Creature from the Black Lagoon LED Kit

  • $144.99

Bally's masterpiece Creature from the Black Lagoon looked amazing back in 1992, but now it's time to brighten things up a bit! This kit includes everything you need to convert all the incandescent bulbs in your machine - except the tiny ramp lights! We've made those an extra add-on to save money for those who don't want to go through the hassle of replacing those little buggers. (After you add this kit to your cart, you'll automatically be asked if you want to add the ramp lights...and make sure you pick the color you want!)

The inserts use non-ghosting bulbs, and the general illumination around the playfield and in the backbox is all a beautiful sunlight white.

Flashers cost extra, and boy should they, because there are 37 of them in this game - come here punk!

Product Specs

Inserts Non-ghosting bulbs
General Illumination All white, Sunlight
Game Abbreviation CFTBL