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Pests and Diseases
Cassytha filiformis
Vines of Cassytha filiformis
Vines of Cassytha filiformis encircling noni stems, leaves and petioles
Cassytha filifomis colonizing
Cassytha filifomis colonizing more than _ of a mature noni tree.

Pest: Cassytha filiformis

Damage: Cassytha is a parasitic vine that withdraws nutrients from the noni foliage. Parasitism by this plant causes reduced photosynthesis, reduced plant vigor, and can cause plant stunting and plant death.

Distribution: Cassytha filiformis occurs on all major islands except Kaho’olawe. Severe infestations exist in the coastal areas of the Puna district and in the Kailua-Kona region on the island of Hawaii.

Hosts: Cassytha has a wide host range, including at least 15 plant species in Hawaii. Cassytha attacks plants in coastal and low-lying habitats.

  1. Manual removal of vines
  2. Avoidance
Notes: Cassytha was previously unreported as a pest of noni in Hawaii and the international literature.

Last Updated on December 7, 2006

Last updated on 9/2/04