Hot Mugshot Guy Actually Became a Male Model

Dreams do come true.
Image may contain Face Human Person Head Man Tattoo and Skin

Jeremy Meeks got famous under less-than-ideal circumstances back in 2014. He got arrested. But if you are in the unfortunate situation of being booked and have a mugshot taken, it's hard to think of a better outcome than what happened to Meeks. In a story that's now become Internet legend, Meeks got labeled the "hot mugshot guy" after his penitentiary-issued portrait went viral. At the time, Meeks couldn't capitalize on his moment of click-bait glory on account of the fact that he was in actual jail serving a two-year sentence. That was then. A couple of months ago, Meeks was released, and that's when his official journey to male-model-dom began.

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The above photos aren't exactly a Calvin Klein billboard, but it's a start. You've gotta respect a guy who can re-enter society after a couple years with a positive outlook and make shit happen. Of course, nothing would actually be happening if Meeks weren't genetically blessed with a look that gives new meaning to the term pretty boy. Sure, the dude's straight-up pretty (dark skin + blue eyes = always a winning combo), but he's got face tattoos and is built like a man (read: not a waif boy favored by more than a few designers). So while he isn't exactly Saint Laurent runway material, brands like Givenchy might want to give him a call. It's a good thing god invented Photoshop, so we can see exactly what that would look like: