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Ray-Ban Celebrates 75 Years With First Gay Male Couple In Their 'Never Hide' Campaign

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Those who liked and/or were confused about the Abercrombie and Fitch gay kiss pseudo-ads will love the latest from Ray-Ban's five-year-running "Never Hide" campaign. Unlike A&E, there's no ambiguity over the photo of two dapper, bespectacled gentlemen flouting convention by hold hands on a busy sidewalk.

The photo is the first of its kind in Ray-Bans marketing history. The highly successful "Never Hide" campaign was launched back in 2007, and in honor of the company's 75th anniversary, this year they're looking back at individuals from various eras in American history who have the "courage to express themselves" in plain sight, according to the campaign press release. The other new installments include women running through the rain in their lingerie, military folk being audacious, and a jitterbugging couple looking like their having a raucously good time.
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