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Back Pain Between The Shoulder Blades: What Is It?

gerd back pain between shoulder blades

Back pain between the shoulder blades is a common condition that affects many people. This type of pain can range from mild to severe and can be caused by a variety of factors. The causes range from poor posture or muscle strain to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). 

At FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers in Mechanicsburg, our physical therapy team understands the impact that back pain between the shoulder blades can have on everyday life, and we are here to help. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for back pain between the shoulder blades, as well as provide tips for preventing the symptoms. With our expert guidance and personalized care, we can help you get back to living your life free from pain and discomfort.

Causes Of Back Pain Between The Shoulder Blades

There are several possible causes of back pain between the shoulder blades, including:

  • Poor posture: Poor posture is a common cause of back pain between the shoulder blades. When hunching forward, the shoulders roll forward, and the muscles in the upper back have to work harder to support the weight of the head and neck. This puts pressure on the muscles and joints in the upper back, which can lead to pain between the shoulder blades. Over time, poor posture can lead to chronic pain and discomfort, making it important to correct posture as soon as possible.
  • Muscle strain: Muscle strain is another common cause of back pain between the shoulder blades. Overuse or sudden movements can strain the muscles in the upper back, causing pain and discomfort. This can happen during activities that involve repetitive motions, such as lifting, typing, or playing sports. Muscle strain can also occur from poor posture, as the muscles in the upper back have to work harder to support the weight of the head and neck.
  • Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis can affect the joints in the upper back, leading to pain between the shoulder blades. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that causes the cartilage in the joints to break down over time. This can cause pain, stiffness, and limited mobility in the affected joints. In the upper back, osteoarthritis can affect the joints between the ribs and the spine, leading to pain and discomfort between the shoulder blades.
  • Herniated disc: A herniated disc in the upper back can put pressure on nerves, causing pain between the shoulder blades. A herniated disc occurs when the soft tissue between the vertebrae in the spine protrudes and puts pressure on the nerves that run through the spine. This can cause pain, tingling, and numbness in the affected area. In the upper back, a herniated disc can cause pain between the shoulder blades.
  • GERD: GERD is an indigestion condition in which stomach acid backs up into the oesophagus. In severe cases of GERD, back pain between the shoulder blades can occur. This is because the oesophagus and nerves in the upper back are closely connected. While this is not a common symptom of GERD, it can occur at any stage of the condition.
  • Trauma: Trauma to the upper back, such as a fall or car accident, can result in pain between the shoulder blades. When the upper back is injured, the muscles, joints, and nerves in the area can become inflamed, causing pain and discomfort. Trauma can be complex to treat as it usually affects other areas of the body as well, depending on the type of accident or injury.
  • Referred pain: Pain between the shoulder blades can also be a result of referral pain from other areas, such as the neck or chest. For example, a heart attack can cause pain in the chest, arm, neck, or upper back. It is important to seek medical attention for any sudden or severe pain between the shoulder blades, as this may indicate a more serious underlying condition.

Symptoms Of Back Pain Between The Shoulder Blades

The symptoms of back pain between the shoulder blades can vary depending on the underlying cause of the pain. Some common symptoms include:

  • Pain or discomfort between the shoulder blades
  • Stiffness or tightness in the upper back or arms 
  • Aching or burning sensation in the upper back or arms 
  • Reduced range of motion in the upper back or arms 
  • Tenderness or discomfort with everyday tasks 

As there are a range of different causes of pain between the shoulder blades, it’s important to get any symptoms assessed by a health clinician. This can help determine the correct diagnosis before proceeding with treatment, and rule out any red flag symptoms.

Red Flag Symptoms 

There are also some symptoms of pain between the shoulder blades that should be addressed by a medical professional immediately, called “red flag” symptoms. Red flag symptoms can include:

  • Sudden loss of strength or sensation 
  • Nausea or vomiting 
  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Numbness or tingling in the arms or hands
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control

For anyone experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention to determine the underlying cause of the symptoms.

Treatment Options For Back Pain Between The Shoulder Blades

The treatment options for back pain between the shoulder blades will depend on what is causing the symptoms. However, some common treatment options include:

  • Physical therapy: Physical therapy can help improve posture, strengthen the muscles in the upper back, and improve range of motion.
  • Massage therapy: Massage therapy can help relieve tension in the muscles of the upper back, reducing pain and discomfort.
  • Medications: Over-the-counter pain medications, such as ibuprofen, may be prescribed or recommended by a doctor to help relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Injections: Injections of corticosteroids can help relieve pain and inflammation in the upper back. This is usually only prescribed by doctors after other treatments have been tried. 
  • Surgery: In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to repair or remove damaged tissue in the upper back. This is usually only used as a last resort, depending on the cause of the pain.

Physical Therapy For Back Pain Between The Shoulder Blades 

Physical therapy can be an effective treatment option to alleviate pain between the shoulder blades.  Our FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers - Mechanicsburg team will assess, diagnose, and treat the underlying cause of the symptoms.

The first step in physical therapy for back pain between the shoulder blades is to identify the underlying cause of the pain. This may involve a comprehensive evaluation of the medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays or MRI scans. Once the source of the pain has been determined, our physical therapists will design a customized treatment plan to address the contributing factors to the symptoms. 

This may involve a home exercise program to build strength and better posture, or manual therapies such as massage or dry needling to comprehensively manage and treat the symptoms. Some patients may only require a few sessions, whereas others may require a longer treatment period.

Preventing Back Pain Between The Shoulder Blades

Preventing back pain between the shoulder blades is possible by taking several measures. Some preventive measures include:

Maintaining good posture: Maintaining good posture can help reduce pressure on the muscles and joints in the upper back, reducing the risk of pain and discomfort.

Stretching: Regular stretching can help improve flexibility and reduce tension in the muscles of the upper back, reducing the risk of pain and discomfort.

Strengthening exercises: Strengthening exercises can help build muscle in the upper back, reducing the risk of injury and pain.

Regular exercise: Regular exercise can help improve overall health and reduce the risk of developing back pain between the shoulder blades.

Ergonomic workstation: Using an ergonomic workstation can help reduce the strain on the upper back and shoulders, reducing the risk of pain and discomfort.

Lifting properly: When lifting heavy objects, it is important to use proper lifting techniques to reduce the risk of injury and pain in the upper back.

Taking regular breaks: Taking breaks from sitting or standing for extended periods can help reduce the strain on the upper back, reducing the risk of pain and discomfort.

Physical Therapy At FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers - Mechanicsburg 

Back pain between the shoulder blades can be caused by a variety of factors, from poor posture to more involved conditions such as herniated discs and osteoarthritis. Regardless of the cause, this type of pain can be debilitating and interfere with daily activities. However, with the help of a skilled physical therapist, it is possible to manage the pain and improve overall function in the back to prevent future episodes. 

At FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers - Mechanicsburg, our team of experienced therapists is dedicated to helping our patients diagnose and alleviate the causes of back pain to achieve optimal health and wellness. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.


Back Intelligence. Fix upper back pain between the shoulder blades. Available from: 

Physiopedia. Therapeutic exercise for the shoulder. Available from: 

Better Health. Shoulder pain. Available from: 

Better Health. Indigestion. Available from: