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Decaisnea fargesii - Blue Bean Shrub

Decaisena fargesii is a very large, deciduous shrub. It has bold divided leaves which can be up to 90cm in length, often tinged with blue in spring they turn a clear yellow colour in autumn. Around June it produces long sprays of greenish-yellow flowers which are followed in Autumn by blue bean like fruits of up to 10cm long.

Often known as “Dead Mans Fingers” the fruits are soft to the touch and covered in an skin-like peel. The fruit is often borne in clusters of three which is due to each flower containing three separate carpels rather than the usual one.

FACT: The fruits white, juicy gelatinous pulp, ranges from bland to very sweet and has long been enjoyed by the indigenous people of Sikkim (North East India).

Plant Profile

Name: Decaisnea fargesii

Common Name: Blue Bean Shrub

Family: Lardizabalaceae

Height: Around 6 to 8 metres

Width: Around 2 to 3 metres

Demands: Happy in sheltered spot either with full sun or partial shade

Soil: Well drained Clay, Sand or Loam

Foliage: Deciduous

Fruit: Grey-blue, bean like pods

Decaisnea fargesii info sheet