within the nutritional package for the low-income population. The main purpose of the study was to determine the rates of consumption of quinoa in the population of the city of Arequipa The instrument used was the survey, where data were entered on the consumption of quinoa, the amount of information that people have about the red or quinoa grain and consumption of other food substitutes. The representative sample was drawn based on six districts of the city of Arequipa, which have been surveyed, obtaining the results: Rice 20 kilos, per month, per family of five, 11 kilos Noodles, Quinoa 1.5 Kg We conclude that consumption of quinoa is very low, therefore it is suggested that the Peruvian State, raise public awareness on the nutritional benefits quinoa has further include in the Nutrition Program, Red Quinoa. PPN 019 THE THERAPEUTIC POTENTIAL AND TOXICOLOGICAL PROFILE OF Pimento diocia (pimento) Campbell-Shelly J. Pimento diocia (pimento) from the family Myrtaceae is one of the major spices produced in Jamaica and in folklore it is often used in the treatment of arthritis. In this study the validity of this claim was explored by examining the effects of pimento oil on joint swelling, and cartilage degradation in an adjuvant-induced mono-arthritic murine model. Arthritis was induced in Sprague-Dawley rats (250-300g) with a single injection of 0.5 ml of (1 mg/ml) Complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA) in the synovial cavity of the right knee of each rat and arthritis allowed to developed over 26 days. A day before CFA injection and throughout the experimental period, control rats received a daily dose of corn oil (360 mg/kg)) while test animals were given pimento oil (420 mg/kg), (Shama, 1994). The knee joint was observed for signs of edema over 26 days. Changes in the knee joint circumference were measured using a flexible tape measure (Yun Cho, 2002). Rats were subsequently sacrificed on day 26 and histological sections of the knee joint prepared and examined. Acute toxicity studies were carried out with pimento oil and the LD50 calculated. Sub-chronic toxicity studies were also done for 26 days and the effects of the drugs on the stomach, liver and kidneys were observed. On day 3 of 26 control rats displayed prominent swelling of the knee joint. By comparison there was a significant reduction (p<0.05) in joint swelling in animals treated with pimento oil. Preservation of the integrity of the synovial membrane and cartilage was evident in animals treated with pimento oil, whereas the control rats showed denudation of the synovial membrane. The study confirmed that pimento oil caused a reduction in inflammatory swelling and preserved the synovial membrane in a rat arthritic model. Additionally the results of the study support the use of pimento in Jamaican folklore for the treatment of joint swelling and the need for pimento to be explored as a potential treatment for arthritis. PPN 020 MECHANISMS OF ACTION INVOLVED IN THE GASTROPROTECTIVE EFFECT OF THE ESSENTIAL OIL OF HYPTIS MARTIUSII BENTH. (LAMIACEAE) 214 a a a a a Almir G.W. , Germana F. R. C. , Alice V. A. , Alisson R. S. O. , Jacinto C. S. N. , José G. M. C. ba b Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil; Regional University of Cariri, Crato, Brazil. Introduction: Recent studies conducted by our laboratory demonstrated that the essential oil from the leaves of Hyptismartiusii(EOHM), an aromatic plant used in Brazilian traditional medicine to treat gastric disorders,presents antiulcerogenic and antisecretory activities(Caldas, et al., J. Ethnopharmacol., 137:886-892, 2011). The aim of this study was to elucidate the mechanisms of action involved in the gastroprotective effect of EOHM. Materials and methods: EOHM was administered orally at the dose of 400mg/kg in Wistar rats (n = 6/group). It wasevaluated the antisecretory activity stimulated with the agonist of the receptors of the parietal cellbyusing the pyloric ligature method; the involvement of NO and sulfhydryl groups and the levels of mucus, malondialdehyde (MDA) and non-protein sulfhydryl groups (GSH), by usingthe ethanol-induced ulcer model. The acetic acid-induced gastric ulcer model was used to evaluate the healing ability of the mucosa.Results: EOHM altered the gastric acid secretion stimulated by secretagogues, by significantly reducing the volume (4.2±0.2 and 3.4±0.2mLvs. histamine 6.3±0.7 and pentagastrin + 7.1±1.4mL, respectively) and acidity (24.8±2.9 and 14.6±3.4mEquiv.[H ]/mL/4h vs. histamine + 52.8±9.9 and pentagastrin 45.0±7.8mEquiv.[H ]/mL/4h, respectively). The inhibition of the sulfhydryl groups reduced the gastroprotective effect of OEHM). EOHM increased the levels of mucus by 54.8% (7.6±0.5 vs. control 4.9±0.4µg/gtissue), reduced the levels of MDAby 72.5% (4.2±0.8 vs. control 15.3±1.5µmol/g tissue) and prevented the depletion of GSH by 73.8% (78.2±6.0 vs. control 45.0±8.7µg/g tissue) in the gastric mucosa. EOHM decreased (70.3%) the area of chronic ulcer, promoting regeneration of the mucosa and restoration of mucus production. Conclusion: The results indicate that the gastroprotective effect of EOHM may be partly attributed to its antisecretory activity and partly to cytoprotective mechanisms and antioxidant action. They also suggest that EOHM is a promising candidate for the treatment of gastric ulcers. PPN 021 EFFECTIVENESS OF A CREAM MADE OF PLANTAIN, NETTLE, AND FLAXSEED COMPARED WITH THE CREAM CALMARTRIT IN ELDERLY (DISTRICT OF SELVA ALEGRE - AREQUIPA) Burgos Macedo C, Corzo Salas A, Reyes Schultz R This paper entitled "Effectiveness of a cream made of plantain, nettle, and flaxseed compared with the cream Calmartrit in elderly (District of SelvaAlegre - Arequipa), gave the following results: Since plantain, nettle and flaxseed are medicinal plants that can be used internally and externally in various diseases of the body as a medicinal use. According to research these medicinal plants very well act as analgesics, anti-inflammatory and in combination like anti-arthritic. The research is experimental, experiments corresponds to pure, its design is multiple, with experimental group and comparison group, quantitative approach to the experimental method. Depending on the number of variables is binary because it has two variables, independent and dependent. According to its temporality is prospective because the study was performed in the future. According to his research problem is theoretical-practical for collecting the information in various time periods observed. where: G1: control group "B"G1 (GC): G2: experimental group "A" plantain, nettle, and flaxseed. G2: Ol X1 X2 O2, O3 X3, X4 O4, O5 O19 X5 ....................... G3: pharmacological Group "C" (cream Calmartrit). The population is the set of people who will be grouped on the basis of one or more common characteristics that are under investigation, in this case consists of seniors (41,42 and 46 years) the cheerful jungle district high . SAMPLE When applying the cream made of plantain, nettle, and flaxseed for the treatment of arthritis was satisfactory reducing inflammation and pain in the joints of the hand to improve the state of arthritis in 18 days, one day earlier compared with the cream calmartrit. At the end of the pilot scheme concluded that the cream made from medicinal plants (plantain, nettle, and flaxseed) the results were excellent because the pain and swelling decreased markedly testing our assumptions and goals outlined in our research. 215 PPN 022 CARNOSOL QUANTIFYING IN ROSEMARY (ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS L.) EXPLANTS CULTIVATED UNDER A TEMPORARY IMMERSION SYSTEM (TIS) 1 1 1 1 2 1 Villegas E , Osegueda MS , González J , Alonso M , Núñez H , Herrera L . 1 National Polytechnic Institute (IPN). Engineering Interdisciplinary Professional Unit.Campus Guanajuato (UPIIG).200 Mineral de ValencianaAvenue. Industrial Park Puerto Interior, Zip Code: 36275. Silao de la Victoria, Guanajuato, Mexico. Tel. (472)774748686. E-mail: 2 University of Guanajuato. Campus Irapuato-Salamanca. LifeSciencesDivision. Ex Hacienda El Copal, k.m.9. Irapuato-Silao Road. Zip Code: 36500. Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico. Tel. (01)4626241889. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) belongs to Labiate family,and it has small, deep-green color, and hairy leaves, which are able to produce and accumulate a bunch of poly-phenolic secondary metabolites, including rosmarinic and carnosic acids, and carnosol, being the last one an orto-diphenolicditerpene with a lactone and abietane skeleton. The carnosol is directly produced, by oxidation, from carnosic acid, and it has anti-inflammatory, -oxidant and carcinogenic properties. In this study, the Rosemary in vitro culture conditions for a TIS were improved in order to obtain a substantial production of carnosol, which was detected and quantified by UV-VIS-HPLC. Internode explants, approximately 2 cm long,were obtained from a greenhouse-grown Rosemary plant, and they were superficially disinfected with a 15% Sodium Hypochlorite solution, which had a 0.1% (v/v) commercial liquid soap. Subsequently, explants were in vitro cultured on Murashige&Skoog (MS) semi-solid medium for nine days.Afterwards, different Rosemary explants were transferred to several treatments, containing different Plant Growth Regulator combinations; e.g. 0.2, 2.5 and 5 mg/L Benzyladenine (BA), and 0.5, 1 and 2.5 mg/L Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA). Several frequency immersion schedules were tested on Rosemary explants and their effect on shoot number production was evaluated. In order to quantify the carnosol from Rosemary explants, a BAS HPLC equipment was used, bearing a Hypersil C18 BDS (250x4.6mm, 5µm) column. The mobile phase was 10 mM formic acid (pH 3.0)-Acetonitrile (60:40), with a 1.2 mL/min rate flow and 30 min for the whole analysis. Carnosol was detected at 290 nm and 320 nm, and it was eluted as a single peak at 11.6 min. The greatest shoot numberper Rosemary explant was 55, when 5 mg/L BA was used. Different carnosol concentrations were obtained depending on Plant Growth Regulator treatment applied to Rosemary explants. PPN 023 TOXICOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF ROSEMARY BIOACTIVES WITH POTENTIAL USE IN CLINICAL APPLICATIONS AGAINST BACTERIARESISTANT IN RABBITS 1 2 2 3 2 2 Ojeda-Sana AM , Cáceres Guido PA , Asprea M , Van Baren C , Balbarrey Z , Adriana Macchi , 2 1 Filippo D , Moreno S 1 Fundación Instituto Leloir, IIBBA-CONICET, CABA, Argentina. 2 Hospital de Pediatría Prof. Dr. Juan P. Garrahan, CABA, Argentina. 3 IQUIMEFA (UBA-CONICET), Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica, UBA, CABA, Argentina Introduction: this work documented plant drug exposure of rosemary bioactives in the skin of rabbits. Previously, we demonstrated their pharmacological potential in vitro and in two skin infection models in mice against human pathogenic bacteria1-4. However, remains to investigate if they have no toxicological effects on the skin. The aim of this study was to evaluate induction of irritation/dermal corrosion, and inflammatory reactions of the rosemary bioactive in skin of rabbits. Materials and methods: Toxicity of three doses of topical cream containing bioactive or vehicles at 0hs, 24hs and 48hs was assessed by determination of erythema by photographic analysis at 1h, 2 24hs, 48hs and 72hs of treatment on four skin areas of 4cm on each animal. The edema was investigated by ultrasound analysis (echography) of the dermis thickness. The animals were euthanized after 72hs and histopathological analyzes of the skin were performed in biopsy specimens. Also, pharmacokinetic parameters of plant compounds were studied in the serum of the animals by gas chromatography after 30min, 1h or 24h of treatment. 216 Results: the skin treated with the plant compounds did not show significant signs of swelling redness, blisters, peeling or ulcerations after 4 days of treatment and three consecutive doses. In addition, skin areas showed the same thickness in the groups treated with the active plant and treated with the vehicle or without treatment after ultrasound examination (1.50+0.22; 1.81+0.28 or 1.75+0.25 mm, respectively). Therefore, our results showed no adverse effects of the formulation containing antimicrobial rosemary bioactive at the doses tested on the skin. Conclusions: this work has a direct impact on areas of health, since we developed innovative formulations based in herbal alternatives, not only effective but also safe, for the treatment of 1 2 2 bacterial resistant infections. Free Rad Res 2006,40:223; BLACPMA 2009,8:219; Pediatric Res 3 2012,72:109; Food Control 2013,31:189. PPN 024 GASTRIC HEALING PROPERTIES OF PROTEOLYTIC FRACTIONS FROM Vasconcellea cundinamarcensis LATEX 1 2 3 2 3 1 Araujo e Silva A , Menezes-Souza D , Costa F , Fujiwara R , Salas C , Lopes MTP 1 2 3 Departments: Farmacologia, Parasitologia, Bioquímica e Imunologia – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Introduction: P1G10 a fraction obtained from V. cundinamarcensis latex is rich in cysteine proteinases and displays gastric protective and healing activities, evaluated in rodent models. In this study, we investigated the gastric healing effect of sub fractions of P1G10, CMS1 and CMS2, and some mechanisms of action using in vivo and in vitro techniques. Methods: Gastric lesions were induced on female Wistar rats (180-200g) with acetic acid 10%. After 24h, daily treatment (v.o.) was initiated in all groups (n=6): vehicle (control), CMS1 (1-30 mg/Kg), CMS2 (3-30 mg/kg), P1G10 (10 mg/kg) or Ranitidine (100 mg/kg). After 7 days, animals were sacrificed and the stomachs removed to measure the ulcer area and the expression of growth factors by Real Time PCR. In vitro studies using epithelial gastric cells (AGS; ATCC CRL1739) and endothelial cells (HUVEC-CS; ATCC CRL2873) were carried out to evaluate proliferative and migration stimulatory activities of the fractions. Results: CMS1 (1 mg/kg) and CMS2 (30 mg/kg) presented significant gastric healing effect, with reduction on the ulcer area by 62 and 44%, respectively. This activity was similar to P1G10 (52%) and Ranitidine (49%). In the ulcerated mucosa, CMS1 increased the expression of bFGF and VEGF in almost 20 and 4-fold, respectively, but did not alter EGF expression. CMS2 increased EGF, bFGF and VEGF by 80%, 510% and 267%, respectively. In vitro both, CMS1 and CMS2 (10 ng/mL), stimulated proliferation rate of AGS and HUVEC-CS cells by ~1.8 and ~1.4-fold, respectively. Cell migration was also stimulated by 79 and 68%, in AGS and by 55 e 50% in HUVEC-CS, respectively. Conclusion: The results suggest that CMS1 and CMS2 display interesting gastric healing activities through modulation of growth factors expression, cell proliferation and migration stimulus. Financial Support: CNPq, CAPES and FAPEMIG. PPN 025 PHARMACOVIGILANCE STUDY OF UNREGISTERED PRODUCTS COMMERCIALIZED IN COSTA RICA, THE CASE OF MANZINOP™ CONTAINING CHAMOMILE (MATRICARIA CHAMOMILLE) AND TETRAHYDROZOLINE Castillo M, Chaves P. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Costa Rica, Natural products have been widely used in the belief that they have no harm to the health of people, however, it has been shown that this type of products similarly could cause unwanted reactions in the population, which often doesn’t know this and can’t take the necessary precautions. A pharmacovigilance study for determination of the minimal quality control specifications of an ophthalmic product sold under the name Manzinop ® was conducted, this product reports in its quali-quantitative formula the presence of an extract of Chamomile (Matricaria chamomille) and Tetrahydrozoline. An analysis of the current legislation in Costa Rica for natural products and drugs was performed; it was also examined whether the product meets the minimal information that must contain the primary packaging and secondary packaging. Furthermore, it was used a thin layer 217 chromatography to identify the presence of chamomile (Matricaria chamomille) and Tetrahydrozoline in the product and for this it was used as standard substances Kamillosan™ solution and Visine ™ solution. In addition, physicochemical properties of the product were determined such as pH and osmolarity, and microbiological tests were also performed with the product in order to verify for sterility. As a result, it was found that there is a noncompliance with the law, since such products can not be classified as a natural product; in addition, the product does not meet the tests, labeling, identification and physicochemical properties or the microbiological tests provided by the law of Drug Registration and Control. PPN 026 Lopezia racemosa Lag, ANTINOCICEPTIVE ACTIVITY MEXICAN MEDICINAL PLANT WITH Velázquez-González C1, De la O-Arciniega M1, Avendaño-Morales C2, Bautista-Ávila M1, 1 2 2 Gayosso-De Lucio JA , Villagómez-Ibarra JR , Betanzos-Palmeros Z. 1 Área Académica de Farmacia, Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Carretera Pachuca-Tilcuautla S/N Municipio San Agustín Tlaxiaca, Hidalgo, México. 2 Área Académica deQuímica, Instituto de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Km 4.5 Carretera Pachuca–Tulancingo, Mineral de la Reforma, Hidalgo, México. Introduction: Lopezia racemosa Cav. (Onagraceae) isknown as “perilla”, is used in Mexico by traditional medicine practitioners to treat stomachache, toothache, pain and as antipyretic (UNAM, 2009). In this study we investigated the antinociceptive activity of the ethanol extract of the aerial parts of L. racemosa in mice. Material and methods: Antinociceptive activity of extract was tested using a model of visceral pain induced by acetic acid in mice (writhing test). CD1 mice (n=6) were treated with vehicle (Tween 80, 1 % in water) or ethanol extract (150, 300 and 600 mg/Kg, p.o.) and as drug controls, diclofenac (10 mg/kg, p.o.) and acetylsalicylic acid (200 mg/Kg, p.o.) were used, 30 min before the acetic acid injection.The antinociceptive effect was studied for the individual observation and the total number of the abdominal contractions was counted in periods of 5 min for the following 25 min after intraperitoneal injection with 0.1 mL/10 g body weight of 0.6 % (v/v) of acetic acid solution in distilled water. Antinociceptive activity was expressed as the percentage change from writhing controls. A significant reduction (P<0.05) in the number of writhings by some treatment as compared to controls injected with vehicle was considered to be a positive antinociceptive response. All experimental procedures followed the Guidelines on Ethical Standards for Investigations of Experimental Pain in Animals. Results and discussion: Ethanol extract administration showed anantinociceptiveeffectat 150, 300 and 600 mg/Kg, (88.83, 46.32 and 80.65 % of inhibition, respectively). Itis important to notice that the extract showed better activity than drug controls, diclofenac at 10 mg/kg (40.39 % of inhibition) and acetylsalicylic acid at 200mg/kg (40.39 % of inhibition). Conclusions: Lopezia recemosa showed antinociceptive activity in writhing test, this study may give a support for traditional use of L. racemosa to treat pain. PPN 027 SYNTHESIS OF MASTICADIENONIC ACID DERIVATIVES 1 2 2 3 3 Marrero JG, Rodriguez NVA, Montaño RG. , Ortega A, Maldonado E. 1 National Polytechnic Institute (IPN). Engineering Interdisciplinary Professional Unit. Campus Guanajuato (UPIIG). 200 Mineral Valenciana Avenue. Industrial Park Puerto Interior, Zip Code: 36275. Silao de la Victoria, Gto, Mexico. E-mail: 2 Facultad de Química, Universidad de Guanajuato, Noria Alta S/N, Guanajuato, México C.P. 36050 3 Instituto de Química, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Circuito Exterior, Ciudad Universitaria, Coyoacán, México, D.F. 04510, México. Amphipterygium adstringens (trivial name ‘‘cuachalalate’’) has been widely used in traditional medicine as a gastroprotective, hypocholesterolaemic, anti-inflammatory, antiprotozoal and 218 cytotoxic agent. Many of these properties have been attributed to the presence of masticadienonic acid. As part of our efforts in developing pentacyclic triterpenes as therapeutic agents, we were in pursuit of novel bioactive compounds based on Masticadienonic acid, which enhance physicalchemical and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic properties. In this sense, synthetic approaches that rapidly generate molecular diversity and complexity in masticadienonic acid may be of great interest for medicinal chemistry. Considering the unraveling way by which isocyanide-based multicomponent reactions (I-MCRs) generate structural diversity with minimized synthetic cost, we envisioned the implementation of these reactions in the synthesis of structurally diverse masticadienonic acid conjugates. Herein we report on the utilization of Ugi four-component reactions (Ugi-4CRs) as a general multicomponent approach toward new masticadienonic acid derivatives. The Ugi-4CR is currently considered one of the most versatile synthetic tolos for the generation of molecular diversity and complexity. PPN 028 INHIBITION OF NARINGENIN ON CYP1A1 ACTIVITY Santes-Palacios R, Camacho-Carranza R, Espinosa-Aguirre J J. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 70228, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510, Distrito Federal, México E-mail: Introduction: Grapefruit juice (GJ) is a well known CYP inhibitor; CYP3A is one of the most affected subfamily leading to anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic effects when GJ is administered to experimental animals in combination with mutagenic/carcinogenic agents metabolized by CYP3A. Naringin is one of the main constituents contained within GJ and its inhibitory effect against CYP3A4 has been well documented. Naringin is metabolized in vivo by α-ramnosidase and β-glucosidase generating naringenin, the active inhibitory molecule affecting CYP3A4 activity. Reports suggest that CYP3A is not the only one affected but CYP1A and 2B are also affected by naringenin. Materials and methods: The EROD (CYP1A1 ethoxyresorfin O-deethylase associated activity), MROD (CYP1A2 methoxyresorufin O-demethylase associated activity), PROD (CYP2B1 penthoxyresorufin O-dealkylase associated activity) and BROD (CYP2B2 benzyloxyresorufin O-dealkylase associated activity) were measured in hepatic microsomes from rats treated with the combination of phenobarbital and β-naphtoflavone. The inhibitory effect of naringenin was characterized with kinetic parameters IC50 and Ki values. Results: We tested the in vitro capacity of naringenin to inhibit the activity of CYP1A and 2B subfamilies and found that naringenin showed the strongest inhibitory effect on CYP1A1 (IC50=436.7 nM). Therefore, we decided to biochemically characterize the inhibitory properties of naringenin. CYP1A1 Supersome® used in this study showed a Km=0.365 µM and a Vmax=6089 pmol/min*mg protein with substrate ethoxyresorufin, and the biochemical characterization of naringenin CYP1A1 inhibitory effect revealed that it is a mixed inhibitor with a Ki=184.2 nM. Conclusions: The results suggest that naringenin is a selective inhibitor of CYP1A1 that might cause drug-drug interactions when co-administrated with CYP1A substrates. PPN 029 ANTIDIABETIC EFFECT OF AQUEOUS EXTRACT AND FRACTIONS FROM ALLOPHYLUS COMINIA (L) SW LEAVES Sánchez J, Young L, Marrero E and Harvey A Department of Chemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology, National Centre for Animal and Plant Health, CENSA, Aptdo #10, San José de Las Lajas, Mayabeque, Cuba. Allophylus cominia (L) Sw. is a characteristic tree of Cuba, which is attributed several medicinal properties in traditional medicine, particularly as antidiabetic. This study was designed to explore the in vitro and in vivo antidiabetic potential of the A cominia leaves aqueous extract and its fractions. The aqueous extract of A cominia leaves was partitioned successively with solvents mixtures of n-hexane, di-chloro methane, n-butanol, methanol and water, increasing of polarity, in order to obtain ten fractions. The extract and its fractions were tested for their possible antidiabetic activities on therapeutic targets of type 2 diabetes: protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B), 219 dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPPIV), glucose uptake in adipocytes 3T3-L1, plasma glucose levels in a model of type 2 diabetic rats and antioxidant effects. A cominia aqueous extract (0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 g/kg) was administrated daily to type 2 diabetic rats orally during 21 days, Streptozotocin was used for diabetes induction. Antioxidant properties were evaluated by two methods: DPPH and dichlorofluorescin (DCF) assays; Resveratrol was used as antioxidant standard. The results revealed that A cominia extract inhibited the enzymatic activity of PTP1B (IC50= 2.3 µg/mL) and DPPIV (IC50= 218 µg/mL) in an extract concentration dependent manner, resulting more active the more polar fractions in the PTP1B assay, while fractions showed a slight inhibition of DPPIV. A cominia extract enhanced glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, resulting more active fractions 6 and 10. The extract exhibited antioxidant properties, evidenced in a scavenger activity on DPPH radicals and protective effect on fibroblasts L929 exposed to oxidative stress, a great variety of fractions showed antioxidant activity in these assays. A cominia extract at 0.5 g/kg recovered the normal glycaemic values in type 2 diabetic rats. In conclusion, the present research demonstrated that A cominia aqueous extract and its fractions AcF6 and AcF10 are promising candidates for the development of antidiabetic phytopharmaceuticals. PPN 030 COMBIFER: NEW FORMULATION WITH HEM AND NO HEM IRON FOR ANAEMIA PREVENTION IN PREGNANT WOMEN. COMPARISON OF THE BIOAVAILABILITY OF FERROUS SELTS González Hernández R, Aznar García E, Súarez Fundora S, Varela A, Silva N, Fernández J, González Pérez M, Díaz Barroso Y, Rodríguez S Centro Nacional de Biopreparados, BIOCEN, Mayabeque, Cuba, Iron deficiency anemia is one of the highest deficiencies prevalent in the world, mostly in pregnant women and children. We use a natural anti-anemic product ( Trofin®) composed of hem iron with high absorption and bioavailability. Combifer is a natural product origen. The composition is with d by hem (Trofin ) and nonheme iron complexes. These one contribute to the balance between iron absorption and body iron homeostasis and makes it an attractive product for increased the prevalence of the anaemia Iron deficiency state, specially in pregnancy. The objective of this study was to compared iron absortion and the effectiveness in the prevention of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women from ferrous fumarate in prenatal formulations. Combifer was compound by Trofin(Hem iron ) 300 mg; Ferrous fumarate 50 mg ( nonhem iron); Vit C 60 mg; Folic A. 0.02 mg. Prenatal haven´t hem iron. Ferrous fumarate 100 mg. The iron absortion is 28 % in Combifer with high Bioavailability and 8 % in Prenatal. The study with a total of 164 pregnant women with Hemoglobin (Hb), Hematocrit (HCT) and Serum iron (FeS) were analyzed every 8 weeks since the beginning of the study, until delivery. The occurrence of adverse reactions was also monitored. Conclusion : The new product Combifer was effective and safe for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant woman, without adverse events. PPN 031 SUPPLEMENTAL SAFETY PHARMACOLOGICAL STUDIES OF BM-21, AN AQUEUS-ETHANOLIC EXTRACT FROM THE SEA GRASS TALASSIA TESTUDINUM Morales RA, García T, García N, Palmero A, Valdés Suria, Rodriguez JC, Laguna A, Valdés O, Menéndez R Centro de Bioproductos Marinos, Agencia de Medio Ambiente, Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: BM-21 is the extract from the sea grass Thalassia testudinum standardized to thalassioline B (5.8 ± 0.9%). Although the preclinical efficacy and safety studies so far reasonably suggest the potential use of BM-21 as herbal medicine due to its anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive and neuroprotective effects, identification of possible accidental and undesirable effects by means of a preclinical approach is necessary. Thus, the aim of the present study was to 220 initiate the evaluation of the safety pharmacology study of BM-21 on several vital organ systems. Materials and Methods: Due to the pharmacological profile of BM-21 we studied the consequences of its oral administration on some function of CNS in mice and gastric mucosa in rats. According to the experimental model, animals were orally administered once-a day with BM-1 21 in a doses interval between 4 - 1000 prior to the experiments. Control groups were administered with vehicle and classical drugs were used as positive controls. Exploratory behaviour in open field, forced swimming, marble-burying, elevated plus-maze, maximal electroshock seizure and rota-rod test were used to measure some potential effect on behavioral models. The potential pro/anti-ulcer effect of BM-21 was studied by means of ulcer induced by indomethacine, diclofenac, ethanol and pylorus-ligation and was evaluated by the number and the gravity of erosions and histopathological evaluation of gastric mucosal tissue. Results: Prolonged administration of BM-21 neither had general sedative and/or excitatory effects nor depressant/antidepressant activity. The extract did not behaved as an anxiogenic or anxiolytic agent, had no potential proconvulsivant/anticonvulsivant effects on maximal electroshock seizure and did not showed effect on motor coordination. Oral administration of the extract showed a dose dependent antiulcer effect against all experimental models, although the gastroprotective efficacy afforded by BM-21 in pylorus-ligated and ethanol-induced gastric ulcer models was superior to those observed in NSAIDs-induced gastric ulcer that is consistent with its anti-inflammatory activity observed previously. Conclusions: The present work has shown that the administration of BM-21 did not produce collateral pharmacological effects, of undesirable nature at least in the models used. This that may has potential future clinical impact. PPN 032 HYPOLIPIDEMIC EFFECTS OF CHITOSAN AND CHITOSAN ACIDS SALTS ON TWO MODELS OF INDUCED HYPERLIPIDEMIA IN MICE Bellma Menendez A, Menendez Soto del Valle R, Phuong DT, Phuong NT, de la Paz N, López O, Fernández Cervera M, Nogueira A Laboratorio Control Biológico, Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos (CIDEM). Calle 17 No. 6208 e/ 62 y 64. Playa, Habana, Cuba; Hyperlipidemia is currently considered to be one of the most important cardio-cerebral vascular disease risk factors. Cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death in developed countries; it is now widely recognized to be closely related with elevated blood lipids. Lipids mainly refer to the serum cholesterol and triglycerides. Hyperlipidemia refers to either or both of increasing levels of cholesterol or triglyceride. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of chitosan obtained by deacetylation of chitin from lobster (Panurilus argus) shells and its salts on prevention of hyperlipidemia in mice induced by Triton WR 1339 and fed high cholesterol diets. Hyperlipidemic Swiss mice were treated with chitosan and its acetate and lactate salts at dose of 200 mg/Kg. Fenofibrate and colestyramine were used as positive control. Chitosan and its acids salts caused a significant decrease in total cholesterol (TC) and tryglicerides in serum compared with control group and had an inhibition for above 50%. The data generated by this study demonstrated that chitosan and its acids salts at 200 mg/Kg dose are effective in lowering the hyperlipidemia conditions produced by Triton and high cholesterol diet in mice PPN 033 BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION AND IN VITRO CITOTOXIC EFFECT OF A POLIPEPTIIDE AND PROTEIN MIS DERIVED FROM THE ROPHALURUS JUNCEUS Rodríguez A, Hernández O, Rodríguez A, Aguila M, Compte O, Méndez MC, Fernández Y, Tuduri H, Junco J Universidad Médica de Camagüey, Circunvalación norte y Ave Finlay. Camagüey, Cuba Pharmacological evaluation of extracts of organisms and their isolation is an essential aspect in the process of discovering and developing a drug. In the present work an in vitro therapeutic evaluation of a mixture of polipeptides and proteins derived from venom of Rophalurus junceus, popularly known as blue scorpion, is carry out. 221 To accomplish this work, we used a fluid extracts from Rophalurus junceus hatcheries at Labiofam Laboratories in the province of Camaguey. To biochemically characterize the crude fluid extract of the Rophalurus junceus we conducted the protein and polipeptides purification through a high pressure chromatography system (HPLC). Meanwhile, the protein pattern eluted from the purification system was evaluated using a 15% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). For cell cytotoxicity determination a metabolic damage assays and staining with neutral red was used. As result, it was found that the fluid extract of Rophalurus junceus contains at least 13 fractions, in which about 50% consists of polypeptides of less than 14 kDa. In vitro cytotoxic effect evaluation of the fluid extract in the prostate cancer line Dunning R3327-G revealed that the dose of 100µg produced the greatest inhibition of tumor growth in this cell line, while in the murine myeloma model P3-X63/AG8/653 the greatest cytotoxic effect was observed at doses between 1 and 10µg. In conclusion we can state that the fluid extract from Rophalurus junceus venom contain a mixture of polypeptides and proteins responsible of their cytotoxic effect, which support its therapeutic function on cancer. PPN 034 ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF THE EXTRACTS OF THE LEAVES OF SPONDIAS MOMBIN L. (JOBO) Perez-Portero Y, Hijuelo Y, González Pérez M, Hernández Sosa E, Perera Córdoba W, Pallo Hill A Laboratorio de Fitoquímica, Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba Spondias mombin L. (jobo) has been used traditionally in the treatment of various diseases such as: antidermatofític, antimicrobial, antiseptic, astringent, among others. It is suggested that these properties are related to the abundance of phenolic compounds of this plant, the antioxidant capacity is also directly related to the presence of phenolic compounds. The present work is to determine the total phenol concentration, the activity against DPPH, ORAC radicals and also the reducing power. The extraction was performed using 25 g of leaves wiht solvents of different polarity (water, chloroform, ethanol, methanol and n-hexane). The total phenols concentration obtained was determined by the Folin Ciocalteu method. We evaluated the antioxidant capacity of the ethanolic extract by DPPH and ORAC methods. It was further determined the reducing power by the Yen and Chen's technique (1995). The highest yield was obtained from the chloroform extract and n-hexane, although the lowest was for the other solvent, and similar behavior showed the phenol concentration. The highest values of antioxidant capacity were obtained by the ORAC method. There is a dependency relationship between the concentration of the fractions and reducing activity. The highest value of reducing power belongs to the aqueous extract and the ethanol. The antioxidant capacity of the extracts of the leaves of Spondias mombin is a contribution to the pharmacology of natural products and helps us to have scientifically arguments about the traditional uses of this specie. PPN 035 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES ESSENTIAL OIL OF PIPER ANGUSTIFOLIUM LEAVES OF THE Monteagudo Romero U, Jorge Rodríguez E, Saucedo-Hernández Y Departamento de Farmacia, Facultad de Química, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas, C-54830 Santa Clara, Cuba Introduction: The essential oil of Piper angustifolium L leaves from the mountains of the Central Region of Cuba, were investigated as antioxidant activity. Materials and Methods: The antioxidant activity of essential oil was evaluated against Cucurbita seed oil by peroxide, thiobarbituric acid and p-anisidine methods. Moreover, this antioxidant activity was supported by the complementary antioxidant assay in the linoleic acid system and 2, 2′-diphenyl-1picrylhydrazyl.Results and Conclusions: The essential oil of Piper angustifolium L leaves obtained by hydrodistillation, was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Eighteen 222 compounds, accounting for 95.1% of the oil were identified. The Phenolic content of the oil, determined by the Folin-Ciocalteeau method, was found to equivalent to 128.04 µg pyrogallol / mg for essential oil of P. angustifolium. The antioxidant activity of essential oil showed moderate results in all assays tested, with respect to antioxidants used patterns. PPN 036 ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF THE EXTRACTS OF CAPRARIA BIFLORA L. Cadenas-Perez X, Quesada–YeroS ,Vicet-Muro L, Jorge-Rodríguez E Departamento de Farmacia, Facultad de Química, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas, C-54830 Santa Clara, Cuba The ethereal, ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Capraria biflora L., leaves of Cuba, were investigated as antioxidant activity. The Phenolic content of the ethereal extracts, ethanolic and aqueous, was evaluated by the Folin-Ciocalteeau method, was found to be equivalent to 152, 31; 391,97 y 94,90 mg AG / g for the ethereal extracts, ethanolic and aqueous. The antioxidant activity the ethereal extracts, ethanolic and aqueous of Capraria biflora L. was evaluated by 2, 2′3 + 2 + to Fe (reducing power). The diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl and the power to reduce Fe antioxidant activity the ethereal extracts, ethanolic and aqueous of Capraria biflora L. showed moderate results in all assays tested, with respect to antioxidants used patterns. PPN 037 ANTIOXIDANT, ANALGESIC AND TOXICOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF AN HYDROALCOHOLIC EXTRACT OBTAINED FROM PIPER OSSANUMTREL (PIPERACEA) Gutiérrez Gaitén Y, Casado Martín C, Delgado Roche L, Herrera Ledesma Y, Valdivieso García A Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos, Universidad de la Habana, Ave 23 e/ 214 y 222 # 21425, C.P. 13600, La Coronela, La Lisa, La Habana, Cuba, Introduction: Piper ossanum Trel is a Cuban endemic plant. It has been traditionally used as haemostatic, diuretic, antiseptic and antirreumatic. Antioxidant, analgesic and dermal toxicity evaluations were carried out in order to provide concrete evidences on its effectiveness and safety. Phytochemical characterization was also developed for the hydroalcoholic extract. Materials and Methods: The antioxidant activity was conducted by FRAP and DPPH techniques. Analgesic effect was determined whit the acetic acid - induced writhing assay in mice; dermal acute toxicity was also evaluated. The extract was chemically characterized by phytochemical screening and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. Total phenols content was determined by Folin Ciocalteu method. Results and discussion: Antioxidant activity using FRAP technique showed superior reduction potentials compare to the reference substance (Vitamin C). DPPH rehearsal also showed evidences as antioxidant. A 94.4% of analgesic effect was obtained with a 400mg/Kg dose. No clinical sings were observed during and after the toxicological evaluation, macroscopic damage was not observed either in the examined organs. The phytochemical screening suggested phenols presence, especially flavonoids. GC-MS study allowed the identification of 23 compounds, the majority ones were Phytol and other constituents from the essential oil, many of them not reported previously for the species. Total phenols content was 0.63%. Conclusions: From the preclinical point of view, a high antioxidant and analgesic activity was demonstrated for the extract. The product didn't produce toxic effects in the experimentation animals under the rehearsed conditions. The phytochemical characterization of the extract, allowed to suggest the presence of compound that may be associated with the pharmacological properties demonstrated for the plant. PPN 038 PHYTOCHEMICAL AND PHARMACO-TOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES OF AN EXTRACT FROM SYRINGODIUM FILIFORME A MARINE PLANT WITH PROMISSORY RESULTS TO BE USED AS A NATURAL DRUG Fernández Pérez MD, Rodríguez García M, Valdez Iglesias O and González García K 223 Centro de Bioproductos Marinos, Loma 37, Nuevo Vedado, Plaza de la Revolución, Habana, Cuba Introduction. Seaweed extracts have been used as nutritional supplements to alleviate or cure certain pathologies. Phytochemical and pharmaco-toxicological characterization of a standard aqueous extract from Syringodium filiforme is reported at this work. Material and Methods. The sample was dried and a total extract prepared; three extracts were prepared with the use of solvents of increasing polarity. For the total extract and fractions antioxidant activity were evaluated by using the free radical scavenging activity assay with 1,1-Diphenyl-2-Picrylhydrazyl reactive (DPPH´s method). We evaluated the effect of topical application of the extract to murine skin damage by UVB acute radiation exposure. Its acute toxicity was evaluated in rats by oral and dermal administration and its possible sensitising effect on the skin of guinea-pigs was also studied. Results. The phytochemical screening detected the presence of high concentrations of flavonoids, phenols, terpenes, antocyaninns and reducing sugars. The total extract and methanol fraction showed significant free radical scavenging properties, while the petroleum ether fraction showed moderate activity, and the chloroform fraction didn’t show antioxidant properties against free radicals. On the other hands, topical application of S filiforme leaves hidroalcoholic extract to the irradiated skin 0,5 h before exposure avoided of the skin macroscopic alterations, this 2 protection occurred at a dose of 0.5 mg/cm . The protective effect is consistent with the antioxidant action commonly observed in such phenolic structures, because pro-oxidant states may contribute to initiate UV-induced skin damage. Under our experimental conditions, it showed no lethality at the limit doses of the total extract (2 000 mg/kg) and no adverse effects were found. The extract is not a potential allergen according to the results obtained in the test. Conclusions. The results confirmed the potentialities of this species for biological purpose and it is not toxic product on these experimental conditions. PPN 039 IMMUNOSTIMULATING EFFECTS AND PHARMACOLOGICAL POTENTIAL OF THE EDIBLE MUSHROOM PLEUROTUS SP. Aguirre R, Álvarez Y, Morris H, Llauradó G, Lebeque Y, Fontaine R Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad de Oriente. Patricio Lumumba s/n, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba Introduction: The genus Pleurotus comprises several edible species of high nutritional value, which also possess pharmacological potential, including the immune system modulation. However, there are insufficient experimental evidence that thwart the development of bioactiveenriched formulations with therapeutical applications. This work’s aim is the evaluation of invivo immunomodulatory properties of mycelium and fruiting bodies extracts from Pleurotus sp. Materials and Methods: The extracts were obtained through thermic treatment of the biomass (Cuban patent No. 23717,2011). Immunomodulatory activity was evaluated on male Balb/c mice administered intraperitoneally for seven days. Results: The extracts showed immunopharmacological effects judging by the bone marrow haematopoiesis, the esplenic cellularity and the serum protein concentrations. They also increased the count of total and differential leukocytes in peripheral blood, the number of peritoneal macrophages, the vascular permeability in the peritoneal cavity and the cellular immune response. Conclusions: The results evidenced a higher immunopotentiation in mice inoculated with Pleurotus sp. extracts, compared to those of the control group, suggesting they are potential candidates for functional foods and dietetic supplements useful on the nutritional modulation of the immune system. PPN 040 ANTI-INFLAMMATORY EFFECTS OF ZUELANIA GUIDONIA SP. Puente E, Salas H, Berenguer C, Pineda E Centro de Toxicología y Biomedicina. Autopista Nacional Km 1.5. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba; Introduction: The constant search for new natural products with pharmacological activities inclines us towards the preclinical assessments of new formulations based on plants which have 224 long been used in the rural areas of our country without a scientific rationale. Materials and Methods: The anti-inflammatory activity of the Zulenia guidonia sp aqueous extract was assessed using the 1% formalin solution method (proinflammatory) in the Sprague Dowley rat´s leg, using Ibuprofen as a positive control. Three dosage levels were used to achieve the dose response curve. Results: The anti-inflammatory effect of the aqueous extract was observed from the dose of 300 to 150 mg/kg body weight. It has been proved the pharmacological actions of the phytochemical compounds making up this plant´s structure, such as coumarins, phenols and flavonoids, which could be responsible for the entire or the separate anti-inflammatory activity. Conclusions: Thus, it is confirmed that we are in the presence of a plant capable of providing valuable raw materials with anti-inflammatory activity. PPN 041 PROTEOLYTIC ACTIVITY EVALUATION ON MORINDA CITRIFOLIA L. FRUITS Álvarez Jiménez E, Miranda Martínez M, Scull Lizama R, Abreu Payrol J Farmacia Comunitaria (U- 626). Empresa Provincial de Medicamentos del Oeste. La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Morinda citrifolia L. (Rubiaceae), known in Cuba since the first half of the nineteenth century with the common name of Indian Mora and more recently as Noni, has a large and recognized use in traditional herbal medicine for numerous conditions. Nowadays, it has been a growing interest in a deeper understanding on the chemical and pharmacological properties of this species. In this context and taking into account that many fruits have proteolytic enzymes or proteases, which are responsible for fermentation processes in the own fruit or for different pharmacological activities, we decided to carry out this research. Materials and Methods: Proteins concentration at different stages of the fruit was determined by means of a spectrophotometric method, employing Coomassie Brilliant Blue G - 250 II (CBB). Proteolytic activity was assessed by spectrophotometric determination of soluble peptides resulting from the action of proteolytic enzymes on casein substrate, type Hammarsten, at 280 nm. Results and discussion: The highest proteins concentrations were observed in mature fruits, followed by the fermented ones, the green fruits showed the lowest concentration. In contrast to protein concentration, the proteolytic activity was higher in the ripe fruit, but does not differ appreciably from the green ones, the lowest proteolytic activity was observed on fermented fruits. Conclusions: Proteolytic activity is informed for the first time for Morinda citrifolia L. and it’s superior for the green and mature fruits. PPN 042 THEORETICAL MODELING OF THE CHEMICAL INTERACTION BETWEEN THE 2,4-DITERBUTILPHENOL AND PROMUTAGENIC AROMATIC AMINES: METAPHENYLENEDIAMINE, 4-AMINOBIPHENYL AND 2-AMINO-1-METHYL6-PHENYLIMIDAZO [4,5 B] PYRIDINE AS DNA PROTECTIONS MECHANISM Marrero-Gutiérrez J, Sánchez-Lamar Á, Morera-Boado Facultad de Biología, Universidad de la Habana. Calle 25 N0455,e/J e I, Vedado, Habana, Cuba Isolated from vegetal specie Phyllanthus orbicularis K, the 2,4-di-tertbutilphenol (DTP) phenolic compound demonstrated a significant reduction of DNA damage produced by promutagenic aromatic amines: meta-fenilendiamina(m-PDA), 4-aminobifenil (4-ABP) y 2-amino-1-metil-6fenilimidazo[4,5-b]piridina (PhIP) by means of “in vitro” assays. A putative action mode to explain DTP’s protective capacity is the chemical interaction with these amines, which inhibits the formation of active amines structures. However, up to date it has not been informed a molecular mechanism to explain these interactions. Owing this, the present research has been carried out to elucidate the feasibility of the phenol-amine interaction proposing stable association models using computational tools. In order to create these models the first step done was the electronic and geometrically characterization of phenol and amines structures, defining the less energy geometries and the potential molecular interaction sites with the support of functional M05-2X and the base 6-31G(d,p) corresponding to the Density Functional Theory. Afterwards employing the 225 Minimum Multiple Hypersurfaces Methodology, different phenol-amines association models were generated, from which the most stables were identified and studied at M05-2X/6-31G(d,p) level. As well, using the Atoms in Molecules and Natural Bond Orbital Theories, the intermolecular interactions were characterized. Hydrogen bond and Van der Waals interactions were identified as the interactions responsible to warranty different association stability, being the interaction between the amine free pair of exocyclic nitrogen and sigma orbital anti-bond of hydroxyl group, the strongest hydrogen bond among all complexes and also represent the highest contribution to the stability. The main modification that conduces to pro-mutagenic aromatic amines activation was the N-hydroxylation of exocyclic nitrogens, which proposed that phenol interaction with this position would reduce its accessibility to the enzyme and therefore it would be possible to explain the DTP anti-mutagenicity. The complexes stability order proposed and as consequence the protection order against amines is: DTP/PhIP> DTP/m-PDA >DTP/4-ABP. PPN 043 ACUTE INFLAMMATORY EVALUATION OF VEGETABLE OIL CUCURBITA MOSCHATA DUCH Sueiro-Oyarzun ML, Williams OE, Hernández-Barreto E, Saucedo-Hernández Y, Cabrera-Santos K, Jorge-Rodríguez ME Departamento de Farmacia, Facultad de Química y Farmacia, Universidad Central de Las Villas, Santa Clara, Cuba Introduction: Therapeutic control of inflammation has gone through various stages, but none has achieved a complete success, because it is difficult to manipulate a phatophysiologic event where so many factors are involved. The use of medicinal plants has been booming since the introduction of traditional medicinal resources in health systems. The Cucurbita moschata is a medicinal plant with several therapeutic properties and few have been scientifically proven. Antiinflammatory property is one of them and could be ascribed to the metabolites of the oil seeds. The objective of this work was to evaluate the acute antiinflamatory activity of Cucurbita moschata vegetable oil. Materials and Methods: The evaluation of the acute antiinflammatory activity of the vegetable oil is conducted through the technique of induced plantar edema agents: λcarrageenan, fresh egg albumin undiluted, dextran and histamine in Wistar rats and by the technique induced ear edema agent: 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate in Balb/c mouse. Oral doses of 2, 4 and 8 mL / kg for plantar edema technique were administered and equal oral doses and a single dose (1 mg) topically to ear swelling technique. Results and Discussion: For oil tested doses showed topical and systemic antiinflammatory activity with a possible dosedependent behavior, being able to relate this property with the possible inhibition of cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase, as well as a possible blockade of histamine H1 receptors. Conclusions: The vegetable oil at doses of 2, 4 and 8 mL / kg has acute antiinflammatory effect by showing a significant inhibition of inflammation of plantar as well as ear edema, topically and systemically. PPN 044 DETERMINATION OF DIURETIC POTENTIAL OF COMMELINA ELEGANS HBK AND BRYOPHYLUM PINNATUM LAM Valdovinos N, Ferrandiz D Universidad de Camagüey. Circunvalación Norte, Km 5 ½. Camagüey, Cuba Introduction: A few years ago, the National Program for Medicinal Plants was created. The province of Camaguey was then assigned the task of working on diuretics. In this work, plant diuretic capacity was contrasted to a commercial diuretic (hydrochlorotiazide). The plants studied were Commelina elegans HBK, and Bryophylum pinnatum Lam. Materials and Methods: The plants were decocted to a concentration of 20% w/v and after 2h of rest they were filtered. Some physical and chemical parameters were determined, such as, total solids, pH, and sodium and potassium contents. For the diuretic study of plants, 50 Wistar rats (25 males and 25 females) from the Camaguey Medical University Animal Lab., were used. The diuretic effect of the decoction was tested at 200, 400 and 800 mg/kg doses per body weight. The natriuretic and 226 kaluretic effects of the decoction on the negative and positive control groups were contrasted. Results: The positive control group had a qualitative higher volume of urine. Conclusions: The decoction of Commelina elegans had the closest results to the synthetic diuretic in the doses of 200, 400 and 800 mg/kg of weight. PPN 045 TOPICAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY ACTIVITY OF FIVE FRACTIONS OF FRESH AERIAL PARTS OF PHANIA MATRICARIOIDES (CHAMOMILE LAND) García AI, Martínez I, Domínguez A, Cabrera H, López M, Boucourt E, Acosta L, Morón FJ Laboratorio Central de Farmacología, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. "Dr. Salvador Allende”. Carvajal e/ Agua Dulce y A, Cerro, Habana, CP 12000, Cuba Introduction: Recent preclinical pharmacological studies of analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antidiarrhea, as well as toxicological decoction of fresh aerial parts of Phania matricarioides (Spreng.) Griseb (chamomile land) have validated its traditional use for digestive disorders and dermatological. Our objective was to evaluate the topical anti-inflammatory activity of five fractions of fresh aerial parts of Phania matricarioides (chamomile land). Materials and Methods: Collection of fresh aerial parts of P. matricarioides, botanical identification and assembly of voucher herbarium specimens were carried out. Five fractions were obtained from plant material; PhAF1 (precipitate); PhAF2 (aqueous); PhAF3 (butanol); PhAF5 (supernatant butanol), that were assayed for its anti-inflammatory effect by using ear edema induced by croton oil topically applied to OF-1 (20-25g) male mice. Fractions were assayed (20 µL) at doses of 2, 1, 0.5 and 0.25 mg, except fraction PhAF4 (precipitate butanol) that assayed at doses 1 , 0.5 , 0.25 and 0.125 mg ). Results: Inhibition of inflammation in the ear edema (55.1%, 53.5%, 35.5% and 33%) induced by Croton oil was obtained for PhAF2 fraction (aqueous) whereas no anti-inflammatory effect was obtained by the others. Conclusions: Of the five fractions of fresh aerial parts of P. matricarioides evaluated, only the fraction PhAF2 (aqueous) showed topical anti-inflammatory activity. PPN 046 PRECLINICAL VALIDATION OF THE TRADITIONAL USE OF CORDIA MARTINICESIS Martínez I, Victoria MC, Brito G, Morón F, Duménigo A, Morejón Z, Nossin E. Laboratorio Central de Farmacología, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. "Dr. Salvador Allende”. Carvajal e/ Agua Dulce y A, Cerro, Habana, CP 12000, Cuba Introduction: Through ethnobotanical survey as part of Program of Applied to Popular Medicine in the Caribbean (TRAMIL), leaves decoction of Cordia martinicensis (Jacq.) shows a significant traditional used in local populations for thoracic pain and fever relieve. Our aim was to determinate the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activity of leaves decoction of C. martinicensis. Materials and Methods: Activity was assayed using a nociception models, writhing test (acid acetic 0, 75%, 0.1 mL/10 g i.p) and tail flick test (water at 55°C). Model of inflammation was ear edema test, applying 20 µl of Croton oil (75 µg/ ear). All these models were conducted in male OF-1 mice (20–25 g). Finally antipyretic activity was tested inducing pyrexia with brewer's yeast (15% in water; 1 mL/100 g, sc.) in male Wistar rats (180-200g). Results: C. martinicensis decoctions doesn’t produced a significant anti-nociceptive in response to thermal stimulus compared to control group. However, doses of 5 g/kg decrease the number of abdominal stretching with 44, 4% of inhibition. Anti-inflammatory activity of oral administrations of C. martinicensis showed a significant inhibition at 10 and 5 g/kg, with percentage of inhibition 60, 9 and 56, 9% respectively. Topic administrations at 6 mg/ear had a 62, 9% of inhibition. C. st martinicensis showed a significant antipyretic activity similar to paracetamol, after the 1 hour to 4 hours of administration. Conclusions: These results validate the traditional use of herbal preparations in the study. PPN 047 EVALUATION OF ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND ANALGESIC PROPERTIES OF AN ORGANIC EXTRACT OF RED SEAWEED GALAXAURA RUGOSA Duménigo A, Frías AI, García N, Ramentol RM, Cabrera HR, Suárez AM 227 Laboratorio Central de Farmacología, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. "Dr. Salvador Allende”. Carvajal e/ Agua Dulce y A, Cerro, Habana, CP 12000, Cuba Introduction: Inflammation is a local response that tends to restore the imbalanced homeostasis in the organism. However, sometimes is undoing of an excessive and inappropriate manner, giving place to different pathological process that require of treatment. Galaxaura rugosa is one of the most abundant species of red algae in the Cuban coral reef, nevertheless, a few is known about of their pharmacological activities. In this work was realized the chemical characterization and was evaluated the anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of the extract obtained by dichloromethane extraction. Materials and Methods: The seaweed was collected in Havana´s north littoral in April 2011. For the extract preparation, the sample was subject to a Soxhlet extraction with dichloromethane. The topic anti-inflammatory activity of the extract was evaluated in the ear edema test induced by Croton oil. Besides, was evaluated the analgesic activity of the extract by i.p. way in the writhing test (acid acetic 0.8 %, i.p.). Both models were conducted in male mice OF-1 (25-30 g). Results: The dichloromethane extract of G. rugosa shows a potent anti-inflammatory activity since the dose of 0.125 mg/ear (higher than 40 %). The extract get reduce the pain sensation in more than 75 % since the dose of 6 mg/kg. Conclusions: The effects demonstrated in the present study of red seaweed G. rugosa, constitute new pharmacological properties, which open new perspectives to the possible therapeutic use of this algae so abundant in our country. PPN 048 PRECLINICAL VALIDATION OF ANTI-INFLAMMATORY HIBISCUS ROSA SINENSIS (Marpacífico) EFFECT OF Brito G, Martínez I, Morón F, Victoria MC, Duménigo A, Morejón Z, Nossin E Laboratorio Central de Farmacología, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. "Dr. Salvador Allende”. Carvajal e/ Agua Dulce y A, Cerro, Habana, CP 12000, Cuba Introduction: In Cuba and Caribbean countries Hibiscus rosa sinensis are very common in garden. Reports of traditional use are related with conjunctivitis, fever, headache, flu and cough. Our aim was to determinate preclinical anti-inflammatory effect of decoction of leaves and flowers of Hibiscus rosa sinensis. Materials and Methods: Activity was assayed on acute inflammation model (ear edema test), applying 20 µl Croton oil (0.4 %). Different doses of decoctions 30% of flowers and leaves were evaluated topically and orally. Ten µl of decoctions were applied at each side of the treated ears. Model was conducted in male OF-1 mice (20–25 g), 6 animals each group. Dexamethasone (0.5 mg/ear) and indomethacin (15 mg/kg) were used as reference drugs. Results: The extracts from leaves and flowers (30%) applied topically inhibited inflammation on 54.7% and 30.9% respectively. Oral administrations do not show a significantly anti-inflammatory activity in both extracts. Conclusions: Results validated traditional use of leaves of Hibiscus rosa sinensis in inflammation process. PPN 049 ANTIPYRETIC ACTIVITY OF A WATERY EXTRACT OF CECROPIA PELTATA L. IN RATS OF THE WISTAR SPECIES EXPERIMENTAL MODEL Hernández Río M, Pizarro Espín A, González Madariaga Y, Ruiz Perez R, Machado García D Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara. “Dr. Serafín Ruiz De Zárate Ruiz”. Facultad de Medicina. Centro de Toxicología, Villa Clara, Cuba Introduction: The Cecropia peltata L. species is a plant greatly used by the population. The use of this plant has been mentioned in affections that involve asthmatic or catarrhal episodes. The present study is carried out with the objective of checking experimentally, for the first time, the antipyretic effect attributable to the watery extract of Cecropia peltata L., in rats. Material and Methods: An experimental study was developed, of preclinical rehearsal to randomized blind double, by means of the intraperitoneal injection of a watery suspension of 20% brewer’s yeast in 228 chloride of sodium to 0.9% as exogenous pyrogen in 4 groups of 8 animals each one; in the Toxicology’s Center (CENTOX.) of the Medical University of Villa Clara in February of the 2013. Three groups were created and received doses of 200, 400 and 800 mg/kg of the extract and 1 group positive control with Ibuprofeno (100 mg/Kg). It were applied as descriptive statisticians the stocking and the standard deviation. The comparison among the groups was carried out by means of the application of not parametric technical, using the test of Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney for independent samples, with a trust interval of 95%. Results: The antipyretic effect of the extract of Cecropia peltata L. was proven through the described technique, to the doses of 200, 400 and 800 mg/Kg, with similar final temperatures to those of the group used positive control. Conclusions: We could conclude that the watery extract of Cecropia peltata L. presented a considerable antipyretic activity to the dose of 400 mg/Kg of weight when comparing with the reference medication. PPN 050 EVALUATION OF THE HYPOGLYCEMIC ACTIVITY OF EXTRACTS FROM BOLDOA PURPURASCENS CAV González D, Hernández Y, By B, Vicet L, SaucedoY, Pieters L, Appers S Universidad Marta Abreu, Carretera a Camajuaní km 5 1/2, 50400 Santa Clara, Cuba Introduction: Boldoa purpuracens, Cav, a plant belonging to Nyctaginaceae family, is traditionally used for its diuretic effect comparable to furosemide. In the species described the presence of several flavonoid compounds widely used for its diversity of actions among which is the hypoglycemic. Material and methods: The phytochemical analysis by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy allowed the presence of D-pinitol in the ethanol extract from the leaves of the plant. The aimed of the investigation was checking the hypoglycemic effect of aqueous and alcoholic extracts obtained from Boldoa purpurascens at doses of 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg using insulin 5UI/kg as a positive control and NaCl 0.9% as negative control. Another experiment was performed similar but dried aqueous extract was used at doses of 50, 100 and 200 mg / kg; using metformin at dose of 50mg/kg as a positive control and keeping the 0.9% NaCl as a negative control. Results and discussion: The statistical analysis was carried out by the test of Kruskal Wallis with an interval of trust of 99%. The study concluded that the species possesses hypoglycemic activity at all doses tested in both extracts, being the reduction greater for the ethanol extract (40%), comparable to insulin. PPN 051 ANTIVIRAL ACTIVITY EVALUATION OF LAURENCIA OBTUSA AGAINST HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS AND DENGUE VIRUS Rojas L, Álvarez M, Morier L, Pérez O, Torres Y, Valdés O, del Barrio G Departamento de Microbiología y Virología. Facultad de Biología. Universidad de La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Herpes and dengue virus are important human pathogens with high levels of morbidity and mortality. Failure in the development of vaccines, along with the absence of antiviral compounds and the emergence of viral variants resistant to antiviral drugs currently used highlights the need for new antiviral drugs. Algae remain an interesting alternative in this regard, due to the diversity of compounds with biological activity founded in these organisms. In this work we evaluated the antiviral activity of Laurencia obtusa aqueous extract against Herpes simplex virus in Vero cells and Dengue virus in C6/36HT cells. Materials and Methods: The citotoxicity of the algae (CC50) was determined in both cells lines using the MTT reduction assay. Antiviral activity (EC50) was calculated by means of cytopathic effect inhibition in cells, then the selective index (SI) =CC50/EC50 was calculated. Results: The seaweed was non-citotoxic at concentrations -1 evaluated (0-5000 g.mL ). Laurencia obtusa inhibited Herpes simplex virus-1 and Herpes simplex virus-2 replication in Vero cells with SI values higher than 29 and 42, respectively. On the other hand there was no inhibition of Dengue virus replication in C6/36HT cells at concentrations evaluated (0-5000 g.mL-1). Conclusions: Given these results, this red seaweed appear as good 229 candidate for further studies on it´s mechanism of action and it´s potential for inhibition of herpes virus in vitro, and in vivo. This is the first report of Laurencia obtusa antiviral activity against Herpes simplex virus and Dengue virus. PPN 052 CLINICAL TRIAL PHASE IV WITH SURFACEN IN NEONATE POPULATION Barrese Y, Díaz E, Avila Y, Morilla A, Uranga R, Fernández O Centro Nacional Coordinador de Ensayos Clínicos (CENCEC). Ave 200 esq. at 21, Atabey, Playa, Habana, Cuba Introduction: SURFACEN has a sanitary registration emitted by the Center for the Control of the Medications, Devices and Medical Equipment (CECMED) from 1995 for substitution therapy under conditions of dysfunction of the surfactant system lung, as respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in the newly born with intubation endotracheal and mechanical ventilation. The objective of this clinical trial is to evaluate the use of SURFACEN in neonate population. Materials and methods: Design and conduction of a phase IV clinical trial, multicenter, national, not randomized, not controlled, open and with only one treatment group, SURFACEN + conventional therapy, in neonate population with less than two hours of born, gestational age between 26 and 36 weeks, use approach early of SURFACEN and RDS tried in neonatal units of intensive cares (NUIC). It was administered a dose of SURFACEN at least, 100 mg, by means of a endotracheal probe and, later on, positive continuous pressure was applied in the air nasal road or another ventilator modality to the investigator's approach. For the evaluation were considered clinical, gasometrical, ventilators and imagenologic variables; as well as the detection and control of adverse events for safety evaluation. Results and Conclusions: In phase IV clinical trial 225 patients were included. The increment of the number of doses of SURFACEN was associated with the appearance of complications; however 141 patients (62.67%) alone it required of a dose of the surfactant (p <0.000). The stocking of the days of stay in NUIC was of 22.7 days, while the ventilation requirement was of 5.7 days; not being necessary the ventilation prolonged in 76.00% of the patients and was evidenced the absence of ventilators complications in the 83.33% (p <0.000). The improvement was appreciated in the oxygenation index and in the relationship PaO2/FiO2. The treatment with SURFACEN was tolerable and safe. PPN 053 THE IMPACT OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCE LOOKING THROUGH TECHNOLOGY: WEB PAGE OF EXPERIMENTALSTATION OF MEDICINAL PLANTS"DR. JUAN TOMAS ROIG" Elizagaray-Fernández B, Fernández-Fernández Y, Castro-Armas R Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos. (CIDEM). AVE 26, No. 1605 e / Boyeros y Puentes Grandes, La Habana, Cuba Introduction. A website today is the global media excellence to the needs required for people who surf the Internet and their companies. The general objective to this work is design and implementation of the web page of the Experimental Station of Medicinal Plants "Dr. Juan Tomás Roig” belong to the Center for Research and Drug Development. The specific objectives are: Achieve high-impact corporate visibility nationally and internationally in the Medicinal Plants and Natural Products pharmaceutical area: Provide detailed information on the characteristics of the entity: Facilitate access to R & D information (articles, processes, projects, etc) online non-profit: Rescue potential and real customers to exchange and / or commercialize of products and technologies.Materials and Methods.Visual design information to be edited; definition of structure and hierarchical relationship of the web site pages through the navigation chart; identification and implementation of software to use (WORDPRESS) and definition and organization of relevant content to add on the website. Results: Was set the web page of the Experimental Station of Medicinal Plants "Dr. Juan Tomás Roig" where can view online information about the general characteristics of the center and one that allows scientific cooperation for the research area in question. By implementing is viable the virtual approach of real users and potencial clients on realtime to the entity. Conclusions. According to the above elements concludes that there has been a 230 positive step forward for the institution because its visibility in the web environment which is an indispensable element for corporate performance in the world today. PPN 054 TOPICAL TREATMENT FOR MYCOTIC VAGINITIS WITH GARLIC EXTRACT Izquierdo M, Avilés L Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Mayabeque, Güines, Cuba Introduction: The vaginal mycotic sepsis constitutes more than a 70% of the cases who attend the Gynecological consultation, being Cándida albicans the etiologic agent which can be found in an 80-90% of these cases. There have been a great deal of antimitotic medications which have been used during many years, but with the improvement of the pharmaceutical industry, they have been used with lower or higher level of effectiveness and with their corresponding adverse reactions.There have been different studies which treat aspects related to alternative therapies using phyto drugs such as Allium sativum L. Materials and Methods: An experimental study was performed with 37 patients of the Cervical Pathology consultation at “Manuel Fajardo” Maternity Hospital from Güines with results of altered organic cytology and with symptoms and signs of acute vulvovaginitis by candidas confirmed by wet mount and microbiological study. With the objective of assessing the effectiveness of the use of garlic in this disease and performing a formulation of the topical use and its possible adverse reactions in the period between August 2010 to December 2011; a collecting information form was performed and statistical procedures of X2 and Duncan test were applied with the information found as a result of the investigation in this aspect. Results and Conclusions: The elimination of Candida was determined in a 83% of the patients and the symptoms were relieved in more than 75% of the cases, with very few adverse reactions and none of them serious. The elaboration of the phytodrug with the proposed pharmaceutical technic: garlic ovule of 100mg during three days showed to be an alternative in the pharmacological treatments prescribed for this pathology and it represented an economic saving of all the affected ones. PPN 055 BACH FLORAL THERAPY IN TYPE 2 DIABETIC PATIENTS AND ITS EFFECT ON T LYMPHOCYTE FUNCTION Mahía M, Díaz A, Garcia M, Hernández J, Ramos E, Alonso C Instituto Nacional de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular, 1551 Calzada del Cerro, Habana, Cuba Background: Floral therapy is considered a useful tool for psychological harmony by influencing on neurological, endocrine and immunological function of human beings. The evidence suggests that there is a relationship among stress, circulating cortisol and immunity system. Objective: This research was aimed to assess the effect of Bach floral therapy on the immunological capacity of T lymphocytes of type 2 diabetic patients with immunodepression. Methods: Two hundred type 2 diabetic patients non hospitalized within vascular complications, both sexes and aged from 40 to 80 years old were included in this study in a randomized double-blind versus placebo experimental design. Psychological tests, T lymphocytes function by delayed hypersensitivity test (in vivo), and serum levels of glycaemic and cortisol by blood sample were performed to each patient before and after a two-month period with floral essences or placebo. We obtained ethicscommittee approval. The statistical significance of the data included the comparison of values of these variables and was determined by T student and chi-square tests. P values less than 0,05 were taken as significant. Results: Significative difference was found in delayed hypersensitivity test. A decrease in serum levels of glycaemic and cortisol after treatment by oral flower essences administration was evidenced. In addition, favourable changes in the emotional levels after floral treatment in comparison with placebo were observed. Conclusion: Our finding implicated that Bach floral therapy might be useful to enhance the immune, psychological, endocrine and glycaemic levels status in these patients. PPN 056 EFFECTIVENESS OF OZONIZED SUNFLOWER OIL (ORAL OLEOZON®) COMBINED WITH GIARDINUM IN THE TREATMENT OF GIARDIASIS 231 Marcel Llovet A, Rodríguez Delgado N, Izquierdo Estrada M Centro Provincial de Medicina Natural y Tradicional. Calle José Martí No. 55. Bayamo, Granma, Cuba Introduction: Giardiasis is one of the most common pathogenic intestinal protozoal infections worldwide and is a very important health problem. Global statistics report prevalence rates of 2 30 %, depending on the countries’ development level and geographic location. In Cuba, the rates are 7 - 15 %. The symptomatology can be an acute phase with diarrhea alternating to constipation, abdominal pain, flatulence and urticaria. In the chronic phase, diarrhea can be steady, with a severe weight loss, producing a disordered or inadequate absorption of nutrients. The adverse effects and treatment failures to some of the currently recommended drugs for Giardia lamblia infection have given rise to the need for alternative antigiardiasis agents. Method: A prospective and descriptive study with the objective of evaluate the effectiveness of Oral Oleozon combined with the homeopathic remedy Giardinum in the treatment of giardiasis was carry up in patients resistant to the conventional treatment referred by different gastroenterology services from Bayamo municipality to the Provincial Traditional Medicine Clinic (March 2010 -Nov 2012). The diagnosis of giardiasis was confirmed by fecal heces complementary and the biliary drainage. To solve the objective stated variables were selected: age, sex, symptoms, complementary results and treatment response. Oral Oleozon and Giardinum were indicated in the recommended doses for ten days, in both cases were oriented to rest a week and to repeat the same cycle. All the patients were evaluated clinically taking into consideration the symptoms persistent or not at the beginning of the consultation and the results of the biliary drainage and fecal heces in the 3rd, 5th and 7th day after finishing the treatment. Results: 109 patients whit giardiasis diagnose were attended in ages between 5 and 55 years, the male sex was predominant 68 (62,3%) in ages between 5 and 15 years (11,0%). The main symptoms were: abdominal pain (71.5 %), cutaneous injuries (66,0 %), rash (55,9 %), flatulences (54,1 %) and slow digestions (44,0 %). All the patients finished the treatment as it was indicated and a referral of symptoms were seen in 89,9% (98/109) of the cases, in 86,2% (94/109) of them the parasite was eliminated and it was corroborated by means of fecal heces and biliary drainage. Patients cured after treatment with Oral Oleozon and Giardinum, were checked again after 3 and 6 months, and only 6 cases of 94 were reinfected, according to the lab test (6,3%) Conclusion: The Oral Oleozon combined with Giardinum is effective in the treatment of Giardiasis. PPN 057 EFFECT OF A NATURAL SOLUTION OF THE RHOPALURUS JUNCEUS SCORPION VENOM IN PATIENTS WITH BRAINSTEM GLIOMA. CASE´S REPORT Cruz N, Ríos M Grupo Empresarial de Producciones Biofarmacéuticas y Químicas. LABIOFAM. Habana. Cuba. Edif. 23-A, apto 23. Guiteras, Habana del Este, La Habana, Cuba The brainstems gliomas are considered among the most aggressive in the pediatric population with bad prognosis; these tumors are heterogeneous, ranging from low-grade tumors that need little treatment to high-grade lesions that are rapidly fatal despite aggressive therapy. The natural solution of the Rhopalurus junceus (RJ) scorpion venom has been studied for more than 10 years in different kinds of tumours, showing a decrease of the viability of tumour cells by apoptotic and necrosis mechanisms. In other preclinical studies an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and no toxic effects were found. That`s why, this venom would be an alternative therapy for patients with cerebral tumours. Objective: To evaluate the use of a natural solution of the scorpion venom in a patient with brainstem glioma. Material and methods: It was designed a prospective and observational study with two patients with brainstem glioma, a patient with brainstem glioma with exophytic growth that includes left thalamus and other patient with a diffuse brainstem glioma; both patients received as only treatment the natural solution of the RJ scorpion venom. The evaluated indicators were life´s quality according to the Lansky and Karnosfky scale, size of the tumour lesion by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance as well as the appearance of adverse reactions referred to the treatment. Results: The 100% of patients showed improvements in the life´s 232 quality, it was also observed a tumour size reduction and adverse reactions were not reported. Conclusions: The use of a solution of the RJ scorpion venom improves the quality of life of patients with brainstem glioma and it diminishes the tumoral size without secondary effects in the ones that consumed it. PPN 058 USE OF VIDATOX® 30CH IN INFLAMMATORY, ONCOLOGICAL AND AUTOIMMUNES DISEASES Casamayor Z, Guevara M, González S Grupo Empresarial de Producciones Biofarmacéuticas y Químicas. LABIOFAM. Calle Corrales Nº 105 entre Cardenas and Cienfuegos. Habana Vieja. La Habana, Cuba Introduction: VIDATOX® 30CH is an homeopathic product from the venom of the Rhopalurus Junceus scorpion. Objective: To describe the clinical evolution of the patients treated with ® VIDATOX 30CH. Materials and methods: It was performed an observational and descriptive ® study of patients attended on the medical services of LABIOFAM treated with VIDATOX 30CH during the period of 2011-2012 . 2541 patients were included. Symptoms consultation reason, frequency of administration of VIDATOX® 30CH and the moment in which they began to improve symptoms were the main variables. The Chi-square of Pearson test was used to compare the clinical evolution and the improvement of the symptoms was tested by Analysis of the Variances (ANOVA). Results: The patients with oncoproliferative diseases prevailed (2261; 88,98%) and the degenerative ones were in second place (132, 5,19%). The pain was the most referred symptom (1431; 56,32). The majority of the patients were prescribed VIDATOX® 30CH three times daily (1389; 54,7%). 96,92% of the patients that were prescribed VIDATOX® 30CH three times daily ® improved the pain Conclusions: The homeopathic product VIDATOX 30CH is a therapeutic reliable option in the symptomatic treatment of patients with oncological, inflammatory, autoimmune and degenerative disorders. PPN 059 ETNOMEDICAL USE OF A NATURAL SOLUTION OF RHOPALURUS JUNCEUS SCORPION VENOM IN COLORECTAL CANCER PATIENTS Morales C, Cruz N, Bermudez MI, Espronceda M, Guevara M, Fernández, Casamayor Z, González S Grupo Empresarial de Producciones Biofarmacéuticas y Químicas. LABIOFAM. Departamento de Investigaciones Clínicas. Ave 1ra y B, Vedado, Habana, Cuba Introduction: Jointly with the lung, prostate and breast cancer, the colorectal cancer is considered one of the most frequent carcinomas in the world, as well as one of the main causes of death. Enterprise Group LABIOFAM specialists have carried out several investigations on the pharmacological activity of Rhopalurus junceus scorpion venom solutions, especially on the originally epithelial tumor cells. Material and Methods: An observational descriptive study was made in patients with colorectal cancer in order to evaluate the effects and security of a natural solution of Rhopalurus junceus scorpion venom. Registers of 144 histological confirmed colorectal cancer patients were analyzed whose were treated in LABIOFAM Enterprise Group Medical Service, since February 2003 to November 2011. It was evaluated well-known time in treatment as survival indirect variable. The quality of life was evaluated through scales of pain evolution and incorporation to daily activities. Results: There was a survival media of 3 years, a pain relief was reported in 84 % of patients and they were incorporated to daily activities 36.8 % of them. Severe side effects were not reported. Conclusions: This natural solution of Rhopalurus junceus scorpion venom is safety and effective for adjuvant treatment of colorectal cancer patients. PPN 060 EFFICACY OF BACH´S FLORAL THERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF ACADEMIC STRESS Maceo O, Ramos K, Maceo A, Morales I, Maceo M Filial de Ciencias Médicas Dr. Efraín Benítez Popa Bayamo, Granma, Cuba 233 Introduction: Academic stress is frecuent in the university students because of the high responsability and all the knowedge they should get in short time in orders to take care of human being. In our country more than a 70 % of university students suffer from academic stress. Any effort to reduce the level of academic stress would help them with their academic results and health. Material and Methods: An experimental double blind controlled, study was carried out to evaluate the efficacy of Bach's Floral Therapy in the treatment of academic stress in first-year dentistry students at the Medical Sciences Brand of Bayamo, from September 2010 to June 2011. The universe was conformed by 60 students were tested and proved to be stressed once applied the Inventory of Academic Stress. Two groups were created; one received 3 daily doses for 30 days at a rate of 4 drops sublingually of the flower mixture and the other received a placebo. Results and Conclusions: The Statistical analysis to determine the association among the groups (Chi-square test of Friedman) showed a significant difference (p <0,05). These results support the hypothesis that Floral therapy is effective in the treatment of academic stress. PPN 061 AURICULAR MICROSYSTEM THERAPY AND FLORAL THERAPY COMBINATION IN THE TREATMENT OF ESSENCIAL HYPERTENSION. BAYAMO 2011- 2012 Ramos K, Aguilar M, Ortiz Y, Rodríguez N, Díaz J Universidad Médica de Bayamo. Carretera vía Santiago de Cuba Km 1 ½, Bayamo, Granma, Cuba Introduction: The grade I essential arterial hypertension, regarding Natural and Traditional Medicine is a syndrome mainly caused by liver heat (Kan Yol Zung) or empty kidney (Sim Um Jo zung). Thus, the treatment is to energy balance by sedating the liver yang or toning up the kidney yin. According to Dr. Bach, the use of his floral remedies is aimed at relieving psycho-emotional. Thus, the general objective of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of the auricular microsystem therapy and floral therapy combination to diminish the levels of arterial tension. Materials and methods: A quasi-experimental study was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the auricular therapy and floral therapy combination to reduce blood pressure levels in risk A group patients with grade I essential arterial hypertension previously diagnosed during the January, 2011–January, 2012 period at the Provincial Natural and Traditional Medicine Center in Granma. Eighty patients who met the inclusion criteria were evaluated. The variables studied were age, sex, blood pressure levels, time of response to treatment, and adverse events. The patients were evaluated on weekly basis during the first month and then at 3, 6, and 9 months. Results: Female patients over 65 years of age predominated in the study and at the end of the first month of treatment 70 of them were stable, 9 had improved and 1 was not stable, at 6 months of treatment 73 patients were stable, and 3 months after treatment, all of the 80 patients remained stable. Conclusions: Our study demonstrated that the combination of auricular therapy with the stimulation of hypertensive and sedative loci with floral remedies 1, 18, and 21 is effective for the reduction of arterial blood pressure levels in grade I essential hypertensive patients, without serious adverse effects or the need of other medications. PPN 062 BACH FLOWER THERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF FEMALE CLIMACTERIC SYNDROME López Suárez JC, Cepero Franco S, Del Toro Mosquera G, Corrales Zamora Y, Cepero Carballo N Universidad Médica de Ciego de Ávila. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Morón, Ciego de Ávila, Cuba A prospective longitudinal study was carried out from January 2011 to February 2013, in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of Bach Flower Therapy to treat menopause symptoms. The sample comprised 60 patients who met the inclusion criteria.they were divided into two groups: 234 perimenopausal and postmenopausal women, which it was applied Bach Flower Therapy. The heat or hot flashes predominated in 88.9% of perimenopausal women, asthenia was more common in postmenopausal women by 87.9%.The psychic manifestations that occurred more frequently in perimenopausal women were irritability and insomnia, for 66.7% and 59.2% respectively. In sexual sphere dominated vaginal dryness (75.5%) and libido decreased (51.5%). After administration of treatment it was found that clinical and psychological symptoms achieved a rapid resolution. It was concluded that vasomotor and psychological disorders were more common in perimenopausal women, whereas sexual and general sphere predominated in postmenopausal women. There was a significant improvement of clinical symptoms present in patients to the extent that they received treatment with Bach Flower Therapy. PPN 063 CYMBOPOGON CITRATUS FRACTIONS, PROTECTIVE ACTIVITY AGAINST UVC LIGHT IN CAULOBACTER CRECENTUS Fuentes-León F, García F, Aguilera K, González-Pumariega M y Sánchez-Lamar A Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Facultad de Biología, UH. Calle 25 #445 e/I y J. Vedado, Plaza de la Revolución, La Habana, Cuba Ozone layers hole entails the increase in ultraviolet radiation of sunlight on the earth surface, raising the risk of skin diseases, even cancer, in exposed individuals. The use of vegetal compounds is a new strategy to protect against UV damage by overexposure. Substancies obtained from natural sources are less hazardous than synthetic products. They also have a huge molecular diversity and biological function. For that reason, evaluation of toxic and genotoxic capacity of these compounds is required before the use of its beneficial properties. Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf, also known as Caña Santa, is consumed as a popular decoction and has several medicinal properties such as: antiinflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, hypotensor, anxiolytic, expectorant and antiasmatic. Other studies have also shown anticancer, antitumor and antimutagenic properties. A lot of these studies were assayed in total extract, less in fractioned extract. In this work, we tested the cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and the ability to protect against UVC light of two fractions obtained from Cymbopogon citratus (butanolic and essential oils fractions). For this, SOS Chromotest and Survival test were used in the experimental model of Caulobacter crecentus (NA 1000 p3213 lac z). Increasing concentrations of these fractions (0.1, 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 2 mg/mL) were applied continuously: before, during and after UVC exposure (100 J/m ). Results showed that both fractions were cytotoxic at the highest concentration tested (4 mg/mL) and don´t possess genotoxic properties at concentrations lower than 2 mg/mL. These fractions increase the survival of Caulobacter and the induction of SOS phenomenon. Finally, butanolic and essential oils fractions don´t possess DNA protective activity against UVC light, even when they protect cells from radiation. PPN 064 PROGRESS OF ELDERLY WITH ANEAMIA DUE TO NUTRITIONAL DEFICIT TREATED WITH APIASMIN Morfi R, Suárez D, Beyris R, Jimenez I, Bouza F, Cañadilla M Centro de Investigaciones Apícolas CIAPI. Carretera de El Cano al Chico, Artemisa, Cuba Anaemia for inappropriate consumption of protein, some vitamin, iron, copper and other heavy metals is call nutritional. Apitherapy study’s well cared of human health by means of application of beehive products. Honey has a high nutritional value, the pollen that gather all essential amino acid even those that our organism can’t synthesize is the most complete food on nature whereas propolis rise up the immunological level. When those products are mixed is obtained a nutritional supplement very useful treatment for anaemia, called Apiasmin. Objective: To administer Apiasmin to treat nutritional aneamia on elderly as national nutritional supplement. Material and method: It was made a case study on the old people’s home Alfredo Gomez Gendra with a universe of 63 elderly and a sample of 17 fragile elderly with nutritional aneamia from January to March of 2013. The used methods were the historical, the documentary, the analysis and the synthesis. The checking of the diagnosis and cure of patients was made through 235 full blood test. The treatment consists of tow daily spoonful of Apiasmin. It was respected the informed consent of the elderly and elatives. Result: The 82% of the elderly (14) healed or make then feel better and only the 18% (3) do not healed considering that they present infections on many occasions which make their evolution difficult. Conclusion: Apiasmin is a new natural by-product of the beehive products useful on the treatment of nutritional aneamia on elderly. PPN 065 PHYTOCHEMISTRY DETERMINATION OF TWO SPECIES OF ALGAE GROWN UP IN CUBAN COAST Cabrera H, Frías Ana I, Dumeningo A, Rementol Rosmery, Romero A, Cuellar A Universidad de Ciencias Médicas “Dr. Salvador Allende” Carvajal s/n y Agua dulce, Cerro, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Marines products are an important source of drugs. Among them, algaes are a big source of new metabolites with potential uses for treatment several illnesses. Thereby this research work aim was to explain the relationship between the chemical composition and the antiinflammatory properties of two red seaweed; Dichotomaria obtusata and Galazaura rugosa that grow in Cuban cost. Materials and Methods: Red seaweeds were collected in Jaimanitas Beach to west of Havana City. To evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity a classic pharmacological tests in mice was used (ear edema induced by croton oil). Samples (fractions of methanolic extracts) were obtained using organic solvents as, dichloromethane, n-hexane and buthanol and they were assayed given topical dose of 1mg/kg/ear. Chemical composition was analyzed through qualitative tests, thin layer chromatographic (TLC) and HPLC. Results: In both red seaweed the organic fraction with dichloromethane solvent showed the best anti-inflammatory; 61.3 % of inhibitory effect for D. obtusata and 84 % for G. rugosa, in correspondence with the presence of lactones and fatty compounds in both cases. Conclusions: They were identified some groups of metabolites with anti-inflammatory properties presents in red seaweed. PPN 066 BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS AND PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF A HIDROSOLUBLE CRUDE EXTRACT OF PLEUROTUS SPP. MYCELIUM Morris H, Alcántara M, Llaurado G, Lebeque Y, Fontaine R Centro de Estudios de Biotecnología Industrial (CEBI), Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba Backgrounds: The study of bioactive components and the pharmacological properties of a hydrosoluble extract obtained from the decoction of Pleurotus spp. mycelium was developed in this work. Objectives: To obtain by heat treatment of an aqueous extract of mycelia of Pleurotus spp. using submerged culture. Determine the major macromolecular components and phytochemicals and evaluate the in vitro activity of the extract on the alternative pathway of complement and cytotoxic activity on human leukemia NB4 cells. Methods: Data collection and immunopharmacological evaluation activity in vitro. Results: The composition of the extract was mainly characterized by the presence of carbohydrates and proteins, with values of 70.4 % and 15.0 %, respectively. The spectroscopical analysis showed the existence in carbohydrates of β-Dglucans molecular structures. The phytochemical screening reflected the presence of different metabolites with immunomodulating activity, like tannins, flavonoids and phenols. The mycelia extract exerted in vitro immunopharmacological actions at the level of the activation of the alternative pathway of complement system, depending on concentration and incubation time; as well as, an anti-tumor cell-cycle dependent effect on NB4 human leukaemic cells, presumably related with apoptosis induction. Conclusions: The submerged culture allows obtaining immunoceutics biopreparations of Pleurotus spp. The phytochemical screening showed the presence of flavonoids, tannins and phenols. Spectroscopic analysis showed the existence of β-Dglucan type structures. The mycelia extract exerted in vitro immunopharmacological actions by the concentration-dependent activation and incubation time of the alternative complement pathway and an antitumor effect on cell cycle dependent NB4 human leukemia cell, related to the induction 236 of apoptosis. In view of these findings, the extract could be considered as an immunomodulating preparation, which would support its potential applications in immunotherapy. PPN 067 ASSESSMENT OF ANTIINFLAMATORY ACTIVITY OF Agave brittoniana POLAR FRACTION IN ULCERATIVE COLITIS EXPERIMENTAL MODEL González Y, Suárez S, Santiesteban D, Llerena T, Guerra de León JO, Nieto L Toxicology Center. University of Medicine “Serafín Ruiz de Zárate Ruiz”, Santa Clara, Cuba Introduction: The plants of Agave genus are rich in steroidals saponins, compounds that could be used in medicine due to their antiinflamatory properties. Agave brittonianaTrel. Spp. Brachypus, is an endemic specie of Cuba central region. We are acquainted with procedures for extracting and fractioning polar extracts. In this study, we proved the effect of polar extract of agave leaves that contain high saponins levels, in a model of acute ulcerative colitis with Spragüe Dawley rats. Materials and methods: This model is based on the rectal instillation of 2.5% acetic acid and on an oral supply, for 48 hours, of the agave extract to a 600 mg/kg dose, according to total solid determination. Four experimental groups of eight animals each were created. The first group was instilled with acetic acid without subsequent medical treatment. The second one was given prednisolone (10 mg/kg) after the colitis induction. A third group or negative control group, received ClNa 0, 9% via rectum and no treatment at all and the last one was the agave group. The reduction of intestinal damage, through macroscopic damage index and histopathology analysis, was evaluated. The values of myeloperoxidase (MPO), as an inflammation indicator, and malonyldialdehid (MDA), which is used to evaluate the lipidic lipoperoxidation grade, were determined. Results: The macroscopic results showed lower intestinal damage index in agave group compare to both no treatment group and prednisolone group. This finding is supported by histopathology analysis, where the least leucocytary infiltration grade and damage epithelial were exposed. The MPO and MDA values were lower than control group, with or without treatment, and very similar to no colitis induction group. Conclusions: The hydroalcoholic extract of agave leaves has antiinflamatory properties in a model of ulcerative colitis in rats. PPN 068 USE OF VIDATOX® 30CH IN PATIENTS WITH ADVANCED TUMORS González S, Casamayor Z, Guevara M, Morales C, Cruz N, Domínguez M, Espronceda M, Fernández J Group of Biopharmaceutical and Chemical Productions. LABIOFAM. Havana, Cuba Introduction: Cancer constitutes one of the first causes of death worldwide. Our country has the same situation, that’s why, the importance of modifying the life’s quality in this kind of patients. Objective: To describe the behaviour of the functional capacity of patient with advanced tumors ® treated withan homeopathic formulation of the Rhopalurus junceus scorpion venom (VIDATOX 30CH) and to describe the reliability of this product. Materials and methods: It was performed an observational and prospective study by the Medical Services of LABIOFAM. 2261 patients were included with confirmed histological diagnosis. Results: Prevailed masculine sex and epithelial tumors. More than 70% of the patients had a favorable evolution with the improvement of functional capacity and pain relief. The best answer was obtained with the frequency of ® administration of VIDATOX 30CH three times a day. Severe adverse events were not reported. ® Conclusions: The use of VIDATOX 30CH was effective and safe in the improvement of the functional capacity of the patients with advanced stage tumors. PPN 069 DIURETIC EFFECT OF THE PEPEROMIA PELLUCIDA IN RATS WISTAR Dranguet Y, Soler D, Silva J University of Medical Sciences, Guantánamo, Cuba Introduction: The Traditional and Natural Medicine is the humanity's cultural important part of the scathing one. The Peperomia pellucid is a small herb that grows in the humid places, in the 237 garden gavels and shady walls. Empirically the plant was an employee as diuretic, against the inflammations of the rectum and illnesses of the heart. However, preclinical reports to determine the diuretic effects don’t exist. The nefronas of the rats is similar histológicamente to that of the man and their filtrate glomerular possesses the same physical properties and chemical composition. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate the possible diuretic properties of the decoction of Peperomia pellucid. Methods: Wistar rats were used. To evaluate the diuretic effects doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg of body weight were used. A positive control group administered with furosemide (20 mg/kg) was used whereas negative control was administered with saline. The + + 2+ urinary excretion of Na , K , Cl and Ca and P were also determined. Results:. The dose of 200 mg/kg demonstrated highest diuretic effect when compared with 400 mg/kg. When comparing with the furosemida it was observed that the excretion of potassium in urine diminishes, which suggests a diuretic action acting as thrifty of potassium. Conclusions: Our results demonstrated the diuretic action of the decoction of the plant and support the empiric used of Peperomia pellucid as diuretic agent in traditional medicine. PPN 070 HEPATOPROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF AN AQUEOUS ETHANOLIC EXTRACT FROM THALASSIA TESTUDINUM IN THE DAMAGE CCL4-INDUCED IN RATS. 1 2 3 3 Rodeiro I , Coballase-Urrutia E , Hernández-Ojeda S , Espinosa-Aguirre JJ 1 Departamento de Farmacología, Centro de Bioproductos Marinos, CEBIMAR, Loma y 39, Nuevo Vedado, Plaza de la Revolución, La Habana, Cuba. E-mail: 2 Laboratorio de Neuroquímica, Instituto Nacional de Pediatría, México. C.P. 04530. E-mail: 3 Departamento de Medicina Genómica y Toxicología Ambiental, Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, C.P. 70228, 04510 D.F., México. E-mail: Introducción. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are products of cellular metabolism. ROS induce oxidative damage to several biomolecules involved in the development of several human diseases. Thalassia testidunim (T.t) extract have been recognized by the beneficial effects as antioxidant, hepatoprotector, skin regenerating, antibiotic, and HIV integrase inhibitor. Materials and methods Wistar rats (200–250 g) were used to induce liver damage with administration of CCl4 and corn oil mixture. Group 1: received corn oil (0.1mL/kg; v.o.), Group 2: administered CCl4/corn oil (1.5mL/kg; i.p.), Group 3: received T. testudinum extract (BM-21) (40 mg/kg; v.o.), in combination with CCl4 (1.5mL/Kg; i.p.), Group 4: administered with BM-21 (100 mg/kg; v.o.), in combination with CCl4, and Group 5: received BM-21(400 mg/kg; v.o.), in combination with CCl4. The groups 2, 3, 4 and 5 were treated in the last 3 days with CCl4. The liver was dissected and homogenate for the analysis of antioxidant enzymes and lipoperoxidation. Date are analyzed by ANOVA, followed by Dunett´s multiple test. Results: The determination of the antioxidant enzymes activity, showed that CCl4 administration produced decrease (p<0.01), in the levels of all antioxidant enzymes, compared with the controls (Group 1), the groups treated with different doses of the extract enhanced antioxidant enzymatic activity. The lipoperoxidation levels are increased in the CCl4 group, however the groups treated with 40, 100 and 400 mg of BM-21 extract, showed less damage in a manner of dose-response (p<0.01). Conclusions: Thalassia testidunim extract contains free radical scavengers that showed an effective protection against oxidative damage induced by CCl4 in the liver. The product inhibited detoxifying enzymes CAT, GR, GPx, SOD and the GST oxidation and prevented to lipoperoxidation. PPN 071 TILIA AMERICANA VAR. MEXICANA: A SPECIES WITH HIGH ANTIOXIDANT POTENTIAL 1 2 1 1 Coballase-Urrutia E , González-Trujano M. E. , Cárdenas-Rodríguez N. , Huerta-Gertrudis B. , 1 1 Montesinos-Correa H. , Carmona-Aparicio L. 1 2 National Institute of Pediatrics, Mexico City, Mexico; National Institute of Psychiatry, Mexico City, Mexico. E-mail: Infusions of Tilia species are used widely in Europe and Latin America, due to its properties in traditional medicine as an anxiolytic and sedative. In different regions of Mexico inflorescences of TiliaamericanaL. var. mexicana (Schltdl.) Hardin (Tiliaceae) are often used by people for their 238 therapeutic effects. Although it has been reported the effects of Tilia on the central nervous system, the mechanisms of action involved in its therapeutic properties are still unknown. The aim of this study was determine its ability as scavenger of reactive species that participate in the oxidative state. Inflorescences and leaves of Tilia were collected in Puebla, Mexico in 2010 (voucher No. 131613, Herbarium of the Faculty of Sciences of National Autonomous University of Mexico), and prepare in different extracts, by using maceration with solvents in increasing polarity (hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol). The solvent-free crude extracts were tested through spectrophotometric techniques to determine their antioxidant capacity against the reactive species ●superoxide radical anion (O2 ), hypochlorous acid (HOCl), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and oxygen 1 singlet ( O2). Our results showed IC50 (µg/mL) in all the extracts of Tilia suggesting their ability to trap the reactive species studied. However, only the ethyl acetate extract from inflorescences and leaves (IC50: 0.037±0.001 and 0.48±0.012 µg/mL respectively), and methanol extract from leaves (IC50: 0.80±0.001 µg/mL) were statistically significant compared with the reference compound, GSH (IC50: 7.58±0.25 µg/mL). The results obtained suggested that the different extracts of Tilia have a high potential as an antioxidant. PPN 072 ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY OF Moringa oleifera Lam: DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW TABLET FORMULATION Lemus Z, Chong A Empresa Laboratorio Farmacéutico “Oriente”, Calle 5. S/N Rpto. 30 de Noviembre, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba The medicinal plant Moringa oleifera L., commonly named moringa or paraíso francés in Cuba, horse-radish tree in Florida (USA) and ben olifère in Haití, is an small tree native from Northwest India, where is cultivated since prehistorical times. Nowadays it grows in tropical regions in the entire world. According to the Indian medical texts, this plant has more medicinal properties than any other, its medicinal parts being leaves, barks, nuts and roots, which have numerous uses in traditional medicine. In this work several ethnopharmacological references were revised and the ethnopharmacological profile of the plant is presented. This plant is mainly used in folk medicine as analgesic, antibacterial, antiinflammatory, antispasmodic, cardiotonic, diuretic, emetic, hypotensive, laxative, stimulant and vermifuge. Additionally, results regarding the technological development of a new tablet formulation from leaves are also discussed. Several combinations of the disintegrant (sodium starch glycolate and croscarmellose sodium) were used in the external and the inner phases or in both of them in order to obtain the best disaggregation of the tablet, which is a critical parameter in this compressed form. Physical qualification of the tablet demonstrated that the formulation is suitable for its future commercialization. Indeed, this formulation is currently under evaluation for its quality control and stability in order to obtain its approval as a new herbal product. PPN 073 HARVEST, POSTHARVEST AND LAB QUALITY CONTROL MONITORING SYSTEM FOR AROMATIC ESSENTIAL OILS Abuín A, Rodríguez Y, Boan M, Torrientes D, Gonzáles R, Bacallao M, Pensado L, Moreno E Matanzas Medical Science University, Km 101 Carr. Central, Matanzas, Cuba Introduction:The monitoring of eco-climatic, agriculturals, technological and formulation making variables are utmost importance to determine if a pharmaceutical product derived of medicinal plants he fulfills specificities for which it was conceived. Materials and Methods: We make a file that contains a “Good Practices” focus in Agriculture and Recolection (GPAR), in Lab (GPL ) and Making Formulation (GPM) show critical points control of the full life cycle, from his genetic origin, planting, cultural attentions, harvest, postsharvest, secondary processing to final formulation. Around 14 items with 108 monitored variables were identified, getting registered the factors that can influence quality and quantity of active phytocomplex. For validation in situ our system, we proceeded to Matricaria's recutita production in “Agroecologic Transition” farmstead according to Cuban Standard NC 500-2010. 239 The characteristic essential oil was obtained by steam distillation of dry flowers. Convenient sample runing in Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) plates movable phase in a mixture of Toluene and Ethyl Acetate. The selected biomarker for our system of monitoring was Camazulene. A calibration curve in increasing concentrations of essential oil we runed and read by optic density (D.O.), using a Cuban LASER optic Densitometer “DENSYSTEM LD 02” that detect and quantify a blue chamazulene visible spot of the chromatographic plate in every application. The position, height and surface area of every peak were determined and the data of chamazulene peaks were processed in acceptable linearity of optic density in relation to concentration. We got a lineal correlation equation Y([Chamazulene])= F([D.O.]) Results: The system of complete cycle quality monitoring production of these products guarantees the record and trazability of critical points and his intervals of tolerance, that determine the measurement of the quality of aromatic therapeutic essential oils. PPN 074 MAIN ITEMS IN THE PRODUCTION OF NATURAL MEDICINES IN PINAR DEL RIO 1990-2009 Callava C, Rivera N, Olivera L Programa Medicina Natural y Tradicional, Dirección Provincial Pinar del Río, Cuba Introduction: The techniques of Tradicional and Natural Medicine occupy since several years ago, an important place in the national and international health. It is a reality the effectiveness of a great quantity of natural products in the treatment of diferent illnesses as in Medicine as in Odontology, although there are problems due to do the low scientific knowledge of those products, toguether with other problems of organization in the process of planification and production. Methods: Because of these problems a descriptive study was carried out to describe the main ítems in the production of natural medicines in Pinar del Río, since 1990 until 2009, in wich we analized in details, using the methods of the cientific investigation , the incresement of the volumen of production, the decresement the variety of the products, the relationships between flask per habitants, the pharmacological groups more represented and the most fitomedicines produced. Results: The plans of production shows a tendency to the cumpliment been 2000 the best year for the cumpliment, there existed a progress in relation to flask habitant, indicator of the stability, access and equity for the population. There was a decresement the variety of the products from 370 in 1993 to 56 in 2009, looking for a betteer relation to quality. The more produced natural medicine were corresponding to pharmacological groups according to breath, skin, and digestives. The great quantity of natural medicines were corresponding to the derivated of the aloe products, with the Imefasma as the most produced. PPN 075 ACUTE TOXICOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF TWO EXTRACTS OBTAINED FROM LEAVES OF GUANÁBANA (ANNONA MURICATA. L) IN MICE Isidrón M, Hernández I, Hernández Y, González K, Rodríguez D, Herrera L, Martínez D, Del Vallin T, Rodeiro I Universidad Agraria de la Habana (UNAH), Autopista Nacional km. 23, San José de las Las Lajas, Mayabeque, Cuba Annona muricata belong to the family Annonaceae (Guanábana). The medicinal and nutritional uses have been exploited by the native Indians before the discovery of this continent. In America and tropical areas of the Caribbean Island, these fruit have been preserved by tradition, but are still unknown as crop plants. Anonaceas are a productive promising resource of a group of compounds called acetogenines which nave antineoplastic, as well as antibiotic properties, they also have antihelmintic and antiparasitary effects. However, up to date, there are none reports in our country about if products obtained from leaves of Guanabana tree (Annona muricata L.) have the potentiality of inducing toxic effects to man. A preliminary acute toxicological evaluation of two extracts prepared from is reported at this work. Acute toxicity of both extracts was evaluated in mice of both sexes by oral administration. Under these experimental conditions, it showed no 240 lethality at the limit doses of 2 000 mg/kg body weigh and only transient clinical symptoms during the first hour after administration were observed. That is to say, according to the classification of the OECD it is located in the category “without classification”, thus being considered potentially non toxic for humans. Our results showed that extract is not toxic product on these experimental conditions. PPN 076 ANALGESIC ACTIVITY OF A WATERY EXTRACT OF MATRICARIA RECUTITA L. USING TWO ALGESIC MODEL IN SPRAGUE DAWLEY RATS Valido Díaz A, Pizarro Espín A, Hernández Río M, Ruiz Perez R, Machado García D, Aparicio Morales AI Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara. “Dr. Serafín Ruiz De Zárate Ruiz”.Facultad de Medicina. Centro de Toxicología, Villa Clara, Cuba The Matricaria recutita L. species is a plant greatly used by the population, the use of this plant has been mentioned in affections that involve painful or inflammatory episodes. The present study is carried out with the objective of checking experimentally, for the first time, the analgesic effect of a watery extract of this plant in rats. An experimental study was developed, of preclinical rehearsal to randomized blind double, through two experimental techniques: contortion‘s induction with acetic acid in 5 groups of 8 animals each one and the hot plate proves with 5 groups of 6 animals each one. The study was carried out in the Toxicology’s Center (CENTOX.) of the Medical University of Villa Clara, in November of 2011. In each test, 3 groups were created and received dose of 200, 400 and 800 mg/Kg of the extract of Matricariarecutita L. and 2 controls groups; negative with placebo and positive with AcetilSalisilic Acid and Morphine’s Sulfate respectively. It were applied as descriptive statisticians the stocking and the standard deviation. The analgesic effect of the extract of the Matricariarecutita L. was proven by means of the pattern of contortions, to the doses of 400 and 800 mg/Kg, with moderate inhibition percents but superiors to the used negative control. In the test of the hot plate the plant showed activity to the dose of 800m/Kg. Concluding, the watery extract of Matricariarecutita L. presented a moderate analgesic activity to dose of 800 mg/Kg of weight when comparing with the reference medication. PPN 077 ANTI-DIABETIC, ANTIOXIDANT AND ANTI-INFLAMMATORY EFFECTS OF MOMORDICA CHARANTIA L PLANT EXTRACT Menéndez R, Lagarto A, Bellma A, Núñez Y, Nguyen Hang PT, Phoung NT, Martínez D Drug Research and Development Center. CIDEM. 17 No. 6208 e/ 62 y 64, Playa, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Among the many plants that are recognized with antihyperglycemic effect, Momordica charantia L is one of the most documented. Its fruits, leaves and roots have been shown to exhibit antidiabetic action in experimental models and human. This study was undertaken to evaluatethe McharantiaL foliage extractobtained in our center by spray dryer,for its anti-hyperglycemic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Materials and Methods: The antihyperglycemic effect was determined by using normal rats, glucose tolerance test in normal healthy rats and alloxan-induced diabetic mice. All were assessed by glucose determination in serum and by comparison with glibenclamide as positive control. Radical trapping properties “in -● ●+ ●+ ● vitro” were assayed against DPPH , ABTS , R-OO and O2 and the anti-inflammatory effects were studied by using cottonpellet in mice and carrageenan-induced pleuresy in rats. In both, classical drugs were used as positive controls and the extract was administered at doses effective as antidiabetic agent. Results: Significant decrease in blood glucose (15 min - 2 h) was seen in normal rats after acute oral administration (50 and 150 mg/kg) with a maximum fall of 74 and 68%, respectively. In the oral glucose tolerance test, pretreatment with the extract(25, 50 and 100 mg/kg) decreasedblood glucose between 15 min and 1h in the manner similar than glibenclamide (10 mg/kg). A maximun decrease of 63.3% was observed (50 mg/kg). In alloxan-administered mice oral administration of the extract (25, 50 and 100 mg/k)significantly reduced serum glucose by 21.6, 44.5 and 58.7%, respectively, whereas glibenclamide by 53.4%. The plant extract (400 241 ●+ ●+ ●- -● µg/mL) scavenged “in vitro” DPPH (40%) and ABTS ,R-OO and O2 (IC5012,83; 58.3 and 20.58 µg/mL, respectively). Oral administration (25–100 mg/kg) to mice significantly reduced granuloma dry weight towards the value of dexamethasone and when administered to rats at 50 and 100mg/kg the extract reduced leukocyte migration and reduced the formation of exudate induced by carrageenan. Conclusions: These results suggest that the M. charantia foliage powder possesses antihyperglycemic effects. Our results also suggest that the antioxidant/antiinflammatory action of the extract may contribute, at least in part, to this pharmacological action. PPN 078 SYNTHESIS OF TRITERPENOID URSOLIC ACID DERIVATIVES 1 1 1 1 1 1 Alonso MM, Aguilera SL, Marrero JG, Osegueda MS, Rico M, Medina FG, Campos ML, 1 2 2 Herrera L, Ortega A, Maldonado E. 1 National Polytechnic Institute (IPN). Engineering Interdisciplinary Professional Unit. Campus Guanajuato (UPIIG). 200 Mineral Valenciana Avenue. Industrial Park Puerto Interior, Zip Code: 36275. Silao de la Victoria, Gto, Mexico. E-mail: 2 Instituto de Química, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Circuito Exterior, Ciudad Universitaria, Coyoacán, México, D.F. 04510, México. 1 Usolic acid (AU), a naturally occurring pentacyclic triterpene acid widely distributed in food and medicinal plants, is one of the most popularly studied pentacyclic triterpenes. Its biological functions include anti-inflammation, anti-HIV, antioxidation, antidiabetes, hepatoprotection, and anticancer effects. UA is constituted by a rigid pentacyclic sketelon, which is highly hydrophobic and makes UA poorly water-soluble. As part of our efforts in developing pentacyclic triterpenes as therapeutic agents, we were in pursuit of novel bioactive compounds based on UA, which enhance physicalchemical and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic properties. It is expected that incorporation of polar moiety onto the C-3 position might improve the water solubility and thus clinical utility. In this study, the synthesis of a serie of novel UA derivatives with distinct amines on C-3 position is reported. The compounds were prepared as followed: Esterification of UA with chloroacetyl chloride, produced the corresponding chloroacetic acid ester. Subsequent treatment of ester with differents amines, afforded the corresponding derivatives. PPN 079 SAFETY ASSESSMENT OF A MEDICINAL EXTRACT FROM CAESALPINIA PARAGUARIENSIS BARK IN A SUB-CHRONIC ORAL TOXICITY STUDY IN RODENTS 1,4 3,4 1,4 3,4 1,4 Sgariglia M , Honoré S , Soberón R , Sánchez S , Vattuone M 1 3 LABIFITO, Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia (UNT), Ayacucho 471; INSIBIO (UNT), 4 Chacabuco 461; CONICET. San Miguel de Tucumán (4000).Tucumán. Argentina. Introduction: Caesalpinia paraguariensis Burk. (Caesalpiniae) bark is used in Argentine traditional medicine to treat diabetes, atherosclerosis and skin affections. This specie is frequently used in Northern Argentine as “mate” additive. Although the absence of acute toxicity was determined already, nothing is known about adverse effects that could result from sustained consumption. Aim of the study: The present investigation was carried out to evaluate the safety of the use of bark infusion of C. paraguariensis (CPBI) by toxicity determination after sub-chronic oral administration in rodents. Methodology: the animals used in this study were free zoonosis and mycobacteria Wistar rats, of both sexes, obtained from Fcen/ICBME-HI (Bs.As, Argentina); OECD-408 criteria (repeated dose 90-day oral toxicity study) were followed and randomized complete block designs applied. Briefly, rats (N=18) at 9 weeks old, weighing 140–207 g, were housed in plastic cages and divided into three blocks defined by weight range (G0, G1 and G2). CPBI doses, 9 mg/kg WB (D1) and 45 mg/kg (D2), were administered individually and daily for 90 days, while control rats (C) received the vehicle only. The behavior, body weight, food and water intakes were followed weekly. Haematological, biochemical and organ parameters were determined at the end of the 90-day 242 administration. Some bioactive components (ellagic derivatives and others phenolics) present in CPBI were quantified by RP-HPLC. Results: NOAEL of CPBI was D1, and LOAEL was D5. The daily oral administration of CPBI did not result in death or significant changes in body weight, haematological or biochemical parameters; some urinary parameters were observed altered (P < 0.05) in males at D5. Liver, kidney, lung and pancreas histopathology did not reveal morphological alterations. Conclusions: The results showed that CPBI had no toxicity after oral sub-chronic low dose administration (D1) and indicate that the plant could be considered safe for oral medication. PPN 080 Vernonanthura patens’ LEAVES AND STEMS’ CHEMICAL - BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF OBTAINED ETHANOL EXTRACTS. PRELIMINARY STUDIES 1 1 2 Manzano Santana Patricia , Orellana Tulio , García Parra Marley, Monzote Fidalgo Lianet , 3 1 Migdalia Miranda , Peralta Esther . (1) Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral del Ecuador (ESPOL ) Km. 30.5 Vía Perimetral, Campus Prosperina, Apartado: 09-01-5863. Fax: (593-4) 2 854629. Guayaquil – Ecuador. (2) Instituto de Medicina Tropical “Pedro Kourí” .Habana- Cuba (3) Instituto de Farmacia y alimentos. Universidad de la Habana-Cuba. , In this work, it was performed a chemical-biological study of Vernonanthura patens ( Kunth ) H. Rob.’s aerial parts , Which grows on the Ecuador’s coast. This work begins with the obtaining of extracts, the isolation and purification of leaves and stems’s fractions and compounds of the species by extraction with ethanol in soxhlet, chromatography column with increasing polarity’s solvents and TLC. Structural identification was performed by Gaseous chromatography - mass spectrometry and NMR. Antileishmanial activity and extracts’ cytotoxicity was evaluated against Leishmania amazonensis MHOM/77BR/LTB0016’s strain and mouse neuroblastoma Neuro 2 A’s cells line, respectively, by following validated protocols of Tropical Medicine " Pedro Kouri” Parasitology laboratory’s Institute in Havana-Cuba. 110 compounds’s structures could be assigned by GC-MS, all ones reported by the first time for the species and only eleven had been reported previously for the genre. Of all of compounds, only four were isolated and identified by NMR techniques . Among the major chemical groups, it were found: hydrocarbons, free fatty acids and their methyl and ethyl esters , terpenoids (mono, sesqui , di and triterpenoids ), phytosterols , sugars, vitamin E, alkaloid and fatty acid amides . Leave’s ethanol extract showed antileishmanial´s selectivity and activity with IC50 of 24, 3 µg/mL and IS 12, more significantly higher than Pentamidine´s positive control (IC50 1.3 µg/mL; IS 9) such as reported for species that grows in other countries. All samples tested against the mouse neuroblastoma cell line Neuro 2A showed IC50 < 165 µg/mL, not interest considered concentrations to continue with assessments “In vivo". Investigation´s results are reported for the first time for the species. This work is part of research to validate and protect ancestral laritaco use in southern Ecuador. PPN 081 CLINICAL TRIAL PHASE III WITH SURFACEN IN PEDIATRIC POPULATION. 1 2 1 3 1 2 Barrese Y , Díaz E , Avila Y , Rodríguez V , Uranga R , Blanco O , Clinical investigators' group 4 and co-investigators of the institutions and coordinators of trials clinical . 1 National Coordinator Center of Clinical Trials (CENCEC). 2 National Center of Agropecuary Sanity. San José, Mayabeque, Cuba. 3 Pediatric Hospital "Eduardo Agramonte", Camagüey, Cuba. 4 Pediatric units of intensive cares of hospitals and superior institutes of medical sciences. Introduction The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is caused by the increase of the permeability from the alveolus-capillary and secondary barrier to lung acute damage, being a frequent problem in the intensive care units (UIC); it is heterogeneous in its etiology and physiopathology, and it can be lung or extra-lung. Recent studies locate their incidence among the one 1.6% and the one the patients' 7.7% entered in units of critical, and between 8% and the one the patients' 19.7% that require ventilation mechanics. SURFACEN it is a natural surfactant of 243 swinish origin produced by the National Center of Agropecuary Sanity of Cuba (CENSA), which has a sanitary registration emitted by the Center for the Control of the Medications, Devices and Medical Equipment (CECMED) from 1995 for the substitution therapy under conditions of dysfunction of the surfactant system lung, as ARD in the newly born with endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation. Objective To evaluate the use of SURFACEN in pediatric population. Materials and methods Design and conduction of a phase III clinical trial, randomized, multicenter, controlled, open and with two treatment groups, A: conventional (oxygenation and ventilation mechanics) therapy and B: SURFACEN + conventional therapy, in pediatric population with ARDS tried in UIC. SURFACEN, 100 mg, it was instilled by means of a probe endotracheal, every 8 hours for three days. For the evaluation were considered clinical, gasometrical, ventilators and imagenologic variables; as well as the detection and control of adverse events. Results and conclusions In phase III clinical trial 23 pediatric patients were included, 11 in the group A and 12 in group B. The use of SURFACEN®, combined with the conventional therapy, contributed to the satisfactory evolution of the patients, it improved hospital indicators, and it was tolerable and safe. PNF 001 Neuroinmunomodulación / Neuroimmunomodulation NEUROPROTECTIVE EFFECT OF JM-20 ON EXPERIMENTAL STROKE MODELS INVOLVES MITOCHONDRIAL STABILIZATION AND REDUCTION OF EXTRACELLULAR EAA LEVELS Ramírez-Sánchez J, Núñez-Figueredo Y, Hansel G, Pires E, Merino N, Valdes O, DelgadoHernández R, Porto-Verdecia M, Ochoa-Rodríguez E, Verdecia-Reyes Y, Salbego C, Souza DO, Pardo-Andreu GL Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos, Ave 26, No. 1605 Boyeros y Puentes Grandes, CP 10600, Ciudad Habana, Cuba Background and Purpose. We previously showed that JM-20, a novel 1,5-benzodiazepine fused to a dihydropyridine moiety, possess similar anxiolytic profile that diazepam and cytoprotective activity in dissociated cells cultures subjected to different neurotoxic insults. Here we investigate whether JM-20 protects against neuronal damaged induced by ischemia/reperfusion in vitro and in vivo. Methods. The effect of JM-20 on hippocampal slices subjected to oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD) was evaluated. For in vivo studies, Wistar rats underwent 90 min of middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). JM-20 (2, 4 or 8 mg/kg) was orally administrated 1 hour following reperfusion. After 24 hours, neurological deficit was scored and infarct quantification, histological, mitochondrial or biochemical analysis were conducted. JM-20 (8 mg/kg) was administrated at different times post-reperfusion to establish a therapeutic window. Results. In vitro, JM-20 (1 and 10 µM) added during reperfusion reduced cellular death in 31 and 51 %, respectively as compared to cultures exposed to OGD alone. In vivo, treatment with JM-20 (4 and 8 mg/kg) reduced total infarct volume in 89 and 98 %, respectively. The treatment also diminished pathological manifestations including neurological deficit, mitochondrial disruption and histological alterations in hippocampus, striatum and cortex. JM-20 (8 mg/kg) reduced glutamate and aspartate content in cerebrospinal fluid with respect to untreated rats and the cerebral damage even when therapy was delayed up to 8 hours after blood flow restoration. Conclusions. Present results suggest that JM-20 is a robust neuroprotective agent against ischemia/reperfusion injury with a wide therapeutic window in rats. PNF 002 EFFECTS OF JM-20 ON RATS BRAIN MITOCHONDRIA AND SYNAPTOSOMES. UNCOVERING ITS NEUROPROTECTIVE MECHANISM (PART I) Núñez Y, Pardo-Andreu GL, Ramirez J, Pastoris A, Ochoa E, Verdecia Y, Delgado R, Valmor L, Souzac DO Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos (CIDEM), Cuba 244 Introduction. There is an increasing interest in the identification of new classes of compounds that simultaneously target several toxic processes in ischemic neuronal cells, including at the mitochondrial level. Recently, we obtained a new family of 1,5-benzodiazepines, structurally different from the currently available 1,5-benzodiazepines due to the presence of a 1,4 dihydropyridine moiety fused to the benzodiazepine ring. JM-20 (3-ethoxycarbonyl-2-methyl-4-(2nitrophenyl)-4,11-dihydro-1H-pyrido[2,3-b][1,5]benzodiazepine) is a member of this family of compounds with an anxiolytic profile similar to that of diazepam. Its dihydropyridine moiety does not appear to interfere with the GABAergic activity associated to its benzodiazepine portion, but 2+ could confer Ca channels blocking properties, pointing out JM-20 as a potential neuroprotectant. Moreover, mitoprotection is another potential mechanism involved in the neuroprotective effect of JM-20, since it has been reported that Diazepam and Nimodipine, both exhibiting structural features of JM-20, protected neuronal cells in brain ischemia models throughout mitochondrial mechanisms. Materials and methods Thus in this study we evaluated the in vitro effect of JM-20 on isolated rats brain mitochondria (RBM) and synaptosomes (RBS) to find some clues about its potential neuroprotective action. Results. Mitochondrial membrane potential dissipation, reactive 2+ oxygen species generation, and permeability transition pores occurrence due to Ca accumulation into mitochondria are all events implicated in neuronal cell death mediated by the intrinsic pathways in the ischemia/reperfusion brain damage. We have observe here that JM-20 has strong antioxidant activity in RBM and RBS. This effect can be explained by its ability to accept electrons conferred by its low redox potential (-700 mV). Thus, JM-20 can compete with oxygen for the electrons “slipped” from the mitochondrial electron transport chain (at complex I and III), avoiding superoxide and consequently H2O2 formation. This molecule also inhibits 2+ mitochondrial calcium uptake, an effect that probably explains its ability to prevent Ca -mediated mitochondrial permeability transition, well known mediator of mitochondrial impairment. Others mitochondrial events associated with neuronal cell injury in ischemic brain damage, such as ATP+ dependent K channels opening and the hydrolytic activity of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase, were also inhibited by JM-20 in the low micromolar range. Together, these results suggest that JM-20 mitoprotection could be an important clue as to one of its primary/direct mechanisms of neuroprotection. PNF 003 THE EFFECTS OF JM-20 ON [3H] GLUTAMATE UPTAKE BY SYNAPTIC VESICLES, SYNAPTOSOMES, AND ASTROCYTES FROM RAT BRAIN. UNCOVERING ITS CELLULAR MECHANISMS OF NEUROPROTECTION (PART II) Núñez Y, Pardo GL, Ramirez J, Loureiro SO, Ganzella M, Ochoa E, Verdecia Y, Delgado R, Souzac DO Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos (CIDEM), Cuba Introduction. Although being a physiologically important excitatory neurotransmitter, glutamate plays a pivotal role in various neurological disorders including ischemic neurological diseases. Its level is increased during cerebral ischemia with excessive neurological stimulation causing the glutamate-induced neuronal toxicity, excitotoxicity, and this is considered the triggering spark in the ischemic neuronal damage. Glutamate transmission involves its accumulation into secretory vesicles and the subsequent exocytosis to the extracellular space. Accumulation of glutamate in secretory vesicles is mediated by vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs). This process is driven by an electrochemical gradient of H+ established by V-ATPase. We have recently observed that JM-20, given 1h after reperfusion at the neuroprotective dose of 8 mg/kg, significantly reduced the MCAo-induced increase in glutamate concentration in cerebrospinal fluid, compared to vehicle-treated. On the other side, we also identified the ability of this molecule to selectively inhibit the hydrolytic activity of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase, at very low micromolar concentrations. Since V-ATPases have similar structure and mechanism of action that F-ATPase (Nelson N, Harvey WR. Vacuolar and plasma membrane proton-adenosinetriphosphatases. Physiol Rev. 1999 Apr;79(2):361-85.), we hypothesized that the in vivo anti-excitotoxic effect of JM-20 could be mediated by the inhibition of V-ATPase. Materials and methods. To prove (or not) the above mentioned hypothesis we evaluated the in vitro effects of JM-20 on: (i) rats brain 245 synaptic vesicles (3H-glutamate uptake, proton gradient built-up , and V-ATPase hydrolytic activity), (ii) rats brain synaptosomes (3H-glutamate uptake) and (iii) primary culture of rats astrocytes and astrocytes-cortical neurons co-culure (3H-glutamate uptake). Results. We observed here that JM-20 impairs the H+-ATPase activity and consequently the vesicular 2+ glutamate uptake. This molecule also inhibits Ca -dependent glutamate release from brain synaptosomes and markedly increases glutamate uptake by co-cultured neurons and astrocytes. + This impairment of vesicular glutamate uptake by inhibition of the H -ATPase, caused by JM-20, could decrease the amount of the transmitter stored in the synaptic vesicles, could increase the cytosolic levels of glutamate, and will thus downregulate the transmitter release. All these effects contribute to explain the anti-excitotoxic effect of JM-20 observed in vivo. PNF 004 SCREENING OF A NOVEL SERIES OF SYNTHETIC ANTI-GLUTAMATERGIC STEROIDS AS CYTOPROTECTIVE AND MODULATORS OF IN VITRO INFLAMMATORY RESPONSES García-Pupo L, Núñez Figueredo Y, Tacoronte Morales JE, Delgado Hernández R Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos (CIDEM), Cuba Cerebrovascular diseases represent the third Cuban cause of death in the last decade, in which cerebral ischemia occupies the first places. Molecular mechanisms involved in the ischemic event include glutamatergic excitotoxic signaling, oxidative and ionic imbalance and inflammatory response. Therefore, design and characterization of new steroid compounds which retains its antiinflammatory potential with neuroprotective activity and decreased adverse effects is of vital importance. In our study we show the screening of a novel series of synthetic anti-glutamatergic steroid compounds as cytoprotective and modulators of inflammatory responses in vitro. Cultures of undifferentiated PC12 cells exposed to glucose deprivation and cyanide, were used as an in vitro model of ischemia and mitochondrial damage, to test the cytoprotective potential of the steroid compounds. In addition we setup up a primary culture of microglia from adult rat brains, to evaluate the inhibitory activity of the cytoprotective steroids in the production of nitric oxide and IL1β induced by LPS and IFNγ stimulus. The majority of molecules increased the survival of PC12 cells exposed to glucose deprivation and mitochondrial damage, while just a few of those molecules inhibited the IL-1β and nitric oxide productions, in the stimulated primary microglia. Our results suggest a critical influence of the chemical structural characteristics of each synthetic steroid in its biological in vitro activity. Moreover, the combination of cytoprotective and inhibition of pro-inflammatory mediators activities, two critical mechanisms involved in the etiology of cerebral ischemia, converts these molecular entities in attractive therapeutic candidates for neurological diseases. PNF 005 PHYCOCYANOBILIN INDUCES A PROTECTIVE GENE EXPRESSION PROFILE AND RESTORES THE REDOX BALANCE IN A MODEL OF ACUTE CEREBRAL HYPOPERFUSION IN WISTAR RATS Marín-Prida J, Pavón-Fuentes N, Llópiz-Arzuaga A, Fernández-Massó JR, Delgado-Roche L, Cruz-Ramírez A, Valenzuela-Silva C, Nazábal-Gálvez M, Cintado-Benítez A, Pardo-Andreu GL, Polentarutti N, Riva F, Pentón-Arias E, Pentón-Rol G Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), Havana, Cuba Introduction: Ischemic penumbra rescue is the main objective of acute stroke interventions, but they have shown low translational success. More thorough studies on the penumbra physiology would help foster the development of effective treatments. However, a common practical problem for its accurate dissection is the variability of the ischemic lesion size in focal models. The permanent bilateral occlusion of the common carotid arteries (BCCAo) in rats produces a global acute drop of the cerebral blood flow similar to the penumbra after a focal stroke. Here we used the acute BCCAo in rats as a model of ischemic penumbra to evaluate the effects of Phycocyanobilin (PCB), the C-Phycocyanin linked tetrapyrrole, on gene expression and oxidative status. 246 Methods: After the BCCAo, Wistar rats were treated with saline or two different doses of PCB, taking samples at 24h post-surgery. Global gene expression was analyzed with GeneChip Rat Gene ST 1.1 from Affymetrix, and for particular genes was used the Fast SYBR Green Real Time PCR Master Mix method. Redox markers (MDA, PP, CAT, SOD) were evaluated spectrophotometrically. Results: PCB differentially modulated 190 genes (93 up- and 97 down-regulated) in the anterior cerebral cortex, mainly related with the inflammatory response and the biosynthetic pathways in metabolism. PCB also positively modulated the expression of 6 particular genes involved in cerebroprotective processes such as remyelination, energetic metabolism, anti-apoptosis, synaptic plasticity and angiogenesis. Our results revealed a significant rise in the susceptibility to lipid peroxidation (LPO) with a concomitant reduction of CAT and SOD activities in the brain and serum of hypoperfused rats. PCB reduced LPO and induced SOD without any effect on CAT, suggesting powerful antioxidant capabilities. Conclusions: Altogether, our results provide evidence that may justify the application of PCB as a new acute disease modifying drug against ischemic stroke, for which further studies are needed. PNF 006 C-PHYCOCYANIN AND INTERFERON BETA: MOLECULAR MECHANISMS ASSOCIATED TO A NEW COMBINED THERAPY FOR MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS IN THE EXPERIMENTAL AUTOIMMUNE ENCEPHALOMYELITIS MODEL Nazabal-Gálvez M, Pentón-Rol G, Cervantes-Llanos M, Lagumersindez-Denis N, Llópiz Arzuaga A, Falcón-Cama V, Cintado- Benítez, Fernández-Masso JR, Cabrera-Gómez JA, Pentón-Arias E Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB). Ave 31 e/ 158 y 190, Cubanacan, Playa, Havana City PO Box 6162, Havana 10600, Cuba Introduction: Beta IFN (IFN-b) was the first agent to show clinical efficacy for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) treatment. In neurodegenerative diseases, neuronal and axonal loss is mediated by oxidative stress and cytotoxicity which constitute a final common toxic pathway. C-Phycocyanin (C-Pc) is a natural product and a main component of Spirulina platensis algae with antioxidant effect. Objetives: To study the gene expression profile in this model in response to both treatments in order to find the molecular mechanisms involved in the effect of a new combined therapy: IFN-b plus C-Phycocyanin (C-Pc) in MS. Methods: The effect of C-Pc and interferon beta was tested in chronic-progressive EAE model in C57BL6 mice. Finally, we compared the mRNA expression profile using Illumina bead-array platform in brain tissue of the EAE- mouse strain C57BL/6. The differential expression analysis was conducted using Bioconductor and Cytoscape plugin BINGO for Gene Ontology categories statistically overrepresented. Results: Both groups of animals have a positive response to the treatment. The C-Phycocyanin treatment significantly altered the expression of 681 unique genes in comparison with the IFN-b. Those genes were mainly related to neurological and immunological tissues. Interestingly, a larger number processes related to regulation of neuronal apoptosis, glial cell development and REDOX were involved in C-Pc response in comparison to IFN-b. But, the processes and the set of genes associated with regulation of immune system were favored in IFN-b treatment. The comparison of both treatments showed that there are a number of shared processes that have different set of genes involved. There are also several unique biological processes and genes that characterize each response. Conclusions: The mechanism of response involves same biological process but a different set of genes. Our results support a combination IFN-b/C-Pc as strong therapeutic candidate for the treatment of MS. PNF 007 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENT’S TREG CELLS MARKERS ARE UPREGULATED IN-VITRO AFTER IFN-β β AND C-PHYCOCYANIN STIMULATION Cervantes-Llanos M, Alonso-Ramírez R, Martínez-Sánchez G, Cabrera Gómez JA, ValenzuelaSilva C, Llópiz Arzuaga A, Milian Jordan A, López-Saura P, Pentón-Rol G. Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB). Ave 31 e/ 158 y 190, Cubanacan, 247 Playa, Havana City PO Box 6162, Havana 10600, Cuba Nowadays there is a growing knowledge of the pathogenic process that takes place in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) characterized either by signs of autoimmunity, inflammation and demyelination or primary oligodendrocyte loss. Reactive oxygen species (ROS), have been implicated as mediators of demyelination and axonal damage in MS. Interferon-beta is an approved therapy for MS, due to the immunomodulatory, antiviral and stimulation of neurotrophic substances and endogenous opioids properties. C-Phycocyanin is the principal phycobiliprotein of the Spirulina platensis, a blue - green alga, with several reports documenting its pharmacological properties as strongly antioxidant and antiinflammatory. After performing the molecular characterization of cellular immune response (TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-10, MMP-9, TIMP-1) and oxidative stress parameters (MDA, AOPP, Peroxidation Potential, SOD, Catalase, Total Hydroperoxides) we found a profound oxidative stress state and a significant down-regulation in serum levels of the regulatory cytokine, IL-10, in MS patients when compared to controls. Furthermore, in-vitro stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from MS patients with IFNβ or c-Phycocyanin, significantly up-regulated mRNA as well as surface markers of Regulatory T cells. Most MS approved therapies point only toward the inflammatory and immunological components. Still, there is an increasing need of approaches in response to the more complex physiopathological phenomenon of the disease. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of c-Phycocyanin suggest it might be used in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer, Parkinson and also MS. Moreover, in MS, our results support the combination of IFN-β and c-Phycocyanin for a wider spectrum and likely more effective treatment for the disease. PNF 008 EGF AND GHRP6 CO-ADMINISTRATION FOR CEREBRAL ISCHEMIA: DOSE RESPONSE AND THERAPEUTIC TIME WINDOW STUDIES Subirós-Martínez N, Perez Saad H, Coro- Antich RM, Berlanga Acosta J, García del Barco D Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Epidermic Growth Factor (EGF) and Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide-6 (GHRP6) have been shown to exert neuroprotective and neurorestorative properties in a variety of CNS injury models. Both molecules are endowed of citoprotective effects which block excitotoxicity, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis. The aim of this work was to study the dose response relationship and the therapeutic time window for the co-administration of GHRP6 and EGF in a model of global brain ischemia. Materials and methods: Transient global ischemia was achieved by a 15-minute occlusion of the two common carotid arteries. Several doses of the combination therapy and of the separated peptides were administered intraperitoneally during 3 days, starting at 0 hours after reperfusion. For the therapeutic time window study, the treatments were applied at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 or 24 hours after the ischemic insult. Survival, neurobehavioural outcome and infarct volume were examined. Results: The coadministration of EGF+GHRP6 showed a neuroprotective effect in the experimental model of global brain ischemia, evidenced by a reduction in mortality, in neurological deficit and in infarct volume, respect to the groups receiving vehicle, EGF or GHRP6. The neuroprotective effects of EGF+GHRP6 were observed even when administered 4 hours after the ischemic insult. Conclusions: These results suggest that the combined therapy with EGF and GHRP6 might be a good therapeutic strategy for the treatment of stroke. PNF 009 THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ZINC AND NEURO EPO IN TRANSGENIC MICE WITH ATAXIA TYPE 2 González Triana C, García Rodríguez JC, Rodríguez Cruz Y, Arteaga Pérez ME, Sosa Testé I, Jay Pérez D, Batista Castro Z, Garayburu de la Fuente G, San Jorge Y, Díaz Rivero BL, Forte 248 Miranda C, Mengana Tamos Y, Fuentes Morales D, Mantilla Gattorno N, García–Somines García J, Cruz Portales Y, Matos Díaz D Centro Nacional para la Producción de Animales de Laboratorio (CENPALAB), Habana, Cuba The spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) it is the most frequent form in Cuba, with the regions of more prevalence and world concentration of sick and families in risk of suffering it which doesn't present an effective therapy that modifies the course of the of the disease. One of the developed therapeutic strategies is the administration of erythropoietin recombinant human EPO (rHu-EPO) of low sialic acid (Neuro-EPO) another treatment effective is the supply of zinc (Zn) it has been demonstrated that both as neuroprotector and neuromodulator of the central nervous system (CNS). The objective of this work was to demonstrate the therapeutic effectiveness of the administration of both medications individually and combined (intranasal and oral) in animals model (transgenic mouse SCA2) as neuroprotective agents to modify the course of the illness, evaluating its effects in clinical nutritional and neurological parameters. 5 groups experimental group 1 (ataxic control), group 2 (Neuro-EPO treated), group 3 (Zn treated), group 4 (Neuro EPO + Zn combined treaty) and group 5 (control). The clinical course was evaluated for three parameters: age of beginning of the ataxic manifestations, clinical square and survival; and realized tests of neurological expression of motor and of the equilibrium coordination: Clasping, Sticker, Foot printing and Rota-Rod. The results showed retard in the beginning age and smaller frequency and graveness of the ataxic symptoms and increment of survival neurologically they manifested significant motor and of the equilibrium in the individual treatments, not being this way for the combined treatment. The combined treatment (Neuro-EPO + Zn), it didn't show positive results, while the individual treatments showed positive results as therapeutic alternative to modify the clinical course of the SCA2. PNF 010 PROLONGED ORAL ADMINISTRATION OF BM-21, AN AQUEOUSETHANOLIC EXTRACT OF THE MARINE PLANT Thalassia testudinum, ENHANCES REFERENCE SPATIAL MEMORY PERFORMANCES IN MICE García T , Morales RA , Palmero A , García N, Laguna A ,Valdés O , Menéndez R Centro de Bioproductos Marinos, Agencia de Medio Ambiente, Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: BM-21 the extract from the marine plant Thalassia testudinum standardized to thalassiolin B content (5.8 ± 0.9%) possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties. The present study investigates the effects of BM-21 on spatial learning and memory in mice. Material and Methods: Young and aged (17-19 month) OF-1 mice and Al-intoxicated Bal/c -1 mice (50 /day, 3 months) were used. After examining general motor activity by open field and rota rod test, reference spatial memory performance was assessed by Morris Water Maze. Latency to find the escape platform (escape latency, EL) during the training sessions, time in the target quadrant in the probe trial and the number of crossing were measured as indicators of water maze performance. Also oxidative stress parameters in brain were determined. Results: In young -1 animals (8 weeks) both, control and BM-21 treated ( daily, 1 month), gradually reduced EL; however the statistical significance was higher for BM-21 treated animals (P < 0.05 vs P< 0.01). Further experiments were conducted using lower doses and increasing administration -1 period (100 /day, 3 months) in aged mice and AlCl3-exposed young Balb/C mice. Our experiments confirmed that Al-exposed and aged mice showed more difficulties in learning the task when compared non-Al exposed and young mice, respectively. However, administration of BM-21 significantly enhanced cognitive performance by decreasing EL and by increasing the time spent in the target quadrant and the number of platform crossing. Al-exposed and aged mice also showed significant rising of malondialdehide (MDA) and a decrease of reduced glutathione (GSH) and superoxide dismutase activity (SOD). However, BM-21 significantly modified them towards the normal values of controls. Also, the increase of AChE activity observed in Al-exposed group was reverted to normal by BM-21 administration. Conclusions: Our results showed that BM-21 (400 -1 mg/kg ) has cognition-enhancing abilities in young mice after 4 weeks of exposure. Besides its -1 sub-chronic administration at lower doses (100 mg/kg ) can block age-dependent and Al-induced 249 declined in spatial cognition with a simultaneous improvement of oxidative stress in brain suggesting the involvement of antioxidant mechanism. PNF 011 NEUROPROTECTION IN A MODEL OF QUINOLÍNIC ACID TRANSPLANTED WITH BONE MARROW CELLS Serrano-Sánchez T, Alberti-Amador E, Pavón-Fuentes N, Lorigados-Pedre L, Diaz-Armesto I, Robinson-Agramonte MA, Bergado-Rosado J Centro Internacional de Restauración Neurológica (CIREN), La Habana, Cuba The growth derived neurotrophic (BDNF) it is a protein that promotes the growth and neural development. It has been reported that the lesion brain withr quinolínic acid reproduces some of the characteristics of Huntington disease. At the sane time, the use of bone marrow cells (CMO) it constitutes a therapeutic alternative that contributes to improve the alterationss associated to this model . The BDNF constitutes an element of value to evidence the mechanisms by means of which the transplanted cells induce its modulatory effect. The following work was guided to determine the concentrations of BDNF in cerebral areas in an animal model of rats injured with quinolínic acid, false transplanted and transplanted with CMO, using an ELISA kit for BDNF. Each experimental group was integrated by 10 animals. The lesion rich a significantly reduction of BDNF concentration in comparison with the controls. The animals transplanted with the DMEM used for the maintenance of the cells, didn't alter this concentration. However, the animals transplanted with CMO showed significant increase in the detected concentrations (post hoc Turkey HSD test, p = 0.000017). The transplanted cells modulated the detected levels of BDNF in the studied areas, and arguing the paper of this protein in the recovery of brain neuroprotection in an animal model of Huntington disease. PNF 012 BRAIN INSULIN RESISTANCE AND COGNITIVE FUNCTION IN AGING RATS: NEUROMODULATORY AND NEUROTROPHIC EFFECTS OF INSULIN ADMINISTRATION a a a a a a a Haas C.B. , Kalinine E. , Zimmer E.R. , Brochier A.W. , Hansel G. , Portela L.V. , Sousa D.O. , a Muller A.P. a. Departamento de Bioquímica, ICBS, UFRGS. Programa de Pós- Graduação em Ciências Biológicas - Bioquímica. Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2600 anexo, CEP 90035-003, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Fone number: (55)(51)33085557 Aging is a risk factor for the development of brain neurodegenerative disorders. The hippocampus neurodegeneration along with the disruption of neural systems has been implicated in the cognitive decline associated with aging. Moreover, impaired brain insulin signaling is involved in aging cognitive dysfunction. The main goal of this study was to assess the effects of intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) insulin on spatial memory, using the Morris Water Maze (MWM) task, and neural and mitochondrial plasticity in aging. Wistar male young (4 months old) and aged (22 months old) rats were i.c.v. injected with insulin (20 mU) or vehicle during five days. The neural plasticity and neurogenesis were increased by treatment just in aged rats. However, insulin improved spatial memory in the MWM and hippocampal BDNF levels only in young animals. Furthermore, insulin i.c.v. increased the extracellular fluid lactate levels in the hippocampus of young but not in aged rats. Mitochondrial H2O2 production induced by succinate was decreased in aged-insulin group relative to other groups. Also, the immunocontent of mitochondrial PGC1-α, a biogenesis-stimulate protein, was increased by insulin administration in young animals. In summary, insulin administration presents positive effects on neural plasticity, neurogenesis and H2O2 production on hippocampus in aged animals. PNF 013 NEUROPROTECTIVE EFFECT OF BERBERINE ON BRAIN ISCHEMIA IN VITRO MODEL: INVOLVMENT OF SURVIVAL AND APOPTOSIS PATHWAY Simões Pires E, Frozza R, Hoppe J, Menezes B, Salbego C. Biochemistry Department – Basic Health Science Institute – Federal University of Rio Grande doSul (UFRGS), Brazil. 250 Brain ischemia is one of the leading causes of death on industrialized countries. Berberine is an alkaloid derived from herb Berberissp. and has long use on Oriental medicine. Studies among the years have demonstrated its beneficial effect in various neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders. The subject of this study was to evaluate whether Berberine protects against delayed neuronal cell death on organotypic hippocampal culture (OHC) exposed to oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD) and the cell signaling mechanism related to its effect. Hippocampal slices were obtained from 6-8-days-old male Wistar rat and cultured for 14 days. Following, the cultures were exposed to 1 hour of OGD and then treated with Berberine (10 and 20 µM). After 24 h recovery, propidium iodide (PI) uptake was analyzed and it was observed a decrease on PI uptake on OGD Ber-treated culture, which means a decrease on cellular death. Western blot analysis showed that proteins Akt, GSK3β and JNK appear to play a role on Ber-mediated neuroprotection. Furthermore, capase-3 activity of OGD Ber-treated culture was diminished by control level on a fluorimetry assay. These findings suggest that Berberine-mediated neuroprotection after ischemia involves Akt/GSK3β survival/apoptotic signaling pathway as well as JNK and caspase-3 activity inhibition. PNF 014 A LOW DOSE OF DIAZEPAM REDUCES ANXIETY-LIKE BEHAVIOR IN WEANLING RATS IN THE ELEVATED PLUS-MAZE TEST a a a a a,b Guillén-Ruiz G , Bernal-Morales B , Cueto-Escobedo J ,Rodríguez-Landa JF , Contreras CM .,,,, a Laboratorio de Neurofarmacología, Instituto de Neuroetología, Universidad Veracruzana.Av. Dr. Luis Castelazo s/n Col. Industrial Las Ánimas, Xalapa 91190, Veracruz, México. b Unidad Periférica Xalapa. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Av. Dr. Luis Castelazo s/n Col. Industrial Las Ánimas, Xalapa 91190, Veracruz, México. Introduction: Although clinical and experimental evidences have shown anxiety indicators in very young subjects, most of the studies aiming to identify the pharmacological properties of substances with anxiolytic effectsuse adult subjects. Additionally, the effect of anxiolytics in infants has been scarcely studied. The aim of this study was to identify the lowest effective anxiolytic dose of diazepam in post-weaning rats.Material and methods: Five experimental groups of 21 days aged Wistar rats included a control group (VEH: 0.9% NaCl, 0.3ml/rat, n=15) and other groups received different doses of diazepam (DZP): 0.1 mg/Kg (n=11), 0.5 mg/Kg (n=12), 1.0 mg/Kg (n=12) and 5.0 mg/Kg (n=9). These range of doses included lower and higher doses than 1.0 mg/Kg, considered it the most used anxiolytic dose in adult rats. Treatments were subcutaneously injected in a volume 0.3 mL/rat. One hour after administration, the rats were evaluated in the plus maze and open field tests. All procedures were performed during the light period between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Results: All doses exert any anxiolytic action, but a dose of 0.5 mg/Kg resulted the minimal effective, producing the largest number of entries and time spent in the open arm in the plus maze test as compared to vehicle, without actions on spontaneous locomotor activity. Conclusion: We conclude that infant rats require lower doses of diazepam than adults, which is relevant and may be considered in future studies evaluating the effect of substances with anxiolytic effect in this age. PNF 015 GUANOSINE IMPROVES FUNCTIONAL RECOVERY AND DECREASES BRAIN OXIDATIVE STRESS AFTER SENSORIMOTOR CORTICAL ISCHEMIA IN RATS. Hansel G, Ramos DB, Delgado CA, Souza DG, Almeida RF, Portela LV, Quincozes-Santos A, Souza DO. Departamento de Bioquímica. Instituto de Ciências Básicas da Saúde. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil E-mail: 251 Introduction: Ischemic stroke is a devastating disease with a complex pathophysiology. The sudden reduction in blood flow leads to a decrease in oxygen and glucose supply to the corresponding ischemic brain area, resulting in cellular bioenergetics failure, tissue damage and loss of neurological function. Oxidative stress plays an important role in ischemia/reperfusion injury, which has a direct negative impact on ischemic cerebral tissue. Material and Methods: Animals: Wistar male adult rats (90–100 days old). Permanent focal ischemia: Ischemic lesion was induced by thermocoagulation (+ 2 to − 6 mm A.P. from bregma). Experimental groups: Sham Saline, Sham Guanosine (GUO), Ischemia Saline and Ischemia GUO. Treatment:GUO (60mg/Kg diluted in saline) or saline, 1 mL/kg i.p. administration of the drugs immediately, 1 h, 3 h and 6 h after surgery. Cylinder test: animals were placed into cylinder and 20 touches were counted. Infarct volume lesion: TTCstating assay. Oxidative stress assay:ROS/NOS levels, neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression, lipid peroxidation, and the activity/levels of antioxidants non-enzymatic (GSH, vitamin C) and enzymatic defenses (SOD, CAT, GPx, GS) in the CNS. Results: Twenty-four hours after injury, GUO significantly reduced tissue damage and restored function of the impaired forelimb (maintained up to 15 days). GUO decreased lipid peroxidation and did not modulate GS activity. GUO strongly prevented an increase in ROS/RNS production in the ischemic area, modulating the enzymatic (SOD, CAT and GPx) and non-enzymatic (GSH and vitamin C) antioxidant defenses against cellular damage.GUO prevented a decrease of nNOS and did not modulateiNOS. Conclusion: GUO proved to be neuroprotective against ischemia, restored function of the impaired forelimb. The neuroprotection effect seems to be linked by the modulation of important antioxidant defenses in the SNC. PNF 016 CHARACTERIZATION OF L TYPE CA2+ CHANNELS IN SPONTANEOUS DIFFERENTIATED OLFACTORY NEURONS IN CULTURE, OBTAINED FROM BIPOLAR DISEASE AND SCHIZOPHRENIA PATIENTS 1 2 1 Solís-Chagoyán H , Calixto E , Benítez-King GA 1 2 Departamento de Neurofarmacología y Dirección de Investigaciones en Neurociencias del Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría “Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz”. Calz. México-Xochimilco No.101, Col. San Lorenzo Huipulco, C.P. 14370, México, D.F. GABK:, HSCh: In schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients, impairments in odor detection and in olfactory receptor neuron response to odor stimulation have been detected. L-type Ca2+ channels are involved in the chemical to electrical transduction occurred in olfactory neurons. Olfactory neuroepithelial cells in culture have been proposed as a model to study the physiopathology of psychiatric disorders and characterization of biomarkers for diagnosis. In this regard, we recently developed a method to obtain viable olfactory neuroepithelial cells by nasal exfoliation from ambulatory patients and culture conditions that promote olfactory precursors proliferation and their spontaneous differentiation into olfactory sensory neurons. The aim of this work was the characterization of the L-type Ca2+ current in spontaneous differentiated olfactory sensory neurons in culture, obtained from patients with the paranoid type of schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder type I (BD). L-type current recording was performed by whole-cell patch-clamp technique, employing Ba2+ to replace Ca2+ and superfusing cells with nifedipine (10 microM). L-type channels expression in olfactory sensory neurons was evaluated by double immunofluorescence with a specific anti-L-type alpha subunit antibody and with an anti-olfactory marker protein (OMP) antibody. Amplitude of L-type current in neurons of BD patient was 60% of the total amplitude of Ca2+ voltage-activated currents; this level of the nifedipine- sensitive current was similar to that in neurons of healthy subjects. In contrast, this Ca2+ current in SZ was 30% of the total Ca2+ voltage-activated currents. 100% of the cells immunostained with the anti-L-type channels antibody were also positive to anti-OMP antibody, which suggest that L-type channels are expressed only in mature olfactory sensory neurons. This reduction in L-type current in SZ is a potential biomarker that may differentiates SZ and BD. PNF 017 ACTION OF FATTY ACIDS ON GABAA RECEPTORS: IMPLICATIONS FOR 252 THEIR ANXIOLYTIC-LIKE EFFECTS IN WISTAR RATS. 1 1 1 1 1,2 Rodríguez-Landa JF, García-Ríos RI, Cueto-Escobedo J, Bernal-Morales B, Contreras CM 1 Laboratorio de Neurofarmacología, Instituto de Neuroetología, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa 91190, Veracruz, México. Email: 2 Unidad Periférica Xalapa, Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Xalapa 91190, Veracruz, México. Email:; Introduction. A mixture of eight fatty acids (FAT-M) identified in human amniotic fluid (C12:0, lauric acid, 0.9 µg%; C14:0, myristic acid, 6.9 µg%; C16:0, palmitic acid, 35.3 µg%; C16:1, palmitoleic acid, 16.4 µg%; C18:0, stearic acid, 8.5 µg%; C18:1cis, oleic acid, 18.4 µg%; C18:1trans, elaidic acid, 3.5 µg%; C18:2, linoleic acid, 10.1 µg%) produce anxiolytic-like effects comparable to diazepam in Wistar rats, suggesting the possible involvement of GABAA receptors, a possibility not yet explored. Therefore, the present study explored the participation of GABAA receptors in the anxiolytic-like effects of the FAT-M. Material and methods. Male Wistar rats were subjected to the defensive burying test, elevated plus maze, and open field test. In different groups of rats, three GABAA receptor antagonists were administered 30 min before the FAT-M, including the competitive GABA binding antagonist bicuculline (1 mg/kg), GABAA benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil (5 mg/kg), and noncompetitive GABAA chloride channel antagonist picrotoxin (1 mg/kg). Results. The FAT-M exerted anxiolytic-like effects in the defensive burying test and elevated plus maze, without affecting locomotor activity in the open field test. Administration of the GABAA antagonists alone did not produce significant changes in the behavioral tests. Picrotoxin, but neither bicuculline nor flumazenil, blocked the anxiolytic-like effect produced by the FAT-M. Conclusion. The FAT-M exerted its anxiolytic-like actions through GABAA receptor chloride channels in Wistar rats. PNF 018 METHYLPHENIDATE AMPLIFIES LONG-TERM POTENTIATION IN THE HIPPOCAMPUS THROUGH β-ADRENERGIC AND D1/D5 RECEPTORS 1 1 2 1 Carreño M. , Contreras D. , Zeise M , Morales B 1 2 Depto. de Biología, Fac. Química y Biología, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Escuela de Psicología, Fac de Humanidades, Universidad de Santiago de Chile Methylphenidate (MPH) is a psychostimulant used widely in the therapy of the Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and recently has become also a drug of abuse. Our and other laboratories have demonstrated that MPH modifies synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus. However, the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved are still unknown. We investigated the effects of MPH on LTP in hippocampus slices. 3-4 weeks old Sprague-Dawley rats were decapitated under halothane anesthesia, and hippocampus slices (400 µm thick) were prepared. LTP was induced and recorded in CA1 by applying a theta burst stimulation (TBS, 5 trains, 100 Hz) at the Schaeffer collaterals. Superfusion of hippocampal slices during 20 min with MPH, increased in a dose-dependent manner the magnitude of LTP from 134.6±1.2 % (controls) to 137.5 ± 2.8 7% (3nM; n=3,3; p>0.05), 163.4±10.4% (50nM; n=5,7; p<0.05), 194.3±5.8 (5 µM; n=6,8, p<0.01), and 196.4±4.2% (50 µM; n=4,4; p<0.01). The paired-pulse curves remained unchanged after perfusion with MPH, suggesting that the effect of MPH does not involve modifications of presynaptic components. The increase induced by MPH was inhibited by 5µM timolol, β-adrenergic blocker, from 194.3±5.8% (TBS+5µM MPH) to 152.7±1.66% (TBS+5µM MPH+Timolol); n=4,4; p<0.01). Interestingly, LTP increase was also inhibited by 5 µM of SCH23390, D1/D5 blocker, from 192±7% (TBS+5µM MPH) to 151.3±0.9% (TBS+MPH+SCH23390; n=3,3; p<0.01). Both effects probably are postsynaptic because the paired-pulse curves remains unchanged. These results suggest that MPH increases LTP in a dose-dependent manner involving β-noradrenergic and D1/D5 receptors through a polysynaptic mechanism. PNF 019 HEPTANOIC ACID INCREASES ACTIVE BEHAVIOR IN THE FORCED SWIM TEST IN WISTAR MALE RATS. 1 1,2 1,3 1 Saldivar-Lara M. , Gutiérrez-García A. G. , Contreras C. M. , Guillén-Ruiz G. , Molina- 253 1 Jiménez T. .,,, 1 Laboratorio de Neurofarmacología, Instituto de Neuroetología, Universidad Veracruzana. Av. Dr. Luis Castelazo s/n Col. Industrial Las Ánimas, Xalapa 91190, Veracruz, México. 2 Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Veracruzana. Manantial de San Cristóbal s/n. Col. Xalapa 2000. Xalapa, Veracruz, México. 3 Unidad Periférica Xalapa. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Av. Dr. Luis Castelazo s/n Col. Industrial Las Ánimas, Xalapa 91190, Veracruz, México. Introduction: Amineptine and tianeptine are clinically effective antidepressants; both contain heptanoic acid in their chemical structure. The aim of this study consisted in explore the possible anti-despair effects of the heptanoic acid in the forced swim test.Material and methods: We included 40 male Wistar rats aged 3 months and weighing 250-300g, assigned to 4 groups: one control-vehicle group (n=10), two groups receiving different doses ofheptanoic acid (1mg/kg n=10; and 10mg/kg n=10) and one active control group received fluoxetine 1mg/kg (n=10). Treatments were long-term administered for 21 days and then were evaluated in the open field test (5 min) andforced swim test (5 min).Results: No significant differences attributable to treatments were detected in the open field test. In the forced swim test we found that the heptanoic acid and the fluoxetine yielded less inmobility episodes (P<0.05) without affecting the total immobility time. The heptanoic acid (10mg/kg) group obtained the longer total time and number of episodes of climbing (P<0.05). Conclusion: We conclude that the 10mg/kg dose of heptanoic acid increases active behaviors in the forced swim test. PNF 020 COMPARISON BETWEEN TRICAINE AND BENZOCAINE IN THE BEHAVIORAL PROFILE OF EPILEPTIC SEIZURE CAUSED BY ADMINISTRATION OF KAINIC ACID IN ZEBRAFISH ADULT Rico, E.P. ¹; Baggio, S.¹; Mussulini, B.H.¹;Rosemberg, D.B.¹; Oliveira, D. L.¹; Souza, D.O.¹ 1 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de Ciências Básicas da Saúde, Departamento de Bioquímica. Rua Ramiro Barcelos 2600 – Anexo Bairro Santa Cecília Porto Alegre – RS Kainic acid (KA), is aconvulsantagent used for the study of seizures and for the development of anticonvulsant drugs.Zebrafishhas been proposed as model to evaluate the status epilepticus(SE) in both young and adult individuals. Here, westudied the influence of tricaine(TRI) and benzocaine(BZC) pretreatment onbehavioural seizure-stageinduced by KA inzebrafish. The experiments was performed using 72 animals (n = 12 per group), which KA were injected intraperitoneally with 4, 5, 6 mg/kg and evaluated the seizurebehavior and mortality during 7 days after exposure.The frequency of animals to achieve each stages was measured (median and interquartile range) which the latencyanalyzedusing one-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni posttest andthe mortalityby chi-square.The stages was quantifiedaccording the scale previously described (Alfaro et al., 2011)consideringstage V and VI, whole-body clonus-like convulsions and spasms.Our results express the seizure along time for each concentration, which it was observed that the scores progress rapidly in the first 10 min, with the predominance of V and VI scores between 10 and 20 min.Pretreatment with BZN showed lower latency to seizure stages compared to TRI when submitted to KA. Lower dose of KA (4mg/kg) for both anesthetics tested showed highest latency to stages V compared to other doses tested.Groups KA 6 mg/kg showed a shorter latency to the stages V when pretreated with BZN compared with pretreatment with TRI.The mortality was verified showing for BNZ 30%, 100% and 100% and TRI 10%, 20% and 90% at doses of 4, 5, and 6 mg/kg, respectively.Therefore, BZN and TRI has different responses to SE. Our results allow us to better understand the strategies regarding the use of anestheticsto induction ofSE in zebrafish and for studies related to excitotoxicity. PNF 021 CYTOCHROME P450 2J3 AND 2C11 REGULATION IN A LPS-INDUCED 254 MODEL OF NEUROINFLAMMATION IN ASTROCYTES Navarro-Mabarak C, Espinosa-Aguirre J. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Distrito Federal, DF, Mexico. E-mail: Introduction: Cytochromes P450 (CYP) is a wide family of enzymes characterized by carrying out the oxidation of organic compounds. In addition to mediate the metabolism of xenobiotics, CYPs also metabolize many endogenous substrates such as cholesterol, steroids, hormones and fatty acids to biologically active intermediates. CYP 2C and 2J isoforms, which have epoxygenase activity, are the main responsible of the arachidonic acid oxidative metabolism to epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs). Among their diverse biological properties, EETs have antiinflammatory actions. CYP epoxygenases and its metabolites have been proposed as a good therapeutic target to treat both systemic and organ specific inflammatory processes, even in the CNS. However, little has been described about the regulation of these enzymes during inflammation, an important issue considering that it has been reported that the expression of some CYPs can be modified with changes in the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6, IL-1b and TNF-a. We are interested in elucidate whether an inflammatory process in the CNS can modify CYP 2J expression and the mechanism by which this process is carried out. Materials and methods: We examined the effect of 100 ng/mL LPS on CYP 2J3 RNA and protein expression in isolated astrocytes obtained from the cortex of newborn rats. Results: The addition of LPS to astrocyte cultures caused a decrease in the RNA and protein expression of the CYP2J3. Conclusions: The inflammatory process triggered by the addition of LPS to astrocytes cultures is able to modulate CYP2J3 expression, transcriptional and in the protein levels of the enzyme, suggesting that inflammatory mediators such as cytokines or ROS may play an important role in mediating the regulation of this cytochrome in the CNS. PNF 022 IN VITRO MODEL OF MILD HYPERHOMOCYSTEINEMIA CAUSES MODULATION IN REDOX STATE IN CEREBRAL CORTEX AND HEART 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Longoni A , Koling J , Siebert C , dos Santos TM , Turcatel E , Herpich T , Grunewald M , da 1 1,2 1,2 Silva EL , de Assis AM , Wyse AT 1 Programa de Pós graduação em Bioquímica, Instituto de Ciências Básicas da Saúde, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, 90035-003, Brazil. 2 Departamento de Bioquímica, Instituto de Ciências Básicas da Saúde, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, 90035-003, Brazil. High homocysteine level is a risk factor for cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases. Some studies have shown a direct link between the accumulation of homocysteine and oxidative stress. Adult male Wistar rats (PND 60) were sacrificed by decapitation and heart and cerebral cortex were isolated, weighed and chopped: on a tissue chopper to 300 µm and incubated at 37 ° C in 24 wells plate with Dubbeco buffer pH 7.3 containing different doses (0 uM, 15 µM, 30 µM and 50 µM) of homocysteine at different times (30 min., 1 h and 3 h) of incubation. After incubation, the slices were washed with cold buffer Dubbeco, the slices were homogenized in 20 mM PBS with 140 mM KCl for subsequent analysis of oxidative stress (TBARS, DCFH oxidation, sulfhydryl groups, carbonyl content, SOD and GPx). In cerebral cortex, we observed that the different concentrations of homocysteine increased lipid peroxidation, DCFH oxidation and SOD activity (p<0.05) in all times studied, however, the concentration of 50 µM of homocysteine seems to increase carbonyl content after 1 h of incubation. In cerebral cortex, GPx activity was decreased at all concentrations and times studied in a concentration-dependent manner. In heart, homocysteine in the concentration of 30 and 50 µM increased lipid peroxidation and decreased the sulfhydryl content (p<0.05) after 1h of incubation. In addition, we observed that SOD activity was increased by homocysteine (30 and 50 µM) when incubated for 30 min, but its activity was decreased with 1 h of incubation (p<0.05). These results showed that this model mimics the effects of the redox state promoted by hyperhomocysteinemia in vivo, demonstrating the potential of this model to be used for screening of different therapeutic substances, although more studies are necessary. 255 Miércoles 23 / Wednesday 23rd PEC 001 TALLERES Y SIMPOSIOS / WORKSHOPS AND SYMPOSIA Ensayos Clínicos / Clinical Trials Farmacoepidemiología / Pharmacoepidemiology Farmacología del Dolor / Pharmacology of Pain Farmacoeconomía / Pharmacoeconomy Farmacovigilancia / Pharmacovigilance Cronobiofarmacología / Chronobiopharmacology Enseñanza de la Farmacología / Teaching of Pharmacology Productos Genéricos / Generic Drugs Farmacología Básica / Basic Pharmacology Pharmacogenética / Pharmacogenetics Otros / Others Ensayos Clínicos / Clinical Trials CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIALS: AN ACTIVITY IN INCREASE IN VILLA CLARA Rodríguez M, Méndez R, Marrero R, Castañedo Z, Arboláez M, Sánchez P, Herrera L University of Medical Sciences Dr Serafín Ruiz de Zárate. Carretera Acueducto y Circunvalación. Santa Clara. Villa Clara, Cuba Introduction: The clinical trials constitute the most rigorous investigations in the sphere of the health and let allow the evaluation of the effectiveness and the security of drugs, equipments and procederes. In Villa Clara this activity began to develop in the year 1992 starting from the creation of the Provincial Subcenter of Clinical Trials. Since that year, the number of professionals involved, the specialities, and the evaluated products, have being increased. Material and Method: It was carried out a documental revision and interviews to directive and professionals related with the activity for the summary of the information. Results and Discussion: It have been carried out 54 clinical trials in the territory, mainly with the Center of Molecular Immunology and directed to the therapy of the cancer. The lung localizations and breast cancer have been the most favored with treatment options in clinical trials. An increment was evidenced in the number of professionals, medical specialties and participant institutions. We could appreciate the correspondence between the health´s situation of the territory and the developed clinical investigations. Conclusions: Villa Clara has experienced a growing development in the activity of clinical trials achieving an increment of the scientific activity directed to the improvement of the medical care and the quality of the patients' life. PEC 002 SAFETY OF ANTI-IDIOTIPIC 1E10/ALUMIN VACCINE. RESULTS OF 6 FASE II CLINICAL TRIALS García E, Mendoza I, Ills D, Guerra PP, Viada C, Macías A Centro Nacional Coordinador de Ensayos Clínicos (CENCEC). Calle 200 esq. 21 Atabey. Playa. La Habana, Cuba The anti-idiotípic 1E10/Alumin vaccine is an antibody monoclonal (AcM) highly specific against the AcM P3 that inhibits the union from the ganglioside NGcGM3, present in certain tumors. To describe the safety profile of this vaccine, it was continued with the chronic use and in combination with the conventional treatment of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The objective was to evaluate the safety of the anti-idiotipic vaccine in the different executed clinical trials. Four studies phase II were designed (controlled and not controlled) and two compassionate drug use studies, in oncological services of the whole country, in the indications of breast, colon and no small/small cells lung cancer. 316 patients were included and received the vaccine. All patients received the product by intradermal route, dose of 1mg/ml every 14 days the first 5 administrations (induction stage) and every 28 days the remaining ones (maintenance stage). The intensity of the adverse events was evaluated by the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) version 256 3.0 and the causality was evaluated too. The most frequent adverse events presented in these studies were of local type: pain and reaction in the injection, local eritema, while the systemic ones were fever and chills. The biggest percentage of events according to intensity was between light and moderate. The immunization with the anti-idiotipic 1E10/alumin vaccine demonstrated to be safe and of low toxicity. PEC 003 RESULTS OF CLINICAL ERYTHROPOIETIN IN CUBA TRIALS WITH RECOMBINANT HUMAN Vargas A, Mendoza I, Pérez-Oliva JF, Sijó A, Piedra P, Saurez G, Román Y, Robaina M, Uranga R National Coordinating Center of Clinical Trials. Street 200 esq. 21. Atabey, Havana, Cuba Introduction: Recombinant Human Erythropoietin (Rh-EPO) is an erythropoiesis stimulating agent used as antianemic in diseases involving absolute or relative deficit of erythropoietin. Ior ®EPOCIM produced by the Center of Molecular Immunlogy has shown benefits in correcting anemia and reduction of transfusion requirements. We performed a compilation of studies with ior ® EPOCIM which evaluated the efficacy and safety of this drug. Hematological response were evaluated, adverse events (AE) and quality of life in some of them. ® Materials and Methods: Were conducted four phase IV clinical trials with ior EPOCIM in anemia secondary to chemotherapy in cancer patients, anemia in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in dialysis and anemia of prematurity in preterm new born. Results: Four Clinical Trials were performed: two clinical trials in anemia in cancer patients, adults (326 patients) and pediatric (157 patients), one clinical trial in patients with CKD in dialysis (617 patients) and one clinical trial in neonates (72 patients). In oncology, the recovery of anemia was achieved in 8 weeks in 68.8% in children and 77.9% in adults, adverse events in adults occurred in 97 patients (28.7%) and children in 46 patients (29.3%). In dialysis was achieved maintaining the hematocrit and hemoglobin above 30% and 100 g/l in 54.4% and adverse events occurred in 54.9%. Regard to quality of life improvement, was achieved only in the dimension General Health. In the phase III neonatal clinical trial, the 90.3% did not require transfusion. Adverse events occurred in 18 patients (25%). They are currently enrolling patients two phase IV clinical trials, in predialysis patients in CKD and preterm new born. Conclusions: Ior® EPOCIM shown to be effective and safe in approved doses and frequencies used in medical practice. PEC 004 EVALUATION OF THE ACCEPTABILITY OF METERED DOSE INHALATOR SALBUTAMOL HFA, 100 MICROGRAMS IN THE TREATMENT OF PRESISTENT BRONCHIAL ASTHMA Bermudez Y, Ávila Y, Cívico H, Uranga R, Ronquillo M, Valdés S, Oramas M, Toledo L, González I, Vázquez DN, Nápoles NA, Filiu J, Castillo A, Gómez M, Tasé R, Martínez R, Pérez M National Coordinating Center of Clinical Trials. Street 200 esq. 21. Atabey, Havana, Cuba Introduction: Asthma is a serious public health problem throughout the world, affecting people of all ages. The impact of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) on the environment has lead to apply a replacing strategy of CFC; hydrofluoroalkanes (HFA) which are evaluated are those that do not hurt the stratospheric ozone and that have been assessed in clinical trials with success as solvents and metered dose inhalers propellant. This study evaluated the acceptability of Salbutamol HFA 100 µg in the treatment of bronchial asthma, the respiratory airways functioning, the clinical evolution and safety of Salbutamol HFA. Materials and Methods: An exploratory non comparative, non randomized multicentric and open label study was performed. Cuban patients between 18 and 65 years with informed consent given were included. Patients with another bronchodilator, with severe psychiatric disorders, diabetics, with arterial hypertension, cardiac diseases among others, pregnant women and nursery period were excluded. Only one therapeutic scheme was evaluated in out patients according to recommended doses for Salbutamol HFA, during four weeks. Results: From 108 patients included, 93 (86.11%) accepted Salbutamol HFA. 257 The bronchodilator effect was evaluated in 26 included patients form hospital located in Havana, it was observed that 11(42.31%) of them a significative response of the variation of FEV1 and FVC. Clinical evaluation showed a significative decrease of clinical signs and symptoms. 136 adverse events were reported in 50 (46.30%) subjects. Conclusions: Salbutamol HFA, substituting Salbutamol CFC, is accepted by patients; enhance the respiratory airways and the clinical status and it is safe for asthma treatment. PEC 005 EFFICACY AND SECURITY OF CRANIOPUNCTURE VERSUS BACLOFEN IN PATIENTS WITH SPASTICITY Saumell Y, Herrera MB, Ramón López Peña Center of Molecular Immunology 15 Esq. 216, Siboney, Playa, Havana City, Cuba Spasticity is an exaggerated answer to the partial or total loss of the supra spinal inhibitory control on the spinal marrow. The modulation of spasticity in a consistent way is a problem of health that is not solved with the conventional drugs. That is why it´s necessary to search other alternative that present less secondary reactions for patients in a longer period of use. It was carried out a controlled and randomized clinical trial, with the purpose to evaluate the efficacy and security of craniopuncture versus baclofen in patients with spasticity, in the Policlinic Ramón López Peña of Santiago de Cuba. A sample of 60 patients was obtained, and randomized in two treatment groups with 30 patients each one, selected according to diagnostic and inclusion criterias. The control group was treated with kinesiology and baclofen, and the study group with kinesiology and craniopuncture. To evaluate the clinical improvement were used 5 scales of the American Neurological Association. The information was processed in the SPSS program version 11.5. It was used the percentage as a summary measure, and the non parametric test of Pearson with a P< 0.05 as significant. It was obtained as a main result a significant improvement to the 6 months of treatment with regard to the group who received baclofen. 19 adverse events of mild and moderate intensity were reported, all of them with very probable causality: 2 for the craniopuncture in the study group, and 17 for the baclofen in the control group. It concluded that the craniopuncture turned out to be effective and sure in relation to baclofen in patient with spasticity, being recommended the use of the same one as complementary treatment by the physiotherapeutic personal, and the continuation of the studies for a longer period of use. PEC 006 EXPERIENCES IN THE CONDUCTION OF A CLINICAL TRIAL IN PRIMARY ATTENTION IN VILLA CLARA, CUBA Lorenzo G, Ortiz RA, Rodriguez C, Norvel M, Rodriguez M, García MC, Artiles M, De la Barca NC, Alonso M, Castañeda Z, Mendez R Center of Molecular Immunology (CIM Delegation Villa Clara), Cuba Introduction: In 2010, the Center of Molecular Immunology, extended clinical trials to the primary attention health level by means of the evaluation of the therapeutic vaccine CIMAvax EGF, registered for the treatment of late lung tumors. The objective of this investigation is to show the experiences in the conduction of a clinical trial with CIMAvax EGF vaccine in the primary attention health level in Villa Clara. Materials and Methods: A Good Clinical Practices and Oncology training program was designed. There were selected the investigation sites using checking lists according to the requirements of International Conference of Harmonization (ICH) and Regulation No. 165:2000 from Cuban Regulatory Agency (CECMED). The coordinating clinical trial team and the elements or actions of integrality in patient’s attention in his locality were identified. The roles for the conduction of a clinical trial in this scenario were also defined and there were coordinated the diagnostic test execution and the distribution of the vaccine. Results: there were trained medical doctors, pharmacists, nurses and clinical laboratory specialists. 6 policlinics of Santa Clara were selected to participate in the study. 162 patients were included in the study which reached an survival average and median of 10,66 and 8,06 months respectively. There were no important adverse effects after the administration of the vaccine. It was reached an increase in the quality of life of the patients. Conclusions: primary attention health level has the conditions which 258 allow an adequate conduction of clinical trials which are intended to ameliorate the quality of medical assistance and benefit the quality of life of patients. PEC 007 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GOOD CLINICS PRACTICE AT THE CLINIC PREVISORA OF CAMAGUEY Infante E, Valls AR, Morales K, Ramirez M, Margenat A, Hernández J Universidad Médica de Camagüey. CPEC, Cuba , Introduction: In Camagüey developing a Phase IV clinical trial to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of CIMAvax EGF therapeutic vaccine in patients with tumors of non-small cell lung cancer treated at the Primary Health Care, sponsored by the Center of Molecular Immunology. Regulatory authorities require that the execution of the study is conducted in compliance with Good Clinical Practice standards in order to ensure the protection of research participants and the quality and integrity of the data obtained. Therefore this study was aimed to assess compliance with GCP in four of the services involved in the study at the Polyclinic Previsora. Materials and methods: We developed a checklist to measure qualification of personnel, conditions of service and the status of the study documentation. The sum of all items reached a maximum of 100 points. It was considered appropriate compliance with GCP if the score ranged from 70 to 100 points and unsuitable when the values were lower than 70 points. Results: In each service has a single investigator trained for this activity. There were adequate for research conditions but notes that the thermometer is not calibrated, do not have the crash cart in the room to administer the PI and the lab does not have the certificate of accreditation. All services have the required documents are current but have difficulty with Operational SOPs. Conclusions: An adequate compliance with Good Clinical Practices during the execution of the clinical trial. PEC 008 INTEGRATION OF MONITORING BASED ON RISK IN THE MANAGEMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SAMPLES IN LABORATORY Bueno E Centro de Inmunología Molecular Calle 216, Atabey-Playa, La Habana, Cuba Monitoring Based on Risk (MBR) is one of the most accepted by the control agencies and the pharmaceutical industries. The biological samples taken from the patients related to clinical trials are the basis of scientific research, but they are not always adequately monitored. The objective of this work is to propose a MBR for the management of biological samples. The study was made during a period of 8 months, 844 samples were analyzed in the CIM Laboratory. The Operation Normalized Procedure (PNO)-2366 and the schema of traceability were used, and 2 notes of arrival and departure of the samples of the laboratory. The MBR design was adapted to the infrastructure of the inventories. A Security and Data Monitoring Plan (DSMP) was arranged in order to optimize the Laboratory work, a PNO, a report, a check list with a distribution of 10 chapters and 61 items, a CAPA, a critical guideline and traceability tables were prepared. The incorporation of the MBR in the process of checking of samples was successful. This investigation was made in order to improve the quality of the work in the laboratory and we recommend that this kind of monitoring was spread for scientific research. PEC 009 AUDITS OF GOOD CLINICAL PRACTICE: TOOL TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF A CLINICAL TRIAL Alvarez S, González Z, Riquelme I, Saborido L Centro Nacional Coordinador de Ensayos Clínicos (CENCEC), La Habana, Cuba In the execution of clinical trials errors can be made that rebound in not wanted consequences, that is totally necessary to work with a maximum of quality, taking this into account the audits are an imp tool to detect errors in clinical trials since they allow you to detect the difficulties and to trace strategies to achieve a maximum of quality in the development of a clinical trials. The objective of this 259 was to design a strategy for the solution of the difficulties founded in audits to a clinical sites. investigation we worked with 7 reports of audits carried out between January and December of the by the National Coordinating Center of Clinical Trials to different clinical site of the Havana, correspo to 7 trials. The strategy was focused to develop a series of methodological activities that contribute to performance of the clinical investigators in the trial and work on the implementation of adv technologies with a point of view of the improvement the quality in the clinical trials, besides incre linking professionals in other fields with the profile of clinical trials. The audit to the clinical trials allow to have a working strategy to solve the difficulties and ensure a higher quality of clinical trials. PEC 010 CLINICAL TRIALS: FEASIBILITY´S EVALUATION Rodriguez J National Coordinating Center of Clinical Trials. 200 and 21 st, Atabey, Playa. Havana, Cuba Introduction: The development strategy of a new drug must be composed of parameters that facilitate the analysis of real conditions for the completion of each stage. In this sense the evaluation of the feasibility of a clinical trial is essential to measure the relevance, the clinical development of a product. The purpose of this paper is to present the strategy of the National Coordinating Center for Clinical Trials to assess the feasibility of a clinical trial. Materials and Methods: The strategy consisted in designing a tool for assessing the feasibility of applications for designing and conducting clinical research. Its development and content was the result of an extensive literature search, evaluation by experts on different topics related to clinical trials and implementation. Results: The tool for feasibility´s evaluation was composed for 4 blocks of assessment: Regulatory Aspects, Scientific-Methodological, Epidemiological and Logistics. The application of the tool allowed the evaluation of 63 applications corresponding to 34 new products from 13 promoters centers, 24 of which required a designed of strategy for their preclinical and/or clinical development. In all cases the analyzed trials reached approval by the regulatory authority and the time required for this purpose decreased. Conclusions: The tool allowed us to detect problems relating to information lack, it has shown that the use of this tool ensures minimal backup information for the clinical trial, speeding up the design and conduction of clinical investigation that will influence on the reduction of time necessary to obtain opportune results. PEC 011 PLANNING QUALITY IMPROVEMENT REPORT ADVERSE EVENTS IN CLINICAL TRIAL. Martín Y, Ríos M, Marrero R, Lorenzo G, Crespo JC Hospital Universitario “Dr. Celestino Hernández Robau”. Santa Clara. Villa Clara, Cuba The report and classification of adverse events (AE) is a process likely to be difficult, because often you do not have the knowledge and tools necessary to carry out the required quality for clinical research. An observational, descriptive, prospective research was perform in the September-November period of 2012, with the objetive of identifying the main weaknesses of the classification process and EA report and develop a plan to improve the quality of the University Hospital "Dr. Celestino Hernández Robau ". Reported AEs were evaluated in the clinical records of patients in 6 clinical trials (3 CIM, 3 IGBC) identified major deficiencies: inadequate classification (23), late notification and reporting of serious AE (3), no treatment recording AE (12) EA registration are not (5). Developed a Pareto diagram defining as nonconformity main misclassification of AE (failure intensity, causality, time, result). To determine the potential causes of the problem was used the method that yielded 635 as root causes lack of classification instruments, lack of training of researchers, overwork. A plan of measures was design to resolve nonconformities detected, mainly the training of researchers and implementation of tools for the correct classification of the AE. Deficiencies were identified in the process of reporting the EA process and was plan the improvement of the quality of the process. 260 PEC 012 THERAPEUTIC EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN IOR LEUKOCIM, HEBERVITAL AND NEUPOGEN AS TREATMENT OF SEVERE NEUTROPENIA AFTER CHEMOTHERAPY IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE LEUKEMIA Mendoza I, Carnot J, Fernández J, Robaina T, Piedra P, Hernández F, Cachimaille Y, Galano E, Robaina M, Valenzuela C, López P, Saurez G Centro Nacional Coordinador de Ensayos Clínicos. (CENCEC). Calle 200 esq. 21 Atabey. Playa. La Habana, Cuba Use of granulocyte colony-stimulating factors shortens the time to recuperation from adverse events associated at induction/consolidation in acute leukemia (AL). The objective was evaluated therapeutic equivalence between ior LeukoCIM, Hebervital and Neupogen in severe neutropenia in patients receiving dose-intensive chemotherapy for AL. It was phase IV study, multicenter, randomized, controlled, open label, which recruited 93 treatments cycles (36 ior LeukoCIM, 30 Hebervital and 27 Neupogen), in 61 patients. Treatment G-CSF beginning 72 h after ChT (5 µg/kg). The end point evaluated was severe neutropenia recuperation, number of doses required, febrile neutropenia incidence, infections and adverse events. Per protocol analysis, patients treated with ior LeukoCIM, recovered severe neutropenia at 84.8%, in Hebervital group 86.7% and in Neupogen group 73.1%. Responses proportion differences ior LeukoCIM vs Neupogen was 11.7% [IC 97%:-1; 9.0] (p=0.002), and Hebervital vs Neupogen was 13.6% [IC 97%:-1; 7.3] (p=0.008). Intent to treat analysis showed recovered severe neutropenia at 85.7% in ior LeukoCIM group, 83.9% in Hebervital and 74.1% in Neupogen. Responses proportion differences ior LeukoCIM vs Neupogen was 11.6%, [IC 97%:-1;11.0] (p=0.001) and Hebervital vs Neupogen was 9.8% [IC 97%:-1; 11.0] (p=0.003). The median to 9 time to recover neutrophils ≥ 0.5 x 10 /L was 10.0 days with ior LeukoCIM, 9.0 in Hebervital group and 10.0 in Neupogen group. There not were difference between group to neutropenia incidence (p=0.059) or infection (p=0.558). The most frequents adverse events were fever (89; 14.0%), thrombocytopenia (50; 7.9%) and vomiting (27; 4.2%), similar in all groups. Ior LeukoCIM and Hebervital, was equivalents to Neupogen. PEC 013 TEACHING PROPOSAL FOR RESEARCHERS IN CANCER CLINICAL TRIALS Valls AR, Madera J, Pérez K, Torres O Centro de Inmunología Molecular, La Habana, Cuba , Introduction: Clinical trials have a role in the development of new cancer therapies once the preclinical phase. Are experimental studies that require an extremely complex design. The domain, by the researchers, the methodology for conducting this type of study facilitates proper execution and obtaining reliable and useful results for later use in medical practice. Based on the high training needs presented by researchers and high assistance it difficult for them to graduate planned assistance with attending classes, we are motivated to design a distance learning course in oncology clinical trials. Materials and Methods: The study had three phases: a diagnosis where a test was applied to 32 researchers involved in Clinical Oncology in Camagüey province and monitoring reports were reviewed to identify the topics with more difficulty. Another design of the proposal and other ongoing valuation by specialists criteria. Results: 94% of researchers examined presented high training needs. Then identified the adverse event classification and application of RECIST are developed with greater difficulties in performing the activity. We designed the course in Moodle allowing individualized training, convenient, interactive and free of the constraints of time and space professionals who perform these investigations. Finally, a group of experts assessed the proposal with 98% acceptance. Conclusions: We developed a distance learning course on Clinical Trials in Oncology will contribute to the training of the researcher who will conduct such clinical research. PEC 014 QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH CARCINOMA TREATED WITH EGF VACCINE NON-SMALL CELL LUNG 261 Saborido L, Neninger E, Alvarez S, González Z, Riquelme I National Coordinating Center of Clinical Trials. 200 and 21 st, Atabey, Playa. Havana, Cuba Systemic chemotherapy in lung carcinoma prolong survival and improve quality of life. Combinations of two alkylating agents by one of the "new" drugs include a higher percentage of antitumor response, longer survival, reduced toxicity and improved quality of life. Previous studies have shown that EGF vaccine produced by the Molecular Immunology Center complies with the previously proposed so to assess the quality of life of patients participating in the clinical trial "Evaluation of efficacy in patients with advanced lung tumors non-small cell treated with EGF vaccine compared with conventional supportive treatment" was performed this work in the Oncology Clinic Surgical Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras. It consisted of an observational study, quantitative and longitudinal where 16 patients were included in the clinical trial participants generally apply to all test quality of life at the time of inclusion and then at 3, 6 and 12 months respectively. Questionnaire was used to assess the quality of life of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC QLQ-30). The analysis of the results was processed by the SPSS statistical package with significance 95% confidence. For both groups (vaccinated and conventional treatment) were not significant differences. Notwithstanding this improvement is seen for vaccine patients and aggravation to those included in the control group. PEC 015 CHARACTERIZATION OF DETECTION AND REPORTING OF ADVERSE EVENTS IN CLINICAL TRIALS Garcés O, Marrero R, Martín Y, Arbolaéz M, Méndez R, Rodríguez M, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara. Cátedra Multidisciplinaria de Ensayos Clínicos. Information on the safety of a drug is of vital importance, although there is evidence that reports of adverse event (AE) in Clinical Trials (CT) are sometimes inadequate. With the objetive of characterizing the detection, management and reporting of adverse events in clinical trials a research in Health Systems and Services was made, an observational descriptive, crosssectional, analyzed the structure and process of the system in the Celestino Hernández Robau Hospital, in the period from February to June 2012, using strategic planning as a methodological guide. The sample consisted of professionals involved in the CT. The characterization showed inadequate structure to be sufficient documentation with the procedures for notification of AE, material resources for the notification and reporting, and not defined process flowchart. 100% of the professionals expressed high needs of knowledge, lack of familiarity with the terminology for the classification of AE and regulation in Cuba for the report and there are no training courses. The process was considered unsuitable because of insufficient medical and nursing evalution and inadequacies exist with familiarization and filling models prompt notification and reporting, and being adequate treatment of AE. PEC 016 USE OF INMUNOTHERAPEUTIC PRODUCTS TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH CANCER IN CLINICAL TRIALS PERFORMED IN SANTIAGO OF CUBA. Griñan D, Saumell Y, Landazuri S, Clape O Clinical Trials Center of Santiago de Cuba, Cuba During the last three decades the treatment of patients with cancer has enhanced its possibilities with the incorporation of a fourth modality denominated Immunotherapy. This therapy can be used to complement some of conventional oncospecific treatments. The therapeutic vaccines against cancer constitute a new immunotherapeutic strategy that stimulates in the patient the immune response against tumour antigens. It were realized a descriptive study with a sample of 20 clinical trial’s protocols coordinated by the national Center Coordinator of Clinical Trials that has been executed in this province with the objective of describe the characteristics of clinical trial’s 262 conduction. Additionally, the quality of trials in accordance to Good Clinical Practices fulfilment will be evaluated.All the clinical histories were reviewed.The information was processed in the SPSS program version 11.5. It was used the percentage as a summary measure. This work summarizes the results obtained during 15 years in the management of clinical trials performed with immunotherapeutic products in Santiago de Cuba. In these years, more than 500 investigators of 25 medical specialities and 8 institutions of health have participated in clinical trials. Additionally, we have executed 20 protocols in 8 localizations such as breast, prostate, glyoma, lung, esophago, colon, ovary, skin by using 6 immunotherapeutic products from the Molecular Immunology and Genetic Engineering Centres, so around more than 200 patients have been beneficiated. Overall, all investigations have been performed respecting the ethical principles and good clinical practices. It concludes that the use of the immunotherapeutics products in oncological clinical trials, is very important for the survival and the quality of life´s improvement of these patients. PEC 017 APPROACH TO THE EPIDEMIC SITUATION OF THE WHOOPING COUGH IN CUBA DURING THE 2010 – 2011 Muñoz Y, Toraño G, Vega D, Menéndez D, Monroy E National Coordinating Center of Clinical Trials. 200 and 21 st, Atabey, Playa. Havana, Cuba Since the 1990s, resurgence in pertussis has been reported in many countries with high vaccine coverage. Despite the fact that pertussis vaccines are highly effective against pertussis, immunity from immunization is known to wane in the decade following the last pertussis vaccine dose. Outbreaks of pertussis are increasingly being reported, especially among infants. With the aim of confirm the clinical suspicion of the occurrence of whooping cough cases and to identify and characterize other bacteria recognized as potential etiologic agents of this syndrome, we performed cross-sectional descriptive study, which included 68 children admitted with a diagnosis of pertussis like syndrome in the Respiratory service of a pediatric hospital in Havana, between April 2010 and May 2011. Through the conventional method of bacterial culture, the isolated microorganisms were: B. pertussis (27.9%), S. pneumoniae (14.7%), M. catarrhalis (4.4%), H. influenzae (2.9%), Asperillus niger and Candida albicans (1.5% each). Between isolates of S. pneumoniae were demonstrated serotypes 6B and 23A and non-vaccine serotypes isolates. Alone an isolation of H. influenzae type b was identified. For all cases where diagnosed B. pertussis the identification was confirmed by PCR and tested in vitro susceptibility to antimicrobial treatment recommended (erythromycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin and others). Eleven of the 19 pertussis cases occurred in children under one year of age, in nine cases it was known that they had not yet received the three doses of pertussis vaccine. The results demonstrate the need to revitalize the microbiological diagnosis and surveillance of cases of whooping cough in Cuba. New preventive strategies are required to further reduce the impact of this infection. PEC 018 EVALUATION OF NO-INFERIORITY WITH CORRELATED TIME-TO-EVENT OUTCOME. A RANDOMIZED TRIAL OF TREATMENTS IN LEUKEMIA PATIENTS Robaina-García M, Arcia Montes de Oca N, Fariñas H, Mendoza I National Centre of Clinical Trials (CENCEC), Calle 19, entre 198 y 200. Atabey, Playa, Cuba Introduction: The methodology for the evaluation of therapeutic non inferiority has been developed for censored data uncorrelated but such applications are limited if correlated data are analyzed. Methods: We present statistical procedures for analysis with this kind of data of a randomized trial performed in patients with acute leukemia in intensive QT treatment. The duration of severe neutropenia in QT cycle was principal outcome. Several cycles were evaluated by patient (correlated events) and the interest is non-inferiority evaluation of two experimental products against a standard control using procedures of hypothesis testing and confidence intervals. Several multivariate models were assessed to obtain risk functions of the event in the study groups. To calculate the hazard ratios between the compared groups were used the 263 parameter estimates of the treatment effect from selected model. Since dependence structure was necessary to make modifications to the commonly procedures used to test the null hypothesis that the true value the ratio of two risk functions (r) is at least equal to a limit (r0=0,70). Results: The rationale for using frailty models and shared frailty models, instead of the Cox models is shown. For our data, the best fitted model was the shared frailty model with Gamma distribution for frailty and Gompertz distribution for baseline hazard time. We develop a proposal for the noninferiority hypothesis test in two populations also for the calculation of confidence limits (1-2α), α=0,025. Conclusions: The estimation of hazard ratio starting from shared frailty model made possible to obtain less biased estimates. The effect of treatment is conditionally independent of time so we suggest take the largest interval which corresponds to the minimum time observed like equivalence (non inferiority) limits. In the studied trial, the lower limit of confidence intervals at 97,5% level of hazard ratios of experimental treatment against control, in both comparisons was higher than 0,72, demonstrating non-inferiority of the products studied. PEC 019 BIOTECHNOLOGICAL PRODUCTS FOR THE TREATMENT OF ADVANCED NON-SMALL-CELL LUNG TUMORS IN THE PROVINCE OF LAS TUNAS Montes de Oca N, Trista Y, Vázquez M, Santiesteban E, Reyes D, Rúa M Universidad de Ciencias Médicas Las Tunas, Cuba Introduction: Within the group of malignant neoplasias, lung cancer constitutes the first cause of cancer and the first cause of cancer mortality. Objective: To asses the use of the vaccine EGF and the monoclonal antibody CIMAher in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung tumors in the period from 2009 to 2012 in Las Tunas. Materials and methods: A random open clinical trial was carried out in patients with diagnostic criteria who gave their informed consent to participation with the following treatment scheme 2 st nd Vaccine EGF. Pre-treatment with cyclofosmide: Day 1 (200 mg/m ), 1 immunization: DAY 4, 2 rd th th immunization: DAY 18, 3 immunization: DAY 32, 4 immunization: DAY 46, 5 immunization: DAY 76. Re-immunization: monthly from the third month using the same dose and the monoclonal antibody CIMAher. 200 mg: once a week during 12 weeks. Maintenance: 200 mg, once every 14 days. Survival and the incidence of adverse effects were assessed. Results: The patients with the monoclonal antibody CIMAher achieved an average of 13 doses, while those with the vaccine EGF got 4 doses, showing a survival in months of 10,25 with the monoclonal antibody AcM CIMAher and of 5 months with the vaccine EGF. Only slight and moderate adverse effects appeared. Conclusions: The use of these biotechnological products constitutes a therapeutic option for patients with advanced lung tumors. PEC 020 BEHAVIOR OF HEMATOLOGICAL VARIABLES WITH USE OF FERRICAL IN FEMALE BASKETBALL SPORTSMEN Espronceda M, Gaínza V Group of Biopharmaceutical and Chemical Productions. LABIOFAM. Havana. Cuba Introduction: Sportsmen energetic demands don’t make clinical normal hemoglobin levels be optimum to achieve their purpose. It is been shown the tendency in present below normal levels of hemoglobin, that is reforced with sport practice time, and it’s define as sport anemia; that is the hemoglobin levels are lower than the optimal for the amounts of oxygen need. Objective: To evaluate the behavior of hematologic variables with the use of Ferrical in sportsmen of National Pre-selection of Basketball during 2012 micro cycle. Material and Methods: An experimental, open and prospective study was made in 16 athletes.that integrate the National Pre-selection of female Basketball team, that have received supplementation with Ferrical in a dose of 17, 9 mg of heme iron daily, during 45 days. At the beginning, of the 21 and 45 days of treatment with Ferrical, were been quantified clinical, and lab tests variables: hemoglobin, hematocrit, reticulocytes, serum iron, ferritin, saturation index transferrin and corpuscular constants. Also adverse effects were identified during the study. 264 Discussion of results: Hemoglobin increase in a 100% was obtained in athletes that took part in the study, in relation with the initials values. The same results were obtained with the rest of the hematological variables studied. Conclusion: the supplementation with Ferrical was obtained the increase of hemoglobin levels in sportsmen and the tendency of normal behavior of the rest of studied hematological parameters. Adverse effects weren’t significant. PEC 021 IMPLANTATION AND EVALUATION OF A LOGISTICAL SYSTEM FOR THE INVESTIGATIONAL PRODUCT IN CLINICAL TRIAL Martínez L, Hernández R, Viada C, Torres O, Wilkinson B, Troche M Centro de Inmunología Molecular. 216 esq. a 15, Atabey, Playa, La Habana, Cuba; Introduction: The supply chain management of investigational product (IP) in clinical trials has particular relevance, inherent difficulties and growing challenges. The objectives of this work were: 1) to implant a logistical system for the IP, which is delivered to hospitals for the subjects’ treatment and; 2) to evaluate the quality of their service. Materials and Methods: Implantation was carried out in two periods: Preparation and Establishment. For the Evaluation, a methodology with indicators was created and 21 sites were assessed. The quality of service was equal to average of the quality punctuation for each stage (Distribution, Storage and Use); and the agreed acceptability criteria was 80 points. The quality punctuation was the summation of pondered means of deficiencies indicators obtained. To analyze potential significant relationships, the sites were grouped in Projects and Regions and also were correlated with variables such as audits impact, trials duration, sites attention frequency and IP handling complexity. Results: Implantation had an organizational emphasis and the pharmacist's protagonism was evidenced. The quality of service was 81, 14 points. There was better acting in Use stage. The major weaknesses were associated with the cool chain in Distribution and Storage; and the capital reached better results. There were low percentages of delays, errors, losses and outside temperature values. Audits and attention impacted positively, but duration and complexity didn't influence favorably. Conclusion: The implanted system conferred an acceptable quality of service, according to the defined objectives. PEC 022 SIDE EFFECTS ASSOCIATED TO THE EGF VACCINE IN PATIENTS WITH NON-SMALL CELLS LUNG CANCER Peacok Aldana S, Griñán Semaná D, Landazuri Llago S, Navarro Alemán R, Fuentes Gómez Y, Torres Santiago J Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba Avenida de las Américas S/N entre Calle E y Calle I, Cuba Cancer has increased with a great rate and mortality in our country. Lung cancer is one of the most frequent affections that has been seen in both sex. The therapeutic to treat oncological patients has been enriched by the use of immunotherapy as a way to complete the conventional treatment. A study was done to characterize he side effects associated with the administration of EGF (epidermic grow factor) vaccine in patients with non-small cells lung cancer, stages III and IV, the patients are attended in the service of pneumology in “Juan Bruno Zayas” hospital. The study was motivated due to the need of assessing the security of this new product. To obtain the necessary information seven clinical charts of patients with lung cancer were reviewed, 13 side effects were observed and most of then were related to the appearance of pain in the site of injection (57.31%) and wet cough (42.8%), the side effects were classified as mild or moderate and they were not considered a strong reason to interrupt the treatment. The most frequent relation degree of causality in these side effects was the possible (45.8%), followed by the conditional and the definitive, category in which pain in the site of injection was included. The medication was considered of an adequate security in the doses, administration via and indication use. 265 PEC 023 QUALITY LIFE OF PATIENTS WITH CANCER INCLUDED IN CLINICAL OF TRIALS Viada C, Ballesteros J, Luace P, Sánchez L, Fors M, Robaina M, Wilkinson B, Martínez P, Troche M, Fernández A, Frías A, Álvarez M, Santiesteban Ya, Santiesteban Yu, Sánchez Y, Montes A, Center of Molecular Immunology (CIM), 216 y 15, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: The Center of Molecular Immunology (CIM) is dedicated to research, development, production and marketing of human biotechnology. CIMAvaxEGF vaccine is a receptor that recognizes the epidermal growth factor receptor with high affinity for the treatment of cancer. The aim was to develop a one-dimensional version of the quality of life questionnaires QLQ-C30 and QLQ-LC13 by applying the theory of item response. Materials and Methods: The quality of life responses QLQ-C30 and QLQ-LC13 of 331 lung cancer patients including three clinical trials the following distribution: Phase II (65 patients), Phase III QVV (240 patients) and Phase VQV III (26 patients), became nonparametric Mokken analysis to determine the underlying dimensionsional structure and obtain a reduced-dimensional version, the Samejima graded response model to evaluate the characteristics of the items in the short version, and factor analysis confirmatory to confirm the dimensionality of the reduced version and evaluate the quality of the items for the latent variable. Results: The Mokken analysis resulted in two dimensional scales comprising 17 items related to the functionality and 13 items related to symptoms. All items showed higher scalability 0.30. The unrestricted model Samejima graded response was an appropriate way, and most of the items on the reduction of 12 relevant items having difficulty and discrimination parameters. The results of confirmatory factor analysis of the items shown two dimensional latent structures. Conclusions: The 17-reduced items for functionality and reduced to 13 items symptoms latent variables adjust to two-dimensional quality. Other studies of response to items, are equivalent for different populations, sensitivity to change and a minimal important difference guaranteed. PEC 024 RECURRENT SQUAMOUS CARCINOMA OF CONJUNCTIVE IN PATIENTS WITH AIDS AND NEW MODALITY OF THERAPEUTIC CONTROL. PRELIMINAR RESULTS Carnesoltas Lázaro D, Melgares Ramos MA Oftalmology Services, National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology, Havana, Cuba Squamous carcinoma of conjuctive (SCC) is a rare tumor with different geografic regional frequency of 0.02/100.000 hab in the high latitude and 3.5/100.000 hab in low latitude. The ethiology of this patology is multifactorial and the causes are high exposition to UV and also systematic infections like HPV and HIV. Those tumors have low potential of malignity, but in it natural evolution, this type of cancer are capable to provoke local recidive and distant metastasis and finally the death of patients. For this neoplasia, we have different ways of treatment like surgery, radiotherapy and local antineoplasic and inmunomodulaters agents. Today, the treatment of SCC is not standarized. For this reason, and with the aim to decrese the incidence and recurrency, we apply diverses adyuvants therapys. In this work, we report three HIV-infected patients with SCC recurrent diagnosis. They have a positive diagnosis of this kind of tumor and they have been treated in the Oftalmology Services of the National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology, in Havana Cuba.The patients have a conservative surgery and superficial radiotherapy at the begining of the treatment, later they develop a recurrency and the new treatment was quimiotherapy and cytostatic drops, with a minimal of adverses reaction e interactions of standarized of antiretroviral agents, after five years of following the evolution was favorable and the prognosis have been good. PEC 025 CIMvaxEGF VACCINES IN PATIENTS WITH NON–SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER TREATED IN THE PRIMARY HEALTH CARE IN CIENFUEGOS. Fernández D, Basante M, Lara G, Hermida R, Hidalgo M, Rodríguez M, Cuevas O 266 Universidad de Ciencias Médicas, Dirección Municipal de Palmira, 51 final entre Ave 5 de Septiembre, Cienfuegos, Cuba A number of therapeutic modalities are being developed to improve unacceptably poor outcomes in lung cancer. Cimavax-EGF is a cuban therapeutic vaccines, it was registered for a treatment of non small cell lung cancer by the Centre of Molecular Immunology. In Cienfuegos, since March 2011 to December 2012, 32 patients were included in the clinical assay phase IV developed in the Primary Attention of Health and they were treated with this product. In this study we proposed characterize these patients as for age, sex, scale of ECOG, initial stage and describe the adverse events happened during the clinical assay. As part of the study the medical records were consulted and the notebooks of collection of data and made a database with the study variables. Adverse events were classified by the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 4.0 for the U.S. National Cancer Institute. The result showed that the patients included in this study were between 60-69 years old, male sex; 50 % had a grade 1of ECOG and 65.4% were in IV stage. The more frequently adverse events reported were injection site reaction (pain), fever, headache, tremble, chills, hypotension, muscle and articulation pain and it had mild and moderate severity. Cimavax EGF is a new option in patients with non small cell lung cancer in our country. PEC 026 CLINICAL TRIALS COMPLIANCE? REGISTRY, WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR Jiménez G National Coordinating Center of Clinical Trials, 200 at 21 Ave, Atabey, Playa, Havana City, Cuba Introduction: The registration of a clinical trial on a public database before recruiting the first subject (prospective registration) is an ethical requirement established in the amended Helsinki Declaration in 2008 and, a condition for the publication of trials results established in 2005 by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. In 2007 the World Health Organization (WHO) launched the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform web site. However, the challenge in this field is compliance. Who are responsible and what can they do? Material and Methods: A full search strategy of documents published from 2009-2011 was performed using key terms related to clinical trial registries. The retrieved articles were reviewed for identifying different parties involved in assure compliance with WHO standards. The International Standards for Clinical Trial Registries was identified as the main document. Its review allowed the analysis and description of those actors playing an important role in assuring compliance. Results and Discussion: The sponsors (Responsible Registrants) are responsible of register all clinical trials, keep the information up-to-date, and guarantee the quality of data. The registries are responsible to ensure compliance with all of the international standards and they can to develop educational initiatives for other stakeholders. However they are not the only. Journal editors, ethics committees, regulatory authorities and funding agencies can play a role in ensuring compliance. The Editors of Medical journals are responsible for guaranteeing the precondition for publication (some Journals do not require registration or accept retrospective registration). The Ethics Committees can establish the trial registration like a precondition of approval or demand the registration number in the progress report. The Regulatory authorities can establish mechanisms at a national level and, the funding agencies can demand the registration before give the funds to a specific project. Conclusions: Every actor plays an important role for assure compliance. PEC 027 A BAYESIAN APPROACH TO OVERCOME SMALL SAMPLE SIZE IN AN EXPLORATORY CLINICAL TRIAL Uranga R, Valles R, Rodríguez R National Coordinating Center for Clinical Trials (CENCEC). Address: 200 and 21, Atabey, Playa, La Habana, Cuba 267 Introduction The frequentist theory of hypothesis testing, commonly used in clinical trials, does not allow conclusions when the sample size is small. The Bayesian approach is an alternative that offers greater flexibility and can be advantageous. Methods This was an exploratory study with fixed sample size. We compared the results of the application of frequentist and Bayesian methods in the analysis of the effect of Creatine in patients with Ataxia. A concurrent control group was included. The primary endpoint was increased muscle mass after three months of treatment. Probability intervals (PI) at the 95% level were calculated for this variable, per group and for the difference between groups, and Bayesian factors were presented in favor and against the posterior probability of a greater increase in average muscle mass for the study group as compared to the control group. This analysis was supplemented with the fitting of a bivariate linear model, which considered as independent variables the study group, time, and group-by-time interaction. Results The IP for the control group was, in kilograms, (0.00,2.50); for the Creatine group, (0.42, 3.51); and for the difference between groups, (-0.51,2.14). The Bayesian factor in favor was 8.22, which describes the degree of evidence as "substantial", and the posterior probability was 90%. The fit of a linear model detected no significant influence of the group variable. Conclusions The classical linear model does not lead to any conclusions because of the small sample size, however the Bayesian method detects substantial influence. The study is a clear example of the negative influence of the small sample size in the conclusions when applying the frequentist method. PEC 028 CLINICAL EVOLUTION OF PATIENTS WITH DIABETIC FOOT ULCER TREATED HEBERPROT-P ® Álvarez Crespo A, Alonso Carbonell L, Yera Alós I, García Milián A, Marrero Miragaya MA Centro Coordinador Nacional de Ensayos Clínicos, La Habana, Cuba ® Introduction: The Heberprot-P prescribed for the treatment of the ulcer of the diabetic foot (UPD) it has evidenced to contribute to the reestablishment of the granulation fabric favoring their healing action. Objective: Characteristic of the clinical evolution of the patients with ulcer of the foot diabetic treaties with Heberprot-P®. Method: Study prospective, multicenter, of pursuit post® commercialization of Heberprot-P among the month of junio of 2007 to march of 2010 in the City of Havana. Results: 53.1% of the patients belonged to the feminine sex and the age average was 62.66 ± 11.758 years. The hypertension arterial (HTA) was the pathology that more he/she associated to the patients with UPD in 65.0%. In 75.2% of the patients treaties with the product complete granulation was observed. The patients diabetic type II presented with more frequency UPD, in 66.1% and the same ones were Wagner's in stadia 3 and 4 with 39.5 and 27.7% respectively. The 81.9% of the patients used dose of 75 µg. The patients of the feminine sex prevailed and older than 60 years. Conclusions: Most of the cases with UPD was diabetic type 2. Complete granulation was achieved in around the fourth three parts of the treaties, existing association between the same one and the presented type of the diabetic mellitus (DM). PEC 029 SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF GRANULOCYTE COLONY-STIMULATING FACTOR (IOR®-LEUKOCIM) IN ONCOHEMATOLOGY PATIENTS. PHASE IV Cachimaille Y, Mendoza I, García E, Wilford M, Menéndez A, Fernández JD, Vázquez E, Robaina M, Piedra P, Sáurez G th National Coordinating Center of Clinical Trials (CENCEC). 200 and 21 , Atabey. Playa, Havana, Cuba Introduction: Neutropenia does not in itself cause symptoms, but it predisposes patients to infection, especially if the neutrophil count falls below 0.5 x 109/L and persists longer than 10 to 14 days. In patients receiving chemotherapy, the administration of G-CSF can lessen the incidence and severity of neutropenia. Materials and Methods: This is a multicenter phase IV study in oncohematology patients under chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy treatment evaluating ior® LeukoCIM, a Cuban granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. Nine hundred three episodes received 268 ior®LeukoCIM (300 µg/kg) as primary, secondary prophylaxis or neutropenia treatment, to recovery the neutrophil count (1.5 x 109/L) and were assessed for safety and efficacy. Ior® LeukoCIM was administered subcutaneous, in prophylaxis beginning 24-72 hours after chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, and as treatment from neutropenia diagnosis. Results: The 48.2 % of adverse events were evaluated as drug-related adverse events. The most frequently were leucocytosis (14.9 %; 161 episodes), neutrophilia (13.1 %; 142 episodes) and bone pain (10.5 %; 114 episodes). Others adverse events were fever (7.4 %), thrombocytopenia (7.0 %) and headache (5.2 %). Ior® LeukoCIM was safe with no serious adverse events. The 94.6 % (819 episodes) finished treatment with neutrophil count ≥ 1.5 x 109/L. Conclusions: Ior® LeukoCIM showed safety and efficacy as primary, secondary prophylaxis or neutropenia treatment in oncohematology patients under chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy treatment. PEC 030 CLINICAL EVALUATION DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF RECOMBINANT STREPTOKINASE IN CUBA Marrero Miragaya MA, Lopez Saura P, Tirado Marrero M National Coordinating Center of Clinical Trials. 200 and 21 st, Atabey, Playa. Havana, Cuba Introduction: Once the Recombinant streptokinase production in Cuba finished it was prepared and carried out its clinical development strategy. Objective: To register and introduce into medical practice, this product and to contribute to the modernization of the management of thrombotic diseases in the country, including acute myocardial infarction. Results: The strategy began to demonstrate therapeutic equivalence with a drug-like, international market leader, with a very high cost and it was proceeded with the demonstration of its impact on the mortality from these diseases and pharmacovigilance to establish the safety profile of this new drug. Additionally we demonstrated the product's efficacy in other indications such as thrombosis of heart valve prostheses, hemodialysis and deep vein fistulas. Conclusions: All trials followed the methodology established for each development phase including the ethical aspects of the protocols approved by the relevant ethics committees and the informed consent of the subjects. PEC 031 THE ETHITCS IN THE DESIGN, THE CONDUCTION AND THE MONITORING OF CLINICAL TRIALS IN THE CUBAN UNITS OF INTENSIVE CARES Avila Y, Barrese Y, Díaz E, Morilla A, Rodríguez V, Fernández O, Blanco O National Coordinator Center of Clinical Trials (CENCEC). 200 esq. at 21, Atabey, Playa, Havana, Cuba Introduction National Coordinator Center of Clinical Trials and National Center of Agropecuary Sanity in Cuba, among 2004 and 2012, has worked in the design, conduction and monitoring of clinical trials that evaluate the SURFACEN®. Objective To describe practical considerations contemplated in the design, conduction and monitoring, and to determine the internal and external validity of these clinical trials. Materials and methods Clinical trials phase II, III and IV, multicenters and opens, in three different groups of population: neonate, children with age > 28 days and 18 years and adult, in the Cuban units of intensive cares (UIC). Results and conclusions During the planning you proceeded with the selection of hospitals, unification of approaches and basic courses of clinical trials. To begin the execution it was developed conferences and visits of beginning, and during the execution they were carried out monitoring and conferences of upgrade. The internal validity was endorsed by a design and conduction that contemplated three of the basic pillars: objectivity in the observation, recurrent comparison and aleatory assignment of the treatments, for the planning and execution according to that promulgated in the Code of Nuremberg, the Declaration of Helsinki, the Guide of BPC of ICH and the Guide of BPC of Cuba; as well as for the standardization in the hospitals of the diagnostic approaches of respiratory distress syndrome/acute respiratory distress syndrome settled down in the American-European Conference of Consent in 1994, and the decrease of the days of stay in the UIC and of requirement of invasive procedures like the endotracheal intubation and ventilation mechanics. The external validity was appreciated in the enrichment of SURFACEN® dossier, emission of a new version of its handout, and its readiness in the pharmaceutical Cuban market. 269 The design, conduction and monitoring of clinical trials with SURFACEN® it considered and it executed ethical basic principles for the clinical investigation. PEC 032 VQV CLINICAL EVALUATION SCHEME WITH EGF IN THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH PROSTATE CANCER Ills D, Mendoza I, Guerra P, González J, Rosa Maria Amador, Santiesteban E, Crombet T, Rodríguez C, Viada C National Coordinator Center Clinical Trials. 200 esq. 21, Atabey, Playa. Havana, Cuba Malignant tumors are the leading cause of death in our country. Prostate cancer is reported as the second cause of death in this disease, with the rate of 43.3 per 100 000 population. We evaluated the effect and safety of the vaccine CIMAvax EGF in prostate cancer patients with hormonerefractory. A phase II, controlled, multicenter, randomized, open, with two groups: 1. CIMAvax scheme EGF vaccine-chemotherapy-vaccine and 2. Chemotherapy only. Chemotherapy with mitoxantrone 12 mg/m2 every 21 days and prednisone 10 mg daily for 10 cycles. We evaluated the survival of patients, and the incidence of adverse reactions during treatment. The intention to treat survival rate was 26.59% vs. 17.44% (24 months) and 22.79% and 13.95 (36 months), with median control group vaccinated vs 17.10 vs. 10.73 months. Survival for patients with at least 6 doses of EGF CIMAvax and 4 months of survival for the control group, showed rates for the vaccinated group vs. 81.99%. 57.04% (12 months), 8.77% vs 17.94% (24 months) and 38.77% and 17.94% (36 months), with medians that differ for the vaccinated group (19.37 vs. 13.5 months). The most common adverse event in both groups was bone pain with 26.8% in the vaccine group and 47.9% in the control, with 47.3% mild. The vaccine proved to be safe with trend to benefit in survival proportions for the vaccine group. PEC 033 THERAPEUTIC DRUG MONITORING ANTIRETROVIRAL THERAPY IN CUBAN PATIENTS WITH Tarinas A, Tápanes RD, Gil L, Gravier R, Caro R, Bermudez Y Clinical Pharmacology, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Autopista del Mediodia Km 6½, La Lisa, Cuba OBJECTIVES: The antiretroviral therapy (ART) is generally recommended for patients with plasma HIV RNA viral loads greater than 55 000 copies/mL, CD4+ counts below 350/µL, or symptomatic disease. Treatment failure is indicated by increases in viral load, declining CD4+ count, or clinical progression. Before changing or adjusting therapy, however, the physician must determine if the treatment failure is due to viral resistance or inadequate drug concentrations reaching site of viral replication. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) for blood concentrations of antiretroviral agents have been proposed as possible test that could prove helpful when deciding between these two possibilities. We aimed to view the relationship between plasma antiretroviral drug concentration and progression markers of AIDS in 40 HIV-infected patients undergoing therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). METHODS: All TDM of protease inhibitors (PIs), nucleoside (NRTIs) and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) was determined for a high-performance liquid chromatography methods for determination of zidovudine, lamivudine, nevirapine and indinavir in human plasma. Statistical methods was used to evaluate associations of drug concentration with HIV-viral load and CD4+ T lymphocytes count in 40 patients with ART combination (AZT-3TC-NVP). RESULTS: In patients with concentration inadequate of antiretroviral therapy (under optimal Cmin) the HIV-viral load was great and CD4+ T lymphocytes count was depleted. In patients with concentration over optimal Cmax the both progression markers of HIV evolution haven’t variation. Zidovudine was the antiretroviral drug of more available meditions. CONCLUSIONS: Physicians report that 30-60% of patients who fail treatment, when pressed, admit that they have resisted taking the antiretroviral medication. For this reason the TDM are an important tool for determinate to treatment failure is or not truly or an adherence problem. 270 PEC 034 ANALYSIS OF HEMATOLOGY AND BLOOD CHEMISTRY’S ADVERSE EVENTS DOCUMENTED IN SPONSOR’S DATABASES Wilkinson B, Neninger E, Crombet T, Viada C, Martínez L, Troche M, Torres O Centro de Inmunología Molecular (CIM) Dirección: 216 y 15, Atabey, Playa, La Habana, Cuba Compliance with Good Clinical Practice (GCP) on safety data is important for the knowledge of the toxicity profile of a product. All adverse events (AEs) including abnormal laboratory findings should be documented, sorted, and analyzed to ensure the protection of patients. The main objective of this work was to identify and classify the hematological and blood chemistry data not documented as AEs in sponsor's adverse event and clinical laboratory databases of five clinical trials. From 458 screened laboratory parameters, 450 were unidentified as AEs and eight of them were documented as AEs in the adverse event database. The abnormal clinical laboratory parameters found in these databases were identified and classified as AEs, using the table of toxicity indicated in each protocol. Most of the events were found mild and moderate; while only three of them were life threatening. The most frequent AEs were anemia and increased levels of alkaline phosphatase. These results show that there are deficiencies in the recognition and classification of data as AEs by clinical investigators, causing underreporting in safety data. PEC 035 TREATMENT PEGYLATED INTERFERON (PEG-IFN) AND RIBAVIRIN FOR THE TF CHRONIC HEPATITIS C (CHC). A CASE REPORT Hernandez E, Martinez L Hospital Carlos J Finlay, 114 y 31 Marianao Habana, Cuba Introduction: Chronic hepatitis C virus (VHC) is a health problem worldwide. The World Health Organization estimates that near 180 millions of people, around 3% of the world population is infected by VHC. It is considered that from 3 to 4 millions of people get infected yearly. At present is the most frequent cause of hepatic cirrhosis, hepatocarcinoma and liver transplantation. The only clearly effective treatment for attenuating or inverting hepatic fibrosis caused by VHC is the elimination of the causal agent. Currently, a combination therapy with pegylated interferon ( PEG-IFN and ribavirin is being widely used for the treatment of CHC. Materials and methods. A case report is presented of a 50 years old male healthy patient who came for a volunteer blood donation. When biosafety tests were carried out, he proved positive to infection by the hepatitis C virus as well as for a qualitative polymerasa chain reaction (PCR) The patient denied the use of intravenous drugs, blood transfusions and referred protected sexual relationships. He was treated with pegylated interferon (PEG-IFN) 180 ?g weekly and 1200 mg of ribavarin daily during 6 months. During this period the only adverse reactions observed were asthenia and leucopenia which were treated with hebervital. Results: The hepatic biopsy showed chronic hepatitis with moderate activity. Thyroid function was normal and also the functional hepatic tests. Abdominal ultrasound corroborated a normal size liver, with a slight increase of the ecogenecity. The rest of the organs of the upper hemiabdomen without alterations. After six weeks of the treatment the viral marker was negative. Conclusions: The combination of pegylated interferon and ribavirin during a period ranging from 24-72 weeks is the choice treatment in chronic hepatitis due to C virus. PEC 036 SAFETY OF NIMOTUZUMAB IN THE TREATMENT OF HEAD AND NECK TUMORS IN ADVANCED STAGES FROM OCTOBER, 2012 THROUGH APRIL, 2013 Del Toro Rúa M Hospital Ernesto Guevara, Las Tunas, Cuba Introduction: The head and neck tumor is the seventh cause of death by cancer in the world. The monoclonal antibody Nimotuzumab is a drug of recent introduction, registered for its use in patients with malignant head and neck tumors of epithelial origin in advanced stages, by the Center for the Control of Drugs, Devices and Medical Equipments (CECMED). Objective: To assess the safety of Nimotuzumab in the treatment of head and neck tumors in 271 advanced stages at the chemotherapy ward of “Dr. Ernesto Guevara” Hospital from October, 2012 through April, 2013. Materials and methods: A transversal descriptive study was carried out using the method of drug surveillance and intensive supervision of inpatients of the chemotherapy ward. The sample was made up by the patients diagnosed with malignant head and neck tumors of epithelial origin in advanced stages treated with Nimotuzumab, admitted at the chemotherapy ward of “Dr. Ernesto Guevara” Hospital during the study period. The following variables were studied: patient age; location; adverse events taking into account intensity: degree 1 slight, degree 2 moderate, degree 3 severe, degree 4 life-threatening, degree 5 death-causing; according to its consequence: seriously ill and non-seriously ill, expected and unexpected; and according to causality: definite, very probable, probable, possible, non-related and unknown. Results: 26 patients were included (7 males and 19 females) with an average age of 57 years old. The location at esophagus level prevailed. The reported adverse events were mostly degree 1, only 2 patients developed moderate reactions (degree 2); with a probable causality; there was no evidence of serious and unexpected toxicity. Conclusions: The treatment with Nimotuzumab showed a wide safety profile, considering it as a well-tolerated treatment. PEC 037 SAFETY, EFFICACY AND PHARMACOKINETIC INTRAVENOUS CIGB-300 IN PATIENTS WITH REFRACTORY TO ONCOSPECIFIC TREATMENTS EVALUATION OF SOLID TUMORS, González L Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. Havana, Cuba Introduction: CIGB-300 is a novel synthetic peptide that induces apoptosis in malignant cells and elicits antitumor activity in cancer animal models. Based on CIGB-300 could represent a candidate drug for cancer therapy, we investigated its tolerability, efficacy and pharmacokinetics in patients with solid tumors, resistant to previous oncotherapy. Material and Methods: An open-label, sequential, dose-scaling Phase I clinical trial was carried out. Doses of 0.2, 0.4, 0.8 or 1.6 mg/kg of CIGB-300 were administered intravenously through infusion pumps, once per day, during five consecutive days. This cycle was repeated in alternate weeks to complete 3 cycles. In order to mitigate expected CIGB-300-induced allergic reactions, premedication with intravenous diphenhydramine and hydrocortisone was applied. Therapeutic response was mainly defined by the overall survival. Pharmacokinetics of plasmatic CIGB-300 was developed in four patients, using a validated ELISA. Blood samples were taken immediately, 5, 15, 30 minutes and several times until 24 hours after first and fifth infusions in the first cycle. Results: Sixteen patients were included, lung cancer prevailed (10 patients), followed by breast cancer (3 patients). The most frequent adverse events were those related with the allergic syndrome, but these were mostly mild (70.7%), none serious. Most of these events occurred with the higher dose (175 mg). Nine patients remaining as alive for more than 6 months; one of them, with lung cancer, is alive 2 years after treatment. Concerning pharmacokinetics, intravenous profiles were as expected for this class of peptides, low half-life (30 minutes), fixed better to mono-compartmental model, and low volume of distribution (< 5L). This behavior is considering ideal for CIGB-300 actions over circulating tumor cells, which lead to metastases and patient death. Conclusions: Intravenous CIGB-300 had a satisfactory tolerability at high doses, using concomitant anti-histaminic drugs. Efficacy and pharmacokinetic data show that non-responder patients with solid tumors could obtain benefits from its use. PEC 038 CLINICAL STUDY RESULTS FROM A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL OF THERAPEUTIC CLINICAL EVALUATION OF THE PLECTRANTHUS AMBOINICUS LOUR SPRENG (FRENCH OREGANO) TABLETS IN PATIENT WITH COMMON COLD Jimenez D, Rodríguez J, Rodríguez Y, Glacial M, Festary T Drug Research and Development Center, CIDEM, La Habana, Cuba 272 Objectives. A phase I II double blinded against placebo clinical trial research was carried out with 90 patients to evaluate the efficacy and safety of different French Oregano doses in patients with common cold. Method. We analyze the individual responses in each study groups classified as placebo (G1 group), 300 mgs daily doses (G2 group) and 600 mgs daily doses (G3 group). The statistics indicator used was Chi cuadrado and the variables evaluated were the frequency and intensity of the cough and the expectoration to 3, 7 and 15 days of treatment. Results. The response at 7 days of treatment had significance differences (p less than 0.05) in cough variable but no significance differences werw found in G1 and G2 group. We found significance differences at expectoration symptoms variable in G3 group too. G1 and G2 groups no had significance differences. Five drug adverse reactions were reported. They were classified as light intensity and only none had causal relationship with the drug used. PEC 039 NIMOTUZUMAB, IN THE TREATMENT OF TUMORS OF EPITHELIAL ORIGIN: NEW KNOWLEDGE. DrC. Mayra Ramos Suzarte, PhD, Prof. Centro de Inmunologia Molecular, Habana, Cuba 216 y 15. Reparto Atabey. Playa.Teléfono 2143146 o 45 o 44. Fax: 2040644 Email: Introduction. The epidermal growth factor (EGFr) is one of the most frequent targets evaluated in the past 20 years to treat cancer of epithelial origin. Since 1995, the Center of Molecular Immunology (CIM), has developed a humanized monoclonal antibody (Mab) nimotuzumab, anti EGFr, which has antiangiogenic and apoptotic capacity, inhibiting cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo. Results. During more than 10 years many clinical trials have been development in Cuba and outside it, Nimotuzumab was approved for the treatment of head and neck tumors in combination with chemo-radiotherapy, brain and esophagus tumors. With this product has pursued a strategy of differentiation of clinical trials in several indications: locally advanced breast cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), esophageal tumors, cervical and lung tumors in non-small cell in order to know an optimal biological evaluation concerning to a dose and safety profile. 200 mg dose was selected at different phase I clinical trials completed as an optimal biological doses, for each of these indications in the induction dose weekly for the duration of chemotherapy or radiotherapy - chemotherapy and maintenance dose every 14 days even after progression while performan status has demonstrated acceptable and manageable toxicity have been established therapeutic criteria, demonstrating in all cases a suitable profile of safety and increased survival of the treated patients compared to the control groups. Conclusion: It is found that nimotuzumab becomes a therapeutic alternative for the treatment of various tumors of epithelial origin. PEC 040 MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR BIOLOGICAL SAMPLES OF PATIENTS INCLUDED IN MULTICENTER CLINICAL TRIALS. Troche M, Wilkinson B, Martinez L, Fernandez A, Viada C, Lorenzo Luaces P, Mazorra Z. Centro de Inmunología Molecular (CIM), La Habana, Cuba. Calle 216, esq. 15, Atabey, Playa, Cuba. Clinical trials (CT) are human subjects research aimed at discovering the pharmacological or other pharmacodynamic effects of the investigational product. Given the scale and greater demands required to perform Multicenter Clinical Trials (MTC) Phase II or III with vaccines and monoclonal antibodies produced in the Center of Molecular Immunology (CIM) where the main objective is the effect of the investigational product, the collection biological samples is of great importance in the clinical evaluation of patients in multicenter clinical trials of Oncology. The objective of this work was the design and implementation of a Logistical System of biological samples from patients in MCT ensuring that data are credible and shall conform to the protocol. We identified system processes, responsible for conducting the actions of each one the documents that flowed through the entire system. Was applied in a pilot 6 multicenter clinical trials, which were developed in 12 research sites distributed in the country's capital and other six provinces. Three records were prepared and two Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) located in clinical laboratories of 273 different research sites, also two Records and six PNO located in the Clinical Immunology Laboratory of Sponsor Center CIM. Logistics Application contributed in the improvement of the system design in a practical, specifically in detecting that flows, the critical path and traceability of biological samples. PEC 041 THE THERAPEUTIC PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY OF THE DEPRESSION: CHALLENGES AND CONFLICTS. Zarragoitia Alonso I. Hospital C. Q. Hermanos Ameijeiras, San Lázaro 701 Centro Habana. Cuba The depression constitutes a chronic illness that bears a great invalidity and it considered that the year 2020 second cause would become of disability. Although the one and only is not form of treatment, the antidepressants constitutes an important arsenal for the handling of this upset Development: A brief historic review of the antidepressants that do relevant this disease, the importance of the treatment of depression and epidemiologic elements and the motives will be exposed in the lecture. In addition, they will examine the different utilized pharmaceutical and the more updated investigations that are coming true for part of the pharmaceutical industry in the production of new molecules that they mitigate to you symptoms of the aforementioned disease. An exposition and analysis of the position of different currents in the use of the aforementioned pharmaceutical will be accomplished. Another subject matter will be the risk of the utilization of antidepressants in children and teens. Finally, the area under discussion will develop having like base the challenges that come into question for to confront the aforementioned disease and the problems that have been up for the establishment of consent upon indicating a pharmacologic specific therapy and his level of efficacy and effectiveness. Conclusions The need of the integral boarding for part of the scientific community in the resolution of the complications that he bears this upset will be described in detail, being the worst of wholes suicide. PEC 042 CLINICAL TRIAL RESULTS OF THE RECOMBINANT STREPTOKINASE IN THE HEMORRHOIDAL DISEASE IN CUBA Pelaez Y, Bernal F, Lopez P, Valenzuela C Tropical Medicine Institute “Pedro Kourí”, La Habana, Cuba Hemorrhoidal disease is a health problem where medical treatment could be beneficial before turning to invasive procedures. Recombinant streptokinase (SKr) has shown favorable results in animal models and human rectal inflammation. We performed a Phase II clinical trial-III, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, in order to determine the efficacy and safety of the streptokinase in the treatment of patients with acute hemorrhoidal disease. We included 80 patients older than 18 years who consented to participate in the study, which were randomly assigned to 4 treatment groups: I) Placebo, II) Sodium salicylate, III) SK 100 000 IU and IV) SK 200 000 IU, which were administered the test product rectally as a suppository every 6 hours to complete four administrations (at 24 hours). Patients were hospitalized for 24 hours and evaluations were done at 24 hours and 3, 5 and 20 days after inclusion. Adaptive design was made from a sequential Bayesian analysis. The primary endpoint was healing response after 5 days into the study, and as secondary endpoints of response to treatment at each assessment, the development of pain, edema, lesion size, the need for surgery and the appearance early relapse. Adverse events were recorded during the test performance. The efficacy of SK suppository (200 000 IU) in the healing of acute hemorrhoidal disease on the 5th day (37% significant difference from placebo), the cure rate was significantly higher in group IV (SK - 200 000 IU) compared to other groups, with a median estimated within 5 days (elsewhere median of 10 to 11 days). Also, evaluation of the response to the 5th day showed the superiority of 274 SK suppository (200 000 IU) with statistically significant differences with respect to placebo groups, salicylate and SK - 100 000 IU. In internal hemorrhoids and mixed grades III and IV, the highest dose of SK healing showed superiority over placebo (68% point difference) and overall response superiority over placebo and salicylate (specific differences of 52 and 40 %, respectively). In terms of security we can argue that recombinant streptokinase suppository is safe and tolerable. PFep 001 Farmacoepidemiología / Pharmacoepidemiology EVALUATION OF DRUGS AUTHORIZED OUTSIDE VADEMECUM IN A FIRST LEVEL CARE PUBLIC HEALTH PROVIDER OF URUGUAY Santurio A, Moreale J, Iglesias V, Bonet C, et al. Primary Care Network (PCN), Administration of State Health Services (ASHS). Address: Cerro Largo 1726 bis. Tel: (598) 24001896. Montevideo, Uruguay. E-mail: Introduction. PCN is an ASHS executing unit that manages the primary care, covering 500,000 users. PCN has a Vademecum and drug applications exist outside of it, which are analyzed by the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee (PTC) that meets criteria for rational and efficient. It has seen an increase in requests for what is necessary to conduct this study as a diagnosis of the situation. Objectives. 1) Know the pharmacological groups requested. 2) Analyze the resolutions of applications. 3) Calculate the spending and saving of authorized and unauthorized medicines, and its economic impact. Methodology. Observational, descriptive and retrospective study. We reviewed PTC resolutions, ranging from January to December 2012. Applications were investigated: age and sex; principle active by generic name, trademark and ATC classification, concentration, pharmaceutical form, dosage, indication, foundation and applicant. Were analyzed as "authorized" and "unauthorized". The latter was sub classified: "lack justification and / or data" and "use drug available in Vademecum". The latter, was indicated the pharmaceutical alternative. We used absolute and relative frequency percentage. For the calculation of cost prices used UCA "CALL No. 30/2009", and was performed according to the indicated dose for 6 months. Results. 192 applications were reviewed in 2012. 12% of the requests had no age, 68% were older than 19 years. 17% had no generic name, and were requested by trademark. Of the remaining 83% we mention the 3 most common generic names: Clopidogrel, Oxcarbazepine and Escitalopram. Classified by ATC: Group A 18% (73% A16), Group B 20% (60% B01), Group C 16%, Group N 31% (46% 3N03 and 35% N06). 1/3 of the applications lacked concentration and dosage form. 90% had an indication and support of the application. 63% of applications were approved. From the "unauthorized", 32% were rejected for lack of justification and 30% indicated use the Vademecum. Drug spending was US$ 4,364 for authorized, and was saved by unauthorized US$ 6,240. Conclusions. It highlights the lack of data, being cause for various applications "unauthorized". There was high percentage of applications by trademark, which could be the result of pharmaceutical promotion. It is striking the high percentage of absence of the concentration and dosage form of medication requested, as there is more than one pharmaceutical presentation available. The rejection of several requests, with the suggestion of pharmaceutical alternative included in the Vademecum, could be interpreted as a lack of knowledge by physicians. The cost of the acquisition of authorized medicinal products poses no economic impact on annual spending PCN drugs. On the other hand, saving for drugs "unauthorized", though, is one and a half spending mentioned above, also has no discernible impact on the PCN budget. PFep 002 LOW FREQUENCY OF PROPHYLAXIS PRESCRIPTION FOR OSTEOPOROSIS IN PATIENTS RECEIVING CHRONIC TREATMENT WITH CORTICOSTEROIDS IN COLOMBIA Machado-Alba J, Alzate-Carvajal V , Mondragón-Cardona A, Jiménez-Canizales CE. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira - Pereira, Vereda La Julita - Risaralda – Colombia 275 Introduction. Chronic ingestion of corticosteroids can cause osteoporosis, which leads to increase the risk of fractures (hip, femur and spine), more hospitalizations, disability and lost of work time, for this reason is important to administrate adequate prophylaxis. Materials and methods. Cross-sectional study. Information about people affiliated to the General Social Health Security System of Colombia (3.7 million) was used. This study included men and women of all ages who were prescribed any glucocorticoid from August 1 to November 30, 2011. Sociodemographic variables and the characteristics of of the glucocorticoid prescription and CIO prophylaxis drugs in a defined daily dose (DDD) were identified. Results. A database of 255,568 prescriptions of glucocorticoids was obtained, with a total of 1,837 patients receiving some glucocorticoid chronically. The majority of participants were females (60.2%), with an average age of 55.2±16.9 years distributed in 65 cities of the country. Prednisolone was the most commonly used glucocorticoid (1,546 patients, 84.1%), whereas the most prescribed prophylaxis drug used was calcitriol (67.1%). Despite the need to receive prophylaxis, 994 cases (54.2%) were not receiving it. Conclusions. There is a poor utilization of CIO prophylaxis. The implementation of drug surveillance actions that allow the identification of problems related to these drugs in order to prevent adverse events and optimize resources is recommended, thus anticipating the emergence of complications in the patients. PFep 003 UTILIZATION OF ERGOTAMINE ¿DO PHYSICIANS KNOW IN COLOMBIA AS PRESCRIBE? Morales-Plaza C, Machado-Alba J. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia. ; Introduction: Ergot derivatives are drugs designed to abort migraine attacks, with vasoconstrictor effects. To determine how ergotamine derivatives are being prescribed by physicians in Colombia and variables associated with inappropriate prescribing and their potential interactions in patients in 2012. Methods: It reviewed 86,411 formulations made during April 2012. We identified the drug, dose, interval, time of use and indication. We interviewed 288 randomly selected patients in whom also sought to concomitant use of: a) antihypertensive b) ischemic heart disease medications c) antiretrovirals d) other antimigraine e) macrolides, because of their interactions. Results: We obtained 801 prescriptions in 27 cities with mean age: 35.1±14.1 years, 82.5% of prescriptions in women, 96.5% held by the primary care physician; (n=524, 65.4%) cases for migraine, were found 26 different prescription forms and 797 incorrect prescriptions regarding improper usage recommendations (99.5%). Inappropriate prescribing was significantly associated with health service (p=0.005). In patients who were contacted by telephone (n=266, 92.4%) took it according to the incorrect indication. We found 54 (6.7%) patients taking antihypertensive drugs, 24 (2.9%) patients with macrolides, five more other antimigraine drugs. Discussion: Most patients are receiving improperly ergotamine, plus possible interactions that increase the risk of health problems such as ergotism and coronary events. Assessment measures should be implemented, updating and training for physicians. PFep 004 ANTIPSYCHOTIC PRESCRIPTION PATTERNS IN PATIENTS AFFILIATED TO THE SOCIAL SEGURITY SYSTEM IN HEALTH OF COLOMBIA Morales-Plaza C, Machado-Alba J Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia. ; Introduction. Schizophrenia alters individual perception, thought, affect and behavior. Drug therapy can improve these manifestations. Objective. Determine the prescribing patterns of antipsychotic drugs in a group of patients with the Social Security System in Health of Colombia. Materiales y methods. Descriptive study on database of 6.2 million people were selected 3,075 patients medicated with antipsychotics, of both sexes, of all ages, with continuous treatment from 276 March to June 2012 and resident in 57 Colombian cities. We designed a database on drug consumption, obtained by the company that distributes the drugs to patients. Results. A total of 3075 patients were studied, with mean age 56.3 ± 21.5 years; 50.3% of the participants were women. Of all patients, 81.9% were receiving monotherapy and 18.1% two or more antipsychotics. The prescription order was: 77.1% atypical and classic 31.9%. Drugs most frequently used were: quetiapine (30.3% of the patients), clozapine (23.7%), levomepropamize (18.4%), risperidone (14.9%). The most common combinations were: haloperidol + levomepromazine (n= 67, 12.1%), clozapine + pipotiazine (n= 54, 9.7%) clozapine + risperidone (n= 45, 8.1%), quetiapine + levomepromazine (n= 40, 7.2%). The most prescribed co-medications were: antidepressants (n= 998, 32.5%), anxiolytic (n= 799, 26.0%), statins (n= 672, 21.9%); antiparkinsonian (341, 11.1%) and anti-diabetics drugs (n= 327, 10.6%). Conclusions. The practice of prescribing medicines with a high therapeutic value predominates, , mainly in antipsychotic monotherapy. Most agents were used in higher doses than recommended. This raises the need to design educational strategies to address these prescribing habits and research evaluating the effectiveness of treatment. PFep 005 THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A STRATEGY FOR THE RATIONAL USE OF INJECTABLE OMEPRAZOLE Moreira Da Costa J, Diniz Silva L, Fonte Freitas L, Moraes Santos C Hospital Risoleta Tolentino Neves, Universidade Federal De Minas Gerais, Brazil; Aim: To describe actions taken and results attained during the establishment of the Injectable Omeprazole Use Qualification Program (IOUQP) at a teaching hospital in Brazil. Method: This three-stage study was conducted at an Emergency Medical Services belonging to the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State. The first stage comprised the identification of all prescriptions recommending the use of Injectable Omeprazole (IO) issued at the hospital. During the second stage, a protocol with directions on IO use was devised and distributed among the clinical staff. Finally, the third stage comprised a new analysis of prescriptions recommending the use of IO, followed by pharmaceutical interventions according to needs. Results: During the first stage, all prescriptions recommending IO (n = 353) and 129 medical records were analyzed. Among the main reasons for IO prescription, upper digestive hemorrhage (17; 27.9%) was the primary one. The third stage comprised the analysis of 82 prescriptions, the observation of 75 patients, and the performance of 14 pharmaceutical procedures. Conclusion: One notices the importance of studies promoting a reasonable use of anti-secretory drugs within a hospital environment. PFep 006 PHARMACEUTICAL ORIENTATION AT THE TIME OF HOSPITAL DISCHARGE: STRENGTHENING ADHERENCE AND PROVIDING CONTINUITY OF CARE Pedroso L, Martins J, Reis A, Moreira Da Costa J, Castro M Hospital Risoleta Tolentino Neves, Universidade Federal De Minas Gerais, Brazil; The transitional process of care is presented as a critical moment to the patient’s safety. Among them, hospital discharge is a situation which breaks the pharmacotherapeutic care process, including changes in medication and lack of information exchanged among health professionals from other attention levels. When this problem was detected, the reorientation of pharmaceutical service has occurred at the time of being discharged from the hospital, in the context of multiprofessional internship for the health of the elderly. Patients are accompanied during the whole hospitalization, when their demands and necessities, in what refers to domiciliary medical treatment, are identified. At the time of hospital discharge, they receive orientation to new medication prescription, posology, administration and access. According to each patient's profile, adherent adjunct methods were build, as an organizer box and adjunct record of medication usage. Besides, the elaboration of “pharmacotherapeutic care transition protocol” was proposed, which was sent to primary attention professionals. From March 2012 to February 2013, a total of 96 patients - average age is 74 years old - received pharmaceutical orientations as they were 277 discharged. Out of these patients, 58% left the hospital with a higher number of prescribed medicines, when compared to their before regress use. In average, the number of medicines used per patient were 4 before being hospitalized and 6 after they were discharged. As for the medication administration, 41.67% of the patients needed family care before admission. This number increased to 50% when they were discharged, showing the fragility caused by hospitalization. In relation to pharmaceutic interventions, 100% of the patients received a dosage orientation record, 64.58% were oriented in relation to access, and medicine-organizer boxes were made to 20% of the patients in order to avoid administration mistakes and improve adherence. Of the oriented patients, 81.25% were referred to primary attention to keep treatment. In this process, the pharmacotherapeutic orientation service, after discharging patients, brought benefits and contributed to a better understanding of adherence to drug-therapy as well as to a better referencing quality. PFep 007 PRELIMINARY RESULTS BENZODIAZEPINES PRESCRIPTION Martínez E, Speranza N, Telechea H, Ormaechea G, Pagano E, Artagaveytia P, Boccino S, Tamosiunas G Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. School of Medicine. University of the Republic, Uruguay INTRODUCTION: Is estimated that 2.5% of the world population uses Benzodiazepines (BZD). This widespread use increases the risk of irrational use. The most frecuent problems linked to irrational use of BZD are: prescription and lack of monitorization of adverse effects. This problems are not fully characterized in our country. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to conduct a nationwide approach to BZD prescribing profile by internist and psychiatrists. METHODS: A cross sectional drug utilization study was conducted in 2012 in Montevideo. Data was collected through an anonymous survey developed by the authors. Surveys were conducted by mail and in person. RESULTS: 148 surveys were conducted (50 psychiatrists and 98 internist). Among psychiatrist BZD were the second most prescribed psychotropic drugs (38%). 28% of psychiatrists reported prescribing by trade name. The reasons for this were: more efficacy (56%), availability in their workplace (19%), fewer adverse effects (12,5%). Anxiety was the most frequent indication (60%). 88% considered BZD dependence as a major problem. Only 9,5 % answered that they not prescribe BZD for more than 4 months. While 90% of physicians tried to discontinue BZD treatment at some point, only 26% were able to accomplish it successfully. Among internist BZD were the first most prescribed psychotropic drugs (85%). 10% reported prescribing by trade name. The reasons for this were: more efficacy (39%), availability in their workplace (38%). Anxiety was the most frequent indication (72%). 75% considered BZD dependence as a major problem. Only 9% answered that they not prescribe BZD for more than 4 months. 92% of internist tried to discontinue BZD treatment, only 31% were able to accomplish it successfully. The most frequent side effects were cognitive disorders (31%) and sleepiness (47%). CONCLUSIONS: Strategies to promote a rational use of benzodiazepines are needed in order to improve prescription. PFep 008 DRUG PRESCRIBING IN INTERNAL MEDICINE AT A UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Mendez G, Arredondo G, López M, Viroga S, Speranza N, Ormaechea G, Tamosiunas G Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. School of Medicine. University of the Republic, Uruguay One of the measures suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO) to help promote rational drug use (RDU) is the creation of a list of essential medicines (LEM). In 2009, at the Clinical University Hospital [Hospital de Clínicas Dr. Manuel Quintela, (HC)] evidence was gathered that 38% of the drugs prescribed were not included in the LEM, a fact that determined its updating during 2010 and 2011. Objective: To evaluate the adjustment of the prescriptions to the LEM in Internal Medicine floors. Assess the quality of the prescription. 278 Method: Observational, cross-sectional study performed in Medicine Departments at the HC during 8/31/2012. The clinical records of patients hospitalized in medical floors were revised. They were classified as “LEM yes” if the prescription included active substance, safety dosage, and pharmaceutical form available in the LEM. They were classified as “Complete Prescription” if they included generic drug name, dosage, route of administration and dosing interval. Results: There were 736 prescriptions in 97 hospitalized patients. A total of 127 drugs were prescribed, of which 21 were not in the LEM (16%). In terms of quality of the prescriptions, 74% were complete. Of the incomplete prescriptions, 68% did not specify dosage, 7% dosing interval and 23% the route of administration. The most prescribed drugs were Omeprazole (8,7%) and Fraxaparine (6,66%). Discussion: Updating the LEM improved prescriptions’ adjustment, although not quite significantly, since in 2009 22% of the prescribed drugs in Medicine floors were not included in the LEM. It is essential to know the causes to this poor adjustment to the LEM in order to permanently be able to evaluate and establish strategies that promote RDU. Even though most of the prescriptions were complete, it is necessary to improve them. PFep 009 PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF AN ANALGESIC UTILIZATION STUDY IN A HOSPITAL IN HIDALGO, MEXICO Reynoso-Vázquez J, Velázquez-Alvarado P, Chehue-Romero A, López-Martínez S, BetanzosPalmeros Z, Camacho-Gómez R, De la O-Arciniega M Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, México Introduction: Pain is a public health problem that affects a large number of Mexicans. It is one of the main reasons of outpatient clinic and its prevalence is high in the hospital service. Drugs Utilization Studies have demonstrated to be very useful to contribute to Rational Use of Drugs. The aim of this study was to analyze the prescription of analgesics in the Hospital General “B” Pachuca in Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico. Material and methods: A prospective drug utilization study was performed; it was of prescriptionindication. The information was collected from medical records of patients with analgesic prescription according to inclusion criteria; therefore this sampling was not probabilistic. In the first part of this study a descriptive analysis was performed to characterize people studied and bivariate to analyze the variables associated with the prescription using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS); measures of central tendency and dispersion as well as ratios and proportions were estimated. Results: 411 clinical records were included, of whom 64.2% were female. The mean of age was 59.97 (±17.36) years. The main diagnoses were bone fractures, cholecystectomy, diabetic complications and venous thrombosis, among others. The most common comorbidities were hypertension, diabetes and associations of them. The intensity of pain was reported only in 13% of sample, prevalence of pain was 57.7% for females. The analgesics more prescribed were ketorolac, diclofenac, lysine clonixinate, and metamizole. Conclusions: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) were the main analgesics prescribed to treat different kind of pain. For treating pain adequately is recommended to know the treatment schedule proposed by the Word Health Organization (WHO). An effective pain management improves the patient's general condition. PFep 010 COMPARISON OF NON-PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENT GUIDELINES OF ADULT HIV/AIDS PATIENTS IN GUYANA AND JAMAICA TO THAT OF BRITISH GUIDELINES Moncreiffe S, Nraine S, Pererra S, Rambarran S, Siebs S Jamaica Non-pharmacological treatment and support services such as emotional needs, support through counseling services, and provision of palliative care, psychological, spiritual and nutritional guidance as well as education and empowerment of patients are important in the provision of holistic care in the treatment of HIV/AIDS. The project was a qualitative, comparison of the non- 279 pharmacological treatments offered to HIV positive adults in Guyana, and Jamaica; compared to the British HIV Association’s Standard for HIV Clinical Care (BHIVA). The research was carried out over a six (6) months period. The British gold standard outlined many areas of nonpharmacological care such as monitoring of patients with the use of laboratory investigations, counseling, public health and sex education, and services to prisoners, commercial sex workers and other vulnerable groups. The Jamaican guidelines focused on nutrition, social care, laboratory monitoring and management of patients with carcinomas; Guyana on the other hand focused on counseling and laboratory monitoring. It was also observed that Jamaica did not emphasize public education and specialist services; while Guyana needed to include nutrition, public health and sex education and specialist services for prisoners, commercial sex workers and vulnerable groups, as well as obstetric and gynecological services. Recommendations were made to address these deficits in order to facilitate improvement of health care delivery for HIV positive adults in the three countries: England, Guyana and Jamaica. PFep 011 PHARMACOEPIDEMIOLOGY OF PSYCHOACTIVE MEDICATION IN ADULT PATIENTS IN THE PSYCHIATRIC DEPARTMENT OF DURANGO, MEXICO GENERAL HOSPITAL. Cano-Torres E, Loera-Castañeda V, Lares-Asseff, Sosa-Macías M, Salas-Hernández C, AllegreAlonso A, Galaviz-Hernández C, Lares-López A Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional, CIIDIR-IPN Unidad Durango, México Introduction: psychiatric diseases have become a public health problem owing to their increased prevalence. An option for their treatment is psychoactive medications, which are associated with multiple adverse effects. Objective: the purpose of this study was to determine the pharmacoepidemiology of psychoactive medication and the prevalence of psychiatric disease in adult patients seen at the Psychiatry Department at Durango General Hospital. Material and methods: Clinical histories of the patients were reviewed for patients over 18 years of age that were seen at the outpatient clinic of the Psychiatry Department at Durango General Hospital that were diagnosed at this hospital with psychiatric conditions requiring psychoactive medication for their treatment. The study was conducted between January 2009 and February 2010. Results:The most commonly diagnosed conditions were the neurotic disorders, stress related disorders, and somatization disorders (42.9%), with the most common sub-classification being major depression with anxiety (26.3%). Seventy six percent of patients received more than one medication for their treatment. The most commonly prescribed medications were the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, with fluoxetine being the most prescribed medication (42.2%). Anxiolytics were the second most prescribed group, with clonazepam being the most prescribed medication within this group (67.8% of patients). Conclusions: contrasting with the clinical practice guidelines, in which single drug therapy is recommended for most of the psychiatric diseases, only 23.24 % of the patients received single drug therapy. The age group with most prescriptions was between 30 and 59 years of age. PFep 012 NSAIDS CONSUMPTION IN ARGENTINA. PERIOD 2011-2013 Carlson S, Prozzi G Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Argentina. Abstract not received at the moment of edition / Resumen no recibido al momento de la edición. PFep 013 SELF-MEDICATION IN NURSING STUDENTS. EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDY Carlson S, Prozzi G, Medina, A. Teachers College Jauretche Arthur. Florencio Varela. Argentina Abstract not received at the moment of edition / Resumen no recibido al momento de la edición. PFep 014 WORKING SYSTEM AND EVALUATION OF PHARMACOTHERAPEUTIC 280 COMMITTEES. CUBA, 2012 Calvo D, Broche L, Lara. C, Jiménez G, Alfonso I, López M Departamento de Farmacoepidemiología, MINSAP, Cuba Introduction: As an effective alternative to try to alleviate the unfavorable trends related to the improper use of drugs, the World Health Organization, from the 80s adopted among its strategies for achieving a rational use of drugs, the establishment of therapeutic committees (PTC). Cuba as part of Pharmacoepidemiology strategy has worked to strengthen the committees, and is a work objective Area Medical Assistance. This research aimed to design a working system for the PTC of the country, assess the performance and effectiveness of the PTC in the country and identify the main problems related to its operation. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive study, the unit of analysis were the PTC of the country, in 2012. A sample of the same, amounting to 161 Committees, 135 from 25 areas of health and hospital committees. As part of the work were conducted educational and managerial interventions in addition to the preparation and implementation of an assessment instrument, with its guide and a database for the compilation of results. Results: was installed the working and the effectiveness system of evaluation PTC, performed 3 PCT quarterly assessments.the evaluating system of effectiveness was implemented and made three quarterly assessments PTC. Overall evaluation Committees of the institutions visited reported that 70% were evaluated as well, the 20% is assessed regularly and between a 10% malfunction. The average rate as guide points for the PTC of the country was 79.6. Conclusions: We succeeded in implementing the system of pharmacoepidemiology working with PTC, over 60% of the PTC were evaluated as well and this strategy has identified the main problems they face. PFep 015 PRESCRIBING BEHAVIOR OF NPH INSULIN IN PATIENTS WITH DIABETES MELLITUS. CUBA 2012 Broche Villarreal L, Calvo Barbado D, Alfonso Orta I Departamento de Farmacoepidemiología, MINSAP, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a common disease in our country, with a prevalence of (513 405 patients, according to statistical yearbook 2011) for a rate of 45,7 per thousand inhabitants. In Cuba the drugs available (slow NPH insulin, Actrapid insulin, glibenclamide, metformin and tolbutamide) are prescribed by medical certificate and dispensed through control card. This way of working also includes monthly record number of prescriptions nationwide, the which in the first half of 2012 showed an increase in NPH insulin prescribing, but it is not known which are the causes for this increase, so what is decided to perform this study, in order to identify demographic and clinical characteristics of patients enrolled with NPH insulin in the country from January to July 2012, evaluate the prescribed doses of insulin slowly and identify key combinations used. Methods: An observational, descriptive research type of prescription drug utilization indication therapeutic elements, being the universe of the study all certificates of insulin during the period January to July 2012, identifying variables such as age, type of diabetes, prescribed dose, other medications associated and vials to dispense each month. Results: We reviewed a total of 52 447 medical certificates from a total of 114485 entries that exist in Cuba at the end of August constituting 45,8%, no information was available or was incomplete from three provinces. The study provided that the predominant population was over 60 years, but in terms of the prevalence by age group the largest number of patients with insulin is in the group under 15 years, followed by the age group 16 to 59 years; depending on the types of Diabetes 7.5% of patients with type 2 diabetes used insulin slowly. The most common dose is given 1 to 33und day to 56.4% and 70% prescribed in combination with other drugs such as insulin Actrapid and glibenclamide. The 58% of patients who are prescribed insulin dispenses them one monthly vial .Conclusions: The rate of insulin therapy is acceptable for the international trend than as indicator of better prognosis and better therapeutic approach in diabetic patients, however it is appreciates misclassification of disease that make not posible the 281 relationship with dispensarization and evaluation of quality of treatment. It is suggested actions in order to improve the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic patients with good metabolic control and prevent complications. PFep 016 ANTIMICROBIALS PRESCRIPTION BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA IN ADMITTED PATIENTS WITH Legón Pérez T Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Miguel Enríquez, La Habana, Cuba Introduction. The irrational use of the antibiotics has world reach. The bacterial pneumonia is the infectious illness of more incidence in the hospital Miguel Enríquez and one of the first causes of death; there has been detected that the protocols of treatments are not up-to-date, the commission of antibiotics doesn't work regularly, a few use of the microbiology and high consumption of antibiotics of last generation; then we suspected an inadequate use of antibiotics. The aim was assess the use of antibiotics in the treatment of the bacterial pneumonia in admitted patients. Method. A study descriptive was conducted in 65 admitted patients with diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia from medicine services at Miguel Enriquez hospital, between January and March 2012. We got demographic and clinical characteristics of patients, type of drug prescribed, doses, duration of treatment, if microbiological studies were done, evaluation of antimicrobial prescription and time of hospitalization. Results. Most of patients had more than 75 years (47,7%), women (50,8%) and smokers (50,8%); 47,7% of them had hypertension and 27,7% illness lung obstructive chronicle. Pneumonia acquired in the community was the most frequent type of pneumonia, 96,9%. Only in 9,2% of them were indicated microbiological studies. Cephalosporins was antibiotics more prescribed, ceftriaxone was the drug more used (50,8%), it was combined with azithromycin in 81,8% of them. The duration of the treatment oscillated from the 3 until the 7 days and the time of hospitalization varied from 2 to 30 days. The prescription was inappropriate in 60% of patients. Conclusions. The antibiotics prescription in the treatment of the bacterial pneumonia in the observed patients was inadequate. It is necessary educational and organizational interventions for improving their use. PFep 017 DETECTION OF POTENTIAL DRUG-DRUG AND DRUG-DISEASE INTERACTIONS ON PRESCRIBED MEDICATIONS FOR ELDERLY PATIENTS IN A COMMUNITY Peña C, Yodú N 10 de Octubre Medical School, Medical University of Havana, Cuba Introduction: The extraordinary technical and scientific development experienced in the health field and the social progresses during the last decades have enabled to improve the way of treating diseases, to achieve healthier lifestyles and to increase the life expectation of the population. In Cuba, 17.8 % of population is 60 years or older. Along with the increase in the proportion of elderly people, the prevalence of chronic diseases and the use of medications has also risen. Prescription of drugs in elderly people is a very complex issue. With the goal of identifying potential drug-drug and/or drug-disease interactions in elderly patients a cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in two primary care clinics located at the Municipality of Centro Habana from September 2011 to February 2012. Materials and Methods: 140 charts were revised and the prescribed medications by the primary physician during the last consultation were analyzed. Chose variables in our study were: patient’s age, sex, prescribed drugs, and diagnosis. The National Formulary of Medications was used to identify drug interactions. The clinical relevance of the drug-drug interactions was assessed using the classification system of the Department of Pharmacology of the Huddinge Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden and for the drug-disease interactions Beers and STOPP criteria was applied. Results: 84 drug interactions were detected (68.9%); the majority was pharmacodynamic (82.2%) 282 that increased adverse effects (53.6%). The main drugs found were psychoactive (26.1%) and beta-blocker drugs (23.8%).In the clinical relevance predominated type C (86.9%). The most common association type D found was enalapril/spironolactone (3.6%).There was 74,2 % of drugdisease interactions; 13.5% identified according to criteria of Beers and 60.7% according to criteria STOPP. Conclusions: We conclude that the inadequate prescription of medications in elderly patients attended in the community is frequent, so it would be appropriate to find ways to solve this health problem. PFep 018 CONSUMER PHARMACEUTICAL MARKET SEGMENTATION OF DRUGS IN CUBA García Milián AJ, Alonso Carbonell L, López Puig P Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: The measurement process of the pharmaceutical market is a fundamental aspect of market research and in the process of providing meaningful information for decision-making. Objectives: Segment the drug user population in Cuba and to establish their consumption patterns. Method: The same was carried out through a process that consisted of three stages: study, analysis and patterns. To collect information regarding the first stage, we designed a questionnaire validated by experts and a pilot study. The population is segmented demographic, geographic, socioeconomic and behavioral. Finally, we included four population segments that describe the consumption pattern (profiles). Results: Analysis of drug consumption by the Cuban adult population can draw the outline epidemiological drug use by establishing some common characteristics of these groups from the practices identified and segmented in several levels Conclusions: The pattern provides viewing parameters identified socio-demographic and other consumer fundamentals. To decrease the pharmaceutical market imperfection, can develop social marketing strategies based on the profiles obtained by optimizing the potential benefit of therapeutic arsenal available through a rational consumption. PFep 019 DRUG CONSUMPTION IN SELECTED CITIES OF CUBA García Milian AJ, Alonso Carbonell L, López Puig P National Coordinating Center for Clinical Trials, Havana, Cuba. Introduction. Scientific journals play an important role in the scientific communication process. Objective: To characterize the scientific publications on drug consumption in Cuban medical journals indexed in SCIELO in the period January 2000 to December 2012. Methods: A descriptive bibliometric Cuban medical journals indexed in SCIELO. The choice of units of analysis was performed taking into account the term drug consumption. Variables were studied number of articles by year of publication, number of publications by author, article distribution by number of authors, institutions conducting research, institutional productivity, number of references per publication and subject. Results: Of the period analyzed, 2009-2012 was the highest scientific production, 42.8%. Most of the authors were bystanders 91.7%. Institutions that conduct drug consumption were the Centre for development of pharmacoepidemiology six (28.6%), followed by medical schools and Calixto Garcia Enrique Cabrera with 2 (9.5%). Magazines and books were reference types that were used most frequently. The Journal of Pharmacy 42.8%, with 19.0% of Family Medicine and Medicinal Plants 9.5% were in the most commonly identified articles on the subject. The 69.3% of the institutions were classified as small producers. Conclusions: The scientific literature on drug consumption while agreeing with most consumed drug groups is low and is characterized by authors in articles passers high rate of shared authorship. 283 PFep 020 PHARMACO-EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STRATEGIES FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE CONTINOUS MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION, GENERAL HOSPITAL “JUAN BRUNO ZAYAS ALFONSO” Acosta E, Dupuig R, León Y, Navarro M Hospital General Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba To promote the rational use of medicaments, modified habits of malpractice medical prescriptions, to achieve the safety of the drugs, to study the economical implications in using them, are some of the contributions of the pharmacy-epidemiology. Thus, this scientific research was designed to assess the indicators of safety and the impact well-established by pharmacy-epidemiology at Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso, General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba from January 2011 to December 2012, related to the quality of the medical prescriptions, control medical certificate, medical prescriptions, and the prescriptions of records in patients admitted in the hospital, that in the year 2011 had a percentage of error over 5%, the goal is to maintain it under 5% and it was achieved in 2012. The suspicious report of adverse reactions to a medicament was another point that since may 2011 was fulfilled over 12 month reports. The evaluation of adherence to therapeutic protocols such as acquired pneumonia in the community also showed positive results as the first line of treatment of this disease with cephalaxine corresponding with the use of anti-microbial and not using ceftriaxone. The preservation of cephazoline for surgical prophylaxis was another effective result and also the decrease of consumption of ciprophloxacine bulb during 2012 where the consumption was 279 bulb less than in the year 2011, representing $18720,90 less used of the medicament budgets so it seem that systematic interventions and the multidisciplinary work of pharmacy -epidemiology in the hospital as well as the pharmacy-therapeutic committee that allow the improvement of the quality of medical prescription, useful and rational use of antimicrobials in this hospitality centre. PFep 021 DRUG USE IN THE HOSPITAL PHARMACY SERVICES AND EVALUATION THROUGH QUALITY INDICATORS Cuba MM Universidad de La Habana, Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos, Cuba The Pharmaceutical Services within the healthcare environment is a major player in the chain of actions needed to achieve a Rational Drug Use. It is a set of processes that converge toward achieving the former goal. Of all these, patient-oriented processes, allow preventive and evaluative functions of drug use. Assessing the quality of this subset of processes allows decision making for continuous improvement. A set of 25 quality indicators were applied on a sample of Cuban Pharmaceutical Hospital Services of four provinces, selected on the basis of having pharmacists trained in the use of these tools. It was possible to apply approximately 80% of the indicators. They, as a group, showed extreme behavior according to the evaluative scale used. Some reached the standard level and others the unacceptable one. Its application allowed taking corrective actions to continuously improve these processes. PFep 022 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE ANTMICROBIANS COMSUMPTION IN TWO CONSECUTIVE YEARS IN THE HOSPITAL MANUEL FAJARDO Peña A, Duro E, Pacheco F, Monteagudo L Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Manuel Fajardo, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: The pharmacoeconomic study of antimicrobial consumption in a health institution becomes an important indicator of efficiency and feedback to the physicians of the possible implications of its use. Objective: To characterize the levels of antimicrobial use in our environment as an indicator of rational use of medicines by health professionals with prescriptive authority. Materials and Methods: We conducted an observational, descriptive, retrospective, 284 longitudinal study at Hospital "Manuel Fajardo" in Havana, during the years 2010 and 2011. The universe was determined by all antimicrobials that were prescribed by physicians at the hospital during this period (N = 16). The data was obtained from the hospital pharmacy. No exclusion criteria were used. Results: Cefuroxime was the most used antimicrobial (34867 units). 3rd and 4th generation Cephalosporins were used in 22.6% compared to other antimicrobials. The seven most commonly used drugs represented a cost of approximately two million pesos. Conclusions: The most used antimicrobial during the years of the study were Cefuroxime, Metronidazole and Co-trimoxazole and 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins. The Ciprofloxacin was the one wich generated the most economic cost. PFep 023 BIBLIOMETRIC CHARACTERIZATION STUDY DRUG USE OF SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS García Milian AJ, Blanco Hernández N, Alonso Carbonell L, López Puig P Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Enrique Cabrera, Universidad Médica de La Habana, Cuba Introduction: The usefulness of the analysis of the literature on drug utilization study gives insight into the research activity in this type of design pharmacoepidemiological. Objective: To characterize the scientific publications on drug utilization studies in medical journals indexed in SciELO Cuba in the period January 2000 to December 2012. Methods: A descriptive bibliometric. A review of scientific studies regarding drug use during the period between January 2003 and December 2012 from Cuban medical journals indexed in SCIELO. Variables were studied number of articles by year of publication, number of publications by author, article distribution by number of authors, institutions conducting research, institutional productivity, number of references per publication and subject. Results: We identified 26 articles involving 78 authors from 21 institutions. The years 2009 to 2012 were the most productive. The Journal of Pharmacy and General Medicine was the most widely published. Most of the authors was classified as transient, the group of three to six authors per article and institutions as small producers. Indication prescription designs and descriptive statistics were released more frequently. The medical records and surveys were the sources of data used most often. Psychotropic drugs and antimicrobials were the most investigated. The number of citations per article was mostly between 11 and 20, being the most used type magazines and books Conclusions: The authors conclude if there is a low number of scientific productions on EUM in Cuban medical journals in general are growing in recent years. PFep 024 ANTIHYPERTENSIVE DRUG UTILIZATION STUDY IN PRIMARY HEALTH CARE Arias Gallardo AI, Zayas González M, Moré Hernández N, Alfonso Hidalgo A, Hernández Parets M, Jiménez Fernández L Universidad Médica “Dr. Serafín Ruíz de Zárate Ruíz” Villa Clara. Cuba Introduction: Hypertension is a chronic disease with high prevalence, which can successfully be treated with antihypertensive drugs. Nevertheless existing hypertension treatment guidelines are not fully implemented in practice. Drug utilization studies give and overview of patterns of utilization of drugs. Purpose: The aim of this research is to describe the prescription patterns of antihypertensive drugs in primary health care and to valuate the conformity with the Cuban Guideline to Diagnose and Treat Hypertension. Materials and Methods: An indication prescription study was conducted in Villa Clara province, Cuba, from January 2012 to March 2013. Five municipalities were included in the study, under the criteria of having a large number of inhabitans. The Data were collected from medical certificate indicating drug treatment. Those certificates were consulted in 22 pharmacies of the territory. A sample of 9 857 patients was included. Information about age, gender, classification of hypertension, comorbidities, drugs and doses was considered. Results: 78% of the patients were in range from 40 to 60 years old. Prevalence of hypertension was slightly higher in female gender. Type II hypertension is the most frequent classification. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) (62.8%) along with 285 diuretics (38.3%) were the most commonly used hypertensive drugs, either as monotherapy or in combination with other agents. About 30% of the patients were receiving 2 drugs; only 12% received 3 drugs. The most common errors of prescription were dose related or mistaken drug selection taking into account comorbidities presented by the patients. Conclusions: Treatment of hypertensive patients is suboptimal. Prescription habits with no regard for Cuban guidelines to treat hypertension have been detected. PFep 025 ANTIMICROBIAL DRUG UTILIZATION STUDIES IN PNEUMONIA IN THE INTERNAL MEDICINE SERVICE PATIENTS WITH Arias Gallardo A, García Pérez A, Moré HERNÁNDEZ N, Zayas Gonzáles M, Martínez Fernández F, Nguyen Trong V. Universidad Médica “Dr. Serafín Ruíz de Zárate Ruíz” Villa Clara. Cuba Introduction: The growing trends in bacterial resistance in community and intra hospital acquire infections are related to the inappropriate use of antibacterial agents. Drug utilization studies are designed to diagnose the mistakes in drug prescription. Often, empiric antibiotic regimens are not as correct as expected. Objective: To assess the prescription of antimicrobial drug in the treatment of community acquired pneumonia. Materials and methods: A transversal descriptive study was performed at Arnaldo Milián Hospital, an urban teaching hospital in Santa Clara, from January 2011 to March 2012. An intentional sample of 124 patients was taken. Data like age, sex, diagnosis, bacterial agent, results of bacterial culture and antimicrobial treatment, were abstracted from the patients´ clinical history. Results: The most affected patients were those males (53.2%) and those over 60 years old (72.6%). Ceftriaxone had a 79.3% of use and third generation cephalosporins had 84.6% of total use. They were the most common treatment indicated. Pneumonia due to pneumococci was the first diagnosed type of pneumonia (94.3%). The combination of ceftriaxone and azithromycin was the most employed. The most frequent mistakes in prescriptions were associated with the indication of ceftriaxone, aminoglycosides, ciprofloxacin, metronidazol in pneumococci´s treatment. Azithromycin 1 g per day during 8 days and gentamycin 80mg per day are examples of inadequate doses identified. Conclusions: Third generation cephalosporins were overused in the treatment of pneumococci pneumonia. The most common mistakes in prescription were the use of antimicrobial drugs in the treatment of microorganisms not included in their bacterial spectrum. Overdoses and sub doses were also diagnosed. PFep 026 RECURRENT APHTHOUS STOMATITIS. HOMEOPATHIC PATIENTS AT GASTROENTEROLOGY INSTITUTE TREATMENT Quintero M Instituto de Gastroenterología, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Aphthous stomatitis is the most common oral mucosal disease in human with a high prevalence and recurrence rates. As its etiology is unknown there are so many local or systematic treatments. Homeopathy is a philosophic and scientific doctrine based mainly in the Similars Law and it is very effective in acute as well as in chronic diseases. Material and Method: A detailed homeopathic history was made to all outpatients diagnosed as Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) emphasizing to determine the prevailing miasm (miasm is the tendency of suffering diseases in a certain way that we bring at birth) in their pathological background. The homeopathic remedies, individually chosen, were given usually at 200 CH potency. A monthly follow-up was made during 6 to 12 months. Results: 22 patients concluded the assay. The prevailing miasm in the family hereditary background of the patients was the syphilis miasm, as well as in the attributed miasma series of the remedies given. The results obtained at the beginning of the treatment and during the follow-up were very positive: aphthous lesions improved with regard to size, duration and frequency. The percentage of permanent symptoms-free patients after 2 months of treatment was 59% and 100% at ten months. Three patients who delayed its healing had an extra 6 months follow-up, without relapse. Discussion: The prevailing syphilitic miasm in the family hereditary background and in the homeopathic remedies medicated give us an overall 286 view that this is the miasm that has to be priority treated (RAS is a destructive disease with regard to the oral mucosa). This theory is corroborated in this work by the positive results obtained. Conclusions: We consider that in RAS patients, the homeopathic individual treatment taking into account the miasmatic focus was very effective. PFep 027 ANTIBIOTICS CONSUMPTION IN THE ARTEMISA PROVINCE HOSPITALS, 2012 Cabrera Cepero JR, Tenreiro Hernández X, Hernández Pizarro M, Sánchez Hernández P, Ortega Salud A, Suárez Martínez Y Drugs Commerce and Delivery Enterprise, BioCubaFarma, Artemisa, Cuba Introduction: the Pharmacoepidemiology has been developed in Cuba since the 90´s, with the purpose of obtaining a correct use of drugs. The antibiotics are situated among the most frequently used drugs which have carried about a serious global problem of bacterial resistance. Objective: To characterize the antibiotics consumption in the Artemisa Hospitals in 2012. Methods: Drugs utilization research descriptive, transversal. The information has been taken from hospitals dispensation records. The methodology ATC/DDD and the calculation of DDD x 100 bed/day (ABC calc 3.1 program) were used for data analyses. Results: In the Artemisa Hospitals, the major antibiotics consumption corresponded to the Cephalosporins with 33, 2338 DDD x 100 bed/day; followed by Penicillins with 15,3841 and the Aminoglicosides (7,4288). The Monobactams, Carbapenems and Fosfomycin all together represented 1,2075. Finally, the Vancomicina consumption was 0,6562. The Ceftriaxone with 12,7134 DDD x 100 bed/day, was the most used among to the Cephalosporinics, followed by the Cefuroxime 9,2810 and Cephazoline 4,5627 (a chosen drugs for surgical prophylaxis). The consumption of the antibiotics above mentioned in Artemisa Hospitals was the following: at the “José Ramón Martínez” (53,3607), “Ciro Redondo” (58,2824), “Ivan Portuondo” (58,3745) and in the “Comandante Pinares” 76,1525. The last one had the major antibiotics consumption. PFep 028 ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE AGAINST SHIGELLA SPP IN THE PROVINCE OF CAMAGUEY Ferrándiz D, Valdovinos N, Barreto G Universidad de Camaguey, Cuba, Antibiotic resistance is the capacity a microorganism has against antibiotics. Shigellosis is a selflimited disease without severe complications. Today, the main problem related to shigellosis is treatment. As antimicrobial treatment is recommended for infections, it favors a decline in the duration and severity of diarrhea. It reduces the transmission time of the microorganism and the potential complications. A study carried out in the province of Camaguey (2003-2006) to measure Shigella spp antimicrobial reaction, showed resistance to nalidixic acid and other antimicrobials used. Consequently, this study continued (2007-2009) to analyze Shigella antibiotic resistance. A retrospective descriptive study, including 293 isolates from the feces of the same number of patients with diarrhea, was developed. Duncan multiple comparison test was used to process the results, with resistance as the independent variable. Simple regression was applied to obtain a linear model describing the antibiotic-resistance ratio. The resistance percentage to different antibiotics was shown, with the highest peaks for ampicillin, tetracycline, nalidixic acid, sulfa and streptomycin. The figures analyzed in nalidixic acid resistance were shocking. Shigella had a remarkable resistance to first-choice antibiotics. Several studies showed that ciprofloxacin has some advantages in the treatment. Thir-generation cephalosporin also kept very active against Shigella. However, they are generally reserved for severe and systemic infections, or severe cases of Shigellosis, as new resistant strains have appeared. The results indicate that antibiotic resistance is high; hence, surveillance actions must be implemented to detect and control the appearance of new resistant strains, as well as the implementation of new epidemiological typification techniques. 287 PFep 029 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STUDY OF THE DRUG IN NURSING. SERVICE OF RESUSCITATION. GYNECOLOGICAL AND OBSTETRIC HOSPITAL IN GUANABACOA 2011 Montero Vizcaíno Y, Couto Ramos MJ, Vizcaíno Alonso MC, Quiñones Diaz J Hospital Ginecobstétrico de Guanabacoa, La Habana, Cuba The period of birth of the newborn is a stage, where they are very vulnerable to changes, in some occasions is imperative in the use of drugs for stabilization. Objective: To evaluate the degree of preparation of the nurse that attends births on the use of drugs. Material and method. A descriptive and retrospective study was conducted by applying previously validated survey to the nurses who were working in the center and attended the births of January - December 2011 in the Gynecological and Obstetric Hospital in Guanabacoa. Universe: consisting of 24 nurses who attended births in the analyzed period and the actual reanimation service. Sample: Composed of 19 nurses who are working in the center in the same period and place. Statistics: Variables were analyzed: related to conditions associated with the management of drugs, as well as medications used in the service investigated, adverse effects and management thereof. Was used as a measure of descriptive summary the number and percent of which were presented in the tables, for its better understanding and analysis. Results: A significant number of nurses does not associate the respiratory alterations to the possibility of administration of drugs, as well as a high percent known drugs used in the service investigated, not the adverse effects that can cause, however the majority dominates the dose of hardcover. Conclusions. There is a lack of significant changes in breathing patterns to the use of drugs and adverse effects of drugs administered in the service of Neonatal Resuscitation that could be given for use in first option of oxygen to the stabilization of this condition and the need to strengthen the ongoing formative training. PFep 030 INAPPROPRIATE MEDICATIONS, IN OLDER ADULTS, PATIENTS Ortega IL, Luna Y, Aldana A, Mederos C, Pérez D, Pérez C, Rodríguez L, Abner W, Fernández Z Pharmacy Department, Orient University. Santiago of Cuba City, Cuba Introduction: In the world population there has been a progressive increase in the number and proportion of individuals older than 65 years and approximately 60% of the medicines consumed are intended for them. Inappropriate prescribing of drugs is a common problem in these patients, which contributes to the increased risk of adverse drug reactions and the consequent deterioration of the quality of life. Several tools have been developed to detect potentially inappropriate prescribing, being Beers criteria the most used around the world. Materials and Methods: Was performed a study to determine the prevalence of potentially inappropriate prescriptions for patients older than 60 years, developing a prospective observational study through a standard operating procedure, which included patients admitted to the geriatric and internal medicine service at a hospital and patients who received outpatient treatment. Pharmacotherapeutic profile was prepared for each patient and identified the inappropriate medications according to Beers’ criteria, 2012. Results: A sample of 86 patients was included, registering 6.98 prescriptions per patient, detecting 102 inappropriate medications affecting the 72.09% of this sample. Also were found 46 drug interactions involving these inappropriate medications, 38 of them (82.60%) were associated with increased risk of adverse drug events and 8 (17.39%) to ineffective therapy. The drugs that were involved to a greater extent were: nifedipine, digoxin, diphenhydramine and chlordiazepoxide. Conclusions: Educational interventions are needed to improve the quality of prescribing in elderly patients with polypharmacy and thus increase more life to years and not years to life. PFep 031 DETECTED ERRORS IN MEDICAL PRESCRIPTIONS IN ST. ANN’S BAY HOSPITAL PHARMACY, JAMAICA Barroso A, Rico O, Peñate M Sectorial Municipal de Salud, Pinar del Río, Cuba 288 Pharmacists in all practice settings have been encouraged to provide pharmaceutical care, to identify, prevent and resolve drug-related problems and reduce negative medication outcomes. Pharmaceutical care has been defined as the responsible provision of drug therapy for the purpose of achieving defined outcomes that improve a patient’s quality of life. A retrospective and descriptive study was done in St. Ann’s Bay Hospital Jamaica to determine the total of drugs prescribed during the period August – October. Our objectives were: identify the therapeutic categories that were most frequently dispensed, determine the frequency of medication errors in accordance to age and detect the incidence of errors in prescriptions. The population included outpatients that came to the pharmacy. The main variables were the number of prescriptions and prescription errors. The prescription errors were defined as errors of dosage, dosage strength, duration and others. The source of data came from prescriptions in the hospital pharmacy. The pharmacy received 9809 patient from August to October 2007. The doctor prescribed 27872 drugs in this period. The pharmacy dispensed 20848 drugs and 7022 were not dispensed due to unavailability. The most frequent dispensed were Cardiovascular (30.3%), Infections (21.5%), CNS (19.1%) and Endocrine (13.6%). The medication errors were more frequent in pediatric patients (41%) than adults (59%). The prescriptions with errors represent a 2.3 %. The most frequent medication error was drug overdose (60%). This mistake can increase the side effects of the drugs .This medication error was frequents in pediatric age. The number of errors in the prescriptions was low and statistically not significant. However, this does not make the errors less important, because these errors, though few compromise the health of the patient and may seriously endanger their lives. PFep 032 STUDY ABOUT THE USE OF ANTIMICROBIALS IN CRITICALLY ILL PEDIATRIC PATIENTS WITH LOWER RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS. Hernández Núñez A, Tasé Martínez MJ, Del Pino Glez D, Pereira Relis E Hospital Angel A Aballí, La Habana, Cuba We performed a retrospective, descriptive study of the use of such indication-prescription medicines, which analyzed 50 patients with lower respiratory tract infections admitted to the Intensive Care Unit AAAballí Maternity Hospital from November 2012 to April 2013 with the aim of knowing the antimicrobials used to treat such infections and if their treatments have microbiological support. In 85% of patients had begun empiric antimicrobial treatment, which may be given by the fact that critically ill pediatric patients, in which we could not wait to start a microbiological treatment, in 15% of antimicrobial therapy was supported by microbiological studies, which correspond to patients from service respiratory hospital itself. The most used antimicrobials were: Cephalosporin 3rd generation by 82%, vancomycin 30%, 12% Trifamox. In most cases (98%) groups of antimicrobials used to treat these infections coincide with those reported in the literature with the highest levels of recommendations, although 93% were used in broad spectrum antimicrobials being able to use a narrower, perhaps this is due to the lack of support microbiological increase microbiology studies contribute to more rational use of antimicrobials. PFep 033 STRATEGY FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL CARE IN SANTIAGO OF CUBA HOSPITALS Reyes I, Bermúdez I, Storpirtis S Departamento de Farmacia, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba In Cuba, it is not the pharmaceutical professional's social object that works in the hospitals, the practice of Pharmaceutical Care because in spite of existing an approach to the conception of these functions, the Cuban pharmacists carry out administrative functions mostly, of address, management and dispensation. The need to develop the practice of Pharmaceutical Care Hospital, adapted to the reality of the Cuban health system, with a standardized working 289 philosophy, systematic and continuous was verified through an assessment conducted in hospitals in the province of Santiago de Cuba city, using indicators of structure, process and results, in addition to the technique of Ishikawa and weighted voting. From this diagnosis, it was designed a systems with systemic approach, which integrated the components identified as essential to implement the practice of pharmaceutical care, which also allowed to guide the design of a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for pharmacotherapy follow up . We performed the procedure given criteria the Third Granada Consensus related to pharmaceutical care. The evaluation was conducted through Delphi methodology and using indicators to determinate the efficacy of the procedure in the practice. Experts suggestions (Kendall coefficient 0,8) were considered to improve the procedure. The application in five hospitals, reached a performance index of more than 80 points, in all institutions. The procedure can be used as a tool to provide in inpatients a Pharmacotherapy follow up service, due to, the acceptable Kendall index value (expert’s evaluation) and efficacy in the practice. The system was implemented in four service hospitals in the province of Santiago de Cuba, using the SOP developed, allowing the activity deployed evenly and with scientific rigor, avoiding the spontaneity and voluntariness of actions professionals. It also found that the effectiveness of the Pharmacotherapy follow up is greater when working with SOP. PFep 034 PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATION CONSUMPTION IN PATIENTS BELONGING TO THE FAMILY DOCTOR’S CONSULTATION #16 FROM “JULIO ANTONIO MELLA” UNIVERSITY POLYCLINIC Serrano Y, Miranda T, Miranda M Universidad Médica Carlos J Finlay, Camagüey, Cuba Introduction: Psychotropic drugs as natural or artificial elements used therapeutically to modify psychic reactions. Objective: To characterize the use of psychotropic drugs in patients belonging to the family doctor’s consultation #16 from Julio Antonio Mella university polyclinic in Camagüey, from February 2012 to January 2013. Materials and Methods: an observational, descriptive, transversal study was carried out with a universe of 153 patients. The sample involved 97 patients after a simple randomized study and according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Variables such as age, sex, race, educational level, toxic habits, psychotropic drugs used, how and why they were used and how the patients had access to these drugs were included. Descriptive statistical methods were used. Results were presented in tables and graphs. Results: The female sex and the white race prevailed, representing 78.5% and 60.5% respectively. The 49-58 age group also prevailed. 55.8% of patients used psychotropic drugs for hypertension. The most widely used psychotropic drug was meprobamate (54.5%). 49% of the individuals took one of these medications every night. They obtained the medications with illegal sellers. Conclusions: The female sex, the white race and the 49-58 age group prevailed. Most of the individuals who took psychotropic drugs used to drink coffee. The principal causes for the use of psychotropic drugs were to decrease blood pressure. The most widely used psychotropic drug was meprobamate. Many of the patients used these drugs without medical advice. PFep 035 BEHAVIOR OF THE CONSUMPTION OF PARENTERAL ANTIMICROBIAL DRUGS IN “HERMANOS CORDOVÉ “PEDIATRIC HOSPITAL FROM MARCH TO AUGUST, 2012 Arceo Naranjo R Hospital Pediátrico Provincial “Hermanos Cordové” Manzanillo, Granma, Cuba The economic evaluation in medicine has gained substantial importance in the last few years as it has allowed making rational and coherent decisions for more efficient strategies in healthcare. At present, antimicrobial drugs are irrationally exploited, causing high consumptions within the 290 assistance units. In order to evaluate the behavior of the consumption of antimicrobial drugs of parenteral use in "Hermanos Cordové" Provincial Pediatric Hospital of Manzanillo, it was organized an observational descriptive retrospective study in order to evaluate the handling of the antimicrobial drugs in each service and the lines more broadly exploited in the period from March to August, 2012. The orders, as well as the medical prescriptions made by each ward were used. The totals consumed by every line in each month were multiplied by their respective economic prices. In order to process the data, and to build the charts and the graphics, Microsoft Excel was used. A high consumption of parenteral antimicrobial drugs was evidenced within the hospital, representing over 50% of the total expenses for the purchase of medications per month. There are a high number of interventions with antibiotics in the patients admitted. These results are higher than those reported by some authors. The most antibiotic-consuming services were Respiratory Disease Service one (Ward E), Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), Infectious Disease Service one, and Surgery (Ward A), possibly due to the high morbidity of these services and the characteristics of the patients admitted in them. The most widely used antimicrobials were cefotaxime 1g, ciprofloxacin 200mg, ceftriaxone 1g, and amikacin 500mg. The total consumption of these medications reached $ 140,821.2 in the period under analysis. PFep 036 ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE OF STAPHYLOCOCCUS AND GRAMNEGATIVE GERMS IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT. GUANTÁNAMO, 2011 Cazull I, Romero K, Díaz E, Hernández R, Planche E, Velázquez T Dr. Agostinho Neto Hospital, Guantánamo, Cuba Severe sepsis and septic shock are major healthcare problems, affecting millions of people around the world each year, killing one in four, and increasing in incidence. The administration of effective antimicrobials within the first hour of recognition of septic shock and severe sepsis without septic shock should be the goal of therapy. Staphylococcus and gramnegative germs are the most common pathogens that cause sepsis in hospitalized patients. It was made a correlational, retrospective and transverse study with the objective to evaluate the antimicrobial resistance of staphylococcus and gramnegative germs in the intensive care unit of Dr. Agostinho Neto hospital in Guantánamo during the year 2011. The accessible population was 27 patients according to the inclusion criterior. It was utilized contingence coefficient and case study methods. Klebsiella was the most frequent germ in the discharged and dead patients, and also in the nosocomial or community sepsis together with the Enterobácter. The resources of the microbiologic laboratory was insufficient for the propose of the diagnosis and treatment protocol. It was not possible to determinate the resistance levels of ceftriaxone, and so it was not certificated the empirical progressive resistance of this drugs. There were very high resistance levels of all isolated microorganisms for the majority antimicrobials. The resistance in vitro of Escherichia coli was absolute for ceftazidime, and Enterobácter for cefotaxime. The same occurred with Acinetobacter for meropenem, ciprofloxacin and aztreonam. The third part of the culture of staphylococcus resistant to oxacillin was also resistant to vancomicin. Aztreonam, having a restrict use in the hospital, shows high resistance levels for frequent germs in the microbial map. PFep 037 IMPACT OF POST GRADUATE COURSE IN THE SELECTION AND MANAGEMENT WITH ANTIMICROBIALS IN RESPIRATORY AND URINARY INFECTIONS Fernández D, Acedo G, Quiros M, Cruz N, Valdés Y, Quintana J, Calderón K, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas, Cienfuegos, Cuba The antimicrobial constitutes one of the pharmacological groups of more prescription and use in the primary health care for their evident effectiveness in the treatment and prevention of multiple infections but exist many studies that show the irrational use of it in this level of attention. The municipality of Palmira is part of this problem, for this reason we proposed evaluate the impact of 291 a post graduate course about selection and management with antimicrobials in respiratory and urinary infections, in the doctors of this place. We take like sample 20 doctors of the municipality that represent 52.3% of the total of the universe. The level of knowledge was diagnosed for the application of a questionnaire of knowledge and the correspondence of the antimicrobials was evaluated for the check of the prescriptions emitted by the doctors. Everything was carried out before and after the realization of the post graduate course. We use methods of the descriptive statistic to allow the results in table of relationship of variables, expressed by number and percent. The differences between both moments it was determine using the statistical package Microstat, the procedure chi-square (χ²) and the difference among proportions for samples of oneself group were applied. The impact of the course was positive because after receiving it, among 85-100% of the doctors had an acceptable level of knowledge about this topic and among 62.5-86.5% of the prescription had an excellent correspondence of the antimicrobial prescribed with the recommended in the clinical practice guidelines established for the management of these pathologies. PFep 038 PROFICIENCY OF THE DRUG INFORMATION SERVICE OF CEDIMED – VC. González N, Bermúdez del Sol A, San Gabino Y., Jaramillo L., Canto M., Hernández E Centro de Estudios, Documentación e Información de Medicamentos de Villa Clara, Cuba Introduction: The evaluation of the quality and patient satisfaction is currently one of the points of interest in the evaluation of drug information services as a strategy for continuous improvement of the quality of care to users. Objective: To evaluate the quality of Drug Information Services (MIS) of the Center for Documentation and Information on Drugs of Villa Clara (CEDIMED-VC). Methods: A retrospective study from January to December 2012 was conducted. The annual reports of the SIM that collect the total pharmaceutical inquiries received were analyzed; moreover, indicators of Structure and Process focused on efficiency and productivity were evaluated. As a technique for data collection and processing of the results was used Microsoft Excel template. Results: With regard to the structure, there is a suitable, easily accessible office of exclusive use with sufficient capacity for operation. There is access to medical libraries, both physical and digital places through electronic services (INTERNET) and external hotline. Professionals show skills in search, selection and management of information sources, they have experience in publishing and critical analysis of information. Among the indicators related to passive information 311 inquiries were received and the responses were given 24-72 hours to 296 consultants, resulting Timely service. 100% of the models forms were correctly filled, and written suitable responses were given in each case. 100% of the queries were answered satisfactorily, so the service indicator was Relevant resoluteness. Regarding the active information Publications Produced and Opportunity indicators were Adequate and Opportune respectively. Conclusions: Information Service Drug CEDIMED-VC has quality. PFep 039 RISK OF ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE DUE TO ANTIBIOTIC RESIDUES IN THE BELICO RIVER AREA IN SANTA CLARA, CUBA Hernández E, Martinez B, Carrazana D, Águila E, Marrero O, Alonso G, Seijo M, Serrano H, Morales A Centro de Estudios, Documentación e Información de Medicamentos de Villa Clara, Cuba In recent years there is growing concern about the effects of drug waste in the environment. The objective of this research was to determine the risk of environmental damage from antibiotic residues in an area of a river that runs through a very urbanized area of the city of Santa Clara. In order to achieve the aim of this work the possible residues of antibiotics estimated by means of a consumption study for a year at a hospital, and concentrations in river water were predicted using a mathematical model and its ecotoxicological risk was determined. In the study period 22 antibiotics were used, the Ceftriazona reached the highest consumption and the amphotericin B reached lowest one. Among the antibiotics used: cefazolin, ceftriaxone, cefuroxime, cefotaxime, Cefepime, Vancomycin, Trifamox, Meropenem and Sulfaprim constitute a risk to the environment. 292 There was no inhibition of germination semillaLactucasativa L. and sulfaprim presented the highest inhibition of the root elongation. The Ceftazidime and Sulfaprim are slightly toxic to Eiseniafoetida, due to their LC50 values of 3.33 and 4.99 g / kg respectively. Cefazolin and Cefepime caused the greatest mortality to Physacubensis (53.33% and 86.66%) at the concentration of 1000 mg / L (pure product) and the ones that induced the lowest mortality were Ceftazidime and Trifamox with 20% each. In the trial of Artemia salina very low mortality was observed and no mortality was shown in Poecilareticulatano although some changes in the behavior of these organisms could be observed. That is why the dumping of antibiotic residues may, therefore, constitute a pollution risk for some species that live in the aquatic ecosystem studied or the like. PFep 040 USE OF ACAMPROSATE IN THE TREATMENT OF ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE DISORDER Galán L, Martínez G, Flores I Facultad de Ciencias Médicas 10 de octubre, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Alcohol dependence is a major public health problem and the fourth leading cause of disability worldwide. Three drugs are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for treating alcoholism: disulfiram, naltrexone and acamprosate. In our country is frequent the use of disulfiram in the treatment of alcoholism, it is an aversive agent, but it has significant adverse effects and compliance difficulties with no clear evidence that it increases abstinence rates, decreases relapse rates, or reduces cravings. In contrast, acamprosate, an anticraving agent and glutamate antagonist, reduces short-term and long-term (more than six months) relapse rates and cravings in patients with alcohol dependence when combined with psychosocial treatments and increases abstinence rates. The relapses are the major problem in the treatment of this disorder and the introduction of anticraving drugs is necessary for the treatment of alcoholism and the goal of this work was to value the evolution of alcoholism with acamprosate treatment. Material and Methods: A Drug Use Study was made. It was descriptive, observational and retrospective with elements of practical consequences of use of acamprosato in patient with alcoholism diagnosis. Results and Discussion: Of 94 patients valued, the 90.9 % did not have any relapse, only 4 patients had relapse. Only 9 % had cravings for consume alcohol. One patient had intranquility as adverse effect. The autovaluation of all patients was positive after treatment with acamprosate. The evolution of 68.8 % of patients was excellent. Other studies with acamprosate have reported similar results. Conclusions: These results demonstrated that the treatment with acamprosate is one of the best choices for prevention of relapse and reduce craving in alcoholism. PFep 041 ERECTILE SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION AND RESPONSE TO SILDENAFIL IN HYPERTENSIVE PATIENTS Brito Ferrer Y, González Caballero Y, Arias Gallardo AI, Armada Esmore Z, Jiménez Fernández L Universidad Médica “Dr. Serafín Ruíz de Zárate Ruíz” Villa Clara, Cuba Introduction: Sexual dysfunction is currently considered a serious quality-of-life-related health problem, more prevalent in hypertensive patients. Several mechanisms have been implicated in the pathogenesis of sexual dysfunction in hypertensive patients, and major determinants include severity and duration of hypertension, age, and anti-hypertensive therapy. Objective: To determine the influence of anti-hypertensive drugs in erectile dysfunction (DE) and the response to treatment with sildenafil. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was achieved in hypertensive patients attending the Sexual dysfunction medical consult. Inclusion criteria were age from 20 to 60 years old and they should be taking sildenafil. Variables like previous medical history, antihypertensive therapy, severity of DE (measured by International Index of Erectile Function IIFE-5) and effectiveness of sildenafil were taken into consideration. Results: Diuretics, mainly thiazidic diuretics (hydrochlorothiazide (p<0.01) and β-blockers exerted negative results in 293 etiology and severity of erectile function. The number of patient and severity of DE increased after 6 years of antihypertensive treatment. The majority of the patients (86 %) had a good response to sildenafil. Conclusions: Thiazidic diuretics in monotherapy or combined with β-blockers influenced sexual activity. The first phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor (sildenafil) was effective for treatment of sexual dysfunction regardless etiology, severity and anti-hypertensive medication. PFep 042 SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION IN PATIENTS UNDER HYPOTENSIVE DRUG THERAPY Armada Esmores Z, Arias Gallardo A, Jiménez Fernández L, Brito Ferrer Y, González Caballero Y, Chala Tandrón JM Universidad Médica “Dr. Serafín Ruíz de Zárate Ruíz”, Villa Clara, Cuba Introduction: Sexual dysfunctions have multifactorial causes. They are associated with organic and psychic problems. Organic dysfunctions include the use of drugs like antihypertensive drugs. Objective: To describe the behavior of sexual dysfunction in patients under hypotensive treatment Methods: A descriptive pharmaco epidemiological transverse study was achieved .The universe was formed by 285 male patients, taking into consideration the screening results on hypertensive persons. A randomized sample of 100 individuals was collected. This represents a 30% of the whale universe with inclusion criteria. An anonymous inquiry was also applied after the patients personal consents were confirmed Socio demographic factors, toxic habits, previous history, drug therapy, dysfunction during erection and ejaculation are orgasms were used as variables in this study Results: A 75% of patients taking hydrochlorothiazide had sexual dysfunction. Other drugs didn’t have significant results, the combination of captopril and hydroclorothiazide showed a 73, 18% of dysfunction in the sample. Lack of orgasm alone was the chief complaint of 41%of patients. Individuals of 51 to 60 years old had more probabilities to suffer from sexual dysfunctions; divorced, diabetic patients suffering from psychiatric problems also had big percentages of sexual disorders. Conclusions: The administration of tyathide diuretics in the treatment of hypertension is associated with the presence of sexual dysfunction. A combination of captopril and hydroclorotyathide increases the risk of suffering from this undesirable effects.Sexual dysfunction in the hypertensive patients under study is manifested in different ways, especially by a combination of orgasmic disorders with erection and ejaculation disorders. Elderly and diabetic persons, psychiatric disorders, consensual marital status and divorce are some contributing factors in the presence of sexual dysfunction smoking habit and alcohol consumption could not be related to these disorders. PFep 043 FEMALE SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION IN HYPERTENSIVE PATIENTS González Caballero Y, Brito Ferrer Y, Arias Gallardo A I, Perdomo Barber H, Armada Esmore Z Universidad Médica “Dr. Serafín Ruíz de Zárate Ruíz” Villa Clara, Cuba Introduction: Female sexual dysfunction is more prevalent in hypertensive patients than normotensive individuals and more frequent than its male counterpart. It remains largely underrecognized, and from the other hand, there is scarcity of studies about this subject in our country. Objective: To describe the Female sexual dysfunction behavior in patients under antihypertensive treatment. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was achieved in two Family doctors’s attending room, involving female hypertensive patients under pharmacological treatment lasting for at least 3 months. A randomized sample of 100 patients aged from 18 to 60 years old was selected. An anonymous questionnaire to asses sexual behavior was given to them. Diagnosis of sexual dysfunction was made taking into account the answers to the questions and in regard to DSM IV criterion. Previous medical history, lifestyle habits, anti hypertensive therapy and sexual behavior were inquired. Results: 71% of the studied patients suffered from at least one category of sexual dysfunction. Symptoms began after receiving antihypertensive treatment. Older antihypertensive drugs (diuretics, β-blockers) exerted negative influence on sexual symptoms, specially hydrochlorothiazide (51.4%). The majority of the patients (69.01%) suffered orgasmic disorders and 59.15% of them also complained from late sexual arousal. The group of psychiatric patients showed significant differences between patients with sexual dysfunctions and patient 294 without sexual disorders. Conclusions: Thiazidic diuretics impaired fully satisfactory sexual activity. Alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, coffee ingestion were not factors that precipitate the apparition of sexual disturbances. PFep 044 DRUG USE IN THE ADULT FEMALE POPULATION OF CUBA García Milian AJ , Alonso Carbonell L, López Puig P Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública, La Habana, Cuba Introduction. The need to adopt a gender approach in addressing health problems is to try to visualize precisely the multiple ways in which gender constructions iniquity situations occur that affect health. This approach to health taking gender differences into perspective, contribute to greater achievements in their field and the design of public health interventions appropriate to satisfy the requirements of men and women on an equitable. Objective: To characterize the use of medications in the adult female population of Cuba. Method: It performs this cross-sectional descriptive study to characterize the drug consumption from the perspective of gender in adult females of Cuba in 2007. For the collection of information a questionnaire was designed "drug consumption", validated by an expert panel and a pilot study. Items were fabricated in the form of seven statements that cover the categories that make up the operational definition considers the use of medications. Results: More than half of respondents taking drugs, being the retired with the most consuming 88.8%, while the students (33.3%) were the least. The highest percentage, 66.4%, reports that always keeps drug treatments as it was prescribed by your doctor. Conclusions. Drug use increases with age, low educational levels and retired, still use drugs for cardiovascular, anti-inflammatories, analgesics and antipyretics and psychotropic drug groups most consumed by Cuban women. PFep 045 CHARACTERIZATION CONSUMPTION OF SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS DRUG García Milian AJ, Alonso Carbonell L, López Puig P, León Cabrera P Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública, La Habana, Cuba Introduction. Scientific journals play an important role in the scientific communication process. Objective: To characterize the scientific publications on drug consumption in Cuban medical journals indexed in SCIELO in the period January 2000 to December 2012. Methods: A descriptive bibliometric Cuban medical journals indexed in SCIELO. The choice of units of analysis was performed taking into account the term drug consumption. Variables were studied number of articles by year of publication, number of publications by author, article distribution by number of authors, institutions conducting research, institutional productivity, number of references per publication and subject. Results: Of the period analyzed, 2009-2012 was the highest scientific production, 42.8%. Most of the authors were bystanders 91.7%. Institutions that conduct drug consumption were the Centre for development of pharmacoepidemiology six (28.6%), followed by medical schools and Calixto Garcia Enrique Cabrera with 2 (9.5%). Magazines and books were reference types that were used most frequently. The Journal of Pharmacy 42.8%, with 19.0% of Family Medicine and Medicinal Plants 9.5% were in the most commonly identified articles on the subject. The 69.3% of the institutions were classified as small producers. Conclusions: The scientific literature on drug consumption while agreeing with most consumed drug groups is low and is characterized by authors in articles passers high rate of shared authorship. PFep 046 CHARACTERIZATION OF ANTIMICROBIAL PRESCRIBING IN THE INSTITUTE OF CARDIOLOGY AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY, 2012 Pavón J, Figueroa A Universidad de La Habana, Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos, Cuba 295 Introduction: Antibiotics are one of the most effective drugs that are available and may be those who have contributed to the health and welfare of the population during the last half century. The data on global patterns of antibiotic use in hospitals have shown that a third of the hospitalized population received antibiotics and this has resulted in the selection of bacteria resistant to antibiotics administered. The excessive and uncontrolled use of antibiotics exerts selective pressure on bacteria and encourages them to create mechanisms of resistance. The Institute of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery was subjected to a process of capital repairs for several years and not until 2010 that returned to service. It is for this reason that does not yet have a policy of current antimicrobials. Therefore in this paper, the characterization of antimicrobial prescribing in the hospital during 2012. Methods and Materials. To complete the work we reviewed all prescriptions issued during the month sunder study. Those who had used prescription of antibiotics and they were legible. A model of data collection which included the following variables: antibiotic prescribed, dose and indication. Results. The results showed a high number of prescriptions for antimicrobials. Associated with a variety of indications and doses used. The most frequently prescribed antimicrobials were ceftriaxone, cefazolin, gentamicin and vancomycin. Conclusions. The wide variety of antimicrobials used in the Cuban Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery, and the differences in indications and dosage can be given by the absence of antibiotic policy to date. PFep 047 CLIMATIC CHANGE AND MEDICATIONS López Aguilera AF, Furones Mourelle JA Cruz Barrios MA, Bravo Palma PP Facultad de Ciencias Médicas “JulioTrigo López” The Climatic change will exert great influence on the increase of transmisibles diseases as well as cronic non-transmisibles ones, but the exact consequences continue to be uncertain. It is not clear yet what the medication consumption will be like in order to face these problems. On the order hand, it is not clear either how the disposal of expired medications will affect ecosystems and the environment in general as well as the effects on bacteria which could become drug resistant. It is an emergency to build up enough knowledge about how health will be affected by the climatic change, especially in vulnerable populations characterized by poor environmental, socio-economic conditions. In order to cope with these problems we must strengthen our health care system in order to face up the oncoming climatic changes which are to considered the greatest threat markind has ever come across with. PFep 048 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY IN HEALTH SYSTEMS AND SERVICES FOR ASSESSING QUALITY OF PRESCRIPTION DRUG Gross Fernandez C, Alvarez Glez R, Pajarin Fdez L, Casas Gross S Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba Avenida de las Américas S/N entre Calle E y Calle I, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba INTRODUCTION: The Research in Health Systems and Services is the application of scientific method to the study of the relationships between people and the system for health care since the introduction of Pharmacoepidemiology in our country. OBJECTIVE: Implement Systems Research Methodology and Health Services to evaluate the quality of prescriptions of medicaments. DESIGN METHODOLOGY: The methodology proposed by the National School of Public Health in Cuba for the evaluation of the quality of services considering its three dimensions: structure, process and outcomes. For each dimension, wots elaborated criteria or sub-criteria, indicators and standards or reference value. We considered each sub criteria Adequate when the indicator result equaled or exceeded the standard predetermined by the group of experts and Inadequate when the indicator result did not reach the standard. Each criteria was considered Adequate when the sum of the appropriate sub criteria was biger than 70%, and Inadequate when were letter than 296 70%. To implement this methodology we evaluate the quality of prescription of many medicaments frequently utilized shush as Nifedipine, Propranolol, digoxin, amitriptyline, Meprobamate, Clorodeazepoxido RESULTS: The structure was adequate in all assessments during the process. The knowledge of prescribers were inadequate with meprobamate and digoxin, also drug interactions predominated with amitriptyline and the propranololol in at least all of kind of indications. CONCLUSIONS. The methodology given to evaluate the quality of prescribing of Nifedipine, Propranolol, digoxin, amitriptyline, Meprobamate, Clorodeazepoxido was effective and allowed to find misconceptions in the prescribing process. Educational intervention has been necessary in order to improve the competence of prescribers and customer satisfaction healthcare. PFep 049 EVALUATION OF THE SATISFACTION LEVEL OF THE MEMBERS OF THE MAILING LIST FRAMEPI-L. 2012-2013 López M, Calvo D Pharmacoepidemiology Department of Public Health Ministry, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: The mailing list is a way to disseminate and share information, with minimal effort and cost among users. The Department of Pharmacoepidemiology MINSAP since 2003 has a distribution list called farmepi-l grows substantially. Objectives: To characterize user’s mailing list, determine the level of satisfaction and describe the information needs of its members. Method: We performed an observational, descriptive, cross-interpretive approach and qualitative and quantitative. The sample consisted of 445 users in the list and the sample by 96 survey respondents, the same group contained 10 questions, 8 closed, multiple choices and 2 open. Was circulated through the list requesting voluntarily respond. Results: 67.4% of users are medical specialist MGI, followed by pharmacists. The 40% have a scientific degree. The attention paid 37.5% APS, 21% in hospitals, 34.4% work at other levels. The 61.5% classified items you receive as excellent and 32.3% as very good. There were no fair or poor assessments, 86.5% claim to use the information for personal growth. The 38.5% of users want to receive the information sent, 36.5% demand information about drugs and therapeutics. They suggest sending small items. Conclusions: The level of satisfaction of users of the list is high and conforms to the type of information received, mostly from APS physicians and hospitals. PFep 050 STRATEGY OF INTERVENTION FOR THE ADDICTIONS PREVENTION IN AN UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY Pupo Perera E. Universidad de Oriente, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Departamento de Farmacia. This investigation was carried out to design a strategy for the prevention of the undue use of substances psychotropic’s in an university community, based on an appropriate work of Sanitary Education, keeping in mind the indicators of diagnostic and the carried out intervention, which were carried out in university students belonging to the careers of Right, Telecommunications and Electronics, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Sociology, of the University of East in Santiago from Cuba. The investigation was developed during the understood period of five months of January to May of 2012. For the design of the strategy of prevention, they were defined the vision, the objectives and the prospective results. Later on was carried out the atmosphere analysis by means of the study of the field of external forces and you intern of the population's prevention in question, to identify those aspects of the atmosphere that can influence in the achievement of the objectives, for this analysis was carried out a rain or storm of ideas firstly with the actors involved in the investigation, you proceeded to the observation and heap of experience for the identification of the action forces being proceeded starting from the obtained results of the implementation of the intervention developed in these careers, as well as of the program of sanitary education elaborated previously, taking like base the obtained initial results of the courses 2008 - 2009, 2009 - 2010 and 2011 - 2012. Achieving the design of strategy to prevent the addictions of substances psychotropic’s in this community. 297 PFep 051 IMPACT OF EDUCATION SERVICE TO DIABETIC PATIENTS Bermúdez I, Reynaldo G, Moreno S, Almuiña Y, Mena L, Robaina R. 1 Pharmacy and Food Institute. University of Havana. Ave. 23 no. 21425 214 Y 222 La Coronela, La Lisa. Havana CP 13600. Cuba. Diabetes mellitus constitutes a chronic illness that requires of the continuous care and it affects 350 000 Cubans. An epidemiology study carried out in Artemisa reported that this illness is suffered by 20 177 patients, 3 035 belong to Güira de Melena and they need to improve the knowledge of their illness, the adherence to medication and the metabolic control of this pathology. The educational needs identified allowed to design the service with 12 activities, 1 for month that contemplated the educational talk, the video debate, the discussion of group, narration of anecdotes, the role game, the dramatization, the rain of ideas and the delivery of educational materials. The service was implemented in the Main Municipal Pharmacy of this territory in the period of July from the 2011 to June of the 2012 in 52 diabetic patients (26 received the education: Group A and 26 didn't receive it: Group B). A questionnaire of 20 questions measured the knowledge of the illness. The adherence to medication was determined applying the questionnaire Morisky-Green. As indicators of the metabolic control it was glycemic, cholesterol, triglycerides, corporal mass index (CMI) and arterial pressure. We observed a increment of the knowledge on illness in 93.3 % and the adherence to medications in 84.2 % of the sample with the offered education. The glycemic levels, triglycerides and cholesterol showed a tendency to the decrease, with reduction of CMI and an effective control of the arterial pressure, these changes were not observed in the group B. This study demonstrates the positive impact of education service because modified the habits and behaviors of the patients that participated, the metabolic control of its illness and your satisfaction. PFep 052 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE PEPTIC ULCER IN THE HOSPITAL MANUEL FAJARDO IN THE YEAR 2011 Tawfiq M, Pacheco F, Peña A , Duro E Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Manuel Fajardo Previous: The peptic ulcer constitutes a problem of health for its raised incidence and complications. It is between first fatal causes in Cuba. Objective: Characterizing the behavior of the peptic ulcer in the Hospital Manuel Fajardo in January and February. 2012. Material and Method: It was a descriptive, transverse and observational study at Medicine Internal’s living rooms of the Hospital Fajardo, in the period of January and February 2012 Universe: 63 patients with diagnosis of peptic ulcer that entered at Medicine Internal’s living room of the Hospital. There wasn´t a sign. The used variables went: Sex, age, diagnostic method, the ulcer's location, infection for Helicobacter pylori and presented complications. Results: 61.90 % of the patients studied were coming from masculine sex, and 42.86 %, from among 63 and 77 years. 44.44 % of the ulcers were diagnosed by endoscopy, 82.54 % were duodenal. 52 patients were detected with an infection for Helicobacter, there were complications in 30.16 % of the patients, 19.05 % of that number was due digestive high bloody. Conclusions: The peptic ulcer is a problem of health that affects more patients of legal age and masculine sex. For the diagnosis the endoscopy was utilized fundamentally, and this is the recommended method. The duodenal ulcer proved to be more frequent than the gastric. Great part of the patients with peptic ulcer was infected with Helicobacter pylori, and this finding confirms the relation among both factors. The principal complication that turned up was digestive high hemorrhage. 298 PFep 053 INTERVENTION STRATEGY ABOUT CLOPIDOGREL PRESCRIBING IN A CARDIOLOGY SERVICE Ramos Hernández L, Ramos Medina J, Gálvez Martí L, Roldan Casas R, Casas Gross S. Universidad de Ciencias Médica de Santiago de Cuba. Avenida Las Américas S/N Santiago de Cuba. Teléfono 654697 E-mail INTRODUCTION: Ischemic diseases are serious health problem, this joined with the inexperience of use that we have with novel drugs such as clopidogrel, motivated us to perform this work will OBJETIVE: To evaluate an intervention strategy to improve the requirements of Clopidogrel in the cardiology department of Saturnino Lora Hospital of Santiago de Cuba from August 2011 to March 2012 METHODOLOGICAL DESIGN: We conducted a drugs utilization study that according to their classification corresponds to one intervention, with prescription – indication and therapeutic regimens elements. The universe was consisted of 33 doctors; and we choose a sample of 24 of them. The research was conducted in three stages: diagnosis, intervention and evaluation. Was considerate the evaluation of prescribers as a main variable RESULTS: The evaluation of prescribers showed that before intervention assessments were inadequate 54.16%, while 95.83% had after appropriate assessments. It was seen that predominated correct prescriptions and instructions both before and after the intervention. We found a ratio of approximately 5 combination of drug by patients before and after the intervention, drugs that had risky of associations with clopidogrel were cimetidine 90.90% and omeprazole 9.09%. CONCLUSIONS: The intervention strategy was effective in improving the prescriptions of Clopidogrel to achieve reverse were the difficulty associated with it to clopidogrel with omeprazole and cimetidine. PFD 001 EFFECT OF METFORMINA ON MICE NOCICEPTION ACCORDING TO ABDOMINAL CONTORTION TEST AND IMMERSION OF THE TAIL Salazar Granara A, Pante Medina C, Castañeda B Instituto de Investigación, CIMTFAR, FMH-USMP, Perú Objective.- To explore the effect of Metformina on mice nociception. Materials and method.- We used 160 albino male mice with average weight of 25 g. we determine the pain threshold with two technics: abdominal contortions (negative control group with distilled water, Tramadol 10 mg/kg, Diclofenac 10 mg/kg and Metformin 50, 100, 150, 200 y 250 mg/kg), and the test of immersion of the tail (negative control group that received distilled water, Morphine 10 mg/kg, and Metformin 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 mg/kg). We applied the ANOVA test of one tail, Tukey and Pearrson correlation. Results.- The inhibition of pain in the different groups was: 0%, 77.69%, 55.10%, 34.90%, 76.51%, 75.84%, 88.26% y 92.62% respectively. The ANOVA test was p<0,05. The Tukey test indicated p<0,05 between the control group and Metformin group. We found variation of the Metformina effect in relation to the doses (r=0, 6897 y R=0, 4756, p<0, 0001).The pain threshold with the immersion of the tail test after one hour was: 4.41, 14.85, 7.80, 11.50, 14.27, 8.47 y 10.74 minutes. The ANOVA test was p<0,05. The correlation test showed a low dependence in relation to the dose (r=0,1051 y R=0,0110, p>0,05). Conclusion.- We found analgesic effect of Metformina directly related to the doses. PFD 002 ANALGESIC ACTIVITY OF RENEALMIA ALPINIA (ROTTB.) MAAS, IN EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS Díaz Henao GP, Chica Rincón LE, Benjumea D Universidad de Antioquía, Colombia Renealmia alpinia is a vegetal species that has been used by the traditional medicine of Colombia against snake bite; furthermore as analgesic and febrifuge. In this study, it was determined the analgesic activity of R. alpinia extract, in experimental animals by a nociception test in which induces 1.1% acetic acid, intraperitoneally. Previously, the animals 299 were treated with the extract of R. alpinia, orally, at doses of 100, 200 and 300 mg / kg. These groups were compared with ibuprofen, a reference analgesic drug at doses of 75 mg / kg and with a negative control (vehicle). The manifestations of pain were measured by counting the number of writhes or abdominal constrictions in each animal. The results are expressed for the percentage of pain inhibition. The results show that the extract of R. alpinia, at doses of 300, has a percentage of pain inhibition than presented ibuprofen was statistically significant compared to the control group. These results justify the use of R. alpinia as analgesic agent by the traditional medicine. PFEc 001 Farmacoeconomía / Pharmacoeconomy ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF THE ANTIBIOTICS TREATMENT IN HYSTERECTOMISED PATIENT FOR UTERINE MIOMA. HOSPITAL "DR. AGOSTINHO NETO", GUANTANAMO Romero K, Cazull I, González L 1 Hospital General Docente “Dr. Agostinho Neto”, Carretera El Salvador. Km 1 /2, Guantánamo Recently the sanitary sector has shown a growing interest for the economy of health, demonstrating the importance granted to the objective interrelation of concepts like health and economy. The marked increase of the costs of medical technology and the growing pressure to diminish the budgets dedicated to the health have made necessary to apply the economic evaluation of the medications, defined as the process of determining the efficiency of a pharmacological treatment compared with other options, to selecting the one that has the most favorable cost/effects relationship. Because of the irrational use of the medications and the lack adherence of the performance protocols, it was decided to investigate about the most efficient clinical alternative among the ones that; to reach sanitari desirable objective in the hysterectomised patient with the diagnosis of uterine mioma. A retrospective study was carried out at the General Teaching Hospital "Dr. Agostinho Neto" in Guantanamo from april to may 2012 with the objective of carrying out an economic evaluation of the used treatment. The clinical histories of these patients were revised in the gynecology service, the age of each one was determined, type ofsurgery, used antibiotics and duration of the treatment. 61.64% of the patients was between 41 and 50 years of age; 81.62% of the surgeries was classified as clean-polluted; the most used antibiotics was cephazoline as monotherapy representantig a 51.28%; 84.62% of the patients received treatment during 2 days; 100% of the prescriptions was inadequate; the global cost for antibiotics concept was of 3242.65% pesos in national currency. If the performance protocols were well applied, it could be obtained save of 728.80 pesos in national currency. PFEc 002 ESTABLISHMENT OF QUALITY IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM FOR RECEPTION PROCESS IN THE DRUG MARKETING AND DISTRIBUTION COMPANY OF HOLGUIN Walton CT Empresa Comercializadora y Distribuidora de Medicamentos Holguín (EMCOMED), Cuba, This work was carried out at the storage areas of the Drug Marketing and Distribution Company of Holguin to know the causes and conditions that affect the process of receiving and contributing to incorporate non-compliant medications in the inventory. For this purpose were designed measurement instruments validated by a panel of experts using the Delphi method. It was found that the personal from storage areas, which are the internal customers of reception staff, was satisfied with the work of receiving, although on an individual basis they were not satisfied with the technical quality of the products that were received in the area; technological faults were the ones detected in larger amounts. It was shown that the reception staff should be trained in their area operations for better performance, in turn they reported several difficulties in working conditions that influence on the efficiency entry checking. As part of the continuous improvement of quality was created an action plan involving several areas to solve nonconformities and were created indicators to measure the effectiveness of the reception process, this became part of the 300 continues improvement program to provide excellent service to customers. PFEc 003 IBUPROFEN IN THE TREATMENT OF THE ARTERIAL PERMEABLE DUCTUS, HOSPITAL “RAMON GONZALEZ CORO”. 2010-2012 Duro E, Peña A, Monteagudo L, Pacheco F Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Manuel Fajardo, Calle Zapata esquina D, Vedado, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Prostaglandins I2 and E2 are involved in ductus arteriosus patency of Botal. In the case of the Newborn with Arteriosus Ductus Permeable (DAP), inhibitors of prostaglandins synthesis can be used, mainly Indomethacin and Ibuprofen which would avoid the need for surgical closure of the duct. Objective: To describe Newborns with DAP treated with Ibuprofen in the Hospital Ramón González Coro between January 2010 and December 2012. Materials and Methods: A descriptive, observational and cross- sectional study of newborns with Patent Ductus Arteriosus treated with Ibuprofen was made between January 2010 and December 2012. The data were obtained from the medical records of patients in the Neonatal Special Care Unit. Results: In almost all cases, drug closure was achieved with two or fewer doses. It was only necessary to use a third dose in one patient due to a reopening on the fourth day after the second dose was delivered. Conclusions: In all the infants studied, drug closure was achieved with the use of Ibuprofen, most of them with the administration of two or fewer doses, presenting a minimum number of complications due to this treatment. PFEc 004 COST-CONSECUENS EVALUATION PROPHYLACTIC ANTIBIOTIC USED ONCOLOGICAL HOSPITAL OF SANTIAGO DE CUBA Perrand M, Tamayo V, Osorio Y, López H Universidad de Ciencias Médicas Santiago de Cuba, Cuba A descriptive - prospective study and a cost-consequence economic evaluation, was carried out to determine and evaluate the results of a prophylactic antibiotic used in surgically intervened hospitalized patients at the Oncological Hospital of Santiago de Cuba, during the period of February- April of 2012. The sample was made up of 47 patients that complied with the established criteria for de investigation, and were characterized according to clinical and biosocial variables. The age range with most impact was from 36 to 50 years being 40.42 %, meanwhile females were the most affected with (80.9 %).Cervix cancer appears as the main pathology (36.18 %). For 59.57 % of the patients, the clean surgical option was the most used and Ceporán (1g)/Metronidazol (0.5g) was the antibiotic combination most applied in 36.17 of the patients. Arterial hypertension (48.9 %) appeared as the pathological antecedent with more incidences in the sample. The most frequent hospital infections and the responsible germs were determined. The wound infections prevailed with 8 patients (66.66 %), the results of the antibiotic therapy was measured by the % of sepsis avoided (68.42 %). Of the germs cultivated E. coli prevailed with 25%. Medication cost was $1980.02; meanwhile the total cost was $ 3145.59. the mean cost of medicine for each patient was $ 66.92. PFEc 005 COST EFFECTIVENESS OF TWO STRATEGIES FOR ANESTHESIA IN PATIENTS WITH TUMOR SURGERY AT THE INSTITUTE OF NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY IN HAVANA MSc. Mercedes Turro Fuentes, PhD. Anai García Fariñas. Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública (ENSAP), Ministerio de Salud Pública (MINSAP), La Habana, Cuba. Objective: To assess which strategy is more efficient for anesthesia of patients with cranial tumor surgery Method. Study cost effectiveness of two alternatives for anesthesia: Combined and TIVA. Perspective: NHS. Time horizon: stay in the surgical suite. Each patient was evaluated at the end 301 of surgery regarding anesthesia in B, R and M on the basis of Post-Operative Complications related to anesthesia and extubation place. For each alternative we calculated the percentage of patients evaluated in B. We considered only the direct costs of drugs used for premedication, induction and maintenance of anesthesia. Were used official prices for Cuban hospitals. Results. TIVA was used to anesthetize patients and Balanced 41 to 89. No patient was evaluated M. The 73% (30 patients) treated with TIVA were scored B while those treated with Balanced only 42% had this rating (37pacientes). The total cost for option TIVA was 5484.20 pesos DS (17,10) and the Balanced was 11403.66 pesos DS (16,76). The cost effectiveness of TIVA was 74.95 pesos while balanced had a value of 274.30 pesos per grade B patients after surgery. Conclusions. TIVA was the dominant alternative because it had more effect and less cost, is recommended as anesthetic strategy for patients with cranial tumor surgery. PFEc 006 TRACEABILITY OF PLANNING, REAGENTS. CUBA 2013 ARRIVAL AND DISTRIBUTION OF Yamilia Garriga Rodríguez Minsietrio de Salud Pública (MINSAP), La Habana, Cuba. Introduction: Cuba has a total of 750 laboratories, divided in clinical chemistry, microbiology, and blood banks. During April and May of the present year, the planning of diagnostic means for the period covering from January 2014 to February 2015 was carried out. This planning is developed in an upward way and all the labs of the health care units, the heads of national and provincial groups of related programs, as well as national and provincial departments of medicine analysis and planning are involved. Objectives: Identify the critical points in the process of planning of reagents. Method: A transversal descriptive observational study was carried out using the results of the surveys taken in the departments of analysis and planning of the whole country. 6 units of national subordination were chosen due to their role in shaping the planning in the period from February to April 2013. The survey explored variables like the type of profession and the working experience of the employees in charge of this task, as well as the level of training and their links with other responsibilities. Results: The survey was answered by the 100 % of those surveyed. Critical points of the planning process were identified and will be used to carry out a research to improve the quality of the process. Conclusions: A far-reaching and long lasting research should be developed. PFV 001 Farmacovigilancia / Pharmacovigilance PATIENTS KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES AND PRACTICES ABOUT REMAINING DRUG DISPOSAL, AN ECOPHARMACOVIGILANCE APPROACH. BOGOTÁ 2013 Quijano D, Holguín E, Orozco J Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia Introduction: Drugs reach ecosystems by excretion, inappropriate disposal and others ways. Inadequate practices,like disposing offdrugs likeOrdinary Waste (OW),are an understudiedproblematic; fish feminization by hormones and vulture’s death by diclofenaco have been observed. There is no information about drug disposal and environmental effects in Colombia, however, a Drugs Return Plan (DRP) exists with “PuntosAzules”to deposit them.This study’sobjective is todescribeknowledge, attitudes and practices aboutremainingdrugs (RD) and expireddrugs (ED) disposal. Materials and method: Descriptive observational study. Pilot test analysis(51 surveys) of a 385 calculated sample. Results: Participants were18 to 73 years old, 58.8% (30) claimed they had a total of 48 RD, 74.9%belong to nervous system, cardiovascular system and alimentary tract and metabolism 302 according to Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification of WHO. 29.4%disposes off RD inOWand 21.6% donate them; 45.1%disposes off ED inOW and 13.7% through the drainpipe. 17.6%of people think RD should bethrown away likeOW and 13.7%in specialized places.62.7%think ED should be thrown away likeOW, and 9.8%that should be delivered to specialized places. Most think that throwing away drugs is wrong, in the sink 78.4%,toilet 70.6% and OW58.8%; 43.1% think returning drugs to the pharmacy is right. 90.2% people don’t know about DRP or “PuntosAzules”; 80.4% don’t know what to do with RD and 94.1% would like information. 80.4% think that throwing away drugs can affect health and,84.3%,the environment. Conclusions: Most participants dispose off drugs inappropriately;they think it’s wrong and it can damage the environment and health. There’s an interest towards information, whichreveals an area of possible workin awareness, information and education, from the perspective of pharmacovigilance, about this subjectin benefit of the population-community. PFV 002 PHARMACOVIGILANCE IN CHILDREN. CAMAGUEY, CUBA Bárzaga Z, Choonara I, Fernández E Hospital Pediátrico Eduardo Agramonte Piña. Camaguey Introduction. Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are a significant problem in children throughout the world. Systematic reviews have shown that almost one in ten children in hospital will experience an ADR. ADRs in children attending outpatients are less frequent (1-2%). Although many ADRs are mild, a small number are severe and unfortunately some are fatal. Cuba is an active participant in the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring. Camagüey Province has a particular interest in children who experience ADRs. Purpose. Our aim was to describe the adverse drug reactions (ADRs) detected following increased education about pharmacovigilance and drug toxicity in children in Camagüey Province, Cuba. Methods. Over a period of 24 months (January 2009 to December 2010), all reports of suspected ADRs in children to the Provincial Pharmacovigilance Centre in Camagüey Province were analysed. ADRs were classified in relation to causality and severity. Results. There were 533 reports involving suspected ADRs in children in the period. Almost one third of the reports received were classified as moderate (155, 29%) or severe (10, 2%). There was one fatality in association with the use of ceftriaxone. Vaccines and antibiotics were responsible for most of the ADR reports (392, 74%) and for all ten severe ADRs. After an intensive educational package, both within the community and the Children’s Hospital, the number of reports increased from 124 in 2008 to 161 in 2009 and 372 in 2010. This was equivalent to a reporting rate of 879 and 2,031 reports per million children per year for 2009 and 2010, respectively. Conclusions. The incidence of ADRs in children Camagüey Province, Cuba, is greater than previously reported. An educational intervention about pharmacovigilance and drug toxicity in children can improve the reporting of ADRs. PFV 003 ASSESSMENT OF ADVERSE EVENTS REPORTING. NATIONAL ONCOLOGY INSTITUTE (INOR). MAY 2011 - APRIL 2013 Pérez Noya AL, Cuétara Lugo EB, Carnesolta Lazaro D, Rodríguez Duque R Instituto de Oncología y Radiobiología. La Habana INTRODUCTION. Antineoplastic chemotherapy is a widespread and effective treatment in Oncology; it is often used in combination with other therapies. Frequently, chemotherapeutic drugs produce adverse events which determine clinical conduct. The intervention in Pharmacovigilance performed by the Pharmaco-Therapeutic Committee, at the Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología (INOR) in Havana, since 2010, increased the number of reports of adverse events (AE) related to drug´s administration. Current work is aimed to characterize AE reports since May 2011 to April 2013. METHODS. This is a retrospective, observational and descriptive study which analyzed the Pharmacovigilance database from INOR. Following 303 parameters were analyzed: number of AE reports; pharmacological group, pharmaceutical drug and scheme of treatment associated to the highest number of AE, frequency, causality, severity, type of reaction and most affected system of organs. RESULTS. During the analyzed period, 147 probable AE were reported; most of them related to antineoplastics. The most reported AE were related with the administration of Doxorubicin (27%) and the application of the scheme Adryamicin-Cyclophosphamide (33%). Leukopenia was the most reported effect (28,6%) and lympho-hematopoietic the most affected system of organs (63,9%). The majority of the reported AE were of moderate intensity (59,1%); there were classified as possible (82,9%), in relation to causality, and frequent (71,4%). CONCLUSION. The number of AE reports have increased and its quality have substantially ameliorated from May 2011 to present day improving Pharmacovigilance system at our Institute. PFV 004 ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS OF LOW FREQUENCY OF APPEARANCE IN PREGNANT WOMEN. CUBAN PHARMACOVIGILANCE SYSTEM. 2003 – 2009 López L, Furones JA Hospital Dr Angel Arturo Aballí. La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Cuba reports drugs adverse effects (DAE) to the pharmacovigilance system of the World Health Organization (WHO) since almost 20 years. It has been done many studies in general population and in specials population groups such as the case of pregnant women, which this investigation belong. Material and Methods: Our observational, descriptive and transversal study was made to distinguish the low frequency of apparition adverse effects during pregnancy who were notified to the National Coordinator Pharmacovigilance Unit in 2003 and 2006 to 2009. It was based in the spontaneous notification method of suspicion of DAE. The complete reports of the choiced period of time were selected. The information was obtained by the national pharmacovigilance database and we apply descriptive statistics. Results and Discussion: Occasionals adverse reactions predominated (37, 1%) in comparison to the rare (33, 7%) and no described (29, 2%). Drugs that provoke this DAE more frequently were prenatal tablets (11, 2%) (No pregnancy risk categorized), metildopa (6, 7%) (B Category), tetanic toxoide (5, 6%) (C category) and hierro dextrano (5, 6%) (C category), betametasona (4, 5%) (C category), folic acid (4, 5%) (A category) and trofin (4, 5%) (A category) . The most affected system organs were skin and annexes (21, 3%), central nervious system (18, 0%), digestive system (15, 7%) and cardiovascular system (14, 6%). Moderate DAE predominated (51,7%) and probable (53,9%). Conclusions: Relate to the frequency of DAE studied were similar to those described in national and international literature. Drugs more reported belong to vitamins and minerals supplements that are use very much for this population group. The most affected organ system did not agree with the previous studies in pregnant women of our country. The same occurred with the severity of the DAE. PFV 005 PHARMACOVIGILANCE ASSISTANCE WEB SITE ON PRIMARY HEALTH CARE López M, López S, Méndez JA, Delgado AT, González C, Tejeda Y Farmacia Principal de Santo Domingo, Villa Clara Introduction: The growing interest for drugs safety issues is related to future and progress. Nowadays, together with great benefits that medicine can produce, are also their severe potential injuries to the health. For this reason, society is requesting to minimize the risks in therapeutic. On this point, family doctors need to master different aspects related to pharmacovigilance. All information that can be given to family doctors on this issue paves the way for the quality of their performance. The objective of this work was to design and implement a Web Site about Pharmacovigilance in Santo Domingo municipality, Villa Clara. Method: The Web Site was made in Visual Studio 2005 in the ASP. Net 2.0 program language and SQL Server 2000 data bases gestor. Results: It was created a Web Site with different pages for: Pharmacovigilance General Matters; 304 Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) Conditional Factors, ADRs Classification, Causality Relationship, Pharmacological Alerts and Signals; Cuban Pharmacovigilance System and Pharmacovigilance in Santo Domingo. Information is shown to the users in a dynamic way. Interaction is guarantee with a registering module for ADR data, also with a discussion space, and the Directory of Research for reporting aspects of interest. It is updated with bibliographical information of the last 5 years. Conclusion: The Pharmacovigilance Web Site is a useful tool for health professionals performance. PFV 006 PREVENTABLE ADVERSE REACTIONS BY THE CONSUMPTION OF HERBAL MEDICINES. CUBA 2003 - 2010 Ruiz Salvador K, García Milián AJ, Jiménez López G, Alfonso Orta I, Hernández Pérez B, Morón Rodríguez F Facultad de Ciencias Médicas General Calixto García, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: The analysis of the preventability of adverse reactions has revealed that a significant percentage of the harmful effects due to errors during the process of using chemical synthetic drugs and natural. Objective: To characterize the preventability of adverse reactions reported by the consumption of herbal medicine in Cuba in the period 2006-2010. Method: This is an observational, descriptive, retrospective and cross. It included the entire report of suspected adverse reactions to herbal medicines produced by the Coordinating Unit National Pharmacovigilance during the period 2003 -2010. Results: Of the reports of suspected adverse reactions assessed, 177 were classified as avoidable (19.5%), these occurred more frequently with the use of garlic (27.1%) and aloe (23.7%). The 47.5% of the preventable reactions occurred in patients from 31 to 60 years and 37.3% older than 60 years. The most affected body system was the gastrointestinal (40.7%). Most preventable adverse reactions were classified probable (52.5%) and possible (33.3%) according causality and minor (72.3%) according to severity. The most frequent cause of preventability was dosing errors (50.8%). Conclusions: This characterization of preventability of adverse reactions caused by herbal medicines is the first nationwide study of this type, allowing analysis include preventable notifications in the safety profile of herbal medicines. PFV 007 KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICES ON PHARMACOVIGILANCE IN DENTISTRY STAFF Ruiz A, Cruz MA, Furones JA Policlínico Docente Andrés Ortiz. Guanabacoa. La Habana, Cuba Introduction. A voluntary reporting system of adverse drug reactions is fundamental to drug safety surveillance but under-reporting is its major limitation. Among dental practitioners is worse, in Cuba very few reports are done by these healthcare workers. May be these is related with lack of knowledge about pharmacovigilance. Objective. To identify the level of knowledge and attitude among dental practitioners in clinical Method. Descriptive and traverse study. A total of 104 dental practitioners working at the dental clinics in Guanabacoa, Havana, were evaluated with a questionnaire for their knowledge and attitudes to adverse reactions reporting. They were about 70,3% from total dental workers at the clinic. The questionnaire sought their levels of education and training on ADR reporting, years of professional experience, knowledge and attitudes to adverse reactions reporting, sources of information about pharmacovigilance. Results. The majority of dental practitioners (65,4%) had more than 5 years of professional experience; 55,6% of dentist was specialist and only 9,8% was professor, researcher o master degree. They did not know the concept of drug adverse reaction, although 76% recognized that drugs can cause them; the Cuban official form to report adverse reactions was unknown in 94,2% but they recognizes the importance of the pharmacovigilance (92,3%) and if observe a adverse reaction inform it (85,6%). They didn't consult correct sources of information on adverse reactions (63,5%), they use as 305 mainly source the package insert. They had not reported a adverse reactions (90,4%). The response of dentist was better than dental technician. Conclusions. It was observed deficient knowledge and practices in pharmacovigilance on dental practitioners from this community area. This result may have important implications in terms of public health, if knowledge and practices are viewed as potentially modifiable factors. PFV 008 EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF IMPLEMENTATION OF A DRUG SURVEILANCE SYSTEM IN EMERGENCY SERVICES IN THE QUALITY PHARMACOVIGILANCE SYSTEM. SATURNINO LORA HOSPITAL Boizant LM, Ramos L, Abreu PM, Farre SM, Pérez CJ Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente Saturnino Lora Torres. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba Adverse drug effects are a major cause of hospital admission in many cases increasing the hospitalization and other representative portion of becoming health expenditures, so we set the objectives: To estimate the incidence of adverse reactions in patients admitted to the emergency room of our hospital, identify causal association between drug use and the occurrence of certain disease states in the population of interest, and evaluate the impact. We conducted a descriptive study on emergency department. We interviewed all patients admitted to this service, from April 2012 to May 2013 with: acute bleeding, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertensive emergency, fluid and electrolyte imbalance, Stevens-Johnson syndrome. patients with positive questioning, we filled the questionnaire designed for the study. Algorithm was applied (Karsh and Lasagna). We filled the ADR reporting model. We calculated the incidence by dividing the number of patients admitted with diseases caused by drugs among all patients admitted to this service during the study period. We evaluate the impact using quality indicators cuban pharmacovigilance system before and after the establishment of the system. We identified a total of 18 patients with diseases caused by adverse drug reactions. As the incidence rate was 0.75 per 100 patients. The main reason for admission was gastrointestinal bleeding, followed by arrhythmias of different types and third dehydration, one patient with Stevens-Johnson syndrome. The quality indicators improved after implementing the system of pharmacovigilance in emergencies department, through proportion of significant adverse reactions since 45.2% in 2011/2012 to 67.3% in 2012/2013 and the second one the proportion of low-frequency reactions appearance to grew from 31.2% in 2011/212 to 54.8% in the period 2012/2013. We conclude that the implementation of this system in emergency pharmacovigilance improved the quality of our system of pharmacovigilance and allowed detecting a greater number of significant adverse reactions. PFV 009 A CUBAN NATION-WIDE PHARMACOVIGILANCE STUDY OF ALLERGEN IMMUNOTHERAPY FOR ASTHMA USING ALLERGEN VACCINES FROM TROPICAL RELEVANT HOUSE-DUST-MITE SPECIES Mateo M, Labrada A, Castro RL, Jiménez G, Alfonso I, Reyes MC Centro Nacional de Biopreparados. La Habana, Cuba Background: Efficacy and safety of allergen immunotherapy (AIT) for asthma, using House Dust Mite (HDM) vaccines has been widely evaluated in controlled clinical trials. However, relatively few studies address this problem in routine clinical practice with a large population sample. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of AIT using HDM vaccines by sublingual (SLIT) or subcutaneous route in clinical practice, in Cuba. Methods: It was a prospective, open, nationwide, Fase IV, pharmacovigilance, study of asthmatic patients undergoing AIT with standardised vaccines VALERGEN, BIOCEN, Cuba. The study was carried out in 10 different provinces. Both, adult and infant, asthmatic patients were included. Efficacy variables were assessed in 1045 patients who completed one year treatment. For adverse reactions, the analysis comprised all included patients totaling 1805. Results: Patients who abandoned the study reached 8.4%. Highly significant improvement (P<0.0001) was reported for all efficacy variables as compared to baseline. In particular, increase of Quality, decrease of asthma severity by 91.2% and medication intake by 47%, and increase of symptom-free days by 18.7%. The efficacy was similar between the two administration routes. Drug consumption was significantly (P<0.001) lower in children, 306 particularly by SLIT. The overall efficacy was similar for the three products. Eighty-seven adverse events were reported, including 60 systemic (Grade I-IV) and 27 local reactions; 4.76% of patients showed adverse events. The subcutaneous route predominated in both systemic and local reactions, with a frequency 4 times higher than the sublingual. No serious systemic events (Grade III-IV) were reported by SLIT. Conclusions: The efficacy and safety of AIT for asthma, using tropical HDM vaccines was confirmed, in routine clinical practice, with a relatively large and diverse sample of Cuban patients. SLIT showed fewer and less severe adverse reactions. The efficacy of SLIT was similar as compared to subcutaneous route. PFV 010 ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS SURVEILLANCE IN A HOSPITAL LUCÍA IÑIGUEZ. HOLGUÍN 2009 - 2012 Rodríguez S, Casas Y, Cruz F Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Lucía Iñiguez. Holguín, Cuba Adverse drugs reactions (ADRs) are causes of hospital morbilidity and mortality. That's why they must to be search in an active and permanent way. Objectives: To describe ADRs report, manifestations, severity, causality, rate and evitability. Methods: Observational, descriptional Pharmacovigilance´s study with the analysis from January 2010 to December 2012 period. Results: 430 ADRs was reported; this was superior to years before. 60% were important according to Cuban Pharmacovigilance National System and 84 (19.5%) caused hospitalizations. The most report's rate corresponded to open room hospitalization (46.8%) and medical and pharmaceutics professionals were involved. It was reported a great number of clinical symptoms (85) such as: skin (48.6%), gastrointestinal (16.5%) and general (8.1%) manifestations. Antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, contrast diagnostic agents, peritoneal dialysis solutions, cistostatics and inmunostimulating drugs were the most implicated. Moderate and probable ADRs was predominant but 5.3% were severe and three of them were mortal. It was identified 24 reactions no described before and 27 were rare, among these erythema multiforme, toxic epidermal necrolysis and agranulositosis. 44 % could be preventable and the wrong prescription and mistakes in treatment were the principal causes. Conclusions: Stronger hospital Pharmacovigilance permitted better report of ADRs on our professional's duty and to have our own reference. The behaviour analyses allowed define some areas for future interventions. PFV 011 PHARMACOVIGILANCE FROM LIORAD PHARMACEUTICAL LABORATORY Burguet N, Jiménez G Laboratorios LIORAD. San Agustín La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Laboratorios Liorad holds a health and medical license for production and commercialization in the line of liquid parenteral and freeze dry products. Information regarding security profile of the products is rendered on a systematic basis. This is a descriptive and retrospective study comprising a period of three years on potential adverse reactions received from the National Coordinating Unit of Pharmacovigilance. Material and Methods: Notifications received from and found in the database of the referred pharmacovigilance unit were analyzed and classified into pharmacological group, most notified medication, type, frequency, severity, cause and organs affected. Results: Anesthetics rank first with 41notifications (35 %) regarding pharmacological group; the most notified medication was ketamine 50g (23 %) characterized by bronchospasm, tachycardia, hallucination, respiratory depression, allergic reaction, skin rash, erythema, vomits, laryngospasms and inspiratory rales; regarding frequency, rare stand out with 42 (35.9 %); regarding severity, mild reactions display 70 (59.8 %), regarding light, serious and life threatening reactions as far as cause is concerned first come the probable followed by conditional (14.5 %) and finally possible ones (12 %); the most affected organ system was the skin. Conclusion: The information obtained in this research work allows us to state that in general the risk-benefit rate of manufactured products in this lab is favorable. PFV 012 BEHAVIOR OF ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS REPORTS AT THE INSTITUTE 307 OF NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY. 2011 - FIRST QUARTER 2013 Cordero A Instituto de Neurología y Neurocirugía. Plaza de la Revolución, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Adverse drug reactions have important outcomes for individuals as well as for the national health system, and its monitoring allows knowing its behavior in our setting. Objectives: To characterize the behavior of adverse drug reaction reports at the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, during the period 2011- first quarter 2013. Materials and Methods: A retrospective observational and descriptive study of 52 adverse drug reaction reports was conducted during the period previously mentioned. With these reports a FarmavigC data base was conformed, which included the variables: age groups (children, adults, geriatric), sex, adverse reactions, pharmacologic group, severity of reaction (light, moderate, severe, mortal) and relation of causality established between the drug and the adverse reaction (definite, probable, possible, conditional, not related). Results: Data analysis showed that notifications of adverse drug reactions prevailed in female adults. The most frequent were urticaria (32.69%), fever (9.61%), and drowsiness, tremor, vomiting (7.69%). The drug groups which displayed the greatest reactions were anticonvulsants (30.7%), immunostimulatory drugs (Intacglobin, 25%) and contrast agents (21.15%). Moderate reactions and probable causality predominated. Conclusions: The report of adverse drug reactions at the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery during the study period has a similar behavior to those reported in the literature taking into account the characteristics of our institution. PFV 013 QT PROLONGUED SINDROME IN OPHTHALMOLOGY Egaña Arucas M, Otero Alba I, Pérez Pérez M, Montalván Chávez R, Chiang Rodríguez C Instituto de Oftalmología Ramón Pando Ferrer, La Habana, Cuba The Long, acquired QT Syndrome is mainly caused because of the use of drugs that prolong ventricular repolarization. Apart from the antiarrthmic drugs, this property is shared with the use of medications of frequent utility in ophthalmology. There are numerous no medicational predisposal factors which increase the risk of this Syndrome that might be avoided with a correct selection of patients and an adequate control of the pharmacological therapy OBJECTIVES: To determine the presence of Prolonged QT Syndrome in patients treated with ophthalmological medications METHODS: An observational, descriptive study was conducted at the OSI “Ramón Pando Ferrer” during the first semester of year 2012 , the sample was obtained from 80 patients that assisted to the Internal Medicine consultation and had a treatment with ophthalmologic drugs that could cause enlargement of the QT interval, as well as other risk factors. OUTCOMES: 55% of the patients were treated with more than one ophthalmologic drug with the risk to enlarge the QT interval, 75% had other risk factors, mainly being female and having a cardiac dysfunction for a 60 and a 13.8% respectively. In 12 patients was detected a rectified prolonged QT interval. None of them had a case of Torsade de Pointes. Conclusions: The presence of Prolonged QT Syndrome increases when several ophthalmological medications with this risk are utilized PFV 014 BEHAVIOR OF ADVERSE REACTIONS AFFECTING THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, NOTIFIED BY THE CUBAN SYSTEM OF DRUG IN 2012 Viña Pérez G, Jimenez Lopez G, Calvo Barbado DM, Debesa García F Departamento de Farmacoepidemiología. MINSAP, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Pharmacovigilance Coordinator Unit of the Ministry of Public Health, make an periodical analysis of suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) reported in 2012; it was observed that the reactions affecting the Central Nervous System (CNS), were among the most frequent. Given the importance of this system and the implications of these reactions to health, it was 308 decided to analize the characteristics of them. Materials and Methods: We performed a descriptive, transversal and retrospective. research Data were obtained from the database of the Pharmacovigilance Coordinator Unit, for which was evaluated the total notifications of Cuban pharmacovigilance database in 2012. Adverse reactions were classified according to body system affected, choosing to study reactions affecting the CNS. Results: There were 4213 notifications of ADR that affect the CNS, of which the vast majority were classified as moderate, frequent and probable. Among the drug groups most frequently affected this system were the antihypertensives, NSAIDs and antibiotics, all widely consumed in our country, being the captopril, penta vaccine and other drugs more involved. Headache, dizziness and tremors were the most common reactions. Conclusions: With these results we could characterize the behavior of the RAM that affect the CNS, allowing feedback to notifiers and make strategies to minimize the health risks of this type of reactions. PFV 015 USE OF MIDRIATICS IN PEDIATRIC AGE. A CASE PRESENTATION Otero Alba I Instituto de Oftalmología Ramón Pando Ferrer, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: We believe that the use of topical medication in the eye has no complications and side effects; these can go from cutaneous redness to loss of consciousness and aplastic anemia. There might be side effects in children as long as the systemic absorption is relevant enough. Children have a high risk of systemic side effects due to the lack of dosage according to weight, in topical medication for the eye and they are especially vulnerable because of the metabolic disorders of the drug, lack of maturity of the haematoencephalic barrier, their corporal mass index is lower than the one in adults and their optic membranes are thinner, which carries an increase of the levels of the medication in plasma. Midriatics are those medications capable to cause a dilatation in pupils. Those are of a frequent use in pediatrics for the diagnosis and treatment of ocular diseases, its dosages and cares in administration must be taken in consideration to avoid the appearance of undesirable effects. Objective: Review the use of midriatics in pediatric age Case Presentation: Female patient, 12 years old, with a previous background of good health, which after the topical administration of three drops of 1% ciclopentolate had a sudden loss of consciousness. After physical examination: drug induced midriasis, paleness and cold skin. HR: 100 per minute. BP: 110/60. She recovers spontaneously. Complementary exams were negative of any disorder. In Pediatrics consultations we frequently see undesirable effects after the administration of midriatics , therefore we conducted a revision of the theme. PFV 016 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS IN A ERNESTO GUEVARA HOSPITAL. 2008 - 2012 Gallardo A, Rúa M, Rodríguez L Hospital Ernesto Guevara. Las Tunas, Cuba Now a day, in the social environment, the medications are the alternative therapeutic more commonly used in public health system, and it is highly use, is becoming it in an important health problem. We can't forget the benefits produced by the medications in the prevention, healing or diagnosis of a disease but those also have adverse effects. An observational study of pharmacological surveillance was carried out using the method of spontaneous report. It consisted in the analysis of all the drug reaction adverse suspicions report in Ernesto Guevara Hospital during the period January 2008- 2012. The information was obtained from the database of the institutions. Regarding the degree of severity, minor reactions represent the 80.7 percent; the antimicrobial pharmacological group 41.3 percent; regarding causality the probable 53.4 percent and the most affected organs were the skin 55.5 percent. In the reports of adverse reactions in the hospital it was found that most of the reactions were minor. The highest percentage of reports was the antimicrobial pharmacological group; regarding causality the probable events prevailed and the most affected organs were the skin. 309 PFV 017 ADVERSE REACTIONS RELATED TO CONSUMPTION OF CONTRACEPTIVE HORMONE FROM A FAMILY PLANNING CONSULTATION Aguilar M, Olivero M, Reyes I, Zúñiga A, Álvarez H Policlínico Docente de Levisa. Mayarí. Holguín, Cuba Introduction: The frequent appearance of undesirable effects that experience women that use hormonal contraceptives, makes necessary to carry out a systematic pursuit to reach the rational use of these medications by the users; the development of this activity starting from the pursuit pharmacotherapeutic is constituted like a robust tool for it. Objective: The objective of the present study was to detect, to evaluate and to notify the suspicions of adverse reactions to the Hormonal Contraceptives starting from a service of pursuit pharmacotherapeutic. Materials and methods: It has been carried out a prospective and longitudinal study starting from the service of pursuit pharmacotherapeutic offered to women users of hormonal contraceptives belonging to the consultation of family planning of the polyclinic of Levisa, located in the municipality of Mayarí in Holguín city, in the period among January 2012 to January 2013. For the development of pharmacovigilance activity, the process starts from the pharmaceutical tracing, according to a validated standard operating procedure, which facilitated the detection of drug-related problems of the type suspected ADRs, for the prevention and resolution of negative outcomes associated to medication. Results: We bid the service to a total of 21 patients in the period, 55 were detected drug-related Problems of suspected adverse reaction type, 87.7% were detected Defined suspicions. Of the 50 adverse reactions were detected low clinical significance was reached accepted interventions index-resolved reaction suspected 85.6%. All adverse reactions were notified to pharmacy services through the official notification of RAM. Conclusions: The results show that pharmacotherapy monitoring conducted systematically can raise the quality standard of pharmacotherapies prescribed in patients in primary health care, while demonstrating the importance of the pharmacist's clinical work in the team care. PFV 018 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE SIDE EFFECTS TO ANTIBIOTICS IN ELDERLY PATIENTS IN A HOSPITAL SERVICE Echavarría M, García O, Balde M Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos (IFAL). La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Elderly patients have more probability of manifestation of adverses effects because of factors that differentiate them from other population groups, such as, the use of a increased number of pharmac and physiologic changes related with aging that alter drugs’ pharmocokinetic and pharmacodynamic .Methods: It is a descriptive and transversal study in the elderly patients with pneumonia diagnosis and treatment antimicrobials at the Calixto García Hospital in 20092010, with the objective of determines presence of report of adverse effect in a clinic history of this patient. Results: Were evaluated 113 clinics histories and only in a 17 of these, were found reported effects adverses. The most frequently effect adverse finded were related with the cephalosporins of second generation, the Quinolonas, and the Penicillins represented this groups for the Cefuroxima (29 %), the Ciprofloxacino (18 %) and the amoxicilina with the 12% of report. The frequent reactions occupied the major percentage and were report 3 RAM not described in a National Formulary. The adverse effects more manifestated were confusion and hypersensitivity reactions. Conclusions: Prudent use of medications and vigilant drug monitoring are essential to avoid adverse drug reactions. The report of adverse effects provides important data to sanitary system. PFV 019 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS ACCORDING TO THEIR EVITABILITY IN ELDERLY PATIENTS. GRANMA 2005 - 2012 Aguilera Aguilera O, Llovet A M, Ramírez Calzadilla Y, Aguilera Medina O Dirección Provincial de Salud. Farmacoepidemiología. Granma, Cuba 310 Introduction: The population aging is one of the most remarkable changes of modern civilization and its presence determines greater changes in the design, instrumentation and application of health policies. One of the main actions to guarrantee the health of this population group is to identify in a precise way their health situation and diseases, because aging has been one of the determinant factors to increase the prevalence of chronic-degenerative diseases and of course, the increase of medicine consumption, what provokes greater pharmacological interactions and adverse reactions to medicines. Objective: To characterize the behavior of adverse reactions to medicines (RAM) in elderly people, reported in Granma province since 2005 to 2012. Method: It was performed an observational, descriptive and transverse research of pharmaco-surveillance, applying the spontaneous method of adverse reactions and the data base of pharmacosurveillance in the province. The universe was represented by 1428 RAM records in 60 year-old patients and older, reported in the province during the period 2005-2012, identifying the pharmacological groups and the most related drugs, the classification of adverse reactions according to the severity, the affected organ system, the degree of legal responsibility and its evitability. Results: The pharmacological group with greater representation was the antimicrobial one (28,4%), the most frequent drugs were aminophillyne, rapilent penicillin and amoxacilline, the moderated reactions had the higher percentage as well as the possible reactions, It could have been avoided the 54,3% of the studied adverse reactions to medicines. Conclusion: There was a prevalence of the adverse reactions that can be avoided in elderly patients due to the use of therapeutic patterns and inappropriated indications of medicines. PFV 020 EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SURVEILLANCE OF DRUGS USE DURING PREGNANCY AND CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS IN VILLA CLARA Herrera Martínez M, Vales Almodóvar M, Fernández Tejera C, Martínez Lima MN, Pérez Crispi JM, Noche González G, Noa Machado MD Laboratorio de Epidemiología y Genética Clínica. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas. Villa Clara, Cuba The epidemiological surveillance of potentially teratogenic drugs during pregnancy is a task of great importance, which is not free of complexities inherent to the nature of the mechanisms of action, the assurance of the dose and the exposure time as well as to ethical concerns. Objective: To contribute to the people's knowledge in relation to the potential teratogenic effects of drugs used in early gestation in a sample of pregnant women exposed to these drugs. Methodology: A cohort study was conducted in primary health care taking into account the medical monitoring of gravidas and the survey performed about their exposition to these drugs at the beginning of pregnancy and an assessment of newborns between the second and fourth month of life in search for congenital malformations and a case-control study taking into account the registration of all malformed babies at the neonatal services in this province, with retrospective investigation of both, case mother/control mother studies, at risk. In both studies the information related to drug exposure, is processed. Results and Discussion: The cohort study included 355 malformed babies, 230 out of which with major malformations, either in babies born alive, stillborn babies, as interruption products due to genetic causes. We found that in 9 drugs significant associations between the ingestion and the presence of malformations, took place. In the case-control study the overall results and the results for the following groups of specific congenital malformations, were recorded: anencephaly, Down Syndrome, reductive defects of members, congenital heart diseases and cleft lip with or without cleft palate. Conclusions: The assessment of the teratogenic risk we found that certain drugs, contributes to the provided evidences of other studies that support the contribution of such drugs together with the genome and the epigenetics in the development of birth defects and it lets a gap to search for primary prevention. PFV 021 BEHAVIOR OF ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS REPORTS AT THE CLINIC DR MARIO MUÑOZ MONROY. 2011 Sánchez LI, Hernández F F, Pupo N A Policlínico Docente Dr Mario Muñoz Monroy. Habana del Este, La Habana, Cuba 311 Introduction: The adverse reactions to medications are any harmful effect that happens after the administration from a medicament to the normal doses used in the human species, for the prevention, the diagnosis or the treatment of an illness or for the modification of some physiologic function. The Adverse Reactions to Medications constitute a topic forgotten in the current time in which one lives an incessant production of medications on the part of the industries pharmaceutical, many times without checking their effectiveness properly. Materials and methods: It was carried out a descriptive and traverse study on the notifications of adverse reactions, in the Area of Health of Policlínica Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy, in the period of time located between january and december of the 2011. The primary fact was obtained of the revision of the municipal statistics. Then it was carried out a survey to a sample of professionals and workers of health of the center. The investigated variables were: knowledge of the adverse reactions; who can report them; if they know or not the existence of a model to make it and that importance confers to these reports. Results: The policlínica Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy ended up occupying the second place of smaller reports in the municipality, it was also the lack of knowledge for the personnel of health of the notification possibility from the adverse reactions to medications, as well as of the existence of an official document to carry out these reports, although a high percent of those interviewed recognizes that the topic has a high importance. Conclusions: You could verify the subnotification of adverse reactions to medications in the area of health of our center contrasting this with the great population number that they goes to their services. PFV 022 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE POLIPHARMACY AT THE EMERGENCY ROOM IN THE HOSPITAL MANUEL FAJARDO 2011 Pacheco F, Peña A, Duro E, Kouri Ana Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Manuel Fajardo, La Habana, Cuba Background: Polypharmacy causes undesirable appearance of Drug Interactions, which sometimes cause the death of the sufferer. Having a good knowledge of the subject can significantly reduce their appearance. Objective: To characterize the behavior of polypharmacy in patients treated at the emergency room of Comandante Manuel Fajardo hospital, between January and February, 2011. Materials and Methods: An epidemiological, cross- sectional and descriptive study was made between the months of January and February 2011 at Comandante Manuel Fajardo Hospital with the objective to show and assess. 124 patients were interviewed, 87 of them practiced polypharmacy (70.16%), to wich we applied a questionnaire prepared reach our objectives. This is an epidemiological study, a cross-sectional tried to show and assess the real extent of the practice of polypharmacy and its consequences.Among the variables used are: Age, Sex and Educational Level. Results and Conclusions: We found that more than half of the respondents practiced polypharmacy patients, detecting the appearance of potential drug interactions between drugs that were often self-medicated. Females were predominant in the use of multiple drugs that can lead to drug interactions, mainly due to self-medication. The age group with the highest incidence of polypharmacy was between 38 and 57 years, mainly middle level of schooling. The the most common drug combination was Captopril + acetylsalicylic acid (ASA). PFV 023 CONSIDERATIONS ON THE ADVERSE REACTIONS OF HEBERTRANS® Cruz MA, Furones JA, Broche L Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública, ENSAP, La Habana, Cuba Transfer factor is a blood product used in clinical conditions associated with cellular immunodeficiency states such as infectious diseases (viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections), cancer and other diseases; it is a dialyzable leukocyte extract transferring immunity of an immune donor another immune deficient. In Cuba it is registered as a drug and his marketed name is Hebertrans®. The producer is the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. For 312 prescription drugs, the regulatory agency approval process requires evidence of efficacy and safety for specific clinical situations. The information for this evaluation gets from results of investigations and reports about safety from pharmacovigilance centers. This paper reviews available information on adverse reactions to this product. We observed that most published researches about Hebertrans ® evaluate their effectiveness, not his adverse reactions. After years in the Cuban pharmaceutical market, the information available on the product label says it can cause only erythema at the injection site in 2% of cases. However, we have posted information about the safety of transfer factor and the Pharmacovigilance Center of Cuba has several reports of adverse reactions caused by this drug. We can conclude that Hebertrans® causes adverse reactions which are not reflected in the accompanying prospectus. The Cuban regulatory agency shall require to the producer for updating the information about safety to ensure rational use. PFV 024 ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS NOT DESCRIBED IN THE CHILDREN. PHARMACOVIGILANCE SYSTEM. CUBA, 2005-2012 Furones JA, Barbón N, Alfonso I, Jiménez G, Cruz MA, López AF Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública, ENSAP, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: The main aims pharmacovigilance is to identify adverse drug reactions (ADR) were not detected in pre-marketing clinical trials, particularly in high-risk populations such as the children. Objective: To characterize ADR not described in children reported to Pharmacovigilance system of Cuba from 2005 to 2012. Method: Cross-sectional study. The universe was not described ADR, undiseride effect not registered with Cuba Drug Formulary (DF) in patients 15 years and less, in the database of the pharmacovigilance system. Outcome measures were age, sex, skin color, main RAM, imputability, severity, medication, organ system, kind of health reporter and source level of the report. Descriptive analysis was performed Results: 1102 ADR reported undescribed. Masculine sex predominated (51.1%) and white skin (73,2 %). The more ADR reported were rash (8,6%) , vomiting (5,8) and cyanosis (5,3%), which affected more the skin as organ system (22.1 %). Vaccine pentavalent, Heberpenta ® (6.7 %), dipyrone (5.3%) and sulfate atropine (4.5 %) were the drugs most associated with undescribed ADR. Conditional imputability and moderate severity were 75.5 % and 59.9%, respectively. The 74,0 % of the notifications come from primary health care. The medical professionals (66,2 %) were more reported. Conclusions: There is a significant proportion of ADR undescribed in the children, whose main features are similar to ADR already established in Drug Formulary, this does not allow to prevent their. PFV 025 ADVERS DRUG REACCIONS TO MEDICINE IN CHILDREN OF THE GRANMA PROVINCE. JANUARY 2010 TO DICEMBER 2012 Casate ML, Aguilera Aguilera O Departamento Farmacoepidemiologia, Granma, Cuba Introduction: The important morbi-mortality caused by adverse reactions to medication (ARM) during the last years worldwide has been recognized. Children constitute a risk population. The prevalence of this “new disease” in children is scarcely known. It can be assured that children are "orphan of proof". Systematic revisions have evidenced that at least one out of ten children in hospitals have experienced an ARM, with less frequency on those assisted in ambulatory services (1.2%) Objective: To identify the adverse reactions to medications informed in children less than 18 years at Granma Province from January 2010 to December 2012. Method: An observational, descriptive and transversal study of Drugs alertness was made, using the spontaneous notification of adverse reactions to medication during January 2010 to December 2012. Results: 2098 adverse reactions to medications were detected, 32.49% out of the total of the notifications. 19.0% were considered avoidable. The vaccines were the pharmacological group most associated to 313 notifications (52.7 %). Minor adverse reactions predominated (57.2 %). 72.5% of the ARM were classified as probable. Conclusion: The male sex and children under one year old predominated. The most common adverse reaction was fever, and vaccines the most reported pharmacological group, with prevalence of level, frequent and probable ARM. PFV 026 PHARMACOVIGILANCE STUDY OF HEBERVITAL® TREATMENT TO PREVENT OR CURE NEUTROPENIA. REPORT OF 250 CYCLES OF TREATMENT González T, Verdecia M, Díaz R, Reyes R, Romero GN, Álvarez NP, Echevarría J, Laguna L, Cruz F, Arranz JC, Santiesteban E, Almaguer JA, Cedré T, Gil D, Fleites R, Rodríguez Y, Martínez L, López C, Vergara B, Ramos I, Arce MA, Núñez R, Carnot J, Muñío JE, Cortés VH, Rich V, Monest AK, López JA, Núñez O, Ramos D, Hernández R, León R, Martínez J, Ortiz E, Bush L, Caballero I, Rivas L, Aguilera I, Águila A, Infante E, García I, Álvarez L, García E, Currás T, López P Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, La Habana, Cuba ® INTRODUCTION: Hebervital is an injectable liquid. Each 1mL vial contains 0.30 mg Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF). METHODS: A multicenter prospective pharmacovigilance study was conducted. Efficacy and adverse events data were reported in a designed form for each treatment cycle. RESULTS: Were received 250 reports corresponding with 175 patients treated ® with Hebervital to prevent or cure neutropenia. Their age ranged from 1 to 87 years, and the main patients diagnosis were linfoproliferative disease or solid tumors (92.1%). The table shows the essential efficacy results. Before After P (Wilcoxon) White Blood Cell (Leukocytes) 3.89 ± 3.00 9.12 ± 6.29 N=244 P=0.000 (x109xL) 9 Absolute Neutrophils Count (x10 xL) 1.83 ± 2.25 6.29 ± 6.26 N=222 P=0.000 Only 42.5% of patients had adverse events. Burning at site of administration (64 reports) and ® leukocytosis (23 reports) were the most frequent. CONCLUSION: Hebervital has been proven to be both safe and effective. PFV 027 COMPORTAMIENTO DE LAS REACCIONES ADVERSAS A MEDICAMENTOS EN EL SERVICIO DE MEDICINA INTERNA DURANTE 6 MESES Salgado Rodríguez C A, Cabeza Alfonso D M, López Ruíz L G Institución: Hospital General Docente “Comandante Pinares”, San Cristobal. Dirección: Circunvalación Autopista, reparto “Noel Camaño”, San Cristobal. Email: A study of all patients admitted at the Internal Medicine Service of Comandante Pinares General Hospital was carried out from October 1, 2004 to March 31, 2005, which ascended to a total of 1554 patients. A sample of 18 patients that showed adverse reactions to medications (ARM) within that period of time was extracted. Our general objective for the study was to analyze the behaviour of this aspect during that time and specifically to analyze the influence of age, sex and race on this problem. It was also determined the severity of the adverse reactions and the pharmacological medication groups implicated. The highest number of ARM occurred in the age group of 61 and above. The average age of the cases studied was 54. The predominant race was the white race with 12 cases, which represents the 66,66% against only 6 cases of black patients, representing the 33,33 %. As for the severity of adverse reactions, the mild reactions were predominant, with 8 cases, representing 44,44 %. The most frequent cases of ARM were hyper sensibility, idiosyncrasy and side effects. In relation to pharmacological groups, the most implicated groups were antibiotics (8), bronchodilators (3) and prokinetics (2). PFV 028 TERAZOSINA: AN OPTION FOR THE BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA IN HYPERTENSIVE PATIENTS Acosta C, Mullings R, Camero F, De la Rosa A. 314 Revista 16 de Abril, La Habana, Cuba. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is characterized to have a high prevalence in advanced ages. The treatment of these entities is varied and the selection of the drugs is adjusted in each patient's dependence. The antagonistic alfa-1 adrenergic is an election group and inside these is the terazosina. Was carried out a revision of 11 bibliographies with the objective of describing the action mechanism and some pharmacological parameters of this drug. Terazosina is an agent alpha blockers of second generation, specific for the alpha-1 adrenergic receptor and with smaller activity at level of the alpha-2 adrenergic receptor. Also, it blocks the alpha-1 postsinaptics receptor of the vascular flat muscle producing a decrease of the arterial tension for what you/they are of election like antihypertensive in patient with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Their main adverse effects are drowsiness, orthostatic hypotension, syncope. PFV 029 ENDOTELINA: THEIR PAPER IN THE HYPERTENSION. Acosta C, Mullings R, Reyes A, Rodríguez R Revista 16 de Abril, La Habana, Cuba. Hypertension is one of the problems more important of the contemporary medicine. The little clarification of the pathogenesis, in the case of the essential hipertension, conditions the failure of the therapeutic applied. The theory of the endotelial disfuntion and the list of the endotelina promise to give a good explanation on the pathogenic mechanisms. In the making of the work one investigated in 12 bibliographies with the objective of describing the properties and mechanisms of action of the endotelina in the arterial hypertension. The scarce carried out experimental rehearsals although they have not provided a clear trial about the therapeutic possibilities, they offer new perspectives for antihypertensive future therapies. PFV 030 BEHAVIOR OF ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS MORE COMMON IN THE COMMUNITY HEALTH AREAS. TUMEREMO. VENEZUELA. JANUARY TO OCTOBER 2012 Diaz MA*. Veranes I** *Centro de Diagnóstico Integral “General Domingo Sifontes” República Bolivariana de Venezuela. **Facultad de Enfermería: “Lidia Doce”. MINSAP Nivel Central. Introduction: In order to make proper use of medicines, Cuba develops the strategy of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance. Research related to the consumption of drugs and adverse reactions in Tumeremo´s population attending to Mission Barrio Adentro I and II, which provide evidence for implementation and evaluation. Objective: To characterize the behavior of adverse drug reactions more common in the population to be treated by the Cuban medical mission in Community Health Area of Tumeremo in the period from January to October 2012. Methods: The research use analysis of documents, historical-logical and synthesis. This is a descriptive study from January to October 2012. The source of information was collected by the ASIC statistics and reporting of suspected adverse drug reaction. Results and Discussion: Could not compare results because there is no history of previous studies in the area, taking this work as a starting point in Tumeremo´s population. The report to antimicrobials were predominated: Quinolones (Ciprofloxacin) and Penicillin (Amoxicillin). Adverse reactions that most affected was skin rash, vomiting, epigastric pain, pruritus, all classified as mild in consider severity of the ADR . Matches with other research which is the female sex which contributes to adverse reactions and is also the route of administration oral the most affected. Conclusions: This characterization of drug suggests the need to design a program to promote the rational use of drugs. A way to identified in practices of consumption, validates the ability of people to report adverse reactions and behavior. Cronobiofarmacología / Chronobiopharmacology 315 PCB 001 MELATONIN AND MELATONIN-ANALOGUES Rosales Mesa Y, Mosqueda C Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras. San Lázaro 701. Centro Habana. La Habana, Cuba Biological functions are regulated according to time-dependent cycles. Human circadian (24 hours) rhythms such as wake-sleep cycle are determined by the alternation of day and night. The pineal gland produces the hormone melatonin in a rhythmic manner. Melatonin acts as an endogenous synchronizer that translates the environmental photoperiodic signal in chemical information for the cells. Exogenous melatonin can entrain the circadian system and promote sleep. In the past few years there has been growth in the field of melatonin and melatonin analogues. Melatonin exhibits both hypnotic and chronobiotic properties, so it has been used for the treatment of insomnia and circadian rhythms of sleep disorders. As disturbances in sleep and circadian rhythms are prominent features of depression, antidepressant drugs that are also effective in alleviating sleep disturbances can be of better therapeutic value in treating depressive disorders. That is the case of the newly introduced melatonergic antidepressant agomelatine. Taking advantage of its properties, melatonin and melatonin analogues, are now available for treatment of these disorders. PCB 002 VARIABILITY OF LIPIDS AND MODIFIABLE RISK FACTORS IN TYPE 2 DIABETIC PATIENTS WITH ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION Valle Rodríguez RA Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras. San Lázaro 701. Centro Habana. La Habana, Cuba Patients with diabetes mellitus are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease. This increased risk in diabetics seems to be mediated in part by the increased prevalence of dyslipidemia characterized by low HDL cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol increased, and the longevity of the population. Clinical research in the field of chronobiological mechanisms of stroke has undergone great development in the last decade. The non-uniform distribution, circadian, the start time of the different cardiovascular diseases suggest that there are triggers the same time show a similar organization. This increased risk in diabetics seems to be mediated by the biological variability of lipid metabolism, characterized by low HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and VLDLc increased, so have an increased risk for cardiovascular disease. Individuals with type 2 diabetes associated with myocardial infarction risk factors (smoking, obesity, alcohol consumption and hypertension) show circadian variability in lipid concentrations. PCB 003 CHRONOTHERAPY VS. CONVENTIONAL THERAPY IN TREATMENT OF SPORTS INJURIES ON THE NATIONAL SOCCER TEAM León Lobeck A Instituto de Medicina del Deporte. Calle 100 y 10. Boyeros. La Habana. Cuba Soccer is one of the sports where bigger number of injuries are reported, due to the fact that is a sports of contact, common injuries occur at knees, ankles, spinal column and muscular zones of inferior extremities, due to rough movements, contacts among the players, raised physical loads without the preparation demanded and because of overtraining or use. This work aims at evaluating the efficiency of applying the Cronotherapy, the Cronomasage Tuiná versus conventional therapy for sports injuries in the National Soccer Team. In it, we characterize the hurt athletes according to: age, topography of the injuries, position at the field and alignment of the athletes, evaluating the efficiency of the treatment considering the evolution of intensity of pain, qualitative evaluation of his relief and length of therapeutics. In the investigation were included 14 athletes, 7 in each group of study, couplets according to the kind of present lesion. The studied injured athletes were mainly regular customers of the juvenile preselection. Their 316 most frequent field positions were midfielders and fore. The present injuries were simple and fundamentally of inferior members. Statistical analysis was accomplished intervening Rangos's test with Signo of Wilcoxon itself. Both therapeutic variants proved to be efficient in the relief of pain of the sports injuries, but answer in a brief period is obtained by the Chronomasage Tuiná. Also it evidences being the Chronomasage Tuiná more efficacious for the solving of the injuries, expressed in younger time of necessary treatment to obtain a certificate of discharge, than the conventional therapy. PEF 002 Enseñanza de la Farmacología / Teaching of Pharmacology DETERMINING THE NEEDS AND PROJECTIONS OF TEACHERS’ TRAINING FOR PHARMACOLOGY CONTENTS IN MEDICINE STUDIES Milián Vázquez PM, López Rodríguez del Rey MM, Cisneros Nápoles Y, Vázquez Montero L, Martín Álvarez C, González Suárez MA University of Medical Sciences. Cienfuegos, Cuba Background: professional training of teachers is a requirement for an appropriate treatment of Pharmacology contents in medicine studies. Objective: to identify training needs and educational components to be considered in a professional training proposal that would meet them. Method: the study was conducted during 2006-2007 and involved teachers and administrators from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Cienfuegos and other universities. The methods used included individuals and groups interviews, surveys, observation, documents analysis and group discussion. Results: we highlighted that the potentials of pharmacology are not completely exploited in the formation of Medicine Doctors and that no training activities are developed in order to meet this purpose. Educational components to be considered in order to develop a professional training proposal for the treatment of pharmacology contents in Medicine Studies were determined and the potentials of the Universities of Medical Sciences in Cuba as to fulfill this purpose were confirmed. Conclusions: participatory diagnostic assessment process ensured the identification of needs for teachers’ training as well as the didactic components that a professional training proposal requires in the context of Medical Sciences of Cienfuegos for the treatment of pharmacology contents. PEF 003 SYSTEM OF PROFESSIONAL CONTINUOUS STUDY OF THE MEDICINE PROFESSOR FOR THE TEACHING OF PHARMACOLOGY Milián Vázquez PM, López Rodríguez del Rey MM, Cisnero Nápoles Y, Vázquez Montero L, Martín Álvarez C, Lara Díaz L University of Medical Sciences. Cienfuegos, Cuba Background: One of the insufficiencies that are present in the education of the General Practitioner is related to the management of the content of Pharmacology in the career of Medicine and the professors’ preparation for facing up this demand from the different subjects and the curriculum itself has been identified amongst the many possible causes that have a bearing on it. Material and methods: The research was carried out at the University of Medical Sciences from Cienfuegos. Theoretical, empirical and mathematical methods were used in an articulation with the logic of the practical-theoretical process allowing then to propose a system of continuous professional study for the medicine professors for an adequate management of the content of Pharmacology which constitutes the aim of this search. Results: The elaboration of the conditions to hold the continuous professional study resulted of the integration of the theoretical conceptions about the continuous study of the university professor and the searcher’s self experience in the teaching of Pharmacology. These were assumed as a frame for the design of a preliminary proposal that once implemented in the practice allowed to determine the bases and structure of the system. The dimensions of the system offer a new quality to the object of the investigation since it widens the implication of the characteristics of 317 the professors and their responsibilities in the curriculum of the career in order to determine the didactic components in each sub system. The internal dynamic of the system is hold as well as the possibilities of its insertion in the medical university’s post grade strategies. The sequential assessment of the process through users and expert’s criteria evidences the validity of this proposal. Conclusions: A theoretical and methodological conception of the medical university professor’s continuous study for the management of Pharmacology in the Medicine career is offered in this search, facilitating the design of the professor’s continuous study centered on the psychological, epistemic, didactic, and investigative preparation of the professor. PEF 004 Cancelado / Cancelled (Pasó a Presentación Oral como CO 243 / Now it’s an Oral Presentation coded as CO 243) PEF 005 LINKING OF THE CONTENTS OF PHARMACOLOGY II WITH THE WARD ROUND ACTIVITIES OF THE STUDENTS IN MEDICAL STUDIES López Guerra RL, Huguet Blanco Y, Rodríguez Ezcurdia R, López Castellanos D, Quintana Gómez F Medical College "Dr. Serafín Ruiz de Zárate Ruiz", Villa Clara, Cuba INTRODUCTION. For many years it has been noted that pharmacological training is sometimes insufficient and that inadequate and irrational prescription of drugs is a very common problem in clinical settings. An investigation was carried out to design methodological orientations for the linking of the contents of the subject Pharmacology II with the ward round activities of the students in medical studies at Medical College "Dr. Serafín Ruiz of Zárate Ruiz", Villa Clara, Cuba during the period 2011-2012. METHOD. The investigation was developed in two fundamental stages: Stage I: Diagnostic. Stage II: Design of methodological orientations to achieve the linking of the rd contents with the ward round activities of the students in the 3 year medical studies. Theoretical, empiric methods and statistical procedures were used. Starting from an intentional sampling a sample was selected that was constituted by the professors of Pharmacology and Internal Medicine of the university and some Policlinics of Santa Clara. RESULTS. The diagnostic of the difficulties of linking were made off. They were related with the contents of the subject Pharmacology II in the ward round activities such as: the planning of the educational tasks and insufficient use of the same ones which facilitate the bond of the subject in the ward round activities. Starting from the specified difficulties a proposal of methodological orientations was designed which is distinguished for its linking with the medical practice that guarantees a developer teaching learning process. CONCLUSION. The designed proposal will allow to the future professional to have the necessary scientific elements to make a rational therapy. PEF 006 ACTION PLAN FOR PEDAGOGICAL FORMATION OF PHARMACOLOGY RESIDENTS Ortiz Y, Videaux S, Ramos K, Castillo M, Cisneros J, González JM, Martínez H University of Medical Sciences of Granma. Bayamo Branch, Cuba INTRODUCTION: Pharmacology syllabus is stated taking into account the functions the specialist must carry out, such as: Teaching, Investigation, Welfare and Administrative. Knowing that this professional is highly devoted to teaching the program present some inadequacies of how to achieve his formative process as a specialty teacher; this work is carried out aimed at designing a plan of actions that contribute to the pedagogical formation of Pharmacology residents, supported on the teaching improvement system existing in our country. METHODS: A qualitative research (research- action) was done, at the Medical Sciences School in Bayamo from January 2011 to December 2012. It was used the documents revision to know the study curriculum of the specialty, as well as the postgraduate course normative documents; and Structural Functional Systemic Approach method to elaborate the methodological proposal. RESULTS: With the use of this action plan already developed, there is a high contribution to the development of the residents´ pedagogical abilities as well as future specialists of Pharmacology. 318 This plan also offers the future graduates of this specialty the necessary tools for their teaching work with the individual, family, community and undergraduate education. CONCLUSIONS: An action plan to contribute to the pedagogical formation of Pharmacology residents was successfully prepared. PEF 007 PROFESSIONAL TRAINING UTILIZATION RESEARCH OF PHYSICIANS TO DEVELOP DRUG Cisneros Nápoles Y, Milián Vázquez PM, Quiros Enríquez M. Ramos Cedeño A. Dueñas Pérez Y. Romero Barrios B University of Medical Sciences. Cienfuegos, Cuba Background: One of the shortcomings presented by physicians in their professional activity is related to the development of drug use studies. Their preparation is one of the causes, since there are a few actions in their professional training. Objective: which allowed to design a professional training program for physicians oriented to the development of medical drug use studies, which was this research objective. Method: The research was conducted at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Cienfuegos during the 2011-2012 academic year, there were used theoretical, empirical and mathematical methods. It is assumed as a theoretical basis of the research a number of conditions such as reflection of practice, identifying training needs and flexible configuration of the training. The performed diagnosis allowed to identify the regularities, which taken together with the theory allowed to design the training program. This was structured on the basis of educational components, which were designed from a systemic perspective. Results: This program serves as a reference for the design of different ways of training requiring the preparation of Physicians with this objective and offers the possibility of applying this in this Medical University. Conclusions: The assessment of the training program, using expert judgment, demonstrates the validity of the proposal. PEF 008 METHODOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING THE TEACHING OF PHARMACOLOGY DISCIPLINE TO A MULTICULTURAL GROUP OF STUDENTS IN FACULTY OF MEDICINE "JULIO TRIGO LOPEZ” Tasé Martínez MJ, Del Pino González D, Pereira Relis E, Hernández Nùñez A Faculty of Medical Sciences ¨Julio Trigo López, La Habana, Cuba There are no theoretical framework or methodological in Cuba on the teaching of speaking and Pharmacology where non-talking Spanish converge in teaching groups outnumber local deficiency and technological resources have forced teachers to resort to traditional forms of teaching. This paper aims to present the experiences of teachers of Pharmacology in the face for the first time for three courses, a diverse group of students for non-talking Spanish (students from the PR China), with Cuban students, with the aim of responding to the following questions designed to achieve student-teacher communication and student-student in the teaching-learning process of this course How to make the subject-specific vocabulary in different subjects is understood by all students, How to set in group relationships that facilitate seminars and tasks?, how to represent the essential content to be internalized by students?. From the above questions, is plotted as objective: Design a system of means and resources such as glossaries of terms, concept maps, that balance the difference in the levels of language learners and at the same time, make more understandable the subject by offering guidelines and guidance to help students in understanding the topics. This research is a novel experience, the disclosure could serve teachers from other educational institutions that address similar problems, in which lies its utility. PEF 009 VIRTUAL COURSE: PROMOTION OF RATIONAL USE OF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS IN PRIMARE HEALTH CARE Pereira E, García J, Tasé M, Del Pino D 319 Faculty of Medical Sciences ¨Julio Trigo López, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Actually, many bacteria capable to produced illness are resistant to one or more antibiotics and therapeutics possibilities have been diminished. This problem has been caused by inappropriate use of antibiotics and can diminish whit diffusion of adequate information about rational prescription of antibiotics in health professional trough postgraduate education. A great develop of information and communication technologies exist and the Health Virtual University (HVU) with the virtual courses are examples of model to learning in red, very useful actually. For this reason we realize a proposal of virtual course: Rational use of antimicrobial agents in primary health care, with the purpose to increase knowledge to health professionals in this topic, make use of possibilities to win with help of technologies, the geographic, socials and other barriers because, it´s use don´t need the presence of traditional model of education. Development: To realize this scientific work we need to review themes as learning in distance education courses and the Learning Management System (MOODLE) as technologic didactic support for distance courses. Them, we define the methodological basis of virtual course (general aspects, didactic structure and course components in two dimensions (formative and technologic) and finally design a virtual course in correspondence of Rational Use of Drugs Program and National Drugs Program referents. This course includes 3 topics: Introduction of antimicrobial use, Rational use of antimicrobial agents and Ways to diminish the irrational use of antimicrobial agents in primary health care. Conclusions: The distance education courses allow development learning in the student and didactic estructure of course over MODDLE platform and the association in two dimensions contribute to improvement this modality of education and guarantee high understanding, organization, knowledge independent, motivation, adecuate interaction and adecuate evaluation in students. PEF 010 SATISFACTION AND RESULT PHARMACOLOGY SUBJECT OF STUDENTS WITH GENERAL Álvarez González R, Ramos Hernández L, Pajarin Fernández L, Casas Gross S, Novellas Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba Martínez Introduction: Taking into consideration the necessity to assess systematically the formative process in General Pharmacology discipline, due modifications in the analytic program, we decided to do this paper considering as objective to evaluate satisfaction and result of student in it. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in the first semester of 2012 - 2013 course with medical student of 3er year in Faculty 1 of Medical Sciences University of Santiago de Cuba. The evaluation instruments were designed to be anonymously filled out in order to get the information referred to satisfaction, for information referred to result we use the biannual report of pharmacology department. Results: Most of the students valued the teaching educative form as very good being the workshop class the form with less quality. Relative to motivation and understanding of the different theme received, the positive valuations prevailed. Relative to teaching materials received, most of the students were completely agreed with the different indicators, but dissatisfactions were present because the textbooks were not always available, the proportion textbooks - students was not 1:1. Most of the students valuate their professor as good in the different aspect considered. The administrative aspects of the process were considered as very good and the satisfaction with the evaluations was majority. The results of quantitative and qualitative promotion were very good. Conclusions: The student’s satisfaction with the formative process in General Pharmacology discipline was very good mostly, although dissatisfactions were presents with some punctual aspects. Promotion results were also valued as good. PEF 011 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CURRICULUM STRATEGIES IN PHARMACOLOGY I AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE TEACHING PROCESS AT 320 THE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF MATANZAS DURING 2011-2013 Romero MB, Santos L, Hidalgo M, Rodríguez A, Rodríguez W Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas, Cuba In medical undergraduate studies, the discipline of Pharmacology and its subjects include in their programs aspects that support the implementation of essential actions of the curriculum strategies proposed for the improvement of the medical professional training process. Of these, the most common one turns out to be Natural and Traditional Medicine. This study shows, with an integrated approach, the implementation experience that has been developing since the 20112012 academic year in the subject Pharmacology I at the Medical University of Matanzas, which has led to the strengthening of the methodological work of teachers and the improvement of the teaching-learning process. PEF 012 INFLUENCE OF THE COURSE CLINICAL EVALUATION OF HERBAL MEDICATIONS IN HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Castañedo Z, Canto M, Rodriguez M, Méndez R, Marrero R, Arbolaez M Cátedra Multidisciplinaría de Ensayos Clínicos. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas “Dr. Serafín Ruiz de Zárate Ruiz” de Villa Clara, Cuba The Cuban flora is rich in natural products with a high potential for the treatment of various diseases. Herbal Drug development involves a long process in which conducting preclinical and clinical studies to achieve registration and marketing can be distinguished. The objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of a postgraduate course aimed at clinical researchers and specialists in Natural and Traditional Medicine on the development of herbal medicines. A pretest related to herbal drugs development was applied to diagnose the needs of knowledge on this theme. Taking into account the results of the pretest a graduate course could be designed given: objectives, contents, methods, means and evaluation, based on the use combination of lectures, tutorials, workshops and practical theoretical course. It was composed of 100 hours of face character which covered 5 subjects, where the teaching process included 6 conferences. A series of 3 practical lessons and a workshop where with evaluative character, designed to develop knowledge and skills to the approval and conduct of clinical trials using medicinal plants, are also part of this course. A posttest was applied after completing the course with the same level of complexity, in which the percentage of correct responses was much higher than that of the pretest. It was shown that professionals who attended the course improved their knowledge on herbal drug development. PEF 013 FORMATION OF THERAPEUTICAL COMPETENCE THROUGH THE SUBJECT PHARMACOLOGY ON STUDENTS OF PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES Hernández D, Pérez E, Favier M, Albear F, Estévez M, Carbonell A Filial de Ciencias Médicas Guantánamo, Cuba The competence formation in the universitary institutions constitute now days a very discussed issue by many specialists on that topic, its significance remains in the newly graduated performance taking the sucessfull labor which look for responsible acting, ethical and creative according to the real necessities that demanded the laboral contexts. The work that is presented has as a main goal: to elaborate a methodology to contribute to the formation of the therapeutical competence through Pharmacology. There were applied empirical methods as the observation and conquest and theoretical methods as analysis and synthesis, induction deduction and the fundamentation of the proposal as well as the actions to apply the methodology and the specialist criteria that confirmed the significant of the methodology and their stages which permited positive results in the formation of the competence elevating the quality of the laboral performances of the students from the health Technology on the Pharmaceutical Servicies confirming on the 321 observation guide to the labor through the professional work training or educative work, the quality of the examination notes in the principal and integrated subjects and Pharmacology, as well as the cycle exams which confirm this option as available to the professional formation of the pharmaceutical services technologist. PEF 014 METHODOLOGICAL GUIDELINES PROPOSAL FOR THE INVOLVEMENT OF DRUGS TOPICS IN THE SUBJECT OF MORPHOPHYSIOLOGY III Alfonso Hidalgo A, Arias Gallardo Ana I, Orizondo Crespo C Medical School of Villa Clara, Cuba An investigation of a qualitative development in the field of linking the subject to the topic Morphophysiology III drug in the undergraduate Medical Course in Villa Clara, in order to design interdisciplinary methodological orientations in different topics of that subject, this study was undertaken to facilitate the adequate preparation of teachers, in order to establish the relationships that allow linking scientific assume this issue, taking into account the possibilities of the subject and the need to prepare graduates to scientific treatment in communities. During the research process, we identified weaknesses for such a link in the teaching-learning process. Developed three stages in the research: determining the needs and potential of the subject Morphophysiology III for linking your content to the theme of the drug, as a result of practical significance in the second stage was the design of guidance methodology for this purpose, grounded in scientific principles, to foster adequate preparation of teachers, and thus contribute to the training of future physicians to address this problem in communities. Finally, the proposal was put to the assessment of experts, who considered it very relevant and useful. Recommendations are offered to teachers and administrators to implement the developed methodological guidelines. An investigation of a qualitative development in the field of linking the subject to the topic Morphophysiology III drug in the undergraduate Medical Course in Villa Clara, in order to design interdisciplinary methodological orientations in different topics of that subject, this study was undertaken to facilitate the adequate preparation of teachers, in order to establish the relationships that allow linking scientific assume this issue, taking into account the possibilities of the subject and the need to prepare graduates to scientific treatment in communities. During the research process, we identified weaknesses for such a link in the teaching-learning process. Developed three stages in the research: determining the needs and potential of the subject Morphophysiology III for linking your content to the theme of the drug, as a result of practical significance in the second stage was the design of guidance methodology for this purpose, grounded in scientific principles, to foster adequate preparation of teachers, and thus contribute to the training of future physicians to address this problem in communities. Finally, the proposal was put to the assessment of experts, who considered it very relevant and useful. Recommendations are offered to teachers and administrators to implement the developed methodological guidelines. PEF 015 METHODOLOGICAL PROPOSITION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF CLINICAL PHARMACIST´S GRADUATE IN THE HOSPITAL’S PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES IN PINAR DEL RIO, 2013 Sanchez R, Ramirez F, Martínez H Universitary Clinical Surgical Hospital Dr. Leon Cuervo Rubio, Pinar del Rio, Cuba Introduction: In the health’s team, the Clinical pharmacist's function is to advise the doctor in vario aspects of the Pharmacotherapy such as: The regimens’ establishment of dosification, detection an prevention of problems once medicaments were related to adverse medicinal reactions, information patients and besides related professionals of health. The Scientific problem was based on ¿Ho contributing to the Perfection of the Clinical Pharmacist´s in the Pharmaceutical hospitals services an this makes the need of overcoming possible post gradual. Material and Methods: The used Methods were: Logic historic that corresponding with the da gathered on the theme and Empiric, this one based on the revision of documents. The Investigatio comes from Descriptive, and Retrospective type, and it was made in Pinar del Rio Medicine School 322 the period of time of 2013 to 2014 with the objective of Design a Methodological Proposition. Result and Discussion: The Program lasts 260 hours to give Seminaries in a year, with the mode of Conference and other forms of organization like Practical Lessons. The subject matters for the modules are itemized in The Pharmaceutical´s Attention to the hospitalized patient in the clinical medication distribution for unitary dose, Nourishing parenteral´s and intravenous mixtures. Conclusions: Labour of the pharmacist in the Preparation and Implementation of aspects explained, advantages and disadvantages, Farmacoservilance, Farmacoepidemiology, Gerency and Hospitality Organization, ethic and Communication, Chemical Pharmaceutical, and Physiopathology applied to the adverse Pharmaceutical reactions. The Evaluation System is indicated to culminate the Graduate. PEF 016 CONSOLIDATION OF LOGICAL ANALYSIS PROCEDURES IN PHARMACY STUDENTS BY LEARNING DRUGS MECHANISMS OF ACTION IN PHARMACOLOGY SUBJECTS. Hernández M, González I, León OS Food and Pharmacy Institute, University of Havana, Cuba. Introduction. Logical analysis procedures are an intellectual operations series that are required for any content assimilation. They have distinctive characteristics that make possible their formation in teaching process of any subject. The operational sequence logically defined for the procedure can be generalized for any content. In Pharmaceutical Sciences career, the Pharmacology subjects have among their objectives the analysis of drugs mechanisms of action. The aim of this work was to consolidate logical analysis procedures in pharmacy students in teaching/learning process of drugs mechanisms of action in pharmacology subjects. Material and Methods. In the Pharmacology lessons, we defined the logical procedure concept, and describe this process for the analysis of drug mechanisms of action. In every topic, we explained the procedure for every case, in order to involve the student, consciously, in its own learning process. For that, we start from basal knowledge, from previous subjects, and defined the assimilation order for the specific content, in this case we decomposed a drug mechanism in parts. At the end of the every topic, we discussed the result with the students. Results. We applied the method in every topic for Pharmacology subjects (2 semesters). Taking into account the previous subjects contribution to logical procedure formation in students, we surveyed students and they declared satisfaction with the method, and were conscious of its use. Conclusions. In Pharmacology subjects for Pharmaceutical Sciences students, is possible to consolidate logical analysis procedures, which are crucial for their future competences. PPG 001 Medicamentos Genéricos / Generic Drugs DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF A HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY METHOD FOR QUANTIFICATION OF DOCETAXEL FOR INYECTION OF 80 MG/bbo Izquierdo A , Gato A, Romero J, García C Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos, CIDEM, La Habana, Cuba Objetive: To develop and validate an analytical high-performance liquid chromatography method applicable to quality control and to stability study of Docetaxel for injection 80mg/bbo. Materials and Methods: To quantify the active principle in the finished product, separation was carried out through a Lichrosorb RP-18 (5 µm) (125 x 4 mm) column chromatography with a detector of variable wave length to 232 nm,a flow rate of 1.5ml/min and as mobile phase Water: Acetonitrile: Methanol: (300:260:440). The quantification of this was carried out front to a reference sample using the external standard method. Results: The equation of the curve of Docetaxel's regression was Y = 1.96848 X – 9. (r = 0.9987) the percents of recovered was 100.23 % with a coefficient of variation lower than 2 %. Were not observed statistically significant differences between the determinations realized in the different days by the different analysts. 323 Conclusions: The analytical method developed was linear, precise, specific and accurate in the range of studied concentrations .It can be established for the quality control and stability study of the finished product since there were not analytical methods designed for these aims. PPG 002 VALIDATION OF A CHROMATOGRAPHIC METHOD FOR QUANTITATION OF 50 µg/mL LATANOPROST IN A CUBAN EYE DROPS García CM, Montes de Oca Y, Martínez V, González A Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos, CIDEM, La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Latanoprost is indicated to treat high intraocular pressure in patients suffering from ocular hypertension or from open angle glaucoma. To develop and to validate a high performance liquid chromatography-based analytical method for quality control of 50 µg/mL Latanoprost eye drops. Materials and Methods: to quantify the active principle of the final product, the separation was performed through Altima C-18 chromatographic column (10 µm) (250 × 4 mm), with ultraviolet detection at 205 nm, and a mobile phase made up of acetonitryle-phosphate buffer of pH= 4.5 (650:350). The quantification of the principle against a reference sample was carried out with the external standard method. Results: the results of the evaluated parameters in the validation of the method were found to be within the set limits. Conclusions: the developed and validated high performance liquid chromatography-based analytical method for the quality control of 50 µg/mL Latanoprost eye drops proved to be specific, linear, exact and precise within the range of the studied concentrations; therefore, it may be safely and reliably used. PPG 003 ADMINISTRATION AND COST DETERMINATION OF AMANTADINA IN “CIREN” Díaz AE, Sarria M, Rodríguez A, Ibáñez A Centro Internacional de Restauración Neurológica (CIREN), La Habana, Cuba Introduction: Nervous systems illness are one of the most frequents in our country (Cuba) and among them, Parkinson is a problem of health care To aim: To explain cost and used of Amantadina in Neurological Restoration Center (CIREN) Material and Methods: To valuate by retrospective study medication treatment with amantadina in 2010, 2011, 2012 and analysis cost and risk in use it. Result: they were showed an increasing of used of this drug relationed with one of the first treatment to beginning of Parkinson and cost was light increasing, by other way side effect were moderate and it is not represented an important risk its use. Conclusion: Amantadina is drugs used at the bigining treatment of Parkinson and it has increasing use n CIREN but no affect cost. PPG 004 DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF A HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY METHOD FOR QUANTIFICATION OF CYCLOSPORINE IN TABLETS OF 20MG Romero J, López M, López O, Salomón S, Blanco O Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos, CIDEM, La Habana, Cuba Objective: To develop and validate an analytical high-performance liquid chromatography method applicable to quality control and to stability study of tablets of Cyclosporine’s nanoparticles, 20mg. Materials and Methods: To quantify the active principle in the finished product, separation was carried out through a Luna RP-18 (5 µm) (125 x 4 mm) column chromatography with a detector of variable wave length to 210 nm, using as mobile phase Acetonitrile: Water: Methanol: Phosphoric Acid: (600:350:50:0.5) and the quantification of this was carriet out front to a reference sample using the external standard method. Results: The equation of the curve of Cyclosporine's regression was Y = 0.227995 X - 0.0166 (r = 0.9986) the percents of recovered was 99.86 % with a coefficient of variation lower than 2 %. Were not observed statistically significant differences between the determinations realized in the different days by the different analysts. 324 Conclusions: The analytical method developed was linear, precise, specific and accurate in the range of studied concentrations .It can be established for the quality control and stability study of the finished product since there were not analytical methods designed for these aims. PPG 005 SIMPLIFYING AND STREAMLINING THE MARKETING AUTHORIZATION PROCESS IN CUBA Suárez Y, Fernández M, Sánchez C Centro para el Control Estatal de la Calidad de los Medicamentos, CECMED, La Habana, Cuba Through Marketing Application process the drug products are selected before they get to the market, and labelling, patient information leaflets and summary on product characteristics, are verified, reviewed and approved in order to assure that the information is true, correct and in agreement with the information available in the dossier. The aim of this work was to assess the impact of Regulation 14 – 2009 on labelling, patient information leaflets and summary on product characteristics on human drug products locally manufactured. Comparison between the current regulation 14 – 2009 and its previous version considering relevant indicators and also the qualitative and quantitative characterization of all approved texts during 2010 – April 2012, were made. The main changes found were related the structure and content, for example: new statements for special storage conditions, statements for 63 excipients with risk of adverse reactions, considering the route of administration, threshold, and statements to declare on warnings and precautions are included, new additional requirements on colour for imprinted parenteral products were added, the summary product characteristics (SmPC) was introduced for information for health professionals, among others. Since the new regulation was implemented 2022 labellings, 276 patient information leaflets and 293 summary product characteristics were uniformly approved. In concluding, the new regulation is considered as a permanent powerful tool for manufacturers and the Cuban Drug regulatory Authority, and provides an effective way to promote rational and safety use of drug product for all distributors, users and Healthcare providers. PPG 006 EVALUACIÓN DE LA ACTIVIDAD IN VITRO DEL VITROFURAL FRENTE A CEPAS PATÓGENAS DE Clarias gariepinus Morales Y, Medina R, Pozo M, Hernández M, Casanova M, García M Centro de Bioactivos Químicos, Villa Clara, Cuba Stress caused by the intensive culture of fish has been identified as a source of illness in aquatic organisms. Diseases caused by Gram negative bacteria like Aeromonas spp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are among the most frequent ones. Antibiotic therapy has been used a way of control, but marked bacterial resistance has emerged as a result of the indiscriminate use of antimicrobials; hence making the search for new therapeutic alternatives necessary. The objective of the present work was to estimate the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of Vitrofural, a new antimicrobial product, against bacterial strains of Aeromonas and Pseudomonas. The test product was obtained in the production facility of the Centro de Bioactivos Químicos (CBQ) in Villa Clara, Cuba. Bacterial strains were isolated from pathological lesions of the freshwater fish Clarias gariepinus. Bacterial identification was performed by Gram stain technique and conventional biochemistry methods. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration was determined by the method of macrodilution in broth (M7-A7) as approved by the Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute. The concentrations of Vitrofural tested were in the range of 2-128 µg/mL. The reference strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 was used as quality control. Three isolates of Aeromonas hydrophyla, one of Aeromonas sp. and one of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were obtained, identified and eventually tested against Vitrofural. MIC values ≤ 32 µg/mL were obtained, being the Pseudomons aeruginosa isolate the most sensitive to the test product. In conclusion, Vitrofural showed significant antibacterial activity against isolates from relevant pathogenic species commonly affecting Clarias gariepinus. 325 PPG 007 KINETIC OF RELEASE OF CEFALEXINE, CIPROFLOXACINE, CEFTAZIDIME, CEFAZOLINE, CEFTRIAXONE AND MEROPENEM FROM ACRYLIC BONE CEMENTS López M, Duran I, Brizuela N, Ledea O, Delgado JA, Morejón L Centro de Biomateriales (BIOMAT), Universidad de La Habana, La Habana, Cuba Acrylic bone cements are materials usually used to fix the artificial metallic prosthesis to bone structure in total joint replacements. One of the main problems associated with these orthopedic procedures is the periprosthetic wound infections originated from the adhesion of bacteria to the biomaterials surfaces. The implant sepsis is a serious problem that conduces to multiple surgical interventions or implant failures. For these reasons the use of antibiotic loaded bone cements is today a necessary alternative in order to minimize the septic implant collapse. In this work was studied the kinetic of release of different antibiotics from acrylic bone cements. Cements formulations were prepared from methyl methacrylate monomer, N,N-dimethyl-p-toluidine and hydroquinone as a components of liquid phase and poly (methyl metacrylate) beads, benzoyl peroxide, barium sulphate and different antibiotics as a components to solid phase. Cefalexine, Ciprofloxacine, Ceftazidime, Cefazoline, Ceftriaxone and Meropenem was added to the cements and the kinetic of release was follow by visible spectrophotometry during 30 days. Calibration curves for spectrophotometric method were constructed by plotting absorbance vs concentration of each antibiotic solution. For sample preparation the liquid and the solid phase of the cements (modified with 1.25 wt.% of each antibiotic) were mixed and poured into molds with 6 mm of diameter and 12 mm of height until setting. To liberate the drugs the samples was soaking in 2,5 mL of water and maintained at 37 ± 0.1ºC. During the assay the solution was change and analyzed at suitable intervals. The results indicated that Ciprofloxacine shows the fastest release kinetics while Cefalexine shows the slowest release kinetics. It was detected a large initial antibiotic burst attributable to dissolution of adsorbed particles or to diffusion of antibiotic particles close to the surface that contributes to prevent the risk of infections in the first hours after surgery. PPG 008 PRECLINICAL SAFETY EVALUATION OF ERYTHROPOIETIN WITH LOW SIALIC ACID CONTENT (NEURO EPO) Lagarto A, Bueno V, Guerra I, Valdés O, Couret M, López R, Vega Y, Sánchez JA, Barzaga P, Gabilondo T, Beausoleil I, García L, García JC Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos, CIDEM, La Habana, Cuba Cerebrovascular diseases are one of the principal causes of death and incapacity in Cuba. Recombinant human erythropoietin has been shown neuroprotective properties but present side effects such as an increased incidence of thrombotic vascular effects due to stimulation of erythropoiesis. Erythropoietin with low sialic acid content (Neuro EPO) can reach neuroprotective concentration in the brain when administered by intranasal route without erythropoiesis stimulation. The purpose of the present study was the safety evaluation by preclinical tests of the nasal formulation of Neuro EPO as previous step to clinical trials. In vitro evaluation in neural cells shown absent of cytotoxicity. Nasal irritation and acute toxicity assays did not show local and systemic toxic effects. Dose repeated evaluation did not show adverse effects, antibody formation and erythropoiesis stimulation. In normocythaemic mice model neither observed erythropoiesis stimulation after intranasal repeated doses of Neuro EPO. These results suggest that Neuro EPO could be offered the same neuroprotection as EPO, without hematological side effects. The absent of significant toxic effects of Neuro EPO support the use of nasal formulation for the treatment of stroke. PPG 009 QUALITY CONTROL AND PARACETAMOL ORAL DROPS STABILITY STUDY OF 100 mg/mL García CM, Montes de Oca Y, Martínez V, Salomón S Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos, CIDEM, La Habana, Cuba 326 Introduction: Paracetamol is an effective analgesic and antipyretic drug of the non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug group. Paracetamol oral drops are indicated for use in infant population aged up to 5 years to relieve fever, headache, toothache and symptomatic relief of common cold. To validate two analytical methods for the quality control and the stability study and to study the stability of 100 mg/ml Paracetamol oral drops made in Cuba. Materials and methods: For quantification of the active principle in the final product in order to study stability, a chromatographic column equipment called Lichrosorb RP-18 was used for separation (5µm) (250 x 4 mm), with ultraviolet ray detection at 243 nm and a mobile phase made up of distilled water: methanol (3:1) and the quantification of this principle against a reference sample by using the external standard method. For the quality control, the spectrophotometry used the spectrophotometer SPECTRONIC GENESYS 2, the ideal wavelength was 245 nm since it matches the maximum absorption rate and there is no interference with the excipients. As to the stability study of the drops, the on- shelf life method (temperature below 30 C) was used, and for the accelerated stability analysis (40 ± 2ºC) through high performance liquid chromatography. Results: The results of the evaluated parameters in the validation of the methods for the quality control and the stability study were within the set limits. The results of the stability study, both accelerated and on- shelf life and reservoir use, showed that the final product met the quality specifications during the study. Conclusions: The analytical methods based on UV spectrophotometry and high performance liquid chromatography are valid for the quality control and the stability study of 100 mg/ml Paracetamol oral drops, since they are linear, precise, accurate and specific. The physical, chemical and microbiological stability of the product was proved for 12 months at a temperature below 30ºC, packed in 15 ml amber glass reservoirs, 18mm opening and hydrolytic quality III. The product is also stable for 30 days after opening the reservoir. PFB 001 Farmacología Básica / Basic Pharmacology IMAGE ANALYSIS SYSTEM IN THE DETERMINATION OF THE ACTIVITY ANTIDREPANOCÍTICA OF O-VANILLIN IN HUMAN ERYTHROCYTES Alonso-Moreno Y, Alonso-Geli Y, Herold S, Marrero P, Fernández A Centro de Biofísica Médica, Patricio Lumumba s/n, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, Sickle cell is a genetic disease which comprises a group of symptomat disorders associated with mutation of the beta globin gene. In Cuba, it affects the 3.1% of the population, with a marked impact on the eastern provinces. The main clinical manifestations of this disease are based on the shape and physical properties of the SS erythrocyte. In the search for globally accepted treatments have been studied a series of aromatic aldehydes with antipolimerizing activity. The goal of this investigation is to determine the effect of o-vanillin in the morphology of SS erythrocytes. A blood samples were collected from 7 steady-state patients with homozygous sickle cell disease and regularly attend in the haematology service from General Juan Bruno Zayas Hospital, Santiago de Cuba. The SS cells were incubated with o-vanillin, at 1:4 and 1:8 molar ratios for 24 hours under deoxygenated conditions. Morphologic studies of SS cells were carried out using the sickling test and a computer-assisted image analysis system, designed at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Oriente, Santiago of Cuba. The results show that o-vanillin inhibits sickle cell formation. In the quantitative analysis the percentage of red blood cells with normal morphology was highest at 1:4 and 1:8 molar ratios in 24 and 28 % respectively compared to the control, while the percentage of echinocytes and sickle were lowest. PFB 002 USE OF PHYTOTHERAPY IN DERMATOLOGIC DISEASES Miranda M, Serrano Y, Miranda T “Carlos J. Finlay” Medical University Address: Carretera Central Oeste, Camagüey, Cuba Introduction: Phytotherapy is the science devoted to the study of medicinal plants and their 327 derivatives with therapeutic use. Objective: To describe the results of applying phytotherapy in patients with dermatologic diseases at the Natural and Traditional Medicine Clinic in Manuel Ascunce Domenech University Hospital, from January to December 2010. Materials and Methods: An observational, descriptive, transversal study was carried out with a universe of 421 patients. After a simple randomized study, the sample involved 298 patients. Variables such as age, sex, dermatologic diseases, phytotherapy used and the time of response to treatment were included. Data were computer processed. Results: The female sex (169 patients), and patients older than 45 (119) prevailed, representing 56.71% and 39.93% respectively. Dermatitis had the highest incidence (125 patients), for 41.59%. Dermatitis showed the highest response to the treatment with Maticaria Recutita lotion (112 patients, for 37.58%). Between the second and the third weeks of treatment those who presented dermatitis responded to treatment. Conclusions: Phytotherapy is a therapeutic method that can be used in the treatment of dermatologic diseases. PFB 003 VASCULAR INTEGRITY AIREATION CONDITIONS IN AORTIC SAMPLES ISOLATED UNDER Hernández E, Ruz V., Ribalta V. , Sueiro M., Pérez-Donato J.A., Nieto L Pharmacy Department, Chemistry and Pharmacy Faculty. Central University of Las Villas, Road to Camajuaní km 5 ½. Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba Introduction: The objective of this study was to evaluate the possible damage to vascular samples isolated under air-room (non-carbogen) aeration. Methods: Instruments: A PowerLab 4/30 Advanced Adquisition System from ADInstruments® was use in this study. The single chamber organ bath from UGO Basile® was selected for samples incubation. Aeration method: A Diaphragm type pump (ULVAC DTC-21, KIKO Inc. ®) coupled to pressurized balloon was used to supply the air room with an adequate carbon filter. Animals: Male Wistar rats 250-300 g were used in this study. Isolated conditions: The aortic rings, cut into 5 mm, were suspended in a 10 ml organ bath filled 0 with Krebs-Henseleit solution (pH = 7.4), kept at 37 C, 2 g basal tension, and continuously aerated with air-room. The vessel solution was changed every 15 min to prevent metabolites interferences. Isolated tissue studies: Phenylephrine (1 µM) and KCl (60 mM) were used for elicited contraction, through voltage and/or receptor-operated-calcium-channels (VOCCs and ROCCs) activation (Tom, 2010; Rattman, 2009). The reproducible contractions in several successive cycles were checked until 9 h of maximal incubation time to register any hypoxia effect on contractile capacity. Several parameters were determinate for both responses. Full functional test: Many drugs, with diverse mechanisms of action over contractile machinery in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), were used as constrictor or relaxant agents to test the total integrity of several regulation pathways in VSMCs under aeration conditions. Data Analysis: The LabChartPro®7.3.3 software was used for real-time analysis of Data and manage Power Lab 4/30 system. Results: The experiments did not show any integrity loss in aortic rings samples. The vascular response was strong and reproducible. Conclusions: These results suggest the possible use of air room flow as aeration method in aorta isolated experiments for Pharmacology Teaching or research purposes with low economic cost. PFB 004 ANTI-INFLAMMATORY ACTIVITY AND CHEMOINFORMATIC ANALYSIS OF NEW POTENT 2-SUBSTITUTED 1-METHYL-5-NITROINDAZOLINONES Siverio-Mota D, Andújar I, Marrero-Ponce Y, Giner R, Vicet-Muro, Cordero-Maldonado M, de Witte PAM, Crawford AD, Sylla-Iyarreta-Veitía M, Pérez-Jiménez F, Arán VJ 328 Unit of Computer-Aided Molecular “Biosilico” Discovery and Bioinformatic Research (CAMD-BIR Unit), Faculty of Chemistry-Pharmacy, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas, Cuba Introduction: In the present work, new potent analogs of 2-benzyl-1-methyl-5-nitroindazolinone (VA5-13l), were investigated as anti-inflammatory. Materials and Methods: The anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated on leukocyte migration to the injury zone of larvae test using Danio rario (Zebrafish) and TPA-induced ear edema in mice. Pro-inflammatory cytokine (TNFα ad IL-6) and nitric oxide production, together with levels of COX-2 and iNOS on LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages were developed. SAR analysis, using the concept of an activity landscape with SARANEA software was realized. Results: Among the tested compounds in zebrafish, the products 3, 6, 8, 9 and 10 showed the lowest values of relative leukocyte migration at 30 µM (0.14, 0.07, 0.10, 0.13 and 0.07, respectively); lower than the positive control, indomethacin (0.16). All tested compounds significantly inhibited TPA-induced ear edema, showing a significant reduction in myeloperoxidase activity (except 4 and 16). In the SAR study, it is evident that 5-nitro group of indazole ring plays a relevant role in the anti-inflammatory activity. Furthermore, the change of benzyl group (Bn) by other alkyl moieties reduced modestly the activity. A substituted Bn moiety at N-2 (R) is the best substituent (5-10); nevertheless, the compounds with halogen substituents on the Bn showed the best results in vivo, (7, R = 4-FBn and 8, 4-ClBn, respectively). All compounds, excluding 16, significantly inhibit the production of IL-6 at all doses assayed. Nonetheless, the production of TNF-α was significantly inhibited only by chemical 16 at a concentration of 50 µM. Compound 2 was the best inhibitor of iNOS and COX-2 expression. Conclusions: The inhibition of cytokine release may be one of the mechanisms responsible of this effect for 2-benzyl derivatives while other 2-alkyl derivatives can also inhibit production of NO. Furthermore, this chemical prototype could constitute an important alternative for the search of new antiinflammatory drugs. PFB 005 LUTETIUM-177 RADIOLABELING OF THE HUMANIZED MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY hR3 USING MACROCYCLIC AND ACYCLIC LIGANDS Leyva R, Beckford DR, Beran M, Kropáček M, Melichar M, Tomeš M, Lažničková A, Lažniček M, Alonso LM, Hernández I, León M Isotope Centre, Havana, Cuba So far, target specific radiopharmaceuticals supply a unique tool for specific delivery of radionuclides to diseased tissues. Humanized anti- EGFR monoclonal antibody hR3 ® (Nimotuzumab , CIMAB) is being studied in many clinical trials for immunotherapy of various cancers. The aims of this study were to develop simple, fast and efficient methods for 177 radiolabeling hR3 conjugates with Lu for radioimmunotherapy and compare acyclic and macrocyclic ligands. Preliminary biological evaluation was carried out for every conjugate. Materials and Methods: humanized mAb hR3 was conjugated to bifunctional ligands in aqueous media (0,1 M phosphate buffer, pH=8.5) for 24 hours at 16°C using NHS-DOTA, p-SCN-BNDOTA, p-SCN-Bn-DTPA and CHX-A’’-DTPA (Macrocyclics, Texas). The conjugates were purified by size-exclusion chromatography on PD-10 desalting column (Amersham Biosciences), analyzed 111 using HPLC. The number of conjugated chelates per mAb was determined using an In assay. 177 Lu (produced by neutron irradiation of isotopically enriched All conjugates were labeled with 176 Lu2O3). Labeling yields and radiochemical purity were determined by ITLC and HPLC with radio/UV detection. Radioimmunoconjugate integrity was also evaluated by HPLC. Biodistribution was tested in Wistar male rats. Results: humanized monoclonal antibody hR3 conjugated with DOTA and DTPA derivatives yielded 4 to 14 chelates per mAb molecule. SE-HPLC showed that no aggregates or fragments were formed during conjugation reaction. Under optimum conditions the labeling efficiencies were 95% and 70% for DOTA and DTPA conjugates, respectively. The Biodistribution studies showed that the number of chelates per protein molecule modified the in vivo behavior of the mAb radioimmunoconjugates. Conclusions: The methods for synthesis of 177 hR3-DOTA/DTPA bioconjugates and their labeling with Lu have been successfully developed. DOTA-bioconjugates showed better labeling efficiencies than DTPA conjugates. 329 PFB 006 MINIMAL STRUCTURAL CHANGES DETERMINE NICOTINIC AGONIST OR ANTAGONIST ACTIVITY FOR NICOTINIC ANALOGUES Iturriaga-Vásquez P, Farias-Rabelo N, Faundez-Parraguez M, Gonzalez-Gutierrez JP, GuerraDíaz N, Bermúdez I, Alzate-Morales J Qca. Biodinámica, Fac. de Ciencias, U. de Chile, Chile Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), is a ligand gate ion channel (LGIC) that have been implicated in nicotine addiction, reward, cognition, pain disorders and depression. The most important therapeutic properties of nicotinic ligands has been associated to an agonist activity, used as a replacement therapy. In the last decade, alosteric antagonism of classical antidepressant drug have opened a new class of therapy, a nicotinic antagonism, for smoking cessation and depression. Nicotine has been extensively used as a template for the synthesis of α4β2 preferring nAChRs. Here, we used the N-methyl-pyrrolidine moiety of nicotine to design and synthesise novel α4β2 nicotinic derivatives, coupling the pyrrolidine moiety to the aromatic group of nicotine by introducing an ether or ester linked functionality. Different meta or para-substituted phenolic or benzoic acid derivatives were used. Binding experiment were perform in hα4β2 and α7 nAChR clonal cell lines and voltage-clamp experiment were recorder for functional assays. Molecular docking were perform in the open and close stage of the nAChR model in order to understand the agonist or antagonist activity showed by our compounds. Nicotinic derivatives nAChRs. In the other were less potent to inhibit binding of [ -125I]bungarotoxin to human 3 nAChRs at nanomolar concentration. hand, they fully displace [ H]cytisine to human Functional assays showed that the nicotinic-ether derivatives compounds behave as agonists at nAChRs, whereas, nicotinic-ester derivatives showed antagonist activity. meta-substitution on the aromatic ring of the compounds produced more potent compounds than the parasubstitution for nAChR. Docking of the compounds in homology models for agonist and antagonist conformation to the binding site at the subunit interfaces of nAChRs suggested that the compounds binding with different binding energies to agonist or antagonist conformation. PFB 007 EFFICACY OF A 2-IMINOTHIAZOLIDIN-4-ONE LpQM18 TRYPANOSOMA CRUZI AGENT IN INFECTED MICE AS ANTI- Leite, ACL, Oliveira-Filho GBO, Meira CS, Guimarães ET, Soares MBP, Moreira DRM Laboratório de Planejamento em Química Medicinal – LpQM, UFPE, Recife – PE, Brasil The World Health Organization estimates that 510% of Latin America’s population is afflicted by Chagas disease, which is caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. Current treatment is solely based on benznidazole (Bdz) that is cidal for bloodstream trypomastigotes and thus eficiente in eliminating parasite in circulation during the initial stages of infection (acute and asymptomatic chronic). The efficacy of Bdz for patients with Chagas-related cardiomyopathy is still unknown, although a clinical trial aiming to investigate this is expected to be concluded in 2013. However, many patients experience drug intolerance and adverse effects for Bdz. Thus, there is a need to look for other drugs to treat Chagas disease. To identify new trypanocidal compounds, we performed a structural planning and synthesis of new 2-Iminothiazolidin-4-ones. We were able to identify one high-efficacy trypanocidal compound, 2-minothiazolidin-4-one LpQM18, which inhibited the activity of cruzain and the proliferation of epimastigotes and was cidal for trypomastigotes but was not toxic for splenocytes. Thus, we evaluated the in vivo efficacy of Nphenyl 2-iminothiazolidin-4-one LpQM18 to reduce blood parasitemia (acute phase). Starting on day 5 postinfection (dpi), compound 18 was orally administered once a day at 250 µmol/kg for 5 consecutive days in BALB/c mice infected with 10 Y strain trypomastigotes. Controls included untreated and Bdz-treated infected mice. The course of infection was monitored by counting blood parasites in a hemocytometer, and animal survival was followed for one month. Compound LpQM18 was efficient in reducing 89.6% of blood parasitemia when compared to untreated control. No signs of toxicity or body weight loss were observed in mice of the treatment groups. 330 PFB 008 ACUTE EFFECTS OF SIBUTRAMINE ON ADRENERGIC RESPONSE ON YOUNG RAT VAS DEFERENS Souza BP, Dorsa KK, Silva Junior ED, Jurkiewicz A, Jurkiewicz NH Department of Pharmacology – UNIFESP/EPM Rua Três de Maio, 100, 04044-020, São Paulo, Brazil Introduction: Sibutramine affects the sympathetic neurotransmission in adult rat vas deferens. However, the effects of drug treatment show differences between young and adult animals. Thus, this study evaluated the effects of acute treatment with sibutramine on tyramine, noradrenaline and calcium-induced contraction of young rat vas deferens. Methods: 45-days-old Wistar rats -1 were treated with sibutramine 6mg.Kg (T) or drug-free vehicle as control (C) and sacrificed after -4 -9 -4 -2 4 hours. The effects of tyramine (10 M, 2-3 min), noradrenaline (10 – 10 M) and calcium (10 M, 2+ -8 -5 10 min) (in Ca -free solution) in absence or presence of verapamil (10 – 10 M) were evaluated in vas deferens from both groups. The pharmacological parameters Emax (maximum effect in gram of tension), pD2 (apparent affinity for agonists) and pIC50 (apparent affinity for blockers) were determined. The values were expressed as Mean±SEM from at least 6 experiments. Results: The Emax of tyramine did not show any difference between the groups, but its kinetics was evidently altered showing a slower contraction. The cumulative concentration-response curves for noradrenaline were potentiated in treated group, as described by the mean values of Emax (C: 1.33 ± 0.08g; T: 1.80 ± 0.06g) and pD2 (C: 5.73±0.11; T: 6.31±0.10). The time course response for calcium induces a biphasic effect, namely phasic response (PR) and tonic response (TR). The PR was increased by about 48% whereas the TR was decreased by about 85% in sibutramine pretreated group. The pIC50 for verapamil was augmented for the PR (C: 5.85±0.06; T: 7.0±0.17) and TR (C: 5.6±0.14; T: 8.02± 0.85) in the treated group. Conclusion: Our data suggest that the acute treatment with sibutramine increases the sensitivity (pD2 and Emax) of the vas deferens to noradrenaline. These effects could be due to failure of neuronal uptake mechanisms and alterations in the calcium influx by L-type voltage calcium channels. PFB 009 POPULATION PHARMACOKINETICS OF CYCLOSPORINE IN THE EARLY PERIOD OF POST RENAL TRANSPLANT (RT), IN MEXICAN PEDIATRIC RECEPTORS Lares-Asseff I, Zaruma Torres F, Saltzman Girshevich S, Urbina Álvarez J, Guillé-Pérez G, Sosa Macías M, Loera Castañeda V, Galaviz Hernández C, Toledo López A Instituto Politécnico Nacional, CIIDIR-IPN Unidad Durango, México Cyclosporine (CsA) is an immunosuppressive agent used to prevent transplant rejection through selective modification of the function of T helper lymphocytes. CsA is a therapeutic agent with a narrow therapeutic index and large variability in pharmacokinetics Objectives. To identify differences in the CsA concentrations at steady state between patients with acceptance or rejection of renal transplant (RT), and determine the population pharmacokinetic of the drug. Material and methods. We included 64 patients 3-18 years enrolled in RT program of INP, Mexico. Were extracted from one to three samples per week for each patient, to determine plasma concentrations of CsA, using polarized immunofluorescence (DX Abbott). Results. RT rejection was experienced in 35 patients [13 (37.1%) males and 22 (62.1%) females] while the remaining 29 accepted the RT [19 (65.5%) males and 10 (34.5%) females]. We monitored 1955 concentrations of CsA in accepting [sub-therapeutic 599 (30%), therapeutic 178 (8.9%) and toxic 12 (0.6%)] and rejecting [sub-therapeutic 809 (40.5%), therapeutic 265 (13.3%) and toxic 86 (4.3%)] patients p=0.01. The following population pharmacokinetics parameters of patients -1 accepting RT were: AUC = 2587.35 (mcg/mL/h), K10-HL = 2.09 (h) = 0.973 K01-HL (h) alpha (h ) -1 -1 = 0.7355; beta = 0.0720 (h ), alpha-HL = 0.94 (h), beta-HL = 9.61 (h ), from the equation Cp α.t β.t =Ae + Be , describing a two-compartment model, describing a two compartment model. Conclusions.1) There are significant differences between sub-therapeutic, therapeutic and toxic CsA concentrations within and between the studied groups; those patients rejecting RT showed significantly higher toxic concentrations; 2) Dose should be individualized and based on pharmacokinetic parameters in this population. 3) The new dose of cyclosporine in this population 331 should be calculated on an individual basis, based on the pharmacokinetic parameters of the population studied. PFB 010 USE OF FRESHLY ISOLATED RENAL CELLS TO STUDY RENAL UPTAKE OF SELECTED ANTIVIRALS Trejtnar F, Navratilova L, Mandikova J, Kocincova J Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic Administration of antiviral drugs may be in some case associated with severe nephrotoxicity. This effect can be based on active renal transport and accumulation of the drug in the renal cells. Several experimental in vitro methods are available to study the mechanisms responsible for drug uptake in the kidney. The aim of this study was to evaluate usefulness of isolated rat renal cells to determine which renal transporters may be involved in transport of selected antivirals into renal cells. The freshly isolated rat renal cells were prepared by two-phase collagenase perfusion. The renal uptake of two radiolabeled antivirals, tenofovir and adefovir, was evaluated to confirm preservation of functions of the renal cellular preparation. To evaluate contribution of active and passive transport mechanisms to the renal uptake, incubation at normal and low temperature was evaluated. To confirm previous information on renal transport, we also determined which groups of transporters contributed to the renal accumulation of the studied antivirals. For this purpose, we use compounds acting as specific inhibitors of the appropriate transporters. The results demonstrated that adefovir and tenofovir were transported into the renal rat cells mostly by active transport mechanisms. The most potent inhibitor of the renal uptake was OAT inhibitor probenecid. Inhibitors of OCTs and CNTs had a significantly lower effect on the renal accumulation. Both antivirals had similar transport characteristics. In conclusion, the found results are in accordance with the published data on transmembrane transport mechanisms in adefovir and tenofovir. This fact documents validity of the used method for accumulation study in drugs. PFB 011 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND PHARMACOLOGICAL EFFECTS MEXICAN PROPOLIS ON EXPERIMENTAL GASTRIC ULCERS IN RATS OF Hernández-Delgadillo GP, Castañeda-Cabral JL, Flores-Morales V, Guerra-Ramírez MA, TrujilloSaldaña BE, López-Saucedo A Unidad Académica de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Autónoma de ZacatecasCarr. ZacatecasGuadalajara Km. 6, Zacatecas, México Propolis is a resinous hive product collected by honeybees from plants, which has long been used in folk medicine. Chemical composition depends on phytogeographical origin, therefore pharmacological properties of propolis vary greatly. In Mexico, information about this product is very limited. The aim of this study was to identify some chemical compounds and to evaluate an ethanolic extract of Mexican propolis in models of acute gastric lesions induced by ethanol and indomethacin in rats. Propolis was collected from a semiarid region from Zacatecas, where main botanical sources are Opuntia streptacantha, Prosopis laevigata, and Mimosa monancistra. Propolis ethanolic extract was prepared by maceration at room temperature. Alcaloids, flavonoids and sugars were identified in a propolis sample by thin layer chromatography, as soon as 3hydroxyflavone, 7-hydroxyflavone, chrysin and CAPE were determined using reference compounds. Quantitative analysis of total phenolics compounds, flavanones and flavonols contents were determined by spectrometric analysis, and they were 80.1±4.6 mg/g gallic acid equivalent, 0.56±0.02 mg/g naringenin equivalent, and 735±9.4 µg/g quercetin equivalent, respectively. In addition, oxidation index was determined by potassium permanganate test (2.5±0.1 s). Pharmacological assays showed that animals administered with propolis extract (500 and 1000 mg/Kg p.o.) showed a significant reduction dose-dependent in lesion index in comparison with control group (P<0.05) in ethanol-induced ulcer model. Propolis extract did not display a significant protection by reducing the evaluated parameters in the gastric ulceration induced by indomethacin, however ranitidine as a positive control significantly diminished the lesion index. For histological assessment, stomach tissue was analysed using hematoxylin and eosin staining, and the microscopic evaluation confirmed pharmacological results. These data 332 show that local propolis contents flavonoids which possibly will be responsible of antiulcerogenic activity on ethanol-induced gastric lesions, and this finding contributing for its pharmacological validation. This work was supported by PROMEP IDCA 8218. PFB 012 CARDIOPROTECTOR EFFECT OF NIFEDIPINE AND RUTHENIUM RED AGAINST CARDIAC ISCHEMIA AND REPERFUSION INJURY IN RATS Tavares, JGP, Vasques ER, Menezes-Rodrigues FS, Jurkiewicz A, Caricati-Neto A Department of Pharmacology - Escola Paulista de Medicina - Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Brazil 2+ BACKGROUND: In this work, we investigate if blockade of the L-type Ca channel by nifedipine 2+ (NIF) or inhibition of Ca mitochondrial uniporter by ruthenium red (RR) reduce incidence of ventricular arrhythmias (VA), atrioventricular block (AVB) and lethality (LET) caused by cardiac ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) injury in rats. METHODS: Male Wistar rats (300±30g) anesthetized (urethane, 1.25 mg/kg, i.p.) and kept under mechanical ventilation were submitted to surgical I/R procedure by means occlusion of left anterior descendent coronary artery by 10 min and reperfusion for 120 min. To evaluate the effects of NIF and RR on the cardiac activity in I/R injury, the rats were coupled to electrocardiogram system to evaluate incidence of VA, AVB and LET. NIF (1, 10 or 30 mg/kg, i.v.) or RR (1, 3 or 10 mg/kg, i.v.) were administrated before (pre-I) or after (post-I) ischemia. RESULTS: In rats submitted I/R and treated with saline solution 0.9% (n=33), a high incidence of VA (85%), AVB (79%) and LET (70%) was observed. Pre-I (n=25) treatment with NIF, but not post-I (n=20), reduced incidence of VA (28 - 62%), AVB (10 - 25%) and LET (14 25%) caused by I/R. Pre-I (n=23) and post-I (n=25) treatment with RR reduced incidence of VA (43%), AVB (25 - 37%) and LET (25 - 30%) caused by I/R. CONCLUSION: These results indicate 2+ that agents that attenuate cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca overload during ischemia or 2+ reperfusion by means blockade L-type Ca channel or inhibition of mitochondrial uniporter reduce incidence of cardiac arrhythmia and lethality, conferring protection against I/R injury. PFB 013 LUNG EMPHYSEMA: EXPERIMENTAL MODELS Dantas R, Reis E, Campelo N, Alves W, Nunes L University of Piauí (UFPI), Brazil According to WHO data, lung diseases represent about 8% of all deaths in developed countries and 5% in developing countries. Among these pathologies, the obstructive (such as emphysema) are the most common. In this context, were developed / upgraded two experimental models of emphysema. One with passive inhalation of cigarette smoke and one with tracheal spray of papain. The latter, in an attempt to reduce stress of team and animals when developing the model with cigarette smoke. After approval by the Ethics Committee (CEP-UESPI 007/2012), were used 30 rats (Rattus norvegicus, Albinus, Wistar rats) with three months of age and weighing 300 g ± 20 g from UFPI. Were formed three groups of 10 animals: control group, group EMPHYSEMA / PAPAIN and group EMPHYSEMA / CIGARETTE. For the invasive experiments, animals were anesthetized with xylazine (6.25 mg/kg) and ketamine (43.75 mg/kg). For the induction of emphysema with cigarette the animals were placed in an acrilic inhalation chamber for 30 minutes twice daily for 45 days (8 filter cigarettes per day). Besides this model, a new model was tested with spraying of papain powder in the lungs of animals. Therefore, there were three sprays of papain on days 0, 7 and 14 (about 3mg in each spray). Spraying was performed by a Microspray ® (Penn-Century ). LBA data showed a significant difference (p <0.05) in the number of neutrophils (cells mostly found in the BAL of patients with emphysema), comparing the groups EMPHYSEMA 6 6 6 / CIGARETTE (920x10 ) and EMPHYSEMA / PAPAIN (890 x10 ) with control (20x10 ). The two experimental groups of emphysema also showed equivalent degrees of hyalinization, congestion and alveolar collapse. This shows that the alternative model of emphysema (papain) is an alternative model of emphysema with cigarette. PFB 014 EFFECTS OF ETOH INGESTION in VAS DEFERENS CONTRACTILITY, 333 SPERMATOGENESIS AND CONSEQUENCES REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM IN THE RAT ON THE Jurkiewicz NH, Bomfim G H S, Aivazoglou Jurkiewicz A, Nichi M, Dalmazzo A, Losano JDA, Barnabe VH 1 Departamento de Farmacologia, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. 2 Departamento de Reprodução Animal, Universidade de São Paulo LU, Fabrício MALE VL, Introduction: The ingestion of ethyl alcohol (EtOH) is a common and serious condition that has become a public health problem resulting in approximately 2.5 million deaths worldwide. EtOH consumption has been shown to be involved with the manifestation pathologies such as metabolic toxic effects on the liver and mainly alterations in spermatogenesis and male reproductive system. The aim of our study was to investigate the possible alterations that EtOH consumption entails in the vas deferens (VD) and also changes in spermatogenesis. Methods: Adult male Wistar rats, were treated with EtOH by intragastric 5g/kg/day v.o (7-days) and control-group received drug-free vehicle. In vitro experiments, rat VD were removed for testing contractility through the following agonists: (a) concentration-contraction curves for dopamine, phenylephrine, serotonin, barium (b) single dose of tyramine. In the spermatogenesis experiments, epididymis sperm samples were collected, resuspended in 1 ml of NaCl 0.9% solution and aliquots of the sample were analyzed through the following parameters: (a) sperm concentration (b) sperm morphology (c) motility and velocity of sperm. Results: The contractility of VD in EtOH treated-group has shown that pharmacological parameters affinity (pD2) and maximum contraction induced by agonist (Emax) were decreased for all agonists, except for DOP that did not alter pD2. Results on semen samples from EtOH treated-group exhibit sperm alterations in several parameters such as decreases in the sperm concentration. Moreover some types of abnormality, motility and velocity of sperm were increased. Conclusion: These results may suggest that the vas deferens responsible by moving of sperm the showed contraction decrease. As a consequence of the decrease in contraction of VD, reduction occurs in sperm concentration. In addition EtOH can act directly on sperm and cause increase in abnormality, motility and velocity which decreases spermatogenesis. Therefore, EtOH consumption causes a decrease in EtOH male reproductive system. PFB 015 ANTI HYPER-GLYCAEMIA EFFECT AND THE SAFETY OF THE ZEOLITA: FE2 +-CLINOPTILOLITA (FZ) IN ANIMAL’S EXPERIMENTATION Fleitas AS, Rodriguez G National Institute of Angiology and Vascular Surgery. 1551 calzada del cerro. Cerro. 12 000, Havana, Cuba Background: The hyper-glycaemia is the main characteristic in the etiopathogenie of diabetic complications, this is a metabolic chronic affection, important morbidity and mortality cause and it is considered a health problem in the world. The metabolic control by means of the hygienic, dietary and medicinal treatment is essential, from there the importance of the development new medications that contribute to achieve this objective. Objective: To evaluate the anti hyperglycaemia effect and the safety of the Zeolita: Fe2 +-Clinoptilolita (FZ) in animal’s experimentation. Methods: We worked with the Fe2 +-Clinoptilolita (native zeolita purified and modified with ions Fe2 +). The studies were carried out in: Beagles dogs, Chinchilla rabbits, Wistar rats, CENP: SPRD rats, and ENP: NMRI mice. There were realized pharmacological studies (anti hyperglycaemia effect, dose - response effect and safety). Experiments were realized for another possible biological effect. Results: There was found a half effective dose of Fe2 +-Clinoptilolita. A decrease in glycaemia was observed in Beagles dogs treated with only dose. Significant differences were no found when compared the anti hyper-glycaemia effect of Fe2'+ Clinoptilolita and Acarbosa. It was observed that the treatment with FZ decreased glucose bioavailability and the glycaemia post-stimulation. It was demonstrated according to the acute toxicity and genotoxity studies realized to Fe2 +-Clinoptilolita that it is not dangerous for the animal health Conclusion: The anti hyper-glycaemia effect demonstrated, the wide availability of material and the economic production, we propose to continue another researches to finish the medical register of the pharmacological product. 334 PFB 016 BIODISTRIBUTION AND PHARMACOKINETIC OF T1H MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY AND ITS ANTI MURINE CD6 COUNTERPART 10D12 IN HEALTHY ANIMALS AND IN AN ARTHRITIS MODEL Aldana L, Pérez S, León M, Ayra F, Castro Y, García L, García L, padrón L, Raymond J, Casacó A, Hernández I Centro de isótopos, Carretera La Rada km 3.5, San José de las Lajas, Mayabeque, Cuba Biodistribution and pharmacokinetic of two radio labeled monoclonal antibodies was performed with the help of imaging techniques. Isotopic labeling was carried out by means of standardized methods. Pharmacokinetic evaluation was performed using the population approach and sparse data design. INTRODUCTION. Targeted therapy with monoclonal antibodies (MAb) is an efficient option for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Th1 is a MAb anti human CD6 developed for the treatment of autoimmune disease and 10D12 is its counterpart anti murine CD6 developed as a pharmacological tool to get deep into the response mechanisms in animals models of rheumatoid arthritis. To investigate the behavior of both antibodies in the assay system, molecules were labeled with 125 99m I to evaluate pharmacokinetic in healthy animals and with Tc to evaluate the antibody uptake in inflamed area of induced arthritis. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Antibodies were supplied by the Center of Molecular immunology. Iodination was performed by the yodogen method and technetium labeling was carried out by Schwarz method. Female C57BL6 from CENPALAB were used for experiments. Biodistribution and pharmacokinetic was performed by a sparse data design using the population approach. Uptake in region of inflammation was quantified by gammagraphy at the same blood sampling points. A compartmental model was build to quantify uptake kinetic with the help of MONOLIX software version 4.2. RESULTS. Minor pharmacokinetic differences were found between monoclonal antibodies labeled 125 99m Tc. As a humanized antibody, T1h shows a faster clearance than 10D12 and a with I and biodistribution pattern due humanization and non specificity for murine antigen. The arthritis accumulation was not consistent with a targeted mediated uptake. On the other hand, radio labeled 10D12 shows an accumulation profile in arthritis with two peaks of maximum concentration representing an initial transit to inflammatory exudates and a delayed uptake and migration by CD6+ cells. PFB 017 COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SEVERAL DOSES OF PARACETAMOL IN RATS EXPERIMENTAL MODEL Jiménez Martínez MC, Martínez Martín SM, Montero González T, García Sánchez M, Sebazco Pernas C, Maceira Cubiles MA Hospital “Dr Luis Díaz Soto” Ave Monumental y Carretera Asilo Habana del Este, Cuba Introduction: Several quemical substancies have been classically used in rodent models to induce hepatotoxicity, including acetaminophen and carbon tetrachloride. Acetaminophen is considered antipyretic and analgesic secure drugs and of a wide use by adults and children. However, an overdose can cause hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity in men and in experimental animals. Objective: To evaluate the level of hepatic affection that is produced on male Wistar rats after some doses of paracetamol. Materials and methods: An experimental study was carried out using 600 y 800 mg/kg of paracetamol dissolved on propilenglicol to 50% and administered intraperitoneal in only one dose. Four groups of six animals each one were used in the experiment. The levels of glutamic piruvic transaminase were determined (GPT) and oxalacetic glutamic (OGT); and the level of hepatic lesion: cellular tumefaction, esteatosis and necrosis at 24 and 72 hours. Results: An increase of transaminase levels were obtained in the two times and histopathologic changes which lead to the appearance of necrosis areas with a dosis of 800 mg/kg 335 height at 24 hours which were maintained at 72 hours. Conclusiones: The humeral and histopathology changes observed after the administration of paracetamol were similar at 24 and 72 hours. PFB 018 PREVENTATIVE AND THERAPEUTIC ANTI-ALLERGIC EFFECT OF A NOVEL HOUSE-DUST-MITE VACCINE BASED ON A COMBINATION ADJUVANT Ramírez W, Tamargo B, Bourg V, Torralba D, Más A, Infante JF, Sierra G, Pérez O, Labrada A National Center of Bioproducts, Bejucal, Cuba Background: Current allergen-specific immunotherapy is based on repeated allergen injections. The adjuvant effect of the outer membrane proteoliposome (PL) of Neisseria meningitides is attractive for designing novel vaccines, with fewer administrations. Aim: To assess the immunomodulatory effect of a novel vaccine based on Dermatophagoides siboney allergens and a combination adjuvant, containing PL and alum, in prophylactic and therapeutic models of respiratory allergy. Methods: Balb/C or C57/BL6 mice were administered with 3 doses of the vaccine (2µg Der s1) by subcutaneous route. In the therapeutic model, mice were previously sensitized to D.siboney by ip injection plus exposure to aerosolized allergen. A challenge test was used after receiving the vaccine in the prophylactic or therapeutic models. Allergen-specific antibody response was assessed by ELISA, and the cytokine response, by FACS. Results: The vaccine induced IgG2a and IgG1 antibodies in both, naïve and sensitized animals, and prevented the development of systemic (IgE) and local allergic response in mice subjected to allergen challenge, regarding histological signs of lung inflammation. In sensitized mice, it was noted a significant increase of the IgG/IgE ratio, and a decrease of blood eosinophils. Moderate levels of IFN-γ were induced in Der s1-stimulated lymphocyte cultures, whereas IL-13 levels decreased as compared to non-treated controls. IL-10 levels showed no significant (p>0.05) differences. Conclusions: The adjuvanted vaccine does not exacerbate the allergic response, nor promote Th1 inflammation, supporting a satisfactory safety profile for further clinical trials. This immunomodulatory effect suggests clinical benefits in cellular and blocking antibody responses for treatment or prevention of respiratory allergy. PFB 019 CORRELATION BETWEEN SEROTONIN CONCENTRATION VARIATIONS AND CLINICAL COURSE IN PATIENTS WITH ALCOHOL WITHDRAWAL SYNDROME TREATED WITH CLOMETIAZOLE Llinás S, Caballero A, Peñalver J, Valdés R Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras, Cuba INTRODUCTION: Alcoholism Withdrawal Syndrome (AWS) is a phenomenon with an unquestionable importance within alcoholic clinical status. It is a serious condition that can occur when an excessive and prolonged drinking is suddenly halted. The AWS biological basis knowledge has demonstrated that alcohol can alter structure and function of a wide group of neurotransmitters such as Serotonin (5-HT). In that sense, we theorized that total 5-HTshould significantly increases during treatment of patients with AWS and thus it could be used as a biological marker of patient classification and clinical course. OBJECTIVE: This study sought to correlate total 5-HT concentration variations with clinical evaluation of 31 patients with AWS at the beginning and at the end of the treatment. METHODS: Thirty-one patients diagnosed with AWS according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Disorders-IV were included in this study. Patient blood samples were always taken in the morning during detoxification period and mixed with 1% EDTA to be centrifuged for isolating platelet rich plasma. The endogenous and secreted 5-HT concentrations were always measured by RP-HPLC within 2 h after blood collections. RESULTS: Total 5-HT concentration values were statistically -5 different between days 1 and 10 of treatment (p= 2.00x10 ) and there was a strong linear 2 correlation between 5-HT concentration and patient classification at the beginning (R = 0.9839) 336 2 and clinical evaluation at the end of the treatment (R = 1.000). CONCLUSIONS: We can conclude from this study, that total 5-HT concentration variations can be used as a biological indicator of clinical course of patients with AWS. PFB 020 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE PROTEINS MTL2P AND WSC1P LIKE POSSIBLE SENSORS OF THE CELLULAR WALL IN SCHIZOSACCHAROMYCES POMBE Cruz S, Hernández JE, Sánchez Y Universidad de Sancti Spíritus, Ave. de los Mártires #360, Sancti Spíritus, Cuba The cell wall is a vital structure which confers mechanical resistance and structural support to the fungal cell. We are interested in the study of the fungus cell wall for two reasons fundamentally: 1) Because is a structure in constant change, with a relatively simple composition and an essential function, which make it to be used as a very good morphogenetic model at molecular level, and 2) Cell wall is an excellent target to develop antifungal agents, since is a structure with an essential function, and exclusive of the pathogenic agent himself. The objective of this work consists in characterizing sensors of surface and other molecules implicated in detecting and transmitting the status of the cell wall to Rho1p either through of proteins GEF, Rgf1p, Rgf2p and Rgf3p, or by other mechanisms. Some of these sensors have been characterized in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but until now, this kind of sensors has not described on S. pombe. The sensors characterized are transmembrane proteins that have a little cytoplasmatic domain in the extreme of C-terminal, a unique trans-membrane domain and a periplasmic ecto-domain rich in serine and threonine. After thorough data base review, in order to find in to S. pombe similar proteins described to S. cerevisiae sensors (Mid2p and Wsc1p), we found two proteins named Mtl2p and Wsc1p respectively, which have a very similar structure to the S. cerevisiae protein. Mtl2p's characterization started and it was proved that when Mtl2p's was absent, cells were sensitive to caspofungin, which is an antifungal that interfere the glucans bio-synthesis in to the cell wall, that suggest that when Mtl2p's is missed there are defects in the cell wall structure, while if there is Mtl2p's over-expressing the cell is elongated and wall is more thin. It was verified that Mtl2p is related to Rgf1p, which is a Rho1p GTPasa's activator that regulates the cell wall synthesis and it has intervention on the route of cell integrity leaded by the kinase Pmk1p. PFB 021 PROTEOME AND BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF BOTHROPS PUNCTATUS VENOM. ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION ONE BRADYKININ-POTENTIATING PEPTIDES Fernández M, Lomonte B, Pereañez JA, Núñez Rangel V Program of ofidismos y escorpionismo, Antioquia University, Colombia Bothrops punctatus venom is poorly characterized and only one study related pharmacological properties has been published. We reported the proteome of this venom, where the proteins masses were in the range of 14 a 90 kDa to both venoms. They belong to 9 different groups of toxins where metalloproteinase are the predominant proteins followed by C - type lectin-like (24,4%), D49 PLA2 (8%), Serinproteinase (5%), desintegrin 3,8%, L-aminoacid oxidase 3%, endothelial growth factor 1,7%, Cysteine-rich secretory proteins 1%. One PLA2 K49 was also identified (1,3%) and speciality a fraction bradykinin-potentiating peptides (10,7%). By comparing the composition of the venoms B. punctatus of Antioquia and Chóco, there is a high similarity. The effects of this venom in both zones showed important proteolytics, but moderate compared to other species of the family Viperidae. However the activity PLA2 and L-amino acid oxidases (LAO) were moderate. The antivenoms were used to show cross-reactivity with B. punctatus venom. In the last decade, the study of the composition of snake venoms from proteomic analysis has contributed to generate new knowledge of toxic function, formulation of hypotheses that integrate biological and biochemical aspects of the production of venom, and a better understanding of ecological and evolutionary species, additionally, the identification and characterization of molecules with activity pharmacology like are bradykining-potentiating peptides compounds that 337 gave rise to captopril. PFB 022 DISSOLUTION PROFILES OF CAPTOPRIL SIMULATING CONDITIONS POSTSURGICAL IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING TO BARIATRIC SURGERY IN "Y" OF ROUX Alviz A, Mercado J, Martinez J, Utria L, Santos G Department of pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Cartagena, Colombia Introduction: Bariatric Surgerieswereincreased exponentially at global level. One approach is widely used in this surgery is“Y” Roux (Padwal, 2008).The post-bariatric patients have comorbidities such as hypertension, so used drugs that decrease blood pressure type IECAs as captopril. Objective: To determine the dissolution profile in different commercial presentations of captopril 50 mg tablet, under conditions of simulating gastrointestinal surgery patients “Y” Roux. Method: The dissolution profile of eight brands of captopril, to compare the efficiency in different dissolution matrix, simulating pre-operative and post-operative bariatric surgery in "Y" Roux. All products were previously validated by Liquid Chromatography. The statistical t-student was applied, accepting significant differences (p <0.05). Results: Liquid chromatographic evaluation of different brands, were 98.5% and 103% range accepted by the USP35/NF35. The profile of dissolution efficiency in both matrix pre-operative and post-operative average was 86.3 ± 5.1 and 83.5 ± 10.5 % respectively, for all brands, noting that two of them showed statistically significant difference (p> 0.5).The area under the curve (AUC) of dissolution profile, showed no significant difference between the means (2588.2 ± 5.8 and 2505.7 ± 12.6 pre-operative and post-operative, respectively). Conclusion: Significant differences were found between pre-operative and post-operative dissolution profiles in pre-surgical and post-surgical media, for some captoprilbrands sales in Colombia.So there may be therapeutic failures in patients who consume certain brands that have problems in their dissolution profile. PFB 023 ORAL AND INTRAVENOUS BIOAVAILABILITY OF QUERCETIN RELATIONSHIP WITH THE HYPOGLYCEMIC EFFECT AND González A, Fuentes I, Coral T, Ramírez M, Ortiz R Facultad de Química, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UADY), México Introduction: Quercetin is the flavonoid most widely and abundantly present in herbs and foods. It has been reported to exert numerous pharmacological activities, such as antidiabetic and hypoglycemic, and their potential usefulness in the treatment and complications of Diabetes.However, data on the bioavailability of free form of quercetin are scarce and contradictory. Therefore, in this study we attempted to compare the bioactivities and pharmacokinetics of quercetin in rats. Material and procedures: Quercetin was administered intravenously (38 mg/Kg) and intragastric (300 mg/Kg). Blood samples were withdrawn via cardiopuncture at diferent time points. An HPLC validated method was used to determine the plasmatic concentrations of quercetin.Subsequently, hypoglycemic effects were determined in normoglycemic rats, by measuring the variation of glucose during the times set. Results: After oral administration, only 13.4% of unchanged quercetin was bioavailable. The oral absorption rate of quercetin was 68% compared to intravenous administration after dose correction.Cmax of free form of quercetin were observed at 5 and 240 minutes after intravenous and oral administration, respectively. While Emax ( hypoglycemic effects) were in the range of 90 to 220 minutes. Conclusions: In a normoglycaemic rats, appears not show evidence toexist relationship between the free form of quercetin and hypoglycemic effects, because the greater hypoglycemic effects are not proportional to the increase in plasma concentrations of free form. This indicate that the effects on glucose homeostasis are linked to the products of metabolism of quercetin (glucuronides and 338 sulfates, mostly), having a similar behavior to a prodrug. PFB 024 EFFECTS OF METFORMIN IN LOCAL AND SYSTEMIC ANTIHYPERALGESIC ACTION OF INDOMETHACIN, DICLOFENAC AND PARECOXIB Torres-López JE, Guzmán-Priego CG, Méndez-Mena R, Zapot-Martínez JC Centro de Investigación, División Académica de Ciencias de la Salud-Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, México Introduction: In the present study, we evaluated the peripheral role of COX-1 and COX-2 in an animal model of established hyperalgesia. Also, this work was undertaken to determine whether metformin has any effect on the antihyperalgesic activity of COX inhibitors. Methods: Hyperalgesia was induced by injection of carrageenan into rat footpads. Then we investigated the effects of therapeutic treatment with a selective COX-2 inhibitor (parecoxib) and with non-selective COX inhibitors (indomethacin and diclofenac) on carrageenan-induced thermal hyperalgesia (reduced hind paw-withdrawal latency).Test compounds were administered 3 hr after carrageenan challenge, and then hyperalgesia was evaluated. For treatment with metformin (local peripheral or systemic), the NSAIDs were administered after metformin injection, and then hyperalgesia was evaluated. Results: Local (50, 100, 200 y 400 µg/pata) or systemic (10 mg/kg, i.p.) administration of COX-2 inhibitor and non-selective COX inhibitors produced antihyperalgesic activity. a) Administration of either COX inhibitor after establishment of hyperalgesia (3 hr after carrageenan) reversed thermal hyperalgesia in a dose-dependent manner. b) The anti-hyperalgesic potency evaluated as ED50 was diclofenac > indomethacin > parecoxib. c) Local pretreatment with metformin reversed the local antihyperalgesic action of indomethacin, but not the antihyperalgesic action of diclofenac and parecoxib. However, systemic pretreatment with metformin reversed systemic antihyperalgesic activity of administration of diclofenac, but not of indomethacin. Conclusions: Based in the pharmacological profile of the NSAIDs tested and our results, particularly these observed with parecoxib, we suggest that at least peripheral COX-1, if not both COX-1 and COX-2 are necessary for the maintenance of carrageenan-induced hyperalgesia. Treatment with metformin decrease antihyperalgesic effects of indomethacin and diclofenac. PFB 025 DETECTION OF INSULIN POLYMERS IN PLASMA FROM OBESE PATIENTS AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH INSULIN RESISTANCE García JR, Rincón MJ, Olivares IM Sección de estudios de posgrado e investigación, Escuela Superior de Medicina del Instituto Politécnico Nacional. México D.F., México Introduction:It has been describedthat thereactive oxygen species(ROS) modifiedthe chemical structureand the function ofhumanrecombinant insulin(HRI). Using in vitro models, HRI and blood from patients with diabetes or obesity as a source of ERO, we demonstrated that the blood of these patients have the capacity to induce chemical modifications and a loss of the hormone function. Recent studies have shown that these changes generated polymers of insulin with a molecular weight of 70 kDa.Therefore, the polymerization of the hormone in vivo might be a mechanism of insulin inactivationor insulin resistance. Aim:To determine the presence of insulin polymers in plasma from obese patients. Material and methods:Women of 20 to 40 years old were included in the study. One group with Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 to 34.9 (O1) and another with BMI > 40 (O3). Healthy women with BMI of 20 to 24.9 (HW) were included as control group.A polyclonal antibody against insulin polymers was generated, it was coupled to magnetic particles and this complex was incubated in plasma of HW, O1 and O3. Magnetic beads were recovered with a magnet, washed with buffer PBS plus SDS 0.5%and treated with loading SDS-buffer. SDSpolyacrylamide gel (10%) was performed and western blot was used to evidence the presence of insulin polymers.Finally, densitometry analysis of the insulin polymers was performed and correlated with HOMA values. Results: The markers of oxidative stress in the plasma from obese patients were increased vshealthy women. Western blot revealed an insulin polymer in plasma 339 and we found a positive correlation between levels insulin polymers and HOMA values (Pearson r = 0.5274; p < 0.01). Conclusion: These data show for the first time, the existence of insulin polymers in plasma from obese patients and its relationship with the insulin resistance. PFB 026 IS 15-EPI-LIPOXIN A4 THE MEDIATOR OF THE EFFECT OF ASPIRIN ON EXPERIMENTAL INFECTION WITH TRYPANOSOMA CRUZI? Campos-Estrada C, Molina-Berrios A, Faúndez M, Torres G, Escanilla S, Kemmerling U, Leiva M, Morello A, Maya JD, López-Muñoz R Programa de Farmacología Clínica y Molecular, ICBM, Facultad de Medicina, Univ. de Chile, Chile Currently there are 10 million people with Chagas disease in Latin America and in 2008, more than 10,000 people died from this cause. This disease is caused by the flagellate protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. To control parasite replication during the initial stage of infection, an inflammatory response is produced including increased production of prostanoids, which contribute to cardiac remodeling and other functional disorders of the heart in the chronic phase of Chagas disease. Therefore, prostanoid synthesis inhibition emerges as a potential therapeutic target. Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) increases macrophage trypanocidal capacity, enhancing the antichagasic effect of nifurtimox and benznidazole. ASA acetylates COX-2, redirecting its catalytic activity to generate other eicosanoid, 15-epi-lipoxin A4, a potent anti-inflammatory and pro-resolutory of inflammation. Therefore, we studied the effect of aspirin in BALBc mice and in macrophages infected with T. cruzi, to determine whether the effect of ASA is related to the generation of 15-epi-lipoxin A4. In macrophages infected with T. cruzi and treated with ASA, we determined the expression of COX isoforms by Western blotting and the levels of PGE2, LTB4, and 15-epi-LXA4 by ELISA. Furthermore, BALB/c mice infected with T. cruzi were treated with aspirin and 15-epi-LXA4 to analyze mortality, parasitemia, heart histology and parasite load in heart by q-PCR. During infection, there was increased expression of COX-2 and PGE2 levels. With ASA, decreased PGE2 production and increased production of 15-epi-LXA4 was observed. Aspirin and 15-epi-LXA4 decreased mortality, parasitemia and heart damage at low doses, but not at high doses. In conclusion, the effect of 15-epi-LXA4 may explain,in part, the effect of ASA on Chronic Chagas Cardiomyopathy. PFB 027 SEARCH OF NEW THERAPEUTIC AGENTS: PYRIDO[2,3-D]PYRIMIDINES Acuña J, Ocampo Y, Castro J, Pájaro I, Trilleras, Franco L Biological evaluation of promissory substances group. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. University of Cartagena, Colombia Introduction:Ring systems pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidines are present in several biologically active compounds with known properties as cytotoxic, analgesic, antihistamine, diuretic, antiinflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial. Therefore, researcheson the synthesis of new derivatives and the evaluation of their biological activities arecurrently increasing1. The present study was conducted to evaluate thein vitro antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of a series of ten pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidines derivatives. Materials and Methods:Compounds were synthesized and spectroscopically characterized. Antibacterial activity was evaluated using the microdilution method described by CLSI, against Gram-negative and Gram-positive strains from ATCC. The effect on NO• production was assessed by determining nitrite concentration in supernatants of LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 2 3 macrophages, using Griess reagent . Cell viability was determined by MTT assay . Additionally, we established the scavenging effect on NO•, DPPH, and ABTS free radicals. Results were analyzed using ANOVA, P<0.05 was considered significant. Results:Bioassays demonstrated thatthe series of pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidine derivatives have not a significant effect on NO• production, as well as they do not exert an scavenging effect onNO•,DPPH, and ABTS radicals. With the exception of compound PVR-04, antibacterial activity assays revealed that most of tested compounds did not affect bacterialgrowth.PVR-04 (128 340 µg/mL) inhibited more than 70% of Kleibsiellapneumonia growth, showing an IC50 value of 102.8(98.30-107.09)µg/mL. Conclusion:Despite the known therapeutic potential ofpyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidines derivatives, tested compounds did not showed promissory activity. Our results, demonstrated that substituents play a key role in bioactivity of derivatives from this ring system.Further analog synthesis is ongoing in order to improve their properties as therapeutic agents. PFB 028 IN VIVO ANTITUMORAL EFFECT OF TRIPHENILPHOSPHONIUM-GALLIC ACID DERIVATIVES Peredo L, Jara J, Castro V, Saavedra J, Madrid M, Kemmerling U, Ferreira J Department of Clinical and Molecular Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile Cancer is a genetic disease involving dynamic changes in the genome that results in a complex series of events that result in an unlimited replication capacity, sustained angiogenesis, evasion of apoptosis, self-sustained growth, insensitivity to signals that stop growth, ability to invade tissues and metastasize, immune evasion and reprogramming of energy metabolism. The generation of energy (ATP) by oxidative phosphorylation is essential for all nucleated cell, process that is altered in tumor cells, making mitochondria an interesting therapeutic target. Gallic acid is a natural compound used as antioxidant in foods and has antitumor activity. Thus, gallic acid-cationic derivatives were synthesized (conjugated to delocalized lipophilic triphenylphosphonium cation) which selectively target tumor cell mitochondria, guided by its high mitochondrial membrane potential. To determine the degree of toxicity of these derivatives, in CAF1 Jax mice were estimated the maximum dose used through Kaplan Meier survival curve. Furthermore, systemic effect of these compounds after intraperitoneal administration was determined by histological analysis of heart, liver and kidney. To evaluate the antitumor activity of these derivatives, we used a syngeneic murine model to evaluate the inhibition of tumor growth. + + Result: the optimum dose of survival rate after 30 days of treatment for TPP C10 and TPP C12 was 10 mg/kg body weight, resulting similar than that control group. Histological analyzes showed that the dose of 50 mg/kg body weight generates mild signs of toxicity in the liver but not on the kidney and heart, for both compounds, and the dose of 10 mg/kg body weight showed no considerable + signs of toxicity in the organs tested. Moreover, TPP C10 was significantly able to inhibit tumor + growth. On the other hand, TPP C12 only slightly inhibited the tumor growth; this decrease was not significant respect control group. In conclusion, gallic acid-cationic derivatives inhibit tumor growth in vivo, without producing significant toxic effects. PFB 029 ALTERATIONS IN THE SYMPATHETIC NEUROTRANSMISSION OF VAS DEFERENS FROM PRE-HYPERTENSIVE AND HYPERTENSIVE RATS Peña M, Miranda-Ferreira R, Caricati-Neto A, Jurkiewicz NH, Jurkiewicz A Escola Paulista de Medicina - Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil Introduction and Objectives: Alterations in sympathetic neurotransmission have been linked to the catecholaminergic dysfunctions observed in the pathophysiology of arterial hypertension (AH). Studies have shown that impaired neurotransmission in AH are due to increased calcium levels that stimulate the neurotransmitter hypersecretion. This calcium is finely controlled by a functional triad formed by voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCC), mitochondria (MIT) and endoplasmic reticulum (ER). However, we do not know if alterations of the triad initiates before or after the establishment of AH. Our aim is to investigate the sympathetic neurotransmission of vas deferens (VD) from normotensive (NWR) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), young and adults. Methodology: Using NWR and SHR aging from 4-8-12-16-20 weeks, we studied: 1) the secretion of catecholamines from sympathetic nerves of VD using Nicotine (10-6M) and measured by means of electrochemical detector; 2) Neurogenic contraction through electrical stimulation (0.2 -6 Hz, 60V) of sympathetic nerves: 2a) increase of neurogenic contraction with Nicotine (10 - 10 341 4 -7 M); 2b) blockade of neurogenic contraction with VDCC blocker Nifedipine (10 M); 2c) increase of -6 neurogenic contraction using CCCP (10 M) to break the calcium storage from MIT. Results: Compared with the NWR, the SHR presented an increas of the following responses: (1) secretion of catecholamines - 4-8 week: 18%, 12 week: 65%, 16 week: 43%, 20 week: 104%. (2) Effects of nicotine on electrical stimulation - 2a) Emax: 8-12 weeks: 12%, 16 weeks: 21%, 20 weeks: 46%; 2b) pD2: 4-8 weeks: 14%. (3) Effect of CCCP on electrical stimulus – 8 week: 19%, 12 week: 28%, 16 week: 50%, 20 week: 90%. However, the blockade of neurogenic contraction with Nifedipine was lower in SHR (4) 16 and 26 week - 20% and 30%, respectively. p < 0.05 - t student and ANOVA with Bonferroni post-test. Conclusion: The sympathetic neurotransmission in SHR is increased because the higher involvement of VDCCs and MIT, promoting greater catecholamine secretion observed in the pathophysiology of hypertension. All observed changes began before settling of AH. PFB 030 DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES TO DETERMINE LOSARTAN POTASSIUM IN TABLETS AND PLASMA FOR THERAPEUTIC EQUIVALENCE STUDIES Baudrit O, Berrocal AL, Fonseca L Instituto de Investigaciones Farmacéuticas, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica Two rapid, safe and reliable HPLC procedures were developed for use in losartan bioanalysis in human plasma and quality studies of losartan potassium tablets. In the procedure in plasma, losartan was extracted from 1 ml of this biological matrix through solid phase extraction and an elution with methanol, HCl pH2 (90:10, v/v). HPLC analysis was performed on C18 reversed-phase column using phosphate buffer (pH 3.0), acetonitrile (50:50, v/v) as mobile phase with a flow rate of 1 mL/min. A wavelength of 225 nm was selected in a UV detector. The same conditions were applied in vitro assay of losartan solutions dissolved in methanol. Validation protocols of analytical procedures were based on the guidelines of the International Conferences of Harmonization (ICH, 1995), the World Health Organization, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, 2001) and European Medicines Agency (EMEA, 2011). The validation procedure for tablets showed a precision lower to 2% of RSD in repeatability, 5% in intermediate precision and linearity between 50 and 300 nanograms per mL. Bioassay's procedure also demonstrated compliance with the recommendations of international guidelines in terms of percent recovery, the stability of spiked plasma with losartan potassium (to 3 freeze/thaw cycles), specificity, linearity (over the range of 50-200 ng per mL) and accuracy. The detection limit was 10 ng losartan potassium per mL of plasma and the incertitude result of LOQ's concentration was 3.5 ng per mL with 95% of confidence. In conclusion, both procedures are suitable for use in studies of therapeutic equivalence of multisource products of losartan potassium tablets. PFB 031 NOCARDIA BRASILIENSISAS BIOFILM GROWING ON VARIOUS INERT SURFACES Monroy G, Castrillón RL, Palma R Laboratorio de Inmunología. Departamento de Sistemas Biológicos. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Unidad Xochimilco México D.F., México Biofilms are microbial communities that are the most successful colonization of microorganisms, are ubiquitous in nature and responsible for many pathologies. These communities embedded in a extracellular matrix growing inside autoproduced exopolysaccharideand attached irreversibly to an inert surface or a living tissue. Biofilm formation occurs as a continuous process with various stages of development. In Nocardia brasiliensis actinomycetoma grains are formed in vivo consisting of a polysaccharide bonding cement which amalgamates these bacteria. The aim of this study was to obtain Nocardia brasiliensis biofilms growing in different inert surfaces such as acetates and catheters. 342 MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed a N.brasiliensisCECT3032growth curve in Sabouraud broth obtaining a logarithmic phase between 24 and 72 hours. For attachment of the organism in the surfaces to be tested, we used 24 well plate with 2 mL of a culture medium (Sabouraud broth)and 1x1 cm acetates: APOLLO, PCM, Kronaline or Catheters of 0.2, 0.5 and 1 cm diameterwere used as inert materials.These plates were inoculated with 200x10 ⁶ CFU per well and incubated during 50 days. Readings were made every third day for a weekand then every week until 50 days. Were quantified colony forming units (CFU) microscopically and biofilm formation by crystal violet staining and reading of acetic acid extract. RESULTS: From the third day were found attached to the material N. brasiliensis CFUand increasing with time to form a uniform layer only in the acetates (biofilms). However in catheters only increase in CFU found in materials set and was not observed the formation of biofilms. CONCLUSION: N. brasiliensis adhesion was observed in all materials tested as CFU growth, however, the biofilm is found only in the acetates tested so the catheter material does not promote this type of microbial association. PFB 032 STUDY ON POSSIBLE MECHANISM OF ACTION OF OZONE INDUCES SEIZURES PENTYLENETETRAZOL Donoso Cedeño R, León OS, Dranguet J, Mallok A Centro de Investigación y Evaluaciones Biológicas, La Habana, Cuba Epilepsy is a severe neurodegenerative disease with a high incidence worldwide. Current Antiepileptic drugs have limited effectiveness given by the high number of adverse reactions and drug problems they present. The mechanisms of action of conventional drugs are intended only to slow down the propagation of downloads and not towards epileptogenesis. Ozone therapy by oxidative preconditioning mechanism could provide an alternative therapy for this disease. For the study we used 77 males OF1 mice with an average weight of 25 ± 2 g, which were divided into 11 groups of 7 animals each: control group, PTZ, PTZ + O2 (5, 10,15 and 20 treatments) and PTZ + O2/O3 (5, 10,15 and 20 treatments), DPCPX (adenosine antagonist) + O2/O3 + PTZ. After administering the proconvulsant (PTZ 90mg/kg ip) were assessed the time of onset of the first seizure and the percentage of mortality. Subsequently we extracted the brain from the animals for spectrophotometric determinations of biochemical parameters (SOD, Catalase and MDA). The result showed that 15 ozone treatments succeeded in increasing the latency time of the first crisis and the percentage of mortality and the result related biochemical parameters, which showed a significant increase in activity of SOD and Catalase compared to controls and a reduction in the MDA. In conclusion ozone was able to increase the time of onset of the first seizure and the percentage of mortality, also managed to activate the enzymes SOD and Catalase decreasing oxidative stress generated during epileptogenesis and damage to membrane lipids through a mechanism oxidative preconditioning that involves Adenosine A1 receptors. PFB 033 TRISULFATED HEPARIN DISACCHARIDE CONFERS CARDIOPROTETION AGAINST CARDIAC ISCHEMIA AND REPERFUSION INJURY IN RATS Caricati-Neto A, Tavares JGP, Vasques ER, Menezes-Rodrigues FS, Jurkiewicz A, Godoy CMG, Tersariol IL Department of Pharmacology and Biochemical - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil + 2+ BACKGROUND: In this work, we investigate if blockade of the Na /Ca exchanger (NCX) by trisulfated heparin disaccharide (THD) reduce incidence of ventricular arrhythmias (VA), atrioventricular block (AVB) and lethality (LET) caused by cardiac ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) injury in rats. METHODS: Male Wistar rats (300±30g) anesthetized (urethane, 1.25 mg/kg, i.p.) and kept under mechanical ventilation were submitted to surgical I/R procedure by means occlusion of left anterior descendent coronary artery by 10 min and reperfusion for 120 min. To evaluate the effects of THD on the cardiac activity in I/R injury, the rats were coupled to electrocardiogram system to evaluate incidence of VA, AVB and LET. THD (0.025, 0.05 and 0.2 343 mg/kg, i.v.) were administrated before (pre-I) or after (post-I) ischemia. RESULTS: In rats submitted I/R and treated with saline solution 0.9% (n=33), a high incidence of VA (85%), AVB (79%) and LET (70%) was observed. Pre-I (n=30) treatment with THD reduced incidence of VA (30 - 50%), AVB (0 - 30%) and LET (0 - 30%) caused by I/R. Post-I (n=30) treatment with THD reduced incidence of VA (30 - 50%), AVB (10 - 20%) and LET (0 - 30%) caused by I/R. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that agents that attenuate cytosolic Ca2+ overload during ischemia or reperfusion by means blockade of NCX reduce incidence of cardiac arrhythmia and lethality, conferring protection against I/R injury. PFB 034 POPULATION PHARMACOKINETIC ANALYSIS OF NIMOTUZUMAB IN COMBINATION WITH CHEMOTHERAPY IN PATIENTS WITH BREAST CANCER Rodríguez L, Fernández E, Ramos M, Soriano JL, Peraire C, Colom H Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Institute of Pharmacy and Foods, University of Havana, Cuba, Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) overexpression has been detected in many epithelial origin tumors, specifically in breast cancer, and it’s often associated with tumor growth advantages and poor prognosis. The nimotuzumab is a genetically engineered humanized antibody (MAb) that recognizes an epitope located in the extracellular domain of human EGFR. The aims of this study were to develop a population pharmacokinetic (PPK) model for nimotuzumab in combination with doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide in patients with breast cancer and to identify demographic determinants, predictive factors of the pharmacokinetic variability. A phase I, single center, noncontrolled and open clinical study with histopathological diagnosis of locally advanced stage III breast cancer was carried out. Nimotuzumab was administered weekly by intravenous continuous infusions over 10 weeks. Three patients were enrolled at each of the following fixed dose levels: 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg. Blood samples were drawn for pharmacokinetic assessments on weeks st th 1 (0-168 h) and 10 (until 624 h). A simultaneous analysis of 323 concentration-time data was performed by the nonlinear mixed-effect modeling (NONMEM) program ver. 7.2. The first-order conditional estimation method with interaction was used throughout the modelling process. The model that best described the nimotuzumab pharmacokinetics was an open model of two compartments with michaelis-menten elimination from the central compartment, parameterized in terms of maximal elimination rate (VM), concentrations of the drug at which the elimination rate is half maximal (KM), central and peripheral distribution volumes (Vc and VP, respectively), and distributional clearance (CLD) . Interpatient variability modelled assuming a log normal distribution could be associated to VM (38.3%) and Vc (37.8%). The proportional error model described adequately the residual error associated to the concentrations. . No anthropometric variable nor the age were found to be predictive factors of the variability of either CL or V. The final model parameter estimates (RSE%, relative standard error) were VM: 3.8 (48.9%) mg/h, KM: 551 (60.4%) mg/L, Vc: 0.965 (11.9%) L, CLD: 0.022 (2.2%) L/h, VP: 2870 (355%) L. Goodness of fit plots and the prediction corrected visual predictive check suggested that the model adequately described the data. This study demonstrated not interaction between the clearance of nimotuzumab and chemotherapy. PFB 035 HSG CELLS CULTURED IN 3D EXPRESSING SYNAPTOTAGMIN I AND SECRETE AMYLASE: MODEL TO STUDY THE OVEREXPRESSION OF SYNAPTOTAGMIN I IN SJÖGREN'S SYNDROME Cortés J, Aguilera S, Hidalgo J, Bahamondes V, Urra H, Barrera MJ, Castro I, González S, Molina C, Leyton C, Urzúa U, González M.J ICBM-Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile 2+ 2+ Introduction. Exocitosis and Ca signaling are polarized processes in acinar-cells. Ca signals are sensed by the Synaptotagmin-I (Syt-I) protein, which additionally may act as a linker between 344 2+ Ca stimulus and the exocytic machinery. Acinar-cells of labial salivary glands (LSG) from SS2+ patients show a significant upregulation of Syt-I mRNA, a Ca response less sensitive to acetylcholine stimulation and an impaired cell-polarity. Here, we measured Syt-I mRNA and protein levels and localization in LSG. Further, we characterized 3D-HSG cell acini in culture as a model to studythe overexpression of synaptotagmin I in exocytosis. Methodology. The relative levels of Syt-I mRNA and protein were determined by qPCR and Western blot, respectively. Syt-I subcellular localization was addressed by immunofluorescence 2+ and confocal microscopy. Ca signaling was measured in normal and polarity-altered 3D-HSG cell acini cultures using fluorescent dyes upon carbachol and isoproterenol stimulation. The exocytic events were assessed by amperometry and FM 1-43. Results. In LSG of SS-patients, Syt-I showed a significant increase of mRNA and protein levels without changes of subcellular localization. Increased Syt-I immunofluorescence intensity was observed. Ca2+ signaling was dependent on extracellular Ca2+ and acinar cell-polarity in cultured 3D-HSG. Furthermore, 3D-HSG respondedto cholinergic andadrenergicstimulation secreting amylaseinto the medium. 2+ Discussion. Increased Syt-I levels in SS-patients suggest Ca signaling alterations. Therefore, 3D acini could be useful to assess the Syt-I overexpression and its effect on exocytosis. Fondecyt 1120062, Beca Doctorado Conicyt (JC, HU and MJB), Beca Apoyo de tesis PFB 036 ROLE OF HISTAMINE H3 RECEPTORS IN THE INHIBITION OF THE CARDIOACCELERATOR SYMPATHETIC OUTFLOW IN PITHED RATS Pinacho-Garcia LM, Villalón CM Departamento de Farmacobiología, Cinvestav-IPN (Sede Sur), Czda. de los Tenorios 235, Col. Granjas-Coapa, Deleg. Tlalpan, 14330, México D.F., Mexico; It has been shown in pithed rats that activation of histamine H3 receptors inhibits the vasopressor sympathetic outflow. The present study has investigated the pharmacological profile of the histamine receptors (H1, H2, H3 and H4) that inhibit the cardioaccelerator sympathetic outflow in pithed rats by using selective agonists and antagonists of these receptors. Male Wistar rats (250–300 g; n=106) were pithed and prepared for selective preganglionic (C7-T1) spinal stimulation (0.03-3 Hz; 50 V; 2 ms pulses) of the cardioaccelerator sympathetic outflow, as previously reported (Villalón et al., Life Sci., 64, 1839-1847, 1999). Electrical sympathetic stimulation or i.v. bolus injections of exogenous noradrenaline resulted in frequency-dependent and dose-dependent tachycardic responses, respectively. Moreover, i.v. continuous infusions of the H3/H4 receptor agonist immepip (3 and 10 µg/kg.min), but not of physiological saline, dose-dependently inhibited the tachycardic responses to sympathetic stimulation, but not those to noradrenaline, implying a sympatho-inhibitory effect. The cardiac sympatho-inhibition by immepip (10 µg/kg.min) was: (i) unaffected after i.v administration of the vehicles (1 ml/kg of saline or DMSO 5%) or the antagonists ketotifen (H1; 100 µg/kg), ranitidine (H2; 3000 µg/kg) or JNJ7777120 (H4; 300 µg/kg); and (ii) abolished by the antagonist thioperamide (H3; 100 µg/kg). The above doses of antagonists: (i) were considered high enough (on the basis of their binding affinities) to completely block their respective receptors; and (ii) did not modify per se the tachycardic responses to sympathetic stimulation. In conclusion, the above results, taken together, suggest that the cardiac sympatho-inhibition induced by 10 µg/kg.min immepip is mainly mediated by stimulation of the histamine H3 receptor, with no pharmacological evidence for the role of the H1, H2 and H4 receptors. PFB 037 EFFICIENCY OF THE ARJ-DH12 AS ANALGESIC IN PATIENTS WIHT ACUTE ARTICULAR PAIN Bermúdez MI, Sánchez C, Linares F Group of Biopharmaceutical and Chemical Productions. LABIOFAM, Havana, Cuba The joint pains are one of the most frequent causes of medical consultation, becoming a global health problem. Objective: To evaluate the analgesic effect of the ARJ-DH12 in patients with 345 acute articular pain. Material and methods: It was designed an experimental longitudinal prospective study in patients with acute articular pain attended in consultation during the period of January-April 2012, was carried out. It was studied a sample of 66 patients, according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The patients were selected at random in the two treatment groups from which, 35 were treated with ARJ-DH12 ( a product obtained from the Rhopalurus junceus scorpion venom) and 31 with conventional treatment. It was described the evolution of the patients 3 times during a week. The main variables of the study were: age, sex, pain´s evolution and adverse reactions. Results: The feminine sex and the group between 39 and 59 of age were the most affected. The 62,9% of the patients with homeopathic treatment achieved the disappearance of the pain and only in the 6,5% of the patients with the conventional treatment. Conclusions: The homeophatic product ARJ-DH12 is effective in the treatment of acute articular pain. PFB 038 BIODISTRIBUTION AND PHARMACOKINETIC OF 1E10 MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY AFTER SUBCUTANEOUS ADMINISTRATION IN HEALTHY MICE León M, Casacó A, Aldana L, García L, Castro Y, Ayra F, Hernández I, Leyva R Isotope Centre, Havana, Cuba To evaluate biodistribution and pharmacokinetic of the 1E10, the molecule was radio labelled with 125 I and incorporated into a cold antibody formulation. Isotopic labeling was carried out by means of standardized methods.Introduction:1E10 monoclonal antibody was developed at Centre of Molecular Immunology (CIM) as antitumoral drug with proved efficacy in experimental models. In the present investigation, biodistribution and pharmacokinetic studies were conducted with the help of radio isotopic labeling. Materials and methods:1E10 was supplied by CIM and labeled with 125 I by the yodogen method. To male Balb/c mice from CENPALAB a single subcutaneous administration of 1 mg/kg was performed in the supra scapular region and accommodated in metabolic cages during experiments. Blood samples were taken alternating five groups of three animals according with a sparse data design. Biodistribution was carried out by direct organ sampling and radioactive counting. Pharmacokinetic was performed by compartmental analysis. Urine and faces were collected at regular time intervals. Results: Observed pharmacokinetic behaviour is typical of an immunoglobulin in the assay system used, showing a slow clearance and a small volume of distribution. Biodistribution shows no preference for any sampled organs or tissues. Only a high relative uptake was observed in axillar and braquial lymph nodes close to administration site. PFB 039 EFFECTS OF 17β-IMINOESTROGENS ON THE SEXUAL BEHAVIOR OF FEMALE RATS Jiménez L, Figueroa A, Jiménez L, Lemini C. Departamento de Farmacología, Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Apdo postal 70-297, CP 04510, México D. F., e-mail: The estrogenic activity of the 17β-aminoestrogens compounds related to 17β-estradiol (E2) in sexual behavior has been investigated in animal models. These studies could contribute to a better understanding the structure-activity relationships of these compounds to the developing of safer alternatives of agents in the hormone replacement therapy. The aim of this work was the evaluation of the 17β-iminoestrogens related to dedamine, butolame and prolame compared to E2 and estradiol benzoate (EB) as facilitators on the rat lordotic behavior. Female Wistar rats (N=25), 8-9 weeks old (200 to 250 g bw) were bilaterally ovariectomized (Ovx) and kept at constant temperature (20-22 °C) and reversed 12h light /dark cycle with ad libitum access to food and water through the experiments. Steroids were dissolved in corn oil as vehicle (V) and subcutaneously (s.c.) injected. A single or three subcutaneous (s.c.) consecutive administration of E2 (≈30 µg/kg), EB (≈40 µg/kg), 17β-iminoestrogens (≈440 µg/kg), or 300 µL/rat of V as control (≈1.2 mL/kg/day) were administered. All administrations were performed at 9.00 am. On the fourth day progesterone (P) was injected (I mg/rat in 100 µL of V). Behavior testing began 4 hr after P injection. A lordosis quotient (LQ) (number of lordosis/ number of mounts x 100) was calculated as a measure of sexual receptivity. 17β-iminoestrogens treatment followed by a single injection of P 346 induces lordosis in Ovx female rats in a similar manner than E2, with less potency and greater efficacy. The authors thank Mr Rogelio Hernández de la Vega for technical assistance; the support by the Faculty of Medicine, and the grant PAPIIT IN218813, UNAM. PFB 040 LONG-TERM INHIBITION OF CRAC CHANNELS ACTIVITY AND ALLERGIC ASTHMA IN EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS. Sutovska M, Kocmalova M, Adamkov M*, Franova S. Department of Pharmacology Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, Martin, Slovakia *Institute of Histology and Embryology Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, Martin, Slovakia 2+ 2+ 2+ Well-studied store-operated Ca channels, Ca release activated Ca (CRAC) channels identified in immune and airway smooth muscle cells, are stimulated by depleted endoplasmic 2+ 2+ 2+ reticulum Ca pool and mediate Ca influx essentially important for Ca restoration and cellular functions. Emerging evidence points to their involvement in allergic airways diseases. This study evaluated therapeutic potency of CRAC blocker using experimental animal model of allergic asthma. Allergic inflammation of the airways was induced by repetitive exposure of guinea pigs to ovalbumine and followed by 14 days therapy by CRAC channels blocker (3-fluoropyridine-4carboxylic acid, FPCA). In vivo changes of specific airways resistance (sRaw) evaluated bronchodilatory effect of FPCA and salbutamol. The method of citric acid-induced cough reflex assessed antitussive activity of FPCA and codeine. The measurement of exhaled NO (ENO), expression of inducible NO-synthase (iNOS) by RT-PCR, immunohistochemical staining of airways tissue and levels of cytokines in plasma as well as bronchoalveolar lavage (BALF) by ELISA verified anti-inflammatory effect of FPCA and budesonid. Long-term administration of FPCA resulted in significant cough suppression and bronchodilation, both comparable to the effect of control drugs, antitussive codeine and bronchodilator salbutamol. FPCA significantly decreased ENO, iNOS expression, levels of IL 4, IL 5 and IL 13 in plasma and BALF, which together with immunohistochemical analysis validated its anti-inflammatory effect comparable to corticosteroid budesonid. Presented data confirmed CRAC channels as a promising target for treatment of respiratory diseases causally associated with allergic inflammation. PFB 041 ROLE FOR THE TRPV1 CHANNEL IN GLUCOSE HOMEOSTASIS Carlos Manlio Díaz-García, Sara L Morales-Lázaro, Carmen Sánchez-Soto, Myrian Velasco, Tamara Rosenbaum and Marcia Hiriart* Department of Neural Development and Physiology, Division of Neurosciences. Instituto de Fisiología Celular. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico. Transient receptor potential channels have been put forward as regulators of insulin secretion. The role for TRPV1 has not been evidenced in beta cells from primary cultures. Here, we explored whether TRPV1 is functionally expressed in cultures of beta cells from neonate and adult rats. Using a combination of fluorescent and electrophysiological techniques we examined if capsaicin 2+ could increase the intracellular Ca or to activate cationic non-selective currents. Our results show that TRPV1 channels are not functional in insulin-secreting cells. We then wondered if nerve growth factor could induce expression of TRPV1 in beta cells from newborn rats and RINm5F cells but we failed to observe changes in TRPV1 function in either case. Nonetheless, by examining -/Trpv1 mice we observed that these animals presented lower fasting insulin levels than their wildtype C57BL/6J littermates, although the glucose tolerance test indicated no differences between both experimental groups. Moreover, no differences were observed in insulin secretion from Trpv1 /mice beta cells in response to basal (5.6 mM) or high glucose (15.6 mM) and KCl (40 mM) as 347 compared to the wild-type animal cells. Thus, we decided to explore how the beta-adrenergic tone -/in the Trpv1 mice was affected the systemic response to propranolol. Propanolol increased insulin sensitivity in wild-type animals, but did not cause a further reduction in the insulin tolerance curve of Trpv1-/-. Our data show that TRPV1 does not contribute to glucose-induced insulin secretion in beta cells, but rather contributes to the adrenergic control of insulin sensitivity. M.H. laboratory was supported by grants from CONACYT CB2009-131647, and DGAPA-PAPIIT IN215611, UNAM. C.M.D.G was supported by a doctoral fellowship from CONACyT. T.R. laboratory was supported by grants from the Marcos Moshinsky Foundation, CONACyT 129474 and PAPIIT IN204111. S.L.M.L. is supported by the postdoctoral scholarship program of UNAM (DGAPA). PFG 001 CYP1A1, GSTM1 AND GSTT1 METABOLIZING GENE POLYMORPHISMS AND SUSCEPTIBILITY TO CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE AMONG CIGARETTES SMOKERS Belkhiria MN, Maatouk F, Ben Hamda K Faculté de Médecine, Université de Monastir, Tunisia Background: Epidemiological evidence has demonstrated a strong relationship between cigarette smoking and coronary artery disease (CAD). CYP1A1, GSTM1 and GSTT1 contribute to the detoxification process of organic compounds produced by cigarette smoking. The aim of this study was to evaluate the interaction of the genetic polymorphisms of CYP1A1 Msp1, GSTM1 and GSTT1 with cigarette smoking and the risk of CAD in a Tunisian population. Methods: Genomic ADN was obtained from 68 patients with CAD and 73 healthy controls. All samples were analyzed by multiplex PCR and PCR-RFLP to determine GSTM1, GSTT1 and CYP1A1 Msp1 genotypes. Results: We found that the GSTT1 null allele is associated with risk for CAD (odds ratios [OR], 2.43, confidence interval [CI], 1.09-5.41). Considering the effect of GSTM1 gene polymorphisms on the smoking related CAD, smokers with GSTM1 null genotype had more increased risk for CAD than non-smokers with GSTM1 present genotype (OR, 2.65, 1.05-6.72). Also the effect of GSTT1 gene polymorphism on smoking-related CAD showed the same tendency as GSTM1 gene: smokers with GSTT1 null genotype had higher risk of CAD than non smokers with GSTT1 present genotype (OR, 4.62, CI, 1.51-14.13). However, the results did not show any significant association between CYP1A1 Msp1 polymorphism and CAD risk. Conclusion: Our results suggest that GSTM1 and GSTT1 polymorphisms may be a susceptibility factor to smoking-related CAD in the Tunisian population. POt 001 PTAQUILOSIDE RESIDUALITY CANCER COMPOUND IN MILK FROM CATTLE FARMS INVADED BY Pteridium arachnoideum (KAULF.) MAXON IN THE PROVINCE OF BOLÍVAR, ECUADOR Calderón A, Sánchez LM, Mancebo B, Marrero E, Chiriboga X, Lucero D, Silva J Universidad Estatal de Bolívar, Av. Che Guevara s-n y Gabriel Secaira Guaranda-Ecuador In different agricultural regions of the world, particularly in Latin America, has been reported toxic invasion for the Gender ferns Pteridium, refering to the norsesquiterpen ptaquiloside, adversely affecting animal husbandry vaccine and presents a potential risk to humans from the waste of the toxic component of the plant, in meat and milk. The aim of this study was to determine the residual toxic ptaquiloside in bovine milk from three Municipalities of the Bolivar Province, Ecuador, by High Resolution Liquid Chromatography. Milk samples were collected from farms invaded by bracken Pteridium arachnoideum (Kaulf.) Maxon located at different altitudes. The results showed the presence of residual levels ptaquiloside in 89.29% of the samples analyzed, with maximum concentrations obtained in Chimbo of 2641.13 mg / mL, in San Miguel de Bolívar of 2219.67 g / mL and Echeandía of 2130.12 g / mL. Considering that this is the cause of producing toxic gastric cancer in humans, it is estimated that consumers of fresh milk in the Canton Chimbo would be eating a ptaquiloside average concentration of 894.13 mg / 0.5 L / day of fresh milk. From the results it can be inferred the high risk to public health from gastric cancer, due to repeated consumption of milk with toxic waste (ptaquiloside), emphasizing the rural sectors exposed. 348 POt 002 DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF L-ARGININE PELLETS TO IMPROVE DEVELOPMENT AND REPRODUCTION IN RUMINANTS Sánchez Z, Ruíz de Chávez JA, Mendoza G, Sandoval H, Melgoza LM Maestría en Ciencias Farmacéuticas. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Xochimilco. Calzada del Hueso 1100, Col. Villa Quietud, Delegación Coyoacán, 04960 México D.F., México INTRODUCTION: Arginine plays an important role in growth, development and reproduction in ruminants. This semi-essential amino acid is used to synthesize protein, nitric oxide (NO), urea, polyamines etc. NO stimulates the soluble intracytoplasmatic enzyme guanylate cyclase, responsible for the synthesis of cyclic guanosine monophospate (cGMP) that participates in ovarian function and ovulation. The aim of the present investigation was to elaborated pellets which release L-arginine in the rumen and small intestine of ruminants to be used in the synthesis of proteins and NO, respectively. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Pellets elaborated consisted of two different coating layers. In the first layer were incorporated L-arginine•HCl and barium sulfate. Thereafter, pellets were protected with a pH dependent polymer to release L-arginine•HCl in the small intestine. In vitro Larginine•HCl release experiments from protected pellets were carried out by basket method on Hanson dissolutor. The experiment was adapted based on the different pH of the rumen gastrointestinal tract and the residence time of the pellets in each compartment: rumen, abomasum and small intestine. Samples were quantified using the technique of Moore and Stein. RESULTS: The amount of L-arginine•HCl incorporated per gram of pellets was 294mg. Barium sulfate was incorporated to provide density to the pellet (1.3g/ml) and thus prevent them from being damaged with rumination. In vitro release, a 48% of L-arginine•HCl was quantified during the first ten hours at pH 6 (rumen); no release of amino acid was observed in pH 3 (abomasum). Finally, the release of L-arginine was markedly increased in pH 7.5 in small intestine. CONCLUSIONS: L-arginine•HCl released in rumen can be used by ruminal microorganism for protein synthesis and later, the animal can use this microbial protein, but only in nutritional aspect. Amino acid released in small intestine is used to synthesize nitric oxide and improve reproduction in ruminants. POt 003 PATENTABILITY TEST IN COSTA RICA: CRITERIA USED IN PHARMACY AND COMPARISON WITH FOREIGN GUIDELINES Vargas R Instituto de Investigaciones Farmacéuticas (INIFAR), Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica This study determined the reasoning of pharmaceutical experts during the evaluation of the patentability in Markush formulas, polymorphs, pharmaceutical compositions, enantiomers, methods of treatment, Swiss-type claims, among other common forms of protection in Costa Rica. The target was to determine the criteria of experts in regular pharmacy claims, to establish what can be unified, to determine the criteria outlined in the guidelines of other countries, and to draw a proposal of unified standards-based guideline to facilitate the submission and evaluation of patent applications. This exploration was perfomed in the context of qualitative research, following the particularistic ethnographic methodological design. The information was obtained through semi-structured interviews with specialists and analyzing documents published by patent offices in five countries and a regional office. With the results, in first place, the criteria used by people taking the test for patentability of pharmaceutical patent applications were determined. Then the criteria of patentability assessment manuals in Argentina, Spain, India, Canada, United Kingdom and the European Patent offices were identified. Finally, a comparison was made between the two sets of criteria, determining the preponderance of congruence between the two groups, rather than differences. With this information, a proposal was drafted that will serve to guide the experts responsible for carrying out the substantive examination of patentability within the pharmaceutical field. A useful 349 summary of the guide, in tabular form was made, for quick reference of the proposed guideline for each mode of protection in pharmaceutical patent applications. POt 004 RETROSPECTIVE STUDY ON DRUG’S PATENTABILITY IN COSTA RICA Madrigal G Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica Since admission of Costa Rica to the World Trade Organization (WTO) has been forced to sign a series of international treaties such as the Patents on Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and the Paris Convention, also by the signing Free Trade Agreement with the United States of America has had to change the patent laws starting in the year 2008, these changes substantially impacted the patenting of various products, especially drugs. The present study is a retrospective diagnosis on the subject of drug patentability in Costa Rica between the years 2008-2012, the main variables used in the study are the number of patent applications, patent applications granted, and the criteria patentability in the area of medicines. The study of the first two variables was made using the database of the National Property Registry to quantify and classify the number of applications in the pharmaceutical field. For the study of the last variable was used unrestricted random sampling of the total population of patent applications evaluated to obtain a representative sample with 95% confidence, and from there to classify the major criteria for granting or rejecting of applications. Finally compared the number of applications granted, with the registration of drug patents protected registered with the Ministry of Health. Among the results of the study found a clear upward trend in the number of patent applications for drugs at the time of study, a clear increase in the number of patents granted of drugs at the time of study, the main conclusions of the study, I was able to determine the main criteria for the Costa Rican Office for the granting or rejecting of patents in the pharmaceutical field, and determined the non-correlation between the number of patents granted and the number of patents reclaimed by pharmaceutical companies when requesting a Sanitary Register. POt 005 PHARMACOKINETICS AND TISSUE PENETRATION OF CEFTAZIDIME ADMINISTERED DURING ABDOMINAL HYSTERECTOMY AND OOPHORECTOMYIN BITCHES deGatica L, Villagra S, Prozzi G, Torres S, Farina H, Rule R Applied Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Buenos Aires, Argentina Introduction: The ceftazidime is an antibiotic which belongs to the group of cephalosporins. The aims of the present study were to determine the serum pharmacokinetics and the tissue penetration of the ceftazidime during the abdominal hysterectomy and oophorectomy in bitches. Materials and Methods: The study was divided in Trial 1 (T1) and Trial 2 (T2). In T1 there were used female canines (n=30), healthy. All the animals were anaesthetised and, prior to the abdominal hysterectomy and oophorectomy, they received a single dose of ceftazidime (20 mg/kg) by intravenous route; later, simultaneously, there were taken blood and tissue samples from: right ovary (RO), left ovary (LO), body of uterus (BU), peritoneum (P), subcutaneous tissue (ST) and skin (S). These samples were taken from the animals (n=6 in each period) during the following intervals: 0.5-1, 1-1.5, 1.5-2, 2-3 and 3-4 hours. During T2, 10 animals which had participated in T1 were selected with the purpose of doing pharmacokinetic studies. Results: the Cmax (0.5-1 h) and Cmin (2-3 h)(Means) of ceftazidime in tissues were: RO= 52.8 and 0.3; LO= 54.6 and 0.4; BU= 38.2 and 1.1; PP= 34.5 and 4.6; ST= 32.3 and 8.0 and P= 54.6 and 1.0 µg/ml, respectively. The indices of penetrations in tissue obtained in interval 0.5-1.0 h were: RO= 1.0; LO= 1.2; BU= 0.75; PP= 1.1, ST= 0.53 and P= 1.0. The pharmacokinetics (Mean ± SD) parameters were: t½= 1.03 ± 0.33 h; AUC= 100.6 ± 46.9 µg/ml.h; AUMC= 174.1 ± 88.6 µg/ml.h; Varea= 297.2 ± 137.5 ml/kg; Vss= 343.1 ± 166.8 ml/kg; CL= 174.5 ± 50.2 ml/kg and TMR= 1.78 ± 0.61 h. Conclusion: the serum pharmacokinetics and the penetration of ceftazidime in tissues suggest that it is possible to use them clinically in the prophylaxes of postoperative infections during the abdominal hysterectomy and oophorectomy in bitches. 350 POt 006 PHARMACOKINETICS AND TISSUE DAMAGE EVALUATION OF TWO PREPARATIONS OF CEFTAZIDIME ADMINISTERED VIA INTRAMUSCULAR ROUTE IN GOATS Lacunza J, Prozzi G, Villagra S, Muro A,Cordiviola C, Rule R Applied Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Buenos Aires, Argentina Introduction: Ceftazidime is a third-generation cephalosporin. The antibiotics prepared using slow release vehicles and administered via intramuscular route may damage muscular tissue. The aims of this project were to determine the pharmacokinetic behaviour and evaluate the tissue damage of two preparations of ceftazidime administered in goats. Materials and Methods: These were used in two Trial: (T1 and T2) Creole goats (n=12), healthy, and without milk production. Throughout T1, goats were administered a single dose of ceftazidime pentahydrate (20 mg/kg) via intramuscular route, prepared with conventional formulation (CF). Throughout T2, the animals received a single dose of ceftazidime pentahydrate (20 mg/kg), prepared with 50 % propylene glycol (PG). Throughout the course of T1 and T2, blood samples were taken in controlled periods of time with the aim of quantifying the antibiotic using a biological method, and carrying out the appropriate biochemical determinations. Results: The pharmacokinetic parameters of ceftazidime in PG and CF formulations were: λz= (PG) 0.5 ± 0.3 and (CF) 0.3 ± 0.1h-1; Kab= (PG) 0,9 ± 1.7 and (CF) 3.5 ± 2.5 (h); t½= (PG) 1.6 ± 0.9 and (CF) 2.0 ± 0.4 (h); t½ab= (PG) 0.6 ± 0.5 and (CF) 0.2 ± 0.1 (h); Cmax= (PG) 46.5 ± 9.6 and (CF) 55.5 ± 3.8 (µg/ml); tmax= (PG) 1.3 ± 0.7 and (CF) 0.7 ± 1.1 (h); AUC= (PG) 201.8 ± 24.5 and (CF) 219.0 ± 21.6 (µg.h/ml); F(relative)= (PG) 92.1 ± 19.9 (%).Conclusions: The mean absorption time of the PG formulation was 2.4 times superior to the one observed in the CF, although the mean lives and the relative bioavailability were similar for both formulations. The CK serum levels were superior to the values obtained with formulation CF within 24 hours post-administration of ceftazidime. POt 007 STRATEGIC PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY: THE ROLE OF THE CONTRACT RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS Slaninka Miceska M, Kikerkov I, Kikerkova I, Shuturkova Lj Department of Preclinical and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical Faculty, Ss.Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia The pharmaceutical industry is facing rapid changes of its business strategy necessary for survival in terms of severe competition on the global market. In the field of pharmacy and biotechnology the outsourcing or the cooperation with contract research organizations has been evidenced as the most attractive method in favor of cost rationalization and optimal usage of recourses available. The practice of engaging contract research organizations (CROs) has not been a novelty for pharmaceutical industries, however it has been tremendously intensified during the last two decades. Outsourcing has especially great importance for the pharmaceutical companies in the field of generic drug development. Including Central and Eastern European countries as full members of the EU, a part of the Balkan states, among which belongs our country as well, became attractive for conducting projects sponsored by pharmaceutical companies that originate from the EU. Up-to-date experience confirmed that also institutions of higher education are able to comply with the role of single-window providers for the needs of the pharmaceutical industry. Also, the Faculty of Medicine at the “Ss. Cyril and Methodius University” in Skopje has established a sixdecade tradition of well developed system of cooperation with the domestic pharmaceutical industry. Lately it started to develop cooperation with foreign pharmaceutical companies, as well.For the successful accomplishment of this kind of research it is necessary to fulfill the following preconditions: presence of highly qualified personnel; knowledge of the national and international legislation and regulation on generic drugs; established standard operation procedures required; following dead lines up to the contract; well-established infrastructure, capacity and technology under controlled working conditions; experience in laboratory practices; quality data-management; etc. The preparation and the conduct of the research is a multitasking 351 process where activities should be performed by a precisely defined schedule and established criteria. POt 008 INTERACTIONS BETWEEN CUBA AND BRAZIL: PRODUCTION SCIENCE, HUMAN RESOURCES TRAINING IN NEUROSCIENCE Calabró L, Baggio S, Souza D Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2600 – Anexo Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil In countries where Science is sponsored mostly by public investments, the evaluation of scientific activity is crucial. As the investments are limited, competition among different segments of the society receiving government funding is constant. To ensure the contribution of Science in economic, social and political achievements, and the financial investments needs, the evaluation of scientific activity is vital. Recently, there was an increase in Brazilian scientific production, 8%/year, which now account for 45% of all production in Latin America. This justifies the efforts provided to indicators prospection for assisting the Science and Technology strategies. These data are even more impressive, as the scientific productivity and the number of indexed Brazilian scientific journals by ISI are in constant growth. The diffusion of science in books, articles, thesis and scientific events are key elements of scientific communication used for scientific activity evaluation. In Brazil, the major scientific production comes from the universities. Such institutions stimulate members of their community to step up their scientific production and human resources training, grounded in the requirements of Brazilian agencies that evaluate and sponsor the scientific and technological research, as CAPES, CNPq, FINEP and FAPs. Part of this significant increase in Brazil participation in the international science is attributed to interactions among Brazilian research groups with groups from other countries. Thus, this work aims to evaluate the scientific and production (No. of publications, h-index, citations), the training of human resources and the scientific collaboration network in the agreement Brazil – Cuba, using the databases from Scopus - Elsevier and Web of Science – ISI. With this work, we shall identify, with the researchers participants of this agreement, whether there was an intensification of the scientific exchange and observing the experience of undergraduate and post-graduate students from both human health research institutions, Brazilian and Cuban. 352