Analyze the First Photo of Helena Bonham Carter as Elizabeth Taylor

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Four months after learning that Helena Bonham Carter would follow in Lindsay Lohan’s luckless footsteps by playing Elizabeth Taylor in a television film, we have our first official image of Carter made up as the iconic beauty. (Since we have not heard about her lying to cops or being involved in car accidents while on probation, we assume that production is going well-ish?) Although Carter’s jawline is significantly more pronounced than Taylor’s, the Oscar nominee is convincing with her lilac eye makeup, beauty mark, coiffed hair, and diamonds. All in all, on first look she appears slightly less fragile and emotionally volatile than Lohan’s Elizabeth Taylor. Offer your own analysis in the space below.

Carter is joined by fellow English actor Dominic West as Taylor’s on-again-off-again husband, Richard Burton. The 90-minute drama, titled Burton and Taylor, chronicles the couple’s “private and public relationship played out against their ill-fated appearance in a 1983 revival of Noel Coward’s stage play, Private Lives,” according to BBC America. The TV movie will premiere on the network sometime this fall.