Witness true love & heartache with a Bernese Mountain Dog. With their tri-colored good looks & strong human bond, falling in love with the ‘Berner’ breed is easy.

I fell in love with the Bernese Mountain Dog breed when I was having brunch with my now husband at the once Adams Mill restaurant in Manchester, CT, almost 27 years ago.

We’ve been fortunate enough to have had three Bernese Mountain Dogs to love and invite into our homes. Each one is so special and dear to us. I hope you enjoy their stories.

Our first Bernese Mountain Dog was Charlie.  Just the sweetest and oh so beautiful.  And she lived to a ripe old rage for a Berner too!

Gretchen was on the small size with a thin white facial blaze. Gretchen was sweet, a little skittish, and head over heels in love with my husband… We swear she thought she was his girlfriend.

Have you ever been to Dog Mountain? One of the most treasured days I spent with Gretchen after her diagnosis was here at Dog Mountain.

Next, came Sassy Ella!  The sassiest Berner of all!  She is gorgeous, bossy and loves posing for the camera!

Ella instantly took to the camera, too. She began posing all around the house, jumping on all the furniture to strike a pose.

Bernese Mountain Dogs are a large and sturdy breed of dog that originated in Switzerland. Here are some key characteristics and facts about Bernese Mountain Dogs:

I’m joining a couple of Bernese Mountain Dog lovers for a “Berners on Parade” tour today.  Click below and join me on the blog to see more!

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