Condom Use Survey Shows Women's Opinions on Safe Sex

A new survey shed light on exactly what women think about condoms.
Condom Use Survey Shows Women's Opinions on Safe Sex
Molly Cranna

Safe sex is so incredibly important — no matter your gender identity or sexuality. Using contraceptives can make a huge difference in your sexual health, and protect you from sexually transmitted infections as well as any potentially unwanted pregnancies. And chances are that you’ve learned about condoms and other forms of contraception like birth control in a sexual education class, or from friends and family. Still, we know not everyone is on board with condom use specifically. And while we have seen studies about how men feel about condoms, a new survey that looks at female attitudes towards “male” condoms was just released — and it shows us a whole new perspective.

The survey, which was conducted by health app Clue and The Kinsey Institute is helping to shed light on condom use from the female perspective. The survey examined perspectives on condoms from 95,000 participants, 98% of whom identified their gender as “woman” and 2% of respondents who listed other gender identities such as non-binary or transgender. Participants in the survey came from all backgrounds — including respondents from 200 different countries and people who identify as transgender and a part of the LGBTQ community.

Results showed several key findings, including that women play a large role in deciding when to use a condom, and that condoms are used less often during menstruation. It also found that most people engage in less sexual activity while menstruating. Answers shoed that one in five females globally are the sole decision-maker when it comes to choosing whether or not to use a condom. Only 5% of respondents stated that their male partner makes the decision to use a condom or not.

It was also found that the use of condoms declines by 15% during menstruation. Approximately one in three respondents (31%) who do not use condoms while on their periods stated that they aren’t concerned about getting an STI or STD due to lack of a barrier. In addition, only 15% of respondents reported engaging in their usual sexual activity during menstruation. But as all people in relationships have personal preferences, respondents answered that they and their partners’ preferences for condom use during menstruation do differ. Approximately 41% reported that they use condoms, or want to use condoms, on their period, compared to 25% who reported that their partners want to use condoms.

The survey notes that a possible explanation for this is stigma surrounding periods, or “societal beliefs that periods are unhygienic” and that it’s “less acceptable during menstruation.” About 62% of respondents in China answered that they use a condom during menstruation “to feel cleaner during sex,” which was nearly 20% higher than any other country. The 30% of respondents who answered that they don’t use condoms while menstruating reported that it’s because they are less worried about getting pregnant when they’re on their period.

Researchers who conducted the survey expressed particular concern about the finding that condom use declines during menstruation, because the possibility of transmitting or acquiring an STI could be higher at certain times of the menstrual cycle. They said that even though condoms can help to prevent pregnancy, they also play a significant role in protecting people from STIs and reducing STI transmission. It’s also important to remember that it is definitely is possible to get pregnant while on your period, although the level of risk still depends on your cycle, age, and health.

When asked why they choose not to use condoms during sex, participants cited various reasons, including 50% responding that they use another form of contraception instead, 42% saying they have greater sexual pleasure without condoms, and 38% saying they want a “more natural feeling” while having sex.

“So much of condom research in the past has focused on men, from behavior to perspectives. This has made sense at certain points in history, but as we have learned, women are playing a bigger and bigger role in decision making around condom use,” Anna Druet, the chief scientific researcher at Clue, told Teen Vogue. “This is reassuring because women take a majority of the burden of risk when it comes to unprotected sex. They are more vulnerable than men to contracting certain STIs when exposed, especially at certain point of the cycle, likely including the luteal phase and the period, and are the ones who carry the physical implications of pregnancy, miscarriage and abortion.” She also added that the survey shows the need for more comprehensive sexual education that includes women and girls, and that these results could have “a great influence on how we shape outreach programs and sexual health initiatives.”

Researchers who helped to conduct the survey said that the results highlight the need for better condom education and promotion programs, and that sex ed of any kind should provide specific information about correct and consistent condom use.

Related: How Safe Are Condoms? 9 Condom Myths Debunked