How to Repot Orchids to Keep Them Healthy and Happy

These essential steps will help you repot your orchid plants the right way.

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 20 minutes
  • Skill Level: Beginner
trimming orchid roots
Carson Downing

Like other houseplants, orchids will eventually start to grow roots out of their container or even grow so big that they'll become a little top-heavy for their pot. Don't worry; all that growth is a good thing! It means your plants are thriving because you've been taking good care of them. But it also means your orchids are ready to be repotted into larger containers.

Orchids are a little different than other houseplants when it comes to the best type of potting mix and container to give them. Plus, these plants are somewhat fragile, so it's important to take the proper steps when repotting to avoid damaging the leaves or roots. Here's how to ensure your orchids settle well into their new pots.

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • 1 pair of pruners or scissors
  • 1 trowel or soil scoop


  • 1 clean container with drainage hole
  • 1 bag orchid potting medium


A day or so before repotting your orchid, water it well to help it tolerate any stress from the move. Then, before you get started, it's a good idea to wash your hands and sterilize pruners or scissors to avoid spreading diseases between your plants. Then follow these steps:

  1. removing orchid from pot

    BHG / Cori Sears

    Gently pull the orchid out of its pot by grasping it as close to the roots as possible; avoid pulling it out by a single leaf, which could break.

  2. loosen bark or moss from roots as possible

    BHG / Cori Sears

    Carefully loosen the roots and remove as much of the growing medium (bark or moss) from the roots as possible.

    Unlike potting mixes for houseplants, potting mixes for orchids are made up of bark chips or sphagnum moss to provide the right drainage and plentiful air pockets that orchid roots require.

  3. trimming orchid roots

    BHG / Cori Sears

    Use scissors or pruners to trim off any dead roots, which will be soggy, shriveled, or colored brown or black.

  4. place orchid in new pot

    BHG / Cori Sears

    Place your orchid into the new pot so that the base of the leaves sit an inch or so below the rim of the pot.

    Choose a pot that's 1 inch (at the most 2 inches) larger in diameter across the top than your present pot. While specific pots on the market are created just for orchids, full of holes to expose the roots to more air, no special pot is needed; a terra-cotta or plastic pot will work just fine for most orchids.

  5. add potting medium to orchid

    BHG / Cori Sears

    Add fresh orchid potting medium around your plant's roots, tapping the pot firmly on a table or other flat surface to help the bark or moss settle evenly around the roots. Continue adding potting medium until the roots are completely covered.

  6. press down on potting medium

    BHG / Cori Sears

    Press down firmly on the top of the potting medium to make sure the orchid is well anchored.

  7. watering repotted orchid

    BHG / Cori Sears

    Water your newly repotted orchid well, making sure to empty out the saucer if you're using one.

orchid pot
David Land

Once your orchid is settled in its new pot, you can keep caring for it like before. Ensure you have it in a spot that gets bright, indirect light, and water when the potting mix is about to go dry. Some orchids can grow for one or two years before they need repotting again, so you can sit back and enjoy its beautiful blooms for a while before repeating this process.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can orchid potting mix be reused when repotting an orchid?

    Orchid bark potting mix shouldn't be reused when repotting an orchid because, over time, it loses its ability to recirculate air and drain water due to decomposition. New orchid bark must be used for repotting.

  • When is the best time to repot an orchid?

    It's best to repot orchids in spring or summer, right after they flower. You'll know it's time to repot when you see crowded roots growing out of the bottom or through the topsoil of the pot. Repotting every one or two years is usually needed.

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