December 2023: Muscovite Mica

December 2023: Muscovite Mica

December 2023

Muscovite Mica Dunn-Seiler Museum

Dunn-Seiler Museum specimen

Muscovite mica is a phyllosilicate mineral with the chemical formula of KAl2(AlSi3O10)(F,OH)2. It is the most common mica mineral, often found in igneous rocks such as granite, or metamorphic rocks such as schist. It has a pseudo-hexagonal crystal structure and perfect basal cleavage, which means that it breaks in flat sheets along a single plane. This, in combination with its transparency, allowed it to be used as an alternative to glass window panes in the past. It is also known to be a good insulator and has been used in fireplaces and for fireproofing. Muscovite showing perfect basal cleavage