Adolf Hitler And Eva Braun Probably Had The Most Depraved Wedding In World History

Cleo Egnal
Updated April 24, 2019 598.2K views 10 items

The relationship between Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun is just as twisted as anything else about the Nazi leader. Hitler and Braun were 23 years apart in age and began a relationship when she was only 17, which lasted until their deaths by suicide at the end of World War II. Their entire relationship was strange - Hitler wanted to portray a pure image of being married to Germany and shunned Eva when they were in public - and their wedding was no exception. 

Braun followed Hitler loyally for about 16 years, despite him showing greater affection for his dog, Blondi (on whom he tested his poison before using it on himself). In a perversion of the classic Romeo and Juliet love story, the newlyweds killed themselves the day after their wedding ceremony and were burned in their bunker, according to Hitler's last request. 

  • They Met When She Was 17 And He Was 40

    Eva Braun was a 17-year-old photographer's assistant when she became acquainted with Adolf Hitler. Braun had recently left convent school and was working for Hitler's official photographer. In 1929, the two went on a date to the opera.

    Shortly after their first date, Braun became Hitler's mistress, after his prior mistress allegedly took her own life. 

  • Braun Wasn't Allowed To Show Hitler Affection In Public Because He Wanted His Female Followers To Find Him Appealing

    Braun was by Hitler's side for 16 years – technically. Hitler was obsessed with crafting an image of someone married to his country, and couldn't let something like a loving relationship interfere. He also wanted to remain attractive to his female followers.

    Braun wasn't allowed to show Hitler any affection in public, and most Germans didn't even know she existed. Hitler wouldn't let photos of her be published. Hitler would even go so far as to ignore her while in public, only interacting with her to give her an envelope of money at the end of the night.

    Even after Braun moved into the Berlin Chancellery, she was forced to use the back door so no one saw her. Hitler's chauffeur called her "the unhappiest woman in Germany."  

  • Hitler Investigated Braun's Family To Make Sure She Was 'Pure'

    Before going on his first date with Braun, Hitler ordered a thorough investigation of his future mistress's family heritage to ensure she was "pure." Although the investigation proved satisfactory, recent DNA evidence has reported that Braun may actually have descended from Jewish ancestors.

    Years after the war ended, hairs from a hairbrush with Braun's initials – that had been found in the Alpine home she shared with Hitler and then preserved – were DNA tested for Dead Famous DNA, a UK television show. The tests show the hairs came from, specifically, an Ashkenazi Jew.

    While Braun grew up Catholic and even attended convent school, deep family history indicates that Braun's ancestors may have been German Jews who converted to Catholicism during a movement in the 1800s.

  • Braun Was Hitler's Mistress For 16 Years Before They Married
    Photo: Common Good / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0

    Braun Was Hitler's Mistress For 16 Years Before They Married

    Braun desperately wanted to marry Hitler, but he insisted that he would never marry, in part because he wanted to project the image that he was "married to the German people."

    Though various accounts paint their relationship as either loving or oppressive for Braun, Hitler's preoccupation with his agenda left little room for romance or intimacy.

  • They Got Married The Night Before They Passed

    Braun finally got what she longed for when Hitler agreed to marry her the night before both of them passed. On April 29, 1945, Eva Braun became Eva Hitler in a ceremony in Hitler's Berlin bunker.

    The only reason Hitler and Braun tied the knot was because Hitler knew they would no longer be around by the next afternoon. Braun wore a black dress, with a pair of Italian shoes and some diamonds.

  • Braun Attempted To Take Her Own Life Twice During The Relationship

    Although she was incredibly loyal and devoted to Hitler, Braun was deeply unhappy with the relationship, especially when Hitler refused to marry her. Though the exact cause isn't known, Braun attempted to take her own life twice during her relationship with Hitler - once in 1932 and again in 1935.

    After her second attempt, Hitler gave Braun an apartment, and a year later she moved into his home in the Alps.   

  • Immediately After The Wedding, Hitler Drew Up His Will

    After giving Braun what she desired for nearly 16 years, Hitler retreated to begin planning their suicide. Braun was eager to join her husband in his fate, and had been for a while. A year prior, she had written him a letter, saying, "From our first meeting I swore to follow you anywhere - even unto death - I live only for your love." 

    Just hours after he married Braun, Hitler drew up his will, which detailed how he and Braun's cadavers were to be disposed. He wrote:

    "I myself and my wife - in order to escape the disgrace of deposition or capitulation - choose death. It is our wish to be burned immediately on the spot where I have carried out the greatest part of my daily work in the course of a twelve years' service to my people."

  • Hitler Didn't Want Braun At His Bunker, But She Refused To Leave

    Hitler didn't ask Braun to come to his bunker in Berlin – in fact, he ordered her to leave when she arrived. Braun refused to leave, however, and chose to remain by Hitler's side until the end.

    When Braun arrived at the Führerbunker, she reportedly told her beloved: "Do you think I will let you die alone?"

  • Hitler Likely Chose Braun Because She Didn't Challenge His Authority

    Hitler seemed to like Braun for her loyalty and submissiveness. He once said, on the topic of marriage:

    "A highly intelligent man should take a primitive woman. Imagine if on top of everything else, I had a woman who interfered with my work."

    Braun was disinterested in Hitler's politics, making her the perfect partner. Allegedly, Hitler chose her because she wouldn't question his authority.  


  • Not Even Hitler's Closest Associates Knew The Full Extent Of The Relationship

    Hitler's insistence on keeping his life with Braun as private as possible meant that not even his closest associates knew the full extent of their relationship. The pair essentially led separate lives, even after Braun moved in to Hitler's home in the Alps in 1936.

    Braun was entirely isolated in the Alps and later in Berlin, and her complete indifference to Hitler's politics kept her away from his political associates. The few that knew about Braun included Hitler's chauffeur and housekeeper.