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Débora Nunes
  • Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Em consonância com o Paradigma da Educação Inclusiva, a Política Nacional de Proteção dos Direitos da Pessoa com Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA) assegura que as crianças com TEA sejam matriculadas na escola regular. A presença... more
Em consonância com o Paradigma da Educação Inclusiva, a Política Nacional de Proteção dos Direitos da Pessoa com Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA) assegura que as crianças com TEA sejam matriculadas na escola regular. A presença desses educandos em classes comuns tem crescido de forma expressiva nos últimos três anos. Esse fenômeno é descrito em teses e dissertações que analisam, precisamente, as concepções e práticas de professores sobre a inclusão escolar dessa população. O objetivo deste estudo é sintetizar, por meio de uma metodologia de análise secundária de dados, estudos dessa natureza. Os participantes foram 38 professores descritos em seis pesquisas publicadas entre 2013 e 2015. Os resultados encontrados sugerem que o autismo é uma condição pouco conhecida pelos docentes, que se sentem despreparados para educar essa população. O presente trabalho ressalta a importância da formação continuada a fim de melhor preparar os professores para atuar em classes inclusivas.
Research Interests:
The objective of this article is to point out factors that contribute to the dissociation between educational theory and practice, and to present the strategies for their reunification. The text deals with the devastating effect of this... more
The objective of this article is to point out factors that contribute to the dissociation between educational theory and practice, and to present the strategies for their reunification. The text deals with the devastating effect of this conceptual rift, which gives rise to an endless dilemma involving researchers, teachers, and educational managers. In such scenario, because of the lack of a communication channel between Science and current pedagogical practices, the results of this study reveal: a) the existence of feelings of threat to the credibility of Education as a profession; b) the possibility of scientists inadvertently outlining conceptual models distanced from the reality of the classrooms; and c) the risk that those responsible for public policies begin to defend educational practices that turn out to be ineffective in our days. Therefore, the article shows guidelines for the reunification of the concepts of educational theory and practice, emphasizing: a) the professional education of the teacher-researcher; b) the participation of the researcher in the school daily life; and c) the collaborative work between the academic researcher and the teacher in the classroom. Lastly, the work presents two North American educational programs that succeeded in associating academic research to school practice, using as their support a developmentalist model of work.
The effectiveness of using augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) for children who do not acquire functional speech or who have difficulty processing andcomprehending spoken language is well documented in the literature.... more
The effectiveness of using augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) for children who do not acquire functional speech or who have difficulty processing andcomprehending spoken language is well documented in the literature. Considering that one of the core defining ...