Zip It

Halle Berry Shared a Video of Her and Her Stylist Working Together to Zip Up the Actor’s Pants

This is friendship.
Halle Berry
Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images

Listen, I know this is funny in a “Is it wine o'clock yet?” novelty mug kind of way, but it's delightful even so. Halle Berry found herself in a position we've all dealt with from time to time: Her pants fit except for that tiiiiiiny bit on top that just wouldn't close. So she enlisted the help of her stylist, Lindsay Flores, who literally got on top of the Oscar winner to wrangle the garment into submission. That is friendship.

The whole ordeal was captured by Berry's boyfriend, Van Hunt, and then edited together with memes and background music. It should ring false, but I'm telling you, it's truly relatable.

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And listen, having a professional stylist on hand for moments like these isn't just smart—it's also safe. True story: My mom once broke her foot doing that little jump that you have to do to get into tight jeans. She had a “long spiral fracture of the distal metatarsal,” a.k.a. the dancer's fracture, which usually happens when a ballerina rolls her foot or lands after a jump. Except my mom got it from putting her pants on. Thankfully, Halle Berry was not harmed in the making of this completed look, which can be seen here, along with the actor's ridiculously gorgeous home:

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Clearly, Berry has a sense of humor about such mishaps. Remember when she face-planted while taking the stage at a charity event? Of course, she took it in stride, laughed at herself, and even posted the clip on Instagram to raise more money for charity.

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