Local Time: 03:44
 5th May 2024


Observe the beauty of Praia do Forte Beach via this high-definition live webcam stream in Cabo Frio, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Brasil), as shown on the map below. This enchanting destination is a coastal gem renowned for its pristine natural surroundings and breathtaking seascapes.
As you tune in, you'll be greeted by the sight of crystal-clear turquoise waters gently caressing the soft, white sands that stretch for miles. This striking beach owes its name to the historic Forte São Mateus, which stands sentinel at one end, adding a touch of historical charm to the scenery.
Watch as the sun dances across the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink during the magical sunset hours. Witness beachgoers enjoying the tranquil waters, swimmers basking in the gentle waves, and beach volleyball enthusiasts embracing the vibrant atmosphere.
Praia do Forte is not only a visual delight but also offers a vibrant beachfront scene with a variety of bars and restaurants serving up mouthwatering Brazilian cuisine and seafood delicacies.
Cabo Frio serves as your gateway to the most breathtaking beaches in the Rio de Janeiro Lakes Region, making it the ultimate destination for those seeking the finest beaches in the region. As the largest city in this picturesque area, Cabo Frio boasts a multitude of charms sure to enchant any traveller.
Whether you're planning a future visit or simply craving a virtual escape, this live cam feed provides a captivating glimpse of this tropical paradise.

Map of Cabo Frio, Brazil