Minimal Flower Arrangements: The New Ikebana-Inspired Look

The Dutch masters–style florals that have dominated the scene of late were a welcome break from the rigid, pavé-style arrangements that came before. But perhaps it’s time for the pendulum to swing again in the floral world, ushering in a new wave of minimalism. Taylor Patterson of Fox Fodder Farm—no stranger to the lush look of the moment—is also championing this new, ikebana style. While her arrangements do not adhere to this traditional Japanese art of flower arrangement, she does enjoy the restraint that the emphasis on balance, imbalance, and structure forces on her creations.

“I love and appreciate the lush look, but it doesn’t excite me in the way these sparser and sometimes disjointed compositions do. I think it’s because in the end it’s harder to achieve,” says Patterson. “Flowers are inherently beautiful regardless of how we manipulate them, so one could argue that the more flowers there are, the more beautiful it is. I just don’t feel that way anymore.”

Above, Patterson shares five of her latest ikebana-style arrangements.