Orchid Care Tips to Help This Delicate Flower Thrive

While orchids can be fussy flowers, knowing how to care for an orchid can make all the difference.

Our simple orchid care tips will help you care for this beautiful (but finicky) flower—especially if you aren't an experienced plant parent and even struggle to keep low-maintenance houseplants alive. To demystify orchid care, we spoke with Kaylyn Hewitt, the resident florist at The Bouqs Co., who assured us that once you know the basics, caring for an orchid isn't that complicated.

"Orchids take a bit more care and attentiveness than your normal houseplant, but once you get the hang of it, they are relatively low maintenance," Hewitt explains. Below, find a beginner's guide to caring for orchids.

How to Care for Orchids

From knowing when to water orchids to finding the best place for them, follow these easy tips to help your orchid plants blossom.

Water Orchids (When Needed)

The first step to a thriving orchid is to make sure it's getting enough water (without drowning it). Fortunately, Hewitt shared a simple trick with us for knowing exactly when your orchid is thirsty.

"Orchids have a very distinctive way of telling you that they need to be watered—their roots change color," Hewitt explains. "When roots turn grey, your orchid needs to be watered. When roots are bright green, they are hydrated and do not need any additional water. Orchids will usually come in a clear grow pot, so just lift the grow pot out of the planter and check the roots once a week!"

Generally, most orchids need to be watered about once or twice per week, depending on the season and temperature. But rather than stick to a strict schedule, check the orchid's roots and let the plant tell you when it needs water.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

While some plants enjoy lots of light, you should avoid direct sunlight exposure with orchids. Orchids also benefit from humid environments.

"Orchids prefer indirect sunlight or the shadiest part in your home," Hewitt recommends. "Also, keep in mind that orchids are tropical plants, so they enjoy the humidity to a certain [level] (65 [percent] to be exact)."

To give your orchid an extra dose of humidity, let it spend a day or two in your bathroom so it can soak up the steam from the shower.

Fertilize Orchids

Like most plants and flowers, occasional fertilization will help orchids prosper. "Any plant or flower will benefit from fertilizer—it's an extra boost your plants need every once in a while," Hewitt says.

Orchids thrive when given a bit more fertilizer than other houseplants. In the summer, fertilize them every one to two weeks; during the winter, switch to fertilizing every month.

Enjoy Orchids Year-Round

Once you've set your orchid in the indirect sun, are checking its roots to know when to water it, and fertilize it regularly, your new houseplant will reward you with beautiful blooms.

"Don't let orchids intimidate you!" Hewitt says. "They are insanely beautiful, and once you get the hang of it, it'll be a fun addition to your plant collection."

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