
Welcome to the virtual memorial of Paulo Freire. Here you can explore the digital archive of Paulo Freire in a completely new format that is engaging and dynamic. This page is a gateway for you to begin or deepen your study of the life and work of the educator. It is divided in the following sections: Get to Know Paulo Freire, Timeline, Library, Glossary, Digital Collection, and the Paulo Freire Institute.

Get to Know Paulo Freire: in this section, the reader will be introduced to the life and work of the educator.

Timeline: in this section, in chronological order, we list the major events of Paulo Freire’s life from his birth in the city of Recife, until his death in the city of São Paulo.

Library: this is a bibliographical database with a catalogued and searchable list of all the books of the educator’s physical libraries.

Glossary: primarily characterized by housing audio and video clips of Paulo Freire speaking at events, interviews, seminars, meetings, and award ceremonies--all organized in thematic entries in alphabetical order. The user can also access the audiovisual content or transcripts of speeches of each entry.

Digital collection: a repository of digitized works--previously authorized--accessible to the general public. In the guide “Communities and Collections,” we find the works of Paulo Freire in audiovisual and bibliographical materials in various formats. The secondary sources showcase materials of diverse authors about the life and works of the educator from Pernambuco. In the collection, you can access videos, audio materials, articles, books, posters, cartoons, photographs, illustrations, and three-dimensional objects, among others.

International Freirian Community: a group of people and institutions that, in various parts of the world, come together and find inspiration for their philosophies and actions in the life and work of the educator.
