Medicinal & Aromatic Plants

Serial Name of Plant Family Description Image
1 Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet Malvaceae Shrubby, flowers solitary, wavy margin or serrated edged leaves, flowers yellow, fruit rounded, hemispherical in shape with many segments containing few seeds.
2 Acalypha indica L. Euphorbiaceae Herb, leaves ovate, unisexual, flower in catkin inflorescence.
3 Ageratum conyzoides L. Asteraceae (Compositae) Erect, annual herb, stem hairy, leaves opposite, 30-50 self compatible pink, white or violet flowers are arranged as a corymbs capitullum inflorescence, fruit-achene with an aristate pappus & is easily dispersed by wind.
4 Anaphalis contorta (D.Don) Hook.f Asteraceae Small herb,erect perennial stem usually branched with dense white woolly, leaves crowded at the base,narrowly liner or oblong,pointed,flowers are densely crowded corymbs,tiny yellow florets are surrounded by shiny white bracts.
5 Anaphalis triplinervis Sims ex C.B.Clarke Asteraceae (Compositae) Erect perennial herb with woolly or cottony haired stem; leaves elliptic, densely tomentose below, less on the upper surface, mucronate, lower part nearly clasping with rhizomatous stem; flowers small, white, arranged in clusters in a capitulum, >15 per inflorescence, disc florets are yellow, surrounded by shiny white papery bracts, anthers syngenesious; fruit cypsela; cypsela of female florets oblong, papillose, that of bisexual florets oblong, papillose, pappus setae 3-3.5 mm long.
6 Andrographis paniculata Nees Acanthaceae An erect annual herb; stem winged in the upper part; leaves lanceolate, acute at apex, small petioles; small pedicelled flowers with bracts and bracteoles, arranged in solitary axillary racemes, sepals linear-lanceolate, corolla 2-lipped, white, slightly enlarged, below the limb, upper lip oblong, apex 2 - toothed, lower lip deeply 3 – toothed, anther bearded at the base, filaments hirsute, flattened; capsule
7 Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze Revis. Lamiaceae (Labiateae) Camphor-scented annual herb; erect; quadrangular pubescent stem; thin leaves, ovate, long-stalked, and pointed at the tip, with round-toothed margins. The flowers are numerous, purplish, 2-lipped (The upper lip is oblong-ovate and the lower lip has two middle lobes), crowded, and almost stalkless and occur in spike-like racemes (verticillaster), sepal cup hairy, and pointed-toothed, and the tube, long and bell-shaped, stamens didynamous; gynobasic style; fruit cercerule
8 Asteracantha longifolia Nees. Acanthaceae Robust, erect annual herb, stem sub-quadrangular with thickened nodes, eaves oblanceolate, flowers pale purple-blue, densely clustered in axils, fruits glabrous, capsule.
9 Atylosia scarabaeoides(L.) Benth. Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Perennial climber or trailer with woody root. Stem is covered with rusty reddish pubescence. Leaves are trifoliolate, with 7-27 mm long stalk. Leaflets, elliptic or elliptic-obovate, lateral leaflets slightly oblique, blunt to somewhat pointed, velvety and gland dotted on both surfaces.. Yellow flowers are borne in 2-6-flowered clusters on short axillary stalks. Flowers are yellow, flushed crimson externally.. densely velvety and glandular, 3-6-seeded, furrowed between the seeds
10 Azadirachta indica A.Juss. Meliaceae Perennial tall (100 ft) evergreen tree; stem stout as trunk, branched, up to a diameter of 2.5-3 m., bark is rough and can be dark-grey, fairly thick, with many longitudinal and oblique crevices which are lighter in colour, sap-wood is greyish-white while the heart-wood is red, but becomes brownish when exposed; leaves compound, glabropus, alternate, stipulate, leaflets opposite, serrate, ovate, lanceolate, attenuated at the tip and unequal at the base, slightly denticulate; small white colored flowers and star shaped, with a pleasant smell; fruits appear between the age of 3 and 5 of the plant, Bracteae are small and deciduous, stamens 10, fixed at the base of a disc form a long cylindrical pipe, gynoecium syncarpic with 3-5 carpels, stigma 5-lobed; fruits drupe, elliptical one seeded
11 Barleria prionitis L. Acanthaceae A spiny, erect, perennial, bushy, undershrub with glabrous, swollen nodes, young stem which is grey, slightly four angled, usually with 3-4 divaricate spines at axil of leaf; stem externally greyish to light brown; leaves oval-ellipsoid shaped; variable in size, simple, acuminate at apex, entire at margin, acute at apex, unicostate reticulate venation, glabrous above, glabrous or pubescent/ spiny beneath; flowers tubular yellow–orange, with protruding stamens, sessile, often solitary axillary, becoming spicate above; bracts foliaceous, oblong or lanceolate, bristle-tipped; bracteoles 1.3 cm long, narrowly linear, subulate (almost spinous), bristletipped; stamens 2 fertile + 2 staminodes; fertile filament exerted beyond the corona tube, those of the staminode very short. Ovary superior of two fused carpels; fruits capsule-oval-shaped
12 Bidens pilosa L. Asteraceae (Compositae) Erect, annual, almost glabrous to densely hairy woody herb with angular branches and characteristic dark green colour; leaves are opposite and are divided pinnately into 3-5 leaflets with toothed margins, leaflets ovate to lanceolate; marginally winged petiole; flowers white and yellow and 5-15mm in diameter, borne on long slender peduncles, each flower head has 4 or 5 short, broad, white petals (ray florets) with numerous, yellow disc florets. The outer involucral bracts have finely hairy margins and are shorter than the inner bracts; anthers syngenesious. Fruit cypsela, slightly curved, stiff, heavily barbed awns at the distal ends.
13 Blumea lacera (Burm.f.)DC Asteraceae Annual ,erect herb with a strong odor, stems hairy or glandular ,simple or branched, very leafy, leaves obovate or oblanceolate, smaller toward the top, stalked, and toothed or (rarely) lobulated at the margins; the bright yellow flowering heads, borne on short axillary cymes, and collected in terminal, spike-like panicles; the involucre-bracts are narrow and hairy; Fruit is an achene, oblong and not ribbed ,Pappus is white;
14 Boerhavia diffusa L. Nyctaginaceae Perennial herb, leaves simple, opposite, exstipulate, petiolate,bracts and bracteoles present, small, caducous, axillary inflorecence
15 Boerhavia repens L. Nyctaginaceae Perennial herb, stem slender, leaves opposite, simple, petiolate, exstipulate, glandular hairy or glabrescent, bracteoles small, axillary inflorescence.
16 Brachiaria reptans(L.) Gardner & Hubbard Poaceae (Gramineae) Decumbent annual herb, 15-60 cm high rooting at nodes. Leaf-blades ovate-lanceolate. Inflorescence of 5-16 cm racemes on an axis; racemes with a triquetrous rhachis. Spikelets, glabrous, narrowly ovate, borne in pairs and crowded on the rachis; Fertile spikelets: Spikelets comprising 1 basal sterile florets; 1 fertile floret; without rhachilla extension. Spikelets elliptic, or oblong; dorsally compressed; compressed slightly; acute; 1.5-2.2 mm long; falling entire.
17 Canscora diffusa R.Br. Gentianaceae A diffuse annual herb, growing up to 15-50 cm high with many slender branches. Stalkless leaves oppositely arranged, ovate; Flowers occur in lax cymes at the end of branches. Rosy pink flowers with three visible petals. Actually there are 4 petals. Two of them merge to form a single notched petal. Four stamens emerge out of the flower; Fruit a Capsule, linear-oblong.
18 Capsella bursa-pastoris Medik. Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Slender, erect, annual to short-lived perennial herb, 15 – 70 cm tall; stem slender, sparingly branched bearing rosette of radical leaves, leaves dimorphic; upper leaves are irregularly pinnatifid or entire and toothed, clasping with stem (lyrate). The lower leaves are petioled, deeply lobed and sit in a rosette at the base; flowers small, white borne on slender racemes; stamens tetradynamous (2+4); shepherd’s-purse because of its triangular, purse-like pods-the siliqua- two chambers divided by a narrow ridge (replum); seeds are tiny minute, oblong, slightly flattened, and reddish to yellowish brown
19 Cardanthera triflora Buch. Acanthaceae Viscid aromatic herbs; stem erect or ascending, rooting at nodes, Leaves opposite, dimorphic, submerged leaves, pinnately or bipinnately dissected,serrate-dentate, densely glandular hairy above. Flowers axillary. Corolla pale blue with a purple palate, 1.3 cm long, bilabiate, lower lip pubescent, shortly 3-lobed at apex, upper lip shortly 2-lobed. Stamens 4, didynamous; filaments hairy at base; Style filiform, pubescent; stigma 2-fid; Capsule; seeds many.
20 Cardiospermum halicacabum L. Sapindaceae Woody annual climbers, herbaceous many-branched vine with bi-fid (forked) axillary tendrils, borne at the base of inflorescences; leaves are ovate-lanceolate, alternatespiral in arrangement and bi -ternately compound, essentially 3-foliolate with each part divided again into 3 leaflets; leaflets with coarse serrate teeth. Leaflets showing toothed margins, are lanceolate, faintly pubescent with pinnate venation. Obtuse-mucronate at apex, obtuse-truncate at base, irregularly deeply incised at margins; flowers white, arranged in axillary corymbose racemes, usually 3-flowered by abortion, white with a yellowish centre. Petals milky-white, obovate. Stamens as long as or slightly longer than petals; filaments sparsely long villous. Ovary obovoid or sometimes subglobose, pubescent; fruits (capsule)- Inflated, thin shelled, papery, balloon-like.
21 Cassia sophera L. Fabaceae (Leguminosae-Caesalpinoideae) Diffuse undershrub; leaves pinnately compound with 10-12 pairs of leaflets, lineaer-lanceolate, acute at apex; flowers yellow, arranged in corymbose racemose manner, stamens 10, heterodynamous with four staminodes (3 at posterior side and one at anterior), placentation marginal; fruit pod or legumes, thick, slightly recurved
22 Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don Gen. Apocynaceae Perennial herb or a subshrub with milky latex, sprawling along the ground or standing erect up to a metre in height; leaves leathery, datrk green, arranged in opposite psairs; flowers with attractive white or pink comprise five petals spreading from a long, tubular throat; Each fruit is formed of two narrow, cylindrical follicles .
23 Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Annual herb, reniform leaves with rounded apices; petiolate, flowers pinkish to red in color, ribbed fruit
24 Cephalotaxus mannii Hook.f. Cephalotaxaceae Evergreen tree up to 20 meters tall; Bark light brown to reddish brown, flaking off; twigs elliptic or oblong-elliptic in outline; blade dark green or shining olive green adaxially, linear or linear-lanceolate, usually straight, occasionally slightly falcate, flat; leathery or relatively thin, midvein prominent adaxially, 0.2-0.3 mm wide abaxially, stomatal bands white or bluish white, often indistinct and green when dry because of white powder being shed, marginal bands 0.1-0.3 mm wide, base very broadly obtuse or obtusely truncate, symmetric or not, margin narrowly revolute, apex cuspidate (with leaf tapered into apex from at least middle, often from base), or abruptly and very shortly mucronate (with leaf parallel-sided and mucro 0.1-0.2 mm). Pollen cones borne 6-8 together, pale yellow, globose, 4-4.5 mm in diam.; peduncle (1-)4-5 mm, usually with at least 10 bracts; microsporophylls 7-13, each with 3 or 4 pollen sacs. Seed cones solitary or borne 2 or 3 together; peduncle 6-10 mm; fruit aril green initially, turning red when ripe
25 Cestrum diurnum L. Solanaceae An erect evergreen perennial shrub, branches with white lenticels, young parts glandular; leaves dark green above, pale below, ovate-lanceolate, obtuse, glabrous; flowers white, scented in axillary cymes; inflorescence pedunculate bearing clusters of flowers, subtended by leaf-like bracts; calyx small, 5-lobed, ciliate; corolla tubular, lobes 5, reflexed; stamens 5, included; ovary 2-celled, style slender, stigma capitates; fruits berry, globose
26 Cheilanthes farinosa (Forssk.) Kaulf. Adiantaceae Fern; stems rhizomatous; rhizome erect, short, scaly, dark brown scales, entire, margins pale; fonds tufted, erect, herbaceous or slightly coriaceous; stipe black, shiny, with brown scales scattered; lamina ovate-lanceolate, 2-3-pinnatifid; pinnae glabrous, dark matt green above, covered with whitish, yellow powder beneath (hence farinosa); upper pinnae oblong, decurrent; lower pinnae basiscopically developed; ultimate pinnae oblong, minutely toothed; rachis, costa, costules shiny, glabrous; sori small, marginal, in discrete or in clusters, indusiate; indusium small, semi-transparent, variously lacerate.
27 Chenopodium ambrosioides L. Chenopodiaceae An annual or perennial erect herb, height of five feet; stems slightly woody at the bottom, branched, with potent smell; leaves simple, alternate, roughly toothed, lanceolate; flowers thick spines of minute flowers, numerous, yellowish-green in cymose clusters forming axillary spikes or long terminal panicles at the leaf axils; sepals 5, sometimes only 3, enclosing the utricle; stamens are as many as sepals, hypogynous or somewhat perigynous, filaments distinct; fruit is perfectly enclosed in the calyx, obtusely angled; seed smooth and shining
28 Chrozophora rottleri (Geiseler) A.Juss. ex Spreng. Euphorbiaceae Herb, leaves ovate, pale green, stipulate,; flowers in terminal racemes,male flowers crowded above, female flowers at base, pedicellate; fruit capsule, depressed, 3-lobed ,have several toxic dolabellane diterpene glucosides, dolabellane diterpenoids and phenylpropanoid glucosides.
29 Circaea alpina L. Onagraceae Perennial herb with runners 10-30 cm tall; stem unbranched, fragile; leaves simple, opposite, acute at apex, cordate at base, toothed at margin, no stipules; flowers white, regular, bracteate, radially symmetrical, arranged In a lax raceme, has hypanthium; both sepals and petals 2 each in number, the petals are thin and delicate, obovate, retuse at apex, and pigmented ; stamens 2, anthers basifixed to filaments, ovary inferior, carpels 2 fused; fruit dry indehiscent, hairy achene, 1.6-2.6 mm
30 Coccinia grandis (L.)Voigt Cucurbitaceae Perennial, herabaceous vine; stem glabrous; leaves alternate; cordate; flowers solitary, large, white and star-shaped; fruit smooth, bright red, ellipsoid berry
31 Coix lacryma-jobi L. Poaceae (Gramineae) A tall grain-bearing coarse annual herb/undershrub, attain a height of 1-2m; stems erect, branched, coarse, with brace roots from the lower nodes; leaves coarse with broad base to cordate, linear-lanceolate, Inflorescence spikelet with flowers arranged in racemose gramineaceous manner; fruit caryopsis; seeds yellow, purple, white or brown, shiny. The grass is monoecious with separate male and female flowers
32 Crotalaria medicaginea var. Medicaginea Lam. Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Perennial herb, about 30 cm or less tall. Stem is branched, sparsely velvety, hairs prostrate. Leaves are trifoliolate, stalk about 2.5-5.5 mm long. Leaflets are about 6-10 mm long, about 2.5-4.5 mm broad, inverted-lance shaped to obovate, blunt to flat tipped apiculate, hairless above, velvety below. Leaflet-stalks are short; stipules minute, threadlike. Flowers are borne in terminal and leaf-opposed, in 2-6-flowered raceme, appearing much like Medick plants. Bract minute, linear, subulate. Sepal cup is 2.5 mm long, pubescent, teeth acute, longer than the tube. Flowers are yellow. Vexillum about 5-6 mm long, pubescent externally. Fruit is almost spherical, about 4 mm or less long, velvety, beaked, 2-seeded.
33 Croton bonplandianus L. Euphorbiaceae Annual herb with watery latex, leaves alternate, lance shaped, toothed margin ; flowers in raceme, white; fruit oblong capsule, warty surface
34 Cupressus torulosa D.Don Cupressaceae Evergreen tree carrying large, oval to broadly conical crown, 15-25 m tall, with a dbh of 40-60 cm; the bark is thick which is brown in color; the branches are slender and the branchlets are cylindrical, branching lies in whorls; leaves are scaleshaped and dark green which are closely appressed, obtuse, often with a small dorsal furrow; shoots lie in a single plane, male cones are subglobular and the female cones are elliptical, composed of 6-8 scales, with a small central depression; stamens are numerous, each with 2–6 globose anther cells; seeds are reddish-brown in color and 6- 8 in each scale
35 Cyperus rotundus L. Cyperaceae Perennial herb, leaves sprout in ranks of three from the base of the plant. The plant has very huge network of underground rhizomatous stem. The flower stems have a triangular cross-section. The flower is bisexual and has three stamina and a three-stigma carpel. The fruit is a three-angled achene.
36 Dicliptera roxburghii T. Anderson Acanthaceae Herb; leaves ovate gabbros, cymose inflorescence,; flower 2 lipped, 3 lobed
37 Ecbolium linneanum Kurz.(syn. E. viride (Forsk.) Alston. Acanthaceae Low shrubby habit with woody root stock, bluish bifid flowers in dense spikes,large imbricate 4-ranked bracts oblong lanceolate lamina tapering at both ends and very short petioles; large oval glandular cells with dense contents, on leaf and stem periphery; leaves with caryophyllaceous stomata.The bacterial pathogens were strongly inhibited by leaf extracts but acetone extracts of stem have failed to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa even at the highest concentration.
38 Elsholtzia flava Benth. Lamiaceae Perennial erect subshurb; branches densely gray pubescent; leaves broadly ovate to semi-circular, adaxially hairy but abaxially glabrous, abruptly caudateacuminate at apex, serrate-crenate at margin; flowers are yellow, pedicelate, bracteate and bilabiate, arranged in spikes; pedunculate, densely gray pubescent; lower verticillasters widely spaced; bracteates-bracts broadly ovate; calyx is bell-shaped (campanulate) and hairy; corolla yellw, white villous, glandular outside, bearded annulate inside; tube funneliform; upper lip emarginate; middle lobe of lower lip subcircular, lateral lobes suboblong, rounded; fruits nutlets; oblong and dark brown
39 Eupatorium odoratum L. Asteraceae (Compositae) Aromatic shrub; covered in fine grey hairs; stems rounded; leaves give off a pungent, aromatic odour when crushed. The leaves are opposite, triangular to elliptical blades ovate to diamond shaped, cuminate, with yellow dots below; flowers pale mauve or violet, tubular flowers are in panicles of 10 to 35 flowers that form at the ends of branches.
40 Fragaria vesca L. Rosaceae Perennial herb, with runners up to 2 m long; stems pubescent, with hairs ascending obliquely spreading; leaves arranged in basal rosette, quite long-stalked; blade palmate, with 3 leaflets; leaflets elliptical, wedge-shaped base, toothed margins, both sides smoothly and sparsely haired; corolla regular, white, broad; petals 5, quite round, touching each other or covering each others’ edges; calyx 5-lobed; with epicalyx; stamens 20; gynoecium separate, pistils several. Receptacle glabrous. Inflorescence is a lax cyme; fruit long berry, red, juicy, shiny, small achenes
41 Fumaria parviflora Sm. Papaveraceae An annual, much branched, diffusely spreading herb with watery latex.; leaves glaucous, segments linear or oblong linear, pointed at the tip, short; flowers small, rose to purple in colour, borne in sessile racemes of 15-20 flowers; sepals absent or minute (about 0.5 mm long), triangular-ovate acuminate and whitish; corolla small, white; upper petal with narrow wings, inner petals with a purple or greenish tip; fruits 2 mm long and slightly broader, sub round-obovate, very obtuse or sub truncate; seeds are dark brown
42 Galium asprellum Michx Rubiaceae A perennial herbaceous plant growing from creeping rhizomes and producing 4 directional branched stems; stems are erect, prostrate, or leaning on adjacent vegetation, often forming mats. The stems, the margins of leaves, stipules, and the abaxial side of the midribs are covered in retrorse (backward pointing) prickles or bristles; leaves opposite with 2-4 leaf-like stipules forming a whorl of 4 to 6 apparent leaves, leaves and stipules are elliptic to oblanceolate, apically cuspidate, basally attenuate, sessile, entire; flowers small, pedicellate, perfect, borne in axillary and terminal panicles or cymes, inflorescence is longer than the subtending leafy bracts; calyx unlobed and fused to corolla and filament bases as a hypanthium; corolla 4-partite, white, rotate, each lobe cuspidate and longer than wide; stamens 4 having short filaments and exserted anthers; ovary bi-carpellate, bears 2 short styles with one capitate stigma each; the carpels bear one ovule each; fruits-dry capsules., round, indehiscent
43 Globba bulbifera Roxb. Zingeberaceae An erect rhizome forming herbs, with slender stem up to 50 cm tall, usually solitary. Leaves are bifarious, oblong-lance shaped, pointed at tip, sessile, glabrous. Inflorescence type is a spike, up to 10 cm long, often with bulbils towards the base. Bracteate; bracts are 1-2 cm long, broadly ovate, greenish; bracteolate with bracteoles 1 cm long, ovate. Flowers are single formed in each bract, 1.4 cm long, tube slender, petals short, yellow; lip as long as the flower, deeply 2-lobed, yellow, calyx funnel shaped, 3-lobed.; stamen 1, anthers broadly winged; lateral staminodes oblong; ovary 1-celled; ovules many on 3-parietal placentas; style 1, slender; stigma topshaped. Fruit capsule type oblong, glabrous, coarsely rugose
44 Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.)DC. Rutaceae Evergreen shrub; branches subterete, glabrous; leaves compound, imparipinnate, alternate, spiral, rachis pulvinate, terete, glabrous; leaflets 3-5, alternately arranged, acuminate at apex, acute at apex, crenulate at margins, strongly nerved; flowers small, white arranged in axillary panicles; stamens 8-10 with longer and shorter filaments; fruit berry, globose.
45 Grangea maderaspatana (L.) Desf. Asteraceae (Compositae) Herb hairy, branched, leaves alternate, stalkless, deeply cut, and divided into toothed lobes. Yellow flowering heads are borne opposite the leaves, and are shortstalked, rounded, flowers are small, very numerous. The involucral-bracts are ovate, thick, rigid, and hairy. The achenes are cylindric, glandular. The papus-hairs are connate, ending in a short, fimbriate tube, hairy. The achenes are cylindric, glandular, and about 2 mm long. The papus-hairs are connate, ending in a short, fimbriate tube.
46 Hedera nepalensis K.Koch Araliaceae (Ginseng Family) Evergreen, woody climber, climbing into tall trees by aerial roots; leaves ovate to lanceolate to variously lobed, leathery, dark-green, glossy, ivy-like, subacute to obtuse at apex, cordate to rounded to cuneate at base; flowers tiny, many, yellowish-green, in stalked spherical umbel-arranged in domed clusters, the petals are placed edge-to-edge; fruit a berry, round.
47 Hewittia sublobata Kuntze Convolvulaceae Herbaceous, prostrate or twining perennial herb with slender stems, stems climb into the surrounding vegetation, or scramble over the ground occasionally forming new roots at the nodes; leaves oblong or ovate, variably cordate or hastate at the base, velvety or hairy on both surfaces; entire or dentate at margins; flowers in 1-3-flowered clusters; corolla pale yellow or whitish with a dark purple-red centre; capsule depressed-spherical to almost square, hairy, crowned with the persistent style
48 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wall. ex A.DC. Apocynaceae Small deciduous tree; leaves: elliptic, oblong, ovate or ovate-oblong, strong arched; flowers borne in corymbose cymes, white, fragrant; sepals acuminate; corolla-tube slender, lobes oblong; fruits follicles, slender, parallel, terete, usually with long white spots; seeds narrowly linear-oblong, glabrous.
49 Houttuynia cordata Thunb. Saururaceae Perennial aromatic herb with aromatic rhizome and creeping root stock; leaves broad, ovate-cordate, thinly papery, densely glandular, purplish abaxial, base cordate at base, shortly acuminate at apex; stipular sheath as long as petiole, usually ciliate, base enlarged and slightly clasping; flowers naked, subtended by four white and petalloid bracts, involucres, non-petal, yellow inflorescences (spike dense); stamens three
50 Hydrangea paniculata Raf. Hydrangeaceae A vigorous deciduous upright shrub with panicles of creamy white flowers arranged in a cone-shaped panicle (racemose) which fade to deep pink, from late summer into autumn; leaves simple, elliptic or ovate, opposite or in cluster of three, serrate at margins, acuminate at apex, rounded or tapered at the base, sparsely pubescent; sterile flowers are mixed with small white fertile flowers, fruit-cup like capsule
51 Hygrophila phlomoides (Wall.) Nees. Acanthaceae Perennials to 1 m tall, erect. Stems quadrangular, brown strigose. mm, hirsute; leaf blade elliptic, obovate, or oblong, papery, cystoliths dense, both surfaces hirsute, , base usually attenuate and decurrent onto petiole. Flowers axillary, several clustered or in whorls upward; bracteoles linear-oblong, hirsute. Calyx, white hirsute, 5-lobed to middle; lobes linear. Corolla, pubescent; lower lip oblong, sparely pilose, 3-lobed; upper lip triangular, 2-lobed. Stamens 4; mm; pubescent. Capsule.
52 Hygrophila spinosa T. Anderson Acanthaceae A stout annual spinous herb; stems fasciculate, subquadrangular, erect, thickened at the nodes, hispid with long hairs; with axillary spines, leaves pubescent, oblanceolate, long, in whorls; flowers purple-blue with bract and bracteoles, bilabiate, in whorls; stamens 2; fruits capsule
53 Hypericum japonicum Thunb. Clusiaceae An annual erect to decumbent herb; stems solitary, unbranched below inflorescence or variously branched, 4-lined, with scattered gland dots; leaves sessile; ovate or ovate-triangular to oblong or elliptic, thickly papery, abaxially paler and sometimes glaucous, laminar and intramarginal glands dense, basal, base cordateamplexicaul to cuneate, margin plane, apex obtuse to rounded; flowers stellate, buds cylindric-ellipsoid, obtuse at apex, arranged in cymes; sepals free, erect, narrowly oblong or rarely lanceolate to elliptic, distally dots, apex acute to rounded; petals pale to bright yellow or orange, obovate to oblong or elliptic, entire at margin, glandular, stamens 5-30, irregular or in 5 obscure groups when few; Ovary broadly ovoid to subglobose; styles as long as ovary, spreading; fruits-capsule cylindric to globose,
54 Hyptis capitata Jacq. Lamiaceae (Labiatae) An erect annual shrub; stems 4-angled, hairy; leaves lanceolate or rhomboid-elliptic, acute at apex, serrate at margin, cuneate and decurrent at base; flowers sessile, white, in crowded verticillasters forming axillary, solitary globular heads (hence capitata), bracteate; corolla 2-lipped with faint purplish spots on upper lip, lower lip turned black, corolla connate at base, stamens 4, didynamous, epipetalous, carpels 2, style gynobasic; fruits cercerule
55 Hyptis suaveolens (L.)Poit Lamiaceae (Labiatae) Rigid annual herb, stem quadrate hairy, leaves either ovate or obovate. serrulate margins , long stalk, lower surface of the leaves bears hairs; copious blue flowers in small cymes along branch that ends with reduced leaves. Sepal tube is hairy in nature, 4 stamens.
56 Impatiens glandulifera Royle Ill. Balsaminaceae An annual, erect, herb; stems jointed, reddish colored, multi-branched, hollow, glabrous, shiny with large swollen nodes; leaves simple, oblong, ovate to elliptical, and arranged oppositely, sharply serrated at margins; flowers irregular, bilaterally symmetrical, pink to purple or red, blue, pink 2-14 arranged in a raceme, bearing 5 petals with the lowest sepal forming a sac that ends in a straight spur. Seed capsule
57 Inula cappa (Buch.-Ham. ex.D.Don) DC.Prodr. Asteraceae Fragrant aromatic Herb or sub-shrub; silky hairy stems; leaves oblong-lanceolate, leathery; yellow daisy like composite flower heads often with narrow ray-florets, include pappus with bristles, involucral bract lence-shaped; cypsella
58 Ipomoea learii Paxton Convolvulaceae Perennial prostrate or twining herbaceous climber up to 15 m tall but scrambling over low vegetation or creeping over ground; stems hairy retrotrse in young with a white milky sap; leaves lush green, leathery, cordate or 3-lobed, alternately arranged, acute at apices, hairy; flowers funnel shaped, tubular, with a flared top, opening in the morning and closing by mid-afternoon, reddish-pinkish purple arranged in clusters in leaf axils, bracts parallel sided 10-20 mm long, stamens - Included, both filaments and anther lobes white; fruits globular, papery capsules
59 Ipomoea purpurea Roth Convolvulaceae Annual climber up to 2.5 m tall; stems cylindrical, slender, pilose or hirsute brownish; leaves lush green, showy, cordate or 3-lobed; the lobes ovate oblanceolate, chartaceous, strigulose on both surfaces, acuminate at apex, cordiform at the base, entire or slightly sinuate at the margins, ciliate; alternately arranged, acute at apices, hairy; flowers trumpet shaped, large, opening in the morning and closing by dusk, richly purple arranged in clusters; peduncles longer than the petioles; bracteate; bracts subulate, not forming an involucres; Calyx of 5 subequal sepals, chartaceous, oblong lanceolate; stamens - Included, pink; stigmas pink, not exserted; fruits globular, papery capsules; seeds 4 per fruit, pyriform
60 Jasminum sambac (L.) Aiton Oleaceae Perennial scandent or sub erect shrub; branchlets pubescent; leaves opposite or in whorls of three, entireat margin, elliptic or broad elliptic to sub-orbicular, obtuse or acute at apex, glabrous, shining above; nerves prominent beneath; petiole short, pubescent; flowers fragrant, in few-flowered terminal cymes, white, pedicellate; bracteates; bracts linear, up to 6 mm long; calyx teeth 5-9, V-shaped, pubescent; corolla white, simple or double, lobes 5-9, oblong, acute or obtuse; fruit -berry simple or didymous, globose
61 Justicia simplex D. Don Acanthaceae An erect perennial slender herb with rooting at the lower nodes; branches divaricate; leaves are ovate, variable, obtuse at apex; flowers small, pale-violet, pinkish-white arranged in terminal or axillary spikes; bracts and bracteoles are longer than the calyx; fruits-capsules, hairy, oblong with pointed apex
62 Launaea asplenifolia Hook.f. Asteraceae (Compositae) Annuals or biennials shrubs , sometimes spiny taprooted,Stems erect distally branched, hairy , Leaves basal blades oblanceolate , often pinnately lobed , ultimate margins usually dentate Heads in spiciform or racemiform to paniculiform arrays].. Florets 25-30; corollas yellow to ochroleucous [cyanic].; pappi persistent or tardily falling [bristles in 2-3 series white, coarser, barbellulate to smooth bristles in 2-3+ series.
63 Leucas biflora R.Br. Lamiaceae (Labiatae)-Mint family Perennial aromatic herb that contains nodal roots; stems quadrangular containing deflexed hairs at the ribs; leaves ovate to ovate-oblong, with acuminate at apex, crenate-serrate; flowers are bilabiate with almost equal two-lips in verticillaster inflorescence; calyx is bell-shaped; corolla while, 2-plipped, lower lip 4-lobed, upper lip concave, villous outside; stamens are 4, didynamous and orange in colour with hairy filament; gynoecium bi-carpellate, ovary superior, gynobasic style; nutlets are long, flattopped-cercerule
64 Leucas lavandulifolia Sm. Labiatae (Lamiaceae) Auunal herbs, branches puberulous, quadrangular stem; leaves linear-lanceolate, Flowers in dense axillary verticils, sub-sessile, bracteate; corolla white; bi-lipped; stamens 4, didynamous; filaments sparsely hairy. Ovary 4-celled; ovules 4; stigma bi-fid. Nutlets 4, minute.
65 Lindenbergia indica (L.) Kuntze Scrophulariaceae An annual much branched herb; stems glandular hairy; leaves ovate and pointed, opposite-decussate, hairy, stinging nettle, coarsely toothed or crenate-serrate at margins; flowers yellow arranged in solitary or axillary sikes or racemes; the corolla is 2-lipped, 3-lobed lower lip is larger than the 2-lobed upper lip; stamens 4, didynamous, included, anthers divaricate (with separate stalk cells); the ovary ovoid; fruits-capsules oblong containing hair at the tip.
66 Liparis chungthungnensis Hook.f. Orchidaceae Annual Herbs; stem round; sheaths few; leaves 2, opposite, very slender, 10-17 cm long, sessile, linear-lanceolate, acute at apex; scape tall; bracts slender at length deflexed; flowers small, yellowish, arranged in terminal racemes, resupinate; sepals 3-5 nerved, obtuse, lateral oblong, dorsal longer oblong-lanceolate; petals as long, very slender, lip flabelliform, with a contracted 2-auricled base; column compressed from back to front, short straight flattened truncate, wing less; anthers terminal; capsule 2 cm long, clavate.
67 Lippia geminata Kunth. Verbenaceae Aromatic, Multibranched shrub; leaves opposite; flowers white, pink, light blue purple on spikes
68 Malvastrum tricuspidatum (R. Br.) A. Gray Malvaceae Woody-rooted coarse hairy herb; leaves ovate to ovate-elliptic, free-lateral stipules, margins serrated; cymose inflorescence with light yellow flowers; bean-shaped anthers in monadelphous staminal column; ovary superior with axile placentation of ovules; fruit capsule.
69 Marsilea quadrifolia L. Marsileaceae (Division: Pteridophyta) Aquatic evergreen perennial herb with dense stands, or has a random growing pattern; grows in aquatic environments from creeping, fleshing, roots containing rhizome; clumps of leaves up to 15 – 20 cm tall at intervals along rhizome. Thin green procumbent petiole rises from the rhizome to the water surface, each stalk bearing a single shamrock-like leaf with four wedge-shaped leaflets; sporocarps (spore-producing tissues) thick, grow on 1—12 mm stalks near the petiole; about 1.3--1.7 mm thick, with a distal tooth of 0.3--0.6 mm long.
70 Melastoma malabathricum L. Melastomataceae Evergreen shrub, leaves elliptic to lanceolate; flowers vary from light to dark pink and have 5 petals, arranged in around 1-5 flowered clusters; dissimilar stamens, numbering twice the number of petals. The flower shows 5 purple, curved anthers, and 5 yellow anthers. Fruit a berry-like capsule with numerous seeds coated with red, sweet astringent pulp.
71 Michelia champaca L. Magnoliaceae (S.S) Tall tree that grows up to 30 m. The young branches are covered with grey hairs, ovate leaves and are up to narrowing to a fine point at the apex. Small bracts, known as stipules, are present on the leaf stalk of the alternately arranged leaves; fairly large pale yellow to orange flowers growing up to 5.1 cm in diameter, fragrant, have 15 tepals that curve up towards the tips and many stamens (pollen producing structures). The fruit- up to 3-20 brown follicles with 2-6 reddish seeds/follicle that are dry at maturity and split open at one side.
72 Mikania micrantha Kunth. Asteraceae (Compositae) Climber, Branched, perennial, leaf opposite and heart shaped, flowers arranged terminal or axillary corymbs, individual floret, each seed has terminal pappus
73 Mirabilis jalapa L. Nyctaginaceae Multi branched Perennial shrub with glabrous stem growing up to 2 m, leaves are egg-shaped with acute apex and broad end at base, oblong or triangular.; stems are swollen at nodes. Flowers are fragrant, occur in groups of 3-7, bloom at afternoon, tubular/trumpet in shape, white, pink or red in color, up to 6.5 long by 3.5 wide bearing 5-6 stamens. Roots are tuberous. Small fruit is one-seeded capsule (anthocarp).
74 Mukia scabrella Arn. Cucurbitaceae Scabridly hairy climber, unisexual; stem much branched, angled, grooved, petioles and inflorescence axis hispid and scabrid with small white prickles. Leaves pale green or hoary, rather coriaceous, cordate or oblong or deltoid-cordate, entire or 3–7-lobed, obtusely sinuate-soothed, scabrid on both surfaces and hispid below. Male fl.: Pedicellate, fascicled, stamens synandrous. Female fl: Sessile. pale to bright yellow. Fruit red or yellowish berries
75 Nasturtium indicum DC. Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) An annual erect, branched herb bearing leaves of oblong to ovate-lanceolate shaped, variously lobed and toothed, lyrate, and petioled, the terminal ones being semi-sessile or sessile, the basal leaves wither by flowering. Small, yellow flowers arranged into racemes which are long, and terminal. Sepals are as long as the petals. Fruit-a siliqua, spreading, slender, cylindric, straight or slightly curved with replum.
76 Neillia thyrsiflora D. Don. Rosaceae Erect, deciduous shrubs with branchlets red-brown, angled, glabrous to slightly pubescent; leaves stipulate; stipules ovate-lanceolate, subglabrous, margin remotely serrate, apex acute; petiolate; petioles 1–1.5 cm, partially glabrous; leaf blade ovate to ovate-elliptic, abaxially sparsely pubescent on veins or semiglabrous, margin usually 3-parted, rarely with 3–5 equal lobes, sharply doubly serrate, apex long acuminate. Panicle many flowered, densely or laxly branched; peduncle and pedicels marginally pubescent. Hypanthium campanulate, abaxially pubescent. Sepals triangular, equaling hypanthium, sparsely pubescent on both surfaces, entire at margin, caudate at apex. Petals white, obovate. Stamens 10–15. Follicles cylindric. Seeds ovoid.
77 Nephrodium molle (SW.) R.Br. Dryopteridaceae Stem rhizomatous; rhizome erect with lanceolate entire or ciliate often thinly pilose scales brown to dark brown. Fronds tufted, 0.3–1 m tall. Stipe lightly pubescent with minute whitish hairs and scaly at base. Lamina lanceolate, deeply bi-pinnatifid, 25–60 cm in length, ± 30 cm wide, acuminate at apex with deeply pinnatifid terminal segment; middle pinnae 8–16 cm long, 1.2–2.2 cm wide, narrowly oblong, acuminate, deeply pinnatifid; lower 2–4 pair of pinnae deflexed and somewhat reduced; lobes narrowly oblong, falcate, entire, obtuse, surface pubescent and sometimes with small capitate hairs; veins 7–8 pairs, the basal pair anastomosing at a very obtuse angle below the sinus with next pair to edge of sinus. Indusium hairy.
78 Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viv. Solanaceae An annual erect viscid-pubescent branched semi-shrub; leaves radical and cauline. sessile, variable in size & shape such as elliptic-oblong/lanceolate/entire/wavy, cuneate to decurrent. Flowers whitish to pinkish, arranged in a panicles lax, pedicillate: Pedicel glandular-pubescent. Calyx 7-9 mm long, nervose; lobes linear-lanceolate. Corolla tube with five lobes, total 3.5-4.0 cm long, limb 10 mm broad; acute. Anthers shorter than filaments. Fruit capsule 8-10 mm long, in the persistent calyx. Seeds subglobose to angular, minutely rugose-reticulate, brown.
79 Ocimum basilicum L. Lamiaceae (Labiatae)-the mint family A stout, bushy, aromatic, perennial herb; leaves opposite, stem 4-angled; white irregular-shaped flowers arranged in loose racemes (verticillaster), bilabiate corolla, epipetalous with didynamous stames (2+2), style gynobasic; fruit cercerule showing dry indehiscent nature
80 Oldenlandia corymbosa L. Rubiaceae Annual sub-erect herb; leaves subsessile, linear lanceolate, acute at apex, recurved with hairy margins, interpetiolar stipulate; tetramerous white small flowers arranged in axillary corymbose manner; stamens white, four, in the throat of the corolla; ovary 2-celled with many ovules per chamber in axile placentation; fruit capsule
81 Osbeckia chinensis L. Melastomataceae Erect, herbaceous perennial that sometimes forms woody stems and becomes shrub-like; stems 4-angled, petiole strigose; leaves linear to linear-lanceolate, elliptic-ovate, stiffly-papery; terminal cyme, hypanthium pink, (calyx Cup) 4--7 mm long, Petals 4 or 5, pink to pale purple, obovate, margin ciliate, apex apiculate or rounded. Stamens 8 or 10, inclined to one side; filaments as long as anthers; anthers narrowly lanceolate, beaked; connective bases slightly inflated. Ovary subglobose, apex densely setose or strigose. Capsule purplish red, ovoid-globose.
82 Osbeckia stellata Buch.Ham, ex Ker Gawl. Melastomataceae Herbs or shrublets, erect, Stems 4(or 6)-sided, Leaves opposite or 3 verticillate;; leaf blade oblong-lanceolate, Inflorescences terminal racemose or panicled cymose, Hypanthium usually purple to dark purple, 1-2.3 cm, with several rows of up to 2.5 mm setiform stellate trichomes on stalks. Petals 4, pink to purple, obovate, Capsule long urceolate, contracted at middle with rows of setiform stellate trichomes on stalks, ± glabrous in old specimens or basally setose.
83 Oxalis corniculata L. Oxalidaceae Creeping herb; stems rooting. Leaves clover like, palmately 3-foliolate, with very long, slender petiols; leaflets 1.2-2.5 cm long, obcordate cuneate; heart-shaped, green leaflets. Flowers yellow, axillary, subumbellate on solitary long peduncles; petals 6-9 mm long, yellow, oblong, rounded, emerginate. Capsules 2 cm long, linear-oblong, 5-angled. All parts of the plant sour. The plants are low-growing and have long, trailing stems that root at the leaf nodes, allowing them to spread rapidly.
84 Oxyspora paniculata DC. Melastomataceae Laxly perennial shrub with spreading and drooping branches; leaves elliptic with acute at apex with rusty star-shaped hairs underneath; flowers pinkishpurple arranged in a long pendulous pyramidal clusters; stamens are 8 in number with longer 4 show curved filaments and purple anthers and shorter 4 with yellow anthers.
85 Panicum flavidum Royle. Poaceae (Gramineae) perennial grass, spikes separated by 2-4 times their length, and spikelets (especially in fruit) spherical. Stems (culms) are tufted, slightly compressed. Leaf sheaths are strongly keeled, smooth. Leaves are linear-lanceshaped, flat or folded. Rachis slightly winged, prolonged into a point. Spikelets are plumply ovate, gibbous, milk-white or purplish. Lower glume is broadly ovate; upper glume, 7-veined; lower lemma as long as spikelet, 5-veined; upper lemma bony, granulate.
86 Panicum montanum Roxb. Poaceae (Gramineae) Perennial herb with smooth stem, sparingly branched; leaves thin, glabrous or pilose; Leaf-blade margins scabrous; ciliate; inflorescence a panicle; culms decumbent, or rambling; flowers in spikelet; spikelet sterete, glabrous or faintly hairy, spikelets solitary. Fertile spikelets pedicelled. Second glume fugacious; membranous-ciliate ligules, open panicles with spikelets on long pedicels, the spikelets with upper glume and lower lemma 7–13-nerved, and upper anthecium indurate, with compound papillae at the apex of the upper palea; Anthers 3; 1.6–1.9 mm long. fruits caryopsis with smooth seeds, brown with three strips
87 Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth. Piperaceae Fleshy annual glabrous herb; erect or ascending, sometimes procumbent; stems succulent bearing roots at nodes and shiny, cordate, fleshy leaves; small bisexual flowers arranged in cord like spike, 3-6 cm long arising from leaf axils; fruits small, round, become blackish at maturity
88 Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene Verbenaceae Perennial aromatic herb with spreading growth, leaves ovate or oblanceolate with serrate leaf margin in opposite arrangement, leaf base cuneate, apex rounded, upper part deeply serrate, hairy.; flowers 2-lipped, bracteates, ring of small, white to pink, surround a purple ovoid flowering head (1 - 3 cm long) spike near the top; fruit a capsule that break up into nutlets
89 Phyllanthus fraternus G.L. Webster Euphorbiaceae An erect, annual herb; leaves are alternate, stipulate and almost sessile with obtuse apex; flowers are unisexual, both male and female flower contain 6 perianth-lobes; stamens 3; ovary superior; capsules are globose and 3-lobed.
90 Physalis minima L. Solanaceae An annual laxly branched herb; stems viscid-pubescent, hollow; leaves ovate to ovate-oblong, acute or shortly acuminate at apex, shortly toothed at margins, cuneate at base, pubescent; flowers yellowish, solitary, pedicellate; calyx green, emerging up to 2.5 cm in fruit, persistent; corolla pale yellow; fruit berry- can be dispersed by wind by called balloon mechanism. The space between the fruit and the covering calyx works as air bladder at early stages.
91 Plectranthus coesta Buch-Ham Lamiaceae (Labiatae) Perennial herb, aromatic in nature, petiolate, flowers stout, 2-lipped corolla, Carcerule
92 Polygonum hydropiper (L.)Delabre Polygonaceae Annual herb with an erect stem, leaves are alternate and almost stalkless. The leaf blades are narrowly ovate and have entire margins fringed by very short hairs. They are tapering with a blunt apex. Each leaf base has stipules which are fused into a stem-enclosing sheath that is loose and fringed at the upper end (ochreate). The inflorescence is a nodding spike. The perianth of each tiny flower consists of four or five segments, united near its green base and white or pink at the edges. There are six stamens, three fused carpels and three styles. Fruit-a dark brown oval, flattened nut, placentation basal.
93 Polygonum barbatum L. Polygonaceae An erect, decumbent or prostrate simple-branched, annual, herb; stems glabrous, lineolate-canaliculate; leaves linear to linear-lanceolate, acuminate at apex, glabrous except margin, midrib and veins ciliate, sessile to subsessile, stipulate; stipules Ochreate flowers white, pedicel, arranged in a branched raceme with 1-6 spikes/ raceme, pedunculate; tepals 5, oblanceolate-obovate, obtuse, biseriate, unequal; stamens 5-8, filaments long, equal; ovary broadly ovate-orbicular, placentation basal, trigonous, styles three, long, filiform and free till half of the length with capitate stigmas; fruits-nuts trigonous, included in persistent perianth, black, shiny, ovoid.
94 Psoralea corylifolia L. Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Erect annual herb Grooved; Leaves Simple, 3.8x2.5-5.0 cm, broadly elliptic, inciso-dentate, rounded and mucronate at apex, white hairy, nigro-punctate, petioles hairy and gland dotted. Flowers In dense axillary, solitary, 10-30 flowered racemes; Corolla bluish purple, standard orbicular, clawed. Pod-ovoid-oblong, closely pitted, mucronate, Seeds- One, smooth.
95 Rouvolfia tetraphyla L. Apocynaceae A small much-branched woody shrub, 0.6-1.2 m high. Leaves whorled, elliptic, medium to dark green in color, and occur in groups of 4 unequally-sized at each node, Flowers greenish white or creamy white in umbellate cymes; drupes ovoid, deep purple when ripe; pyrenes rugose, oblong and look like large pepper corns.
96 Ruellia tuberosa L. Acanthaceae Herb with tuberous fusiform roots, opposite leaves, winged petioles, stem 4-angled, flowers violet
97 Sida cordifolia L. Malvaceae Perennial erect sub-shrub, covered with soft white felt like hair, stems and leaves are yellow-green, leaves oblong-ovate, flowers yellow, sometimes with a dark orange centre. The seeds are called as Bijabanda in Ayurveda, are grayish black in colour and smooth.
98 Sida mysorensis Wight & Arn. Malvaceae Erect herb; leaves are ovate, covered with stellate and glandular hair, flowers yellow, solitary in leaf axils or at the lips of branches, stipulate, fruit schizocarp
99 Sida rhombifolia L. Malvaceae Annual erect herb; leaf entire (untoothed), free-lateral spiny stipules at petiole base, cymose inflorescence, flowers yellow, monadelphous stamens, fruit capsule
100 Solanum indicum L Solanaceae Annual erect undershrub, Stems are much branched, very prickly, and bearing compressed, stout, often recurved prickles, leaves are ovate, lobed or pinnatifid in the margins, blunt or pointed at the tip, pointed at the base, and stellately woolly underneath. Branchlet leaves are much smaller; Flowers blue, borne in extra-axillary racemes. Calyx-lobes triangular, densely woolly, unarmed, or furnished with slender, straight spines. Corolla is broadly triangular and hairy on the outside. Fruit yellow, rounded, berry.
101 Solanum sisymbriifolium Lam. Solanaceae Annual rhizomatous herb, stem branches are viscoid, ovate to lanceolate leaves with glandular stellet hairs, pinnately divided into 4-6 lobes, stem, fruits and leaves contains solasodine, unbranched raceme inflorescence composed of 1-10 perfect or staminate flower; fruits red succulent globular berries with pale yellow seeds.
102 Solanum verbascifolium L. Solanaceae Shrub, yellowish grey tomentum with scurfy stellate hairs, leaves ovate to oblong-ovate, leathery; flower white or pale blue in dichotomous corymb, corolla is wooly without with spreading oblong ovate lobes; fruits fleshy green or yellowish, rounded berry with minute seed
103 Sonchus arvensis L. Asteraceae (Compositae) Perennial herb, rhizome present, leaves alternate and waxy, flowers dandelion like, flower heads are often covered with sticky hair; fruit cypsela
104 Spilanthes acmella Murr. Asteraceae (Compositae) Annual erect or ascending stout herb, leaves opposite, petiolate, broadly ovate, narrow at base, acute, axillary and terminal panicles, ray florets few, disc florets companulate, Achenes dorsally compressed.
105 Swertia bimaculata (Siebold & Zucc.) Hook. f. & Thoms. Gentianaceae Erect slender branched hardy biennial herb; Inflorescence lax panicles of cymes, many flowered; flowers yellow or white with purple spots, petals oblong to elliptic with narrow base and has two yellow-green spots carrying nectarines; anthers ellipsoid; stigma lobes are capitates; fruit capsule.
106 Swertia cordata (Wall.exG.Don)C.B.Clarke. Gentianaceae Annual herb, 0.6–1.5 m tall. Stems erect, 4-angled, with wings on angles, branched; leaves are stalkless, ovate to ovate-heart-shaped, , base heart-shaped and nearly stem-clasping; Flowers are borne in narrow, dense, many-flowered thyrses,5-merousSepals are lanceshaped to ovate-lanceshaped, white, with purple veins; at the base of each petal, is a circular greenish, viscous spot; Ovary unilocular with ovules laminal placentation parietale; two stigmas. Capsules are ovoid-ellipsoid
107 Tephrosia candida DC. Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Erect perennial herb with straggling branches from the base, spirally arranged, imparipinnate leaves, stipulate; caducous; leaflets opposite, narrowly ovate, narrowly obovate, flowers in fascicles, white, silky, with dark brown hairs on the outside in terminal, axillary or leaf-opposed pseudo-raceme; Pod linear, green or brown with silky hairs.
108 Tephrosia purpurea (Linn.) Pers. Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Herbs, spreading branches; leaves bipinnate, with narrow, oblanceolate leaflets; the flowers red or purple in extra-axillary racemes, sub-monadelphous stamens; pods slightly curved, grey, smooth
109 Tibouchina semidecandra(Decne).cogn. Melastomataceae An evergreen shrub bearing big beautiful bluish purple flowers, vine like slender stems, simple leaves; velvety green and often tinged with red and are lighter on the undersides; brilliant purple flowers are 3 inches in diameter and so vividly colored they appear fluorescent; phytochemically, glutinol, taraxerol isolated from this plant
110 Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less. Asteraceae (Compositae) An annual erect herb; leaves ovate, thinly hair below; corymbose cymes (homogamous capitulum,pedunculate, flower purple, bisexual, sessile, anthers syngenesious; fruit achene (cypsela)
111 Xanthium strumarium L Asteraceae (Compositae) It is an annual herb with a short, stout, hairy stem, turn maroon to black when mature, with an elliptic or egg shaped fruit clusters growing nestled around the stem. with an elliptic or egg shaped frerrestriauit clusters growing nestled around the stem, large and broad leaves, light and bright green in color in an alternate pattern with irregular lobes and relatively inconspicuous teeth, Flower heads occur in racemes in leaf axils or at the end of branches, white or green, numerous, male upper most, female ovoid, covered with hooked bristles, Fruit is obovoid, enclosed in the hardened involucre, with 2 hooked beaks and hooked bristles.
112 Adhatoda vasica Nees. Acanthaceae Leaves opposite, elliptic, accuminate, entire, petiolate, glabrous afterwards. Inflorescence a dense terminal spike or a fascicle at the axil of upper leaves, bracteate, bracteolate. Flowers sub sessile, bisexual, zygomorphic, hypogynous, covered with bracts and bracteolates, arranged in terminal or axillary spikes; calyx shortly campanulate; corolla bilabiate, white with pinkish violet tinge, upper lip ovate-oblong, notched at the middle, lower lip oblong with rounded tip and 3-lobed, lips of corolla imbricate; stamens 2, filaments hairy, anthers 2-lobed oblong, minutely apiculate, one lobe little higher up than the other; ovary bicarpellary syncarpous, 2- celled, superior, 2 ovules in each cell, style filiform, subclavate above, stigma entire; fruit a clavate capsule upto 2 cm. long, contracted below into a solid stipe. Seeds 1 or 2, sub orbicular, compressed, glabrous and rugose
113 Adiantum caudatum L. Adiantaceae An evergreen perennial fern with erect rhizome; rhizome covered with scale like structures. Scales linear, dark brown in the middle regions and paler along the margins. Fronds 30-45 x 2.5-3 cm, simply pinnate with long cirrhose, bulbiferous apex; stipe 5-10 cm long, scaly at the base, densely puberulous above, tufted, erect or spreading, more or less covered with brown hairs; pinnae 1.5 x 0.5 cm, dimidiate, oblong in outline, lobed, brown hispid; veins distinct above and below. Sori dark brown, reniform beneath the pinnae; indusia dark brown, hispid. Sporangial capsule subglobose, dark brown, stalked. Spores dark brown, tetrahedral, tuberculated.
114 Adiantum indicum J. Ghatak (Basionym) Adiantaceae An evergreen perennial fern with erect rhizome; covered with scale like structures; scales linear, dark brown in the middle regions and paler along the margins. Fronds simply pinnate with long cirrhose, bulbiferous apex; stipe 5-10 cm long, scaly at the base, densely puberulous above, tufted, erect or spreading, more or less covered with brown hairs; pinnae oblong, lobed, brown hispid; veins distinct above and below. Sori dark brown, reniform beneath the pinnae; indusia dark brown, hispid. Sporangial capsule sub-globose, dark brown, stalked. Spores dark brown, tuberculated.
115 Amaranthus spinosus L. Amaranthaceae Erect glabrous herbs, profusely branched, branches ridged distinctly; spines divaricate, sharp, to 1.2 cm long. Leaves of various shape ovate elliptical, lanceolate, lanceolate-oblong , leaf base attenuate, apex obtuse or subacute; petiolate, petiole 1cm to 4 cm long. Flowers in terminal panicles, spikes or in axillary, sessile clusters. Bracteate ,bract minute, ovate-lanceolate in shape. Male flowers: 1-2 mm across; tepals 5, calycine, unequal, ovate-lanceolate; stamens 5; anthers sagittate. Female flowers: 1-2 mm across; tepals 5, oblong, acute at apex; ovary 1-celled; ovules solitary; stigmas 2-3. Seeds minute, discoid.
116 Asparagus racemosus Willd. Asparagaceae woody climber, with leaves like pine needles, small and uniform and the flowers white, in small spikes; contains adventitious root system with tuberous roots. Branches contain spines on them. Inflorescences develops after cladodes, axillary, each a many-flowered raceme or panicle 1-4 cm; stamens equal.
117 Bauhinia divaricata hort. ex Steud. Fabaceae (Leguminosae) A small tree of 20-40 ft tall and 10-20 ft wide with a spreading crown of briefly deciduous leaves which rounded with lobed ends and heart shaped bases. The leaves are shaped a little like a cow’s hoof. The flowers looks like showy orchids, with five irregular, usually slightly overlapping petals of various colours like magenta, lavender, purplish blue or even white. Produces brown legume.
118 Eclipta alba L. Asteraceae (Compositae) Perennial herb, erect or prostrate, grows upto 30-40 cm in height. Stems: green or purple, bristly, thickened at the nodes. Stems are erect or prostate, entirely velvety, often rooting at nodes, oblong, lance-shaped; leaves opposite, sub-sessile, lanceolate-oblong, denticulate, hirsute on both sides; flowers white in axillary or terminal head, the female radiated, the bisexual in the centre; achene 3-angled, slightly flattened.
119 Eleusine indica (L.)Gaertn Poaceae (Gramineae) Coarse, caespitose ,annual tufted grass, the plant is clump- forming, branching from the base, leaf blades are flat or sometimes folded, flower spikes are mostly 2-6, usually 5 (4 digitate and 1 arising slightly below the tip of the stalk), Spikelets are, the florets closely imbricated, dark green, disarticulating at maturity, leaving glumes overlapping in 2 rows on one side of the flattened rachis. Distinguished from Chloris and Dactyloctenium by having awnless spikes. Fruit a nut.
120 Elsholtzia blanda Benth. Lamiaceae (Labiatae) Annual herb with an erect stem; stems and branches are velvet hairy, leaves elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, glandular, acuminate at apex, serrate at margins; flowers white, 3-4 mm, bristly outside, funneliform, throat up to 2 mm wide, arranged in spike inflorescence as verticillaster, bracteate; flowers bracteates; corolla white in colour; calyx cylindric, stamens exserted, anterior 2 potruding, posterior 2 longer, epipetalous, didynamous, palcdentation axile, gynobasic style; elliptical nutlets
121 Fagopyrum cymosum (Trevir.) Meisn. Polygonaceae An annual herb, growing up to 1 m tall, glabrous or young parts rarely minutely pubescent. Stem is ribbed, reddish. Leaves are stalked, stalk 0.5-2 cm long. Lower leaves have long stalks, upper ones are sub-sessile. Leaves are triangular or sagittate, heart-shaped, basal lobes rounded to long-pointed, 1.5-10 x 1-8 cm. Flowers are pedicellate many-flowered corymb-like clusters, in leaf axils and the end of branches. Flowers are pink or white, stalked. Petals are 5, ovate or oblong-ovate. Stamens are 8, unequal, about 1.5 mm long. Ovary is 3-angled, styles 3, as long as ovary. Nuts are deeply 3-angled, angles acute, brown, smooth, narrowed at both the ends,
122 Fumaria parviflora Sm. Papaveraceae/Fumariaceae An annual herb that reaches up to 5-30 cm with diffuse or suberect, and richly branched stems. Stems are glaucous, leafy, 5-30 cm long. Leaves are 1.5-4 cm, 2- to 3 times dissected in a pinnae, with very narrow-linear, ridged segments , minutely pubescent. Flowers are with white, occasionally flushed pink corolla, pedicellate; pubescent and arranged in 7- to 15(-20)- flowered racemes. Sepals minute, less than 1 mm long, 0.5 mm broad, sometimes obsolete or inconspicuous, laciniate-dentate, whitish, membranous. Upper petal with very short suborbicular, slightly oblong and obscurely downcurved spur; fruit subglobose, distinctly keeled, and acute nutlet that reaches up to 1.6-2.2 x 1.8-2.5 mm.
123 Galinsoga parviflora Cav. Asteraceae (Compositae) An annual branched ascending herb; leaves stalked, simple-opposite, lower leaves with petioles, upper ones without; leaf blade oval to oblong with sharp apex. Composite flowers 5-8 mm across, borne on long acillary peduncles arranged in capitulum bearing two types of flower: ligulate female white flowers at the margin (white ray) and tubular hermaphrodite yellow flowers in the central disc; fruits cypselaperipheral and central-Both types are black. The dispersal units are achenes bearing pappus or parts of flower structures (involucral bractea and the two paleas) that are easily transported by wind or animals.
124 Justicia gendarussa Burm.f. Acanthaceae perennial evergreen undershrub, 60-150 cm, with terete (neither striate nor angular) glabrous, dark purple twigs; leaves with up 1 cm long petiole; lamina linearlanceolate, glabrous on both sides, entire at margin, acute-acuminate at apex, attenuate basally; tapering into rounded apex and glabrous and shining with prominent purple veins beneath; stems quadrangular, thickened at and above the nodes and internodes; inflorescence terminal or axillary spikes bearing flowers; flowers irregular, bracts and bracteolate, bisexual, sessile, white with pink or purple spots inside and red in the throat and lip; Corolla 2-lipped, tube cylindrical, glabrous, upper lip 8 mm long, shallowly 2- lobed, lower one 1 cm long, 3-lobed, spreading. Staminal filaments approx. 5 mm long, anther lobes unequal. Ovary oblong-cylindric fruits capsule-club-shaped, about 12 mm long, and smooth.
125 Pouzolzia indica (L.) Gaud. Urticaceae Perennial erect or ascending herb, rarely prostrate, growing 12 - 40 cm tall from a rootstock that is often tuberous. Leaves are opposite or rarely alternate, lanceshaped-rhomboid ovate, stipulate; stipules broadly ovate, acuminate, ciliate. Flowers are pale green arranged in lax axillary clusters, covered with hairs, famales stalkless while male with 2 mm stalk. Sepal cup is 4-lobed & gibbous in male. Stamens 4. Fruit achenes, ovate, covered by ribbed sepal cup.
126 Polygonum chinense L. Polygonaceae Perennial herb/climber with stout rhizomes; stems erect, 70-100 cm tall, branched, striate, ligneous at base; petiole auriculate at base; leaves oblong-ovate, truncate at base, shortly acuminate at apex, alternate in arrangement, leaf uppersurface with purple inverted ‘v’-shaped spot, ochreate; Perianth white or pinkish, 5-parted; tepals ovate, accrescent in fruit, becoming blue-black, fleshy; Stamens 8, included. Styles 3, connate to below middle; placentation basal, flowers small, white, pinkish, arranged in capitate, several capitula aggregated and panicle-like; peduncle densely glandular hairy; bracts broadly ovate; fruits berries/achene; included in persistent perianth
127 Quisqualis indica L. Combretaceae A large climbing shrub; young shoots downy; leaves petioled, oblong, leave-apex acute; flower pentamerous, showy, fragrant; calyx hairy; the style united with the calyx-tube; fruit ellipsoidal in shape with five lengthwise wings; seeds black
128 Ricinus communis L. Euphorbiaceae A suckering shrub; leaves alternate, palmate, glossy, green to purplish or reddish-green and 30 to 75 cm across, with long petioles; monoecious flowers without petals, male flowers with creamy stamens, female flowers at the tip of the spike; capsule large, oval and greenish; fruit capsule- each capsule contains three seeds that look like fat, swollen dog ticks and are deadly poisonous
129 Seseli indicum Wight & Arn. Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) An annual pubescent herb; leaves bipinnate, segments ovate. Involucre of 5 linear pubescent bracts, Rays 10-16, pubescent. Involucel of 5-8 linear bractlets; flowers whitish, arranged in a basic umbel inflorescence; Calyx teeth minute; fruit hispid; ridges prominent.
130 Solanum nigrum L. Solanaceae Annual erect undershrub; stems are much branched, lax; leaves are ovate, lobed or pinnatifid in the margins, pointed at the base. Branchlet leaves are much smaller; Flowers white, small, borne in extra-axillary racemes; calyx-lobes five, connate’ corolla white, widely open, connate from midway; androecium composed of five stamens, adanate with corolla, alternipetalous; anther lobes larger than filament; hairy style in gynoecium; fruit deep green-black, round, berry
131 Stellaria media Sibth. Caryophyllaceae An annual, fragile, procumbent weak, herb; leaves ovate to ovate-lanceolate, opposite, entire at margins, taper at tips, flowers regular, small white, star-shaped, broad, arranged laxly in a dichasial cyme subtended by green bracts; sepals 5, hairy, membranous at margins; petals five, narrow, deeply 2-cleft, looked like 10 petals, slightly shorter than calyx or in the same length; stamens usually 3-7; gynoecium syncarpous, styles three; fruit egg-shaped, three-valved capsule. Exhibit a very interesting trait, every night the leaves fold over the tender buds and the new shoots-(they sleep) termed the ‘Sleep of Plants,’.
132 Calotropis procera W.T. Aiton Asclepiadaceae A spreading shrub or a small tree of 4 m, oozing copious milky sap/latex when cut or broken; leaves opposite-decussate, grey-green, slightly pubescent broadly elliptical but varying between ovate and obovate, large with a pointed tip, two rounded basal lobes and sessile to sub sessile; flowers waxy white; corolla slighly campanulate, petals 5, petals often fused end to end to form a bulby structure which on opening shows a purple-tipped inside and with a central purplish crown, carried in stalked clusters at the ends of the branches by a dense, multiflowered, umbellate cyme arising from the nodes and appearing axillary or terminal. Stames 5, adnate with stigma to form gynostegium, each stamen with a coronary outgrowth at back is represented by two polinia with their retinaculae which joins two polinia of adjacent anthers to corpusculum in a groove, to form a unit called translator. Bicarpellate, stigmatic head pentagonal; fruit-an etaerio of follicules, grey-green, inflated, with numerous seeds with tufts of long silky hairs at one end.
133 Cinchona calisaya Wedd. Rubiaceae Small to large shrubs and trees; leaves opposite, petiolate,, on the lower surface often with pubescent; stipules quickly deciduous, interpetiolar or sometimes shortly fused around the stem, triangular to ligulate in shape, generally held erect and flatly pressed together in bud. Inflorescence terminal and in axils of the uppermost leaves, pedunculate, bracteate. Flowers sessile to pedicellate, calyx limb truncate short, 5-lobed; corolla salver-form, white to pink, purple, or red, densely pubescent internally in throat and on lobes, lobes 5, triangular, valvate in bud; stamens 5, inserted in corolla tube, with anthers narrowly ellipsoid, dorsifixed near base, included to partially exserted; ovary 2-locular, with ovules numerous in each locule, imbricated and ascending on axile placentas; stigmas 2-lobed, included or exserted. Fruit capsular, cylindrical to ellipsoid or ovoid.
134 Digera muricata Mart. Amaranthaceae An annual laxly branched herb; stem and branches glabrous or very sparingly pilose, with pale ridges; leaf-blade narrowly linear to broadly ovate or rarely subrotund, glabrous or the petiole and principal veins of the lower surface of the leaf spreading-hairy, acute or acuminate at the apex, longly or (in broader-leaved forms) rapidly narrowed to the base; flowers glabrous, white tinged with pink to carmine or red, usually becoming greenish-white in fruit, in long and slender or shorter and denser axillary racemes, long-pedunculate, up to c. 30 cm long, laxer below; bracts persistent, deltoid-lanceolate, each subtending a very shortly pedunculate partial inflorescence of 3 flowers; central flower fertile, the 2 membranous, navicular outer perianth segments, oval or oblong, 7-12-nerved (in Asia), acute; the 2-3 inner segments slightly shorter, more delicate, blunt or erose, 1-3-nerved, hyaline, with a darker central vitta; stamens sub-equalling or shorter than the style; the 2 stigmas finally recurved; lateral flowers appressed, 1-bracteolate, bracteoles similar in form to the bract, modified into accrescent, antler-shaped scales, these scales with the lateral lobes narrow (in Asia) to broad and wing-like; fruit subglobose, slightly compressed, bluntly keeled along each side, surmounted by a thick rim or a corona of short, firm processes furnished throughout with verrucae or ridges, style persistent.
135 Hygrophila schulli M.R.Almeida & S.M.Almeida Acanthaceae An erect, stout, branched or unbranched, annual herb; stem is roughly four angled, reddish brown; leaves occur in whorls, the outer pair of leaves is larger, lanceolate, scalerous, minutely dentate at margins, subsessile, thorns strong straight or curved; flowers occur in axillary whorls, bract and bracteoles leafy; calyx four lobed, lobes unequal; corolla unequally 2- lipped, middle lobe of the lower lip with yellow palate; corolla purple coloured; stamens - four, in two pair, filaments unequal; anthers divergent; ovary two celled; four ovules in each cell; fruit a dehiscent capsule
136 Leucas mollissima Wallich ex Bentham Lamiaceae (Labiatae) Annual erect herbs; stems slender, twisted, appressed tomentose-villous, much branched; petiolate; petiole densely tomentose; leaf blade ovate, leaves abaxially densely villous-tomentose, gradually reduced at apex, densely villous-tomentose, corrugate adaxially, greenish white abaxially, base broadly cuneate to cordate, margin crenate-serrate, apex acute at apex; Verticillasters axillary, widely spaced, 2-8(-10)-flowered; calyx tubular, teeth subequal, truncate at mouth, densely pubescent outside, posterior part puberulent, anterior glabrous inside; villous; teeth 10, triangular-subulate, subequal; corolla white, yellowish, or reddish, puberulent near throat outside, obliquely villous-annulate on middle inside; lower lip spreading, as long as upper lip; middle lobe largest, obcordate; lateral lobes oblong, pilose at base outside, glabrous inside. Nutlets dark brown, ovoid, triquetrous
137 Leucas procumbens Desf. Lamiaceae (Labiatae) Annual procumbent herb; stems 4-angled, much branched; petiolate; petiole densely tomentose; leaf blade linear-lanceolate, leaves abaxially densely villous-tomentose, acute at apex, crenate-serrate at margins, broadly cuneate to cordate at base; flowers white, irregular, arranged in axillary verticillasters, many-flowered; calyx tubular, teeth unequal, truncate at mouth, densely pubescent outside, posterior part puberulent, anterior glabrous inside; corolla white, yellowish, or reddish, bi-lipped; stamens didynamous, epipetalous; stigma unequally bi-fid, style gynobasic; fruits-cercerule-nutlets dark brown, ovoid.
138 Rungia parviflora Nees subsp. pectinata (L.) L.H.Cramer Acanthaceae Annual, small flowered, creeping herb, a diffused or ascending and much branched weed; leaves oval or lanceolate, acute at apex, floral bracts glabrous, the fertile bracts are about round or unpointed, ciliated, having membranous margin; sterile bracts oblong or oval, acute; flowers blue, 1-2 mm, small, two-lipped, with acute upper lip, white; in terminal and axillary one sided sub-sessile spikes of 6 to 22 mm length; fruit capsule 2.5 cm long, ellipsoidal, acute, compressed.
139 Saraca asoca (Roxb.) Wilde Fabaceae (Leguminosae)- Caesalpinioideae An evergreen tree (15-20 m) with smooth grey-brown bark; leaves pinnately compound, paripinnate, oblong and rigidly sub-coriacieus with 6-7 leaflets; flowers polygamous, orange-scarlet clustered with a beautiful aroma; stamens 7-8 showing hairy appearence; fruits are smooth, leathery and flat pods including 6-8 seeds inside.
140 Senecio contorta /S. aureus Georgi Asteraceae (Compositae) An annual erect herb or undershrub; leaves alternate, acute at apex, entire at margin, cuneate at base; inflorescence capitulum; capitula radiate or discoid, usually yellow; involucral bracts usually one seriate, often subtended by calyculate bract; ray florets in one seriate, pistilate, fertile, pappus copious or sparse or sometimes absent; disc florets few to numerous, tubular, bisexual, fertile, five dentate, usually yellow, fruit cypsela, pappus copious
141 Sesamum indicum L. Pedaliaceae Erect, annual, pubescent herb, leaves simple and ovate to linear; flowers purple or whitish with purple or yellow marks, tubular, drooping, pubescent; fruits capsule oblong, bluntly 4 gonous, erect dehiscent from above downwards
142 Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad. & J.C.Wendl. A very prickly, bright green, semi perennial, upto 1.5 m grown shrub, highly branched and with bluish-purple flower; stem herbaceous; 8-10 mm thick and variable length with prominent nodes and internodes and prickly nature; green and branches covered with hairs and with prominent furrows (young); when mature glabrous; yellowish green, smooth surface with a thin layer of bark and prominent wood (dry); centre with a large, distinct pith and mature dry stem with hollow pith; leaves exstipulate, petiolate, elliptic or ovate-oblong ,sub-pinnatifid or sinuate, subacute, hairy, green, midrib and veins with sharp prickles; flowers bright blue or bluish purple in colour; ebracteate pedicellate, bisexual, complete, actinomorphic, pentamerous; calyx persistent, gamosepalous, tube globose, short, linear-lanceolate, acute, hairy; corolla gamopetalous, deltoid lobes, acute, hairy, deep purple-blue coloured, stamens 5, epipetalous, basifixed, filament short 1-1.5 mm long; anther, oblong lanceolate; ovary superior, ovoid; bilocular, with many ovules/ chamber in axile placentation, glabrous; fruit globular, berry, with persistent calyx at base, unripe and ripe fruits variegated with green and white strips and yellow and white shades respectively; seeds flat, circular, glabrous.
143 Strobilanthes anisophylla T. Anderson Acanthaceae An evergreen, erect, bushy shrub; stems brittle, cane-like; leaves glossy, dark green to blackish metallic, lance-shaped; flowers long, attractive, tubular, lavender that open to a bell-shaped mouth, bracteate
144 Thuja orientalis L. Cupressaceae An evergreen perennial tree with a variable habit ranging from round to oval to conical, to columnar, can grow up to 20 m, crown conical,; foliage flat scale-like; multi branched; flowers monoecious; male flowers inconspicuous, terminal and solitary, female flowers as elongated cones with overlapping scales, male cones rounded and reddish or yellowish, the female very small and green or tinged with purple; bark is red-brown, furrowed and peels in vertical strips; fruits fleshy, globose-ovoid
145 Tridax procumbens L. Asteraceae (Compositae) Perennial herb with firm taproot; stems cylindrical, often purplish, decumbent trailing, sparsely and patently long- and white-pubescent; leaves opposite, oblong-ovate, herbaceous or somewhat succulent; pinnately nerved, midrib strongly prominent below, both sides sparsely and patently long white-hirsute; flower heads terminal and axillary, erect-patently long-peduncled, rather sparsely long-hirsute; three-seriate, base attenuate; outer bracts smallest, foliaceous, green; green; inner ones membraneous, usually purplish-margined; receptacle slightly convex, paleate; paleas linear, subpersistent; arranged in capitulum with ray and disc florets; ray flowers 5-6, female; corolla 8-9 mm long with greenish-yellow limb, 3-4 lobed, pale yellow or white; ovary long, white, hairy. Disc flowers numerous, dense, erect, inner flowers numerous, dense, erect, inner ones longest; corolla 6-7.5 mm long, bright yellow, lobes 5; ovary with long white hairs; anthers cuneate, yellow with apical valve; style arms long, acute, pilose. Achenes cypsela -angular, dark brown to black, densely white long-hairy, stiff, feathered, unequal bristles.
146 Trigonella corniculata (L.) L. Fabaceae (Leguminosae) A small annual erect to procumbent, glabrous or sparingly pubescent herb, 0.60 m tall; leaflets obovate to oblong-cuneate, obtuse to emarginate, glabrous above, sparsely pilose along the nerves below; stipules lanceolate, dentate or incised; flowers triangle, hence the genus name ‘Trigonella’, flowers bloom in 8-20 flowered clusters, a 1.5-6 cm long peduncle; Calyx 3-4 mm long, teeth subequal, shorter than or as long as the tube. Corolla 6-7 mm long, yellow; wings shorter than the keel. Fruit 10-20 mm long, 2-3 mm broad, linear, acuminate, curved, glabrous, with transverse anastomosing veins
147 Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. Tiliaceae An annual undershrub, much-branched, branches slender, slightly pubescent; leaves variable, lower leaves tri-lobed, irregularly serrate, clothed with stellate hairs on both surfaces, upper leaves ovate/rhomboid, almost sessile, alternate; flowers 6mm, yellow, arranged in dense spikes, stamens 10-15; fruit capsule, sub-globose, echinate with hooked bristles, indehiscent
148 Vinca rosea L. Apocynaceae An annual evergreen sub herb or herbaceous plant growing to 1 m. tall and secretes milky latex; stems are cylindrical (terete), longitudinally ridged or narrowly winged, pubescent at least when young; leaves oval to oblong, glossy green above and pale green below with a pale midrib and a short petiole about 1- 1.8 cm, arranged in the opposite pairs; flowers pentamerous, actinomorphic, white to dark pink, with a dark red center, with a basal tube about 2.5- 3 cm. long and a corolla about 2-5 cm. diameter with five petal like lobes; fruit is a pair of follicles about 2-4 cm. long and 3 mm broad, with numerous black seeds
149 Valeriana hardwickii Wall. Valerianaceae A perennial herb, reaching150 cm; rhizomes short; roots slender, stolons one to many, or absent; stems erect, often hispidulous below, glabrous above except at nodes; leaves 1-3 pairs stem-leaves, large, compound with 3-5 leaflets; basal leaves long petiolate; blade pinnatisect or pinnatifid, rarely simple and cordate; terminal segment ovate to ovate-lanceolate, hispidulous to glabrate, base subrounded, margin entire or serrate, apex acuminate; lateral segments 4 or 6, remote, reduced toward petiole; cauline leaves similar, gradually reduced apically; flowers and fruit in remote dichasial clusters, flowers pink or white, small, arranged in paniculiform; bracts linear-subulate; bracteoles deltoid-ovate, margin entire or crenulate. Corolla white, pinkish white, or purplish, campanulate to funnelform, tube and lobes of equal length; stamens and style subequal to corolla in length or slightly exserted; fruits achene, broadly ovoid to ovoid, hispidulous or less frequently glabrous.
150 Vitex negundo L. Verbenaceae Aromatic, evergreen to semi evergreen shrub or small tree; leaves 3 or 5 folite; leaflets lanceolate, long, coarsely toothed, cuneate at base, flowers in pedunclates branched, opposite to the triangular rachis of a large, terminal panicles, corolla bluish purple; fruits-drupe, ovoid black when ripe
151 Elsholtzia polystachya Benth. Lamiaceae Shrub 1-5m. Stems pubescent-tomentose, subterete when older. Leaves sessile, lanceolate to ovate-elliptic, acute or acuminate at apex, attenuate at base, serrate or crenate-serrate at margins, both surfaces pubescent and densely sessile-glandular. Flowers small, bractyeate; bracts linear to suborbicular, sometimes imbricate, arranged in spikes; spike pubescent. Bracts lanceolate; calyx ± regular,5-toothed, teeth subequal, 1.5-2mm; teeth triangular; corolla sub-bilabiate or bilabiate, white or creamy, upper lip emarginated, lower lip 3-lobed; stamens 4, didynamous; anthers 2-celled, becoming 1-celled; style subequally 2-lobed; fruits-nutlets smooth or tubercled, oblong