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It's easy to sketch something, even if you don't find yourself an artist, if you know the right stuff. Here is some info on sketching the best fashion designs like the designers do.

  1. After a while practicing with those, you'll find that the best technique is light, sketchy-esque penciling to begin with.
  2. Try drawing the bodies first, then drawing the clothes on the body. This helps you draw to scale and makes it easier.
    • Colored pencils are the perfect tool for sketching. Color really adds to your designs, even if they are simple. don't forget really different patterns, even if they're only something like navy stripes or a neat Aztec print.
  3. It's nice to have something to keep track of designs in.
  4. Then I just come up with a title and list the articles of clothing on each model.
  5. Anna Wintour
    Anna Wintour, Editor-in-Chief, Vogue Magazine

    Don't be afraid to take risks. “It is so important for designers not to run scared, and not to be too worried about what's safe and what's commercial.”

  6. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I start sketching fashion designs by hand?
    Ira Lysa
    Ira Lysa
    Fashion Designer
    Ira Lysa is a Fashion Designer based in Hoboken, New Jersey. With over 15 years of industry experience, Ira is the founder of the fashion brand and Ira’s Bridal Studio, a boutique that specializes in bridal wear. She specializes in alterations for suits, dresses, outerwear, and luxury brands.
    Ira Lysa
    Fashion Designer
    Expert Answer
    There are two distinct approaches to fashion sketching. The first involves capturing the essence of your vision and conveying mood and desired vibes. This type of sketch is more focused on expressing your creative concept, including color combinations and an overall aesthetic. On the other hand, the second type of sketch is more utilitarian, dedicated to detailing fashion modifications, specific lines, and practical elements like pocket colors. It serves as a working document, providing a blueprint for the execution of your design.
  • Question
    What if I'm not good at sketching and I lose interest?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you really love designing and you are interested, then you won't give up and you will keep on trying. The ability takes time and repeated effort before you get it right. Sketching isn't an innate skill, it's a practiced and learned one, so put in the hours to perfect your skill.
  • Question
    How do I color the dress I have sketched?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The color of your dress depends on what patterns you made, and for what season. For example, during the summer, you would probably color it with light colors.
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Things You'll Need

  • Sketchbook or paper
  • Colored pencils
  • Stencils

Expert Interview

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About This Article

Ira Lysa
Co-authored by:
Fashion Designer
This article was co-authored by Ira Lysa. Ira Lysa is a Fashion Designer based in Hoboken, New Jersey. With over 15 years of industry experience, Ira is the founder of the fashion brand and Ira’s Bridal Studio, a boutique that specializes in bridal wear. She specializes in alterations for suits, dresses, outerwear, and luxury brands. This article has been viewed 143,236 times.
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Co-authors: 18
Updated: April 18, 2024
Views: 143,236
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