How To Have A Successful First Date?

Written by Rushika Dave
Posted on Oct 12, 2021, 12:25 IST
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First Date

First dates. They can be awkward, nerve-wracking, and sometimes lonely. You hope that your date goes well but you just don't know if it will. Here are some tips to make sure it's a success with your date. Dressing down is not an option when it comes to first dates; you want to leave an impression on your date.

Arrive On Time

Being late for your first date is one of the biggest blunders you can commit. It is one of the biggest turn-offs! Showing up on time is always a good idea; you wouldn’t want to be seen as a rude person. If you're running late, be sure to call your date. It's better that way.

Dress Pretty But Not Uncomfortable 

Dress to impress! Looking your best on the first date helps to impress your partner. First impressions matter the most. Wear your best outfit but make sure it’s not uncomfortable for you. An uncomfortable outfit can get in the way of your confidence. 

Choose A Nice Place

A date is a special event and it should be treated the same way. Why not choose a wonderful place for your date? Choosing a venue for your first date is an extremely important decision because it could make or break a friendship or potential romance. Find the perfect place to take your date and make it an unforgettable evening. 

First Date

Image: Shutterstock

Compliment Your Date

What do you say to your date to make a lasting impression? You compliment them. Compliments are powerful. They're also incredibly simple. Everyone loves receiving them. You need to compliment them and not only once: speak about their clothing, their goals, dreams, etc. 

Keep The Conversation Going

What to talk about on a first date? Most people are worried about whether you will come off as boring. First dates can be awkward and stressful, so use a bit of humour to help break the ice. Ask questions! It is one of the keys to having a good time. You can also prepare a few date topics before your date. But make sure you don't blabber just to cover up the silence, for some situations a hum in the conversation doesn't always mean a bad thing.

Don’t Bore Your Date By Talking About Your Ex!

The second worst thing you can do is talk about your ex or something related to your ex. Nobody wants to hear that stuff, especially on the first date. So don’t bore your date by talking about your ex!

First Date

Image: Shutterstock

Be Present

Many people don’t take this point seriously but if you want to know how to have a successful first date then you must learn this. Listen to your date! To do it, you need to be present in the conversation and not think about all the stories you will tell them later. 

Don’t Lie

Do you want to know how to have a successful first date? Don't lie. Lies can kill your chances. If you want to have a successful first date, make sure you’re honest and sincere.

Offer To Split The Bill

Many people end up paying for the entire date. Now, while that may be a nice gesture, it also puts a lot of pressure on the other person. By offering to pay for the date, you are making it easier on you. It shows that you are generous. So don’t forget that before the check comes, you should offer to pay or split for the meal!

Also read: Should You Have Sex On Your First Date?
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