El Pantera by Juan Alba

Juan Alba Lopez was born in Guanajauato in 1932. The death of his father forced him to apply for a job at the age of 16. He began his artistic career as a pupil of the artists Oscar Gonzalès and Guillermo Marin. He teamed up with Rodolfo Fernandez Mier to work for the publishing house Herrerias, drawing 'La Novela Policiairia'. During the same period, he drew 'Les Cuentitos' and 'Conchita la Détective' for EDAR.

El Chica de Kung Fu by Juan Alba
El Chica de Kung Fu

He is mainly remembered for graphically creating 'El Pantera' for Mundo Vid, the successor of EDAR, in the 1970s. He made several installments of this comic book series, about a young crime fighter in Mexico City, with writer David Muñoz, and in alternation with artists like Manuel Calles González and Alberto Maldonado. A TV series based on the comic was broadcasted in Mexico by Canal 5 between 2007 and 2010. Other serials Alba worked on during the 1970s and 1980s were 'Denuncia', 'Sensacional de Luchas' (Editorial Ejea) and 'La Chica de Kung Fu' (Editorial Macc Division).

El Pantera by Juan Alba

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