Movie Musicals

Tom Hooper Is Directing a Cats Movie Musical

On a scale of 1 to 10, how bonkers is this going to be?
Image may contain Dance Pose Leisure Activities Stage Asta Nielsen Human Person and Crowd
By Suhaimi Abdullah/Getty Images.

This was inevitable, right? On Thursday, the Wrap reported that Les Misérables director Tom Hooper will now take his talents to another Broadway musical—the long-beloved yet oft-maligned Cats. The show, which follows the life-and-death struggles of a set of alley cats, is one of the longest-running on Broadway, and basically anyone who was alive with a sense of hearing in the 1990s knows its most iconic song, “Memory.” The show’s composer, Andrew Lloyd Webber, said in 2013 that a Cats movie was in the pipeline at Universal, fueled partially by the success of Hooper’s Les Misérables movie adaptation. And being that now anything and everything that tugs at the heartstrings of those alive in the 1990s is getting a reboot, the timing seems about right. But the project immediately inspires so many questions—chief among them being just how bananas will this movie be?

Let’s start with Hooper. Les Misérables was a commercial success, grossing more than $441 million worldwide, but didn’t fare so well with some critics, who didn’t love Hooper’s use of close-ups. So for some Broadway fanatics especially, Hooper might be an off-putting choice. But Universal isn’t in the business of appeasing die-hard musical lovers; like any studio, the goal at the end of the day is to make money, which Les Misérables did.

Then there’s casting the titular felines themselves. The pool of actors who can carry the film commercially and sing decently is small, and translating productions designed for stage is always dicey. But we’re not even talking about a movie musical—we’re talking about a movie musical about cats. Dancing, talking, singing cats. Jon Favreau’s The Jungle Book proved that, yes, mixing live action and animation to bring talking animals to life can be gorgeous and thrill audiences, but he also didn't have to animate any gyrating Elvis impersonators.