Theme by Anyh S.

Yusuke & Kuwabara Fashion Variation


Source: “Yu Yu Hakusho Official Character Book Reikai Shinshiroku”, pp.15;38 (2005).

Starting out with our bad boys from the Sarayashiki Junior High, Yusuke and Kuwabara, I’ll begin to translate the “Fashion” section from the Official Character Book.


Translator Notes:

Here follows a little bit of the Japanese uniform terminology used in the databook. Those uniforms were very popular in the 70s and 80s and were worn by bad boys like Kuwabara and Yusuke: 

  • Tanran (短ラン): “uniform with short lower hem” is a school uniform in which the blazer is cut extra short around the waist line. This was popular among ruffians and delinquents guys in the 80s. Yusuke wears this type of school uniform in the series.
  • Chouran (長ラン): “uniform with long lower hem” is a type of school uniform that has a special shape with the length from below the knee to around the shin. Kuwabara wore it in an opening chapter.
  • Tokko-fuku (特攻服): also translated as “combat uniform”, it’s a type of long jacket worn by the bousouzoku, biker gang members. They are often worn open in the front with bandage wrappings around the waist. Kuwabara wore it in the Dark Tournament with the saying “Health First” on its back.
  • Sarashi (サラシ): long strip of cloth wrapped tightly around the midriff up to the chest. Kuwabara wears it a lot.

The databook brings the volumes and pages of the kanzenban edition as reference. I converted them to tanko ref. as most of the people are more familiar with the 19-volume edition. 

  • Yusuke Urameshi - Fashion Variation

Do the fighting outfits suit him best after all?

Although it feels like Yusuke only wears ‘tanran’ school uniforms or delinquent looks, he surprisingly wears a variety of clothes. However, most of his stuff are still simple which is appropriate for his age, we could say.


▲ With his hair down, a rare sight. An ordinary boy? (v.1, p.188)


▲ Wearing a ‘tanran’ uniform with baggy pants and swept back hair. A psyched up appearance. (v.2, p.94)


▲ His appearance at the Genkai’s Tournament. Roll up the sleeves and get ready to fight. (v.4, p.40)


▲ A pure white shirt with wide open chest. A refreshing style. (v.8, 127)


▲ Clothes from a Dark Tournament’s match. Was it something arranged by Genkai? (v.8, p.132)


▲ There is a pattern all over his body, it’s the Great Atavism of the Mazoku. He was asked by Botan: “Who is that?” (v.17, p.86)


▲ At the Makai Tournament. A figure brimming with fighting spirit. (v.19, p.33)

  • Kazuma Kuwabara - Fashion Variation

He’s all excited about clothes!!

Although Kuwabara has a strong image of wearing school uniform or tokko-fuku combat outfits, he actually wears plain clothes in many scenes. He wears a lot of bad boy clothes, but on rare occasions he also wears something very out of character…This is also characteristic of Kuwabara!?


Baseball uniform style. The words “Morter-head” are written on the chest. (v.4, p.49)


Clothes during the Dark Tournament. He’s wearing the school uniform’s pants. (v.11, p.40)


Appearance when he was attacked by Mitarai after the Megallica’s concert. (v.14, p.136)


Dressed in a very spirited manner: the bokken (wooden sword), chou-ran (long school uniform) and sarashi (cloth wrapped around the chest). (v.14, p.146)


Are the vertical stripes trunks his habitual underwear? (v.14, p.153)


Wearing unusual cargo pants that was not seen in the series. They look surprisingly good on him. (v.15, p.30)


Kuwabara is known for his school uniform. This is what he looks like right after the return from the Demon World. (v.17, p.102)


Kuwabara became a high school student. He’s carrying his study tools under his arm. (v.19, p.50)

🇯🇵 日本語


  • 浦飯幽助 

やっぱり武闘着が 一番似合う?
短ランの学生服か、不良っぽい格好しかしていないと感じる幽助だが、意外にもいろいろな服を着こなしている。ただし、やはり シンプルな物が多いのは年相応と言ったところだろうか 。

珍しい、髪を下ろし ている姿。普通の少年? (01-188)

短ランにボンタン、オールバックと気合い の入った姿。(02-046)



暗黒武術会での試合着。幻海がしつらえた物か? (07-032)

魔族大隔世で全身に模様が。ぼたんに「アレだ れ?」と言われていた。(14-028)


  • 桑原和真 

学ランや特攻服のイメージが強い桑原だが、実は随所に私服のシー ンが登場する。不良少年らしく気合いの入った服が多いが、ごくたまにものすごく気合いの抜けた服装も…。これも桑原ならでは ! ?

野球のユニフォーム風。胸に “Moter-head" の文字。(03-127)

武術会開催中の 衣装。下に履いて いるのは制服のズポン。(09-038)

メガリカのライブ後に御手洗の襲撃を受けた際の 姿 。(11-196)


愛用の下着は、縦縞のトランクス ?(11-213)

作中では見られなかった珍しいワークパンツ姿。意 外に似合う。(12-050)



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