Diego Hypolito goes Japanese

Diego Hypolito

Diego Hypolito

What do you do when you fall in the Olympic floor final and then lose your sponsors? Change your training regimine.

From Xinhua:

Brazilian gymnast adopts Japanese training
RIO DE JANEIRO, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) — Diego Hypolito, the Brazilian gymnast, revealed on Friday his new tactic of training, which is a Japanese style.

The athlete, along with his coach, has decided to adopt a Japanese style of training, designed to give the athlete more time on equipment and less time working out.

After a disappointing performance in the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, Hypolito realized that something had to change in order to become more competitive. Before the Games actually began, he and his coach, Renato Araujo, traveled to Narita, Japan, in June in order to prepare for the competition.

While there, the two were impressed with the style of training and thought about the possibility of applying it to their routine in Brazil.

“I am going to be able to spend more time on the apparatuses. It will also include a decrease of my training time, giving me more time for physical therapy and for my studies as well. I consider this type of training to be much more dynamic and specific,” said the Brazilian.

“The Japanese are very good when it comes to concentration. This is going to help me to avoid making silly mistakes,” claimed he.

Araujo believes that the new tactic will also help Hypolito to avoid injury. He will work on specific muscle groups in his legs, have more time to warm-up and will spend less time repeating exercises. The gymnast will spend an equal amount of time on each of the six apparatuses in which he competes. Last year, he would arrive at the Flamengo training facility around 7:30 a.m. and would leave nearly twelve hours later.

With his new program, he will train from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m, giving him plenty of time to study and receive physical therapy. He hopes that the new tactic will help him to return to the top of the gymnastic world.

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